
二零零七年三月    March 2007
上月重点消息  Highlights or Major Activities in February 2007
news_update_0703_02.jpg 环境运输及工务局局长廖秀冬在香港外国记者会午餐会席上介绍香港在环保工作上的承担(只有英文版本)
Presentation by Dr Sarah Liao, Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works on HK's Commitment to the Environment at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Hong Kong

Dr Liao covered all areas of her environmental portfolio in her speech and power point presentation: air quality, nature conservation and greening, solid waste management, and water quality.

news_update_0703_04.jpg 2007-08财政年度政府财政预算案 - 推动环保
2007-08 Budget -- Promoting Environmental Protection




The Financial Secretary, Mr Henry Tang, unveiled details of the 2007-08 Budget on February 28. On promoting environmental protection, he said,

"Not only can environmental protection enhance our citizens' quality of life, but it also helps improve our business environment. In last year's Policy Address, the Chief Executive proposed to provide an incentive for replacement of old diesel commercial vehicles with new models. I have budgeted $3.2 billion for this purpose. The Chief Executive also proposed to lower the first registration tax environment-friendly vehicles. This programme will be implemented on April 1. As from today, information on the vehicle models covered by the programme can be found on the websites of the Environmental Protection Department and Transport Department.

To reduce waste and implement the "Polluter Pays" principle, the Environmental Protection Department is considering the introduction of producer-responsibility schemes for various products. The Department has completed its study on the charging scheme for plastic shopping bags, and is shortly to put forward specific proposals. It is expected that the relevant Bill will be introduced into this Council within the year."

Local Measures to Curb Air Pollution
EFV_logo_B.jpg 环保汽油私家车税务宽减计划
Tax Incentives Scheme for Environment-friendly Petrol Private Cars

To encourage the use of environment-friendly petrol private cars with low emissions and high fuel efficiency, starting from 1 April 2007, a 30% reduction in the First Registration Tax (FRT), subject to a cap of HK$50,000 per car, will be offered to buyers of newly registered environment-friendly petrol private cars.

news_update_0703_05.jpg 三十二亿元资助计划鼓励车主尽早把旧型柴油商业车辆更换为新车
$3.2 Billion Incentive Scheme to Encourage Early Replacement of Old Diesel Commercial Vehicles with New Models

Road vehicles are the second largest source of air pollution in Hong Kong. To improve the air quality, from 1 April 2007 the Government will provide HK$3.2 billion to encourage early replacement of pre-Euro and Euro I diesel commercial vehicles with new commercial vehicles. The relevant paper contains details of the programme.

news_update_0703_03.jpg 立法减本港烟雾成因之挥发性有机化合物
Law to curb VOCs - major cause of smog in Hong Kong

The Government will ban imports and local manufacture of products whose volatile organic compounds contents exceed the prescribed limits. The legislation will come into force in phases starting from April 1 this year.

减废措施 Waste Reduction Measures
news_update_0703_01.jpg 环境运输及工务局局长探访参与家居废物源头分类的模范屋苑
SETW visited model estates in source separation of domestic waste

The Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, Dr Sarah Liao, visited three model estates to see the implementation of the programme on source separation of domestic waste and the trial scheme of municipal solid waste charging.

WEEE07.jpg 2007 全港旧电脑及电器回收日成绩令人鼓舞
2007 Territory-wide WEEE Recycling Days Encouraging Results

The "2007 WEEE Recycling Days" was held successfully on 27 and 28 January. During the event, 190 tonnes (22,700 pieces) of used electrical appliances and computers were collected, representing an increase of about 90% over that of last year.

CNY_Poster_FINAL_small.jpg 岁晚回收大行动
The Lunar Year End Recycling Campaign 2007

The EPD has launched the Lunar Year End Recycling Campaign in Feb 2007. Residents were encouraged to make use of the waste separation facilities in their estates to step up recovery of reusable and recyclable materials.

marine_river_report_icon.jpg 香港河溪及海水水质监测20年报告现已发表
"20 Years of River and Marine Water Quality Monitoring in Hong Kong" reports published in February 2007

这两份报告于2007年2月发表,总结了香港80 年代、90 年代至今河溪海域水质状况,反映过去二十年来环保署改善河海水质、建立清洁健康环境方面所做的工作。进一步改善香港水质有赖市民的全力支持。
The two Reports summarise the state of Hong Kong's Rivers and Marine Waters in the 1980s, the 1990s upto today. They highlight what has been done in the last two decades in improving water quality and making Hong Kong's rivers and seas cleaner and healthier environments. The community's support is necessary for further improvement of river and marine water quality in Hong Kong.

Letters to the Editors

致车主杂志编辑的信 - 回应有关柴油私家车废气排放标准的报道
Letter to the Editor of Automobile Magazine -- Response to an article on emission standards of diesel private car (Chinese version only)


  致太阳报编辑的信 - 回应有关「环署臭化梨木树邨」的报道
Letter ot the Editor of The Sun dated 27 February 2007 - Response to a press report concerning applying a construction noise permit for carrying out emergency works (Chinese version only)


action_blue_sky.gif 蓝天行动博客
Action Blue Sky Blog
  Presentation by Dr Sarah Liao, Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works on HK's Commitment to the Environment at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Hong Kong
活动预告  Forthcoming Attractions
image042.gif 环境保护运动委员会
Environmental Campaign Committee
  香港环保节 2006-2007
Hong Kong Environmental Protection Festival 2006-2007