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5.2 Biota Contamination
5.2.1 Total DDT Contamination

Total DDT was recorded in a high percentage of the biota tissues analysed during the Study. Significantly higher Total DDT levels in biota were recorded from the Deep Bay station (P < 0.05). The lowest values for DDT were reported from biota collected in Port Shelter and Mirs Bay. Statistical analyses of the data revealed that the highest levels of Total DDT were recorded in August 1999 in some of the biota (ie Metapenaeopsis barbata, Oratosquilla interrupta and Charybdis affinis).

There was a clear trend of increasing Total DDT concentrations from east to west. This trend would suggest that the major source of Total DDT in biota from Hong Kong marine waters is located in the west. It is possible that this may be due to elevated inputs into local waters from the Pearl River. It is known that DDT is accumulated by marine biota to higher levels from water of lower salinity(78) such as in river estuaries. As a consequence of this the higher values recorded in the west may be more a reflection of higher accumulation rates than elevated inputs.

5.2.2 TBT Contamination

TBT was rarely detected above detection limits in biota tissues analysed. This result concurs with data obtained for TBT in sediments. The analytical procedures used in this Study were some of the most advanced available both internationally and in Hong Kong. No statistical analyses was conducted on TBT tissue data owing to the small number of data points recorded above the detection limits.

5.2.3 PCB Contamination
Total PCBs were commonly reported in the tissue samples above detection limits. High Total PCB concentrations were associated with biota trawled from stations in Deep Bay and Southern Waters. These results suggest that the major local inputs of the organochlorine PCB are predominantly from western and central waters (mirroring the data obtained for Total DDT). No statistical analyses were conducted on Total PCB tissue data owing to the small number of data points recorded above the detection limits.

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2005 版權標誌| 重要告示

最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日