9                                            Marine Ecology Assessment

9.1                                      Introduction

This section of the EIA report presents the findings of the marine ecological impact assessment associated with the construction and operation of the proposed offshore wind farm.  It summarises baseline information on the potentially affected marine ecological resources and also presents the findings of a field survey programme.  Detailed information on the baseline conditions and results of the field surveys are presented in Annex 9A. 

9.2                                      Legislative Requirements and Evaluation Criteria

The criteria for evaluating marine ecological impacts are laid out in the EIAO-TM and Study Brief (no. ESB-151/2006).  Annex 16 of the EIAO-TM sets out the general approach and methodology for assessment of marine ecological impacts arising from a project or proposal.  This assessment allows a complete and objective identification, prediction and evaluation of the potential marine ecological impacts.  Annex 8 of the EIAO-TM recommends the criteria that can be used for evaluating marine ecological impacts.

Legislative requirements and evaluation criteria relevant to the study for the protection of species and habitats of marine ecological importance are summarised below.  The details on each are presented in Annex 9A.

1.         Marine Parks Ordinance (Cap 476);

2.         Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap 170);

3.         Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap 586);

4.         Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131);

5.         Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines Chapter 10 (HKPSG);

6.         The Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAOTM);

7.         United Nations Convention on Biodiversity (1992);

8.         Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat (the Ramsar Convention); and,

9.         PRC Regulations and Guidelines.

9.3                                      Summary of Baseline Conditions

The wind farm and cable route are located in the waters between Lamma Island and Cheung Chau lying adjacent to the Southwest Lamma Channel. The closest distance of the site to land is approximately 3.5 km to Lamma Island.  The water depth at the site ranges from -18 to -23mPD. 

The findings of the literature review and field surveys and, an evaluation of the ecological importance of marine resources within the Study Area are summarised in the following section.  The details are presented in full in Annex 9A.  The ecological resources and importance of marine habitats have been characterised with reference to the available literature, comprehensive seasonal field surveys, comparisons with other similar habitats in Hong Kong and the criteria presented in Annexes 8 and 16 of the Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAOTM).

Detailed and comprehensive seasonal surveys were conducted examining the major habitats and species in the marine environment surrounding the wind farm site and cable route.  The baseline surveys have included both the dry and wet seasons.  The findings of the field surveys are presented in Annex 9A. 

The marine ecological habitats in the immediate vicinity of the wind farm site and cable route off Southwest Lamma have undergone some degree of anthropogenic disturbance through reclamation for the Lamma Power Station Extension and marine traffic through the West Lamma Channel.

The key finding of the literature review was the recorded presence of finless porpoise Neophocaena phocaenoides in the waters of the Study Area and inter-nesting green turtles Chelonia mydas in waters south and southeast of Lamma Island.  Although Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins Sousa chinensis have been recorded to the south of Lamma Island, these sightings are very scarce and this area is considered to represent the eastern limit of the species and hence does not constitute an important area for the species.  The review highlighted that finless porpoises have been sighted regularly within the areas surrounding the proposed wind farm site and the cable route.  The following assessment therefore focuses of potential impacts to the finless porpoise Neophocaena phocaenoides.  Mitigation measures designed to protect porpoises, however, could be expected to also provide suitable protection to dolphins should they be present in the area at the time of works. 

Due to the limited literature available for some components of the marine environment, field surveys were necessary to fill the information gaps identified for the baseline conditions of the habitats.  The baseline surveys commenced in October 2008 and have included both the dry and wet seasons.  These focussed seasonal surveys were conducted to characterise major marine assemblages and species within and surrounding the wind farm site and cable route.  Details of the baseline surveys conducted for this EIA are summarised in Annex 9A.

Table 9.1        Marine Ecology Baseline Surveys

Survey Type



Intertidal Assemblages

Quantitative (belt transects) survey, three 100 m belt transects (at high, mid and low intertidal zones), covering both wet and dry seasons.


28 October 2008 and 27 February 2009

Subtidal Benthic Assemblages


Quantitative grab sampling survey; covered both wet and dry seasons. 10 stations sampled to represent the wind farm site, cable route and reference sites, covering both wet and dry seasons.

Drop camera survey

19 October 2008 and 19 March 2009.



19 March 2009

Nearshore dive surveys

Quantitative (Rapid Ecological Assessment (REA) technique) and qualitative (recorded within Study Area and areas in the vicinity)

4 and 5 May 2009

Marine Mammal*

Quantitative vessel based survey using line transect methods spanning Hong Kong southern waters 1 day a month for 6 months.

24 December 2008, 16 January 2009, 13 February 2009, 13 March 2009, 15 April 2009 and 11 May 2009.

Qualitative vessel-based survey around Lamma Island*

July to October 2008, and in June 2009, in the following dates:

24, 26, 28 July 2008, 15, 21, 25 August 2008, 4, 11, 26 September 2008, 6, 17, 20 October 2008, and 10, 11, 17 June 2009

*Remarks:     Due to the extensive data available through the AFCD’s long-term marine mammal monitoring programme, a six month quantitative survey programme was recommended to supplement the existing dataset during the peak seasons (winter/spring) of Finless Porpoise (December to May).  In addition, qualitative vessel-based survey programme was also conducted to cover the non-peak seasons (July to October).  This proposed survey period covered all seasons, as per the Study Brief requirement, and was considered sufficient to characterise existing and historical marine mammal use of the waters of the Study Area. 

9.3.1                                Ecological Importance

The ecological importance of the habitats was determined through reference to the following:

·           Literature review;

·           Findings of the field surveys;

·           Comparison with other areas in Hong Kong; and,

·           Annexes 8 and 16 of the EIAO TM.

Key findings and outcomes of the evaluation of ecological importance are summarised below.

Intertidal Hard Bottom Assemblages

Seasonal quantitative transect surveys were conducted on the artificial seawall of the Lamma Power Station Extension.  Rocky shore species at all survey transects were common and widespread and no protected species or those of conservation interest were recorded.  The assemblages recorded are considered to be of low diversity and low ecological importance.

Subtidal Soft Bottom Assemblages – Benthos

Seasonal systematic grab sampling was conducted within and in proximity to the footprint of the wind farm site and cable route.  In both seasons, infaunal assemblages at the surveyed sites were dominated by polychaete worms, and the species recorded are common and widespread species with no particular conservation concern.  The abundance, biomass and taxonomic richness of infauna at these sites are considered as very low in comparison with the Hong Kong average reported in the literature.  The ecological importance of these assemblages is considered as low.

Subtidal Hard Bottom Assemblages – Coral

Qualitative and semi-quantitative REA surveys were conducted on the artificial seawall of the Lamma Power Station Extension and on hard substrate identified along the proposed cable route.  Only three hard coral species were recorded on the artificial seawall, and a total of four octocoral species and one black coral species were recorded on the dumped material in vicinity of the cable route.  These locally common and widerspread coral species with little conservation interest occurred as very scarce colonies with extremely low coverage.  Given such low coral abundance and diversity at the surveyed sites the ecological importance of the associated assemblages is considered as low.

Sea Turtles

A small number of green turtles are known to nest on the Sham Wan beach in southern Lamma.  Satellite tracking data suggested that these turtles may use the southern and southeastern waters of Lamma as inter-nesting habitats during June to October.  It is noted however, that these data are initial and hence turtles may be present in other marine areas around Lamma and the nearby islands.  Nevertheless the tracking data imply that turtles stay relatively close to inshore coastal areas and hence the ecological importance of waters within the wind farm footprint to sea turtles (particularly green turtles) is considered to be low. 

Finless Porpoise

Quantitative grid analysis on porpoise habitat use revealed that during 2004-08, standardised porpoise sighting densities (SPSE values) were higher at the waters just south of Soko Islands, the offshore waters in Southeast Lantau, at southwest corner of Shek Kwu Chau and Cheung Chau, near Stanley Peninsula and around Po Toi Islands than in other areas of Hong Kong waters ([1]).  Vessel-based standard line transect surveys were undertaken in the Lamma Survey Area over a 6-month period from December 2008 to May 2009 (Winter / Spring).  A total of five groups of porpoises (total abundance = 13 individuals) were sighted on-effort during the surveys.  Additional data was also collected during Summer and Autumn months during the qualitative surveys.  During this period one group of porpoises was recorded (total abundance = 2 individuals).

Quantitative survey data were combined with AFCD’s long-term porpoise monitoring data from December 1999 for quantitative grid analysis, and the results showed that the porpoise densities (SPSE values) were considered as moderate to high and low to moderate for the proposed wind farm site and along cable route respectively.  The ecological importance of these areas is considered as medium-high and low-medium respectively (Table 9.2).

Table 9.2      Ecological Importance of the Marine Habitats


Ecological Importance Wind Farm Site

Ecological Importance Cable Route

Artificial Shoreline



Subtidal Soft Bottom Habitats



Subtidal Hard Surface Habitat



Marine Waters

Medium – High for Neophocaena phocaenoides and Low for Chelonia mydas

Low – Medium for Neophocaena phocaenoides and Low for Chelonia mydas

9.3.2                                Marine Ecological Sensitive Receivers

Based on the results of the marine ecological surveys and a review of the available information on existing conditions in the Study Area, the key sensitive receivers that may be affected by the proposed works associated with the Project are identified as follows:

·            Finless Porpoise habitat within and around the wind farm site; and,

·            The Potential Southwest Lamma Marine Park; and,

·            Sea Turtles.

The locations of the sensitive receivers identified are shown in Figure 6.4 (see Section 6).

9.4                                      Assessment Methodology

A desktop literature review and supporting field surveys (summarised in Section 9.3 and detailed in full in Annex 9A) were conducted in order to establish the ecological profile of the Study Area.  The Study Area for the ecological assessment covers a large area of open water to provide information on the distribution on local habitats that could be affected by development proposals and also to ensure that linkages to wider habitats that could be affected by water quality impacts are considered.  This relatively wide Study Area, the same as adopted for the water quality impact assessment (Section 6) also ensures that consideration is given to mobile species that are present in the area.  The importance of potentially impacted ecological resources identified within the Study Area was assessed using the methodology defined in the EIAO-TM.  The potential impacts due to the construction and operation of the wind farm and associated infrastructure were then assessed (following the EIAO-TM Annex 16 guidelines) and the impacts evaluated (based on the criteria in EIAO-TM Annex 8). 

9.5                                      Potential Sources of Impact on Marine Intertidal and Subtidal Resources

9.5.1                                Construction Phase

Potential impacts to marine ecological resources arising from the construction works may be divided into those due to direct disturbances to the habitat, and those due to perturbations to key water quality parameters.  Potential impacts to marine mammals and sea turtles are discussed separately. 

As discussed in Section 5, the construction of the proposed offshore wind farm will involve removal of the seawall at Lamma Power Station Extension, dredging and jetting for cable installation and the construction of foundations for the wind turbines, offshore wind monitoring mast and offshore substation.  Impacts associated with the proposed wind farm are thus divided into those occurring during:

·       Removal of the existing Lamma Power Station Extension sea wall;

·       Dredging and jetting for cable installation and construction of foundations for wind turbines, the wind monitoring mast and the offshore substation.

Removal of the existing Lamma Power Station Extension Sea Wall

In order to connect the submarine cable to land, the existing rubble mound seawall at the west shore of the Lamma Power Station Extension will be exposed for installation of a steel cable slipway.  Approximately 2,145 m3 of existing seawall will be removed as part of the works.  All removed seawall material will be reused to reinstate the sea wall back to the existing condition.

Impacts to the marine ecological resources potentially arising from sea wall removal and reinstatement are as follows and summarised in Table 9.3.

Table 9.3        Summary of Potential Construction Phase Impacts associated with Seawall Removal and Reinstatement

Nature of Impact

Marine Habitat Affected

Potential Impact

Habitat Loss

Intertidal Artificial Shore

Temporary loss of approximately 0.004 ha of sea wall habitat

Subtidal Hard Bottom Habitat

Temporary loss of approximately 0.03 ha of sea wall habitat

Short term Changes in Water Quality

Subtidal Hard Bottom Habitat

Potential water quality impacts on subtidal organisms


Intertidal Artificial Shore

Potential water quality impacts on intertidal organisms

Habitat Loss

Subtidal Hard Surface Habitats (including Corals)

The removal of the seawall will lead to a temporary loss of low ecological value subtidal hard surface habitats.  Although isolated colonies of corals have been recorded in this area, they are composed of common species with very low abundance and diversity. 

The reinstatement of the seawall with existing materials once the steel cable slipway has been constructed will mean that there will be no long term change in the amount of available hard substrate habitat.  It is anticipated that assemblages of subtidal organisms, including corals, will settle on and recolonise the newly constructed seawall, as environmental conditions of that area would be similar to existing conditions that have allowed the colonisation and growth of subtidal organisms.

Intertidal Artificial Shore Habitat

A length of approximately 16.5 m of low ecological value artificial rocky shore will be temporarily lost as a result of seawall removal activities for cable landing.  The results from field surveys indicated that the intertidal assemblages recorded on the rocky shores are typical of semi-exposed rocky shore communities observed in Hong Kong.  No rare or protected species were noted.  The reinstatement of the seawall with materials that have been removed will mean that there will be no long term change in the amount of available artificial intertidal shore habitat.  Organisms present on intertidal shores in Hong Kong rely on larval settlement for recruitment.  Assuming that there is a regular supply of larvae brought to the area, recolonisation of new seawalls will occur.

Changes in Water Quality

The area that will be disturbed by construction works consists of boulders that form the seawall structure.  Removal of the seawall is therefore unlikely to release significant quantities of fine sediments into the water column.  Therefore water quality impacts associated with sea wall removal are expected to be negligible.

Dredging and Jetting for Cable Installation and the Construction of Foundations

There will be a requirement to undertake grab dredging within approximately 100 m of the Lamma Power Station Extension Seawall for cable installation and preparation for cable landing.  Offshore of this area jetting will be required to install cables to offshore substation and within the turbine array (see Section 5).

Impacts to the marine ecological resources potentially arising from dredging and jetting activities are as follows and summarised in Table 9.4.

Table 9.4        Summary of Potential Construction Phase Impacts associated with Dredging and Jetting Activities

Nature of Impact

Marine Habitat Affected

Potential Impact

Habitat Loss

Subtidal Soft Bottom Habitat

Temporary loss of a maximum of 0.99 ha of seabed associated with dredging (0.12 ha) and jetting (0.87 ha)

Permanent loss of a maximum of 3.6 ha of seabed (assuming the construction of scour material) or maximum of 0.16 ha of habitat (without scour protection).


Subtidal Hard Bottom Habitat

Permanent loss of very small patches of hard substrate formed by dumped material in vicinity of the cable route.

Short term Changes in Water Quality

Subtidal Soft Bottom Habitat

Potential deposition of sediment on benthic organisms during dredging/jetting


Subtidal Hard Bottom Habitat

Potential water quality impacts on subtidal organisms


Intertidal Artificial Shore

Potential water quality impacts on intertidal organisms

Habitat Loss

Subtidal Soft Bottom Habitats

Primary impacts will be associated with the temporary disturbance of sediments during grab dredging and jetting, potential removal of organisms during dredging and permanent loss of habitats associated with the construction of wind farm foundations. 

It is important, therefore, to determine whether the areas of disturbance contain unique or otherwise noteworthy benthic assemblages, which will be lost.  Findings from the literature review, supplemented by focussed field surveys, indicate that the benthic assemblage within and in the vicinity of the working areas were dominated by polychaetes and characterised by low species diversity and biomass as found elsewhere in Hong Kong.  All of the species recorded occur frequently in Hong Kong and no rare species were observed.  As a result, the assemblages were regarded as being of low ecological value.

It is expected that the disturbed areas within the footprint of dredging or jetting works will naturally be reinstated through sediment infill.  This will occur very rapidly for jetting activities during the works as disturbed sediments will subsequently settle over the cables.  For grab dredging, the reinstatement may take longer, but it is likely that the seabed will return to its existing state in the short term due to the highly mobile nature of sediments in the area.

It is expected that the direct impacts to subtidal soft bottom habitats include the permanent loss of 0.09 ha of marine habitat due to the installation of each foundation (taking monopile foundations with scour protection as the worst case scenario).  A total of 3.6 ha of habitat could therefore be lost.  If scour protection is not needed, then only a total of 0.16 ha of seabed would be permanently lost.  The seabed at the wind farm site and along the cable route is common to Hong Kong and the loss of this habitat is therefore considered to be of minor significance. 

The soft bottom habitat will be replaced by hard rock bottom habitat, which has potential for colonisation, generation of new biomass and increased productivity in the area (see Section 9.5.2).

Subtidal Hard Surface Habitats (including Corals)

Small patches of dumped material ([2]) were recorded in vicinity to the cable route in the area where jetting is proposed (see Annex 9A).  Dive surveys carried out at these points confirmed that these areas appeared to have been disturbed by trawling activity.  The survey also confirmed that although hard substrate was recorded in these areas, the seabed is predominantly composed of soft muddy habitat.  Abundance and species diversity of epibenthic fauna in these areas was low and largely composed of sparse records of gorgonians.  All of the species recorded occur frequently in Hong Kong and no rare species were observed.  Given that the jetting works for cable installation will be completed in a short period of time and the assemblages were regarded as being of low ecological value the impact is not considered to be unacceptable. 

Changes in Water Quality

Suspended Sediments

The modelling works have analysed suspended sediment (SS) dispersion from dredging, jetting and foundation construction activities (see Section 6).  The following presents a discussion of the effects of predicted changes in water quality on marine ecological resources.

Subtidal Soft Benthos:  The subtidal soft benthos in and around the proposed wind farm and cable route is considered to be of low ecological value (see Annex 9A); however, these sessile organisms will be susceptible to the effects of increased sediment loads in the water column.  Sediment may also be deposited on the seabed as a result of settling of sediments disturbed during dredging/jetting.

Impacts to benthic assemblages are expected to occur over a short duration.  The area is expected to be small as sediment will be deposited within a short distance of the dredging, jetting and foundation construction works.  With reference to the water quality modelling results, elevations in suspended sediment levels would be localised and confined to the works area.  The largest impacts are expected in the immediate vicinity of the marine construction works (in the mixing zone) with impacts on the wider marine environment (in terms of con-compliance with the expected to be negligible (see Section 6). 

As the area is often disturbed by demersal trawling, the organisms present are thus assumed to be adapted to seabed disturbances.   The affected areas will be recolonised by fauna typical of the area and hence the temporary loss of these low ecological value assemblages is deemed acceptable.

Subtidal Hard Surface Habitats (including Corals):  As discussed above, small patches of hard substrate associated with dumped material were recorded in vicinity to the cable route.  A dive survey of these areas identified coral assemblages of low conservation value (including soft corals, gorgonians and black corals).  The dive survey also noted that these areas were subject to a large amount of fine sediment deposition with hard substrate areas covered by fine sediments.  In addition, trawling activity was evident in these areas.  The drop camera survey indicated that the majority of the seabed in the wind farm site and along the cable route was composed of soft sediments.  The modelling study determined that relatively high levels of suspended sediment will occur in the mixing zone at the seabed adjacent to the cable route will be short term and acceptable.

The dive survey carried out at the Lamma Power Station seawall identified the presence of isolated colonies of hard corals of low ecological value on the artificial rock substrate.  Modelling work has determined that grab dredging and jetting works would lead to increased suspended sediments in this area.  However, impacts were seen to be very localised and transient.  The main species noted from the surveys was Oulastrea crispata.  This coral species is known to have high tolerance limits to fluctuations in salinity, sea surface temperature (daily and seasonal), sedimentation loading, total suspended sediment and light attenuation levels (see Annex 9A) and is most often recorded in the most marginal conditions for corals, i.e., areas of high sediment loading, and represented by scattered, small colonies in shallow, subtidal areas with few other coral species ([3]). 

The deposition rates during the dry and wet seasons have been determined through modelling (see Section 6.6.1).  There will be very localised sediment deposition of up to 300 g m-2 day-1 around the Lamma Power Station Extension seawall associated with grab dredging works.  Should silt curtains (which can reduce levels of suspended sediments by up to 75%) be used during dredging works, it can be expected that sediment deposition would also be significantly reduced to below the assessment criterion of 100 g m-2 day-1 (see Section 6.6.2 & Table 6.6).  As such, water quality and sediment deposition impacts to these coral communities would be considered to be of minor significance through the use of silt curtains during dredging works.

Intertidal Habitats:  Intertidal habitats within the Study Area, which may be affected by the dredging and jetting activities, are associated with the artificial Lamma Power Station Extension seawall.  With reference to the water quality modelling results (Section 6), elevations in SS levels are predicted to be localised and short term.  Furthermore, the adoption of appropriate mitigation, such as the use of silt curtains during dredging at the seawall area, is expected to significantly reduce the amount of sediments released in the areas where intertidal habitats are present.  Due to the low quality of the intertidal habitats identified within the Study Area and transient nature of any increase in suspended sediment, adverse impacts to the intertidal assemblages are not anticipated.

Dissolved Oxygen

The relationships between suspended sediment (SS) and dissolved oxygen (DO) are complex, with increased SS in the water column combining with a number of other factors to reduce DO concentrations in the water column.  Elevated SS (and turbidity) reduces light penetration, lowers the rate of photosynthesis by phytoplankton (primary productivity) and thus lowers the rate of oxygen production in the water column.  This has a particularly adverse effect on the eggs and larvae of fish, as at these stages of development, high levels of oxygen in the water are required for growth due to their high metabolic rate.  DO depletions are most likely to affect sessile organisms as they cannot move away from areas where DO is low (unlike mobile species such as fish). 

The results of the water quality assessment (see Section 6) has indicated that predicted changes in DO levels would comply with the WQO at all sensitive receivers for all construction scenarios (see Section 6).  It is expected, therefore, that unacceptable impacts to marine ecological habitats and populations present in the vicinity of the wind farm site and cable route, including marine mammals and sea turtle habitats, as a result of changes in DO levels are unlikely to occur.


High levels of nutrients (total inorganic nitrogen - TIN and ammonia) in seawater can cause rapid increases in phytoplankton to the point where an algal bloom may occur.  An intense bloom of algae can lead to sharp increases in DO levels in surface water.  However, at night and when these algae die there is usually a sharp decrease in the levels of dissolved oxygen in the water, as dead algae fall through the water column and decompose on the bottom.  Anoxic conditions may result if DO concentrations are already low or are not replenished.  This may result in mortality to marine organisms due to oxygen deprivation. 

The assessment of potential increases in nutrient levels resulting from construction activities is discussed in Section 6.  The results show that increases are predicted to be very small and compliant with the WQO.  The increased level of nutrients in the water column as a result of works is considered to be of negligible significance to marine ecological resources.

Contaminant Release

Another potential impact to marine ecological resources associated with disturbance of bottom sediment is the release of potential toxic contaminants.  The potential for release of contaminants from dredged sediments has been assessed in Section 6, whereas, a comprehensive set of data on the quality of marine sediment is provided in Section 7.  Elutriate tests that have been carried out in the area of grab dredging show that dissolved metal concentrations for all samples are below the reporting limits.  The results also show that all PAHs and PCBs and chlorinated pesticides are all below the reporting limits.  This indicates that the leaching of these pollutants is unlikely to occur.  Impacts to marine ecological resources due to released contaminants from dredged sediments are therefore not expected to occur.

9.5.2                                Operation Phase

Hydrodynamic Regime

The presence of offshore structures may lead to changes in hydrodynamic processes.  If these changes are significant there could be potential for increased current velocities and direction, which may cause scour of seabed sediments or changes to existing hydrodynamics and hence local and far-field erosion and sedimentation patterns.

The change to current velocities has been determined (see Section 6) and has through modelling that has indicated that the new structures will have little effect on existing hydrodynamics and hence local erosion and sedimentation patterns.  There is potential for scour around the base of turbines and offshore substation.  However, if significant scour is expected to occur during further assessment in the Detailed Design Phase then it is likely that scour protection will be installed to prevent such affects from occurring (see Section 5).  In addition, scour would be short term and stop once an equilibrium condition forms (see Section 5).

Water Quality

Section 6 has assessed the potential for water quality impacts during the operational phase.  The impacts that have been considered include:

·            Increase in suspended sediment levels due to scour of seabed sediments around the base of foundations of wind turbines and offshore substation;

·            Potential for vessel discharges; and,

·            Discharge of other materials (oils, hydraulic fluids etc) contained within the structures.

The consideration of these impacts has determined that with the adoption of appropriate operational management procedures and other mitigation measures the potential for release would be very low.  The use of scour protection at the base of foundations would reduce the potential for the release of sediments into suspension.  It is therefore anticipated that negligible impacts should occur to marine ecological resources associated with water quality impacts during the operational phase.

Increased Subtidal Hard Bottom Habitat

The new offshore structures and scour protection (if used) will provide hard substrate habitat in the wind farm area.  These structures could be colonised by a variety of marine organisms, including corals.  There is considerable knowledge in Hong Kong and elsewhere on the colonisation of marine structures with species such as seaweeds, crustaceans, soft corals, amphipods, anemones and more mobile fauna including crabs.  Studies on offshore wind farm structures at Horn’s Rev offshore wind farm in Denmark and offshore monitoring mast at North Hoyle offshore wind farm in the UK noted that colonisation of structures occurred within five months with bryozoans, sea anemones, sea squirts, starfish and mussels present ([4])([5]). 

It is expected that rock scour would give higher surface complexity than monopiles providing nooks and crannies between individual rocks, which would increase the attractiveness to colonising organisms.  Indeed, since 1996, AFCD have been implementing an artificial reef programme in Hong Kong marine waters to improve marine organism biomass and diversity in these areas.  Artificial reefs deployed in Hong Kong waters as part of this programme haven taken various forms, including vessels, used-tyres, concrete units and redundant marine structures ([6]).

Colonisation of these structures could provide long term benefits associated with the attraction of fish and marine invertebrates (including shrimp) into the area.  This could go some way towards offsetting the loss of habitat discussed above. 

9.6                                      Evaluation of The Marine Ecological Impacts on Intertidal and Subtidal Resources

The following section discusses and evaluates the impacts to marine ecological resources as a result of the resources identified in the previous sections.  Based upon the information presented above, the significance of the marine ecological impact associated with the construction and operation of the offshore wind farm has been evaluated in accordance with the EIAO-TM (Annex 8, Table 1) as follows.

·            Habitat Quality:  Impacts are predicted to occur only to habitats of low ecological value (inter-tidal and subtidal).  The selection of the wind farm site has avoided direct impacts to habitats of high ecological value.  Operational phase impacts are not expected to impact any habitats of high ecological value.

·            Species:  Based on literature and field surveys, no organisms of ecological interest were identified in proximity to wind farm site and cable route.  Marine ecological sensitive receivers were situated at distant locations from the proposed works.  Although some isolated coral colonies are present, no significant construction or operational phase impacts are expected to these sensitive receivers.

·            Size:  The maximum size of the temporary loss of artificial intertidal habitats at the Lamma Power Station Extension is 0.004 ha.  Subtidal soft and hard bottom habitats that will be temporarily disturbed will amount to a maximum loss of 0.99 ha.  There will be a permanent loss of a maximum 3.6 ha of soft bottom habitat that will be replaced by hard bottom habitat.  The significance of impacts to these areas of relatively low ecological value of benthic assemblages will be offset by the expected reinstatement and / or recovery of areas that will be disturbed (see Reversibility). 

·            Duration:  The construction works are predicted to last for 9 months.  However, individual works will only require a relatively short period of time to complete and construction phase impacts are predicted to be transient in nature as the location of the works will be changing over time.  The operational phase of the wind farm will be long term (25 years) and therefore discharges and hydrodynamic impacts will continue during the life of the wind farm, but are predicted to be very minor and hence are not expected to cause adverse impacts to marine ecological resources.

·            Reversibility:  Impacts to the benthic assemblages inhabiting the soft bottom habitats within the dredged/jetting areas are expected to be relatively short term and recolonisation of the disturbed sediments is expected to occur.  Similarly the low ecological value assemblages present on the artificial seawall can be expected to recolonise once the seawall is reinstated.

·            Magnitude:  No unacceptable impacts to ecologically sensitive habitats have been predicted to occur.  Operational phase impacts are not expected to cause adverse impacts and are considered to be of low magnitude.

The impact assessment presented above indicates that no unacceptable impacts to marine ecological resources considered in the above sections are expected to occur.  Although soft bottom habitat will be temporarily lost, it has been demonstrated through long-term monitoring of previously dredged areas and existing Contaminated Mud Pits in the East of Sha Chau area that marine organisms have recolonised the areas following the completion of the works ([7]).  As such, it is anticipated that subtidal assemblages influenced by dredging and jetting will settle on and recolonise the seabed returning it to the former conditions.

Impacts to marine ecological resources during operation of the wind farm are predicted to be minor. 

9.7                                      Potential Sources of Impact on Marine Mammals

In this section of the report, the potential for impacts associated with various proposed marine works and activities are examined in detail to provide an assessment of the significance of the effects on the finless porpoise.  The significance of a potential impact from works or activities on marine mammals can be determined by examining the consequences of the impact on the affected animals.  This is related to the source, nature, magnitude and duration of the impact, the level of exposure to the impact in terms of the number (and life-stage) of affected animals and their response to an impact. 

The consequences of an impact on these marine mammals have the potential to range from behavioural changes of individual animals through to population level effects ([8]) ([9]) ([10]).  The potential consequences of impacts on marine mammals are as follows:

·           Behavioural changes: Affected individual animals may change travelling speed, dive times, avoid areas, change travel direction to evade vessels, change vocalisation due to acoustic interference, reduce resting, socialising and mother-calf nursing.  Provided that disturbances leading to behavioural changes are temporary, localised and outside areas of ecological importance to marine mammals, disturbances causing behavioural changes would generally not be considered significant (i.e. effects would be of short duration, normal activities will resume with no appreciable effect on fitness or vital rates).

·           Life function immediately affected: Avoidance of affected areas may diminish individual animals’ feeding activity.  Loss of a marine area to reclamation will permanently eliminate a foraging area.  Similarly, disturbance/loss of prey resources due to water quality impacts may diminish available feeding opportunities in the vicinity of works. Interference with echolocation through underwater sound generation could also affect feeding.  Provided that disturbances are temporary, localised and outside areas of ecological importance to marine mammals, or permanent losses of habitat represent a small portion of available habitat, impacts would generally not be considered to have a significant effect on marine mammals (i.e. effect would be short term and therefore have no appreciable effect on fitness or vital rates).

·           Fitness and Vital Rates:  If works cause widespread and prolonged adverse impacts, with limited or no alternative habitat available for animals to use, fitness and vital rates will be affected including growth rates, reproduction rates and survival rates (life-stage specific).  In the same way, any works or activity likely to result in injury or mortality of marine mammals would self-evidently affect survival rates.  Activities causing impacts on fitness and vital rates would be considered significant (i.e. if effects are long-term or inescapable, they will diminish the health and survival of individuals).

·           Population effect:  Impacts on the fitness and survival of individuals have the potential to, for instance, affect population growth rates and population structure.  Impacts resulting in population effects would be considered significant (i.e. if effects are long term and detrimental to the population as a whole).


9.7.1                                Construction Phase

The impacts associated with the proposed wind farm development that could affect marine mammals will include:

·            Dredging and jetting for cable installation; and

·            The construction of foundations for wind turbines and associated infrastructure (ie monitoring mast and offshore substation).

Dredging and jetting for cable installation

There will be a temporary disturbance 0.99 ha of subtidal soft bottom and hard bottom habitat associated with the dredging and jetting works.  The physical loss of habitat has the potential to affect some individuals of finless porpoise.  Based on the vessel-based survey findings conducted for this EIA (see Annex 9A) as well as AFCD monitoring records, it is known that the waters where cable installation works will take place are generally of low density porpoise sightings and have been evaluated to be of low to medium ecological importance.  These areas are subject to disturbance vessel traffic and trawling activities and the seabed habitats do not provide unique habitat for finless porpoise.  The impact of jetting and dredging works will also be very short term as seabed habitats are expected to recover and recolonise.  However, the works will present a minor impact to an area considered to be generally of low to medium ecological importance to the finless porpoise. 

It is noted that the area within the wind farm layout has been considered to be of medium to high ecological value.  The installation works for the intra-array cables is also expected to cause minor and short term impacts to marine sediments.   

Information from the fisheries impact assessment (see Section 10) indicates that the disturbance of marine habitat due to the cable installation works is not predicted to adversely impact the fisheries resources that would be available in the waters within and surrounding the wind farm site and cable route (the fisheries resources in the marine habitat serve as marine mammal’s food prey).  Consequently, adverse impacts associated with the loss of food resources to finless porpoise are not expected.

Water Quality Impacts

High SS levels do not appear to have a direct impact on porpoises.  Porpoises are air breathing and therefore SS in the water column has no effect on their respiratory surfaces.  Impacts may occur to these mammals as an indirect result of increased SS levels.  The construction of the wind farm and installation of the cable route may cause perturbations to water quality, which have the potential to impact the fisheries resources.  However, information from the fisheries impact assessment (Section 10) indicates that indirect impacts are not predicted to adversely impact fisheries resources as the SS elevation are localized to the works areas.  The consequences of this are that impacts to marine mammals through loss of food supply (fisheries resources) are not predicted to occur.  It is thus expected that unacceptable impacts to marine mammals arising from elevated SS levels will not occur.

Contaminant Release

Another potential impact on marine mammals associated with disturbance of bottom sediment that requires assessment is the potential for release contaminants affecting the food chain.  The potential for release of contaminants from disturbed seabed sediments has been assessed in Section 6. 

The results of EPD sediment monitoring at relevant stations has been presented in Section 7.  The data show that the sediments in the local area of the wind farm site are relatively unpolluted.  The levels of heavy metals, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) are such that the sediments can be considered as uncontaminated.

A nearshore sediment survey in the area where grab dredging is proposed determined that the sediments in this area are uncontaminated (see Section 7).  Elutriate tests that have also been carried out for sediments collected in the area of grab dredging and the data show that dissolved metal concentrations for all samples are below the reporting limits.  The results also show that all PAHs and PCBs and chlorinated pesticides are all below the reporting limits.

As unacceptable water quality impacts due to the potential release of heavy metals and micro-organic pollutants from dredging, jetting and foundation construction works are not expected to occur, impacts to marine mammals are not expected to occur.

Potential Impacts from Works Vessels (all marine works)

Increased marine traffic:  The construction of the wind farm and cable route will require the use of marine vessels, including a jack-up barge, tug, safety vessel and personnel transfer vessel.  This will increase traffic flow in the area with the potential to result in an increase in marine traffic which may affect the finless porpoise. 

In Hong Kong, there have been instances when dolphins in Hong Kong have been killed or injured by vessel collisions ([11]) ([12]), and it is thought that this risk is mainly associated with high-speed vessels such as ferries.  In terms of potential impacts arising due to increased vessel traffic associated with the marine works, the risk of vessel collision is considered to be very small as work vessels would be slow moving.  Slow moving vessels would not pose a significant risk to dolphins including young animals.  To err on the side of caution, the risk of vessel strike will also be managed through a series of precautionary measures (see Section 9.12.3 for details). 

The effect of the physical presence of work vessels and other vessels on porpoise would be limited to temporary behavioural disturbance of a number of animals, if and when encounters with vessels occur.  It would be expected that these animals may avoid the operating vessels in the vicinity of the works areas. 

The animals have a relatively large range and therefore any works areas avoided would constitute a very small portion of the waters they inhabit.  In addition, through specific mitigation measures, marine percussive piling works related to the turbine installation will not be undertaken during December to May during the peak season of finless porpoise based on the historical sightings data (see Annex 9A).  As such, impacts associated with the increased marine traffic are not considered to be significant.

Underwater sound:  Construction of the wind farm structures (e.g. turbines, wind monitoring mast and offshore substation) and cable installation has the potential to result in a short term increase in underwater sound from marine vessels, which may temporarily disturb the finless porpoise.  Mitigation measures applied to control marine traffic would also help to reduce adverse impacts through vessel sound.

Foundation Construction - Potential Impacts from Piling Works

One of the primary potential impacts of piling construction is the effect of noise from the pile driving on marine mammals.  Underwater sound may potentially affect marine mammals by causing the following hazards ([13]):

·            Potential for injury or fatality of marine mammals from exposure to significant levels of underwater sound or any associated pressure effects;

·            Disturbance, leading to behavioural changes or displacement;

·            Interference with communication; and

·            Interference with echolocation pulses used by certain marine mammals for the location of prey and other objects.

Little systematic information is however available about the impacts caused by underwater sound generated during offshore windfarm construction ([14]).

As discussed in Section 4, percussive piling has been selected as the preferred construction method for the installation of the proposed offshore structures (i.e. wind turbines, wind monitoring mast and offshore substation).  Sound produced during percussive piling propagates through the air into water, through the water column, and to a lesser degree, through the sediment and from there successively back into the water column.  Underwater sound generation from percussive piling is however transient in nature and the overall timeframe for the piling of a foundation will be short term.

Recent studies undertaken by the UK Government’s body on Wind Farm Research (COWRIE - Collaborative Offshore Wind Research Into The Environment) collected measurements of sound levels created during percussive piling for wind turbines on five wind farms throughout the North Sea ([15]).  Source levels during the measured pile driving operations varied between 243 and 257 dB re 1 Pa at 1 metre, having an average value of 250 dB re 1 Pa at 1 metre.  The study reported that measurements of > 130dB level (from which marine mammals may suffer physical injury or permanent damage to hearing ([16])) were found not to exceed a few hundred metres and hence stated that a static harbour porpoise at a typical range of 250 metres could be exposed to the sound during the entire pile driving operation without harm.  In addition, impacts to marine mammals from percussive piling operations associated with wind turbine installations in offshore waters can be significantly reduced by avoidance of marine percussive piling works for turbine installation during peak season of finless porpoise, adopting soft-starts procedures and strictly controlled marine mammal exclusion zones ([17]).  As such, impacts on the behavioural disturbance and habitat displacement of marine mammals are not considered to be significant.

Other mitigation measures such as ensuring that porpoise activity is monitored during works so to avoid works when animals are present, will mean that piling works are only likely to lead to behavioural changes close the working area and that animals will move to areas less affected during the short term piling activity.  The adoption of mitigation to ensure that marine mammals are outside of the area of works will ensure that impacts on behavioural changes will not be unacceptable (see Section 9.11).

Provided effective mitigation measures, no unacceptable residual impacts regarding underwater sound on marine mammals would therefore be expected if percussive piling is undertaken for the construction of foundations for the proposed marine structures (i.e. wind turbines, wind monitoring mast and offshore substation).

9.7.2                                Operation Phase

Vessel Traffic

Similarly to the discussion of underwater sound impacts associated with increased vessel traffic during the construction phase, no unacceptable impacts are expected during the operational phase.  Indeed, impacts should be much smaller and more transient during the operational phase.

Habitat Loss

There will be a permanent loss of a maximum of 3.6 ha of soft bottom habitat within the footprint of foundations for the new marine structures.  In addition, the new structures will lead to a loss of habitat through the water column of an area of approximately 0.16 ha.  Similarly to the discussion of construction impacts associated with jetting and dredging, the amount of habitat loss is relatively small and not considered to be significant in the context of available habitat elsewhere in the Study Area.  Potential impacts on habitat fragmentation due to the establishment of wind turbines are therefore not expected to be unacceptable.  No effects on ecological carrying capacity of the finless porpoise populations and their habitat usage are expected since it is considered unlikely that population size of porpoise would be affected as the area affected is not considered to be most critical for porpoise (see Annex 9A). 

Increased Food Resource

Information from the fisheries impact assessment (see Section 10) indicates that the permanent loss of marine habitat is not predicted to adversely impact the fisheries resources that would be available in the waters within and surrounding the wind farm site and cable route.  Section 10 also discussed potential impacts associated with the creation of hard substrate as a result of the construction of support structures and scour protection (if used) (see Section 5).  It is anticipated that these structures could be colonised by a variety of marine organisms supported by similar effects in Hong Kong and monitoring of offshore wind farms developed elsewhere.  Colonisation of these structures could provide long term benefits associated with the attraction of fish into the area.  This could offset the loss of habitat discussed above.  Indeed, this ‘artificial reef’ effect could potentially lead to enhanced fishery resource in this area due to the aggregation of reef fish and attraction of other species into the area.  It is also possible that production may increase in the area rather than just an aggregation of existing biomass.  The increased number of fish attracted into the area could provide an increased food resource for porpoise.  In addition, the reduction in fishing pressure within the turbine array (see Sections 5 and 10) may have a positive impact for porpoise by reducing the loss of juvenile species and potentially through the attraction of larger fish into the area.

Underwater Sound

The operation of the wind farm will have the potential to generate low levels of underwater sound.  As the wind farm development is located in an area with existing marine traffic and near to areas with high marine traffic, it is likely that most porpoise are habituated to these sound levels and the low levels of marine traffic associated with the operation of the wind farm would be negligible in comparison ([18]).  Consequently, no unacceptable impacts associated with underwater sound generation during the operation of the wind farm are therefore expected.

9.8                                      Evaluation of The Impacts to Marine Mammals

The following section discusses and evaluates the impacts to marine mammals identified in the previous section.  Based upon the information presented above, the significance of the marine ecological impact associated with the construction and operation of the offshore wind farm has been evaluated in accordance with the EIAO-TM (Annex 8, Table 1) as follows.

·            Habitat Quality: The development of the proposed offshore structures including wind turbines, wind monitoring mast and offshore substation will lead to a maximum loss of approximately 3.6 ha of subtidal soft bottom habitat and 0.16 ha of water column habitat.  Analysis of sighting data would indicate that these areas are of medium to high ecological importance for finless porpoise.  However, this area represents a small portion of the range of porpoise and the site is not located in areas that are of greatest importance for theses animals.  These waters are also disturbed by existing vessel traffic.

·            Species:  Organisms of ecological interest reported from the literature and field surveys include the finless porpoise.  This area is not considered to be important for Indo-pacific Humpback dolphins with very few sightings recorded (see Annex 9A).  Significant impacts are not predicted to occur associated with water quality perturbations as these are predicted to be transient and compliant with the water quality objectives.  Only indirect, temporary disturbance to marine mammals are expected during marine piling works, as construction methodologies have been designed to reduce underwater sound transmission.  Operational phase marine vessel movements or underwater sound generation are not expected to impact marine mammals present in the area. 

·            Size:  Jetting and dredging works will lead to the disturbance of approximately 0.99 ha of seabed habitat.  In addition, the construction of marine structures could lead to a loss of 3.6 ha of similar seabed habitat and loss of 0.16 ha of water column habitat.  The loss of habitat is small in the context of available habitat for porpoise.  The creation of ‘artificial reefs’ and prevention of fishing within the turbine array and within 500 m of any structure (see Section 5) potentially provides an area of approximately 700 ha for improved benthic and fish productivity and increased biomass, which could lead to increased food resource for marine mammals.

·            Duration:  The marine construction works will occur over a period of 9 months.  However, individual activities will be much shorter in duration with piling of each foundation being undertaken in the order of hours/days and the cable installation occurring over a few weeks.  Increases in SS levels in the vicinity of sensitive receivers are expected to be low and temporary, and within environmentally acceptable limits.  Operational impacts are considered minor and will occur over the lifetime of the wind farm (estimated to be 25 years).

·            Reversibility:  The only permanent impacts to porpoise are likely to be from loss of seabed (maximum of 3.6 ha) and water column habitat (0.16 ha) associated with the development of offshore structures.  However, the creation of an ‘artificial reef’ habitat combined with reduced fishing pressure may be beneficial for marine mammals.

·            Magnitude:  As changes in water quality are localised and transient, no unacceptable impacts to porpoises have been predicted to occur during the construction or operational phase.

The impact assessment presented above indicates that with the adoption of appropriate mitigation measures, no biologically significant impacts to individual marine mammals whose home ranges overlap with the proposed project area are expected to occur.  Impacts to marine mammals during operation of the offshore wind farm are predicted to be negligible. 

9.9                                      Potential Sources of Impact to the Potential Southwest Lamma Marine Park

In this section of the report, the potential for impacts associated with various marine works and activities involved in the proposed project are examined in detail to provide an assessment of the significance of the potential impacts to the potential Southwest Lamma Marine Park which is at least 1 km from the wind farm site and cable route.

9.9.1                                Habitat Disturbance and Alternation

Since the proposed marine park is at least 1 km away the wind farm development site, there will be no direct habitat loss from the construction and operation of wind turbines, monitoring mast, offshore substation and transmission cable.

9.9.2                                Secondary Impacts

Secondary impacts to the associated species may arise from the potential of increased noise impact, water quality impact, marine traffic, human activities and disturbance.  Section 6 has considered the potential impacts of the construction works on water quality within the Potential Marine Park.  The results show that impacts are localised and transient and there will be no unacceptable elevations of SS within the Potential Marine Park, hence impacts associated with the change in water quality are not expected.  Impacts are not expected to be unacceptable due to the temporary nature and implementation of mitigation measures.  For species of conservation interest including sea turtles and marine mammals, Section 9.7 and Section 9.10 further evaluated the specific impacts to these species and no unacceptable impacts will be caused during construction and operation phases.

9.10                                  Potential Sources of Impact to Sea Turtles

In this section of the report, the potential for impacts associated with various marine works and activities involved in the proposed project are examined in detail to provide an assessment of the significance of the potential impacts to sea turtles that nest at Sham Wan beach approximately 5 km east of the wind farm site. 

9.10.1                            Construction Phase

Habitat Disturbance and Alteration

As discussed in Annex 9A the area where works are proposed does not provide suitable feeding habitat for sea turtles (particularly green turtles) although the adjacent algal-covered rocky reefs surrounding Lamma Island may.  In addition, green turtles generally do not feed during the nesting season when they are most often recorded in Hong Kong waters ([19]), although some supplemental foraging may occur in inter-nesting areas with available resources ([20])([21]). 

The wind farm site encompassing the wind turbines, wind monitoring mast and offshore substation is located some distance from the green turtle nesting site at Sham Wan and no direct impacts in terms of habitat loss to this nesting site will occur.  Recent satellite tracking data has determined that the inter-nesting movements of a green turtle in 2008 are over a large area with areas to south and southeast of Lamma Island being mostly used (see Annex 9A).   

Satellite tracking data and international studies indicate some plasticity in the areas used by green turtles during the inter-nesting season, which would suggest that alternative locations could be used if disruption to a specific area within the inter-nesting habitat were to occur ([22])([23])([24])([25])([26].  Furthermore, sea turtles are agile swimmers ([27]) and able to carry out long distance offshore migration by the use of visual, wave, and magnetic cues ([28]).  Satellite tracking studies ([29]) ([30]) indicated that green turtles often utilise coastal areas during migration between nesting and foraging grounds.  Given that the wind farm site is located away from the shore and Sham Wan beach, sea turtles are therefore unlikely to be affected. 

The disturbance of habitats during the construction phase is therefore anticipated to be of negligible significance to sea turtles. 

Water Quality Impacts

Suspended sediment associated with construction activities may also temporarily reduce the visibility for sea turtles.  Section 6 has considered the potential impacts of the construction works on water quality.  The results show that impacts are localised and transient and elevations of SS would not reach the Sham Wan area where turtle nesting occurs.  Impacts on sea turtles associated with the change in water quality are therefore not expected.

Potential Impacts from Works Vessels (all marine works)

Increased marine traffic:  As discussed for marine mammals, the construction of the wind farm and cable route will require the use of marine vessels.  This will increase traffic flow in the area with the potential to result in an increase in marine traffic which may affect sea turtles. 

In terms of potential impacts arising due to increased vessel traffic, the risk of vessel collision is considered to be very small as work vessels would be slow moving and sea turtles are agile swimmers.  It would be expected that sea turtles may not be affected whilst works vessels are in operation.  In addition, there are relatively high of marine traffic moving in the areas where sea turtles inhabit (see Section 10) and it is highly likely that they are habituated to these movements.  The increase in vessel traffic in comparison to baseline movements is also very low.  Negligible impacts to sea turtles associated with the presence of the construction related vessels are predicted.

Underwater sound:  The construction of the wind farm structures including wind turbines, wind monitoring mast and offshore substation, and cable installation has the potential to result in a minor and short term increase in underwater sound from marine vessels and dredging, which may affect the sea turtle to navigate during inter-nesting or migration periods.  Sea turtles are noted in areas where there are existing levels of marine traffic and it is likely that individuals are habituated to these sound levels passing overhead or nearby.  It is noted that during both construction and operation only a limited number of vessels will be used with appropriate measures applied to control movements (see Section 9.12.4).  A small increase in vessel activity compared to those vessels that currently pass through these waters and thus a slight increase in underwater sound generation from dredging activities are expected to have negligible impacts on any sea turtles passing through the area.

Foundation Construction - Potential Impacts from Piling Works

As with the discussion of impacts on marine mammals, piling activities have the potential to have impacts on sea turtles navigation through underwater sound generation. 

There has been limited study on the effects of underwater noise on sea turtles through piling operations, however, studies related to offshore oil and gas seismic exploration using airguns found that sea turtles exhibit some indication of avoidance from source levels above 175 dB re 1 μPa ([31]).  As noted in Section 9.7.1 source levels of > 130 dB re 1 μPa levels during percussive piling for wind farm turbines were found not to exceed a few hundred metres, as measured during marine mammal monitoring works for those studies. 

There does not appear to be evidence from the literature that construction of offshore wind farms are resulting in adverse behavioural impacts to sea turtles.  As discussed above, the wind farm site is located some distance from the shore and recorded nesting site at Sham Wan, and the sea turtles are expected to stay relatively close to inshore coastal areas during migration.  The wind farm site is therefore not a preferred habitat for sea turtles during migration.  The underwater sound generated during percussive piling for wind farm turbines therefore is not expected to cause unacceptable impacts to migrating sea turtles or green turtle nesting site at Sham Wan.

Overall, there will be no adverse and unacceptable impacts to sea turtle during the construction of wind farm, mitigation measures specifically designed to minimise the potential impact are not considered necessary.  However, it is considered that the soft-start/ramp-up procedures and enforcement of an exclusion zone recommended to mitigate against impacts to marine mammals would also allow sea turtles sufficient time to avoid close proximity to construction works.  With the adoption of these mitigation measures, it is concluded that impacts on sea turtles from underwater sound through piling works are only expected to be of negligible significance. 

9.10.2                            Operation Phase

Vessel Traffic

Similarly to the discussion of underwater sound impacts associated with increased vessel traffic during the construction phase, no unacceptable impacts are expected during the operational phase.  Indeed, impacts should be much smaller and more transient during the operational phase.

Habitat Loss

There will be a permanent loss of a maximum of 3.6 ha of soft bottom habitat within the footprint of foundations for the new marine structures.  In addition, the new structures will lead to a loss of habitat through the water column of an area of approximately 0.16 ha.  Similarly to the discussion of construction impacts associated with marine mammals, the loss of habitat is not considered to be significant amount of habitat loss in the context of available habitat elsewhere in the Study Area and the areas that are considered to be most important for sea turtles (see Annex 9A).

Underwater Sound

Similar to the consideration of underwater sound generation from piling activities for marine mammals, the operation of the wind farm has potential to disturb sea turtles.  The sound levels are also expected to be less than that generated by marine vessels at a similar distance.  No unacceptable impacts associated with underwater sound generation during the operation of the wind farm are therefore expected.

Light Pollution

As discussed in Section 5, lighting of offshore structures is proposed for aviation and navigation safety.  Lighting will include steady low intensity red lights (aviation) and flashing yellow lights (navigation) the navigational lights at corner of the wind farm will be visible for 5 nautical miles (9.3 km) and the intermediate (mid-way) lights will flash at 2.5 seconds and will be visible for 2 nautical miles (3.7 km). 

There is evidence that artificial lighting on nesting beaches can disturb the nesting process of sea turtles ([32]).  However, as the sites for the proposed project are 5km away from the nesting area with no direct line of sight to the wind farm site it is not expected to affect sea turtle nesting at Sham Wan.

Lights on the turbines also have the potential to disturb the offshore dispersal of hatchlings at night.  Upon emergence, sea turtle hatchlings use a number of visual cues to orient themselves to the ocean.  In particular, they use light cues to orient themselves towards the brightest direction, usually the reflective surface of the ocean ([33]) ([34]).  Lighting adjacent to nesting beaches can therefore disorient hatchlings and compromise their dispersal.  However, disturbance from light is dependent on the intensity and wavelength of the emitting source.  Long wavelength light (eg. red light) has minimal effect on hatchlings and hatchlings are most attracted to short wavelength light (1) ([35]) ([36]).  The lowest intensity light reported to attract sea turtle hatchlings was 0.12 x 1014 quanta/sec/cm2 (at a wavelength of 375 nm).  The low intensity continuous red aviation lights on the proposed project are not expected to affect hatchling dispersal due to the minimal effect of this wavelength on hatchlings and the long distance from the nesting beach of the proposed sites.  Furthermore, the intermediate yellow flashing navigation lights will not affect hatchling dispersal as their range is only 2 nautical miles, which is shorter than the distance between the proposed sites and the Sham Wan nesting beach.  Only the corner navigation lights (visible for 5 nautical miles) would potentially be visible from the Sham Wan nesting area.  There is also a small hill (200m elevation) directly between the nesting beach and the western proposed wind farm site.  It is therefore highly unlikely that any of the lights associated with the operation of the proposed project would affect hatchling dispersal from the Sham Wan nesting beach.

9.11                                  Evaluation of The Impacts to the Potential Southwest Lamma Marine Park and Sea Turtles

The following section discusses and evaluates the impacts to the Southwest Lamma Marine Park, specifically sea turtles as identified in the previous section.  Based upon the information presented above, the significance of the marine ecological impact associated with the construction and operation of the wind farm has been evaluated in accordance with the EIAO-TM (Annex 8, Table 1) as follows.

·            Habitat Quality: The development of the proposed offshore structures including wind turbines, wind monitoring mast and offshore substation will lead to a maximum loss of approximately 3.6 ha of subtidal soft bottom habitat and 0.16 ha of water column habitat.  The wind farm site is at least 1km away from the potential Southwest Lamma Marine Park.  Analysis of sighting data would indicate that these areas are of not of high importance as inter-nesting habitat.  These waters are also disturbed by high volumes of vessel traffic. 

·            Species:  Significant impacts on sea turtles are not predicted to occur associated with water quality perturbations as these are predicted to be transient and compliant with the WQO.  There will be no unacceptable elevations of SS within the Potential Marine Park, hence secondary impacts associated with the change in water quality are not expected.  Only indirect, temporary disturbance to sea turtles are expected during marine piling works.  However, construction methodologies have been designed to reduce underwater sound transmission.  Operational phase marine vessel movements or underwater sound generation are not expected to impact any sea turtles passing through the area.

·            Size:  Jetting and dredging works will lead to the disturbance of approximately 0.99 ha of seabed habitat.  In addition, the construction of marine structures could lead to a loss of 3.6 ha of similar seabed habitat and loss of 0.16 ha of water column habitat.  In addition, the loss of habitat is small in the context of available habitat for sea turtles.   There will be no direct habitat loss in the potential Marine Park.

·            Duration:  The marine construction works will occur over a period of 9 months.  However, individual activities will be much shorter in duration with piling of each foundation being undertaken in the order of hours and the cable installation occurring over a few days.  Increases in SS levels in the vicinity of sensitive receivers are expected to be low and temporary, and within environmentally acceptable limits.  Operational impacts will be negligible occurring over the lifetime of the wind farm (estimated to be 25 years).

·            Reversibility:  The only permanent impacts to turtles are likely to be from loss of seabed (maximum of 3.6 ha) and water column habitat (0.16 ha) associated with the development of offshore structures in an area where turtles are rarely sighted and if so usually passing through.  There will be no permanent impacts to the potential Marine Park due to its remoteness from the wind farm site.

·            Magnitude:  No unacceptable impacts to affected individual sea turtles have been predicted to occur during the construction or operational phase – particularly with the adoption of appropriated mitigation for percussive piling if this approach will be taken forward for foundation construction.  Secondary impacts to the potential Marine Park associated with the change in water quality are not expected to be significant as the change is considered to be localised and transient.

The impact assessment presented above indicates that with appropriate mitigation and precautionary measures, no biologically significant impacts to individual sea turtles whose home ranges overlap with the proposed project area are expected to occur.  Impacts to sea turtles during operation of the terminal are predicted to be negligible. 

9.12                                  Mitigation Measures

9.12.1                            General

In accordance with the guidelines in the EIAO-TM on marine ecology impact assessment, the general policy for mitigating impacts to marine ecological resources, in order of priority, are:

·            Avoidance:  Potential impacts should be avoided to the maximum extent practicable by adopting suitable alternatives;

·            Minimisation:  Unavoidable impacts should be minimised by taking appropriate and practicable measures such as constraints on the intensity of works operations (eg dredging rates) or timing of works operations; and

·            Compensation:  The loss of important species and habitats may be provided for elsewhere as compensation.  Enhancement and other conservation measures should always be considered whenever possible.

To summarise, this initial assessment of impacts demonstrates that impacts have largely been avoided during the construction and operation of the offshore wind farm and cable route, particularly to the key ecological sensitive receivers (marine mammals and sea turtles), through the following measures:

·            Avoid Direct Impacts to Ecologically Sensitive Habitats:  The wind farm site has been selected based on a review of alternative locations (Section 3) and avoided the key habitats for porpoise being, which includes the waters just south of Soko Islands, the offshore waters in Southeast Lantau, at southwest corner of Shek Kwu Chau and Cheung Chau, near Stanley Peninsula and around Po Toi Islands (2004 – 2008 sightings data – see Annex 9A).  The nearshore area immediately to the southwest of Lamma Island also supports relatively high numbers of sightings and this area has also been avoided.

·            Avoid Indirect Impacts to Ecologically Sensitive Habitats:  The wind farm site has been selected so dispersion of sediment from dredging and sand filling does not affect the receivers at levels of concern.

·            Adoption of Acceptable Working Rates:  The modelling work has demonstrated that the selected working rates for the dredging will not cause unacceptable impacts to the receiving water quality.  Consequently, unacceptable indirect impacts to marine ecological resources have been avoided.

9.12.2                            General Measures for Marine Ecological Resources

The following measures to mitigate the impact of the construction and operation on marine ecological resources are recommended:

·            The vessel operators will be required to control and manage all effluent from vessels;

·            A policy of no dumping of rubbish, food, oil, or chemicals will be strictly enforced.  This will also be covered in the contractor briefings; and

·            The effects of construction of the Project on the water quality of the area will be reduced as described in the Water Quality section (Section 6).

9.12.3                            Specific Measures for Corals

As a total of four octocoral species and one black coral species were recorded during the baseline surveys on the dumped material in the vicinity of the cable route, prior to the commencement of jetting works for the cable route, a pre-construction survey will be undertaken at these sites to confirm the coral existence.   Should these corals be found present, mitigation will be applied to be agreed with the AFCD at that time.  Potential mitigation may include relocation of these corals to a location away from the proposed area of works.

9.12.4                            Specific Measures for Marine Mammals

Measures to mitigate the impact of the construction and operation of the terminal have been developed in consultation with internationally recognised marine mammal experts.  The following recommendations may be considered to reduce potential construction and operation impacts on marine mammals.

·            All vessel operators working on the Project construction or operation will be given a briefing, alerting them to the possible presence of marine mammals in the area, and the guidelines for safe vessel operation in the presence of cetaceans.  If high speed vessels are used, they will be required to slow to 10 knots when passing through a high density porpoise area (southwest of Lamma Island and around the edges of the wind farm site).  With implementation of this measure, the chance of boat strike resulting in physical injury or mortality of marine mammals will be extremely unlikely.  Similarly, by observing the guidelines, vessels will be operated in an appropriate manner so that marine mammals will not be subjected to undue disturbance or harassed;

·            The vessel operators will be required to use predefined and regular routes, as these will become known to porpoise using these waters.  This measure will further serve to minimise disturbance to marine mammals due to vessel movements; and,

During piling works, the following additional measures will be adopted:

·            Using good engineering practice, including the use of appropriately sized piles (smaller piles generate lower levels of underwater sound) and piling equipment.  This includes:

-          Quieter hydraulic hammers should be used instead of the noisier diesel hammers; and,

-          Acoustic decoupling of noisy equipment on work barges should be undertaken.

·            Using ramp-up piling procedures.  This comprises of low energy driving for a period of time prior to commencement of full piling.  This will promote avoidance of the area by fish when sounds levels are not injurious.  Blow frequency during this ramping up period should replicate the intensity that would be undertaken during full piling (e.g. one blow every two seconds) to provide cues for marine mammals to localize the sound source.  Pile blow energy should be ramped up gradually over the ‘soft start’ period.  Activities will be continuous without short-breaks and avoiding sudden random loud sound emissions.

·            An exclusion zone of 500 m radius will be scanned around the work area for at least 30 minutes prior to the start of piling from the barge or an elevated observation point on land.  If a marine mammal is observed in the exclusion zone, piling will be delayed until they have left the area.  This measure will ensure the area in the vicinity of the piling is clear of marine mammals prior to the commencement of works and will serve to reduce any disturbance to marine mammals;

·            When a marine mammal is spotted by qualified personnel within the exclusion zone, construction works will cease and will not resume until the observer confirms that the zone has been continuously clear of the marine mammal for a period of 30 minutes.  This measure will ensure the area in the vicinity of the piling is clear of the marine mammal during works and will serve to reduce any disturbance to marine mammals;

·            Consistent with standard Hong Kong practice, the percussive pile driving will be conducted during the day time for a maximum of 12 hours, avoiding generation of underwater sounds at night time; and

·            Piling works for the wind turbines shall not be carried out from December to May to avoid the peak season of finless porpoise.

During dredging works, the following additional measure will be adopted:

·            A marine mammal exclusion zone within a radius of 250 m from dredgers will be implemented during the construction phase.  Qualified observer(s) will scan an exclusion zone of 250 m radius around the work area for at least 30 minutes prior to the start of dredging.  If a marine mammal is observed in the exclusion zone, dredging will be delayed until they have left the area.  This measure will ensure the area in the vicinity of the dredging work is clear of marine mammals prior to the commencement of works and will serve to reduce any disturbance to marine mammals.  As per previous practice in Hong Kong, should a marine mammal move into the dredging area during dredging, it is considered that cetaceans will have acclimatised themselves to the works therefore cessation of dredging is not required ([37]).

Periodic re-assessment of mitigation measures for marine mammals and their effectiveness will be undertaken through pre-, during and post-installation monitoring programmes during construction phase (see Section 9.15.1).

9.12.5                            Precautionary Measures for Sea Turtles

As discussed in Section 9.10, mitigation measures specifically designed to minimise potential impacts to sea turtles are not considered necessary as there will be no significant adverse impacts to sea turtles during the construction and operation of wind farm.  However, it is noted that a marine mammal exclusion zone will be implemented during piling works for the wind turbines and dredging works for the cable.  It is considered prudent to conservatively also apply this exclusion zone to sea turtles.  As such the same measures used during the enforcement of the exclusion zone should be applied to observations of sea turtles as with marine mammals. 

9.13                                  Residual Environmental Impacts

Taking into consideration the ecological value of the habitats discussed in the previous sections and the resultant mitigation and precautionary measures, residual impacts occurring as a result of the proposed offshore wind farm have been determined and are as follows:

·            The maximum loss of approximately 3.6 ha of subtidal soft bottom habitats, which is of low ecological value.  The residual impact is considered to be acceptable, as the loss of these habitats will be compensated by the provision of hard substrate habitat that could potentially act as an ‘artificial reef’.

·            The loss of approximately 0.16 ha of water column.  Although the habitat loss would be an inevitable and adverse consequence of the project, the residual impact is assessed to be acceptable after taking into consideration a number of factors.  The loss of habitat is small in the context of the size of habitat available to porpoise and sea turtles.  Taking account of the sizable ranges and mobility of affected animals, it is expected that the loss would not give rise to biologically significant adverse impacts on individual dolphins or the porpoise population as a whole or effect the migration or inter-nesting of sea turtles.  In addition, the habitat which would be lost would not be considered highly important habitat for marine mammal or sea turtles.  The area is also subject to due to considerable disturbance by heavy marine traffic and trawling by fishing vessels.

·            Long term beneficial impacts associated with the creation of an ‘artificial reef’ system within the wind farm site, supported by reduced fishing in the area, which could be of importance in terms of improving the abundance and diversity of marine fauna in the area and providing improved food resource for marine mammals.

9.14                                  Cumulative Impacts

9.14.1                            Project Specific Cumulative Impacts

The cumulative impacts of the various project specific construction activities have been demonstrated in Section 6 – Water Quality as not causing unacceptable impacts to water quality.  Consequently, unacceptable cumulative impacts to marine ecological resources are not predicted to occur.  The only operation cumulative impacts are associated with marine traffic movements during the construction phase.  However, the impacts associated with the development of the offshore wind farm are not considered to be significant with respect to the low numbers of vessels involved and heavy levels of marine traffic already in the area.

9.14.2                            Cumulative Impacts with Other Development

As for the cumulative impacts with other developments in southern and southeastern Hong Kong waters, information from publicly available sources suggested that the construction/ implementation programmes of the following major projects would coincide with the construction of this Project:

·           Open Sea Disposal of Mud at South Cheung Chau, which is at least 3 km from the wind farm site;

·           Marine Burrow Area at West Po Toi, which is at least 10 km from the wind farm site;

·           Exhausted Sand Burrow Pit for Disposal of Uncontaminated Mud at East Tung Lung Chau (currently not in use), which are at least 20 km from the wind farm site;

·           Open Sea Disposal of Mud at Ninepin Islands and, which is at least 25 km from the wind farm site; and,

·           Proposed Hong Kong Offshore Windfarm in Southeastern Water, which is at least 30 km from the wind farm site.

Results of water quality modelling undertaken as part of this EIA Study (see Section 6 for details) showed that sediment plumes from the construction of wind farm were limited to within about 2 km of the marine works areas.  Similarly, modelling carried out as part of the Lamma Power Station Navigation Channel Improvement EIA modelled the potential dispersion of sediments disposed into the South Cheung Chau disposal ground ([38]).  Results show that sediment plumes originating from disposal activities do not reach the proposed wind farm in either season.

Since the water quality mixing zone of this Project is unlikely to overlap with those of other concurrent projects in this part of Hong Kong, it can, therefore, be concluded that cumulative impacts on water quality impacts and hence on marine ecological resources are not predicted to occur.

Project-specific adverse operation phase impacts on marine ecological resources are not expected to occur (Sections 9.5.2 and 9.7.2), thus operation phase cumulative impacts with other developments in and around the wind farm site are not predicted.

9.15                                  Environmental Monitoring and Audit

The following presents a summary of the Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) measures focussed on ecology during the construction and operation phases of the offshore wind farm.  Full details are presented in the separate EM&A Manual.

9.15.1                            Construction Phase

During the construction phase, the following EM&A measures will be undertaken to verify the predictions in the EIA and ensure the environmental acceptability of the construction works:

·            Water quality impacts will be monitored and checked through the implementation of a Water Quality EM&A programme (refer Section 6 for details).  The monitoring and control of water quality impacts will also serve to avoid unacceptable impacts to marine ecological resources.

·            Marine piling works will be undertaken using hydraulic hammers, which typically have lower sound output than traditional diesel hammers;

·            Marine piling works will take place in daylight hours, sunrise to sunset;

·            Marine piling works will avoid peak seasons of marine mammals (December to May);

·            Marine piling works will employ ‘soft-starts’ using ramp-up piling procedures;

·            Pre-, during and post-installation monitoring of marine mammal abundance, behaviour and distribution will be undertaken.  Prior to the  commencement of monitoring, methods may include the following to be agreed with the AFCD:

·            Vessel based surveys

·            Passive acoustic monitoring

·            Land-based theodolite tracking

Details of the methods for the above monitoring works will be elaborated in the EM&A Manual.

·            A marine mammal / sea turtle exclusion zone will also be implemented and monitored by qualified observers for the presence of marine mammals / sea turtles in waters surrounding any marine percussive piling works and dredging works during construction of the wind farm structures and cable route; and,

·            As a total of four octocoral species and one black coral species were recorded during the baseline surveys on the dumped material in the vicinity of the cable route, prior to the commencement of jetting works for the cable route, a pre-construction survey will be undertaken at these sites to confirm the coral existence.   Should these corals be found present, mitigation will be applied to be agreed with the AFCD at that time.  Potential mitigation may include relocation of these corals to a location away from the proposed area of works.

Details of the marine mammal exclusion zone monitoring components are presented in full in the EM&A Manual. 

9.15.2                            Operation Phase

The assessment presented above as indicated that operational phase impacts are not expected to occur to marine ecological resources.  No marine ecology specific operational phase monitoring is considered necessary.

9.16                                  Conclusions

The proposed offshore wind farm development and cable route area was studied in detail through a site selection study in order to select a preferred site that avoided to the extent practical, adverse impacts to habitats or species of high ecological value. 

Potential construction phase impacts to marine ecological resources, as well as impacts to marine mammals and sea turtles, may arise from the permanent loss of habitat in the footprint of marine structures, disturbances to benthic habitats as a result of jetting and dredging and impacts on intertidal and subtidal habitats during seawall removal. 

As impacts arising from the proposed dredging works are predicted to be largely confined to the specific works areas and the predicted elevations of suspended sediment due to the Project are not predicted to cause exceedances of the water quality objectives outside of the mixing zones, adverse impacts to water quality, and hence marine ecological resources or marine mammals and sea turtles, are not anticipated. 

Although the loss of 0.16 ha of water column habitat would be an inevitable and adverse consequence of the project, the residual impact is assessed to be acceptable after taking into consideration a number of factors, including the sizable ranges and mobility of affected animals and the fact that the habitat that would be lost is not considered a critical habitat for marine mammal or sea turtles.  The area is also subject to considerable disturbance by heavy marine traffic and trawling by fishing vessels. 

The loss of 3.6 ha of soft bottom seabed habitat would also be an inevitable and adverse consequence of the project.  However, this habitat is considered to be of low conservation value and is not significant in context to the amount of similar habitat available elsewhere in Hong Kong.  In addition, the disturbance of approximately 0.99 ha of soft bottom habitat from dredging activities is considered to be of minor significance.

The removal of low ecological value artificial rocky shore as a result of seawall removal activities for cable landing (see Section 5) will not lead to unacceptable impacts for subtidal or intertidal ecology.  The reinstatement of the seawall with materials that have been removed will mean that there will be no long term change in the amount of available artificial intertidal and subtidal hard bottom habitat. 

Percussive piling has the potential to cause impacts to marine mammals, and to a lesser extent, sea turtles through underwater sound generation.  With the adoption of mitigation that has been identified, such as marine mammal/sea turtle exclusion zones and closed periods for piling works during peak season of finless porpoise, no unacceptable impacts on these species are expected. 

Operational phase adverse impacts to marine ecological resources are not expected to occur.  In particular, unacceptable impacts to marine mammals and sea turtles from the generation of underwater sound levels are not predicted to be of concern.  In addition, the wind farm structures, and in particular rock scour material, may have the potential to create an artificial reef, which could have beneficial impacts related to food supply for marine mammals. 

No unacceptable residual impacts are predicted to marine ecological resources.

During construction phase of wind turbines, pre-, during and post-installation monitoring of marine mammal abundance, behaviour and distribution will be undertaken. 



([1])         Hung SK (2009) Monitoring of Marine Mammals in Hong Kong Waters - Data Collection: Final Report (2008-09).  An unpublished report submitted to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of Hong Kong SAR Government, 128 pp

([2])     Classified as dumped material following a geophysical survey.  More details on the geophysical surveys can be found in Section 12 Marine Archaeology.

([3])     Chan A, Choi C, McCorry D, Chan K, Lee MW, Put A Jr (2005) Field Guide to Hard Coral of Hong Kong. Friends of the Country Parks

([4])      http://www.natwindpower.com/northhoyle/environment.asp

([5])      http://www.hornsrev.dk/Miljoeforhold/miljoerapporter/Hard%20Bottom%20Status%20Report%202004-R2438-03-005-rev3.pdf

([6])     http://www.artificial-reef.net/English/main.htm

([7])      Qian PY, Qiu JW, Kennish R and Reid C. 2003.  Recolonization of benthic infauna subsequent to capping of contaminated dredged material in East Sha Chau, Hong Kong.  Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 56: 819-831.

([8])      National Research Council (2005) Marine Mammal Populations and Ocean Noise: Determining When Noise Causes Biologically Significant Effects.  National Academies Press. Washington DC. 126p.

([9])      Wursig B, Greene CR, Jefferson TA. 2000.  Development of an air bubble curtain to reduce underwater noise of percussive piling. Marine Environmental Research 49, 79-93.

([10])    Greene CR, Moore SE. 1995.  Man-made noise. In: Marine Mammals and Noise. (Eds. Richardson WJ, Greene CR, Malme CI and Thomson DH). Academic Press. London, pp. 101-158.

([11])    Parsons, E. C. M. and T. A. Jefferson. 2000. Post-mortem investigations on stranded dolphins and porpoises from Hong Kong waters. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 36(2):342-356.

([12])    Jefferson, T. A., B. E. Curry, and R. Kinoshita. 2002. Mortality and morbidity of Hong Kong finless porpoises, with special emphasis on the role of environmental contaminants. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (Supplement) 10:161- 171

([13])    Richardson WJ (1995).  Marine Mammals and Noise. (Eds. Richardson WJ, Greene CR, Malme CI and Thomson DH). Academic Press. London, pp. 1-13.

([14]).   R. Nedwell and A.G. Brooker (2008).  Measurement and assessment of background underwater noise and its comparison with noise from pin pile drilling operations during installation of the SeaGen tidal turbine device, Strangford Lough COWRIE SEAGEN-07-07

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([16])    Richardson WJ (1995).  Ibid

([17])    Nedwell J R , Parvin S J, Edwards B, Workman R , Brooker A G and Kynoch J E (2008) Op cit..

([18]).   R. Nedwell and A.G. Brooker (2008).  Ibid.

([19])    Bjorndal, K.A., 1985. Nutritional ecology of sea turtles. Copeia 1985, 736-751.

([20])    Balazs, G.H., 1980. Synopsis of biological data on the green turtle in the Hawaiian Islands. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFC-7.

([21])    Tucker, A.D., Read, M.A., 2001. Frequency of foraging by gravid green turtles (Chelonia mydas) at Raine Island, Great Barrier Reef. Journal of Herpetology 35, 500-503.

([22])    Bjorndal, K.A., 1985. Ibid.

([23])    Bjorndal, K.A., 1997. Ibid.

([24])    Balazs, G.H., 1980. Ibid.

([25])    Tucker, A.D., Read, M.A., 2001. Ibid.

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([30])       Cheng IJ (2000) Post-nesting migrations of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) at Wan-An Island, Penghu Archipelago, Taiwan. Marine Biology 137: 747-754

([31])       Minerals Management Service, US Department of the Interior (2004) Op cit

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([33])    Mrosovsky N (1972) The water-finding ability of sea turtles. Brain Behaviour and Evolution 5: 202-

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([35])    Witherington BE, Bjorndal KA (1991) Influences of artificial lighting on the seaward orientation of hatchling loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta. Biological Conservation 55: 139-149.

([36])    Witherington BE, Bjorndal KA (1991b) Influences of wavelength and intensity on hatchling sea turtle phototaxis: Implications for sea-finding behaviour. Copeia 1991

([37])    This measure is consistent with conditions for grab dredging works inside the Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park included in the issued Environmental Permit for the Permanent Aviation Fuel Facility for Hong Kong International Airport project. 

([38])    The Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd (2003) Lamma Power Station Navigation Channel Improvement EIA. Prepared by Hyder Consulting.