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1                                            INTRODUCTION

This Part of the EIA Report provides a consolidation of the mitigation measures recommended by the EIA Study for the Designated and Potentially Designated Projects.


The Implementation Schedule is presents the recommended mitigation measures for both the construction and operation of the Designated and Potentially Designated elements of the Projects.


The Implementation Schedule has the following column headings:


EIA Ref :      

This denoted the section number or reference from the EIA Report Main text.


EM&A Log Ref:

This denoted the sequential number of each of the recommended mitigation measures specified in the Implementation Schedule.


Environmental Protection Measures:

This denotes the recommended mitigation measures, courses of action or subsequent deliverables that are to be adopted, undertaken or delivered to avoid, minimises or ameliorate predicted environmental impacts.


Objectives of the Recommended Measures & Main Concerns:

The reasons for implementation of protection measures and the key concern.


Location/Duration of Measures/Timing of Completion of Measures:

This indicates the spatial area in which the  recommended mitigation measures are to be implemented together with details of the programming or timing of their implementation. 


Implementation Agent:

This denotes where the responsibility lies for the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures.


Implementation Stage:

This denotes the stage at which the recommended mitigation measures are to be implemented; either during the Design, Construction, Operation or Decommissioning.


Relevant Legislation & Guidelines:

This section defines the controlling legislation or guidelines that are either required to be complied with, or should be complied with as good practice.



Table G1          Implementation Schedule for Yuen Long & Kam Tin Sewerage and Sewage Disposal Stage 1 (DE) EIA


EIA* Ref.

EM&A Ref

Environmental Protection Measures

Objectives of the Recommended Measures & Main Concerns

Location of the measure

Implementation Agent

Implementation Stage**

Relevant Legislation & Guidelines

























AIR QUALITY - Construction Phase












The following measures are enforceable under the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations











Site boundary and entrance











·       where a site boundary adjoins a road, street, service lane or other area accessible to the public, hoarding of not less than 2.4 m high from ground level should be provided along the boundaries of the seven pumping stations sites and the works area where the Engineer’s site office and the Contractor’s site office erected;

To prevent access to the site and control potential dust impacts from construction works.

Site wide and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor




Part III, Clause 13 (c), Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations



Access Road











·       the portion of any road leading only to a construction site that is within 30 m of a discernible or designated vehicle entrance or exit should be kept clear of dusty materials;

To control potential dust impacts from vehicle movements.

Site wide and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor




Part III, Clause 14, (b), Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations



Stockpiling of Dusty Materials











·       any stockpile of dusty materials should be either covered entirely by impervious sheeting and placed in an area sheltered on the top and the 3 sides or sprayed with water so as to maintain the entire surface wet;

To control potential dust impacts during excavation and stockpiling activities.

Site wide and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor




Part IV, Clause 18, (a, b & c), Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations



Loading, unloading or transfer of dusty materials











·       all dusty materials should be sprayed with water or a dust suppression chemical  immediately prior to any loading and unloading so as to maintain the dusty materials wet;

To control potential dust impacts during material handling and truck movements.

Site wide and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor




Part IV, Clause 19, Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations



Use of vehicles











·       every vehicle should be washed to remove any dusty materials from its body and wheels immediately before leaving a construction site;

To control potential dust impacts from vehicle movements.

Site wide and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor




Part IV, Clause 21, (1), Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations



·       where a vehicle leaving a construction site is carrying a load of dusty materials, the load should be covered entirely by clean impervious sheeting to ensure that the dusty materials do not leak from the vehicle;

To control potential dust impacts during material transportation.

Site wide and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor




Part IV, Clause 21, (2), Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations



Power-driven drilling, and cutting











·       water should be continuously sprayed on the surface where any mechanical breaking operation that causes dust emission is carried out, unless the process is accompanied by the operation of an effective dusty extraction and filtering device;

To control potential dust impacts during mechanical breaking.

Site wide and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor




Part IV, Clause 22, Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations



Excavation and earth moving











·       the working area of excavation should be sprayed with water immediately before, during and immediately after the operation so as to maintain the entire surface wet;

To control potential dust impacts arising from excavation works.

Site wide and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor




Part IV, Clause 24, Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations



Construction of the superstructure of a building











·       where a scaffolding is erected around the perimeter of a building under construction, effective dust screens, sheeting or netting should be provided to enclose the scaffolding from the round floor level of the SPS, or if a canopy is provided a the first floor level, from the first floor level, up to the highest level of the scaffolding; and

To control potential dust impacts from SPS building construction works.

Full duration of SPS construction contract.

The Contractor




Part I, Clause 6, (a), Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations



·       any skip hoist for material transport should be totally enclosed by the impervious sheeting.

To control potential dust impacts during material transportation.

Full duration of SPS construction contract.

The Contractor




Part I, Clause 6, (b), Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations














NOISE - Construction Phase












General Site Clearance -Demolition Works











·       Use of quiet PME which meet the SWLs taken from British Standard, Noise and Vibration Control on Construction Open Sites, BS 5228: Part 1: 1997 (Examples of these PME are shown in Table F2),

To control potential noise impacts during site clearance and demolition works

Site wide and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

 The Contractor




Annex 5 of EIAO-TM



Construction of Sewage Pumping Stations P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 &P7











·       Use of quiet PME which meet the SWLs taken from British Standard, Noise and Vibration Control on Construction Open Sites, BS 5228: Part 1: 1997,

To minimise potential noise impacts arising during the construction of P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 &P7

Site wide and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

 The Contractor




Annex 5 of EIAO-TM



·       Adoption of temporary noise barrier, in the form of a site hoarding (with a superficial density of at least 20kg/m2, with no substantial gaps), along the site boundary of the pumping station sites.

To minimise potential noise impacts arising during the construction of P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 &P7

Site wide and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

 The Contractor




Annex 5 of EIAO-TM



Sewers and Rising Mains using Open Trench Method











·       Use of quiet PME which meet the SWLs taken from British Standard, Noise and Vibration Control on Construction Open Sites, BS 5228: Part 1: 1997,

To control potential noise impacts during excavation works.

Site wide and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor




Annex 5 of EIAO-TM



·       Use of handheld breakers for all initial road opening activities, when breaking tarmac/concrete road surface to a depth of 300mm or when granular material is reached.

To control potential noise impacts during road opening activities.

Where there are NSRs located within 50m of the line of sight.  Throughout the full duration of the road opening activities.

The Contractor







·       Use of movable noise barriers or 3 sided enclosures for all initial road opening activities (breaking tarmac/concrete road surface to a depth of 300mm or when granular material is reached), where there are NSRs located within 50m of the line of sight from the works area.

To control potential noise impacts during road opening activities.

Where there are NSRs located within 50m of the line of sight.  Throughout the full duration of the road opening activities.

The Contractor







Sewers and Rising Mains using Pipe Jacking Method











·       Use of quiet PME which meet the SWLs taken from British Standard, Noise and Vibration Control on Construction Open Sites, BS 5228: Part 1: 1997,

To control potential noise impacts from PME during construction works

Site wide and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

 The Contractor




Annex 5 of EIAO-TM



Road Pavement and Finishes











·       Use of quiet PME which meet the SWLs taken from British Standard, Noise and Vibration Control on Construction Open Sites, BS 5228: Part 1: 1997,

To control potential noise impacts from PME during pavement and finish works

Site wide and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

 The Contractor




Annex 5 of EIAO-TM














WATER QUALITY - Construction Phase












No water quality monitoring is required under this study.












WASTE - Construction Phase












The Contractor shall obtain the necessary waste disposal permits from the appropriate authorities for the disposal of chemical and C&D waste,

·       Chemical Waste Producer and Chemical Waste Disposal Licence (Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulations); and

·       Dumping Licence (Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28))

To monitor the collection, handling and disposal of chemical waste and C&D waste, and in compliance with relevant Hong Kong Standards and Regulations.

Site wide and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor



Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354), Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste)(General) Regulation (Cap 354), the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28))



Chemical Waste











Chemical waste that is produced, as defined by Schedule 1 of the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation, should be handled in accordance with the regulations and Code of Practice on the Packaging, Handling and Storage of Chemical Wastes as follows. All chemical waste producers should be registered with the EPD.

To control the handling, storage and disposal of chemical waste, in order to minimise potential spillages/leakages and human health and environmental impacts.

To be implemented at all worksites throughout the full duration of the construction phase.


The Contractor




Part II, (6) Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation



Storage, Packaging and Labelling of Chemical Waste











Containers used for storage of chemical wastes should:

·       be suitable for the substance they are holding, resistant to corrosion, maintained in a good condition, and securely closed;

To ensure the proper storage, packaging and labelling of chemical waste in accordance with the Regulations.

To be implemented at all worksites throughout the full duration of the construction phase.

The Contractor




Part IV, (9, 10, 11 & 12) Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation



·       have a capacity of less than 450 L unless the specifications have been approved by the EPD; and

·       display a label in English and Chinese in accordance with instructions prescribed in Schedule 2 of the Regulations.











Storage of chemical waste











The storage area for chemical wastes should:

·       be clearly labelled and used solely for the storage of chemical waste;

To ensure the proper storage of chemical waste in accordance with the Regulations.

To be implemented at all worksites throughout the full duration of the construction phase.

The Contractor




Part IV, (13,14, 15, 16, 17, & 18) Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation



·       be enclosed on at least 3 sides;

·       have an impermeable floor and bunding, of capacity to accommodate 110% of the volume of the largest container or 20% by volume of the chemical waste stored in that area, whichever is the greatest;











·       have adequate ventilation;

·       be covered to prevent rainfall entering (water collected within the bund must be tested and disposed as chemical waste, if necessary); and

·       be arranged so that incompatible materials are adequately separated.











Disposal of chemical waste











·       The Contractor should ensure that the disposal of chemical waste is via a licensed Waste Collector and in accordance with the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulations.

To control the disposal of chemical waste in accordance with the Regulations.

To be implemented at all worksites throughout the full duration of the construction phase.

The Contractor




Part IV, (20 -25) Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation



Management of Waste Disposal











A trip-ticket system should be established which monitors the disposal of C&DM and solid wastes at public filling facilities and landfills and to control fly-tipping, in accordance with Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap28) and the Works Bureau Technical Circular No. 5/99.

To monitor the disposal of C&DM and solid wastes at public filling facilities and landfills and to control fly-tipping.

To be implemented at all worksites throughout the full duration of the construction phase.


The Engineer/ Contractor




Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 295) and Works Bureau Technical Circular No. 5/99.



LAND CONTAMINATION- Construction Phase












A revised CAP should be submitted to the EPD for approval before the commencement of the construction works. Following receipt of the EPD’s approval, the CAP shall be implemented and the findings of the investigations will be reported in the Contaminated Assessment Report (CAR), before ground disturbance is allowed at the concerned sites.

If land contamination is confirmed, a Remediation Action Plan (RAP) shall be prepared, and both the CAR and the RAP shall be submitted as a combined report to the EPD for approval before disturbing the ground of the concerned sites. If applicable and required in consultation with the EPD, the contaminated site(s) shall be remediated in accordance with the approved CAR/RAP.













To determine the presence of soil and groundwater contamination and remedy any potential concerns to acceptable levels.

To be implemented before the commencement of the construction works.

To be Implemented by DSD or their sub-consultants at the Detailed Design Stage, depending upon when site access can be gained.




EIAO TM Annex 19/3.1.1 & 3.1.2



ECOLOGY - Construction Phase











Mitigation Measures Adopted -  Avoidance











Construction activities shall be prohibited during the winter season (November to March) along the section of the proposed sewerage alignment, which fall within the Deep Bay Wetland Conservation Area and the Deep Bay Wetland Buffer Area (WCA and WBA) and close to the locations of ecologically sensitive species (including Intermediate Egret, Black-faced Spoonbill, Buzzard, Imperial Eagle and Avocet). (See Figure 8.7a attached).  Regular site inspections (at least twice a month) should be conducted by the Environmental Team during the winter season (November to March) to ensure proper implementation of this restriction

To schedule construction works in order to minimise potential impacts to winter visiting birds. To be confirmed by regular site inspections.

At identified location (Figure 8.7a) for the full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor







Mitigation Measures Adopted -  Minimisation











Pipe jacking method should be used instead of dredging where sewers and rising mains cross over existing MDC within the WCA and WBA.

To minimise potential construction noise impacts to ecological sensitive receivers within the WCA/WBA.

For the full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor







Regular inspections (at least twice a month) should be conducted by the ET during the winter season (November to March) for the remaining sections of the proposed sewerage alignment (including parts of S4, S5 and S6) within the WCA and WBA, where construction activities cannot be rescheduled.

The site inspections shall check and report the number of workfronts and implementation of mitigation measures (i.e. erection of movable noise barriers with a suitable footing along the sites) in the monthly EM&A reports.

To schedule noisy construction activities to minimise potential impacts to winter visiting birds.


Workfronts other than identified sections within WBA & WCA (see Figure 8.7a attached) throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor







Mitigation Measures Adopted











Quietened construction plant and equipment (as shown in Table F2) should be used for the construction of pumping stations (P3 and P2) and sewerage alignment (S4, S5 and S6) located within the WCA and WBA.

Quiet construction plant shall minimise potential noise impacts to the wildlife, particularly rare birds including Black-faced Spoonbill, Buzzard, Hobby, Imperial Eagle, Intermediate Egret, Avocet and Black-eared Kite

At described locations and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor







Erection of fences along the boundary of pumping station construction sites (P1 to P7) before the commencement of construction works to prevent tipping, vehicle movements, and encroachment of personnel into adjacent areas, particularly where close to the Humped Fig Tree Ficus tinctoria subsp. gibbosa (pumping station P7) and P2 to avoid disturbance to the remaining pond areas (0.7 ha);

To erect fences to prevent encroachment of construction activities onto adjacent areas.

At P1 to P7 for full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor







No filling and dumping to the remaining abandoned fishpond at P2.

To avoid disturbance to abandoned fishponds from construction activities and illegal dumping.

At P2 for full duration of the construction contract

The Contractor







Installation and operation of silt removal facilities at construction sites of P1 to P7.  The silt removal facilities should be designed in accordance with Appendix A1 of ProPECC Note PN1/94 Construction Site Drainage.  The minimal total combined volume of the silt removal facilities at Nam Sang Wai SPS (P3) should be 15m3.

To install silt removal facilities in potentially impact streams and ponds to prevent sedimentation.

At P1 to P7 for full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor







No open fires within the site boundary during construction and provide temporary fire fighting equipment in the work areas.

To prohibit open fires, thereby minimising potential damage to trees and shrubs.

Site wide and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor




Air Pollution Control (Open Burning) Regulation



No filling and dumping to the remaining abandoned fishpond at P2.

To avoid disturbance to abandoned fishponds from construction activities and illegal dumping.

At P2 for full duration of the construction contract

The Contractor







Installation and operation of silt removal facilities at construction sites of P1 to P7.  The silt removal facilities should be designed in accordance with Appendix A1 of ProPECC Note PN1/94 Construction Site Drainage.

To install silt removal facilities in potentially impact streams and ponds to prevent sedimentation.

At P1 to P7 for full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor







No open fires within the site boundary during construction and provide temporary fire fighting equipment in the work areas.

To prohibit open fires, thereby minimising potential damage to trees and shrubs.

Site wide and throughout the full duration of the construction contract.

The Contractor




Air Pollution Control (Open Burning) Regulation














FISHERIES - Construction Phase












No specific mitigation measures are required for inclusion in the EP.











CULTURAL HERITAGE - Before Construction Phase












After land resumption but before the construction work takes place for the proposed Shui Tsan Tin pumping station (P4) and Ng Ka Tsuen pumping station (P5) commences, a period of 6 months for each of the sites should be allowed for an archaeological investigation, method agreed with the AMO, to be undertaken. 

To determine the archaeological significance of the area and the need for further detailed archaeological investigation.

To be undertaken for a minimum of six months after land resumption but before any construction works takes place.

To be implemented by DSD or appointed Contractor.







The survey shall be divided into two phases. 











The first phase is to undertake 6 test pits with dimensions 1 m x 1.5 m (2 test pits for each site) to assess if archaeological deposits exist and their possible extent.  If no archaeological interest is identified, no further action is required











If the result is found positive, rescue excavation should be undertaken if the deposits are found to be common and not significant, so that preservation by record is achieved.  However, if a highly significant archaeological deposit is identified, the design of the P4 and P5 should be reviewed to integrate the preservation in situ of the archaeological materials or an alternative feasible site for P4 and P5 may be sought and rescue excavation on highly significant archaeological deposit should be regarded as the last resort. 












The AMO should be prior consulted for the result of the investigation and the proposed mitigation measures.  The investigation would be laid down as a condition in the Environment Permit.











Any archaeological work (i.e. watching brief and site investigations) undertaken by the Contractor should be conducted by a qualified archaeologist, who is licensed by the Antiquities Authority under the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53). The Contractor should inform AMO at least four weeks prior to the commencement of the archaeological evaluation, of the expected start date and programming of the works. This is to allow AMO the opportunity of arranging the on-site monitoring of the works.
















Vibration monitoring











Based on the proposed construction works, potential vibration impacts are envisaged at Site E, Ng Ka Tsuen.  It is therefore recommended at the detail design stage that the pumping station is set back to avoid encroachment of safe margins from the historic compound at Ng Ka Tsuen.

The ET shall conduct vibration monitoring at the historical compound at Ng Ka Tsuen, to ensure construction works to not impact the site.

Next to Ng Ka Tsuen pumping station / Prior to and during construction work/Completion of construction work

The Contractor







For construction phase, the Contractor shall be required to avoid encroachment of the safe margins of 7.5 m from the historic building of Ng Ka Tsuen and pay particular attention to remove underlying obstructions such as buried foundations, floors etc before continuing with bored piling and sheet piling operations.  All sheet piling operation shall be set back by 25 m from the historic building of Ng Ka Tsuen.  If demolition within 7.5 m of the historic compound at Ng Ka Tsuen is required, preference should be given to use of hand method and use of mini excavator (Bobcat type plant) to remove materials from the area at ground level.











Pile driving equipment should meet the recommended criteria.  For sheet piling, an international construction equipment Model 14RF is an example of a resonant free vibrator. It is a type of pile driver designed so that the rotating system of weights within the driver can be accelerated to operating speed with the rotating masses in balance and, once at operating frequency and above resonant mode, the weights are rearranged to be out of phase and hence generated the vibration required to drive the pile.











Trail sheet piling should be conducted using the proposed plant, and the ET should undertake vibration monitoring prior to proceeding with works. The monitoring should be taken at the closest accessible point to the historic building to enable the Engineer to assess the potential risk from the expected levels of vibration at Ng Ka Tseun.











Structural Survey











Prior to the commencement of construction works, a structural survey of Ng Ka Tsuen historical buildings (Site E) should be undertaken by a specialist surveyor approved by AMO to record the condition of the historic compound.  The survey should be conducted four weeks prior to the commencement of the construction works.  This survey shall focus on the quality of construction and finishes and the general condition of the structure and its finishes. A schedule of defects (including cracks) is to be prepared for submission to the Engineer and AMO and shall be supported by photographic record. Upon approval to proceed with the works, vibration monitoring is recommended during the site preparation, earthworks and foundation and reinstatement stages.

To determine the impact of the construction works on the historical buildings at Ng Ka Tsuen, vibration monitoring shall be conducted.

Next to Ng Ka Tsuen 4 weeks prior to and during construction work/Completion of construction work

The Contractor







Upon completion of the structural survey, vibration monitoring should be undertaken by the ET at Ng Ka Tsuen historical buildings. Firstly on a trial basis to ascertain locations of highest impact within the building relative to an appropriate ground level location on the worksite boundary; the setting of these levels shall be subject to AMO approval and accessibility.  Thereafter monitoring shall be undertaken for the duration of the works and, where exceedance of the limit is noted, the works shall be stopped and the Contractor shall be required to prepare a plan for the approval of the Engineer and AMO to ensure that the works will continue without exceedance of the vibration criteria. 











If at any time the Engineer should note any damage to the decoration and structure of Ng Ka Tsuen historical buildings, the Contractor shall stop works and prepare a method statement outlining provisions to ensure no further deterioration of the building.  Such measures may comprise alternative selection of plant, method of construction, use of cut off trench located close to the source of the vibration.











LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL - Construction Phase












The site inspections shall check and report the implementation of mitigation measures (i.e. top-soil are reused and new compensatory planting works are carried out immediately after the construction of the civil structure) in the monthly EM&A reports.

To minimise potential landscape and visual impacts.

To be implemented during the construction phases of the project.

The Contractor







The first monthly EM&A Report should also report the appearance of the temporary hoarding barriers.











Prior to application for an Environmental Permit, a set of landscape plans and building elevations of the proposed pumping stations should be submitted for approval by the EPD.

The landscape plans and pumping station elevations should demonstrate that the following elements are considered:

·         existing landscape elements (such as mature trees), transplantation of valuable trees, new compensatory planting

To minimise potential landscape and visual impacts.

To be implemented during the design and construction phases of the project.

DSD and The Contractor






·          incorporate information on materials, details and textures so as to be as visually recessive as possible and in a style that fits with the surrounding village buildings.











·          colour should be of low chromatic intensity to reduce the potential contrast between the structures and their background.  The external finishing of the Pumping Stations shall be designed in conjunction with the landscape scheme.











·          a minimum screen planting of 3m width and use of trees with a dense canopy of up to 5 m  in height subject to constraints such as engineering and land availability.











·          felling of mature trees are kept to a minimum.











EM&A REQUIEMENTS - Construction Phase












Air Quality











Subject to the Environmental Protection Departments (EPDs) agreement, construction phase dust monitoring shall be undertaken at the following locations in accordance with the recommendations of the EIA.

Installations of the dust monitoring stations to ensure the action and limit levels are not exceeded.

At specified dust monitoring locations for the duration of the construction works.

To be undertaken by the Environmental Team (ET) and reviewed and audited by the Engineer /DSD




Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations



·       Worksite boundary facing Scattered house in Nam Sang Wai (AM1);

·       Worksite boundary in Nam Sang Wai (AM2);

·       Worksite boundary facing Kam Kong Villa (AM3);

·       Worksite boundary facing Scattered House opposite to Proposed P6 (AM4);











·       Worksite boundary facing Fung Kat Heung (AM5);

·       Worksite boundary facing Scattered House near Route 3 (AM6);











·       Worksite boundary facing Scattered House in Nam Sang Wai (AM7);

·       Worksite boundary facing Shui Tsan Tin Tsuen (AM8);











·       Worksite boundary facing Scattered House beside Kam Sheung Live Church (AM9);

·       Worksite boundary facing Hip Tin Kung (AM10);











·       Worksite boundary facing Leung Uk Tsuen (AM11),

·       and at any additional locations, where considered necessary, in agreement with EPD.











Construction Noise











Subject to the Environmental Protection Departments (EPDs) agreement, construction phase noise monitoring shall be undertaken at the following locations in accordance with the recommendations of the EIA.

Installations of the noise monitoring stations to ensure the action and limit levels are not exceeded.

At specified noise monitoring locations throughout the duration of the construction works.

To be undertaken by the Environmental Team (ET) and reviewed and audited by the Engineer




Noise Control Ordinance



·       (NM1) Yuk Yat Garden Phases II (D4);

·       (NM2) Planned CDA Site (A/YL-KTN/60) (D9);

·       (NM3) Scattered House in Nam San Wai (D12);

·       (NM4) Scattered House in Nam San Wai (D11);

·       (NM5) Nam San Wai (D15);

·       (NM6) Scattered House near Route 3 (D17);











·       (NM7) Fung Kat Heung (D19);

·       (NM8) Kam Hing Wai (D23);

·       (NM9) Scattered House opposite to proposed P6 (D26);

·       (NM10) Scattered House beside Kam Sheung Live Church (D30);











·       (NM11) Kam Tsin Wai (D38);

·       (NM12).Shui Tsan Tin Tsuen (D41);

·       (NM13) Scattered House opposite to Leung Uk Tseun (D28);

·       (NM14) Ng Ka Tsuen (D32); and

·       (NM15) Hip Tin Kung (D27).

and at any additional locations, where considered necessary, in agreement with EPD

































AIR QUALITY - Operational Phase












The following mitigation measures have been recommended to control odour emissions:











·       the main odour sources such as wet well and screening house should be enclosed;

To control potential odour concerns.

To be implemented throughout the operating life time of the project.

Drainage Services Department (DSD)







·       odour removal system such as activated carbon filter should be installed to reduce the odour emission to the vicinity;

To control potential odour concerns.

To be implemented throughout the operating life time of the project.

Drainage Services Department (DSD)


















NOISEOperational Phase












No specific mitigation measures are required for inclusion in the EP.






















WATER QUALITY - Operational Phase












The following measures should be implemented to reduce the risk of failure of the pumping stations which would results in emergency discharge of untreated sewage effluent and should failure occur to minimise the duration of such failures.

To reduce the risk of failure of the pumping stations and emergency discharge of untreated sewage effluent.

To be implemented throughout the operating life time of the project.

Drainage Services Department (DSD)







·          The overflow bypass should be operated only in an emergency, such as prolonged power failure.  Overflow must not occur on a regular basis such as to facilitate routine maintenance.











·          Standby pump should be provided to facilitate maintenance and repairing of equipment;











·          Dual (back-up) power supply should be provided.  Dual power supply could be in the format of ring main, or an automatic-operated emergency generator with sufficient capacity to cope with the demand loading of the essential plant equipment;











·          If the pumping station is unmanned, a telemetry system should be provided to the nearest manned station/plant so that swift actions could be taken in the case of malfunction of the unmanned facilities;











·          Hand-cleaned screens should be provided at the overflow bypass to prevent the discharge of floating solids into receiving water bodies.  The clear spacing of the bar screen should normally be about 25mm;











·          The discharge point of the overflow bypass should be below the low water mark; and











·          The discharge point of the overflow bypass should be away from sensitive receivers such as gazetted beaches, mariculture zones, seawater intakes, water gathering grounds, country parks, marinas, boat parks, nature reserves, sites of special scientific interest, marine parks/marine reserves, streams with water for human consumption…etc, and water with low assimilative capacity such as typhoon shelter or embayed water.  In this connection, the location of the overflow bypass should be provided by the project proponent at detail design stage for DEP approval.






















WASTE - Operational Phase












No specific mitigation measures are required for inclusion in the EP.






















ECOLOGY- Operational Phase












No specific mitigation measures are required for inclusion in the EP.






















FISHERIES - Operational Phase












No specific mitigation measures are required for inclusion in the EP.






















CULTURAL HERITAGE - Operational Phase












No specific mitigation measures are required for inclusion in the EP.






















LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL - Operational Phase












No specific mitigation measures are required for inclusion in the EP.






















EM&A REQUIREMENTS - Operational Phase























Subject to the Environmental Protection Departments (EPDs) agreement, operational phase noise monitoring shall be undertaken at the following locations in accordance with the recommendations of the EIA.

Installations of the noise monitoring stations to ensure the action and limit levels are not exceeded.

At specified noise monitoring locations prior to the commissioning of the pumping stations.





Noise Control Ordinance



·       Kam Tin P1 (OM1);

·       Sha Po P2 (OM2);

·       Nam San Wai P3 (OM3);

·       Shui Tsan Tin P4 (OM4);











·       Ng Ka Tsuen P5 (OM5);

·       Pang Ka Tsuen P6 (OM6); and

·       Leung Uk Tsuen P7 (OM7).











and at any additional locations, where considered necessary, in agreement with EPD.









Des = Design, C= Construction, O= Operation, Dec = Decommissioning


Table G2        Sound Power Levels for Specific Silenced PME


BS 5228 Table No.

Ref. No.

SWL dB(A) max

Air Compressor












Crawler Crane




Dump Truck












Handheld Hydraulic Breaker




Excavator mounted breaker




Excavator for trenching




Wheeled Excavator-Loader




Concrete Lorry Mixer




Poker Vibrator








Circular Saw








Asphalt Paver




Small/medium size trucks






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