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The Project
3D model
     Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau Spurline     上水至落馬洲支線

Planning of the Spur Line linking the existing KCRC East Rail at Sheung Shui with the proposed Shenzhen Metro system at Huanggang Station, opposite Lok Ma Chau, has taken place over a 10 year period. The new railway is needed to provide for the rapidly expanding demand for cross boundary passenger movement between the SAR and Shenzhen. The Spur Line proposal was presented in the Railway Development Strategy in May 1993.

In 1998, a Preliminary Project Feasibility Study (PPFS) evaluated the engineering and environmental feasibility of the potential routes linking the two rail systems. The PPFS considered at grade, tunnel and viaduct routes across the ecologically sensitive Long Valley. The horizontal rail alignment at Lok Ma Chau proposed in 1993 was amended to meet environmental constraints, doubling up with the existing transport corridor for the Lok Ma Chau Road crossing and minimising the impacts on the fishponds within the newly designated Wetland Conservation Area (WCA).

Title of Designated Project

Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau Spur Line [This designated project is hereinafter referred to as “the Project”]

Nature of Designated Project

Construction and operation of a railway and its associated stations.

Location of Designated Project

The project starts from north of the existing Sheung Shui station and travels through Long Valley, Kwu Tung and Chau Tau in an underground tunnel, before it climbs to a viaduct and terminates at Lok Ma Chau.

Scale and Scope of Designated Project(s)

Construction and operation of

(i) a 7.4 km long, double-tracked railway extending from the existing East Rail network at north of Shueng Shui to Lok Ma Chau including a tunnel of 4.3 km long across Long Valley and Kwu Tung ;

(ii) a railway station at Lok Ma Chau which includes a public transport interchange and station access road;

(iii) a footbridge link to Huanggang; and

(iv) the associated infrastructure and utility works.


Location(s) / Alignment(s) of this Project:

Figure 1A - Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau Spur line Location of Project
Figure 1B - Cheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau Line Location plan of Lok Ma Chau Station and its Acces Road
Dredging at Seabed of Peng Chau, Tung Wan Gas-fired Power Station Extension at Lamma Kam Tin Secondary Drainage Channels KT13 Hong Kong Wetland Park Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau Spurline Sai Kung Drainage Improvement Repositioning and Long Term Operation Plan of Ocean Park KCRC East Rail Extension New Boundary Bridge between Lok Ma Chau and Huanggang Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau Spurline (Habitat Creation and Management Plan) background