二零零七年三月 March 2007 |
上月重点消息 Highlights or Major Activities in February 2007 |
2007-08财政年度政府财政预算案 - 推动环保 2007-08 Budget -- Promoting Environmental Protection
The Financial Secretary, Mr Henry Tang, unveiled details of the 2007-08 Budget on February 28. On promoting environmental protection, he said,
"Not only can environmental protection enhance our citizens' quality of life, but it also helps improve our business environment. In last year's Policy Address, the Chief Executive proposed to provide an incentive for replacement of old diesel commercial vehicles with new models. I have budgeted $3.2 billion for this purpose. The Chief Executive also proposed to lower the first registration tax environment-friendly vehicles. This programme will be implemented on April 1. As from today, information on the vehicle models covered by the programme can be found on the websites of the Environmental Protection Department and Transport Department.
To reduce waste and implement the "Polluter Pays" principle, the Environmental Protection Department is considering the introduction of producer-responsibility schemes for various products. The Department has completed its study on the charging scheme for plastic shopping bags, and is shortly to put forward specific proposals. It is expected that the relevant Bill will be introduced into this Council within the year."
于香港推行的减少空气污染措施 Local Measures to Curb Air Pollution |
环保汽油私家车税务宽减计划 Tax Incentives Scheme for Environment-friendly Petrol Private Cars
为鼓励市民购买废气排放量少而燃料效率高的环保汽油私家车,由二零零七年四月一日起,政府会为新登记环保汽油私家车提供宽减汽车首次登记税30%,宽减上限为每辆港币五万元。 To encourage the use of environment-friendly petrol private cars with low emissions and high fuel efficiency, starting from 1 April 2007, a 30% reduction in the First Registration Tax (FRT), subject to a cap of HK$50,000 per car, will be offered to buyers of newly registered environment-friendly petrol private cars.
立法减本港烟雾成因之挥发性有机化合物 Law to curb VOCs - major cause of smog in Hong Kong
政府将禁止生产及输入挥发性有机化合物含量高于订明限制的产品,规例由今年四月一日起分阶段实施。 The Government will ban imports and local manufacture of products whose volatile organic compounds contents exceed the prescribed limits. The legislation will come into force in phases starting from April 1 this year.
减废措施 Waste Reduction Measures |
岁晚回收大行动 The Lunar Year End Recycling Campaign 2007
环保署于2007年2月推广「岁晚回收大行动」,鼓励市民在岁晚期间使用屋苑内的回收设施参与家居废物回收,加强屋苑内的回收活动。 The EPD has launched the Lunar Year End Recycling Campaign in Feb 2007. Residents were encouraged to make use of the waste separation facilities in their estates to step up recovery of reusable and recyclable materials.
刊物 Publications |
活动预告 Forthcoming Attractions |