
二零零八年三月March 2008
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重点消息  Highlights
Environmental improvement measures proposed in 2008-09 Budget

A good environment is vital for a quality life. In recent years, the Government has implemented a number of environmental protection measures. The Financial Secretary proposed in 2008-09 Budget to provide the resources for implementing effective measures, which included reduction in the first registration tax for environment-friendly commercial vehicles, and concessionary profits tax reduction for capital expenditure on environment-friendly machinery and equipment.
Council recommends ways to improve air quality

On 15 February 2008, the Council for Sustainable Development (SDC) submitted to the Government a report on the engagement process on better air quality with recommendations on the way forward. The SDC's report has been posted on the SDC's website at www.susdev.org.hk. The Government thanks the SDC for its efforts in implementing the engagement process to gather public opinions on the air quality issues. The Government will carefully consider the recommendations put forward by the SDC, especially regarding the practicality of these recommendations, and provide a response in due course.
《有毒化学品管制条例》(Text Alternative)
Hazardous Chemicals Control Ordinance(Text Alternative)

《有毒化学品管制条例》(第 595章)已于二○○七年七月获立法会通过。此《条例》旨在通过相关活动许可证制度,规管进口、出口、制造和使用非除害剂有毒化学品,包括受《斯德哥尔摩公约》和《鹿特丹公约》规管的化学品。《条例》会于二○○八年四月一日开始分阶段实施。环保署将于二○○八年三月举办简介讲座,协助业界了解该《条例》的内容及管制重点。
The Hazardous Chemicals Control Ordinance (Cap 595) was passed by the Legislative Council in July 2007. The Ordinance aims to regulate, through an activity-based permit system, the import, export, manufacture and use of non-pesticide hazardous chemicals, including those regulated by the Stockholm Convention and the Rotterdam Convention. The Ordinance will be effected by phases from April 1, 2008. The EPD will hold Introductory Seminars in March 2008 to facilitate a better understanding of the Ordinance by the concerned trades.
活动  Events & Activities
Public Forum on the Proposed Mandatory Implementation of the Building Energy Codes

The public consultation forum on the proposed mandatory implementation of the Building Energy Codes held on February 28 was attended by about 120 participants from various sectors. The proposal aims at improving energy efficiency of buildings, alleviating global warming, and combating air pollution. Members of the public are encouraged to forward their views and comments on or before March 31.
2008 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence Launching Ceremony

The Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence aims to encourage businesses and organizations to adopt green management, and to present them with an opportunity to benchmark their commitment to environmental protection. It provides two types of recognition, namely the "Environmental Labels" and the "Sectoral Awards" for all businesses and organizations and their functional units operating primarily in Hong Kong. The launching ceremony was held on February 1, 2008 at Government Secretariat Conference Hall, 1/F, New Annex, Main Wing, Central Government Offices, Central.
Forum on Source Separation of Commercial and Industrial Waste held

The Forum on Source Separation of Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Waste and a certificate presentation ceremony were held in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on February 20, receiving an encouraging response from around 250 participants.
New Chinese slogan for 3-coloured Separation Bins

The slogan "Blue for paper, yellow for aluminum cans and brown for plastic bottles" for the 3-coloured waste separation bins is outdated. The EPD has designed a new Chinese slogan「新三色,你要识。废纸、废胶、金属都合适!」to remind the public to separate all types of waste paper, plastics and metals for recycling. The new slogan is publicized by radio over the period from February 10 to March 8, 2008.
  活动预告 Forthcoming Attractions
Seminar on Thermal Waste Treatment

This seminar to be held on March 7, 2008 focuses on the development and application of advanced thermal waste treatment technology. Overseas and local professionals in the fields will share their knowledge and experience of the latest waste treatment technologies, the environmental standards employed in advanced countries and the measures adopted elsewhere to address the concerns of the communities. It is open to the public free of charge, subject to pre-registration.
Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Programme

A territory-wide Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Programme, funded and organised by 15 members of the lighting trade with full support of the EPD will be introduced in late March 2008. The objective of the programme is to encourage proper collection and recycling of used fluorescent lamps (FLs). To publicize this programme and encourage the public to participate in the programme, a launching ceremony will be held on March 15, 2008 (Saturday) at East Point City, Tseung Kwan O.

立法会事务 Legislative Council Matters 环境局局长动议二读《二零零八年空气污染管制(修订)条例草案》发言全文SEN's speech on the motion : Air Pollution Control (Amendment) Bill 2008 (Chinese version only)政府在二○○八年二月二十日,向立法会提交《二零零八年空气污染管制(修订)条例草案》,建议设定电力行业空气污染物的排放总量上限,以便香港特区在二○一○年可适时达到减排目标,以及容许排污交易可作为符合排放总量上限的替代方法。环境局局长邱腾华在动议二读时指出,建议的修订草案是改善本港空气质素的其中一项重要措施。On February 20, 2008, the Government introduced the Air Pollution Control (Amendment) Bill 2008 to the Legislative Council, which proposes to impose emission caps on the power generation sector for timely meeting the 2010 emission reduction targets of the HKSAR territory and facilitate the use of emissions trading as an alternative means for compliance with the emission caps. Speaking at the motion for Second Reading of the Bill, the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, said that the proposed Amendment Bill will be one of the major measures to improve Hong Kong's air quality.   专题网站 Thematic Websites 绿色香港我钟意博客I Love Hong Kong! I Love GREEN! Blog   环境保护运动委员会 Environmental Campaign Committee