
二零零七年六月June 2007
coolbiz_02_150.jpg 节能上班轻装骚 
Cool Biz Fashion Show 
On 3 June, business personages and senior government officials paraded along the catwalk in causal business attires. To keep up the momentum of the Action Blue Sky launched last year, the "Cool Biz Fashion Show" aims to further encourage more corporations and institutions to adopt a "dress down" policy in summer, saving energy in the age of global warming. The "Cool Biz Fashion Show" was organised by the EPD, together with the Environmental Campaign Committee, to tie in with the global theme of the World Environment Day 2007 on climate change and to address local concerns over air pollution. The show will be broadcast on TVB Jade on June 9 at 9:30 pm.
上月重点消息  Highlights or Major Activities in May 2007

Environmental levy on plastic shopping bags proposed
EPD announced a proposal on an environmental levy on plastic shopping bags, with a view to seeking comments from the stakeholders and the public. For details, please click here.

Legislative Council upholds polluter pays principle for sewage services 
The Legislative Council, on 16 May 2007, reaffirmed its support for the application of the polluter pays principle to sewage services by endorsing a ten-year schedule of increases in the Sewage Charge (SC).
ecopark_highlight.jpg 环保园批出三份租约
Three tenancies in EcoPark awarded 
EPD awarded the tenancies for the first batch of three lots in EcoPark Phase I in Tuen Mun Area 38 for recycling of locally collected waste plastics, waste vehicle tyres and waste wood. The tenancy award signifies a milestone in the development of the EcoPark, which is one of the Government's key initiatives for supporting the local environmental industry and promoting circular economy.
活动  Events & Activities
news_update_0706_01.jpg 「环保午膳」研讨会及宣传片首播仪式
Seminar cum Launching of Video Promo on Green Lunch 
The Seminar cum Launching of Video Promo on Green Lunch was held on 11 May 2007 at the Aberdeen St. Peter's Catholic Primary School. The event aimed to arouse public awareness of the environmental problems caused by disposable plastic foam lunch boxes and to promote environmentally friendly and healthy lunch in schools. Dr. The Honorable Sarah Liao, JP, Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, Mr. Joseph Lee, BBS, JP, Chairman of Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC), Mr. Kao Chi-on, General Manager, Corporate Services Department, Bank of China (Hong Kong) and Mr. George Tam, Convenor of ECC Education Working Group jointly launched an video promo on Green Lunch. Over 150 principals, teachers and parents attended the event.
新闻稿 Press Releases
news_update_0706_03.jpg 环保署致力推动良好的室内空气质素
EPD is committed to promoting indoor air quality 
The Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Environment), Ms Anissa Wong Sean-yee, commended the continued efforts and commitment of premises owners and property management companies participating in the Indoor Air Quality Certification (IAQ) Scheme for Offices and Public Places to improve IAQ for users of the premises.
news_update_0706_04.jpg 充电池回收计划进展良好
Rechargeable battery recycling programme continues to power along 
Since the launch of the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Programme in 2005, about 40 tonnes of rechargeable batteries, equivalent to 600,000 pieces, have been collected, meeting the 10% recovery target of used rechargeable batteries.
news_update_0706_02.jpg 「家居废物源头分类计划」于屯门展开
Promotion campaign of Programme on Source Separation of Domestic Waste launched in Tuen Mun 
环保署副署长赵德麟博士及十多位屯门区区议员于屯门市广场为「家居废物源头分类计划 - 屯门区推广礼」主持启动仪式。
The Deputy Director of EPD, Dr Michael Chiu Tak-lun, and a number of Tuen Mun District Council members officiated at the launching ceremony for the promotion of the Source Separation of Domestic Waste Programme in Tuen Mun.
EIA report for permanent aviation fuel facility in Tuen Mun approved with conditions
In response to the applications by the Airport Authority under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance, the Director of Environmental Protection approved with conditions the EIA report and granted an Environmental Permit for the construction and operation of the proposed permanent aviation fuel facility in Tuen Mun Area 38.
立法会事务 Legislative Council Matters
news_update_0706_05.jpg 环境运输及工务局局长就修订《2007年污水处理(排污费)(修订)规例》的决议案致辞(只有中文Chinese version only)
活动预告  Forthcoming Attractions

Environmental Campaign Committee

World Environment Day 2007

