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2.3 Sediment Monitoring Results
2.3.2 Total DDT in Sediments

Results of the four sampling surveys conducted during both the wet (June 1999 and August 1999) and dry (December 1998 and January 1999) seasons showed that total DDT mean values for all ten stations were above the detection limit of 0.15 mg kg-1 (dry weight). All values at or below the analytical detection limits were halved before the statistical tests were run, following an approach applied in the various monitoring programmes at East Sha Chau. Examination of the Total DDT levels of sediments collected during the December 1998 (dry season), January 1999 (dry season), June 1999 (wet season) and August 1999 (wet season) surveys revealed that mean values were below the ISQV-Low of 1.58 mg kg-1 dry weight at all sampling stations except ES2, SS3, VS3, DS3 and WS1 (Figure 2.3a). ERL exceedances at the specific stations and sampling times are discussed in detail below:

Sediment from Station ES2, which is located in the outer part of Tathong Channel, in December 1998 contained higher Total DDT concentrations than in January 1999. ERL exceedance was observed in December 1998 but not in January, June or August 1999.

The mean value of Total DDT was considerably higher at Station SS3, which is located to the west of Lamma Island, in January 1999 than in December 1998. ERL exceedance was observed in January and August 1999 but not in December 1998. Analyses for August 1999 sampling revealed that high concentration of Total DDT was present in the sediments. Total DDT levels of 1.96 mg kg-1 (dry weight) were recorded in August and these values exceeded ERL values. This value exceeded Total DDT recorded previously at Station SS3 in both June 1999 (wet season) and December 1998 (dry season) when mean concentrations were 0.4 mg kg-1 and 0.3 mg kg-1 (dry weight), respectively. No trend is obvious at this Station, however, as mean Total DDT in sediments during January 1999 (dry season) was 2.62 mg kg-1 (dry weight).

High mean values for Total DDT were detected in sediment collected from Station VS3, which is located near North Point in Victoria Harbour, during December 1998 and January 1999 monitoring. ERL exceedance was observed in both survey months. High mean Total DDT (5.3 mg kg-1 dry weight) concentrations were again detected in sediment samples from Station VS3 during the June 1999 survey. The ERL value was exceeded for this month.

Station WS1 which is located to the south of Tsing Yi also had high Total DDT (1.32 mg kg-1) levels though these did not exceed the ERL. Total DDT in sediments sampled during August 1999 revealed that Station WS1 exceeded the ERL and contained DDT concentrations of 1.82 mg kg-1 (dry weight).

Total DDT in sediments sampled during August 1999 revealed that Station DS3 (located in Deep Bay) exceeded the ERL and contained DDT concentrations of 1.6 ug kg-1 (dry weight).

The amount of available information on DDT contamination in sediments in Hong Kong is limited. Although sampling was conducted throughout Hong Kong as part of the SSDS Stage 1 Baseline Monitoring(8)) the detection limit used in that study was 50 mg kg-1. This value is higher than most previously recorded DDT values from known contaminated sites in Hong Kong (SSSP Study)(9)) and consequently all values in the SSDS study were reported as being below the analytical detection limit. The surveys conducted as part of the SSSP study were focused on areas suspected of high contamination and reported values from marine sediments ranging from 5 mg kg-1 in the Tuen Mun Nullah to 46 mg kg-1 in the Rambler Channel. As evidenced by the mean values presented in Figure 2.3a the DDT levels recorded during these SUSDEV 21 Environmental Baseline Surveys are much lower ranging from 5.3 mg kg-1 at VS3 (Victoria Harbour) to below the analytical detection limit at MS5 (Mirs Bay) during January.

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