Environment Protection  DepartmentThe Operation of Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance in Hong Kong
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Public Involvement and Interaction with Stakeholders

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Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Website

Figure 4B: Sitemap of Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Website
Figure 4B: Sitemap of Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Website

The EIA website was commissioned to go online at the same time as the operational date of the Ordinance. It is the first website of its kind to hold all documents for public inspection as a means of promoting a more open process and greener communication. Besides serving partially as a register holding for the Ordinance, it also holds a good deal of related information, such as guidance notes to facilitate applicants in the preparation of their applications. The site map of the website is shown in Figure 4B.

With advances in technology and the increasing availability of broadband internet access, the EPD began to place entire EIA reports (which are sometimes as long as several hundred pages) onto the website from November 1998 during the public consultation period. This effort has saved the public many long journeys to visit the EIA Ordinance Register Office.

Uploading Documents onto the EIAO Web Site

Types of Documents

No. of Documents Placed on the Web Site
Project Profile 157
Environmental Permit (all types of permits) 203
EIA Study Brief 86
EIA Report 53
Executive Summary of EIA Report 53
Figure 4C: Documents Placed on the EIAO Web Site

Extending information access for the local community....

As public input is important for providing project proponents with information needed to understand the needs and values of the impacted population and may also assist in identifying problems and issues that project proponents might otherwise overlook, two additional measures were added during this first two years of operation of the Ordinance to enhance interaction with local stakeholders

a) the direct notification of the availability of project profiles and EIA reports to the secretariats of the relevant district; councils and
b) the availability of bilingual project profiles from 1 January 2000.

By listening to and respecting public opinions, applicants can boost their own credibility, improve mutual relations and acceptance of the project.

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