8A                                      BASELINE MARINE ECOLOGICAL RESOURCES

8A.1                                Introduction

This Annex describes the existing conditions of marine ecological resources within and in proximity to the proposed Project off Black Point.  Marine ecological habitats and resources have been identified and the ecological value of the Study Area evaluated.  The assessment has been based on a review of the available literature, as well as detailed field surveys to provide the most up-to-date information on existing conditions.  The rationale for surveys is presented, followed by the methodologies employed, results obtained and a discussion of the results and comparison with other similar studies where appropriate.  The findings enclosed within this Annex will form the basis of establishing the ecological importance of the different marine habitats within and around the proposed development areas.

8A.1.1                          Marine Ecological Study Area

The Study Area for the marine ecological assessments has incorporated the footprint of the proposed reclamation at the Black Point Power Station (BPPS) and the broad alignment corridor for the submarine pipeline connection to the BPPS.  It also covers an area of open water of north-western and western Hong Kong to ensure that potential marine ecological sensitivities that have been identified in the water quality impact assessment are considered (see Section 6).  This relatively wide Study Area ensures that consideration is given to mobile species, in particular marine mammals that are present in the area.  The Study Area is shown in Figure 8A.1.

8A.2                                Relevant Legislation & Assessment Criteria

Legislative requirements and evaluation criteria relevant to this Study for the protection of species and habitats of marine ecological importance are summarised below.

·           Marine Parks Ordinance (Cap 476);

·           Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap 170);

·           Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap 586);

·           Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131);

·           Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines Chapter 10 (HKPSG);

·           Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO TM);

·           United Nations Convention on Biodiversity (1992);

·           Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat (the Ramsar Convention); and

·           PRC Regulations and Guidelines.

Details on each of the above are presented below.

8A.2.1                          Marine Parks Ordinance (Cap 476)

The Marine Parks Ordinance provides for the designation, control and management of marine parks and marine reserves.  It also stipulates the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation as the Country and Marine Parks Authority, which is advised by the Country and Marine Parks Board.  The Marine Parks and Marine Reserves Regulation was enacted in July 1996 to provide for the prohibition and control of certain activities in marine parks or marine reserves.

8A.2.2                          Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap 170)

Under the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance, designated wild animals are protected from being hunted, whilst their nests and eggs are protected from destruction and removal.  All birds and most mammals including all cetaceans are protected under this Ordinance, as well as certain reptiles (including all sea turtles), amphibians and invertebrates.  The Second Schedule of the Ordinance that lists all the animals protected was last revised in June 1997.

8A.2.3                          Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap 586)

The Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance was enacted to align Hong Kong’s control regime with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).  With effect from 1 July 2006, it replaces the Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) Ordinance (Cap 187).  The purpose of the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance is to restrict the import and export of species listed in CITES Appendices so as to protect wildlife from overexploitation or extinction.  The Ordinance is primarily related to controlling trade in threatened and endangered species and restricting the local possession of them.  Certain types of corals are CITES listed, including Blue coral (Heliopora coerulea), Organ pipe corals (family Tubiporidae), Black corals (order Antipatharia), Stony coral (order Scleractinia), Fire corals (family Milleporidae) and Lace corals (family Stylasteridae).  The import, export and possession of listed species, no matter whether dead or living, is restricted.

8A.2.4                          Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131)

The Town Planning Ordinance provides for the designation of areas such as “Coastal Protection Areas”, “Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs)”, “Green Belt” and "Conservation Area” to promote conservation or protection or protect significant habitat.

8A.2.5                          Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines Chapter 10 (HKPSG)

Chapter 10 of the HKPSG covers planning considerations relevant to conservation.  This chapter details the principles of conservation, the conservation of natural landscape and habitats, historic buildings, archaeological sites and other antiquities.  It also addresses the issue of enforcement.  The appendices list the legislation and administrative controls for conservation, other conservation-related measures in Hong Kong, and Government departments involved in conservation.

8A.2.6                          Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO TM)

Annex 16 of the EIAO TM sets out the general approach and methodology for assessment of ecological impacts arising from a project or proposal, to allow a complete and objective identification, prediction and evaluation of the potential ecological impacts.  Annex 8 recommends the criteria that can be used for evaluating ecological impacts.

8A.2.7                          Other Relevant Legislation

The Peoples’ Republic of China (PRC) is a Contracting Party to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity of 1992.  The Convention requires signatories to make active efforts to protect and manage their biodiversity resources.  The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has stated that it will be “committed to meeting the environmental objectives” of the Convention (PELB 1996).

The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat (the Ramsar Convention) applies in the HKSAR.  The Convention requires parties to conserve and make wise use of wetland areas, particularly those supporting waterfowl populations.  Article 1 of the Convention defines wetlands as "areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six meters."  The Mai Po/ Inner Deep Bay wetland was declared a Wetland of International Importance (“Ramsar Site”) under the Convention in 1995.

The PRC in 1988 ratified the Wild Animal Protection Law of the PRC, which lays down basic principles for protecting wild animals.  The Law prohibits killing of protected animals, controls hunting, and protects the habitats of wild animals, both protected and non-protected.  The Law also provides for the creation of lists of animals protected at the state level, under Class I and Class II.  There are 96 animal taxa in Class I and 161 in Class II.  Class I provides a higher level of protection for animals considered to be more threatened.

8A.3                                Marine Ecological Resources – Existing information

8A.3.1                          Introduction

This section describes the baseline conditions of the marine ecological resources at the Study Area from existing information in available literature.  Baseline conditions have been assessed based on a review of the findings of past marine ecological surveys around the Black Point area and other relevant studies, and the collation of available information regarding the marine ecological resources of this part of Hong Kong.

Based on this review, an evaluation of the information collected was conducted to identify any gaps and to conduct an assessment of ecological importance of the marine habitats.  Where information gaps were identified or where certain habitats or species were considered to warrant further attention, focussed field surveys and detailed data reviews have been conducted (see Sections 8A.4 and 8A.5).

8A.3.2                          Site Description

The site for the proposed GRS reclamation is adjacent to the existing BPPS near the northern reaches of the Urmston Road and on the outskirts of Deep Bay, while the proposed submarine gas pipelines will traverse the Urmston Road to exit the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) boundary (Figure 8A.1).  Black Point is located in the northwestern waters of Hong Kong.  The surrounding waters are relatively shallow (~ – 5 – 8 mPD), apart from within the Urmston Road where the water depth can reach – 20 mPD.

In terms of water quality, the Study Area experiences relatively dynamic estuarine-influenced conditions.  The waters are a mixture of flows from the waters in Deep Bay, which mainly come from the Pearl River Estuary and the Shenzhen River, and oceanic waters.  The former two flows are freshwater and the latter is saline marine water, which mix together and result in wide variations of salinity with depth, location and time.  During the wet season when river flows are at their highest, the surface salinity decreases to estuarine conditions, whereas during the dry season, typical oceanic salinity prevails throughout the water column.

The Project Site consists of coastal/ offshore waters and artificial shoreline of the BPPS.  A very short stretch of natural shoreline (< 20 m) is present between BPPS seawalls and the Ash Lagoon seawalls.

Natural soft shores are only found at some distances from the Project Site.  Soft shores at Ha Pak Nai are about 2.5 km north of the Project Site.  These shores will not be directly impacted by the Project, and given their distance from the Project’s marine works areas, indirect effects, if any, are anticipated to be negligible.  They are thus not considered further here.

8A.3.3                          Literature Review

A literature review was conducted to determine the existing marine ecological conditions within the Study Area to identify habitat resources and species of potential importance.  The list of local literature reviewed is presented in Annex 8A.8 References.

Based on the literature review the following habitats and/or organisms of ecological interest have been identified within the Study Area:

·           Intertidal hard bottom assemblages;

·           Subtidal hard bottom assemblages;

·           Subtidal soft bottom assemblages, including;

·       Epifaunal assemblages;

·       Infaunal assemblages; and

·            Marine Mammal.

Existing conditions of each of the above marine resources based on available literature are presented in more detail in the following sections.

8A.3.4                          Intertidal Hard Bottom Assemblages

Intertidal hard shores of Hong Kong display characteristic zonation patterns consisting of different algal and invertebrate species along the vertical gradient from terrestrial to marine environments.

The intertidal hard bottom habitat of the Project Site consists primarily of sheltered to moderately-exposed artificial sloping seawalls constructed in the 1990s.  The most recent information regarding the ecology of this habitat is available from ERM (2006) (and references therein).  Data extracted from this study provide a direct representation of the intertidal assemblages at the Study Area and its immediate vicinity.

Results of comprehensive seasonal intertidal surveys at the artificial sloping seawalls of BPPS in March and July 2004 indicated that this habitat comprised low abundances/ densities of common and widespread rocky shore species ([1]).  A total of 12 and 15 species were recorded in the dry and wet season surveys respectively, and no species of conservation interest were recorded.  In comparison to records of other similar habitats in Hong Kong reported in the literature, the diversity and abundance of intertidal biota at Black Point was considered to be low.  Transect locations for the 2004 surveys are presented in Figure 8A.2.

Natural rocky shores at the Black Point headland are about 1 km south of the Project Site.  Comprehensive seasonal intertidal surveys have been conducted on this stretch of shores as part of ERM (2006) and results indicated that this habitat is comprised of common and widespread rocky shore species ([2]).  A total of 12 species were recorded in both the dry and wet season surveys, and no species of conservation interest were recorded (see Table 1 of Annex 8B).  In comparison to records of other similar habitats in Hong Kong reported in the literature, the diversity of intertidal biota at this shore was considered to be low.  Transect locations for the surveys are presented in Figure 8A.2.

8A.3.5                          Subtidal Hard Bottom Assemblages

Coral communities are commonly regarded as the most ecologically important and valuable subtidal hard bottom assemblages.  The AFCD report that there are over 80 species of corals recorded in Hong Kong waters (Chan et al 2005).  The general trend for coral communities in Hong Kong is one of increasing abundance and diversity from west to east with the greatest diversity and abundance generally found in the eastern waters of Hong Kong.  It has been suggested that the distribution of corals is primarily controlled by hydrodynamic conditions, in particular salinity level, turbidity and light penetration.

The western waters of Hong Kong, including the Deep Bay and Black Point areas, are influenced by the Pearl River Estuary which reduces salinities, increases turbidity and therefore reduces light penetration.  Due to the requirements for coral growth, the cumulative effect of these conditions results in sub-optimal conditions for coral recruitment and survival.  Corals are therefore much less abundant and diverse in Hong Kong’s western waters than eastern waters.

Findings of the literature review suggest that there is no existing information on the subtidal hard bottom assemblages within the Study Area.  Information on such assemblages in northwestern or western Hong Kong waters is limited to the findings reported in various EIA studies, which are summarised in Table 8A.1.  These studies suggested that very low diversity and abundance of corals, predominantly octocorals and ahermatypic corals, were present in the survey areas in these waters.

Table 8A.1      Baseline Information on Subtidal Hard Bottom Assemblages in Western Hong Kong Water



Summary of Findings

ERM (1995)

Sha Chau

Only reported a few hermatypic hard corals (Family Faviidae) within the subtidal surveyed area

ERM (1997) Mouchel (2001)

East Sha Chau,

Sham Tseng and Tsing Lung Tau

Solitary corals have been reported

Mouchel (2001) Maunsell (2002)

Sham Tseng, Tsing Lung Tau and Lung Kwu Chau

A number of ahermatypic cup corals (likely to be Balanophyllia or Phyllangia sp.), pale-blue gorgonian (Euplexaura sp.), soft coral Dendronephthya sp. colonies, isolated sea pens (Virgularia or Pteroides sp.) and one hermatypic coral Oulastrea crispata were recorded in June 2001 at Sham Tseng and Tsing Lung Tau.  Similar results were also recorded in dive surveys at Lung Kwu Chau in November 2001

Mouchel (2004)

Sham Wat/ San Shek Wan

Recorded low abundance (< 5 % cover) of one hard ahermatypic cup coral Balanophyllia sp. on hard substrate to the west of Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) at Sham Wat/ San Shek Wan and low abundance (< 5% cover) of the octocoral Echinomuricea sp at the eastern and southern sides of the HKIA in the October 2003 HZMB EBS survey.  No hermatypic hard coral was recorded at any of the 27 dive sites

AFCD (2004a)

Intensive surveys in 2001-2002 to survey corals at 240 sites covering about 70 km of coastline in territorial waters

Hard corals were found in western waters of Hong Kong, but limited to southern Lantau waters (Tong Fuk, Soko Islands) and eastern (Cheung Chau, Hei Ling Chau) Lantau waters.  Only sparse colonies or low-coverage communities composed of extremely tolerant and species were found

ARUP (2005)

Siu Ho Wan

Colonies of small-sized gorgonians (< 10 cm in length and < 1 % cover) were found on the boulders of the artificial seawalls near MTR depot at Siu Ho.  No alive or dead hard corals were found

ARUP (2009a)

Sham Wat, Sha Lo Wan headland, Airport Channel, Airport Island, Tung Chung

No coral was found in the 2008 EVS survey within the Airport Channel.  Only one genus of ahermatypic cup coral Balanophyllia and one genus of octocoral, Echinomuricea sp. were recorded from two and four of the seven survey sites respectively.  Most hard substrates were dominated by barnacles, mussels and rock oysters

ARUP (2009b)

Northeast and southeast shores of Airport Island, and HKBCF reclamation site

Only 2 out of the 8 dive locations at southeast Airport Island had records of octocoral Echinomuricea sp. (< 1 % cover) in the 2009 MSS survey, and both sites are sloping boulder seawalls.  Very low coverage of ahermatypic cup corals Balanophyllia sp. was found at the sloping seawall at northeast Airport Island.  No hermatypic hard coral was recorded.  No coral was found within the HKBCF reclamation site.

AECOM (2009)

Pillar Point, the Brothers and North Lantau near Tai Ho

Low coverage of populations of octocoral Guaiagorgia sp. (< 10%) and ahermatypic coral Paracyathus rotundatus (< 5%) were found along hard substrata


Ahermatypic cup corals and octocorals recorded in the northwestern/ western waters are less common in the oceanic eastern and southern waters of Hong Kong, as they appear to be adapted to the turbid and hyposaline conditions in western waters.  The hard coral species recorded in the northwestern Hong Kong waters are very common in local waters (Scott 1984), although are more abundant in the eastern waters and the northwestern / western waters.

Although the surveys presented in Table 8A.1 were conducted at some distance from Black Point, the results of these surveys may reflect the baseline condition in the artificial seawalls of BPPS due to similar environmental conditions.  It is reasonable to expect that hard substrates are uncommon and very patchy in nature along the pipeline corridor given the heavy sedimentation of Pearl River Estuary and the presence of a homogeneous, silty/ muddy seabed in western Hong Kong waters.  As such, coral communities of any ecological value or significance are not predicted to occur within the Study Area.  Whilst it is possible that solitary gorgonians and sea pens may be present within the subtidal areas, large or important communities of hermatypic hard corals are not expected due to the unfavourable conditions imposed by the water quality.

8A.3.6                          Subtidal Soft Bottom Assemblages

Epifaunal Assemblages

Subtidal epifauna are organisms (> 1 mm in size) living either on or within the surface sediments of the seabed.  Due to the nature of the Hong Kong’s fishery and the typical subtidal substratum in Hong Kong being soft bottom (sandy or silty) habitat, data on subtidal epifaunal assemblages in Hong Kong are primarily available from studies on benthic fisheries resources, collected by demersal trawling surveys.

Information on the epifaunal assemblages in proximity to the Study Area is available from a review of 15 years of data on fisheries resources collected from demersal trawls conducted as part of the ongoing marine monitoring of contaminated mud disposal at the East of Sha Chau Contaminated Mud Pits (ERM 2008).  This review provides long-term data on epifaunal assemblages around Lung Kwu Chau.  These data indicate that epifaunal assemblages at Lung Kwu Chau are dominated by gastropods (e.g. Turritella terebra), crabs (e.g. Charybdis spp.) and shrimps (e.g. Metapenaeus spp.), and are similar to other areas of Hong Kong.  Abundance, biomass and Catch Per Unit Effort are, however, considered to be relatively low in comparison to other areas in Hong Kong.  No species that were considered to be rare in Hong Kong were recorded.

Lung Kwu Chau is in relatively close proximity to the Study Area (about 3 km south), these data can be considered to be representative of the epifaunal assemblages in the Study Area. 

Horseshoe Crab

Two species of horseshoe crab, Tachypleus tridentatus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda, have previously been recorded in AFCD surveys around Hong Kong waters (AFCD 2006) ([3]).  Juvenile horseshoe crabs can be found at mudflats at Ha Pak Nai/ Pak Nai in Deep Bay, and on intertidal sandy shores or mudflats at Tai Ho Bay, Tung Chung Bay, San Tau, Hau Hok Wan, Sha Lo Wan, Sham Wat Wan, Yi O and Shui Hau, Lantau Island (AFCD 2006, ARUP 2009a, b).  Confirmed nursery sites for horseshoe crabs in recent years are Ha Pak Nai and Pak Nai in Deep Bay, San Tau near Tung Chung, Shui Hau at south Lantau and Tai Ho Bay in north Lantau (Chiu & Morton 1999, Fong 1999, Huang et al. 1999, Li 2008).  Based on the abundance of juveniles, San Tau and Shui Hau are identified as the key nursery grounds for C. rotundicauda and T. tridentatus respectively (Li 2008).

Occurring in shallow to deep local waters, adult horseshoe crabs are occasionally fished by trawlers fishing from the subtidal mud in western Hong Kong waters, along the northwest coast of the Lantau Island including Tai O, Yi O, Sham Wat Wan, Sha Lo Wan and Tung Chung Bay (Huang et al. 1999).

Surveys conducted by Li (2008) in summer 2005 showed that both Tachypleus tridentatus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda were recorded in the survey areas of Pak Nai and Ha Pak Nai, with C. rotundicauda at very low abundance (only 1-2 individuals were recorded during the 5-month survey).  Horseshoe crab nursery ground at Ha Pak Nai/ Pak Nai is located far away from the proposed GRS reclamation and proposed submarine gas pipelines (at least 2.5 km), and is considered to be too remote to be affected by the Project works.

Infaunal Assemblages

Subtidal infauna are organisms (> 0.5 mm in size) living either on or within the surface sediments of the seabed.  For the Deep Bay area, CityU Professional Services Limited (2002) reported that its infaunal assemblages were distinctive from those of the rest of Hong Kong waters, which was resulted from the influence of freshwater discharges from the Pearl River Estuary and the Shenzhen River.  These conditions led to seasonal changes in the assemblages between the summer and winter months.  The substratum of the Study Area and its vicinity is expected to be covered by very fine sand and/or silt, and the infaunal assemblages consisted mainly of soft, muddy bottom species dominated by opportunistic, pollution-tolerant species such as Prionospio spp. and Mediomastus spp.  Whilst species diversity and abundance off Black Point were comparable with other locations in western Hong Kong waters, biomass of species recorded appeared to be higher than these locations especially in the wet season.  Species diversity was, however, lower than that reported in South Lantau, Lamma and waters to the east of Hong Kong.

In addition to the above, ERM (2000) reported that the benthic infauna near Lung Kwu Tan has a generally mid-range total biomass and relatively high total number of individuals in comparison to other areas of Hong Kong.  The fauna was found to be primarily polychaete worms, which is typical for Hong Kong.  The species richness was high compared to other sites surveyed using the same techniques.  Overall the site was found to exhibit similar ecological characteristics and patterns as other areas in the northwest New Territories and north Lantau.

Comprehensive seasonal data on the subtidal infaunal assemblages within and in the vicinity of the Study Area is available from ERM (2006) which provided an update from CityU Professional Services Limited (2002) and ERM (2000).  Data from ERM (2006) therefore provide the best available data to represent the subtidal infauna assemblages within the Study Area

A comprehensive series of seasonal benthic surveys were conducted off Black Point in February and July 2004 (ERM 2006).  Benthic sampling locations for the 2004 surveys are presented in Figure 8A.3 and the results summarised below.  Grab samples taken from three sites off the Black Point area in northwestern waters of Hong Kong indicate that in both seasons, infaunal assemblages off Black Point were dominated by polychaete worms (especially Prionospio queenslandica), except for the Urmston Road during the wet season where bivalves (especially the estuarine clam Potamocorbula laevis) had higher numbers.  No species of conservation interest or rare species have been recorded previously around the Black Point area.

In comparison to other subtidal infaunal assemblages of western and southwestern Hong Kong waters which were surveyed under the same survey programme, the abundance, biomass and taxonomic richness of infauna around Black Point are considered to be low to medium in both seasons, except for infaunal abundance and biomass in the wet season which are considered to be medium to high as contributed by high abundance of the estuarine clam (ERM 2006).

Biomass recorded during the 2004 survey at Black Point and Urmston Road was comparatively higher than other locations during the wet season, which was due to a generally higher proportion of bivalves recorded off Black Point.  Whilst the biomass at Black Point was similar to or slightly lower than Western Lantau during the dry season, biomass at Urmston Road was similar to areas such as Lung Kwu Chau & Sha Chau, Peng Chau and Southwest of Po Toi during the dry season (Figure 8A.4).

In terms of species richness, infaunal assemblages at the Black Point and Urmston Road were considered to be similar to other locations reported in Hong Kong (CityU Professional Services Ltd 2002).  The number of species of the benthic organisms in Black Point and Urmston Road recorded in the 2004 surveys were in the range of 26 to 31 species per 0.576 m2 during wet season and 20 to 35 species per 0.576 m2 during dry season, in which the mean number of species of the 120 stations reported in CityU Professional Services Ltd (2002) were 32.9 per 0.5 m2 (wet season) and 33.7 per 0.5 m2 (dry season) respectively.

8A.3.7                          Marine Mammals

A total of 17 (and possibly up to 19) species of marine mammals (mostly cetaceans) have been recorded in Hong Kong waters (including one humpback whale sighted in 2009), two of which are considered residents: the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis, locally called Chinese white dolphins) and the finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) (Jefferson & Hung 2007).  Whilst the distribution of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins is limited to the western waters of Hong Kong, which are influenced by freshwater input from the Pearl River (Parsons 1998, Jefferson 2000), finless porpoises are common in the waters of southern and eastern Hong Kong and do not occur in Hong Kong’s northwestern waters (apart from very occasional strandings) (Jefferson & Hung 2007).  Given the distinctive local distribution patterns of these two species, for the purpose of this review, only Sousa chinensis is discussed in this Study.

Owing to the high mobility of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins, information available for not only the Study Area, but also waters of Deep Bay and western Northwest Lantau (including Black Point and Lung Kwu Chau & Sha Chau) have been the primary focus for this review to provide baseline conditions of a wider spatial coverage.  Where available and appropriate, information on Sousa chinensis in waters of West and Southwest Lantau are also presented to provide additional useful information.

The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin Sousa chinensis is a tropical/ sub-tropical cetacean widely distributed in the coastal and inshore waters of the Indian and western Pacific oceans (Hung 2008).  It is protected locally by the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap. 170), and is listed as "Near Threatened" in the 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN 2008).  Sousa chinensis is also listed in CITES Appendix I (i.e. highest protection), and is listed as a "Grade I National Key Protected Species" in China.  As such Sousa chinensis is considered a species of conservation interest/ concern, both locally in Hong Kong and regionally in China and across the Asia Pacific.

Studies on the distribution, abundance, habitat use, and life history of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins within Hong Kong have been undertaken since September 1995 (Jefferson 2000, Jefferson et al 2002, Jefferson & Hung 2004).  The AFCD reported that in 2006 at least 1,200 ([4]) individual dolphins were estimated to utilise the waters of the Pearl River Estuary and Hong Kong ([5]).  A more recent estimate using 2004 to 2006 survey data indicates that the total population size of this species in these waters is considered to be about 1,300 to 1,500 individuals (Jefferson 2007).  Of these individual dolphins, approximately 350 are thought to include waters within Hong Kong as part of their range.

Abundance of humpback dolphins in Hong Kong waters is the highest in the West Lantau and North Lantau (east of Lung Kwu Chau) areas (AFCD 2004, Hung 2008).  These areas are considered to be the major habitats for humpback dolphins in Hong Kong waters, where individuals of humpback dolphins have been consistently sighted throughout the year (Jefferson 2000, Jefferson & Hung 2004).  Seasonal and spatial variation of abundance of humpback dolphins is usually observed; this is thought to be due to the increased input of freshwater from the discharge of the Pearl River Estuary and the subsequent movements of estuarine prey species into Hong Kong from PRC waters (Jefferson 2000, Barros et al 2004, Jefferson & Hung 2004, Hung 2008).  The abundance of humpback dolphins in Hong Kong’s waters, estimated using sighting effort data collected in Hong Kong between 2004 and 2006, ranged from 103 in spring to 193 in autumn (Jefferson 2007).

Information on the utilisation of the waters around Black Point by humpback dolphins has been reviewed and the key finding is the recorded presence of this species in the waters in Deep Bay (and Northwest Lantau).  From October 1995 to November 2004, there were 29 sightings of humpback dolphins (20 from vessels and 9 from helicopters) in Deep Bay (Dr TA Jefferson, pers comm).  Deep Bay was found to be used by a small number of humpback dolphins (3-6 individuals) throughout the year, and dolphins occurred almost exclusively in the southern portion of Deep Bay, mostly near the Black Point headland.  Average group size for humpback dolphins near Black Point was 2.9 ± 2.06 (range = 1 – 8, n = 29), which contained a smaller average group size than other areas in Hong Kong (Dr TA Jefferson, pers comm).  This review highlighted that the waters around Black Point did not report large numbers of sightings, and are used as marginal habitat by dolphins in Hong Kong.

Recent studies on marine mammals in Hong Kong have attempted to conduct quantitative analysis of habitat use, by calculating the sighting densities and dolphin densities in terms of number of on-effort sightings/ dolphin abundance per km2 with the survey area mapped using a 1 km by 1 km grid.  These data are presented as Sightings Per Survey Effort (SPSE) and Density Per Survey Effort (DPSE) values.  Results of AFCD’s long-term monitoring suggest that the area around Black Point has a low density for dolphins, and the nearest high density area is along the east coast of Lung Kwu Chau (at least 3 km away).

Hung (2008) provided a detailed account of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin long-term monitoring data conducted in the Pearl River Estuary between 1996 and 2005.  It supports previous findings that West Lantau is considered the most important area for dolphins in Hong Kong waters, followed by the area east of Lung Kwu Chau within the Sha Chau/ Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park.  In contrast, humpback dolphins only used waters of Deep Bay infrequently (Figure 8A.5).  The corrected sighting density (SPSE values) and dolphin density (DPSE values) ([6]) in Deep Bay were lower than those of other survey areas within Hong Kong (Figures 8A.6 to 8A.8).

Information regarding the abundance and distribution of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins in waters within and in proximity to the Study Area is available from ERM (2006) which also included long-term data from AFCD (2004).  Relevant data from ERM (2006) are thus extracted here to provide a direct representation of the population ecology and habitat use of Sousa chinensis in this area.

An extensive programme of land- and vessel-based surveys for Sousa chinensis has been conducted off Black Point from February 2004 to May 2006 as part of ERM (2006) to supplement data available from AFCD’s long-term monitoring (AFCD 2004).  Monthly surveys were conducted to provide a detailed overview of dolphin utilisation of Hong Kong western waters, including the Northwest Lantau and Deep Bay areas (except for the northern part of Deep Bay).  This survey programme was also undertaken in waters of West and Southwest Lantau.

Qualitative land-based dolphin surveys, conducted monthly from February 2004 to January 2005, recorded a total of 74 sightings of S. chinensis (a total of 141 individuals) within the 0.8 km-radius survey area, with no sighting records near the Black Point Power Station (ERM 2006; Table 8A.2).  At Black Point, both the number of dolphin sightings and the number of individuals sighted were higher in winter and autumn than in spring and summer, with the majority of individuals recorded being adult-sized animals (109 out of 141 individuals sighted, ~ 77 %, Table 8A.2; ERM 2006).

Table 8A.2      Summary of Results of Qualitative Land-Based Visual Survey of Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins at Black Point (Extracted from ERM (2006))

Survey Detail

Qualitative land-based visual survey at Black Point


Monthly from February 2004 to January 2005



Survey Effort

360 hours

(5 days per month and 6 hours per day for 12 months)



No. of Sightings

74 sightings

·    Winter: 31 sightings

·    Autumn: 23 sightings

·    Spring: 14 sightings

·    Summer: 6 sightings



No. of Individuals

141 individuals

·    Winter: 64 individuals

·    Autumn: 44 individuals

·    Spring & Summer: 33 individuals



Age Class

109 ‘Adult’ (SA/ UA/ SP/ MO)
25 Juveniles (UJ)
7 Calves (UC)


As for the quantitative vessel-based surveys, which were conducted monthly from July 2005 to May 2006 in Deep Bay and Northwest Lantau, sighting records suggested that individuals of Sousa chinensis were sighted in waters off the Black Point Power Station and southern Deep Bay, but the fewest sightings took place in Deep Bay amongst the four areas surveyed.  The majority of sightings were recorded along the West Lantau coastline, in Southwest Lantau near Fan Lau, and in Northwest Lantau near the Sha Chau/ Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park (Figure 8A.9).  Deep Bay also had relatively low densities (0.08 - 0.23 dolphins km-2, depending on the season) and low estimates of abundance (< 10 dolphins in all seasons) within areas of western Hong Kong waters (Table 8A.3).  In addition, dolphin average group size was the smallest for Deep Bay amongst the four areas surveyed (Table 8A.3).

Table 8A.3      Summary of Results of Quantitative Vessel-Based Line Transect Survey of Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins (Extracted from ERM (2006))


Quantitative vessel-based line transect survey

Survey Area

Deep Bay

Northwest Lantau

West Lantau

Southwest Lantau


Monthly from July 2005 to May 2006



Survey Effort

(* useable transect distance)

906 km

385 km

396 km

2,409 km



No. of Sightings







+ Estimated individual density (D)

0.08 – 0.23 km-2

0.57 – 0.94 km-2

1.71 – 2.81 km-2

0.10 – 0.44 km-2



+ Estimated individual abundance (N)

2 – 7 individuals

49 – 82 individuals

47 – 78 individuals

6 – 29 individuals



Habitat Use (Average DPSE)

0.06 ± 0.12

0.44 ± 0.54

0.67 ± 0.51

0.09 ± 0.13



No. of grids with DPSE > 1


(out of 26 grids)


(out of 28 grids)


(out of 34 grids)


(out of 70 grid)



Proportion of Identified Dolphin Using the Survey Area as an Important Part of Their Home Range

5 out of 7 Identified Dolphins

12 out of 26 Identified Dolphins

11 out of 25 Identified Dolphins

4 out of 12 Identified Dolphins



Average Group Size

3.0 ± 2.37

3.7 ± 2.89

4.2 ± 3.8

3.6 ± 3.0

*    Useable data were collected from surveys during relatively calm sea conditions of Beaufort 0-3

+      Individual density (D) represents an estimate of the number of individual dolphins in a 1 km2 grid square area


Grid analysis of dolphin habitat-use data collected as part of ERM (2006) (estimated as Density Per Unit of Survey Effort [DPSE] ([7])) showed that waters of Deep Bay, even for the southwestern end of Deep Bay near the Black Point Power Station where DPSE values were the highest within the survey area, were only used to a small extent in comparison to high dolphin usage in the West Lantau (in waters between Sham Wat & Tai O and north to Peaked Hill) and western end of Northwest Lantau (Table 8A.3; Figure 8A.10).

As of 2006, a total of 398 Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins have been individually identified using photo identification as part of AFCD’s long-term monitoring programme to track their movement patterns and habitat use within the Pearl River Estuary (ERM 2006).  Seven of these identified dolphins were sighted in Deep Bay during the 2005-2006 survey, five of which appeared to use Deep Bay as a portion of their home range during the study period; such sighting records were much lower than those of Northwest Lantau (Table 8A.3).  Of the 21 identified dolphins studied in the Ranging Pattern Study, only three were recorded in Deep Bay, 19 in Northwest Lantau, 5 in Southwest Lantau and 16 in West Lantau.

Overall, survey data gathered in 2005-2006 supported previous findings in the literature and indicated that dolphins use the mouth of Deep Bay at a low level throughout the year.

8A.3.8                          Identification of Information Gaps

Based on the literature review presented in Sections 8A.3.4 – 8A.3.7, it was considered appropriate to conduct field surveys for the following marine ecological habitats of Black Point in order to provide the most up-to-date information on the baseline conditions of the resources that may potentially be affected directly by this Project:

·            Intertidal survey;

·            Subtidal coral survey; and

·            Subtidal benthic survey.

As for marine mammals, long-term monitoring up to the period of June 2009 has been conducted by AFCD in the Deep Bay and Northwest Lantau areas.  It was considered that data from this monitoring programme together with those collected as part of ERM (2006) are sufficient for providing the baseline conditions of marine mammals in the Study Area and thus additional field surveys are not necessary (Dr SK Hung, Dr TA Jefferson and Prof B Würsig, pers comm.).  A comprehensive review of marine mammal data collected in the Study Area and vicinity from January 2005 to June 2009 was, however, undertaken to provide the most up-to-date information on the baseline conditions of marine mammals.

8A.4                                Baseline Marine Ecological Field Surveys

Table 8A.4 summarises the field surveys undertaken in 2009 as part of this EIA.

Table 8A.4      Marine Ecology Baseline Surveys

Survey Type


Season & Date

Intertidal Assemblages at BPPS


Qualitative spot checks and quantitative surveys of three 100 m belt transects (at high, mid and low intertidal zones) at artificial seawall, covering both wet and dry seasons


Dry Season: 25 Mar 2009

Wet Season: 23 Jun 2009

Subtidal Benthic Assemblages


Quantitative grab sampling surveys at four sites (six stations at each site).  Sites surveyed represented the reclamation site and pipeline alignment


Wet Season: 10 Jun 2009

Subtidal Hard Bottom Assemblages (Coral)


Spot dives within Study Area


30 Sept and 2 Oct 2009


Survey methodologies have been selected to follow standard and accepted techniques for marine ecological surveys.  In addition, each methodology has been previously conducted as part of other Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) studies, accepted under the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO).

Survey schedules have been undertaken in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance, Cap.499 Guidance Note 7/2002 - Ecological Baseline Survey for Ecological Assessment, specifically in terms of the following:

·           Duration of Survey;

·           Seasonality;

·           Types of Survey Period; and

·           Survey Effort.

The following sections present the methodology and results for each marine ecological survey undertaken as part of the assessment of marine ecological baseline conditions.

8A.4.1                          Intertidal Hard Bottom Assemblages

Intertidal baseline surveys were carried out to characterise the existing ecological conditions of the intertidal assemblages within the Project Site.  The surveys have been designed to provide an update of the physical and ecological attributes of the Study Area as presented in the ERM (2006).

Only one type of intertidal habitat, artificial shore, was identified in the Project Site.  The artificial shore at the BPPS consists of steep sloping seawall of large boulders, and this habitat was examined for the intertidal surveys.

Survey Methodology

The intertidal surveys consisted of qualitative spot checks and quantitative transect surveys along the artificial sloping seawall within the Project Site.  Whilst spot checks were conducted along accessible artificial sloping seawall, quantitative transect surveys for intertidal assemblages were conducted on locations previously surveyed in ERM (2006), namely T5 and T6 (Table 8A.5, Figure 8A.11).  Intertidal surveys were conducted once in the dry season and once in the wet season.  Local tide tables were used to assess tidal height at the site and times of surveys.

Table 8A.5      Description of the Survey Transects for Intertidal Hard Bottom Surveys at Black Point


Site Description


Adjacent to the power stations cooling water outlet.  Steep artificial seawall consisting of large boulders.


Located on the artificial shoreline on northern shore of Black Point power station.  Steep artificial seawall consisting of large boulders.


For qualitative spot checks, the accessible artificial seawall shorelines were surveyed.  Organisms encountered were recorded and their relative abundance noted.

The sampling methodology adopted in ERM (2006) was applied to the quantitative surveys conducted in 2009.  At each of the two survey locations (T5 and T6), three 100 m horizontal (belt) transects along the seawall were surveyed at each of the three shore heights: 2 m (high-shore), 1.5 m (mid-shore) and 1 m (low-shore) above Chart Datum (CD).  On each transect, five quadrats (50 cm ´ 50 cm) were placed randomly to assess the abundance and diversity of flora and fauna (S n = 5 quadrats ´ 3 transects ´ 3 heights ´ 2 survey locations = 90).  All organisms found in each quadrat were identified and recorded to the lowest possible taxonomic level to allow density per quadrat to be calculated.  Sessile species, such as algae (encrusting, foliose and filamentous), barnacles and oysters, in each quadrat were also identified and estimated as percentage cover on the rock surface using a double-strung, 50 cm ´ 50 cm quadrat.


Artificial sloping seawall of the Project Site exhibited a low diversity of species.  A list of organisms encountered during the qualitative spot checks in the seasonal surveys and their relative abundances is provided in Table 8A.6.  These species are all very common and widespread species on artificial shores of Hong Kong.  Representative photos of the intertidal habitats within the Study Area are shown in Figure 8A.11.

A total of nine faunal groups were recorded in the dry season quantitative surveys in 2009.  Dominant (in terms of abundance) organisms recorded included the littorinid snails Echinolittorina radiata, E. trochoides and Littoraria articulata in the high-shore, the nerite Nerita albicilla in the mid-shore, and the limpet Nipponacmea concinna, the common dogwhelk Thais clavigera, the rock oyster Saccostrea cucullata and the barnacles Tetraclita spp. in the low-shore (Table 8A.7).  Both the abundance/ density of mobile species and percentage cover of sessile fauna were considered to be low (54.7 individuals m-2 and 59.7 % m-2 respectively).  Only four species of algae were recorded in the survey.

As with the dry season survey, low diversity and abundance of intertidal biota were recorded during the wet season quantitative survey in 2009, and a total of nine faunal groups and one algal species were recorded on the sloping seawall.  The species composition of the intertidal organisms was similar between seasons.  Mean abundance of mobile species and sessile fauna recorded in the wet season survey were 34 individuals m-2 and 46 % m-2 respectively.

Overall, results of the seasonal surveys show that all species were common and widespread, and no notable species were recorded.  Diversity and abundance of intertidal biota at the Study Area was similar to those recorded from other artificial shores in Hong Kong.  Survey results are also largely similar to that reported in the intertidal surveys at Black Point (ERM 2006).


Table 8A.6      Relative Abundance of Intertidal Biota Recorded on Artificial Seawalls within the Study Area in the Dry Season (March 2009) and Wet Season (June 2009) Surveys



Dry Season (March 2009)

Wet Season (June 2009)



Seawall at Ash Lagoon

Seawall at Proposed Pipeline Landing Point

Seawall near BPPS Outfall

Seawall at Ash Lagoon

Seawall at Proposed Pipeline Landing Point

Seawall near BPPS Outfall


Echinolittorina trochoides







Echinolittorina radiata







Littoraria articulata







Nerita albicilla







Thais clavigera








Nipponacmea concinna







Rock Oyster

Saccostrea cucullata








Tetraclita spp.







Balanus amphitrite







Capitulum mitella







Mobile crustaceans

Ligia exotica







Hemigrapsus sanguineus







Grapsus albolineatus







Eriphia laevimana







Relative Abundance of species: 0 = Not Present; 1 = Rare within Transect; 2 = Common within Transect; 3 = Very Common within Transect


Table 8A.7     Mean Density (m-2) of Intertidal Fauna and Mean Percentage Cover (%) of Sessile Fauna and Flora recorded at Artificial Shoreline Transects T5 and T6 at Black Point during Dry Season (March 2009) and Wet Season (June 2009) Surveys


Dry Season (March 2009)

Wet Season (June 2009)


High-Intertidal Zone

Mid-Intertidal Zone

Low-Intertidal Zone

High-Intertidal Zone

Mid-Intertidal Zone

Low-Intertidal Zone



























Echinolittorina trochoides













Echinolittorina radiata













Littoraria articulata













Nerita albicilla













Thais clavigera


























Nipponacmea concinna













Patelloida pygmaea


























Bivalves %













Saccostrea cucullata













Barnacles %













Tetraclita spp.













Balanus amphitrite













Algae %













Ulva spp.













Hidenbrandia rubra


























Brown epiphytic algae















8A.4.2                          Subtidal Soft Bottom Assemblages

Subtidal baseline surveys were carried out to characterise the existing ecological conditions of the seabed within the Study Area.  The surveys have been designed to provide an update of the physical and ecological attributes of the Study Area as presented in the ERM (2006).

Field Survey Methodology

Benthic sediment samples were collected from four sites representative of the subtidal soft-bottom habitats of the submarine pipeline alignment and reclamation site.  The numbers of sampling sites within the Study Area were considered sufficient given the relatively homogeneous nature of sediments at the sites.  The locations of each survey site are shown in Figure 8A.12.

At each of the four survey sites, six stations approximately 100 m apart were established and one grab sample was collected from each station.  Stations were sampled using a modified Van Veen grab sampler (960 cm2 sampling area; 11,000 cm3 capacity) with a supporting frame attached to a swivelling hydraulic winch cable.

Sediments from the grab samples were sieved on board the survey vessel.  The sediments were washed onto a sieve stack (comprising 1 mm2 mand 500 2 meshes) and gently rinsed with seawater to remove all fine material.  Following rinsing any material remaining on the two screens was combined and carefully rinsed using a minimal volume of seawater into pre-labelled thick triple-bagged ziplock plastic bags.  A 5% solution of borax-buffered formalin containing Rose Bengal in seawater was then added to the bag to ensure tissue preservation.  Samples were sealed in plastic containers for transfer to the taxonomy laboratory for sorting and identification.

Laboratory Techniques

The benthic laboratory performed sample re-screening after the samples had been held in formalin for a minimum of 24 hours to ensure adequate fixation of the organisms.  mIndividual samples from the 500 2 and 1 mm2 mesh sieves were gently rinsed with fresh water into a 250 m2 sieve to remove the formalin from the sediments.  Sieves were partially filled while rinsing a specific sample to maximize washing efficiency and prevent loss of material.  All material retained on the sieve was placed in a labelled plastic jar, covered with 70% ethanol, and lightly agitated to ensure complete mixing of the alcohol with the sediments.  Original labels were retained with the re-screened sample material.

Standard and accepted techniques were used for sorting organisms from the sediments.  Small fractions of a sample were placed in a petri dish under a 10-power magnification dissecting microscope and scanned systematically with all animals and fragments removed using forceps.  Each petri dish was sorted at least twice to ensure removal of all animals.  Organisms representing major taxonomic groups, such as Polychaeta, Arthropoda, Mollusca, and miscellaneous taxa, were sorted into separate, labelled vials containing 70% ethanol.

Taxonomic identifications were performed by qualified and experienced specialist using stereo dissecting and high-power compound microscopes.  These were generally to the species level except for unidentified taxa, which were identified to genera as far as practical.  The careful sampling procedure employed minimizes fragmentation of organisms.  If breakage of soft-bodied organisms occurred, only anterior portions of fragments were counted, although all fragments were retained and weighed for biomass determinations (wet weight).


Grab samples were collected from all 24 sampling stations in the wet season survey on 10 June 2009.  In general, conditions during surveys were fine with relatively calm sampling conditions throughout.

A total of 908 individual organisms were collected from the 24 grab sampling stations at the four survey sites.  The specimens belong to nine Phyla with a total of 10 classes, 54 families and 69 species identified.  Table 8A.8 provides a summary on the abundance, biomass and taxonomic richness of infauna collected at each site.  A complete set of raw data is presented in Tables 2 and 3 of Annex 8B.

Results of the wet season benthic survey showed that, as with the findings of the 2004 surveys, infaunal abundance and biomass were considered to be medium to high at all sampling sites, while taxonomic richness (here represented by number of families and species of infaunal organisms) were low (Table 8A.8).  There was some variation in infaunal abundance, biomass and taxonomic richness among sampling sites.  Whilst the mean infaunal abundance per station and total biomass were higher at the Site C than other sites, taxonomic richness of infauna per station was higher at Site B than other sites (Table 8A.8).  Variation within site (ie among sampling stations) was considered to be moderate, as can be seen from the standard deviation (SD) values (Table 8A.8).

In terms of infaunal abundance, the majority (75%) of organisms recorded in the wet season were from the Phylum Annelida, followed by Arthropoda (14%).  Each of the other recorded phyla contributed to < 4 % of the number of individuals recorded.  The polychaete worm Prionospio queenslandica, from the family Spionidae, was the most abundant species from the wet season survey (total abundance = 256 individuals), and it was present in all sampling sites.  No rare or uncommon species were recorded in the wet season survey.  The composition of infaunal assemblage at each site in terms of mean numerical abundance of organisms present (grouped by class) in the wet season survey is presented in Figure 8A.13.

In terms of infaunal biomass, organisms from the Phylum Echinodermata contributed 49% of the total biomass recorded, while organisms from Arthropoda, Annelida and Cnidaria also contributed significant biomasses (14%, 13% and 10% respectively).  Each of the other recorded phyla contributed to < 5 % of the total infaunal biomass recorded.  High biomass of echinoderms was contributed by individuals of the sea cucumber Protankyra bidentata at Sites A and C, and by individuals of the ball sea cucumber Phyllophorus sp. at Sites B and C.  The composition of infaunal assemblage at each site in terms of mean biomass of organisms present (grouped by class) in the wet season survey is presented in Figure 8A.13.

Overall, results from the wet season surveys undertaken as part of this EIA suggested that infaunal assemblages of the surveyed sites consisted of common and widespread species typical of disturbed environment, i.e. numerical dominance of low biomass, stress-tolerant and short-lived polychaete species.  As with the findings of ERM (2006), infaunal abundance and biomass in the wet season are considered to be medium to high as contributed by high abundance of echinoderms, while the taxonomic richness of infauna is low.


Table 8A.8      Composition of Infaunal Assemblages at the Sampling Sites for the Soft Bottom Habitat Surveys at the Black Point Study Area during the Wet Season Survey in June 2009


Number of Stations Sampled

Total Number of Infaunal Individuals

Mean Number of Individuals per Station (± SD)

Mean Number of Individuals per m2 (± SD)

Total Biomass (g wet weight)

Mean Taxonomic Richness (No. Families) per Station (± SD)

Mean Taxonomic Richness (No. Species) per Station (± SD)

Mean Biomass per Individual (g wet weight)





(± 1.72)


(± 17.94)



(± 1.52)


(± 1.52)






(± 27.48)


(± 286.29)



(± 2.23)


(± 2.32)






(± 54.00)


(± 562.46)



(± 4.36)


(± 4.17)






(± 14.19)


(± 147.85)



(± 1.67)


(± 1.60)




8A.4.3                          Subtidal Hard Bottom Assemblages


Subtidal dive surveys were undertaken at subtidal hard bottom habitats within the Study Area with a key focus at the proposed reclamation site and along the pipeline route where hard substrata were noted from the geophysical survey undertaken for this site (see Section 11).  Survey locations are presented in Figure 8A.14.

Recent geophysical surveys identified a number of small patches of hard substrate along the pipeline route.  These patches, identified as superficial dumped materials, occurred within the 500 m wide pipeline corridor and within approximately 10 m depth or less.  The age of the patches is unknown.

Targeted spot dive checks were carried out at selected patches of dumped materials in close proximity to the proposed pipeline corridor to investigate if coral communities are present at these potential areas of hard substrate (Figure 8A.14).  Ground-truthing of sessile assemblages at the selected hard substrate patches was thus used to characterise the biological nature of all patches of dumped material identified.  Likewise, spot dive surveys were also undertaken along the artificial sloping seawall and seabed of the proposed reclamation site.

At each survey site, along 100 m transect, a spot dive reconnaissance check was conducted by commercial divers supervised by coral specialists to confirm the substrate type and associated sessile benthos, particularly the presence of coral communities (hard and soft corals).  Representative photographs of the seabed and associated fauna were taken. 

Survey Results

The dive surveys were conducted in September/ October 2009.  The conditions during surveys were fine with calm conditions throughout.  The visibility was generally < 0.2 m.

Results of dive surveys confirmed that at the selected patches of dumped materials and within the reclamation footprint, the seabed was composed of silt and mud with shell fragments.  The subtidal zone of the seawall at the reclamation site was also covered with a layer of mud (depth = 0.2 – 0.8 m).  The substrate of the survey transects showed no colonization of sessile taxa, and no corals, including hard corals, octocorals and black corals, were recorded.  Representative photographs of the seabed at the survey transects are presented in Figure 8A.15.

8A.5                                Comprehensive Review of Marine Mammal Baseline Condition

A comprehensive review of baseline marine mammal information in Deep Bay and western Northwest Lantau areas was conducted by Hong Kong Cetacean Research Project (HKCRP) as part of this EIA study to provide detailed, up-to-date baseline information on dolphin usage in the Study Area and its vicinity.  The following sections describe the methodology and key findings for this data review.

8A.5.1                          Study Approach

The HKCRP, through its research programmes with AFCD, environmental consultants and NGOs since 1995, has established several systematic, long-term databases for the study of population biology of Chinese white dolphins, Sousa chinensis, in Hong Kong waters.  The present review study utilized the long-term monitoring data (e.g. line-transect survey data, dolphin sighting data, photo-identification catalogue of individual dolphins) collected from January 2005 to June 2009 in the Deep Bay and western Northwest Lantau areas to provide detailed baseline information on dolphin usage in the Study Area and its vicinity (Figure 8A.16).  The ranging pattern analysis conducted as part of this review utilized all photo-identification data collected since 1995.

The seasons described in this review were defined as follows: winter (December-February), spring (March-May), summer (June-August) and autumn (September-November).

8A.5.2                          Data Analysis Methods

Distribution Analysis

The line-transect survey data were integrated with Geographic Information System (GIS) in order to visualize and interpret seasonal and annual distribution of dolphins within the Deep Bay and western Northwest Lantau Survey Areas using dolphin sighting positions.  Location data of dolphin groups from 2005 to 2009 were plotted on map layers of Hong Kong using a desktop GIS (ArcView© 3.1) to examine their distribution patterns in detail, and the dataset was also stratified into different subsets to examine distribution patterns of dolphin groups with different categories of group sizes, age classes and activities.

Encounter Rate Analysis

Since line-transect survey effort was uneven among different survey areas and across different years, the sighting rate (number of on-effort sightings per 100 km of survey effort) and dolphin encounter rate (number of dolphins sighted during on-effort per 100 km of survey effort) were calculated in each survey area in relation to the amount of survey effort conducted.  Only line-transect data collected in Beaufort 3 or below condition were used in the encounter rate analysis.  The encounter rate could be used as an indicator to determine area of importance to dolphins among the survey areas.

Density & Abundance Analysis

This review study further analyzed the line-transect survey data from 2005 to 2009 to estimate dolphin density and abundance in Deep Bay, and reviewed previous estimates in other survey areas made in Jefferson (2007) to examine density and abundance of Chinese white dolphins in other areas overlapped with and adjacent to the Study Area.

To calculate dolphin density and abundance, one day’s survey effort was used as the sample for analyses, and only surveys with at least 2.0 km of useable effort were included.  Estimates were calculated from sighting and effort data collected during conditions of Beaufort 0-3 (see Jefferson & Leatherwood 1997, Jefferson 2000), using line-transect methods (Buckland et al. 2001).  The estimates were made using the computer program DISTANCE Version 2.1 (Laake et al. 1994).  The following formulae were used to estimate density, abundance, and their associated coefficient of variation:


where         D = density (of individuals),

                   n = number of on-effort sightings,

                   f(0) = trackline probability density at zero distance,

                   E(s) = unbiased estimate of average group size,

                   L = length of transect lines surveyed on effort,

                   g(0) = trackline detection probability,

                   N = abundance,

                   A = size of the survey area,

                   CV = coefficient of variation, and

                   var = variance.

A strategy of selective pooling and stratification was used in order to minimize bias and maximize precision in making the estimates of density and abundance (Buckland et al. 2001).  Different strategies were used for various line-transect components, which are described below:

Sighting rate [n/L] - Sighting rate varies strongly with season and area (see Jefferson 2000, Jefferson et al. 2002), and thus a fully-stratified analysis (full stratification by both season and survey area) was used.  Clearly, sighting rate is one of the major parameters affecting density and abundance estimates, and although sample sizes were small for some strata (n < 5), pooling was not justified.

Trackline probability density [f(0)] - Because biases associated with small sample sizes can strongly affect the accuracy of density and abundance estimates, Buckland et al.'s (2001) guidelines regarding minimal sample sizes for estimation of the trackline probability density were followed.  They suggested a minimum sample size of 60 sightings for modelling of this parameter.

Average group size [E(s)] - Because of indications that group size varies by geographic region (Jefferson 2000, Jefferson et al. 2002), data from more than one survey area were not pooled together.  For those areas that had sample sizes of ≥ 10 for most seasons, a fully stratified analysis was used.  DISTANCE computed both the arithmetic mean and a size-bias corrected mean; the lesser of these two values was used in the calculations (in order to avoid size-bias generally caused by missing smaller groups at large perpendicular distances).

Trackline detection probability [g(0)] - For Hong Kong Chinese white dolphins, Jefferson (2000) reported group dive time data and collected 71.8 hours of independent observer data, and from this estimated that the detection probability is unity for that study.  The present analysis was an extension of Jefferson's (2000), with all survey techniques held constant.  Therefore, the previously-estimated value of g(0) = 1.0 was used for all density and abundance calculations.

Coefficient of Variation [CV] – The variance component for the appropriate estimate of each component of the line-transect equation was used in calculating the overall CV of the estimated density and abundance.  This resulted in more precise estimates for some areas and seasons than would have been the case with a fully-stratified analysis.  However, this came at the expense of some slight potential for increase in bias.

Quantitative Grid Analysis of Fine-scale Habitat Use

Positions of on-effort sightings of Chinese white dolphins from 2005 to 2009 were retrieved from the long-term sighting database, and then plotted onto 1-km2 grids among the survey areas around Deep Bay and Lantau Island on GIS.  Sighting densities (number of on-effort sightings per km2) and dolphin densities (total number of dolphins from on-effort sightings per km2) were then calculated for each 1-km2 grid with the aid of GIS.  Sighting density grids and dolphin density grids were then further normalized with the amount of survey effort conducted within each grid.  The total amount of survey effort spent on each grid was calculated by examining the survey coverage on each line-transect survey to determine how many times the grid was surveyed during the study period.  For example, when the survey boat traversed through a specific grid 50 times, 50 units of survey effort were counted for that grid.  With the amount of survey effort calculated for each grid, the sighting density and dolphin density of each grid were then normalized by survey effort (i.e. divided by the unit of survey effort).

The newly-derived unit for sighting density was termed SPSE, representing the number of on-effort sightings per 100 units of survey effort.  In addition, the derived unit for actual dolphin density was termed DPSE, representing the number of dolphins per 100 units of survey effort.  The following formulae were used to estimate SPSE and DPSE in each 1 km2 grid within the study area:

SPSE = ((S / E) x 100) / SA%

DPSE = (D / E) x 100 / SA%

Where          S = total number of on-effort sightings

                        D = total number of porpoise from on-effort sightings

                        E = total number of units of survey effort

                        SA% = percentage of sea area

The DPSE values of surveyed grid squares, plotted on maps, allows for identification and comparison of dolphin densities.  Among the 1 km2 grids that were partially covered by land, the percentage of sea area was calculated using GIS tools, and their SPSE and DPSE values were adjusted accordingly.  Both SPSE and DPSE values were useful in examining dolphin usage within a 1-km2 area.

Behavioural Data Analysis

When dolphins were sighted during line-transect vessel surveys, their activities were observed in detail.  Different activities were categorized (i.e. feeding, socializing, travelling, milling/resting) and recorded on sighting datasheets.  These data were then input to a separate database with sighting information, which can be used to determine the distribution of behavioural data with desktop GIS.  Distribution of sightings of dolphins engaged in different activities would then be plotted on GIS and carefully examined to identify important areas for different activities.  The behavioural data were also used in the quantitative grid analysis to identify important dolphin habitats for feeding and socializing activities.

Individual Ranging Pattern Analysis

Location data of individual dolphins with 10 or more re-sightings were obtained from the long-term dolphin sighting database and photo-identification catalogue with data collected up to June 2009.  To deduce home ranges for individual dolphins using the fixed kernel method, the program Animal Movement Analyst Extension, created by the Alaska Biological Science Centre, USGS (Hooge & Eichenlaub 1997), loaded as an extension with ArcView© 3.1 along with another extension Spatial Analyst 2.0., was used.  The program calculated kernel density estimates based on all sighting positions, and provided an active interface to display kernel density plots.  The kernel estimator then calculated and displayed the overall ranging area at 95% UD (Utilization Distribution) level.  The core areas of individuals with 10+ re-sightings at two different levels (50% and 25% UD) were also examined to investigate their core area use in detail.   This analysis aimed to determine whether there were any overlaps of dolphin overall ranges (95% UD ranges) and core areas (50% and 25% UD ranges) with the proposed gas pipeline alignment and reclamation site.

8A.5.3                          Results


Due to differential survey effort in various survey areas, it is not possible to compare densities of dolphins by examining maps of distribution.  The distribution maps are only useful for determining where animals occur and do not occur, and for comparing use of the area on a small scale (within a survey area).  Comparisons of density or habitat use on a larger scale should make use of numerical density estimates or the results of the grid analyses (discussed below).

From January 2005 to June 2009, a total of 645 groups of 2,444 Chinese white dolphins were sighted during vessel and helicopter surveys in Northwest Lantau and Deep Bay Survey Areas.  In the Deep Bay Survey Area alone, 35 groups of 107 Chinese white dolphins were sighted, with the majority of sightings during the 2005-06 surveys as part of ERM (2006).

In the western section of Northwest Lantau, distribution of dolphin sightings was mostly concentrated along the transect lines near Lung Kwu Chau, Sha Chau and Black Point headland (Figure 8A.17).  Dolphin sightings were more scattered in the mouth of Deep Bay, and dolphins occurred occasionally in the inner part of Deep Bay.  A number of dolphin sightings were made along and adjacent to the proposed gas pipeline alignment, and also near the proposed reclamation site at BPPS (Figure 8A.17).

Whilst dolphins occurred in Deep Bay and western Northwest Lantau throughout the year, seasonal variation in dolphin distribution at the mouth of Deep Bay was evident.  Dolphin sightings within or adjacent to the Project Site were slightly higher in autumn and winter months than in spring and summer months (Figure 8A.18), and more dolphins were sighted at the inner part of Deep Bay in autumn and winter months than in spring and summer months (Figure 8A.18).

Encounter Rate

During 2005-09, the overall sighting rate and dolphin encounter rate among the five survey areas around Lantau were 7.5 and 28.2 respectively.  Both sighting rate (8.0) and dolphin encounter rate (31.6) in Northwest Lantau were slightly higher than the overall, while the sighting rate (1.8) and dolphin encounter rate (6.3) in Deep Bay were the lowest among all five survey areas (Figure 8A.19) and were much lower than the overall.  The sighting rates in Deep Bay were also lower than the other survey areas in all seasons except winter (Figure 8A.19).

Density & Abundance

During 2005-09, the abundance estimate of Chinese white dolphins in Deep Bay ranged from four dolphins in spring/summer to seven dolphins in autumn (Table 8A.9).  Density estimates from the same area ranged from 13-24 individuals/100 km2.  In comparison, the abundance and density estimates of Chinese white dolphins in Northwest Lantau during 2004-06 ranged from 45-93 dolphins and 52-107 individuals/100 km2 respectively, and those from Northeast Lantau ranged from 7-18 dolphins and 6-34 individuals/100 km2 respectively (Jefferson 2007).

Dolphin density in Deep Bay was evidently much lower than the prime dolphin habitats in Northwest Lantau and West Lantau (Figure 8A.20).  However, when compared to other survey areas that are at the periphery of the dolphin population range (i.e. Northeast Lantau and Southwest Lantau), dolphin densities in Deep Bay were slightly higher than these areas in winter and spring months (Figure 8A.20).  Dolphin densities in Deep Bay were also relatively stable seasonally.


Table 8A.9      Estimates of Abundance and Associated Parameters for Chinese White Dolphins in Deep Bay during 2005-09

Survey Area

Survey Days

L (km)






(100 km-2)


CV (%)

Deep Bay













































L: total length of transect surveyed; n: number of on-effort sightings; f(0): trackline probability density; E(s): unbiased mean group size; D: individual density; N: individual abundance; CV: coefficient of variation


Group Size

During 2005-09, most dolphin groups in Deep Bay and Northwest Lantau tended to be small, with 44% of the total composed of 1-2 animals, and only 4.5% of the groups composed of more than 10 animals.  Within Deep Bay, most sightings were small dolphin groups with 1-4 animals, and only a few medium (5-9 animals) and large dolphin groups (≥ 10 animals) were sighted near the mouth of Deep Bay (Figure 8A.21).  Within and adjacent to the proposed gas pipeline alignment, almost all sightings were small dolphin groups, and only two large dolphin groups were sighted just to the south of the proposed gas pipeline alignment (Figure 8A.21).

In contrast, medium and large dolphin groups were frequently sighted in the western Northwest Lantau area, along the Urmston Road (i.e. between Lung Kwu Chau and Black Point) and especially to the north and east of Lung Kwu Chau (Figure 8A.21).

Quantitative Grid Analysis of Fine-scale Habitat Use

For the present data review, SPSE and DPSE values (standardised per 100 units of survey effort) were calculated for all 356 1-km2 grids in Deep Bay, Northwest, Northeast, West, Southwest and Southeast Lantau Survey Areas.  The SPSE/DPSE values among the six grids that overlapped with the proposed gas pipeline alignment and reclamation site (i.e. Grids G5-6, H5, I5, and J5-6) were compared to the 356 grids in the six Survey Areas, the 96 grids in Northwest Lantau, and the 26 grids in Deep Bay.  This quantitative analysis provides the best way to compare dolphin use of specific areas, especially on a small scale.  Because the data are standardized for differential survey effort, it is possible to make direct comparison of density of two grids for interpretation.

During 2005-09, dolphins were recorded in five of the six grids that overlapped with the Project Site.  The mean SPSE and DPSE (standardised per 100 units of survey effort) of these six grids were 4.9 ± 3.49 and 15.0 ± 13.50 respectively and were considered as low (< 5 and < 20 respectively).  Whilst the values mean SPSE and DPSE of these six grids were higher than the overall mean and the mean values of Deep Bay, they were lower than the mean values of Northwest Lantau (Figure 8A.22).

Habitat use of dolphins was also very uneven among the 1 km2 grids of the Survey Areas.  Grids with high sighting density and dolphin density were generally found to the north and east of Lung Kwu Chau, approximately 3 – 4 km south of the proposed gas pipelines (Figure 8A.23).  The SPSE and DPSE values of the six grids that overlapped with the Project Site were considered as low to low-moderate, and none of these six grids that overlapped with the Project Site recorded moderate or high sighting density or dolphin density (Figure 8A.23).  The area of proposed gas pipeline alignment and reclamation site was thus considered to be utilized by Chinese white dolphins at a low to low-moderate extent.


During 2005-09, a total of 30 unspotted calves (UCs) and 117 unspotted juveniles (UJs) ([8]) were sighted during on-effort surveys in Northwest Lantau and Deep Bay.  Only a few UCs were sighted at the mouth of Deep Bay near the Black Point headland, and none of them were sighted in the vicinity of the proposed gas pipeline alignment or within the Deep Bay area (Figure 8A.24).  In the western Northwest Lantau area, most sightings of UCs were made around Lung Kwu Chau (Figure 8A.24).  A few UJs were sighted along the proposed gas pipeline alignment and in the inner part of Deep Bay, and as with the UCs, most UJs were sighted along the Urmston Road and around Lung Kwu Chau to the south of the proposed gas pipeline alignment (Figure 8A.24).

The on-effort data on UCs and UJs from 2005-09 were used to calculate the DPSE (standardised per 100 units of survey effort) of UCs and UJs for each grid in western Northwest Lantau and Deep Bay.  UJs were recorded in two of the six grids that overlapped with the Project Site (Figure 8A.25), and the mean DPSE value of UJs for these six grids was 0.6 ± 0.67, which was lower than the overall mean (0.7 ± 1.72) and the mean value in Northwest Lantau (1.0 ± 2.14) but higher than that in Deep Bay (0.4 ± 0.90) (Figure 8A.26).  During 2005-09, no UC was sighted in Deep Bay or within the proposed Project Site (Figure 8A.25).  The areas of proposed gas pipelines and reclamation site were, therefore, only utilized by young dolphin calves to a low to low-moderate extent.

Behavioural Activities

Feeding and socialising activities are regarded as the two predominant daytime activities of Chinese white dolphins in Hong Kong (Hung 2008).  During 2005-09, a total of 95 and 67 sightings were associated with feeding and socialising activities, respectively, in Northwest Lantau and Deep Bay.  Dolphins rarely engaged in travelling and milling/resting activities in the two areas, with only 13 sightings associated with these two activities combined.

Several dolphin sightings associated with feeding and socialising activities were made near the proposed gas pipeline alignment, and these activities rarely occurred in the inner part of Deep Bay (Figure 8A.27).  In the western Northwest Lantau area, whilst most of the feeding activities can be found along the Urmston Road and around Lung Kwu Chau, most of the socialising activities mainly occurred between Black Point headland and Lung Kwu Chau (Figure 8A.27).

To identify potential important habitats for feeding and socialising activities, the subset of on-effort dolphin sightings engaged in these two activities during 2005-09 were used to calculate the SPSE values (standardised per 100 units of survey effort) for grids in western Northwest Lantau and Deep Bay.  Dolphins with feeding activities were recorded in three of the six grids that overlapped with the Project Site (Figure 8A.28), and the mean SPSE of these activities for these six grids 0.6 ± 0.67, was lower than the overall mean (0.7 ± 1.57) and the mean value in Northwest Lantau (0.8 ± 1.54) but higher than that in Deep Bay (0.2 ± 0.50) (Figure 8A.29).  Likewise, dolphins with socialising activities were recorded in two of the six grids that overlapped with the Project Site (Figure 8A.28), and the mean SPSE of these activities for these six grids was 0.8 ± 1.27, which was higher than the overall mean (0.3 ± 0.80), the mean value in Northwest Lantau (0.5 ± 0.92) and the mean value in Deep Bay (0.3 ± 0.72) (Figure 8A.29).  The areas of proposed gas pipelines and reclamation site were, therefore, utilized by dolphins for feeding activities and socializing activities at a low-moderate to moderate extent respectively.

Individual Ranging Pattern

Currently, the photo-identification catalogue of the Pearl River Estuary Chinese white dolphin population contains information of over 650 individuals identified in Hong Kong and the rest of the Pearl River Estuary, with 347 dolphins being first identified within Hong Kong territorial waters.  A total of 99 individual dolphins from the photo-identification catalogue were seen 10 times or more and were examined in the ranging pattern analysis.

The ranging patterns of the 99 individual dolphins indicated that the majority of them only used the mouth of Deep Bay to a small extent, and the proposed gas pipelines route was located at the periphery of most of these individuals’ ranges.  The core area use patterns of individual dolphins revealed that the proposed gas pipeline alignment was situated within or adjacent to the 50% UD ranges of only ten animals and the 25% UD ranges of only three animals (Figure 8A.30).  This indicated that only a small proportion of identified dolphins have consistently utilized the area where the proposed gas pipelines are located.  A total of 42 of the 99 individuals had their 95% UD ranges overlap with or adjacent to the proposed gas pipeline route, and three other individuals that were sighted 5-9 times (i.e. NL189, SL42 & SL30) also had their ranges overlap with the proposed gas pipeline route (Annex 8C).

8A.6                                Evaluation of Ecological Importance

The existing conditions of the marine ecological habitats and resources within the Study Area have been assessed.  These baseline conditions have been based on available literature and, where considered necessary, focussed field surveys and data review to update and supplement the data.  Based on this information (presented in Sections 8A.3 – 8A.5), the ecological importance of each habitat has been determined according to the EIAO-TM Annex 8 criteria, as follows:

·           Naturalness

·           Size

·           Diversity

·           Rarity

·           Re-creatability

·           Fragmentation

·           Ecological Linkage

·           Potential Value

·           Nursery Ground

·           Age

·           Abundance

Within the Study Area of this EIA, which covers quite a large areal extent, variations in the ecological characteristics of habitats across different locations (which are kilometres apart) are likely to be present.  To provide information of key relevance to the marine ecological assessment, the ecological importance of habitats presented in this baseline is therefore primarily focussed on the vicinity of the works areas of the proposed project.

Outcomes of the evaluation of ecological importance of the marine habitats and species within the Study Area are presented in Tables 8A.10 to 8A.13.  The application of the EIAO-TM Annex 8 criteria has led to the following conclusions:

·           The intertidal artificial seawall at the Black Point Power Station and the natural shores at the Black Point headland to be classified as low ecological importance;

·           The subtidal artificial seawall at the Black Point Power Station and the hard bottom assemblages within the Project’s footprint to be classified as low ecological importance;

·           The subtidal soft benthos assemblages within the Project’s footprint to be classified as low ecological importance; and

·           The marine waters off the Black Point Power Station and along the corridor of the proposed submarine gas pipelines to be classified as of low-moderate ecological importance on the use of the area by Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins.


Table 8A.10    Ecological Importance of Intertidal Habitats at Black Point Power Station


Intertidal Artificial Shorelines

Natural Rocky Shore at Black Point Headland


Artificial, constructed habitat.

Largely undisturbed.


Large.  The artificial shore adjacent to the Project Site is approximately 1 km in length and is the predominant habitat of the Black Point Power Station.

Medium.  About 590 m of rocky shore habitat is found on the northern portion of the Black Point headland.


Low.  The intertidal assemblages of the sloping artificial shores comprise typical biota of sheltered to moderately-exposed rocky shores in Hong Kong, but with low diversity.

Low.  The intertidal assemblages are composed of typical biota of moderately-exposed rocky shores in Hong Kong, but with low diversity.


No species recorded are considered rare or of recognised conservation interest.

No species recorded are considered rare or of recognised conservation interest.


Hard bottom substrata may be re-colonised by subtidal organisms.

Hard bottom substrata may be re-colonised by subtidal organisms.


Low.  The surrounding coastlines primarily comprise artificial intertidal shores.

Low.  The shoreline is interspersed with areas of artificial seawall.

Ecological Linkage

The habitat is not functionally linked to any high value habitat in a significant way.

The habitat is not functionally linked to any high value habitat in a significant way.

Potential Value

Unlikely to become an area of conservation value.

Unlikely to become an area of conservation value.

Nursery Area

No significant records identified during the literature review or field surveys.

No significant records identified during the literature review or field surveys.


The artificial seawall has been in place since the site access of Black Point Power Station was obtained in March 1993.

n/a for these assemblages but the life cycle of the fauna and flora is very short.


Lower abundance than natural rocky shore habitat.

Typical of other moderately- exposed shores in Hong Kong.


Intertidal assemblages of the artificial shores are reported to support a lower diversity and abundance of intertidal organisms as natural shores.

Ecological Importance - Low.

The fauna of the intertidal region appears to be typical of moderately-exposed shores in Hong Kong, but with low diversity.  The sites appear to have suffered some human disturbance.

Ecological Importance - Low.



Table 8A.11    Ecological Importance of Subtidal Hard-Bottom Habitats at Black Point Power Station and within the Project Footprint


Subtidal Artificial Shorelines & Other Hard Substrates


Artificial, constructed habitat.


Large. The subtidal artificial shore in the Study Area is approximately 1 km in length which is found along a narrow band at depths of 3-4 m.


Very low in comparison to other similar man-made habitats of Hong Kong.


No sessile species was recorded.


Hard bottom substrata may be re-colonised by subtidal organisms including corals


Low.  The surrounding coastlines primarily comprise artificial intertidal shores.

Ecological Linkage

The habitat is not functionally linked to any high value habitat in a significant way.

Potential Value

Very low since conditions are not highly suited for coral growth.  High turbidity and high rates of sedimentation mean that the area is unlikely to become an area of coral conservation.

Nursery Area

No significant records identified during the literature review.


The artificial seawall has been in place since the site access of Black Point Power Station was obtained in March 1993.


Supported no live coral coverage in the Study Area.


No live coral cover is present.

Ecological Importance - Low.



Table 8A.12    Ecological Importance of Subtidal Soft Benthos Assemblages at the Proposed GRS Reclamation and along the Corridor of the Proposed Submarine Gas Pipelines


Subtidal Soft Benthos


Habitat disturbed to some extent by fisheries vessel trawling activities and is influenced by discharges from the Pearl River.


Habitat is large in extent.  Pipeline alignment is approximately 5 km in HKSAR waters.


The assemblages are of similar diversity to other areas in the Hong Kong waters.


No species recorded are considered rare or of recognised conservation interest.


Benthic organisms may recolonise disturbed seabed areas.


The habitat is not fragmented.

Ecological Linkage

The habitat is not functionally linked to any high value habitat in a significant way.

Potential Value

It is unlikely that the habitat could develop conservation interest.

Nursery Area

No significant records identified during the literature review.


The fauna appear to be typical of those present in Hong Kong's soft benthos. The sediments in the habitat are constantly accreting and eroding and the fauna present there are typically short lived.


In comparison to other parts of the western waters the assemblages are of medium to high abundance and biomass.


The sediments support low diversity but average abundance/ biomass of benthic organisms that are typical of Hong Kong's benthos.

Ecological Importance – Low.


Table 8A.13    Ecological Importance of Marine Waters off the Black Point Power Station and along the Corridor of the Proposed Submarine Gas Pipelines


Marine Mammal Habitat


In close proximity to artificial shorelines and the pipeline route traverses marine traffic lane of Hong Kong.


Habitat is large in extent.  Pipeline alignment is approximately 5 km in HKSAR waters.




Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin Sousa chinensis has been recorded in the waters off Black Point.




The habitat is not fragmented.

Ecological Linkage

Proposed pipeline route lies in waters that are utilised by humpback dolphins as part of their larger habitat.  These waters are not regarded as major habitats for humpback dolphins.

Potential Value

Waters off Black Point are at the periphery of most dolphins’ ranges, and only 10 of the 99 identified dolphins have consistently utilized this area (at 50% UD ranges).

Nursery Area

Review of baseline conditions indicated lower sightings of young animals or mothers with calves off Black Point or in proximity to the pipeline route than in other waters of Hong Kong




Dolphin density and abundance are low in comparison to other waters of Hong Kong.


Route passes through waters where humpback dolphins have been sighted, but dolphin abundance was considered to be low.

Ecological Importance –Low to Moderate.


8A.6.1                          Species of Conservation Interest

In accordance with EIAO-TM Annex 8 criteria, an evaluation of species of conservation value recorded from the Study Area is presented in Table 8A.14.


Table 8A.14    Species of Conservation Interest within the Study Area

Common Name

Scientific Name

Protection Status

Distribution, Rarity and other Notes

Indo-Pacific Humpback dolphin (locally known as Chinese White Dolphin )

Sousa chinensis

·       Wild Animals Protection Ordinance

·       Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (CITES Appendix I species [i.e. highest protection])

·       Listed as “Endangered” in the China Species Red List

·       Listed as “Grade I National Key Protected Species” in China

·       Listed as "Near Threatened" in the 2009 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Range across Pearl River Estuary and across Hong Kong western and southern waters from Deep Bay to Lamma.


8A.7                                Summary

The findings from the literature review, field surveys and additional data review on marine ecological conditions of the Study Area off Black Point are detailed above and are summarized as follows.

The marine ecological habitats in the immediate vicinity of the proposed GRS reclamation site of BPPS and pipeline route in Black Point have undergone some degree of anthropogenic disturbance through marine traffic via the Urmston Road, trawling activities and reclamation for the Black Point Power Station and CLP’s Ash Lagoons.

The key finding of the literature review was the recorded presence of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin Sousa chinensis in the waters of the Study Area.  The review highlighted that humpback dolphins have been sighted in Deep Bay and western Northwest Lantau within the areas of the proposed reclamation and pipeline alignment.

To provide the most up-to-date baseline information for some components of the marine environment, focussed field surveys and additional data review were undertaken.  Field surveys were conducted in habitats within and surrounding the reclamation site and pipeline route in the dry and wet seasons of 2009, while the additional data review for marine mammals utilised data from January 2005 to June 2009.  The details of the baseline surveys are summarized in Table 8A.4.

The ecological importance of the habitats was determined through reference to the following:

·           Literature review;

·           Findings of the field surveys and additional data review;

·           Comparison with other areas in Hong Kong; and

·           Annexes 8 and 16 of the EIAO TM.

None of the marine ecological resources and habitats in the proposed Project Site is considered as of high ecological value.  Key findings and outcomes of the evaluation of ecological importance are summarised below.

Intertidal Hard Bottom Assemblages

Seasonal quantitative transect surveys were conducted on the artificial seawall of the Black Point Power Station.  Rocky shore species at all survey transects were common and widespread and no species of high conservation importance were recorded.  The assemblages recorded are considered to be of low diversity and low ecological importance.

Subtidal Soft Bottom Assemblages – Benthos

Systematic grab sampling was conducted within and in proximity to the footprint of the reclamation site and pipeline alignment in the wet season 2009.  Infaunal assemblages at the surveyed sites were dominated by polychaete worms, and the species recorded are common and widespread species with no particular conservation concern.  In comparison with the Hong Kong average reported in the literature, the abundance and biomass of infauna at these sites are considered as medium to high, while taxonomic richness of infauna at these sites are considered as low.  The ecological importance of these assemblages is considered as low.

Subtidal Hard Bottom Assemblages – Coral

Spot dive surveys were conducted on the artificial seawall of the Black Point Power Station, within the proposed reclamation site and on hard substrate identified along the proposed pipeline route.  No corals (hard, soft, gorgonians or whips) were recorded during the survey and thus the ecological importance of these habitats is considered as low.

Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins

A comprehensive data review was undertaken by the Hong Kong Cetacean Research Project (HKCRP) using the long-term dolphin monitoring data collected from Deep Bay and western Northwest Lantau from January 2005 to June 2009.  This review aimed to characterise the use of marine waters of the Project Site and its vicinity by the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin.

Findings of the data review showed that humpback dolphins have been sighted along and adjacent to the proposed gas pipeline alignment, and also near the proposed reclamation site at BPPS.  Dolphin densities (DPSE values) were considered as low to moderate for the proposed reclamation site and along the pipeline alignment.  The ecological importance of the Study Area is considered as low-to-moderate.

8A.8                                References

AECOM (2009) Environmental Impact Assessment of the Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link. Prepared for Highways Department

AFCD (2004a) Ecological Status and Revised Species Records of Hong Kong’s Scleractinian Corals

AFCD (2004b) Monitoring of Chinese White Dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in Hong Kong waters – Data collection: Final Report (1 April 2003 to 31 March 2004). Prepared by Hong Kong Cetacean Research Project

AFCD (2006): Horseshoe crabs in Hong Kong website <http://www.afcd.gov.hk/english/conservation/con_mar/con_mar_hor/con_mar_hor.html> Accessed on 23 March 2009

ARUP (2005) Lantau Logistics Park Development – Feasibility Study: Engineering Feasibility Study Report. Agreement No. CE 23/2004 (CE). Prepared for CED

ARUP (2009a) Environmental Impact Assessment of the Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road. Prepared for Highways Department

ARUP (2009b) Environmental Impact Assessment of the Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities. Prepared for Highways Department

Barros NB, Jefferson TA, Parsons ECM (2004) Feeding habits of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) stranded in Hong Kong. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue) 30: 179-188

Buckland ST, Anderson DR, Burnham KP, Laake JL, Borchers DL, Thomas L (2001) Introduction to Distance Sampling: Estimating Abundance of Biological Populations.  Oxford University Press: London

Chan A, Choi C, McCorry D, Chan K, Lee MW, Put A Jr (2005) Field Guide to Hard Coral of Hong Kong. Friends of the Country Parks

Chiu HMC, Morton B (1999) The distribution of horseshoe crabs (Tachypleus tridentatus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda) in Hong Kong. Asian Marine Biology 16: 185–196

CityU Professional Services Limited (2002) Consultancy Study on Marine Benthic Communities in Hong Kong (Agreement No. CE 69/2000). Prepared for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD)

ERM (1995) Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Aviation Fuel Receiving Facility at Sha Chau. Prepared for the Provisional Airport Authority

ERM (1997) Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Disposal of Contaminated Mud in the East of Sha Chau Marine Borrow Pit. Prepared for CED

ERM (1998) Environmental Impact Assessment of a 1800 MW Gas-Fired Power Station at Lamma Extension: Marine Ecological Assessment – Final Benthic Ecology Survey Report. Prepared for the Hong Kong Electric Co Ltd

ERM (2000) Sludge Treatment and Disposal Strategy: Site Specific Feasibility Study of Sludge Management Strategy (SMS) and Sludge Disposal Plan (SDS). Prepared for the Environmental Protection Department (EPD)

ERM (2006) Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Receiving Terminal and Associated Facilities: EIA Study (EIA Study Brief ESB-126/2005). Prepared for CAPCO

ERM (2008) Environmental Data Review for Contaminated Mud Pits at East of Sha Chau (Agreement No CE 19/2004 (EP)). Prepared for the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD)

Fong TCW (1999) Tai Ho Wan: breeding and nursery ground of horseshoe crabs. Porcupine! 20: 8

Hooge PN, Eichenlaub B (1997) Animal movement extension to ArcView (version 1.1). Alaska Biological Science Center, United States Geological Survey, Anchorage

Huang Q, Chiu HMC, Morton B (1999) Nursery Beaches for Horseshoe Crabs in Hong Kong. Porcupine! 18: 9-10

Hung SK (2008) Habitat Use of Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in Hong Kong. Unpublished PhD Thesis. The University of Hong Kong

IUCN (2008) 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Downloaded on 24 March 2009

Jefferson TA (2000) Population biology of the Indo-Pacific hump-backed dolphin in Hong Kong waters. Wildlife Monographs 144: 1-65

Jefferson TA (2007) Monitoring of Chinese White Dolphins in Hong Kong Waters - Biopsy Sampling and Population Data Analysis: Executive Summary (1 November 2007). Prepared for the AFCD

Jefferson TA, Hung SK (2004) A review of the status of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin in Chinese waters. Aquatic Mammals (Special Issue) 30: 149-158

Jefferson TA, Hung SK (2007) An updated, annotated checklist of the marine mammals of Hong Kong. Mammalia 2007: 105–114

Jefferson TA, Leatherwood S (1997) Distribution and abundance of Indo-Pacific hump-backed dolphins (Sousa chinensis Osbeck, 1765) in Hong Kong waters. Asian Marine Biology 14: 93-110

Jefferson TA, Hung SK, Wursig B (2009) Protecting small cetaceans from coastal development: Impact Assessment and mitigation experience in Hong Kong. Marine Policy 33: 305-311

Jefferson TA, Hung SK, Law L, Torey M, Tregenza N (2002) Distribution and abundance of Finless porpoises in Hong Kong and adjacent waters of China. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 10: 43-55

Laake JL, Buckland ST, Anderson DR, Burnham KP (1994) DISTANCE user’s guide, Version 2.1.  Colorado Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Fort Collin, Colorado

Li HY (2008) The Conservation of Horseshoe Crabs in Hong Kong. MPhil Thesis. The City University of Hong Kong

Maunsell (2002) Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Construction of Lung Kwu Chau Jetty Final Environmental Impact Assessment Report. Prepared for CED

Meinhardt (2007) Environmental Impact Assessment for Permanent Aviation Fuel Facility for Hong Kong International Airport. Prepared for Airport Authority Hong Kong

Mouchel (2001) Marine Ecology Baseline Survey for Castle Peak Road Improvements between Area 2 and Ka Loon Tsuen Wan. Prepared for Highways Department

Mouchel (2004) Hong Kong- Zhuhai- Macao Bridge: Hong Kong Section and the North Lantau Highway Connection: Ecological Baseline Survey Final 9 Month Ecological Baseline Survey Report. Prepared for the Highways Department

Parsons ECM (1998) The behaviour of Hong Kong’s resident cetaceans: the Indo-Pacific hump-backed dolphin and the finless porpoise. Aquatic Mammals 24: 91–110

Scott PJB (1984) The Corals of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. Hong Kong University Press


([1])     Dominant species recorded in the 2004 surveys included the littorinid snails Echinolittorina radiata, E. vidua and Littoraria articulata, the common dogwhelk Thais clavigera, limpets Nipponacmea concinna and Siphonaria japonica, and snails Monodonta labio and Planaxis sulcatus, the rock oyster Saccostrea cucullata, barnacles Capitulum mitella, Tetraclita japonica, T. squamosa and Balanus amphitrite, and algae (Ulva sp. and encrusting algae).

([2])     Species composition on the Black Point headland natural shores was similar to that recorded on BPPS artificial shores (see footnote above).  The species recorded in the 2004 surveys are summarised in Table 1 of Annex 8B.

([3])     A third species of horseshoe crab Tachypleus gigas was not recorded in Hong Kong since March 1995 and its local status is uncertain (Chiu & Morton 1999), likely to be locally extinct

([4])     This estimate did not include the individuals found in the western Estuary, southwest of Macau and Zhuhai, and therefore only represented a minimum.

([5])     Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD): Chinese White Dolphin website <http://www.afcd.gov.hk/english/conservation/con_mar/con_mar_chi/con_mar_chi_chi/con_mar_chi_chi_abu_howmany.html> Accessed on 23 March 2009

([6])     For quantitative grid analysis of habitat use of dolphins, positions of on-effort sightings were plotted onto 1 km2 grids within the survey areas to calculate sighting density for each grid (number of on-effort sightings per km2).  Sighting density grids were then normalized with the amount of survey effort conducted within each grid to provide a new, survey effort-corrected sighting density data, termed “SPSE”, which represents the number of on-effort sightings per unit of survey effort.  SPSE was further elaborated to look at actual dolphin densities (exact number of dolphins from on-effort sightings per km2).  The new unit for this approach was termed “DPSE”, which is the number of individual dolphins per unit of survey effort.  Plotting the DPSE values of surveyed grid squares on maps allows areas where the most dense sightings of dolphins occur to be identified.

([7])     For quantitative grid analysis of habitat use of dolphins, positions of on-effort sightings were plotted onto 1 km2 grids within the survey areas to calculate sighting density for each grid (number of on-effort sightings per km2).  Sighting density grids were then normalized with the amount of survey effort conducted within each grid to provide a new, survey effort-corrected sighting density data, termed “SPSE”, which represents the number of on-effort sightings per unit of survey effort.  SPSE was further elaborated to look at actual dolphin densities (exact number of dolphins from on-effort sightings per km2).  The new unit for this approach was termed “DPSE”, which is the number of individual dolphins per unit of survey effort.  Plotting the DPSE values of surveyed grid squares on maps allows areas where the most dense sightings of dolphins occur to be identified.

([8])     Chinese white dolphins in Hong Kong have been classified into six age classes in relation to their colour pattern development, but the sequence of this development has yet to be confirmed with the exception of young calves (Jefferson 2000).  The calves of Chinese white dolphins in Hong Kong are categorized into unspotted calves (UCs; newborn calves up to six months old that have not been weaned and are dependent on their mother) and unspotted juveniles (UJs; older calves up to 1-2 years old but still dependent on their mothers).