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There are a total of 89,542 habitat polygons identified on the final habitat map. The number of polygons derived for individual habitat types ranged widely from 12 for Seagrass Bed to 19,072 for Mixed Shrubland. The majority of other vegetation habitats (except for Fung Shui Forest, Montane Forest and Plantation or Plantation/Mixed Forest) had their polygon numbers > 8,000. Enormous variation in the size of individual polygons was noted for all habitat types. The smallest difference in polygon size, 102 times (ie the largest polygon is 102 times the smallest one), was recorded for Seagrass Bed whilst the biggest difference was observed for Intertidal Mudflat (ie 1011 times). Landfill showed the largest mean polygon size (26.5 ± 40.5 ha) and there is only one other category, ie Modified Watercourse, which had its mean polygon size > 15 ha. The majority of the other habitat types showed a mean polygon size of < 3 ha. Standard deviation is particularly high for Grassland, Other and Intertidal Mudflat which showed at least 13 times the mean and almost ten times for Lowland Forest and Mangrove.

The large number of polygons identified for the natural vegetation habitats, including Lowland Forest, Mixed Shrubland, Baeckia Shrubland, Shrubby Grassland and Grassland, and the generally small average size of polygons suggested that the habitats are largely patchy and fragmented in distribution. The relatively low number of polygons (< 50) mapped for Fung Shui Forest, Seagrass Bed, Quarry and Landfill indicated that these habitats are of limited distribution in Hong Kong.

Table 9.3a Mean, Minimum and Maximum Area of Polygon Mapped for Each Habitat Type and Their Total Numbers Identified on the Habitat Map

Habitat Category

No. of Polygons

Total Area (ha) Minimum Area of Polygon (10-4ha) Maximum Area of Polygon (ha) Mean Area of Polygon (ha)

Standard Deviation (ha)

Grassland 15,382 26,081.3 0.01 1979.1 1.7 22.8
Other 8,921 18,819.9 0.67 4771.4 2.1 59.4
Lowland Forest 8,088 18,225.4 0.63 1016.5 2.3 21.6
Mixed Shrubland 19,072 16,477.7 0.004 484.1 0.86 5.9
Shrubby Grassland 10,736 8,702.8 0.04 108.5 0.81 3.5
Baeckia Shrubland 10,621 5,976.9 0.35 120.4 0.56 2.7
Cultivation 4,572 4,381.0 0.01 63.7 0.96 3.0
Modified Watercourse 186 2,827.0 102.1 1201.0 15.2 101.6
Fishpond/Gei Wai 2,281 1,835.7 0.07 61.1 0.80 2.1
Intertidal Mudflat 710 1,563.9 0.00001 722.1 2.2 29.7
Bare Rock or Soil 3,230 1,440.0 0.60 37.5 0.45 1.4
Freshwater/Brackish Wetland 1,556 1,030.5 0.07 32.4 0.66 1.8
Rural Industrial Storage/Containers 1,859 1,007.7 107.9 17.8 0.54 1.2
Golf Course/Urban Park 187 1,006.7 246.4 170.2 5.4 17.3
Natural Watercourse 1,565 783.4 1.3 30.4 0.50 1.4
Landfill 15 397.7 450.8 126.7 26.5 40.5
Mangrove 201 326.5 132.3 220.7 1.6 15.6
Quarry 27 228.9 269.3 60.8 8.5 16.1
Sandy Shore (spatial) 145 206.4 428.1 24.6 1.4 2.8
Plantation or Plantation/Mixed Forest 67 180.0 131.7 44.6 2.7 7.9
Fung Shui Forest 42 111.7 352.2 11.9 2.7 2.8
Montane Forest 67 59.6 152.2 12.4 0.89 1.8
Seagrass Bed 12 41.1 446.1 14.9 3.4 5.0
Total: 89,542 111,711.8        

Note: As Rocky Shore, Artificial Rocky/Hard Shoreline and the majority of Sandy Shore habitats are represented as a linear component on the habitat map, spatial calculation for these habitats was not applicable.

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最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日