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4.4 Total Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
4.4.4 Human Health Considerations

Published action limits for PAHs in marine fish and shellfish are not available in either the US or Canada (77). In this baseline Study, the only PAH consistently recorded in biota tissues was Naphthalene which is a Class C contaminant (ie possible human carcinogen).


The National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA) of the PRC states that DDT is banned for use. DDT may, however, have been previously stock-piled and still illegally applied, and owing to its environmental persistence, past deposits in sediments can act as a persistent source.


Morton B (1990) Pollution and the Sub-tropical Inshore Hydrographic Environment of Hong Kong. Proceedings of the Second International Marine Biological Workshop: The Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China. Hong Kong University Press.


EVS (1996) Op cit.


EPD (1998) Marine Water Quality in Hong Kong in 1997. Environmental Protection Department.


WHO (1989) DDT and its Derivatives- Environmental Aspects. Environmental Health Criteria No 83. World Health Organization, Geneva.


MacDonald DD et al (1996) Development and Evaluation of Sediment Guidelines for Florida Coastal Waters. Ecotoxicology 5, 253-278.


EVS (1996) Review of Contaminated Mud Disposal Strategy and Status Report on Contaminated Mud Disposal Facility at East Sha Chau. Prepared for CED.


Connell D et al (1998) Occurrence of Persistent Organic Contaminants and Related Substances in Hong Kong Marine Areas: an Overview. Marine Pollution Bulletin 36, 376-384.


ERM (1999) Environmental Monitoring and Audit for Contaminated Mud Pit IV at East Sha Chau. 7th Quarterly Report. Prepared for CED.


MAFF (1991) Third Report of the Marine Pollution Monitoring Management Group's Coordinating Group on Monitoring of Sewage Sludge Disposal Sites. Aquatic Environment Monitoring Report Number 25, MAFF, Lowestoft.


Connell D et al (1998) Op cit.


EVS (1997) Strategic Sediment Sampling Programme (SSSP): Interpretive Report (Final). Prepared for CED.


Hong H et al (1995) Environmental Fate and Chemistry of Organic Pollutants in the Sediment of Xiamen and Victoria Harbours. Marine Pollution Bulletin 31, 229-236.


Hong H et al (1995) Op cit.


EVS (1996) Classification of Dredged Material for Marine Disposal. Prepared for CED.


EVS (1996) Op cit.


Phillips DWJ (1985) Organochlorines and Trace Metals in Green-lipped Mussels Perna viridis from Hong Kong Waters: a Test of Indicator Ability. Marine Ecology Progress Series 21, 251-258.


Mouchel (1996) Op cit.


Parsons ECM (1997) Hong Kong's Cetaceans: The Biology, Sociology and Behaviour of Sousa chinensis and Neophocaena phocaenoides. PhD Thesis, University of Hong Kong.


Minh TB et al (1999) Contamination by Persistent Organochlorines in Small Cetaceans from Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin 39, 383-392.


GOMC (1998) The First Five Years of Gulfwatch, 1991-1995: A Review of the Program and Results. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment.


Batley GE Technical Annex 2 of the State of the Marine Environment Report for Australia.


Champ MA and Seligman PF (1996) Organotin. Chapman & Hall.


ERM (1999) Op cit.


EVS (1997) Op cit.


Lau MMM (1991) Tributyltin Antifoulings: a Threat to the Hong Kong Marine Environment. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 20, 299-304.


Aspinwall (1998) A Study of Tributyltin Contamination of the Marine Environment of Hong Kong. Final Report for EPD.


Stang PM and Seligman PF (1986) Distribution and Fate of Butyltin Compounds in the Sediment of San Diego Bay. Oceans 86 Organotin Symposium, Washington DC.


Langston WJ et al (1987) Tin and Organotin in Water, Sediments, and Benthic Organisms of Poole Harbour. Marine Pollution Bulletin 18, 634-639.


Ritsema R et al (1991) Butyltins in Marine Waters of the Netherlands in 1988 and 1989; Concentration and Effects. Marine Environmental Research 32, 243-260.


Nicholson S and ALS Technichem (submitted) Tachycardia in the Mussel, Perna viridis (L.) on Exposure to Tributyltin Antifouling Paint. Submitted to Asian Marine Biology.


Langston WJ et al (1987) Op cit.


Ritsema R et al (1991) Op cit.


WHO (1990) Tributyltin Compounds. Environmental Health Criteria No 116. World Health Organization, Geneva.


WHO (1990) Op cit.


Phillips DWJ (1985) Op cit.


WHO (1992) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Polychlorinated Terphenyls (PCTs) Health and Safety Guide. World Health Organization, Geneva.


WHO (1992) Op cit.


Morton B (1989) Pollution of the Coastal Waters of Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin 20, 310-318.


WHO (1992) Op cit.


Phillips DWJ (1978) Use of Biological Indicator Organisms to Quantitate Organochlorine Pollutants in Aqautic Environments - A Review. Environmental Pollution 16, 167-229.


Mouchel (1996) Op cit.


Mouchel (1996) Op cit.


Phillips DWJ (1985) Op cit.


Parsons ECM (1997) Op cit.


Minh TB et al (1999) Op cit.


GOMC (1998) Op cit.


WHO (1998) Op cit.


Crosby DG (1998) Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Oxford University Press.


WHO (1998) Op cit.


WHO (1998) Op cit.


WHO (1998) Op cit.


WHO (1998) Op cit.


GOMC (1998) Op cit.

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