最新消息 - 资料库

二零零八年五月May 2008
重点消息  Highlights
"Beach Water Quality in Hong Kong 2007" report published

The water quality of Hong Kong's beaches in 2007 was the best on record. The number of "Good" beaches was the same as the highest level reached in 2004, while no beach was ranked as "Very Poor". The percentage compliance with the Water Quality Objective has increased from 63% in 1997 to 83% in 2007. The community's continued support is needed for further improvement of beach water quality in Hong Kong.
新闻稿/演辞 Press Releases/Speeches
Pearl River Delta Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network results for 2007

The EPD and the Environmental Protection Bureau of Guangdong Province announced the 2007 report on the monitoring results of the Pearl River Delta Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network on April 30, which covers last year's regional air quality situation.

专题网站 Thematic Websites 绿色香港我钟意博客I Love Hong Kong! I Love GREEN! Blog   环境保护运动委员会 Environmental Campaign Committee