
News Update
二零一零年四月April 2010

重点消息  Highlights
Motor Vehicle Idling (Fixed Penalty) Bill

The Government introduced the Motor Vehicle Idling (Fixed Penalty) Bill (the Bill) to the Legislative Council (LegCo) on April 28. To reduce air pollution, heat and noise nuisances caused by idling motor vehicles with running engines (idling vehicles), the Bill will introduce a statutory requirement for drivers to switch off the engines while the vehicles are stationary. The Bill was published in the Gazette on April 16.
Case Studies of Carbon Reduction (Chinese Only)

Green Hong Kong‧Carbon Audit campaign is striding into its second year. More and more organizations have joined the campaign as the Carbon Audit‧Green Partners. We set up a Chinese website to introduce how 15 of our Carbon Audit‧Green Partners from different sectors reduce their emissions in real life. We hope that more organizations and the public can better understand ways to reduce their carbon emissions and join us to combat climate change.
Views from public invited on the proposal to further enhance regulation of depositing abandoned C&D materials on private land

EPD has reviewed the scope of legislative control under its authority and proposes to amend the Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap. 354) (WDO) to enhance the effectiveness of enforcing its section 16A against illegal depositing of abandoned construction and demolition (C&D) materials on private land. From now to May 22, you are invited to share with us your views on the legislative proposal. For details please see here.
Programme on Source Separation of Waste in Rural Area (Chinese Only)

EPD and FEHD worked in collaboration to place waste separation bins in most village-type refuse collection points so as to encourage residents in rural areas to participate in source separation of waste. The Programme is supported by the Heung Yee Kuk and Rural Committees. Various promotion activities have been launched.

Environmental Co-operation between Hong Kong and Macao

Representatives of 17 primary & secondary schools from Macao visited “Green Schools” in Hong Kong on 16 March. The guests were introduced to ECF-funded school projects on green roofs, demonstrative use of solar panels and windmill as renewable energy sources and waste minimization measures at schools. The Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Ms. Anissa WONG, and Mr. Gary CHEONG, the Director of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Macao co-chaired the second Hong Kong-Macao Liaison Meeting the next day. Consensus was reached on future collaboration areas including sharing experience in air monitoring, operation of air monitoring network and development of green buildings, as well as enhanced co-operation in public education, in particular around the theme of Green Schools.
Environment Bureau Consults the Public on a Mandatory Producer Responsibility Scheme for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

The Consultation Document presents the present position of the WEEE problem in Hong Kong and our analysis on key issues such as the coverage of the mandatory scheme, proper treatment and flow management for WEEE and sharing of the costs. It has been uploaded to the website of the Environmental Protection Department (EPD): (www.epd.gov.hk/epd/weee). It is also obtainable from EPD and District Offices. We invite you to read the document and offer us your views. The consultation period has started and would run until April 30.
新闻稿/演辞  Press Releases/Speeches
EcoPark vacancies offered at job fair

More than 120 vacancies in the recycling and environmental industry were offered at a joint job fair on 22 January 2010 organised by the Environmental Protection Department for EcoPark tenants.
Schools keen to sign Green Lunch Charter
