9                                            Fisheries Assessment

9.1                                      Introduction

This section presents the findings of an impact assessment on existing capture and culture fisheries, including fisheries resources, fishing operations and fish/oyster culture activities, from the construction and operation of the Gas Receiving Stations (GRSs) and submarine gas pipelines in the Black Point area.  It summarises baseline information on fisheries production around Black Point gathered from the literature review.  The assessment of fisheries impacts is based on the Project Description (Section 3) and the findings of the Water Quality Assessment (Section 6).

9.2                                      Relevant Legislation & Assessment Criteria

9.2.1                                Technical Memorandum

The criteria for evaluating fisheries impacts are stated in the EIAO-TM.  Annex 17 of the EIAO-TM prescribes the general approach and methodology for assessing fisheries impacts caused by a project or proposal, to allow a complete and objective identification, prediction and evaluation of the potential impacts.  EIAO-TM Annex 9 recommends the criteria that are to be used for evaluation of fisheries impacts.

9.2.2                                Other Legislation

Other legislation which applies to fisheries includes:

·           Fisheries Protection Ordinance (Cap 171), which provides for the conservation of fish and other aquatic life, regulates fishing practices and prevents activities detrimental to the fishing industry.

·           Marine Fish Culture Ordinance (Cap 353), which regulates and protects marine fish culture and other related activities and requires all marine fish culture activity to operate under licence in designated Fish Culture Zones.

·           Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap 499), Section 5(7) - Environmental Impact Assessment Study Brief no. ESB-208/2009 Section 3.4.6, which outlines the key fisheries impacts to be reviewed and assessed in the EIA Report.

9.3                                      Baseline Conditions & Fisheries Sensitive Receivers

The Study Area for fisheries was the same as that for the Water Quality Impact Assessment (see Section 6).  A desktop review of existing information on commercial fisheries resources and fishing operations in waters of the Study Area has been undertaken, and the most up-to-date information was obtained primarily from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD).  For a detailed description of the physical and biological characteristics of the marine environment of the Study Area please refer to Sections 6 and 8 respectively.

9.3.1                                Overview of Hong Kong Fisheries

Marine-based commercial fishing operations in Hong Kong are broadly classified into culture and capture fisheries. 

Mariculture fishery operations occur at 26 Fish Culture Zones (FCZs) which altogether occupy about 209 ha of Hong Kong waters.  They involve rearing of marine fish from fry or fingerlings to marketable size in cages suspended by floating rafts usually in sheltered coastal areas/ embayments.  Fish farms are typically small scale, family-run operations comprising only one or two rafts with an average size of about 280 m2.  With effect from June 2002, the marine fish culture licence is transferable.  In 2008, the marine fish culture industry produced about 1,370 tonnes of fish valued at HK$82 million which accounts for about 10 % of local demand for live marine fish.

For capture fisheries, the size of Hong Kong fishing fleet in 2008 was about 3,800 vessels which were manned by approximately 7,900 local fishers.  In 2008, the yield of capture fisheries industry was about 158,000 tonnes which valued at about HK$1,780 million.  The catch was mainly from waters outside Hong Kong on the traditional fishing grounds over the continental shelf of the South China Seas ([1]).  Main fishing methods include trawling, long-lining, gill-netting and purse-seining with the majority of the total catch obtained through trawling.

Based on the latest data from AFCD Port Survey 2006, the highest fisheries production (600 to 1,000 kg ha-1) in Hong Kong was recorded in the vicinity of the Ninepin Island Group, Po Toi and Tap Mun ([2]).  These areas also recorded the highest number of fishing vessels.  Scad (Carangidae), shrimp, rabbitfish (Siganidae), squid, croaker (Sciaenidae), crab, mullet (Mugilidae), sardine (Clupeidae), seabream (Sparidae) and anchovy (Engraulidae) were the top 10 families captured in Hong Kong waters.

Since 1999, Mainland Authorities have implemented an annual fishing moratorium for South China Sea fishing grounds.  Since 2009, the moratorium lasts for 2.5 months during mid summer (from mid May to 1 August) of each year.  Except by gill-netting, long-lining, hand-lining and cage trapping, the moratorium prohibits other means of fishing activity by the Hong Kong fleet in the area.

9.3.2                                Culture Fisheries in the Study Area

There are no Fish Culture Zones (FCZ) located close to the proposed reclamation and submarine gas pipelines (Figure 9.1).  The closest AFCD designated FCZ is located at Ma Wan which is over 20 km from the proposed site).

Despite the long established oyster farming practice on the Deep Bay mudflats, there are no gazetted oyster farming locations in Hong Kong.  The oyster production area located along the shore from Tsim Bei Tsui to Pak Nai (Figure 9.1) is about 4 km from the proposed reclamation and submarine pipelines.

9.3.3                                Capture Fisheries in the Study Area

Fishing Operations

The area and number of vessels operating in the Study Area during 2005 are presented in Figure 9.2 ([3]).  Very low numbers of fishing vessels (10 – 50 vessels), mostly shrimp trawlers, hang trawlers, gill netters and sampans, operated in waters around the proposed facilities at Black Point in 2005.  Elsewhere within the Study Area, moderate numbers of vessels (100 – 400 vessels) were recorded near the Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park, the Brothers Island and off Tai O (Figure 9.2).

Fisheries Production

In Deep Bay waters where the proposed Project will be situated, the production of adult fish and value of catch ranked 12th among the 12 fishing sectors in Hong Kong waters, and in 1998 an estimated annual catch of 73 tonnes of adult fish and zero fry was recorded in these waters ([4]).

More recent data from the AFCD Port Survey 2006 indicated that fisheries production in waters around the proposed facilities at Black Point in 2005 was very low, with £ 50 kg ha-1 for adult fish with no documented fish fry production and accounting for £ HK$ 500 ha-1 in value (Figures 9.3 to 9.5) ([5]).  Elsewhere within the Study Area, moderate level of adult fisheries production (200 – 400 kg ha-1) were recorded near the Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park, the Brothers Island and off Tai O, accounting for HK$ 2,000 – 10,000 ha-1 in value (Figures 9.3 and 9.5).  Fisheries production for fish fry was not recorded within the Study Area in 2005 (Figure 9.4).

Results of the Port Survey 2006 thus suggested that waters in outer Deep Bay and Black Point are not key fishing areas with very low fisheries production due to the shallow water depths which constrain vessel navigation and the abundance of cargo vessels that ply the waters between the Shenzhen River and the Pearl River.  It is concluded that the level of fishing operations, fisheries production and catch value in these waters are very low comparing to elsewhere in Hong Kong waters.

9.3.4                                Fisheries Resources - Spawning Areas

The northern Lantau waters were previously identified in 1998 as fisheries spawning grounds for high value commercial species (Figure 9.1) ([6]).  This area is approximately 10 km long (from Tai Mo To island to Lung Kwu Chau Island) and 5 km wide (from Castle Peak to the northernmost tip of the Airport).  Leiognathus brevirostris (ponyfish), Lateolabrax japonicus (seabass/ perch) and Clupanodon punctatus (gizzard shad) were examples of the main commercial fish species recorded in the north Lantau spawning area.  In Hong Kong, spawning period differs among fisheries species with the majority of commercial species aggregate and spawn in the open water during the period from June to September ([7]).

The recognised northern Lantau spawning area is located south of the proposed Project at a distance of about 4.7 km (Figure 9.1), and is considered unlikely to be affected by the construction and operation of this Project due to the large separation distance.

9.3.5                                Artificial Reef Deployment

The AFCD has been undertaking a programme to enhance existing marine habitats and fisheries resources through the siting, construction and deployment of artificial reefs (ARs).  Generally ARs provide hard bottom, high profile habitat in areas without natural cover and may potentially act as fish enhancement devices.  In March 2000, the Sha Chau AR was deployed with the key objective of enhancing the marine habitat quality and fisheries resources (Figure 9.1) ([8]).  A total of 42 units of concrete-coated container and 24 units of ferro-cement river barges with a total volume of 5,580 m3 have been deployed on the seabed.  They are located at least 7.8 km away from the proposed Project, and are considered unlikely to be affected by the construction and operation of this Project due to the large separation distance.  Results of the water quality modelling exercise support this conclusion (Section 6).

9.3.6                                Fisheries Importance

Based on the baseline information provided above, the importance of the fisheries within the Study Area is evaluated.  The fishing areas within the Study Area, in particular within the Project’s footprint, are being considered as of low commercial value.  The small size and subsequent low value of the catches characterise the waters of the Project Area as of low importance to the Hong Kong fishing industry.

According to Annex 9 of the EIAO-TM, spawning grounds can be regarded as an important habitat type as they are critical to the regeneration and long-term survival of many organisms and their populations.  No spawning area has been identified within the footprint of the proposed Project.  The closest recognised spawning area is located approximately 4.7 km south of the Project site.

9.3.7                                Sensitive Receivers

Based on the preceding review of the available information on the capture and culture fisheries of the waters in the vicinity of the proposed Project, the potential sensitive receivers that may be affected by the Project activities are identified as follows:

·           Recognised spawning ground of commercial fisheries resources in north Lantau (south of the proposed Project at a distance of about 4.7 km);

·           Artificial reefs in the Sha Chau & Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park (located at least 7.8 km from the proposed Project);

·           Oyster production area at Deep Bay (about 4 km from the proposed facilities).

The locations of the sensitive receivers are shown in Figure 9.1.  FCZs are not expected to be affected by the Project due to their distances from the Project site and they are thus not considered to be sensitive receivers.  The water quality modelling results presented in Section 6 support this conclusion.

9.4                                      Assessment Methodology

A desktop literature review of baseline fisheries conditions was conducted for the purpose of establishing the fisheries importance of the waters in the vicinity of the proposed facilities at Black Point.  Information from the water quality impact assessment (Section 6) was examined to refine the size of the Study Area as that is potentially affected by perturbations to water quality parameters.  This area, refined to within 3 km from the Project facilities, became the main focus for this fisheries impact assessment.  The importance of potentially impacted fisheries resources and fishing operations within this area was studied.  The potential impacts due to the construction and operation of the Project were then assessed (with reference to the EIAO-TM Annex 17 guidelines) and the impacts evaluated (with reference to the criteria in EIAO-TM Annex 9).

9.5                                      Potential Impacts & Impact Assessment on Fisheries Resources

9.5.1                                Construction Phase

As discussed in Section 3, the construction of the proposed GRS reclamation and installation of the submarine pipelines at Black Point Power Station (BPPS) will involve dredging/ jetting and reclamation works in Hong Kong and dredging/ jetting in Mainland waters.  Potential impacts to fisheries resources and fishing operations arising from these works may be divided into those related to:

·           Direct disturbances to that habitat;

·           Underwater sound generated from marine construction activities; and

·           Perturbations to key water quality parameters.

Habitat Disturbance

Direct impacts to fisheries resources and fishing operations include habitat disturbance caused by the dredging / jetting and reclamations works.  Construction of the proposed reclamation and associated artificial seawall is predicted to lead to the permanent loss of approximately 0.5 ha of fishery habitat, and dredging/ jetting works are expected to cause temporary disturbance to an area of approximately 16.5 ha (see Table 8.4). 

Owing to the very small area of the fishing ground permanently lost to reclamation and due to its low fisheries importance, unacceptable impacts to local fisheries resources and fishing operations are not expected.

Although a larger area is impacted by the dredging/ jetting activities in Hong Kong (approximately 16.5 ha) for the pipeline and seawall trenches, unacceptable impacts on the fishery resources and activities are also not expected due to the temporary nature of the interference (< 12 months for construction of one pipeline) and the low fisheries importance of the area.  Furthermore, fisheries resources are expected to return to the area following the cessation of marine construction activities.  Issuance of Marine Department Notice or other notifications is expected to reduce the risk of collision of increased marine traffic and fishing vessels to within acceptable levels.

Underwater Sound

Intermittent sounds, which occur during activities such as dredging / jetting and marine vessel movement, may have an impact on fisheries resources during the construction phase.  Potential effects of increased underwater sound include physiological stress, avoidance and injury (at high pressure levels).  The level of impact is however dependent upon background sound, number of fish present, type of species affected, attenuation properties of seabed sediments and hearing capabilities of the species affected, etc.

Most marine invertebrates do not possess air-filled space and thus it is generally considered that sound would have limited physiological or behavioural effects on marine invertebrates, except if they are located within a few metres of the sound source.  Therefore underwater sound generated from marine works is expected to have negligible impact on fisheries resources such as crustaceans.

Fish, however, can detect underwater sound vibrations through two ways, the lateral line system and the inner ear for species containing air-filled swim bladders.  Anthropogenic underwater sounds associated with vessels for this Project, such as barges, guard vessels, dredgers and jetting machine, exhibit major energy below 1,000 Hz and sound levels of between 170 and 190 dB re 1 μPa at 1 m and may be audible to most fish species ([9]).  Waters within and around the Project site encompass the Urmston Road and have been identified as being subject to relatively high levels of marine traffic by similar types of vessels; therefore it is reasonable to assume that fish in these waters are habituated to a relatively high background level of underwater sound, and a small increase in vessel activity associated with the construction of this Project is not anticipated to result in unacceptable impacts on fisheries resources.

Changes in Water Quality

Indirect impacts to fisheries resources and fishing operations during the construction phase of the Project include sediment release associated with the marine works.  Potential impacts to water quality from sediment release are as follows:

·           Increased concentrations of suspended solids (SS);

·           Decreased dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations;

·           An increase in nutrient concentrations in the water column.


Suspended Solids (SS)

Dredging/ jetting and backfilling works for this Project are expected to generate SS within the water column and result in increased sediment deposition in close proximity of the works areas.  The modelling works have analysed SS dispersion from construction works (Section 6.7.1).

Fluxes of SS naturally occur in the marine environment and as a result fish have evolved behavioural adaptations to tolerate changes in SS load (e.g. clearing their gills by flushing water over them).  However, increased SS concentrations that would arise from the dredging/ jetting/ backfilling works would be uncharacteristic of the usual variable marine conditions.  Concentrations of SS generated by these marine construction activities are expected to be greater, particularly in the immediate vicinity of the particular works area.  Beyond the active marine works areas, dispersion can be expected to lead to a rapid decline in the SS concentrations.

Compared to adult fish, larvae and post-juvenile fish are relatively more susceptible to variations in SS concentrations as their sensory system is less developed.  Adult fish are more likely to move away from area of disturbance when they detect sufficiently elevated SS concentrations and therefore are unlikely to be significantly impacted. 

The SS level at which fish move into clearer water is defined as the tolerance threshold which varies among species and different stages of the life cycle.  If SS levels exceed tolerance thresholds and the fish are not able to move away from the affected area, the fish are likely to become stressed, injured and may eventually die.  The rate, timing and duration of SS elevations influence the type and extent of impacts upon fish and potentially crustaceans ([10]) ([11]).

Findings from literature reviews indicated that lethal responses had not been reported in adult fish at SS values below 125 mg L-1 ([12]) and that sublethal effects were only observed when levels exceeded 90 mg L-1 ([13]).  However, as part of a study for AFCD, Consultancy Study on Fisheries and Marine Ecological Criteria for Impact Assessment guideline values have been identified for fisheries and selected marine ecological sensitive receivers.  The values are based on international marine water quality guidelines for the protection of ecosystems ([14]).  The AFCD study recommends a maximum SS concentration of 50 mg L-1 (based on half of the no observable effect concentrations).  However, the study cautioned that site-specific data should be considered in environmental assessments on a case-by-case basis.  In order to provide a more conservative assessment (i.e. with a lower tolerance criterion), the Water Quality Objectives (WQOs) for SS elevation are adopted instead in this study as the assessment criteria for fisheries sensitive receivers.

As discussed in Section 6.7.1, the water quality modelling results have indicated that at all fisheries sensitive receivers, SS elevations as a result of dredging/ jetting and backfilling works are predicted be compliant with the relevant WQOs for both wet and dry seasons (Tables 6.10 to 6.16).  Elevated levels of SS as a result of these works are expected to be temporary in nature and localised to proximity of particular works area which is considered as of low fisheries importance.  As such, unacceptable impacts from such works on fisheries are not expected to occur.  The water quality assessment has also shown that unacceptable water quality impacts due to the release of heavy metals and organic micro-pollutants associated with suspended solids are not expected to occur (see Section 6.7.5).

Finally it should be noted that the Black Point Project site is at the mouth of Deep Bay on the eastern bank of the Pearl River Estuary.  As a result of discharges from the Pearl River and the Shenzhen River in Deep Bay, the background variation in SS levels is acknowledged as being high.  Water quality data gathered by EPD has revealed that in the vicinity of Project Site SS values can reach over 200 mgL-1.  Therefore, impacts to fisheries resources as a result of potential elevations of SS from the construction works are not expected to occur.

Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

The relationships between SS and DO are complex, with elevated SS in the water column together with a number of other factors to reduce DO concentrations.  Elevated SS (and turbidity) reduces light penetration, lowers the rate of photosynthesis by phytoplankton (ie primary productivity) and thus lowers the rate of oxygen production in the water column.  Furthermore, the potential release of sediment contaminants into the water column may consume the DO in the receiving water.  The resulting overall DO depletion has the potential to cause an adverse effect on the eggs and larvae of fish and crustaceans, as at these stages of development high levels of oxygen in the water are required for growth to support high metabolic growth rates.

The results of the water quality assessment (see Section 6.7.3) have indicated that DO depletion as a result of dispersion of sediment plumes associated with marine works of the Project are predicted to remain compliant with the WQOs at all fisheries sensitive receivers for all construction scenarios.  The largest reduction in DO levels is predicted to be localised to the immediate vicinity of the marine works area and the plumes would not extend to the fisheries spawning ground in north Lantau.  Therefore, unacceptable impacts to fisheries from the reduction of DO concentration are not expected to occur.


High levels of nutrients (total inorganic nitrogen - TIN and ammonia) released from dredged sediments to seawater may potentially cause rapid increases in phytoplankton population, on occasions to the point that an algal bloom occurs.  An intense algal bloom can cause sharp decreases in the levels of DO.  This decrease would initially occur in the surface water, and then spread to deeper water as dead algae fall through the water column and decompose on the seabed. 

The water quality modelling results have indicated that elevated nutrients concentrations are expected to remain compliant with WQOs at all fisheries sensitive receivers (see Section 6.7.4).  Unacceptable impacts to fisheries are thus not expected to occur.

Contaminant Release

Clause of the Study Brief requires an assessment of potential impacts on fisheries resources caused by potential release of contaminants from disturbance of bottom marine sediments.  The potential for release of contaminants from dredged sediments has been assessed in Section 6.7.5, whereas, a comprehensive set of data on the marine sediment quality is provided in Section 7 – Waste Management. 

As discussed in Section 6.7.5, unacceptable water quality impacts due to the potential leaching of heavy metals and micro-organic pollutants from the disturbed sediments into the water column are not expected to occur.  Impacts on fisheries resources due to bioaccumulation of released contaminants from dredged sediments are thus not expected to occur.

In summary, predicted levels of SS, DO, nutrient and contaminant concentrations as a result of dredging/ jetting/ backfilling works of this Project are anticipated to be in compliance with the relevant assessment criteria.  Unacceptable indirect water quality impacts from sediment release on fisheries sensitive receivers (Section 9.3.7) are thus not expected to occur.

9.5.2                                Operation Phase

The potential impacts of the operational phase of the Project on the fisheries of the Study Area can be divided into two main categories:

·            Impacts arising from the permanent loss of fisheries habitat;

·            Secondary impacts arising from the alteration of the marine hydrodynamic regime and on water quality arising from the reclamation in terms of limited dispersion of cooling water discharged from the BPPS.

No impacts are expected to occur during the operation of the submarine pipelines.  Impact to fishery trawling operations caused by the presence of submarine pipelines is avoided as the pipelines will be buried under the seabed and the seabed along the pipeline corridors is expected to return to the same level as the surrounding.  Also, benthic resources, which may serve as food sources for fisheries resources, are expected to recolonise the affected seabed areas along the pipeline corridor (Section 8.5.1) and thus secondary impacts on fisheries are not expected.

Habitat Loss

As mentioned in Section 9.5.1, this Project would result in a permanent loss of about 0.5 ha of marine habitats due to the presence of the GRS reclamation.  From the evaluation of the productivity and value of the local fisheries in Section 9.3, the affected fishing grounds are considered of low fisheries importance.  Overall, the small size and low fisheries importance of the affected area suggest that unacceptable impacts to fisheries caused by permanent habitat loss are not expected to occur. 

Hydrodynamic Regime & Secondary Water Quality Impacts

Impacts to fisheries resources may potentially occur if the shape of the proposed GRS reclamation causes a change to the hydrodynamic regime of the BPPS coastline or if the reclamation affects the dispersion of cooling water discharged from the BPPS outfall.  Potential impacts of this nature are described in detail in Section 8.5.2.

Given the small scale of the reclamation, significant changes in the hydrodynamic regime, flushing capacity and sedimentation pattern around the BPPS area were not predicted (see Section 6.8) and thus unacceptable impacts on fisheries resources are not expected to occur.

As discussed in Section 8.5.2, in the presence of the GRS reclamation, temperature of cooling water from the seawater outfall of the BPPS is expected to dissipate rapidly upon discharge to a maximum of 2 °C difference from existing condition for a distance of ~ 1 km from the point of discharge.  The temperature change is predicted to be confined to the surface layer with reduced impact to the bottom layer.  Given the localised and small scale of the predicted temperature elevation, unacceptable impacts to fisheries resources in the vicinity are not expected to occur.

9.6                                      Impact Evaluation

From the information presented above, the fisheries impact associated with the Project is not considered to be significant.  An evaluation of the impacts according to Annex 9 of the EIAO-TM is presented below:

·           Nature of Impact:  Permanent impacts are predicted to occur as a result of the loss of fishing grounds in the 0.5 ha area to be reclaimed for the proposed GRS.  Short-term disturbance to fishing grounds in the Project’s marine works areas is expected as a result of the dredging/ jetting to form the trenches for the proposed submarine pipelines and seawall.  Potential impacts of elevated levels of underwater sound as a result of construction activities are not expected to be unacceptable.  Temporary impacts to pelagic and demersal fisheries resources as a result of minor perturbations to water quality are predicted to occur in the immediate vicinity of marine construction works.  Unacceptable secondary impacts on fisheries resources, due to changes in hydrodynamic regime and dispersion of BPPS cooling water discharges in the presence of GRS reclamation, are not expected. 

·           Size of Affected Area:  The construction and operation of the Project is predicted to result in the permanent loss of approximately 0.5 ha of fishing ground.  This loss is considered to be insignificant for local fishery resources and fishing operations given the very small size of habitat lost and low fisheries importance in these waters.

·           Size of Fisheries Resources/production:  The value of the fisheries resources/production of the marine waters around the GRS reclamation and submarine pipelines is low in comparison to other waters in Hong Kong.

·           Destruction and Disturbance of Nursery and Spawning Grounds:  No important spawning grounds have been identified within the Project Area.  In north Lantau, a recognised spawning area for fisheries resources lies about 4.7 km from the proposed Project.  As the water quality modelling results have indicated that impacts to water quality are predicted to be localised and short-term, impacts to important spawning grounds are not expected to occur.

·           Impact on Fishing Activity:  Due to the small size of the affected area and the low intensity of the fishing operations, impacts on fishing activity are expected to be minimal.  Potential obstruction to fishing activities due to pipeline armour rock placement is not anticipated as it will be installed below or flush with the existing seabed.  The seabed temporarily affected by the pipeline works is, therefore, expected to be restored to its original configuration.

·           Impact on Aquaculture Activity:  Fish Culture Zones and oyster production areas are too remote to be affected by the Project.  Also no impact has been identified on mariculture activities as predicted SS elevations are compliant with the relevant assessment criteria/ standards. 

9.7                                      Mitigation Measures

In accordance with the guidelines in the EIAO-TM on fisheries impact assessment, the policy adopted in this EIA for mitigating impacts to fisheries, are:

·           Avoidance:  Potential impacts should be avoided to the maximum extent practicable by adopting suitable alternatives;

·           Minimisation:  Unavoidable impacts should be minimised by taking appropriate and practicable measures such as confining works in specific area or season, restoration (and possibly enhancement) of disturbed fisheries resources and habitats; and

·           Compensation:  When all possible mitigation measures have been exhausted and there are still significant residual impacts or when the impacts are permanent and irreversible, consideration shall be given to off-site compensation.  It may include enhancement of fisheries resources and habitats elsewhere.

Construction impacts to fisheries resources and fishing operations have largely been avoided (i.e. important spawning area of commercial fisheries resources) and reduced through proper planning and design of the works, in particular those associated with the backfilling and dredging/ jetting activities (e.g. optimisation of project construction schedule, and to construct a completed seawall above the high water level with a 50 - 100 m opening for barge access before the commencement of the backfilling works for reclamation).  The main works have been designed to confirm compliance with the assessment criteria at sensitive receivers and control water quality impacts to within acceptable levels and water quality mitigation measures will be implemented to further avoid/reduce potential impacts (see Section 6).  These measures are expected to control and reduce potential impacts to fisheries resources as well, and no fisheries-specific mitigation measures or compensation are thus required during construction.

Significant impacts to fisheries resources and fishing operations are not expected to occur during the operational phase of the Project.  No additional fisheries-specific mitigation measures or compensation are required during operation.

9.8                                      Residual Environmental Impacts

The identified residual impact arising from the Project is the permanent loss of approximately 0.5 ha of fishing ground required for the GRS reclamation.  The magnitude of this residual impact is considered to be within acceptable levels given the small size and low fisheries importance of the area being lost. 

9.9                                      Cumulative Impacts

9.9.1                                Project-Specific Cumulative Impacts

The fisheries impact assessment has considered the cumulative effects of different activities of this Project on fisheries resources and fishing operations.  The worst-case scenarios of concurrent construction of all Project facilities have been assessed in the Water Quality Impact Assessment (Section 6) and thus the cumulative impacts of this specific Project have been accounted for.  As discussed in Section 6, the cumulative impacts of the various project-specific construction activities are not predicted to cause unacceptable impacts to water quality.  Consequently, unacceptable cumulative impacts to fisheries resources are not expected to occur.

9.9.2                                Cumulative Impacts with Other Developments

Information from publicly available sources suggested that the construction/ implementation programmes of the following major projects would coincide with the construction of this Project ([15]):

·           Hong Kong Link Road (HKLR) of the Hong Kong – Zhuhai – Macao Bridge (HZMB), which is about 15 km south of the pipeline corridor;

·           Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) of the HZMB, which is about 12 km south of the pipeline corridor;

·           Tuen MunChek Lap Kok Link (TMCLKL), which is about 10 km from the pipeline corridor; and

·           Contaminated Mud Pits (CMPs) at East of Sha Chau and South Brothers, which are at least 10 km from the pipeline corridor.

It is noted from the approved EIA reports of these projects that the anticipated cumulative impacts are not expected to be significant for fisheries resources in this part of Hong Kong.  In addition, a discussion of potential cumulative water quality impacts arising from concurrent projects is provided in Sections 6 and 8.10.2.  Since it is unlikely for water quality mixing zone of this Project to overlap with those of other concurrent projects in this part of Hong Kong, it is thus concluded that cumulative impacts on water quality impacts and consequently on fisheries resources are not predicted to occur.

Unacceptable operational-phase impacts on fisheries resources are not expected to occur for this Project (Sections 8.5.2).  Therefore, operational-phase cumulative impacts with other developments in and around Black Point are not predicted to occur.

9.10                                  Environmental Monitoring & Audit

As no unacceptable impacts have been predicted to occur during the construction and operation of this Project, monitoring of fisheries resources during these project phases is not considered necessary.

Monitoring activities designed to detect and mitigate any unacceptable impacts to water quality during construction phase are also expected to serve to protect against unacceptable impacts to fisheries.  The details of the water quality monitoring programme are presented in the EM&A Manual attached to this EIA.

To confirm that the seabed affected by the pipeline works has restored to its original configuration, a geophysical survey will be conducted following completion of pipeline works.

9.11                                  Summary & Conclusions

A literature review of baseline information on commercial fisheries resources and fishing operations surrounding the waters of the proposed Project has been undertaken.  Results from the review indicate that fisheries production values in the vicinity of the Project Area are low when compared to other waters of Hong Kong.  Sensitive receivers including spawning grounds, artificial reefs and oyster production area have been identified; however, the assessment of water quality impacts demonstrated that these areas will not be affected.

During construction of the Project, direct impacts arising from the proposed marine works include permanent loss of approximately 0.5 ha of fishing ground due to the GRS reclamation and temporary disturbance to approximately 16.5 ha of seabed during marine construction works.  Given the small size of the fishing ground and temporal nature of the disturbance, no significant direct impacts are expected to occur.  Potential impacts of elevated levels of underwater sound as a result of construction activities are not expected to be unacceptable.  Indirect impacts to fisheries resources related to perturbations to key water quality parameters are also expected to be insignificant as the predicted changes in water quality are short term and localised to immediate vicinity of the works area.  Marine construction works have been designed to reduce potential impacts on the water quality which will, in turn, reduce impacts on fisheries resources.  No fisheries-specific mitigation measures are required during construction.

Unacceptable operational phase impacts to fisheries resources and fishing operations are not expected to occur.  The permanent loss of 0.5 ha of fishing ground is not considered to be significant as the area is of small size and low fisheries importance.  Secondary impacts to fisheries as a result of the physical presence of the reclamation are not expected to occur.  Potential obstruction to fishing activities due to pipeline armour rock placement is not anticipated as it will be installed below or flush with the existing seabed.  The seabed temporarily affected by the pipeline works is, therefore, expected to be restored to its original configuration.  No additional fisheries-specific mitigation measures are required during operation. 

All of the potential construction and operational fisheries impacts identified are deemed acceptable.

([1])      AFCD (2009) Fisheries: Capture Fisheries Latest Status. <http://www.afcd.gov.hk/english/fisheries/fish_cap/fish_cap_latest/fish_cap_latest.html> Accessed on 2 Sept 2009

([2])      AFCD (2009) Op cit

([3])      AFCD (2009) Op cit

([4])      ERM (1998) Fisheries Resources and Fishing Operations in Hong Kong Waters, Final Report, for Agriculture and Fisheries Department.

([5])      AFCD (2009) Op cit

([6])      ERM (1998). Op cit

([7])      Caranx kalla (shrimp scad) spawns in the early summer (around June) whilst Leiognathus brevirostris (ponyfish) and croakers were found to be reproductive for a longer period throughout most of the year from May to December.  Some fish species reported in the spawning grounds, including Platycephalus indicus (flathead) and Clupanodon punctatus (gizzard shad), spawn in the late winter/early spring (i.e. February to April) and a few are known to spawn in January.  The spawning period of most of the crustacean species, including Metapenaeus joyneri was found to be from April to November

([8])      AFCD (2003) Hong Kong Artificial Reef Deployment Study. http://www.artificial-reef.net/English/main.htm

([9])      Richardson WJ, Greene CRG, Malme CI, Thomson DH (1995) Marine Mammals and Noise. Academic Press, San Diego, 576 pp

([10])    Species Profiles: Life Histories and Environmental Requirement (Gulf of Mexico) - Brown Shrimp, US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1983.

([11])    The Shrimp Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico – A regional Management Plan, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, 1977

([12])    References cited in BCL (1994) Marine Ecology of the Ninepin Islands including Peddicord R and McFarland V (1996) Effects of suspended dredged material on the commercial crab, Cancer magister. in PA Krenkel, J Harrison and JC Burdick (Eds) Dredging and its Environmental Effects. Proc. Speciality Conference. American Society of Engineers.

([13])    Alabaster JS & Lloyd R (1984) Water Quality Criteria for Freshwater Fisheries. Butterworths, London.

([14])    City University of Hong Kong (2001). Agreement No. CE 62/98, Consultancy Study on Fisheries and Marine Ecological Criteria for Impact Assessment, AFCD, Final Report July 2001.

([15])       Information from the Shenzhen Port Tonggu Channel Developing Office indicates that maintenance dredging of the Tonggu Waterway may take place annually. Updated information to determine if there is any overlap with the construction for this Project is not available and this will be reviewed at a later stage