
二零零七年二月    February 2007
上月重点消息 Highlights or Major Activities in January 2007
news_update_0702_12.jpg 「清洁生产技术支援试验项目」已为十三间港资工厂进行初步评估
Preliminary cleaner production assessments have been completed for 13 participating Hong Kong-owned factories under the Cleaner Production Technical Support Pilot Project

Since its launch in November 2006, EPD's Cleaner Production Technical Support Pilot Project has been progressing well. In January 2007, the project consultant, the Hong Kong Productivity Council, completed the preliminary cleaner production assessments for 13 participating Hong Kong-owned factories in Guangdong. The factories generally welcome the assessment results and are now actively considering devoting resources to cleaner production. The feedback is encouraging.
In the next phase, the project will proceed to recommend specific cleaner production plans for a few short-listed factories. Specific measures to reduce pollution, covering enhancement of operation management, efficient use of energy and materials and process improvements, will be recommended for implementation by these factories. The project consultant will then consolidate the successful experience gained in this project into guidebooks for promotion amongst the relevant industries.

news_update_0702_06.jpg 旧电脑及电器回收日
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Recycling Days

The Launching Ceremony of the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Festival 2006-07 was held on 27 January 2007 at Venetian-style Plaza of Laguna Verde. To echo the theme of "Avoid and Reduce Waste", the Launching Ceremony also kick-started the WEEE Recycling Days which were held on 27 and 28 January 2007. Please visit the ECC website for details (http://www.ecc.org.hk).

news_update_0702_01.jpg 环境运输及工务局局长于「International Symposium on Sustainable and Safe Water Supply」活动上致辞 (只有英文版本)
SETW's speech at International Symposium on Sustainable and Safe Water Supply (English version only)

With the support of the Guangdong authorities, an adequate and continuous supply of water to Hong Kong is secured. We are also aware that the remarkable economic growth in the Pearl River Delta region in the past 25 years has exerted tremendous pressure on the water supply there, which covers an area of about 40,000 sq km with a population of over 30 million. We have therefore embarked upon a comprehensive review on Total Water Management.

news_update_0702_04.jpg 环境运输及工务局局长出席第十二届海洋公园保育日致辞(只有中文版本)
Speech by SETW at the 12th Ocean Park Conservation Day (Chinese version only) 


news_update_0702_08.jpg 环谘会参观推行都市固体废物收费试验计划屋苑 
ACE Members briefed on the Trial Scheme on Municipal Solid Waste Charging

Members of the Advisory Council on the Environment (ACE) Waste Management Subcommittee visited the Grand View Garden in Wong Tai Sin to see how the trial scheme on Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Charging had been working. The members were also informed that for the third month of the trial period, residents in those estates that do not try out the food waste bags are provided with larger designated bags (20-litre), while those residents already given food waste bags will have 15-litre designated bags.

news_update_0702_03.jpg 环评条例对环评报告的公众查阅期有清晰规范 
EIAO defines the timetable for public inspection of EIA reports

In response to media enquiries, a spokesman for the Environmental Protection Department reiterated that under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance, there is no such provision for the Director of Environmental Protection to extend the period of public inspection, other than in the limited circumstances under section 7(3) of the ordinance.

news_update_0702_11.jpg 致"Australia China Connections"编辑的信 - 回应有关主题"Through the Smog"的文章(二零零六年十二月/二零零七年一月版)(只有英文版本) 
Letter to the Editor of the Australia China Connections - Response to an article headlined "Through the Smog" (December 2006 / January 2007 edition) (English version only)

The Chief Executive, Mr. Donald Tsang, has clearly reaffirmed our commitment in his Policy Address of 2006 that "Hong Kong deserves and can afford a better living environment", and "[there] exists a strong community consensus on the pressing need to take decisive measures to improve air quality".

活动预告 Forthcoming Attractions
CNY_Poster_FINAL_small.jpg 岁晚回收大行动 
Lunar Year End Recycling Campaign

The EPD is launching the Lunar Year End Recycling Campaign in Feb 2007. Residents are encouraged to make use of the waste separation facilities in their estates to step up recovery of reusable and recyclable materials.

image042.gif 环境保护运动委员会 
Environmental Campaign Committee
  香港环保节 2006-2007 
Hong Kong Environmental Protection Festival 2006-2007 

