最新消息 - 资料库

二零零七年十一月November 2007
上月重点消息  Highlights / Major Activities in October 2007
优质城市 优质生活 (节录自2007-08年施政报告《香港新方向》)
Quality City and Quality Life (Extracted from the 2007-08 Policy Address - A New Direction for Hong Kong)

To become our country's most advanced city, Hong Kong needs to promote economic development and also maintain a quality city life. Environmental protection is now a global concern, especially when the problem of global warming has become increasingly serious. We will introduce various environmental protection measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and tighten the emission standards of pollutants. The Government will also join hands with the public and the business sector to promote various environmental conservation measures. This is a long-term continuing commitment, which requires our sustained and persistent efforts to bear fruit. The Government is taking the lead in vigorously promoting environmental protection as an important social value.
Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network results for the first half of 2007 announced

The EPD and the Environmental Protection Bureau of Guangdong Province jointly announced the monitoring results of the Pearl River Delta Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network for the first half of 2007.