Title of Designated Project(s)
a) Reclamation works for the formation of 22 hectares Lamma Extension site.
b) Construction and operation of a 1,800MW gas-fired combined cycle plant at the Lamma Extension site and associated transmission system.
c) Laying and operation of a submarine pipeline to supply gas from a regional liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in Shenzhen to the Lamma Extension site.
[This/these project(s) is/are hereinafter referred to as "the Project(s)".] |
Nature of Designated Project(s)
a) Reclamation works (including associated dredging works) more than 5ha in size.
b) Public utility electricity power plant.
c) A submarine gas pipeline.
Scale and Scope of Designated Project(s)
The projects include the reclamation works for the formation of a 22ha Lamma Extension site to the south of the existing Lamma Power Station; construction and operation of a 1,800MW power plant (6x300MW gas-fired combined cycle units) on the Lamma Extension site and the associated transmission cable from the power plant to the landing point at Telegraph Bay; and construction and operation of about 90km submarine gas pipeline to supply gas from a regional LNG terminal in Shenzhen to the power plant. |