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5.2 Biota Contamination
5.2.4 PAH Contamination

Total PAHs were never detected at levels above the detection limit in tissues from marine biota. A PAH congener, Naphthalene was frequently detected at concentrations above the detection limit. The lack of international standards pertaining to Naphthalene contamination prevents a more detailed evaluation of the Study's baseline findings.

A summary of the organic contaminants recorded in biota tissues in the present Study and international safety standards for human consumption is presented in Table 5.2a. The values of organic contaminants of concern recorded in this Study were always below concentrations that either exceed international safety standards or levels of concern to human health.

Table 5.2a Summary of Levels of DDT, TBT, PCB and PAH Recorded in this Study and International Safety Standards
Organic Contaminant Highest Concentration Recorded International Safety Standard
Total DDT 56.2 ug kg-1 wet weight
(Gizzard Shad)
5 ug g-1 wet weight1
TBT 33.0 ug kg-1 wet weight
(Mantis Shrimp)
1 mg kg-1 wet weight2
PCB 25 ug kg-1 wet weight
(Mantis Shrimp)
2 ug g-1 wet weight3
PAH Naphthalene was the only PAH recorded in tissues consistently.
42 ug kg-1 wet weight
(Gizzard Shad)
No action limits available in either the US or Canada, although Naphthalene is a Class C contaminant (ie possible human carcinogen)4

Note 1: USFDA (1990) criteria.
Note 2: This is equivalent to a safety factor of 250 based on WHO safety margin criteria (based on immune parameters) and assessed for fish consumption (150 g day-1) and estimated daily intake of 2.5 ug kg-1
Note 3: USFDA (1990) criteria.
Note 4: USFDA (1989) criteria.

This Study represents a baseline survey for sustainable development in Hong Kong with regards to the marine environment. As a key component of sustainable development is to ensure that toxic substances do not impair (eco)system functioning, this SUSDEV21 study provides a baseline for organic contaminants of concern that can be used for comparative purposes in the formulation of future marine environmental management policies in Hong Kong.

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2005 版權標誌| 重要告示

最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日