
二零零七年五月May 2007
上月重点消息  Highlights or Major Activities in April 2007

Article by SETW on Moving Forward to Clean Seas and Clear Water
To enhance water quality and protect public health, the Government plans to invest about $20 billion in new sewerage and sewage treatment facilities in the next ten years. As well as the capital cost to be borne by the Government, there will be additional operating expenditure of about $1.3 billion per annum. To fund these operating costs, the average domestic sewage charge will have to rise to $27 per month in ten years' time - a modest increase each year of no more than 10 cents per day.


Environmental Management Successes of Hong Kong-invested Factories in the PRD
The Hong Kong business community plays an important role in improving the regional environmental quality. Some Hong Kong-invested factories are proactively raising their environmental performance. SETW visited three Hong Kong-invested factories in the PRD on 27 and 28 April 2007 to understand their operation and environmental management efforts, including reduction of pollution emission, adoption of energy efficient and cleaner production practices. Their successful experiences show that, through adoption of good production practices and management measures, application of advanced technologies, enterprises would benefit from reduced production costs, improved corporate image, as well as satisfying the growing customer demands for high environmental performance of their suppliers.

news_update_0705_02.jpg 香港与美国加州续签空气质素管理备忘录
Hong Kong and California renew MOU on air quality management
The Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Environment), Ms Anissa Wong Sean-yee, and the Chairman of California Air Resources Board, Dr Robert F Sawyer, signed to renew a MOU on collaboration between the HKSAR and California on air quality management. Both parties will continue the collaboration and further exchange information, share experience and conduct joint projects on air management practices and pollution control technologies.
致编辑的信 Letters to the Editors
news_update_0705_03.jpg 致南华早报编辑的信 - 回应评论 "Bring out the blue skies by encouraging more biodiesel use" (三月二十八日) (只有英文版本)
Letter to the Editor of SCMP - Response to commentary entitled "Bring out the blue skies by encouraging more biodiesel use" by Prof Marcel Lie (March 28)
A fine balance is required as though the use of biodiesel may reduce green house gas emission, the emission of nitrogen oxides would increase. In January 2007, we kicked off consultation with relevant stakeholders on the draft specification and sought their views on how to promote its use with due consideration to the emission and vehicle compatibility implications.
新闻稿 Press Releases
Environmental impact assessment report for liquefied natural gas terminal approved with conditions 
The approval was made after careful examination of the EIA report and full consideration of the comments from ACE as well as members of the public submitted under the EIAO during the public inspection period. The EPD has imposed a full package of stringent environmental requirements and mitigation measures as conditions under the Environmental Permit to ensure that all mitigation measures recommended in the EIA report will be properly and fully implemented.
活动  Events & Activities
news_update_0705_01.jpg 「蟋蟀占美尼环保挑战」奖励计划2006/07
Jiminy Cricket's Environmentality Challenge 2006/07
The Award Presentation Ceremony for Jiminy Cricket's Environmentality Challenge 2006/07 was held on 21 April 2007 at the Hong Kong Disneyland. The "Environmentality Heroes" were commended for their distinguished performance in the competition by Ms Anissa WONG, Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Environment), and other guests. This year's programme is well received with a surge in the number of participants over the previous years.
博客 Blog
action_blue_sky.gif 蓝天行动博客
Action Blue Sky Blog
活动预告  Forthcoming Attractions
image042.gif 环境保护运动委员会 
Environmental Campaign Committee
