
二零零七年一月    January 2007
上月重点消息 Highlights or Major Activities in December 2006
news_update_0701_03.jpg 「粤港持续发展与环保合作小组 」第七次会议在香港举行
7th meeting of JWG on Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection held in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong-Guangdong Joint Working Group (JWG) on Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection held its seventh meeting in Hong Kong. During the meeting, the two sides examined the implementation of environmental co-operation initiatives and the work plan for 2007. Major tasks in 2007 include: striving to improve and implement various control measures and programmes to protect the Pearl River Delta regional air quality, completing the expert review of the Pearl River Estuary water quality model, proactively promoting energy efficiency and cleaner production to enterprises in Pearl River Delta, safeguarding the quality of Dongjiang water, effectively controlling forestry pest in both places, etc. The two sides will also carry out a series of technical exchanges and training programmes.

green_school_award_150.jpg 环境运输及工务局局长为第六届「香港绿色学校奖」开展仪式主礼
SETW officiated at Launching Ceremony of 6th Hong Kong Green School Award

图示环境运输及工务局局长廖秀冬博士与各嘉宾一同为第六届「香港绿色学校奖」开展礼主持开 展仪式。计划旨在鼓励学校制订政策及执行计划,以达致绿色学校的目标,同时提高学校教职 员、学生及其家长的环保意识,并鼓励他们实践环保生活。过往得奖绿色学校表现优异, 例如它们成立环保管理小组;在校内设立环保阁;更透过不同的联课活动,如有机耕种、环保午膳等,提升同学 的环保意识。(计划详情及通函)
Photograph shows Dr the Honourable Sarah Liao, JP, Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works with other guests of honour kicked-started the Launching Ceremony of the 6th Hong Kong Green School Award. The scheme aims to encourage schools to formulate policy and implementation plan towards a green school, enhance environmental awareness of teachers, staff and students and their parents as well as to promote green lifestyle among them. The past winning green schools perform well. For instance, they set up environmental management team and environmental corners in campuses to facilitate exchange of environmental information. Students' environmental awareness is strengthened through different co-curricular activities, such as organic farming, green lunch, etc.(Scheme details and circular)

IGPC.jpg 国际环保采购会议二零零六
International Green Purchasing Congress 2006

Dr the Honourable Sarah Liao, JP, Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, and Mr Raymond Fan, Deputy Director of Environmental Protection, attended the "International Green Purchasing Congress 2006". They briefed participants on the green procurement policy of the HKSAR Government, and shared the Government's experience on green procurement.

news_update_0701_01.jpg 每日多付一毫有助净化海港
Paying 10 cents more a day can help clean the harbour

Concluding a review of the sewage service charging scheme, the EPD presented for consultation with the Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs its recommendations on the sharing of sewage treatment costs through applying the polluter pays principle in a modest and gradual manner.

VRSposter_S.jpg 汽体回收油站必须明显展示证书
Petrol filling stations with vapour recovery system to display eye-catching certificate

Petrol filling stations with Phase II vapour recovery systems are now required to display new eye-catching certificate for easy identification. Cutting down emission of air pollutants including petrol vapour will help improve air quality.

news_update_0701_02.jpg 屯门环保园招标承租
Tenders invited for tenancy of lots in EcoPark

环保署署长王倩仪代表政府与信佳集团/佳定物业管理合组 的联营公司签订一份为环保园提供管理服务的合约,这标志着环 保园发展计划的另一个新里程。管理公司将负责管理及保养环保 园内的公用基建设施,并会根据租约规定监察租户的日常运作。环保 署现邀请具相关经验和专业知识的回收再造业者承投屯门第三十八区环 保地段。
To signify another milestone in realising the EcoPark project, the Director of Environmental Protection, Ms Anissa Wong Sean-yee, signed a management contract on behalf of the Government with Serco Guardian Joint Venture for providing management service for the EcoPark. The company will manage and maintain common infrastructure and facilities in EcoPark and monitor the daily operation of tenants in accordance with the tenancy requirements. The EPD is now inviting parties with relevant experience and expertise to submit tenders for the tenancy of lots in EcoPark in Tuen Mun Area 38.

Local long idling Pre-Euro heavy diesel vehicles required to install emission reduction devices

To tackle the roadside air pollution problem, all local long idling pre-Euro heavy diesel vehicles are required to install approved emission reduction devices which can reduce about 30% of the particulates emissions from a pre-Euro diesel heavy vehicle as from April 1, 2007.

"No Plastic Bag Day" becoming a habit

The territory-wide "No Plastic Bag Day" has now become a habit for most people, thanks to the wide support from major supermarkets and retail chains. The EPD is encouraged by the support from these leading retail chains and hope that their lead will set an example to other retailers, particularly small and medium ones, which could create even more impact.

source_separation.jpg 环保署署长发表《香港家书》- 减少浪费就是环保(只有中文)
"Hong Kong Letter" by Director of Environmental Protection on waste reduction (Chinese version only)


action_blue_sky.gif 蓝天行动博客
Action Blue Sky Blog
SETW's letter to Directors of Bureau and Heads of Department appealing for supporting for the Clean Air Charter
活动预告 Forthcoming Attractions
WEEE2007_en.jpg 记下重要日期 - 旧电脑及电器回收日
Mark your calendar for WEEE Recycling Days

环保署将于二○○七年一月二十七及二十八曰 (星期六、日) 在本港举办旧电脑及电器回收日。请大家在当日把旧电脑及电器送往指定的回收点,以便我们可以交给有关机构循环再造。
27 and 28 January 2007 (Sat and Sun) are Hong Kong's Recycling Days for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). You are invited to bring your unwanted electrical appliances and computers to designated collection points for recycling.
essay_competition_200.jpg 狮子会国际青年交流2007 - 环保征文比赛
Lions International Youth Exchange 2007 Scholarship - Environmental Essay Competition

环保署自2003年每年均与国际狮子总会合办「狮子会国际青年交流 – 环保征文比赛」,以提高本地青年的环保意识、国际视野及技能,比赛欢迎全港所有中四至中七学生参加。参加者须提交一篇以环保为题的英 文文章。十位最优秀的得奖者会获邀参加在海外约五十个城市举行的狮子会国际青年交流计划。
To enhance students' environmental awareness, broaden their horizons and skills, the EPD has since 2003 jointly organized the Lions International Youth Exchange Scholarship - Environmental Essay Competition with Lions Clubs International. All secondary 4 - 7 students in Hong Kong are invited to submit an English essay on an environmental issue. The top 10 winning students will be invited to the Lions International Youth Exchange Scholarship program to be held in 50 cities around the world.
bluelogo_150.gif 「蓝天行动」摄影、新诗创作比赛
"Action Blue Sky" Photography and Poem Writing Competitions

环境保护运动委员会、环保署及大埔环保协进会举办「蓝天行动」十八区活动,内容包括有摄影比赛、新诗创作比赛及节能行动参与计划,欢迎市民参加。 (活动详请及参加表格)
The Environmental Campaign Committee, EPD and Tai Po Environmental Association jointly organize "Action Blue Sky" Programme in 18 Districts. Activities include Photography Competition, Poem Writing Competition and Energy Saving Action. The public is welcome to join. (Programme details and application form (Chinese version only))
image042.gif 环境保护运动委员会
Environmental Campaign Committee
  香港环保节 2006-2007 
Hong Kong Environmental Protection Festival 2006-2007