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1.5 Summary of Existing Information
  Routine monitoring of marine sediments is conducted monthly by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) at 52 stations in open water sites throughout Hong Kong. A number of parameters are measured including physico-chemical determinands (eg temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH), nutrients (eg nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, ammoniacal nitrogen, total phosphorous), metals (eg arsenic, aluminium, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, mercury, manganese, nickel, lead, zinc) and some organic contaminants (ie PCBs and PAHs). Data on other organic contaminants such as pesticides (eg DDT) and tributyltin are, however, limited. Data on organic contaminant concentrations in sediments, and to a more limited extent in tissue, are also provided by a variety of datasets compiled under monitoring programmes for contaminated mud and sludge disposal, sewage outfalls and areas of special water quality focus (eg the proposed SSDS deep ocean outfall). Basic information on location and duration of these monitoring programmes is given in Table 1.5a. In addition to these large scale monitoring programmes, periodic measurements of organics contaminants in the marine environment have been collected under various sediment characterisation programmes for reclamation projects. These datasets are not likely to be particularly useful, however, due to differences in methodology, the snap-shot (ie one-time) nature of the sampling and the fact that these sediments are now likely removed from the location at which they were sampled.

Table 1.5a Summary of Marine Monitoring Programmes for Organic Contaminants
Programme Location Duration Remarks
East Sha Chau Contaminated Mud Pits Monitoring NW Waters between Lantau and Tuen Mun Nov 1992 - ongoing Programme has expanded in scope over time
Waglan Sludge Disposal Site SE Waters off Waglan Island Summer 1987 - Summer 1997 Sludge disposal ceased in April 1996
SSDS Stage I Outfall Verification Study Western Harbour off Stonecutter's Island Summer 1996 -ongoing Programme emphasis on organics is diminishing
SSDS EIA Southern Waters predominantly South of Lamma Island Aug-Sept 1996 Single survey to establish a wet season baseline
Urmstone Road NW Waters near Lung Kwu Chau May 1995 - Dec 1996 Limtied organics analysis
Siu Ho Wan NW Waters off the northeast coast of Lantau Island Feb 1995 - Sep 1996 Baseline compliation complete
Pillar Point NW Waters offshore of Tuen Mun Aug 1997 - ongoing Baseline compliation ongoing

Despite the existence of a variety of datasets including measurements of organic contaminants in sediment and tissue, a comprehensive database comparable to that held by EPD on metals is not available for organics. In addition, the independent nature of the studies cited above has resulted in the use of different methodologies for sampling and analysis which complicates the use of these data as a coherent baseline dataset. Nevertheless, this study has also made reference to other published sources of information relating to toxic organic contamination in Hong Kong's marine environment. It should be noted, however, that these references are for comparative purposes only and that analytical techniques used differ between studies.

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2005 版權標誌| 重要告示

最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日