
二零零八年四月April 2008
To help further improve our EPD "News Update", your valuable views are very much welcome !
重点消息  Highlights
Public consultation on the Proposed Mandatory Implementation of the Building Energy Codes ended on 31 March 2008

The three-month public consultation on a proposal to introduce mandatory implementation of the Building Energy Codes for certain new and existing buildings ended on March 31, 2008. We received around 140 submissions. Majority of the views received supported the mandatory implementation of the Building Energy Codes in Hong Kong, with an aim of enhancing building energy efficiency. The general public also supported the inclusion of the energy efficiency performance of existing buildings in the regulatory framework to further enhance the overall energy efficiency performance of the society.
Public consultation on a proposal to Ban Idling Vehicles with Running Engines ended on 31 March 2008

The five-month public consultation on a proposal to ban idling vehicles with running engines ended on March 31, 2008. We received around 1500 submissions. The majority of the views received supported introducing a statutory control on idling vehicles to reduce the nuisance caused and improve the air quality. We will take into consideration all the views collected and formulate a widely-supported regulatory framework.
Tax incentives for environment-friendly commercial vehicles

To encourage the use of environment-friendly commercial vehicles with low emissions, reduction in the First Registration Tax (FRT) will be offered to buyers of newly registered environment-friendly commercial vehicles from April 1, 2008. For details, please visit the Tax Concession Scheme website.
Review of the generic Chemical Oxygen Demand and Trade Effluent Surcharge rates under the Trade Effluent Surcharge Scheme

On March 18, 2008 we consulted the Environmental Affairs Panel of LegCo on our proposals to review the surcharge rates paid by the 30 trades which are subject to the Trade Effluent Surcharge (TES) scheme. In accordance with the polluter-pays principle the proposals were based upon a review of the strengths of the effluents discharged by the trades, and also upon the need to achieve full recovery of the operating costs attributable to treating the excess pollution load discharged by them. Under our proposals 13 trades would see a decrease in their TES rates, reflecting the fact that through good pollution control practices they have achieved improvements in their effluent quality over the years.
In order to fully implement the polluter-pays principle in the provision of sewage services, the EPD and Drainage Services Department completed a survey on the strength of trade effluents in 2007. Data collected in the survey was used to review the generic chemical oxygen demand (COD) values of trades subject to the Trade Effluent Surcharge (TES) scheme. The TES scheme was introduced in 1995 with the aim of ensuring that trades which discharge effluent which is stronger than domestic sewage pay the Government for the extra cost of treating their higher strength wastewaters. The COD value is a measure of the effluent strength. The survey results revealed that 18 trades now discharge effluent which is weaker than previously and even after adjusting for the need to achieve full recovery of the operating costs of treating the effluents 13 will enjoy a reduction in the TES rates. Three trades have improved their effluents to an extent that they are proposed to be removed from the scheme entirely.
After consulting the Panel on Environmental Affairs we are now putting the finishing touches to our proposals and hope to bring the new rates into effect within the 2008-09 financial year.
Consultancy Study on Climate Change awarded

The EPD entered into a consultancy agreement with ERM-Hong Kong, Ltd. on March 27 to undertake a comprehensive study on climate change in Hong Kong. The study will provide a solid scientific basis for the Government to formulate long-term strategies and measures for Hong Kong to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change.
The Project Management Committee has been formed for the Cleaner Production Partnership Programme

The Project Management Committee (PMC) has been formed to oversee the implementation of the Programme. The PMC is led by EPD and comprises representatives from the Trade and Industry Department, the Innovation and Technology Commission, the four major trade and industry associations, and Prof. Paul Lam of Hong Kong City University. Preparatory work for the Programme is now moving ahead in full speed and the PMC held its first meeting on March 14, during which implementation details of the Programme were discussed and endorsed. We expect to officially launch the Programme on April 18, 2008.
Results of the fifth round of applications to the Sustainable Development Fund

获可持续发展基金拨款资助的第五论申请项目,将于日内公布。有关获批拨款项目的详细资料,将上载于可持续发展科的网页 www.susdev.gov.hk.
Applications approved for an award of grant from the Sustainable Development Fund under the fifth round of applications will be announced soon. Details of the approved projects will be posted on the website of the Sustainable Development Division www.susdev.gov.hk.
活动  Events & Activities
Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Programme

Fifteen leading suppliers in the lighting trade have joined hands to fund a territory-wide fluorescent lamp recycling programme. From March 15 onwards, a total of 53 public collection points will gradually be provided at the retails outlets of participating companies, designated shopping malls and houseware stores. Regular collection service will also be provided starting from April 2008 at over 400 public, subsidised and private housing estates. The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, officiated at the programme launching ceremony held at Eastpoint City on March 15, 2008.
District WEEE Recycling Days

The EPD has started to provide collection service for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) by a mobile collection vehicle based on a district collection schedule starting from Saturday March 29, 2008.
Seminar on Thermal Waste Treatment

The Seminar on Thermal Waste Treatment held on March 7, 2008 received overwhelming support from the public. About 300 people from the general public, local community groups, green groups, academic and professional institutions, District Councils and Legislative Council attended the seminar to explore the development of advanced thermal waste treatment technologies, the environmental standards employed in advanced countries, and the measures adopted elsewhere to address the concerns of the communities. The presentation materials can now be viewed on our website.
  立法会事务 Legislative Council Matters
建议根据《噪音管制条例》(第 400 章)增设「指定范围」
Proposed additional "Designated Areas" under the Noise Control Ordinance (Cap. 400)
On March 18, 2008, the Government consulted the Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs on the proposal to update the "Designated Areas" under the Noise Control Ordinance with a view to including more areas under the coverage of the "Designated Areas". This will subject the new "Designated Areas" to tighter construction noise control, providing residents in these areas with the same protection as those in the existing "Designated Areas". It is estimated that more than 280,000 residents will benefit from the implementation of the proposal.

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