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9                                            Fisheries

9.1                                      Introduction

This Section of the EIA Report presents the findings of the impact assessment of the construction and operation of the proposed sewerage system and pumping stations on aquaculture fisheries resources and operations.  Baseline information on the potentially affected existing aquaculture fisheries resources and operations is presented and evaluated. 


The objectives of the assessment are as follows:


·       to establish the baseline conditions of the aquaculture fisheries resources and operations potentially affected by the construction and operation of the sewerage system and pumping stations;


·       to identify any aquaculture fisheries resources and operations sensitive receivers;


·       to assess the scale of potential impacts on aquaculture fisheries resources and operations from the works associated with the construction and operation of the sewerage system and pumping stations and identify any significant or unacceptable impacts;


·       to identify any necessary mitigation measures and residual impacts; and


·       to assess the need for an aquaculture fisheries resources and operations monitoring programme.



9.2                                      Relevant Legislation and Guidelines

The criteria for evaluating fisheries impacts, including those for aquaculture fisheries resources and operations, are laid out in the EIAO-TM.  Annex 17 of the EIAO-TM outlines the general approach and methodology for the assessment of impacts.  Annex 9 of the EIAO-TM recommends some general criteria that can be used for evaluating impacts to aquaculture fisheries resources and operations. 


Other legislation which apply to aquaculture fisheries resources and operations includes the Fisheries Protection Ordinance (Cap 171) 1987, which provides for the conservation of fish and other aquatic life and regulates fishing practices.



9.3                                      Assessment Methodology

The Study Area is defined as the area 500 m either side and along the full length of the Project boundary.  Initially, a desktop review of baseline conditions was conducted using relevant literature, aerial photographs and a Geographical Information System (GIS).  A number of more focused baseline field surveys were then proposed to supplement the review findings.  The baseline surveys were designed to fill any data gaps which would prevent an adequate assessment of the Project's impacts upon fisheries and the development of appropriate mitigation measures, where applicable.  Detailed surveys were conducted at intervals during April 2000 and March 2001 to describe the habitats in the Study Area.  The information presented in the following sections has been based on the findings of these surveys.



9.4                                      Baseline Environmental Conditions and Fisheries Sensitive Receivers

The majority of the Study Area to be affected by the proposed Project has been degraded by development and urbanisation.  Aquaculture fisheries resources and operations sensitive receivers in the Study Area comprise active fish ponds.  Fish ponds that have been identified in the Study Area through the desktop literature review and reconnaissance survey appear to be concentrated in the north west of the Study Area (cf Section 8.4.1) within the contract area of 60CD (Figure 9.4a).  The remaining fish ponds are scattered along the western section of Kam Sheung Road.  Results from the survey estimated that there are approximately one hundred and fifty fish ponds in this area.  It is estimated that the fish ponds make up an area approximately 264 hectares. 


The majority (68% of the total, equivalent to 180 hectares) of these fish ponds are active.  The active fish ponds are located along the shores of Channel 60CD, particularly on the north shore.  The predominant fish species cultured in these ponds include the mullet (Mugil cephalus) and the four carp species traditionally cultured in Chinese pond aquaculture.  These are the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus), the silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), big-head carp (Aristichthys nobilis) and the common carp (Cyprinus carpio). 


The remaining fish ponds in the Study Area appear to be inactive. Aquaculture facilities at these fish ponds appear to have been abandoned.  Representative images of the fish ponds in the Study Area are presented on Figure 9.4b.



9.5                                      Potential Impacts

9.5.1                                Construction Phase

The potential impacts to aquaculture fisheries resources and operations arising from the construction of the proposed sewerage system and pumping stations include the direct loss of fish pond habitat resulting from the construction of the Project.


9.5.2                                Operational Phase

There are no operational phase impacts to aquaculture fisheries resources and operations as a result of the operation of the sewerage system and pumping stations.



9.6                                      Impact Assessment

9.6.1                                Construction Phase

The proposed sewerage alignment will be constructed along the roads and main drainage channels that are urbanised and disturbed.  The sewers are proposed to be buried underneath footpaths and roads and the ground surface will be reinstated afterwards.  The only impact predicted to occur to aquaculture fisheries resources and operations is the direct loss of an abandoned and inactive fish pond as a result of the construction of pumping station P2.  It is calculated that approximately 0.15 ha of the abandoned fish pond will be lost through construction of pumping station P2.  Based on the size of this loss and the abandoned state of the fish pond itself, this loss of habitat is deemed acceptable.


9.6.2                                Operational Phase

No operational phase impacts to aquaculture fisheries resources and operations are expected to occur as a result of the operation of the sewerage system and pumping stations.


9.6.3                                Cumulative Impact

Although there are a number of concurrent projects that are currently implemented or planned, each project has/ will provide its own mitigation measures.  Based on there being no unacceptable impacts to aquaculture fisheries resources and operations expected to occur as a result of the construction and operation of the Project, combined with the implementation of the concurrent projects mitigation measures, no unacceptable cumulative impact is anticipated for this area.


9.6.4                                Impact Evaluation

Potential impacts to fisheries based on the Criteria for Evaluating Fisheries Impact according to Annex 9 of the EIAO-TM are presented in Table 9.6a.

Table 9.6a       Evaluation of Impacts to Fisheries



Nature of Impact

Direct impacts are expected to occur to one fish pond.  This impact is not expected to be of concern as the fish pond is inactive and currently abandoned.

Size of Affected Area

The affected area predicted to be lost is 0.15ha.

Loss of Fisheries Resources/Production

No losses to aquaculture fisheries resources and operations are expected to occur as there are no impacts predicted for active fish ponds.

Destruction and Disturbance of Nursery and Spawning Grounds

No destruction and disturbance of nursery and spawning grounds are expected to occur.

Impact of Fishing Activity

No impacts to fishing activities are expected to occur.

Impact of Aquaculture Activity

Although one fish pond will be directly affected by the construction of the pumping station P2, this fish pond is currently inactive and abandoned, therefore, no impacts to aquaculture activities are expected to occur.

Overall Impact Conclusion




9.7                                      Mitigation Measures

In accordance with the guidelines in the EIAO-TM on fisheries impact assessment the general policy approaches for mitigating impacts to fisheries, including aquaculture fisheries are, in order of priority, avoidance, minimisation and compensation.


As the proposed construction and operation of the sewerage system and pumping stations are not predicted to have a significant or unacceptable impact on aquaculture fisheries resources and operations in the Study Area, no fisheries-specific mitigation measures are required.



9.8                                      Residual Impacts

There are no residual impacts expected to occur to aquaculture fisheries resources and operations as a result of the construction and operation of the proposed sewerage system and pumping stations.



9.9                                      Environmental Monitoring and Auditing

No impacts to aquaculture fisheries resources and operations are expected to occur as a result of the construction and operation of the sewerage system and pumping stations, therefore, the development and implementation of a monitoring and audit programme specifically designed to assess the effects of the activities on aquaculture fisheries resources and operations is not deemed necessary.



9.10                                  Conclusions

The majority of the Study Area appears to be degraded through urbanisation and development.  Active fish ponds were, however, identified within the Study Area with the majority concentrated to the north west.  Although fish ponds were observed in other areas, these appeared to be inactive and/or abandoned.  No active fish ponds are expected to be impacted by the construction and operation of the proposed sewerage system and pumping stations.



9.11                                  Impact Summary

Based on the above impact assessment, no significant or unacceptable impacts to aquaculture fisheries resources and operations are expected to occur as a result of the construction and operation of the proposed sewerage system and pumping stations.


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