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3.4 Biota Monitoring Results
3.4.2 Statistical Analysis of Total DDT in the Biota Tissues

Observed differences in the levels of DDT in biota samples were examined using non-parametric equivalent to analysis of variance (ANOVA). (The data failed the assumptions of ANOVA and an appropriate transformation could not be found.) At the inception of this Study it was anticipated that temporal and spatial trends in DDT contamination in each of the target species could be analysed statistically. However, as different target species were collected during each survey at each station there were few species that could be analysed statistically. It was decided, therefore, that statistical tests should be focussed solely on species that were caught either in at least three sampling events at the same station or two sampling events at more than one station. Consequently, the following analyses were conducted:

Metapenaeopsis barbata from Port Shelter (PS). Examining temporal differences between January 1998, August and September 1999 using a one factor test (ie time).

Metapenaeus affinis from Southwest Waters (SW) and Deep Bay (DB). Examining changes at both stations for these two species during August and September 1999 with a two factor test (ie site and time). It is anticipated that the results of this test will indicate whether biota have DDT levels that vary within a season.

Oratosquilla interrupta from Deep Bay (DB). Examining temporal differences between December 1998, August and September 1999 using a one factor test (ie time).

Charybdis affinis from Deep Bay (DB). Examining temporal differences over all four of the sampling events using a one factor test (ie time).

On the basis of the limited number of tests performed the results indicated that DDT contaminant concentrations were generally lower during the dry season than in the wet season (Table 3.4a) with August 1999 recording the highest concentrations in three of the target species. Where a between site comparison could be made, DDT levels in the prawn Metapenaeus affinis were significantly higher in Deep Bay than in Southwestern Waters (Table 3.4c).

Table 3.4c Summary Information of DDT Contaminant Level
Statistical Analyses in Four of the Target Species
Species Location Factor(s) Tested Notes
Metapenaeopsis barbata Port Shelter (PS) Time ** Significant differences were detected between sampling events.
Concentrations were significantly lower in January than in August and September which did not differ significantly.
Metapenaeus affinis Southwest (SW) Deep Bay (DB) Time NS Station ** Time × Station Interaction ** Significant differences were not detected between sampling events. (September and August). However, concentrations did differ between sampling areas as Deep Bay recorded higher levels of DDT contamination to Southwestern waters.
A significant interaction between sampling event and sampling area was detected indicating that DDT concentrations varied in different ways over time at the two stations. DDT levels decreased between August and September in the samples collected in Southwestern waters, whereas in Deep Bay the levels recorded in the samples did not change between months.
Oratosquilla interrupta Deep Bay (DB) Time * Significant differences were detected between sampling events.
Concentrations were significantly higher in August than both December and September indicating no consistent temporal pattern.
Charybdis affinis Deep Bay (DB) Time ** Significant differences were detected between sampling events.
Concentrations were signicantly higher in August than all of the other months samplied which did not differ from each other.

* significant difference at P < 0.05.
** significant difference at P < 0.01.
NS indicates that no significant differences were observed.

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