最新消息 - 資料庫

二零零六年十二月      December 2006
上月重點消息 Highlights or Major Activities in November 2006
Review of Air Quality Objectives
The EPD will commission a comprehensive 18-month study in early 2007 on Hong Kong's Air Quality Objectives to review Hong Kong's position.
Tax incentives to promote the use of environment friendly cars
The EPD proposed to promote the use of environment friendly private cars through a 30% reduction in their First Registration Tax.
AR-cover&back.jpg 充電池回收計劃首份周年報告經已出版 
First Annual Report of Rechargeable Battery Recycling Programme Published
The Rechargeable Battery Recycling Programme is a voluntary producer responsibility scheme and good progress has been made since its launch in April 2005. The 2005/06 Annual Report provides an overview on the implementation and achievements of the programme in its first year of operation. The report also offers a glimpse of the programme plan for the coming year.