North East New Territories New
Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study - Investigation
Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual
2.2 Revised Recommended
Outline Development Plan
2.5 Summary
of Concurrent Project
2.6 Project
Implementation Schedule
4.5 Laboratory
Measurement / Analysis
5.3 Noise
Monitoring Parameters for Construction Phase
5.4 Monitoring
Equipment for Construction Phase
5.5 Noise
Monitoring Locations for Construction Phase
5.6 Baseline
Monitoring for Construction Phase
5.7 Impact
Monitoring for Construction Phase
5.9 Event
and Action Plan for Construction Noise
5.10 Impact
Monitoring / Commissioning Test for Operational Phase
5.11 Methodology
for Operational Phase
5.12 Noise
Monitoring Stations for Operational Phase
6.9 Laboratory
Measurement / Analysis
7 Sewerage and
Sewage Treatment Implications
7.2 Sewerage
and Sewage Treatment Implications during Construction Phase
8 Waste Management
9.2 Site
Investigations for Inaccessible Potentially Contaminated Sites
9.3 Re-appraisal
of Surveyed Sites
9.4 Treatment
Method for Arsenic-containing Soil in KTN
9.5 Ambient
Arsenic Monitoring
11.2 Monitoring
and Mitigation Measures
13.3 Monitoring
and Audit Requirements
14.3 Monitoring
and Audit Requirements
15.3 Monitoring
and Audit Requirements
16.2 Compliance
with Legal and Contractual Requirements
17.2 Baseline
Monitoring Report
17.3 Monthly
Monitoring Reports
17.4 Final
EM&A Review Reports
17.6 Interim
Notifications of Environmental Quality Limit Exceedances
Table 1.1a Schedule 2 Designated Projects in KTN NDA
Table 1.1b Schedule 2 Designated Projects in FLN NDA
Table 2.1 Major Planning Parameters of the revised RODP
Table 2.2 Breakdown of the reclaimed water demand in KTN NDA and FLN
Table 2.3 Reclaimed Water Quality Standard
for KTN and FLN NDAs
Table 2.4 Construction Programme
Table 2.5 Evaluation of cumulative impacts due to concurrent
projects in HKSAR
Table 4.1 Proposed Monitoring Locations for Construction Dust
Table 4.2 Action / Limit Levels for Construction Dust
Table 4.3 Event / Action Plan for Construction Dust
Table 5.1 Proposed Construction Noise Monitoring Locations
Table 5.2 Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise
Table 5.3 Event / Action Plan for Construction Noise
Table 5.4 Proposed Traffic Noise Monitoring Locations
Table 6.1 Proposed Water Quality Monitoring Stations for Baseline
and Construction Phase Monitoring
Table 6.2 Laboratory analysis for SS
Table 6.3 Action and Limit Levels for Water Quality
Table 6.4 Event / Action Plan for Water Quality
Table 9.1 Proposed Monitoring Locations for Ambient Arsenic
Table 9.2 Action and Limit Levels for Ambient Arsenic Monitoring
Table 9.3 Event / Action Plan for Ambient Arsenic Monitoring
Table 11.1 Actions in the event of LFG being
Table 12.1 Event / Action Plan for Landscape and Visual during
Construction Phase
Table 14.5 Action and Limit Levels and Responses to Evidence of Declines
in Aquatic Fauna
Table 14.7 Action and Limit Levels and Responses to Evidence of Declines
in Aquatic Fauna
Figure 1.1 NENT
NDA Study Areas
Figure 1.2 Locations
of Schedule 2 Designated Project in KTN NDA
Figure 1.3 Locations of Schedule 2 Designated
Project in FLN NDA
Figure 1.4 Locations of Schedule 2 Designated
Project in Fanling Bypass
Figure 2.1 Revised RODP of KTN NDA
Figure 2.2 Revised RODP of FLN NDA
Figure 2.3 Road Network in Study Area
Figure 2.4 Proposed Road and Improvement Works
Figure 2.5 Proposed Road and Improvement Works
Figure 2.6 Proposed Road and Improvement Works
Figure 2.7 Proposed
Road and Improvement Works
Figure 2.8 Sections for Po Shek
Wu Interchange Improvement
Figure 2.9 Sections for Po Shek
Wu Interchange Improvement
Figure 2.10 Layout of Sewage Pumping Station for NDAs
Figure 2.11 Layout Plan of the Proposed Sewage
Treatment Works Extension in FLN NDA
2.11a Proposed Treated Sewage Effluent
(TSE) Mains in Kwu Tung North NDA
2.11b Proposed Treated Sewage Effluent
(TSE) Mains in Fanling North NDA
2.11c Proposed Treated Sewage Effluent
(TSE) Mains within the Study Area
Figure 2.12 Proposed Road and Improvement Works
Figure 2.13 Proposed Road and Improvement Works
Figure 2.14 Proposed Road and Improvement Works
Figure 2.15 Sections for Fanling
Figure 2.16 Sections for Fanling
Figure 2.17 Sections for Fanling
Figure 2.18 Reprovisioning of North District
Temporary Wholesale Market (On Completion)
Figure 2.19 Conceptual Cross Section of Steel Canopy
at North District Temporary Wholesale Market
Figure 2.20 General Layout for Development Packages
2.20a Proposed Network and Hierarchy in
2.20b Proposed Network and Hierarchy in
Figure 2.21 Locations of Concurrent Projects – Construction Phase
Figure 2.22 Locations of Concurrent Projects –
Operational Phase
Figure 4.1a Locations of Dust Monitoring Stations
Figure 4.1b Locations of Dust Monitoring Stations
Figure 4.1c Locations of Dust Monitoring Stations (FL
Figure 5.1a Locations of Construction Airborne Noise and Operational Noise
Monitoring Stations (KTN NDA)
Figure 6.1a Locations of Water Quality Monitoring Stations (KTN NDA)
Figure 6.1b Locations of Water Quality Monitoring
Stations (FLN NDA)
Figure 11.1 Location of Landfill Contamination Zone
within NENT NDAs
Figure 11.2 Ma Tso Lung Landfill Site and KTN NDA
Figure 14.1 Areas of Compensatory Planting in the Kwu
Tung North NDA
Figure 14.2 Areas of Compensatory Planting in the Fanling North NDA
2-1 Construction Programme
2-2 Project Implementation Schedule
3-1 Project Organization for
Environmental Works
4-1 Sample Data Sheet for TSP Monitoring
5-1 Mitigation Measures for Road Traffic
5-2 Sample Data Sheet for Noise
17-1 Incident Report on Action Level or
Limit Level Non-compliance
The Planning and Development Study on North East New Territories (NENT Study, CE64/96) commenced in 1998 had identified areas in Kwu Tung North (KTN), Fanling North (FLN) and Ping Che/Ta Kwu Ling (PC/TKL) to be suitable for New Development Areas (NDAs). The NENT Study also confirmed the feasibility of NDAs based on the findings and recommendations from the technical assessments on various aspects including planning, environmental and engineering. In 2003, having regard to the housing demand at the time, the Government decided to shelve the NDAs proposal in the interim pending a comprehensive review of Hong Kong’s overall planning under the Study on Hong Kong 2030: Planning Vision and Strategy (HK2030 Study).
The HK2030 Study carried out by the Planning Department (PlanD) completed in 2007 was a comprehensive review of Hong Kong’s territorial development strategy for formulating a broad planning framework to guide the future development of Hong Kong up to 2030. It recommended proceeding with KTN, FLN and PC/TKL NDAs (i.e. NENT NDAs) as well as Hung Shui Kui NDA to address long-term housing demand and to provide job opportunities. NENT NDAs and Hung Shui Kui NDA were included as one of ten major infrastructure projects in the 2007-08 Policy Address.
Further to the recommendations for NDAs in HK2030 Study, the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) and PlanD jointly commissioned the North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study - Investigation (the Project) to formulate updated development proposals for NENT NDAs. The Project aims to review and update the findings and recommendations of the NENT Study, and to formulate revised proposals for NENT NDAs.
The Project has adopted a three-stage public engagement programme to foster consensus building. The Stage 1 Public Engagement which commenced in mid November 2008 and lasted for about three months aimed to engage key stakeholders (the general public, relevant organisations, district councils and rural committees) in discussions on key issues relating to the development of the NDAs.
The Stage 2 Public Engagement which aimed at collecting public views on the Preliminary Outline Development Plans (PODPs) for the three NDAs commenced in November 2009 and completed in January 2010. The Stage 3 Public Engagement (PE3) was carried out from mid June to end September 2012, to gauge public views on the Recommended Outline Development Plans (RODPs) for the NDAs. A series of community engagement activities were undertaken for different stakeholders including the Legislative Council Panel on Development, Town Planning Board, Heung Yee Kuk, North District Council, relevant Rural Committees, Advisory Council on the Environment, Housing Authority, Land Development Advisory Committee, professional bodies, local concerns groups and other stakeholders such as green groups.
After careful and comprehensive consideration of comments received during the PE3 and taking into account all relevant considerations including the findings of various technical assessments, the current plan is to proceed with development in KTN and FLN NDAs to accommodate about 174,900 population, whilst PC/TKL NDA will be subject to re-planning under the policy initiative announced in the 2013-14 Policy Address to further explore the development potential of New Territories North. The RODPs for KTN and FLN NDAs have been suitably revised.
On 16 June 2008, CEDD and PlanD commissioned Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited (Arup) as the Consultant for the Project.
The Project commenced on 16 June 2008 and is expected to complete in October 2013 to carry out planning, engineering and environmental studies with a view to reviewing and updating the findings and recommendations of the NENT Study to formulate revised proposals for NENT NDAs; confirming the feasibility of implementing the revised proposals for NENT NDAs to meet long-term housing, social, economic and environmental needs; and formulating the implementation strategies and programme for the NDAs with the first population intake by the year of 2023.
The NDAs under this Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study include KTN NDA and FLN NDA covering a total area of about 614 ha. The Study Area is shown in Figure 1.1.
KTN NDA is located to the west of Sheung Shui and is generally bounded by Shek Sheung River to the east, Castle Peak Road and Fanling Highway (New Territories Circular Road) to the south, Pak Shek Au and Tit Hang villages to the west and the present Closed Area boundary to the north. The NDA has an area of some 450 ha and is proposed to accommodate a population of about 101,600 people on full development.
FLN NDA is located immediately to the north-east of the established Fanling/Sheung Shui New Town and is bounded by Upper Ng Tung River to the north and east, Sha Tau Kok Road to the south, and Ma Sik Road and Tin Ping Road to the south-west. The NDA has an area of around 164 ha and is proposed to accommodate a population of about 73,300 people on full development.
KTN and FLN NDAs would become the extension of Fanling/Sheung Shui New Town to form the Fanling/Sheung Shui/Kwu Tung North (FL/SS/KTN) New Town, which will have a total population of about 460,000 upon full development, comparable to such new towns as Tuen Mun and Tseung Kwan O. FL/SS/KTN New Town will be an integrated community providing a wide range of employment opportunities as well as commercial, community, recreation and cultural facilities supporting a larger population.
PC/TKL NDA was originally planned only for low to medium-density residential developments and special industries due to the absence of rail link and the presence of other infrastructure constraints. To optimize the use of valuable land resources, and also taking into account the strategic planning considerations, PC/TKL NDA will be put aside and re-planned in the context of the policy initiative announced in the 2013-14 Policy Address to further explore the development potential in New Territories North. Thus, no revised RODP has been formulated for PC/TKL NDA and as such, no EIA assessment is required for PC/TKL NDA at this juncture.
The environmental impacts of the development of KTN and FLN NDAs are
assessed in this EIA report.
The Project which covers KTN and FLN NDAs is a designated project (DP) under Item 1 Schedule 3 of EIAO - Engineering feasibility study of urban development projects with a study area covering more than 20 ha or involving a total population of more than 100,000.
In addition,
the following work components also fall under various Schedule 2 DP categories
as summarised in Table 1.1.
The locations of Schedule 2 DPs are
shown in Figures
1.2 – 1.4.
Table 1.1a - Schedule 2 Designated Projects in KTN NDA
Item |
Work Component |
Schedule 2 DP Category |
Reason |
1 |
San Tin Highway and Fanling Highway Kwu Tung
Section Widening (between San Tin Interchange and Po Shek
Wu Interchange) (Major Improvement) |
A1 |
A road which is an expressway, trunk
road, primary distributor road or district distributor road including new
roads, and major extensions or improvements to existing road |
To widen the concerned portion of San Tin
Highway and Fanling Highway Kwu
Tung Section from dual 3-lane to dual 4-lane configuration |
2 |
Peak Road
(CPR) Diversion (Major Improvement) |
A1 |
A road which is an expressway, trunk
road, primary distributor road or district distributor road including new
roads, and major extensions or improvements to existing road. |
The CPR will be realigned and join with
the Pak Shek Au Interchange at the western end and
the original CPR near Yin Kong at the eastern end. |
3 |
Road P1 and P2 (New Road) and associated new Kwu
Tung Interchange (New Road) and Pak Shek Au
Interchange Improvement (Major Improvement) |
A1 |
A road which is an expressway, trunk road,
primary distributor road or district distributor road including new roads,
and major extensions or improvements to existing road. |
Construction of new primary distributor
roads inside KTN NDA. |
4 |
Road D1 to D5 (New Road) |
A1 |
A road which is an expressway, trunk road, primary
distributor road or district distributor road including new roads, and major
extensions or improvements to existing road. |
Construction of new district distributor
roads inside KTN NDA. |
5 |
New Sewage
Pumping Stations (SPSs) in KTN NDA |
F3 |
A SPS---(b)
with an installed capacity of more than 2,000 m3 per day and a boundary of which is less
than 150 m from an existing or planned residential area or educational
institution. |
of two new SPSs in KTN with installed capacity of more than 2,000 m3
per day and less than 150m from existing and planned residential buildings. |
6 |
railway station and associated facilities in KTN NDA (To be conducted under
separate study). |
A2 |
A railway and its associated facilities. |
The construction of new Kwu Tung railway station |
7* |
of Treated Sewage Effluent (TSE) from Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment
Works (SWHSTW) |
F4 |
An activity for the reuse of treated sewage
effluent from a treatment plant |
Construction of service reservoir and watermain for the reuse of treated sewage effluent in KTN
NDA. |
*Work component serves both KTN and FLN NDAs.
Table 1.1b - Schedule 2 Designated Projects in FLN NDA
Item |
Work Component |
Schedule 2 DP Category |
Reason |
7* |
of TSE from SWHSTW |
F4 |
An activity for the reuse of TSE from a
treatment plant |
Construction of service reservoir and watermain for the reuse of treated sewage effluent in FLN
NDA. |
8 |
Po Shek Wu Interchange Improvement (Major Improvement) |
A1 |
A road which is an expressway, trunk
road, primary distributor road or district distributor road including new
roads, and major extensions or improvements to existing road |
Po Shek Wu Road
is primary distributor. Major improvement works on primary distributor is a DP. |
9 |
Fanling Bypass Western Section (New Road) |
A1 |
A road which is an expressway, trunk
road, primary distributor road or district distributor road including new
roads, and major extensions or improvements to existing road |
Construction of new district distributor
inside FLN NDA. |
10 |
Fanling Bypass Eastern Section (New Road) |
A1 |
A road which is an expressway, trunk road, primary
distributor road or district distributor road including new roads, and major
extensions or improvements to existing road. |
of new primary distributor inside FLN NDA. |
11 |
Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works - Further Expansion at FLN NDA |
Sewage treatment works with an installed capacity of more
than 15,000 m3 per day.
design capacity of the proposed expansion and upgrading of SWHSTW is of 190,000 m3 per day.
12 |
Reprovision of temporary wholesale market in FLN NDA. |
N3 |
A wholesale market. |
wholesale market is a DP under EIAO. |
13 |
New SPSs in FLN NDA |
F3 |
A SPS---(b) with an installed
capacity of more than 2,000 m3 per
day and a boundary of which is less than 150 m from an existing or planned
residential area or educational institution. |
installed capacity of 4 new SPSs is more than 2,000m3
per day and less than 150m from existing or planned residential building or
educational institution. |
*Work component
save both KTN and FLN NDAs.
The purposes of this Environmental Monitoring and
Audit (EM&A) Manual are to:
Guide the set up of an
EM&A programme to ensure compliance with the EIA
Specify the
requirements for monitoring equipment;
Propose environmental
monitoring points, monitoring frequency etc.;
Propose Action and
Limit Level; and
Propose Event and
Action Plan.
This EM&A Manual has been prepared in accordance with the requirements stipulated in Annex 21 of the Technical Memorandum on the EIA Process (TM-EIAO). This Manual outlines the monitoring and audit programme for the construction and operation of the proposed NDAs and provide systematic procedures for monitoring, auditing and minimising environmental impacts.
This Manual contains the following
Responsibilities of
the Contractor, the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative (ER), Environmental
Team (ET), and the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC)
under the context of the EM&A;
Project organisation
for the EM&A works;
The basis for, and
description of the broad approach underlying the EM&A
Details of the
methodologies to be adopted, including all laboratories and analytical
procedures, and details on quality assurance and quality control programme;
The rationale on which
the environmental monitoring data will be evaluated and interpreted;
Definition of Action
and Limit levels;
Establishment of Event
and Action plans;
Requirements for
reviewing pollution sources and working procedures required in the event of
non-compliance with the environmental criteria and complaints; and
Requirements for
presentation of environmental monitoring and audit data and appropriate
reporting procedures.
This Manual is a dynamic document that should be
reviewed regularly and updated as necessary during the construction and
operation of the Project including those updates noted in the EIA.
For the purpose of this Manual, the ER shall refer to
the Engineer as defined in the Construction Contract, in cases where the
Engineer's powers have been delegated to the ER, in accordance with the
Construction Contract. The ET leader,
who shall be responsible for and in charge of the ET, shall refer to the person delegated the role of executing the EM&A requirements.
The Project comprise the development
of KTN NDA and
FLN NDA and associated infrastructure such as road works, sewage treatment
works, drainage channel, wholesale market, etc. Taken into account the public
comments received and findings of technical assessments, a set of revised Recommended
Outline Development Plans (RODPs) has been formulated and preferred
options of traffic and transport, basic infrastructure and utilities provisions
are also proposed. The Project scope is summarised
in this Chapter.
Taking into account the received public comments
during PE3 and with careful and comprehensive consideration, the RODPs have been further refined. Table 2.1 summarises
the major planning parameters of the revised RODP. The revised RODPs of KTN NDA and FLN NDA are shown in Figure
2.1 & 2.2.
2.1: Major Planning Parameters of the revised RODP
Total |
Development Theme |
Development Node |
Riverside Community |
- |
Major Land Uses |
Residential; Commercial, Research &
Development; Long Valley Nature Park; Agriculture Uses; Recreational
Facilities |
Residential; Government
Facilities |
- |
Total Area |
450 ha |
164 ha |
ha |
New Population(a) |
101,600 |
73,300 |
174,900 |
New Flats |
35,400 |
25,300 |
60,700 |
New PRH Flats (% Total) |
17,700 (49.9%) |
14,000 (55.3%) |
31,700 (52.2%) |
New HOS Flats (% Total) |
2,700 (7.7%) |
2,200 (8.8%) |
4,900 (8.1%) |
New Private Flats(b) (% Total) |
15,000 (42.4%) |
9,100 (35.9%) |
24,100 (39.7%) |
Plot Ratio |
3.5 – 6 |
2 – 6 |
- |
Maximum Building Height |
35 storeys |
35 storeys |
- |
(a) Excluding those resided in the indigenous villages, affected village houses/building lots under the
village removal term, and existing/committed developments. If these people are included, the total
population of the two NDAs would be 179,000 (105,500 in KTN and 73,500 in FLN).
(b) Excluding the three “R4” sites.
San Tin Highway and Fanling Highway Kwu Tung Section Widening (between San Tin Interchange and
Po Shek Wu Interchange) (Major Improvement) (DP1)
In order to sustain the future traffic growth from the development in Northern New Territories, the San Tin Highway and Fanling Highway Kwu Tung Section is proposed to widen from dual 3-lane to dual 4-lane configuration. The key characteristics of Fanling Highway are summarised as follows:
Road Type |
Carriageway Type |
Number of Carriageways |
Carriageway Width (metre) |
Design Speed (km/hr) |
Speed Limit (km/hr) |
Expressway |
Dual 4-lane |
2 |
14.6 |
³100 |
100 |
The proposed widening work of the San Tin
Highway and Fanling Highway Kwu
Tung Section would push the expressway limit further to the north. Subsequently, the adjacent service road, CPR Kwu Tung Section, has to be diverted. The access from the CPR to Yin Kong Village
will be maintained. The realigned CPR will join the Pak Shek
Au Interchange at the western end and the original CPR near Yin Kong at the
eastern end. The alignment has been carefully selected to maximise
the land area for housing development, taking into account the development
Castle Peak Road Diversion (Major Improvement (DP2)
This shifted section of CPR at the south of KTN NDA will function as a bypass road and provide the linkage between KTN NDA and Kwu Tung South, and will remain as a major utility corridor between San Tin and Sheung Shui. The key characteristics of the diverted CPR are summarised as follows:
Road Type |
Carriageway Type |
Number of Carriageways |
Carriageway Width (metre) |
Design Speed (km/hr) |
Speed Limit (km/hr) |
District Distributor |
Single 2 -lane |
1 |
7.3 |
³ 50 |
50 |
KTN NDA Road P1 and P2 (New Road) and associated
new Kwu Tung Interchange (New Road) and Pak Shek Au Interchange Improvement (Major Improvement)
(DP 3)
At KTN NDA, two primary distributor (PD) roads are proposed. The eastern side PD is connected to Fanling Highway via a grade-separated interchange near Yin Kong while the western side PD will be connected to the Fanling Highway via a pair of slip roads near Pak Shek Au. These PD roads would be further connected to the LMC Loop through a periphery road network. The key characteristics of the two PD roads are summarised as follows:
Road Type |
Carriageway Type |
Number of Carriageways |
Carriageway Width (metre) |
Design Speed (km/hr) |
Speed Limit (km/hr) |
Primary Distributor |
Dual 2-lane |
2 |
6.75 |
³ 50 |
50 |
A new grade-separated Interchange, namely Kwu Tung Interchange is proposed as the major access from the Fanling Highway to the KTN NDA. Moreover, a supplementary interchange, namely Pak Shek Au Interchange, is proposed for the KTN NDA for better accessibility and also to allow for better connection for future development in LMC Loop.
The alignment of recommended scheme is
shown in Figure
KTN NDA Road D1 to D5 (New Road) (DP 4)
The distributor roads (Road D1 and D2) will provide direct connectivity between the diverted CPR and KTN NDA. The alignment has been carefully selected to maximise the land area for housing development, taking into account the development constraint. Hence a single option is proposed.
The northern distributor road (Road D3) will provide the east-west connectivity between the two primary distributor roads (P1 and P2). The alignment has been carefully selected to minimise the environmental impact and maximise the land area for housing development, taking into account the development constraint. Hence a single option is proposed.
Further north to the western primary distributor road, another district distributor road (Road D4) will gradually go downhill and passes under a 400kV power Over-head (Transmission) Lines (OHL). Sufficient clearance is provided. The road will join with the junction to the LMC Loop. The alignment has been carefully selected to minimise the environmental impact and maximise the land area for housing development, taking into account the development constraint. Hence a single option is proposed.
Further north to the eastern primary distributor road, a district distributor road (Road D5) will gradually goes uphill and passes under a 400kV power OHL. The road generally follows the existing level and sufficient clearance is provided. Then it turns to the west and goes round the northern side of Fung Kong Shan, forming another junction near the Lo Wu Firing Range. This junction connects with the possible road to the future developments in LMC Loop, and also acts as an entry point to the KTN NDA from the north. The alignment has been carefully selected to maximise the land area for housing development, taking into account the development constraint.
The alignment of this scheme is shown in Figure 2.3-2.6. The
key characteristics of the five district distributors inside KTN NDA are summarised as follows:
Road Type |
Carriageway Type |
Number of Carriageways |
Carriageway Width (metre) |
Design Speed (km/hr) |
Speed Limit (km/hr) |
District Distributor |
Single 2-lane |
1 |
7.3 |
³ 50 |
50 |
New Sewage Pumping Stations (SPSs) in KTN NDA (DP5)
Gravity sewers will be provided within NDA. To prevent the gravity sewer from crossing underneath the river, two SPSs (with an installed capacity of more than 2,000 m3/day) are proposed to be constructed in KTN.
One of the proposed SPSs (capacity of about 100,000 m3/day) will be located at site D1-3 on the west bank of Sheung Yue River. Wet well/dry well type of SPS will be used and 3 duty pumps and 1 stand-by pump will be installed in the proposed SPS. A superstructure of about 5m in height will be constructed for the SPS. The proposed location also allows that the sewerage can be directly discharged into adjacent river without affecting the nearby residents in case of any emergency event. In order to minimise work front areas as well as the associated direct and indirect environmental impacts, the proposed twin 900mm diameter rising mains will be routed along the cycle track adjacent to the west bank of Sheung Yue River, crossing the Sheung Yue River on a pipe bridge and cross underneath the railway track of MTRC, routing along the maintenance access track on the east bank of the Ng Tung River, cross the Ng Tung River on a pipe bridge and connect to the inlet works of expanded / upgraded SWHSTWs.
Another new SPS with an installed capacity of about 8,000 m3/day is proposed at Site F1-2 of KTN NDA. Wet well/dry well type of SPS will be used and 1 duty pump and 1 stand-by pump will be installed in the proposed SPS. A superstructure of about 5m in height will be constructed for the SPS. In order to minimise the work front areas and the environmental impact, the proposed twin 250mm diameter rising mains will be routed along the proposed KTN NDA Road D5 and the downstream of the rising mains will be connected to the proposed gravity sewage system of KTN NDA near the proposed roundabout between KTN NDA Road D5 and P2.
The details of the proposed sewage pumping
stations are shown in Figure 2.10.
Proposed railway station and associated
facilities in KTN NDA (To be conducted under
other separate study) (DP6)
The planning of future railway
network and stations
is currently under review in the consultancy study for
the Review and Update of the Railway Development Strategy 2000 (RDS-2U)
undertaken by the Railway Development Office, HyD. The entire study is
expected to be finished in 2013. The Government will consider the
consultant's final recommendations in the light of the development progress of
new development areas and explore the way forward for the Kwu Tung Station which may also
serve as a possible interchange with the future Northern Link (NOL). Should the Kwu Tung Station be taken forward, the key infrastructure requirements will be
investigated in separate studies at subsequent design stages.
The location of the railway station is
shown in Figure 2.1.
Utilization of Treated Sewage Effluent
from SWHSTW (DP7)
Treated Sewage Effluent (TSE) is proposed to be reused for non-potable uses such as toilet flushing, landscape irrigation and make-up water for district cooling system (DCS).
Part of the TSE from the STW will be polished up to the required standards before being diverted to a flushing water service reservoir and supplied to the development for non-potable uses. The locations of flushing water service reservoir is proposed to be located at about +70.00mPD, which could provide sufficient top water head for discharging. In order to minimise the environmental impact and work front areas, the distribution pipeline will align with the proposed road network. Hence a single option is proposed.
The initial capacity of the TSE reuse system will be approximately 20,000m3/day serving the KTN and FLN NDAs, with the provision of expanding to 53,000m3/day covering both the KTN and FLN NDAs and the existing development in Sheung Shui and Fanling areas. The exact scale of the TSE reuse system is subject to further refinement during the detailed design stage of the Study. TSE supply from SWHSTW Phase 1 expansion is about 60,000m3/day, and it should be sufficient for the demand of KTN and FLN NDAs.
TSE is proposed for non-potable uses such as toilet flushing, landscape irrigation and make-up water for DCS. Table 2.2 summarises the breakdown of reclaimed water demand in KTN NDA and FLN NDA. Table 2.3 provides the reuse water standard adopted for toilet flushing, landscape irrigation water reuse and make-up water for DCS.
To fulfil this stringent standard, additional treatment of the TSE via chlorination will be required. Chlorine Contact Tank (CCT) will be constructed for carrying chlorination and dechlorination processes. After polishing treatment, the reclaimed water produced from the TSE reuse system will be conveyed to the distribution system by newly proposed pumping station. The distribution system consists of rising mains, a new reclaimed water service reservoir, and distribution system up to individual development sites.
The location of the TSE system is shown in
2.11, 2.11a, 2.11b and 2.11c.
Table 2.2 - Breakdown of the reclaimed water demand in KTN NDA and
Reclaimed Water Demand in MLD |
Flushing |
9.47 |
3.66 |
4.90 |
no DCS for FLN |
Irrigation |
2.36 |
1.66 |
Table 2.3 - Reclaimed Water Quality Standard for KTN and FLN NDAs
Parameter |
Unit |
Reclaimed Water Quality Standard for KTN and FLN NDAs |
E. coli |
cfu/100mL |
Not detectable |
Total residual chlorine (TRC) |
mg/L |
≥ 1 (out of treatment system) ≥ 0.2 (at user end) |
Dissolved oxygen (DO) |
mg/L |
≥ 2 |
Total suspended solids (TSS) |
mg/L |
≤ 5 |
Colour |
unit |
≤ 20 |
Turbidity |
≤ 5 |
pH |
mg/L |
6 - 9 |
Threshold odour number
(TON) |
- |
≤100 |
5-day Biochemical oxygen
demand (BOD5) |
mg/L |
≤10 |
Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N) |
mg/L as N |
≤1 |
Synthetic detergents |
mg/L |
≤5 |
Note: Apart from TRC which has been specified, the water quality standards for all parameters shall be applied at the point-of-use of the system.
Po Shek Wu Interchange Improvement (Major
Improvement) (DP8)
The Po Shek Wu Interchange is currently exceeding its junction capacity. In order to cater for the traffic flow from the FLN NDA, improvement work, including realignment of the Po Shek Wu Road and the construction of an elevated southbound right-turning slip road to bypass the interchange, is proposed. In response to public opinions received on the layout of the proposed Po Shek Wu Interchange Improvement and to minimise the potential environmental impact, a single-lane elevated slip road is proposed in the latest improvement scheme for the right turning traffic (Po Shek Wu Road southbound to Fanling Highway westbound) to bypass the existing Po Shek Wu Interchange. Noise mitigation structures along Po Shek Wu Road will be required to mitigate the traffic noise impact.
The details of the selected scheme is shown in Figure 2.7-2.9.
Fanling Bypass Western Section
(New Road) (DP9)
The proposed Fanling Bypass Western Section provides a linkage between the Man Kam To Road and the proposed Fanling Bypass Eastern Section. The planning intention is to arrange the bypass at the periphery of the NDA at the north of the Ng Tung River, such that through traffic will be diverted away from the town centre to minimise the environmental impact of the traffic to the FLN NDA.
The location of the proposed roundabout at Man Kam Road designed adjacent to the Northern side of Ng Tung River, to avoid the encroachment of the existing Hung Kiu San Tsuen and Ng Tung River
The key characteristics of the Fanling Bypass Western Section are summarised as follows:
Road Type |
Carriageway Type |
Number of Carriageways |
Carriageway Width (metre) |
Design Speed (km/hr) |
Speed Limit (km/hr) |
District Distributor |
Single 2 –lane |
1 |
7.3 |
³ 50 |
50 |
The alignment of
this scheme is shown in Figure 2.12.
Bypass Eastern Section (New Road) (DP 10)
The proposed Fanling Bypass Eastern Section provides a direct bypass linkage between FLN NDA and Sha Tau Kok Road (STKR) with the Fanling Highway Tai Po direction. Generally the Fanling Bypass Eastern Section is wholly elevated, except an underpass portion near Lung Yeuk Tau. There are footbridges across Fanling Highway and at the Lung Yeuk Tau Interchange. As indicated in the traffic forecast, the Fanling Bypass can effectively divert traffic away from STKR Luen Wo Hui Section and Wo Hop Shek Interchange, and improve the traffic condition there. This responds to the Fanling residents’ key concern during PE2 and PE3 that the additional NDA traffic will worsen the existing Fanling traffic condition.
To avoid extensive slope cutting and minimise the potential environmental impact to the existing Siu Han San Tsuen, shifting the proposed alignment of Fanling Bypass to north is not recommended.
The key characteristics of the Fanling Bypass Eastern Section are summarised as follows:
Road Type |
Carriageway Type |
Number of Carriageways |
Carriageway Width (metre) |
Design Speed (km/hr) |
Speed Limit (km/hr) |
Primary Distributor |
dual 2 -lane |
2 |
7.3 |
³80 |
80 |
The alignment of this scheme is shown in Figure 2.13-2.17.
Shek Wu
Hui Sewage Treatment Works - Further Expansion in FLN NDA (DP11)
The existing SWHSTW is a secondary STW with design capacity of 93,000m3/day, serving the North District sewerage catchment (Sheung Shui and Fanling areas). In order to cope with the natural and planned population growths within the sewerage catchment, SWHSTW shall be further expanded by phases, namely Phases 1A, 1B and Phase 2, within the existing and adjacent extension sites. The treatment capacities SWHSTW after completion of Phases 1A and 1B would be increased to 133,000m3/day and 153,000m3/day respectively and reaching an ultimate capacity of 190,000m3/day after completion of Phase 2.
At the same time, the treatment level of SWHSTW should also be upgraded to tertiary level in order to meet the “no net increase in pollution loading to Deep Bay” requirement with reference to “Hong Kong 2030 Planning Vision and Strategy, Working Paper No. 30 Broadbrush Environmental Comparison of Development Options, Clause 14”.
The exact design details and sequence of
the SWHSTW upgrading scheme is subject to refinement
under separate study being conducted by DSD under
Agreement No CE40/2012(DS). This is classified as a DP under EIAO Schedule 2, Part I, Item F2 (sewage treatment works
with an installed capacity of more than 5000 m3 per day). The
location of SWHSTW – Further Expansion is shown in Figure
The main treatment process components are listed below:
Treatment |
Treatment |
works Preliminary
Treatment Equalization Primary
Sedimentation MBR Pre-treatment Screen Bioreactor
and Membrane Filtration System |
Sludge Thickening Waste
Activated Sludge Thickening Sludge
Digestion and Biogas Utilization Sludge
Dewatering |
Reprovision of temporary wholesale
market in FLN NDA (DP12)
The North District Temporary Wholesale Market for Agricultural Products will be affected by the NDA development. In order not to affect the operation of the market, the re-provisioned wholesale market at site D1-6 of FLN NDA will be re-constructed by phases.
The re-provisioned wholesale market will have approximately 1,000 market stalls within a site area of around 1.3ha, which will be the same scale as the existing wholesale market. The wholesale market will provide around 1,000 employment. The re-provisioned wholesale market will provide parking spaces, trading area for stalls, offices, toilet and refuse collection point facilities. The final layout will be reshaped to be compatible with the road layout and minimise the environmental impact.
The details of the re-provisioned wholesale market is shown in Figure 2.18-2.19.
New Sewage Pumping Stations (SPS) in FLN NDA (DP13)
There will be four new SPSs with installed capacity of more than 2,000 m3 per day inside the FLN NDA (sites A1-6, B2-3, B1-4 and C2-3) to convey the sewerage to the SWHSTW.
For the proposed SPS at site A1-6 of FLN NDA, the installed capacity of about 10,000 m3/day is proposed. Wet well/dry well type of SPS will be used and 1 duty pumps and 1 stand-by pump will be installed in the proposed SPS. The proposed location also allows that the sewerage can be directly discharged into adjacent river without affecting the nearby residents in case of any emergency event. A superstructure of about 5m in height will be constructed for the SPS. The downstream of the proposed twin 300mm diameter rising mains will be connected to the proposed gravity sewage system at FLN NDA Road L6.
For the proposed SPS at site C2-3 of FLN NDA, the installed capacity of about 35,000 m3/day is proposed. Wet well/dry well type of SPS will be used and 3 duty pumps and 1 stand-by pump will be installed in the proposed SPS. The proposed location also allows that the sewerage can be directly discharged into adjacent river without affecting the nearby residents in case of any emergency event. A superstructure of about 5m in height will be constructed for the SPS. The downstream of the proposed twin 250mm diameter rising mains will be connected to the proposed gravity sewage system at FLN NDA Road L4.
For the proposed SPS at site B1-4 of FLN NDA, the installed capacity of about 3,000 m3/day is proposed. Wet well/dry well type of SPS will be used and 1 duty pump and 1 stand-by pump will be installed in the proposed SPS. The proposed location also allows that the sewerage can be directly discharged into adjacent river without affecting the nearby residents in case of any emergency event. A superstructure of about 5m in height will be constructed for the SPS. The proposed twin 150mm diameter rising mains will be routed over the Ng Tung River and the downstream of the rising mains will be connected to the proposed gravity sewage system at KTN NDA Road L6.
For the proposed SPS at site B2-3 of FLN NDA, the installed capacity of about 61,000 m3/day is proposed. Wet well/dry well type of SPS will be used and 3 duty pumps and 1 stand-by pump will be installed in the proposed SPS. A superstructure of about 5m in height will be constructed for the SPS. The proposed twin 750mm diameter rising mains will be routed along the existing Man Kam To Road, Po Wan Road and Chuk Wan Road to connect to SWHSTW Phase 2 expansion works.
A trunk sewer is proposed along the proposed main road which will connect to SWHSTW Phase 2 expansion works. The routing is selected to minimise the work front areas as well as the associated direct and indirect environmental impacts.
The details of the proposed sewage pumping stations are shown in Figure 2.10.
It is
anticipated that the NDAs will be commissioned in phases. The construction work
is targeted to commence in Year 2017 and are summarised in Table 2.4 below. The construction programme is shown in Appendix
2.4: Construction Programme
Package |
Description |
Period of Major Works [1] |
of Work |
Works |
Infrastructure and development of Advance Works at KTN and FLN |
2017 - 2024 |
· Site formation and infrastructure · Fanling Bypass (Eastern Section) ·
of Stockpiling material · Advanced ecological compensation works at
mitigation meanders and suitable areas along main river channels |
1 |
First stage
of infrastructure and development at KTN and FLN |
2018 - 2021 |
· Site formation and infrastructure · Ecological compensation works · Sewerage and water supply networks · School, hospital, HKPF
facilities and housing site · Fanling Bypass (Eastern Section) · STW Extension Phase 1B at FLN · Village resite
in KTN and FLN · Secondary service reservoir ·
mains and distribution mains |
2 |
and development at KTN (South) |
2018 - 2029 |
· Site formation and infrastructure · Fanling Highway Widening · Kwu Tung Interchange ·
Shek Au Interchange |
3 |
and development at KTN (North) |
2020 - 2028 |
· Site formation and infrastructure |
4 |
Infrastructure and development at FLN (East) |
2021 – 2029 |
formation and infrastructure ·
service reservoir ·
mains and distribution mains ·
Fanling Bypass (Western Section) ·
Po Shek Wu Interchange Improvement |
5 |
Infrastructure and development at FLN (West) |
2022 - 2028 |
· Site formation and infrastructure STW
Extension Phase 2 |
[1] Works period of site formation for
lots subject to village removal term is not included
The evaluations of cumulative impacts due to the potential concurrent projects are presented in Table 2.5. Locations of the concurrent projects are shown in Figure 2.21 and 2.22.
Table 2.5 - Evaluation of cumulative impacts due to concurrent
projects in HKSAR
Concurrent Projects |
Evaluation |
1 |
Agreement No. CE42/2006(TP)
Planning Study on Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai
Cross-boundary Control Point and its Associated Connecting Roads in Hong Kong
– Feasibility Study |
A new Boundary Control Point (BCP)
is proposed to be constructed at Heung Yuen Wai. The associated connecting
road is within 500m study boundary of Fanling
Bypass. Cumulative impact has been assessed for both construction and
operational phases. |
2 |
Agreement No. CE60/2005 (TP)
Land Use Planning for the Closed Area – Feasibility Study (FCA) |
The study is a strategic land use planning for
the opening of Regulation of Shenzhen River Stage III. The new Closed Area
boundary is put in place in late 2011 / early 2012. Since this project is in
a strategic level, there is no major implementation programme for the
associated infrastructure. Cumulative construction environmental impacts from
this Project are therefore not considered. For the operational impact, the
change in traffic due to the implication of land use planning for the closed
area is taken into account. |
3 |
Agreement No. CE22/2006(HY) Cycle Tracks
Connecting North West New Territories with North East New Territories –
Investigation, Design and Construction |
This project aims to provide an extension to the
proposed cycle track network in the New Territories and associated supporting
and recreational facilities; comprising 3 major sections and 3 minor
sections. According to the website of CEDD, the cycle track section from Sheung Shui to Ma On Shan has
been under construction. And that from Sheung
Shui to Tuen Mun will be under tender soon. However, this is
considered far away from site and.cumulative
impacts from this Project are therefore not considered. |
4 |
No. CE53/2008(CE) Development
of Lok Ma Chau Loop - Investigation |
The Development of the LMC Loop comprises the buildings, landscape and
supporting infrastructure within and adjacent to the site. The eastern
connection road lies within the study area of KTN NDA. Since the construction
programme is likely to be concurrently with the LMC
Loop, cumulative impact has been assessed for both construction and
operational phases. |
5 |
Construction of a Secondary Boundary Fence and
new sections of Primary Boundary Fence and Boundary Patrol Road |
The existing boundary fence from Mai Po to Lin Ma
Hang will be reproduced or a secondary boundary fence will be erected under
this project. The whole construction is expected to commence in 2011-2012 for
completion in 2015-2016. Since
this project will be completed prior to the commencement of NDA construction,
cumulative environmental impact is not anticipated. |
6 |
The proposed Northern Link of the railway |
The proposed Northern Link will run between the
existing West Rail Line at Kam Sheung Road and the
Lok Ma Chau Terminus of the existing East Rail Line. It will intersect with
the East Rail Line at a new station at Chau Tau of San Tin, where passengers
can interchange with the East Rail Line. This project is still in planning
stage and there is no implementation programme yet. Cumulative impacts from
this Project are therefore not considered. |
8 |
Agreement No. CE 20/2004(EP) North East New
Territories (NENT) Landfill Extension – Feasibility Study |
A Strategic Plan under this Study was developed
for the landfill extensions and new sites for the disposal of solid wastes in
the next 50 years. The proposed extension is southeast adjacent to the
existing NENT Landfill and is outside the 500m study boundary of PC/TKL NDA
which is subject to replanning in later stage.
Thus, cumulative environmental impact is not anticipated. |
9 |
Development of a Poultry Slaughtering and
Processing Plant in Sheung Shui |
According to the Government Press Release on 1st
June 2010, the development of a poultry slaughtering centre would be shelved.
Cumulative impacts from this Project are therefore not considered. |
10 |
Drainage Master Plan Review for
Yuen Long and North Districts |
In view of changes in land uses and new
developments planned within the northern area, this project has conducted numerical
models for evaluating the hydraulic performance of the major rivers/channels.
Further drainage improvement works for major rivers, upstream channels and
the local flooding spots would be proposed by this project. The proposal is
expected to be finalised in late 2010. Since the proposals of drainage works
has not yet been finalised, cumulative impacts from this Project are
therefore not considered. |
11 |
of Tolo Highway/ Fanling
Highway between Island House Interchange and Fanling
(Stage 2) |
The project comprises (1) widening of a section
of Fanling Highway of approximately 3 kilometers (km) long between Tai Hang and Wo Hop Shek Interchange from
dual three-lane to dual four-lane carriageway; and (2) widening of the southbound slip
road at Wo Hop Shek
Interchange. The tentative completion date of the project is from Yr 2015 to
Yr 2018 but is still under review by HyD. Cumulative impacts from this
Project have been assessed for both construction and operational phases. |
12 |
of cycle tracks and the associated supporting facilities from Sha Po Tsuen to Shek Sheung River |
This Project (the EIAO
DP portion) is for the Priority Phase of the proposed Cycle Track Network
recommended in the FS. According to the discussion with
CEDD, the construction period is Yr 2014 – 2017. Cumulative impacts from this
Project are thus considered. |
13. |
and Engineering Study for Kwu Tung South -
Feasibility Study |
This project is under review and planning. No
detailed information was available and thus not taken into account. |
14. |
formation and associated infrastructural works for development
of columbarium, crematorium and related facilities at Sandy Ridge Cemetery |
Project comprises mainly the site formation of about 10 hectares of land and
provision of associated infrastructural works, including roads, viaducts,
tunnel, pedestrian walkway between Lo Wu MTR Station and the proposed
columbarium facilities, drainage and sewerage works, waterworks and other
utility services. The
site formation and associated infrastructural works will include designated
projects under Schedule 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) (Cap. 499), such as road bridges and widening of a
district distributor road, etc. which require environmental permits prior to
construction and operation. An EIA will be conducted to address the
environmental impact and mitigation measures will be proposed if necessary. The site formation works will be carried out by
phases for completion in 2022. The
location is far away from the sensitive uses from NDA sites (>500m) and
thus not taken into account in this EIA. |
15. |
Regulation of Shenzhen River Stage IV |
This project forms a part of Drainage Master Plan
Study in Northern New Territories. The location of this project is about 5km
away which is far away from site. The environmental impact including water
quality would be mitigated to acceptable levels. Thus, cumulative
environmental impact is not anticipated. |
16. |
Development of Organic Waste Treatment Facilities, Phase 2 |
This Project comprises mainly the construction
and operation of Organic Waste Treatment Facilities, Phase 2 in Sha Ling. The
project would be completed by 2016.
The proposed location is more than 500m from the boundary of the FLN
NDA. Moreover, the environmental
impact including air quality would be mitigated to acceptable levels. Thus,
cumulative environmental impact is not anticipated. |
17. |
Provision of Cremators at Wo Hop Shek Crematorium |
This Project comprises mainly the demolition
works in Phases I and II and the provision of seven cremators in Phase I as
well as the additional two cremators under the future expansion phase. The construction works would be completed
by 2014 before the commencement of NDAs project. The environmental impact in operation stage
would be mitigated to acceptable levels. Since the proposed location is
within 500m from the proposed NDA associated road network, the cumulative
operational environmental impact has been considered. |
18 |
EIA study for SCL (HUH – ADM) |
The proposed Access Road at Lo Wu is an extension
of the existing Drainage Services Department (DSD)’s
maintenance access road adjacent to the Sheung Shui Treatment Works for connecting to the existing Lo Wu
Marshalling Yard which is currently serving the East Rail Line. Works
activities for the proposed access road extension would only involve minor
construction works such as site clearance, road formation and concrete road
slab laying, lasting for a short duration of about one month. The likely
environmental impacts associated with the proposed works would mainly relate
to the construction impacts. Considering that the proposed works would be
minor in nature, limited scale (less than 20m) and short-term (last for about
one month), significant cumulative environmental impacts arising from its
construction is not anticipated. |
Detailed EIA assessments have been conducted and presented in the EIA report. Mitigation measures have also been identified and recommended. The Project Implementation Schedule (PIS) is given in Appendix 2-2. It specifies the extent, locations, time frame and responsibilities for the implementation of the environmental mitigation measures identified.
The proposed project organization and lines of communication with respect to environmental protection works are shown in Appendix 3-1.
Sufficient and suitably qualified professional and technical staff shall be employed by the respective parties to ensure full compliance with their duties and responsibilities, as required under the EM&A programme for the duration of the Project.
The leader of the Environmental Team (ET) shall be an independent party from the Contractor and has relevant professional qualifications, or have sufficient relevant EM&A experience subject to approval of the Engineer’s Representative (ER) and EPD. The ET Leader shall have at least 7 years of experience in conducting EM&A for infrastructure projects. His / Her qualification shall be vetted by the ER.
The responsibilities of respective parties
The Contractor
Employ an
Environmental Team (ET) to undertake monitoring, laboratory analysis and
reporting of environmental monitoring and audit;
Provide assistance to
ET in carrying out monitoring and auditing;
Submit proposals on
mitigation measures in case of exceedances of Action
and Limit levels in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;
Implement measures to
reduce impact where Action and Limit levels are exceeded; and
Adhere to the agreed
procedures for carrying out compliant investigation.
Environmental Team
Set up all the
required environmental monitoring stations;
Monitor various
environmental parameters as required in the EM&A
Analyse the EM&A data and review the success of EM&A
programme to cost-effectively confirm the adequacy of mitigation measures
implemented and the validity of the EIA predictions and to identify any adverse
environmental impacts arising;
Carry out site
inspection to investigate and audit the Contractors’ site practice, equipment
and work methodologies with respect to pollution control and environmental
mitigation, and take proactive actions to pre-empt problems;
Audit and prepare
audit reports on the environmental monitoring data and site environmental
Report on the EM&A results to the IEC.
Contractor, the ER and EPD or its delegated representative;
Recommend suitable
mitigation measures to the Contractor in the case of exceedance
of Action and Limit levels in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;
Undertake regular and
ad-hoc on-site audits / inspections and report to the Contractor and the ER of
any potential non-compliance; and
Follow up and close
out non-compliance actions.
Engineer or Engineer’s Representative
Supervise the Contractor’s
activities and ensure that the requirements in the EM&A
Manual are fully complied with;
Inform the Contractor
when action is required to reduce impacts in accordance with the Even and
Action Plans;
Employ an IEC to audit the results of the EM&A
works carried out by the ET; and
Comply with the agreed
Event Contingency Plan in the event of any exceedance.
Independent Environmental Checker
Review the EM&A works performed by the ET (at not less than
monthly intervals);
Audit the monitoring
activities and results (at not less than monthly intervals);
Report the audit
results to the ER and EPD in parallel;
Review the EM&A reports (monthly summary reports) submitted by the
Review the proposal on
mitigation measures submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Event
and Action Plans;
Check the mitigation
measures submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Event and Action
Check the mitigation
measures that have been recommended in the EIA and this Manual, and ensure they
are properly implemented in a timely manner, when necessary;
Report the findings of
site inspections and other environmental performance reviews to ER and EPD;
Coordinate the
monitoring and auditing works for all the on-going contracts in the area in
order to identify possible sources / causes of exceedances
and recommend suitable remedial actions where appropriate; and
Coordinate the
assessment and response to complaints / enquires from locals, green groups,
district councils or the public at large.
The EIA has
considered the potential air quality impacts during both the construction and
operational phases of the Project.
Fugitive dust and odour would be the key impacts during the construction
and operational phases respectively.
Report has recommended dust control and odour control measures. All the proposed mitigation measures are
summarised in the Project Implementation Schedule (PIS) in Appendix 2-2.
Construction Dust
Monitoring and audit of the TSP levels shall be carried out by the ET to ensure that any deteriorating air quality could be readily detected and timely action taken to rectify the situation.
One-hour and 24-hour TSP levels should be measured to indicate the impacts of construction dust on air quality. The 24-hour TSP levels shall be measured by following the standard high volume sampling method as set out in the Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1 (Part 50). Upon approval of the IEC, 1-hour TSP levels can be measured by direct reading method which is capable of producing comparable results as that by the high volume sampling method, to indicate short event impacts.
All relevant data
including temperature, pressure, weather conditions, elapsed-time meter reading
for the start and stop of the sampler, identification and weight of the filter
paper, and any other local atmospheric factors affecting or affected by site
conditions, etc., shall be recorded down in detail. A sample data sheet is shown in Appendix
The EIA Report has assessed the odour impact from potential sources. No adverse odour impact is anticipated with the implementation of mitigation measures. Monitoring of odour during the operational phase is therefore not required.
High volume
samplers (HVSs) complying with the following
specifications shall be used for carrying out the 1-hour and 24-hour TSP
0.6 – 1.7 m3 per minute adjustable flow range;
Equipped with a timing / control device with +/1 5 minutes accuracy for 24 hours operations;
Installed with elapsed-time meter with +/- 2 minutes accuracy for 24 hours operation;
Capable of providing a minimum exposed are of 406cm2;
Flow control accuracy: +/-2.5% deviation over 24-hour sampling period;
Equipped with a shelter to protect the filer and sampler;
Incorporated with an electronic mass flow rate controller or other equivalent devices;
Equipped with a flow recorder for continuous monitoring;
Provided with a peaked roof inlet;
Incorporated with a manometer;
Able to hold and seal the filter paper to the sampler housing at horizontal position;
Easily changeable filter; and
Capable of operating continuously for a 24-hour period.
The ET is responsible for the provision, installation, operation, maintenance, dismantle of the monitoring equipment. They shall ensure that sufficient number of HVSs with an appropriate calibration kit is available for carrying out the baseline monitoring, regular impact monitoring and ad hoc monitoring. The HVSs shall be equipped with an electronic mass flow controller and be calibrated against a traceable standard at regular intervals. All the equipment, calibration kit, filter papers, etc., shall be clearly labelled.
Initial calibration of dust monitoring equipment shall be conducted upon installation and thereafter at fortnightly intervals. The transfer standard shall be traceable to the internationally recognized primary standard and be calibrated annually. The concern parties such as IEC shall properly document the calibration data for future reference. All the data should be converted into standard temperature and pressure condition.
The flow-rate of the sampler before and after the sampling exercise with the filter in position shall be verified to be constant and be recorded in the data sheet as mentioned in Appendix 4-1.
If the ET proposed to use a direct reading dust meter to measure 1-hour TSP levels, they shall submit sufficient information to the IEC to prove that the instrument is capable of achieving a comparable results to the HVS. The instrument should also be calibrated regularly, and the 1-hour sampling shall be determined periodically by the HVS to check the validity and accuracy of the results measured by direct reading method.
Wind data monitoring equipment shall also be provided and set up for logging wind speed and wind direction near the dust monitoring locations. The equipment installation location shall be proposed by the ET and agreed with the IEC. For installation and shall be proposed by the ET and agreed with the IEC. For installation and operation of wind data monitoring equipment, the following points shall be observed:
The wind sensors should be installed 10m above ground so that they are clear of obstructions or turbulence caused by buildings;
The wind data should be captured by a data logger, the data shall be downloaded for analysis at least once a month;
The wind data monitoring equipment should be re-calibrated at least once every six months; and
Wind direction should be divided into 16 sectors of 22.5 degrees each.
In exceptional situations, the ET may propose alternative methods to obtain representative wind data upon approval from the ER and agreement from the IEC.
A clean laboratory with constant temperature and humidity control, and equipped with necessary measuring and conditioning instruments to handle the dust samples collected, shall be available for sample analysis, and equipment calibration and maintenance. The laboratory should be HOKLAS accredited.
If a site laboratory is set up or a non-HOKLAS accredited laboratory is hired for carrying out the laboratory analysis, the laboratory equipment shall be approved by the ER and the measurement procedures shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the ER and IEC. IEC shall regularly audit to the measurement performed by the laboratory to ensure the accuracy of measurement results. The ET Leader shall provide the ER with one copy of the Title 40 of Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1 (Part 50), Appendix B for his / her reference.
Filter paper of size 8” X 10” shall be labelled before sampling. It shall be a clean filter paper with no pinholes, and shall be conditioned in a humidity-controlled chamber for over 24-hours and be pre-weighed before use for the sampling.
sampling, the filter paper loaded with dust shall be kept in a clean and
tightly sealed plastic bag. The filter
paper shall then be returned to the laboratory for reconditioning in the
humidity-controlled chamber followed by accurate weighing by an electronic
balance with readout down to 0.1 mg. The
balance shall be regularly calibrated against a traceable standard.
Figure 4.1a to Figure 4.1c and Table 4.1 show the locations of the proposed dust
monitoring. The status and locations of air quality sensitive receivers may
change after issuing this Manual. If
such cases exist, the ET Leader shall propose updated monitoring locations and
seek approval from ER and agreement from the IEC.
Table 4.1: Proposed Monitoring Locations for Construction Dust
ID |
or Existing |
Location/Description |
DMS-1 |
KTN-19 |
Planned |
Nursery Classes and Kindergartens; Post Offices |
DMS -2 |
KTN-90 |
Planned |
Nursery Classes and Kindergartens (2 nos);
District Elderly Community Centre |
DMS -3 |
KTN-326 |
Planned |
Village Resite |
DMS -4 |
KTN-E162 |
Existing |
Temporary Structure near Fanling
Highway (near Pak Shek Au) |
DMS -5 |
FLN-20 |
Planned |
Training Division |
DMS -6 |
FLN-35 |
Planned |
Resite |
DMS -7 |
FLN-E62 |
Existing |
Village Houses North of Proposed Potential Ecopark |
DMS -8 |
FLN-E124 |
Existing |
Hill |
DMS -9 |
FLN-243 |
Planned |
Buildings, Nursery Classes and Kindergartens, Neighbourhood
Elderly Community Centre, Residential
Home for the Elderly, Post Office |
DMS -10 |
FLN-E104 |
Existing |
Choi Ngan House, Choi Po Court |
DMS -11 |
FLN-E143 |
Existing |
near Tong Hang |
When alternative monitoring locations are proposed, the proposed site should, as far as practicable:
be at the site boundary or such locations close to the major dust emission source;
be close to the sensitive receptors; and
take into account the prevailing meteorological conditions.
The ET shall agree with the ER in consultation with the IEC on the position of the HVS for the installation of the monitoring equipment. When positioning the samplers, the following points shall be noted:
horizontal platform with appropriate support to secure the samplers against
gusty wind should be provided;
two samplers should be placed less than 2 meters apart;
distance between the sampler and an obstacle, such as buildings, must be at
least twice the height that the obstacle protrudes above the sampler;
minimum of 2 meters of separation from walls, parapets and penthouses is
required for rooftop samplers;
minimum of 2 meters separation from any supporting structure, measured horizontally
is required;
no furnace or incinerator flue is nearby;
around the sampler is unrestricted;
sampler is more than 20 meters from the dripline;
any wire fence and gate, to protect the
sampler, should not cause any obstruction during monitoring;
permission must be obtained to set up the
samplers and to obtain access to the monitoring stations; and
a secured
supply of electricity is needed to operate the samplers.
Baseline monitoring shall be carried out at all of the designated monitoring locations for construction dust (see Table 4.1) for at least 14 consecutive days prior to the commissioning of major construction works to obtain daily 24-hour TSP samples. The selected baseline monitoring stations should reflect baseline conditions at the impact stations. One-hour sampling should also be done at least 3 times per day while the highest dust impact is expected.
During the baseline monitoring, there should not be any major construction or dust generation activities in the vicinity of the monitoring stations. Before commencing baseline monitoring, the ET shall inform the IEC of the baseline monitoring programme such that, if required, the ER can conduct on-site audit to ensure accuracy of the baseline monitoring results.
In case the baseline monitoring cannot be carried out at the designated monitoring locations, the ET Leader shall carry out the monitoring at alternative locations that can effectively represent the baseline conditions at the impact monitoring locations. The alternative baseline monitoring locations shall be approved by the ER and agreed with the IEC.
In exceptional cases, when insufficient baseline monitoring data or questionable results are obtained, the ET shall liaise with the IEC and EPD to agree on an appropriate set of data to be used as a baseline reference and submit to ER for approval.
Ambient conditions may vary seasonally and shall be
reviewed once every three months. When
the ambient conditions have changed and a repeat of the baseline monitoring is
required to be carried out for obtaining the updated baseline levels, the
monitoring should be at times when the Contractor's activities are not
generating dust, at least in the proximity of the monitoring stations. Should change in ambient conditions be
determined, the baseline levels and, in turn, the air quality criteria, should
be revised. The revised baseline levels
and air quality criteria should be agreed with the IEC
and EPD.
The ET shall carry out impact monitoring at all designated monitoring locations for construction dust (see Table 4.1) during the entire construction period. For regular impact monitoring, the sampling frequency of at least once in every 6 days, shall be strictly observed at all the monitoring stations for 24-hour TSP monitoring. For 1-hour TSP monitoring, the sampling frequency of at least 3 times in every 6 days should be undertaken when the highest dust impact occurs. Before commencing impact monitoring, the ET shall inform the IEC of the impact monitoring programme such that the IEC can conduct on-site audit to ensure accuracy of the monitoring results.
The specific time to start and stop the 24-hour TSP monitoring shall be clearly defined for each location and be strictly followed by the ET.
In case of non-compliance with the air quality criteria, more frequent monitoring, as specified in the Action Plan in the following section, shall be conducted within the specified timeframe after the result is obtained. This additional monitoring shall be continued until the excessive dust emission or the deterioration in air quality is rectified, and agreed with the ER and the IEC.
The baseline monitoring results form the basis for
determining the air quality criteria for the impact monitoring. The ET shall compare the construction dust impact
monitoring results with air quality criteria set up for 24-hour TSP and 1-hour
TSP. Table 4.2 shows the air quality
criteria, namely Action and Limit levels to be used.
Table 4.2: Action / Limit
Levels for Construction Dust
Parameters |
Action |
Limit |
24-hour TSP Level in mg/m3 |
For baseline level £ 200 mg/m3,
Action level = (baseline level * 1.3 + Limit level)/2; For baseline level > 200 mg/m3
Action level = Limit level |
260mg/m3 |
1-hour TSP Level in mg /m3 |
For baseline level £ 384 mg/m3, Action
level = (baseline level * 1.3 + Limit level)/2; For baseline level > 384 mg/m3,
Action level = Limit level |
500mg/m3 |
Should non-compliance of the air quality criteria occur, actions in accordance with the Action Plan in Table 4.3 shall be carried out.
Table 4.3: Event / Action
Plan for Construction Dust
Event |
Action |
ET |
ER |
Contractor |
Action Level exceedance for one sample |
1. Identify source, investigate the causes of exceedance and propose remedial measures; 2. Inform IEC and ER; 3. Repeat measurement to confirm finding; 4. Increase monitoring frequency to daily. |
1. Check monitoring data submitted by ET; 2. Check Contractor’s working method. |
1. Notify Contractor. |
1. Rectify any unacceptable practice; 2. Amend working methods if appropriate. |
Action Level exceedance for two or more consecutive samples |
1. Identify source; 2. Inform IEC and ER; 3. Advise the ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial
measures; 4. Repeat measurements to confirm findings; 5. Increase monitoring frequency to daily; 6. Discuss with IEC and Contractor on
remedial actions required; 7. If exceedance continues, arrange
meeting with IEC and ER; 8. If exceedance stops, cease
additional monitoring. |
1. Check monitoring data submitted by ET; 2. Check Contractor’s working method; 3. Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial measures; 4. Advise the ET on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial
measures; 5. Supervise Implementation of remedial measures. |
1. Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing; 2. Notify Contractor; 3. Ensure remedial measures properly implemented. |
1. Submit proposals for remedial to ER within 3 working days of
notification; 2. Implement the agreed proposals; 3. Amend proposal if appropriate. |
Limit Level exceedance
for one sample |
1. Identify source, investigate the causes of exceedance and propose remedial measures; 2. Inform IEC, ER, and EPD; 3. Repeat measurement to confirm finding; 4. Increase monitoring frequency to daily; 5. Assess effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial actions and
keep IEC, EPD and ER informed of the results. |
1. Check monitoring data submitted by ET; 2. Check Contractor’s working method; 3. Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial measures; 4. Advise the ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial
measures; 5. Supervise implementation of remedial measures. |
1. Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing; 2. Notify Contractor; 3. Ensure remedial measures properly implemented. |
1. Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance; 2. Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC
within 3 working days of notification; 3. Implement the agreed proposals; 4. Amend proposal if appropriate. |
Limit Level exceedance
for two or more consecutive samples |
1. Notify IEC, ER and EPD; 2. Identify source; 3. Repeat measurement to confirm findings; 4. Increase monitoring frequency to daily; 5. Carry out analysis of Contractor’s working procedures to
determine possible mitigation to be implemented; 6. Arrange meeting with IEC and ER to
discuss the remedial actions to be taken; 7. Assess effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial actions and
keep IEC, EPD and ER informed of the results; 8. If exceedance stops, cease
additional monitoring. |
1. Discuss amongst ER, ET, and Contractor on the potential
remedial actions; 2. Review Contractor’s remedial actions whenever necessary to
assure their effectiveness and advise the ER accordingly; 3. Supervise the implementation of remedial measures. |
1. Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing; 2. Notify Contractor; 3. In consultation with the IEC, agree
with the Contractor on the remedial measures to be implemented; 4. Ensure remedial measures properly implemented; 5. If exceedance continues, consider
what portion of the work is responsible and instruct the Contractor to stop
that portion of work until the exceedance is
abated. |
1. Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance; 2. Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC
within 3 working days of notification; 3. Implement the agreed proposals; 4. Resubmit proposals if problem still not under control; 5. Stop the relevant portion of works as determined by the ER
until the exceedance is abated. |
ET – Environmental Team
IEC – Independent Environmental Checker
ER – Engineer’s Representative
The EIA has considered the potential airborne noise impacts during both the construction and operational phases of the Project. Noise monitoring is proposed to be conducted during construction and operational phase.
Construction Phase
The EIA Report has recommended construction noise control measures including the use of quiet plant and temporary noise barriers, etc. All the proposed mitigation measures are summarised in the PIS in Appendix 2-2.
5.2.1 Operational Phase
Mitigation measures of noise barriers would need to be implemented along the roadworks for NDAs. These mitigation measures include the following and are shown in Appendix 5-1 and summarised in the PIS in Appendix 2-2.
Construction noise level shall be measured in terms of the A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq). Leq 30 min shall be used as the monitoring parameter for the time period between 0700 and 1900 hours on normal weekdays. For all other time periods, Leq 5 min shall be employed for comparison with the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) criteria.
As supplementary information for data auditing, statistical
results such as L10 and L90 shall also be obtained for
reference. A sample data record sheet is
shown in Appendix 5-2 for reference.
As referred to in the Technical Memorandum (TM) issued under the NCO, sound level meters in compliance with the International Electrotechnical Commission Publications 651: 1979 (Type 1) and 804: 1985 (Type 1) specifications shall be used for carrying out the noise monitoring. Immediately prior to and following each noise measurement, the accuracy of the sound level meter shall be checked using an acoustic calibrator generating a known sound pressure level at a known frequency. Measurements may be accepted as valid only if the calibration level from before and after the noise measurement agrees to within 1.0 dB.
Noise measurements should be made in accordance with standard acoustical principles and practices in relation to weather conditions.
The ET is responsible for the provision, installation, operation, maintenance, dismantle of the monitoring equipment. He shall ensure that sufficient noise measuring equipment and associated instrumentation are available for carrying out the baseline monitoring, regular impact monitoring and ad hoc monitoring. All the equipment and associated instrumentation shall be clearly labelled.
The locations of construction airborne noise monitoring stations are summarised in Table 5.1 and shown in Figure 5.1a to Figure 5.1c.
Table 5.1: Proposed
Construction Noise Monitoring Locations
Station ID |
(Assessment Point) |
or Existing |
Remarks |
KTN-45 (R3002) |
Existing |
Residential Buildings at Ma Tso Lung |
KTN-20 (R3000) |
Existing |
Residential Buildings at Ma Tso Lung |
A3-7 (R2141) |
Existing |
Fung Kong Garden |
D1-9 (R8203) |
Existing |
Sin Wai Nunnery |
B2-7 (R8009) |
Planned |
Primary School |
FNE-2 (R1382) |
Existing |
Choi Yuen Estate |
A1-2 (R8508) |
Existing |
N/A |
FN-18 (R4242) |
Existing |
Man Kok
Village |
FN-22 (R4316) |
Existing |
Woodland Crest |
CP-NMS10 |
FN-31 (R4421) |
Existing |
Belair Monte |
CP-NMS11 |
FS-11 (R8509) |
Existing |
Scattered Village Houses in Tong Hang |
CP-NMS12 |
D3-11 (R8602) |
Planned |
Secondary School |
The ET shall select the monitoring location based on the locations of the construction activities and seek approval from ER and agreement from the IEC and EPD to the proposal. The monitoring locations should be chosen based on the following criteria:
At locations close to
the major site activities which are likely to have noise impacts;
Close to the most
affected existing noise sensitive receivers; and
For monitoring
locations located in the vicinity of the sensitive receivers, care should be
taken to cause minimal disturbance to the occupants during monitoring.
The monitoring station shall normally be at a point 1 m from the exterior of the sensitive receiver building facade and be at a position 1.2 m above the ground. If there is problem with access to the normal monitoring position, an alternative position may be chosen, and a correction to the measurements shall be made. For reference, a correction of +3 dB(A) shall be made to the free field measurements. The ET shall agree with the IEC on the monitoring position and the corrections adopted. Once the positions for the monitoring stations are chosen, the baseline monitoring and the impact monitoring shall be carried out at the same positions.
The IEC may, depending on site conditions and monitoring results, decide whether additional monitoring locations shall be included or any monitoring locations could be removed/relocated during any stage of the construction phase.
The ET shall carry out baseline noise monitoring prior to the commencement of the construction works. There shall not be any construction activities in the vicinity of the stations during the baseline monitoring. Continuous baseline noise monitoring for the A-weighted levels Leq, L10 and L90 shall be carried out daily for a period of at least two weeks in a sample period of 5 minutes or 30 minutes between 0700 and 1900, and 5 minutes between 1900 and 0700. A schedule on the baseline monitoring shall be submitted to the ER and IEC for approval before the monitoring starts.
In exceptional cases, when insufficient baseline monitoring
data or questionable results are obtained, the ET shall liaise with the IEC and EPD to agree on an appropriate set of data to be
used as a baseline reference and submit to the ER for approval.
During normal construction working hour (0700-1900 Monday to Saturday), monitoring of Leq, 30min noise levels (as six consecutive Leq, 5min readings) shall be carried out at the agreed monitoring locations once every week in accordance with the methodology in the TM.
In case of non-compliance with the construction noise criteria, more frequent monitoring, as specified in the Action Plan, shall be carried out. This additional monitoring shall be continued until the recorded noise levels are rectified or proved to be irrelevant to the construction activities.
A schedule on the compliance monitoring shall be submitted
to the ER and IEC for approval before the monitoring
The ET shall compare the construction noise monitoring results with noise criteria. Table 5.2 shows the noise criteria, namely Action and Limit levels to be used.
Table 5.2 - Action and
Limit Levels for Construction Noise
Period |
Level |
Level |
0700 - 1900 hours on normal weekdays |
When one documented complaint is received |
75 dB(A) * |
Note :
If works are to be carried out during restricted hours, the conditions stipulated in the construction noise permit issued by the Noise Control Authority have to be followed.
* Reduce to 70 dB(A) for schools and 65 dB(A) during school examination periods.
Should non-compliance of the noise criteria occur, actions in accordance with the Action Plan in Table 5.3 shall be carried out.
Table 5.3 - Event / Action
Plan for Construction Noise
Event |
Action |
ET |
ER |
Contractor |
Action Level Exceedance |
1. Notify IEC and ER; 2. Carry out investigation; 3. Report the results of investigation to the IEC, ER and Contractor; 4. Discuss with the Contractor and formulate remedial measures; 5. Increase monitoring frequency to check mitigation
effectiveness. |
1. Review the analysed results submitted by the ET; 2. Review the proposed remedial measures by the Contractor and
advise the ER accordingly; 3. Supervise the implementation of remedial measures. |
1. Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing; 2. Notify Contractor; 3. Require Contractor to propose remedial measures for the
analysed noise problem; 4. Ensure remedial measures are properly implemented |
1. Submit noise mitigation proposals to IEC; 2. Implement noise mitigation proposals. |
Limit Level Exceedance |
1. Identify source; 2. Inform IEC, ER and EPD; 3. Repeat measurements to confirm findings; 4. Increase monitoring frequency; 5. Carry out analysis of Contractor’s working procedures to
determine possible mitigation to be implemented; 6. Inform IEC, ER and EPD the causes
and actions taken for the exceedances; 7. Assess effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial actions and
keep IEC, EPD and ER informed of the results; 8. If exceedance stops, cease
additional monitoring. |
1. Discuss amongst ER, ET, and Contractor on the potential remedial
actions; 2. Review Contractors remedial actions whenever necessary to
assure their effectiveness and advise the ER accordingly; 3. Supervise the implementation of remedial measures. |
1. Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing; 2. Notify Contractor; 3. Require Contractor to propose remedial measures for the
analysed noise problem; 4. Ensure remedial measures properly implemented; 5. If exceedance continues, consider
what portion of the work is responsible and instruct the Contractor to stop
that portion of work until the exceedance is
abated. |
1. Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance; 2. Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC within 3 working days of notification; 3. Implement the agreed proposals; 4. Resubmit proposals if problem still not under control; 5. Stop the relevant portion of works as determined by the ER
until the exceedance is abated. |
ET – Environmental Team
IEC – Independent Environmental Checker
ER – Engineer’s Representative
Road Traffic Noise
Traffic noise monitoring shall be carried out at all the designated traffic noise monitoring stations. The following is an initial guide on the traffic noise monitoring requirements during the operational phase:
One set of
measurements at the morning traffic peak hour on normal weekdays.
One set of measurement
at the evening traffic peak hour on normal weekdays.
The traffic noise shall
be measured in terms of the A-weighted L10 (1 hour) over 2 hourly
periods. As supplementary information
for data auditing, statistical results such as Leq,
L90 and Lmax shall also be
obtained for reference.
A concurrent census of
traffic flow and percentage heavy vehicles shall be conducted for the far-side
and near-side of the road and the existing road network in the vicinity of each
measurement points.
Average vehicle speed
estimated for far-side and near-side of the road and the existing road network
in the vicinity of each measuring points.
The two sets of
monitoring data shall be obtained within the first year of operation.
Measured noise levels
shall be compared with the predicted noise levels by applying appropriate
conversion corrections to allow for the traffic conditions at the time of
Fixed Noise
Fixed noise commissioning test
shall be carried out at fixed noise sources such as District Cooling System,
Sewage Pumping Station, Pumping Station, and Sewage Treatment Plant Extension
to determine the maximum allowable sound power level as stated in the EIA
report. The SWL criteria shall be implemented by
Contractor before operation of the Project, in order to ensure of the
compliance of the operational airborne noise levels with the TM’s stipulated
noise standard.
For the Sports Ground / Sports
Complex, upon any rehearsal and main event, the organiser should appoint an
appropriate person to monitor the noise situation by sound level meter at the
most affected noise sensitive receivers. That person should provide feedback to
the organizer for immediate action, such as adjustment of the speaker output
level, whenever necessary. Noise measurement should be conducted at least
hourly during the event, of which the results should be recorded properly and
submitted to the venue operator subsequently. The venue operator will provide
the recorded measurements for reference to EPD when requested for any necessary
follow up investigation.
The ET should prepare and deposit
to EPD, at least 6 months before the operation os the
Project, a commissioning test for the purpose of fixed noise. The commissioning
should contain locations, measurement schedules, methodology of noise
measurement including noise measurement procedures and data analysis of measured
noise level. The commissioning test should be certified by the ET Leader before
deposit with EPD.
For the
traffic noise, the measured/monitored noise levels shall be compared with the
predicted results and the predicted traffic flow conditions (calculated noise
levels based on concurrent traffic census obtained). In case discrepancies are observed,
explanation shall be given to justify the discrepancies.
The locations of operational airborne noise monitoring stations are summarised in Table 5.4 and shown in Figure 5.1a to Figure 5.1c.
Table 5.4 - Proposed
Traffic Noise Monitoring Locations
Station ID |
ID in EIA (Assessment Point) |
or Existing |
Remarks |
(R1103) |
Existing |
Europa Garden Phase I |
KTN-9 (R1086) |
Existing |
Valais |
KTN-9 (R1089) |
Existing |
Valais |
B2-6 (R3421) |
Planned |
N/A |
B2-10 (R2764) |
Planned |
N/A |
C1-3 (R2021) |
Planned |
N/A |
A2-2 (R2623) |
Planned |
N/A |
D1-7 (R2786) |
Planned |
N/A |
C1-3 (R2022) |
Planned |
N/A |
OP-NMS10 |
H1-1 (R1506) |
Planned |
N/A |
OP-NMS11 |
D1-11 (R2830) |
Planned |
N/A |
OP-NMS12 |
E1-3 (R3702) |
Planned |
N/A |
OP-NMS13 |
A3-3 (R2724) |
Planned |
N/A |
OP-NMS14 |
A2-2 (R2628) |
Planned |
N/A |
OP-NMS15 |
A1-2 (R2503) |
Planned |
N/A |
OP-NMS16 |
B2-5 (R3402) |
Planned |
N/A |
OP-NMS17 |
A1-9 (R2602) |
Planned |
N/A |
OP-NMS18 |
A1-8 (R2583) |
Planned |
N/A |
OP-NMS19 |
B2-10 (R2762) |
Planned |
N/A |
OP-NMS31 |
FNE-1 (R1363) |
Existing |
Tai Tau Leng |
OP-NMS32 |
FNE-2 (R1382) |
Existing |
Choi Yuen
Estate |
OP-NMS33 |
A1-11 (R4982) |
Planned |
N/A |
OP-NMS34 |
B1-7 (R5004) |
Planned |
N/A |
OP-NMS35 |
B3-12 (R5281) |
Planned |
N/A |
OP-NMS36 |
FN-8 (R4141) |
Existing |
Village Houses North of Proposed Potential Ecopark |
OP-NMS37 |
(R4151) |
Existing |
Village Houses North of Proposed Potential Ecopark |
OP-NMS38 |
FN-26 (R4344) |
Existing |
Good View New
Village |
OP-NMS39 |
D2-9 (R5362) |
Planned |
N/A |
OP-NMS40 |
D2-12 (R5382) |
Planned |
N/A |
OP-NMS41 |
FS-1 (R4541) |
Existing |
Village Houses East of Ma Wat River and West of
Wing Ning Wai |
OP-NMS42 |
FS-11 (R4661) |
Existing |
Village Houses in Tong Hang |
OP-NMS43 |
Existing |
Village Houses in Wo Hop Shek |
The ET shall select the monitoring location based on the locations of the construction activities and seek approval from ER and agreement from the IEC and EPD to the proposal. The monitoring locations should be chosen based on the following criteria:
At locations close to
the noise mitigation measures such as noise barriers;
Close to the most
affected existing noise sensitive receivers; and
For monitoring
locations located in the vicinity of the sensitive receivers, care should be
taken to cause minimal disturbance to the occupants during monitoring.
The monitoring station shall normally be at a point 1 m from the exterior of the sensitive receiver building facade and be at a position 1.2 m above the ground. If there is problem with access to the normal monitoring position, an alternative position may be chosen, and a correction to the measurements shall be made. For reference, a correction of +3 dB(A) shall be made to the free field measurements. The ET shall agree with the IEC on the monitoring position and the corrections adopted.
Report has assessed the water quality impacts associated with the Project. According to the EIA Report, the water
quality impact could be minimised with the implementation of mitigation
measures. The water quality monitoring programme as discussed below could
ensure the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures and provide
continue improvements to the environmental conditions.
The EIA Report has recommended good site practices as the construction phase mitigation measures. All the proposed mitigation measures are summarised in the Project Implementation Schedule (PIS) in Appendix 2-2.
Water quality monitoring at the rivers is required during the construction period.
The water
quality monitoring stations and control stations are shown in Figure 6.1a to
Figure 6.1b. The proposed
locations are classified as Impact Station and Control Station according to
their functions. The ET shall seek
approval from IEC and EPD for any alternative
monitoring locations.
Table 6.1: Proposed Water Quality Monitoring Stations for Baseline
and Construction Phase Monitoring
Station |
Description |
Locations |
Measurement Periods |
CS1 |
Control Station for KTN NDA |
Centreline of river, upstream of the channel |
During construction of channel |
IS1 |
Impact Station for KTN |
Centreline of river, downstream of the channel |
During construction of channel |
CS2 |
Control Station for FLN NDA |
Centreline of river, upstream of the channel |
During construction of channel |
IS2 |
Impact Station for FLN NDA |
Centreline of river, downstream of the channel |
During construction of channel |
The monitoring shall normally be established by measuring the Dissolved Oxygen (DO), temperature, turbidity, pH, Suspended Solids (SS), unionized ammonia, nitrate nitrogen and orthophosphate at all designated locations as specified in Section 6.3 above.
Replicate in-situ measurements and samples collected from each independent sampling event shall be collected to ensure a robust statistically interpretable database. DO, temperature, pH and turbidity should be measured in-situ whereas SS should be determined by an accredited laboratory.
relevant data shall also be recorded, including monitoring location / position,
time, water depth, weather conditions and any special phenomena or work
underway at the construction site.
shall be taken at 3 water depths, namely, 1m below water surface, mid-depth and
1m above river bed, except where the water depth is less than 6m, the mid-depth
station may be omitted. Should the water depth be less than 3m, only the
mid-depth station will be monitored.
Baseline conditions for water quality shall be established and agreed with EPD prior to commencement of construction works in the rivers. The purpose of the baseline monitoring is to establish ambient conditions prior to the commencement of the works and to demonstrate the suitability of the proposed impact and control monitoring stations.
The baseline conditions shall normally be established by measuring the water quality parameters as specified in Section 6.4. The measurement shall be taken at all designated monitoring stations, 3 days per week, for four weeks prior to the commencement of the works.
There shall not be any construction activities in the vicinity of the staions during the baseline monitoring.
In the exceptional case when insufficient baseline monitoring data or questionable results are obtained, the ET Leader shall seek approval from the IEC and EPD on an appropriate set of data to be used as baseline reference.
The impact monitoring shall be conducted during the works period. The purpose of impact monitoring is to ensure the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, provide effective control of any malpractices, and provide continuous improvements to the environmental conditions.
The monitoring shall be undertaken three days per week at all the designated monitoring stations. The interval between two sets of monitoring shall not be less than 36 hours except where there are exceedances of Action and/or Limit Levels, in which case the monitoring frequency will be increased.
The water quality parameters as specified in Section 6.4 shall be measured.
The ET shall propose and implement a verification monitoring programme in light of latest stormwater drainage plan to verify the efficiency and effectiveness of silt trap and cleaning frequency of non-point source loading during rainstorm events. The verification monitoring programme, including parameters and frequencies, shall be verified by IEC and approved by EPD prior to measurement.
6.8.1 Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature
Measuring Equipment
The dissolved oxygen (DO) measuring instruments should be portable and weatherproof. The equipment should also complete with cable and sensor, and DC power source. It should be capable of measuring:
A DO level in the
range of 0 – 20 mg/L and 0 – 200% saturation; and
A temperature of 0 –
45 degree Celsius
The equipment should have a membrane electrode with automatic temperature compensation complete with a cable.
Should salinity compensation not be built-in to the DO
equipment, in-situ salinity should be measured to calibrate the DO measuring
instruments prior to each measurement.
6.8.2 pH Measuring Equipments
A portable pH meter capable of measuring a pH range between 0.0 and 14.0 shall be provided under the specified conditions (e.g., Orion Model 250A or an approved similar instrument).
6.8.3 Turbidity Measuring Equipments
The turbidity measuring instruments should be a portable and weatherproof with DC power source. It should have a photoelectric sensor capable of measuring turbidity level between 0 - 1000 NTU (for example, Hach model 2100P or an approved similar instrument).
Turbidity Measuring
The turbidity measuring instruments should be a portable and weatherproof with DC power source. It should have a photoelectric sensor capable of measuring turbidity level between 0 - 1000 NTU (for example, Hach model 2100P or an approved similar instrument).
6.8.5 Water Depth Detector
A portable, battery-operated echo sounder should be used for water depths determination at each designated monitoring station. The detector can either be hand held or affixed to the bottom of the work boat, if the same vessel is to be used throughout the monitoring programme.
6.8.6 Water Sampler
A water sampler is required for SS monitoring. It should comprise a transparent PVC cylinder, with a capacity of not less than 2 litres, which can be effectively sealed with latex cups at both ends. The sampler should have a positive latching system to keep it open and prevent premature closure until released by a messenger when the sampler is at the selected water depth (for example, Kahlsico Water Sampler or an approved similar instrument).
6.8.7 Sample Containers and Storage
Water samples for SS determinations should be stored in high density polythene bottles with no preservative added, packed in ice (cooled to 4°C without being frozen) and shipment to the testing laboratory. The samples shall be delivered to the laboratory within 24 hours of collection and be analysed as soon as possible after collection.
6.8.8 Calibration of In-situ
The pH meter, DO meter and turbidimeter shall be checked and calibrated before use. DO meter and turbidimeter shall be certified by a laboratory accredited under HOKLAS or any other international accreditation scheme, and subsequently re-calibrated at quarterly basis throughout all stages of the water quality monitoring. Responses of sensors and electrodes should be checked with certified standard solutions before each use. Wet bulb calibration for a DO meter shall be carried out before measurement at each monitoring station.
6.8.9 Back-up Equipment
Sufficient stocks of spare parts shall be maintained for replacements when necessary. Backup monitoring equipment shall also be made available so that monitoring can proceed uninterrupted even when some equipment is under maintenance, calibration, malfunction, etc.
A multi-probe monitoring equipment set integrated with water sampler(s) is highly recommended to improve the monitoring efficiency. Depending on the actually operation, more than one field survey vessels might be required simultaneously to ensure the monitoring are conducted within the acceptable monitoring period. The ET shall also consider the use of unattended automatic sampling/monitoring devices at fixed stations where monitoring are required throughout the construction for WCR piers and ECR underpass in the Meander. The use of such unattended automatic devices, however, shall be subject to the approval of the ER, IEC and EPD.
At least 2 replicate samples from each independent sampling event are required for the suspended solids measurement which shall be carried in a HOKLAS or international accredited laboratory. Sufficient water samples shall be collected at the monitoring stations for carrying out the laboratory measurement and analysis. The laboratory determination work shall start within 24 hours after collection of the water samples. The analysis for SS and nutrient is presented in Table 6.2.
Table 6.2 - Laboratory
analysis for SS
Parameters |
Method |
Limit |
Suspended Solid (SS) |
2540-D |
0.1 mg/L |
Ammonia as N |
4500-NH3 H |
0.025 mg/L |
Unionised ammonia |
By calculation |
By calculation |
Nitrate as N |
4500-NO3 l |
0.025 mg/L |
Orthophosphate |
4500-P G |
0.1 mg/L |
6.10.1 Field Logs
Field logs shall be maintained for all monitoring work, noting the date, equipments, monitoring manager and the record of all construction related activities and observations. The field log records shall be retained for the duration of the entire project and archived on completion.
In-situ monitoring results shall be digitally recorded from the instruments and converted into spreadsheet format or manually noted. Both hard and soft copies shall be retained for file records. Any deviation from the standard procedure and the reasons for deviation shall be noted in the log.
6.10.2 Measurement Procedures
All in-situ monitoring instruments shall be checked, calibrated and certified and subsequently re-calibrated at three monthly intervals throughout all stages of the water quality monitoring, or as required by the manufactures specification. Certificate(s) of Calibration specifying the instrument shall be attached to the monitoring reports.
6.10.3 Sampling
The Contractor will record all data from in situ testing and from any analysis carried out in a Field Log. All samples will be identified with a unique date/time/location/depth/sample-type code which will be attached to the sample container or written in indelible ink directly on the container. In order to avoid contamination of the samples, all containers will be new and unused and of analytical grade quality. Sources of contamination will be isolated from the working area and any sample contaminated by local material will be discarded and the sampling repeated.
6.10.4 Transport of Samplers
All samples transferred from one sub-contractor to another will be accompanied by Chain of Custody (COC) forms. Any missing or damaged samples require notification to ET Leader following logging in the laboratory QA system. The number of samples, the parameters to be tested and the time of delivery should be clearly stated on the COC forms to ensure that samples are analysed for the correct parameters and suitable time is provided to the analytical laboratory for provision of resources required in the analyses.
The Action and Limit Levels for water quality are defined in Table 6.3.
Table 6.3 - Action and
Limit Levels for Water Quality
Parameters |
Level |
Level |
DO in mg/L (depth average) [1] |
5 percentile of baseline data. [2] |
4 mg/L or 1 percentile of baseline data. [2] |
SS in mg/L (depth averaged) [1] |
95 percentile of baseline data or 120% of upstream control station. [3] |
20 mg/L or 99 percentile of baseline data or 130% of upstream
control station. [3] |
Turbidity in NTU (depth averaged) [1] |
95 percentile of baseline data or 120% of upstream control station. [3] |
99 percentile of baseline data or 130% of upstream control station. [3] |
Unionized ammonia in mg/L
(depth averaged) [2] |
95 percentile of baseline
data or 120% of upstream control
station. [4] |
0.021mg/L or 99 percentile
of baseline data or 130% of upstream control station. [4] |
Nitrate nitrogen in mg/L
(depth averaged) [2] |
95 percentile of baseline
data or 120% of upstream control
station. [4] |
99 percentile of baseline data
or 130% of upstream control station. [4] |
Orthophosphate in mg/L
(depth averaged) [2] |
95 percentile of baseline
data or 120% of upstream control
station. [4] |
99 percentile of baseline
data or 130% of upstream control station. [4] |
[1] “Depth-averaged”
is calculated by taking the arithmetic mean of reading of all three depths.
(Refer S6.4)
[2] For DO, non-compliance occurs when monitoring results is lower than the limits.
[3] For SS, turbidity, non-compliance occurs when monitoring results is larger than the limits.
Should non-compliance of the criteria occur, action in accordance with the Action Plan in the Table 6.4 shall be carried out.
Table 6.4 - Event / Action Plan
for Water Quality
Event |
Action |
ET |
ER |
Contractor |
level being exceeded by one sampling day |
1. Inform IEC, Contractor and ER; 2. Check monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor’s
working methods; and 3. Discuss remedial measures with IEC
and Contractor and ER. |
1. Discuss with ET, ER and Contractor on the implemented
mitigation measures; 2. Review proposals on remedial measures submitted by Contractor
and advise the ER accordingly; and 3. Review and advise the ET and ER on the effectiveness of the
implemented mitigation measures. |
1. Discuss with IEC, ET and Contractor
on the implemented mitigation measures; 2. Make agreement on the remedial measures to be implemented; 3. Supervise the implementation of agreed remedial measures. |
1. Identify source(s) of impact; 2. Inform the ER and confirm notification of the non-compliance
in writing; 3. Rectify unacceptable practice; 4.Check all plant and equipment; 5. Consider changes of working methods; 6. Discuss with ER, ET and IEC and
purpose remedial measures to IEC and ER; and 7. Implement the agreed mitigation measures. |
level being exceeded by more than one consecutive sampling days |
1. Repeat in-situ measurement on next day of exceedance
to confirm findings; 2. Inform IEC, Contractor and ER; 3. Check monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor’s
working methods; 4. Discuss remedial measures with IEC,
contractor and ER 5. Ensure remedial measures are implemented |
1. Discuss with ET, Contractor and ER on the implemented
mitigation measures; 2. Review the proposed remedial measures submitted by Contractor
and advise the ER accordingly; and 3. Review and advise the ET and ER on the effectiveness of the
implemented mitigation measures. |
1. Discuss with ET, IEC and Contractor
on the proposed mitigation measures; 2. Make agreement on the remedial measures to be implemented ;
and 3. Discuss with ET, IEC and Contractor
on the effectiveness of the implemented remedial measures. |
1. Identify source(s) of impact; 2. Inform the ER and confirm notification of the non-compliance
in writing; 3. Rectify unacceptable practice; 4. Check all plant and equipment and consider changes of working
methods; 5. Discuss with ET, IEC and ER and
submit proposal of remedial measures to ER and IEC
within 3 working days of notification; and 6. Implement the agreed mitigation measures. |
level being exceeded by one sampling day |
1. Repeat measurement on next day of exceedance
to confirm findings; 2. Inform IEC, Contractor and ER; 3. Rectify unacceptable practice; 4. Check monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor’s
working methods; 5. Consider changes of working methods; 6. Discuss mitigation measures with IEC,
ER and Contractor; and 7. Ensure the agreed remedial measures are implemented |
1. Discuss with ET, Contractor and ER on the implemented
mitigation measures; 2. Review the proposed remedial measures submitted by Contractor
and advise the ER accordingly; and 3. Review and advise the ET and ER on the effectiveness of the
implemented mitigation measures. |
1. Discuss with ET, IEC and Contractor
on the implemented remedial measures; 2. Request Contractor to critically review the working methods; 3. Make agreement on the remedial measures to be implemented;
and 4. Discuss with ET, IEC and Contractor
on the effectiveness of the implemented remedial measures. |
1. Identify source(s) of impact; 2. Inform the ER and confirm notification of the non-compliance
in writing; 3. Rectify unacceptable practice; 4. Check all plant and equipment and consider changes of working
methods; 5. Discuss with ET, IEC and ER and
submit proposal of additional mitigation measures to ER and IEC within 3 working days of notification; and 6. Implement the agreed remedial measures. |
Limit level being
exceeded by more than one consecutive sampling days |
1. Inform IEC, contractor and ER; 2. Check
monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor’s working methods; 3. Discuss
mitigation measures with IEC, ER and Contractor;
and 4. Ensure
mitigation measures are implemented; and 5. Increase
the monitoring frequency to daily until no exceedance
of Limit Level for two consecutive days |
1. Discuss
with ET, Contractor and ER on the implemented mitigation measures; 2. Review
the proposed remedial measures submitted by Contractor and advise the ER
accordingly; and 3. Review
and advise the ET and ER on the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation
measures. |
1. Discuss
with ET, IEC and Contractor on the implemented
remedial measures; 2. Request
Contractor to critically review the working methods; 3. Make
agreement on the remedial measures to be implemented; 4. Discuss
with ET and IEC on the effectiveness of the
implemented mitigation measures; and 5. Consider
and instruct, if necessary, the Contractor to slow down or to stop all or
part of the dredging activities until no exceedance
of Limit level. |
1. Identify source(s) of
impact; 2. Inform the ER and confirm
notification of the non-compliance in writing; 3. Rectify unacceptable
practice; 4. Check all plant and
equipment and consider changes of working methods; 5. Discuss with ET, IEC and ER and submit proposal of additional mitigation
measures to ER and IEC within 3 working days of
notification; and 6. Implement the agreed
remedial measures. 7. As directed by the ER, to
slow down or stop all or part of the dredging activities until no exceedance of Limit level. |
ET – Environmental Team
IEC – Independent Environmental Checker
ER – Engineer’s Representative
Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Implications
An assessment
of potential impacts due to the sewage arising from the proposed Project has
been assessed in Section
6 of the EIA Report.
The sewage
generated during the construction stage from the on-site workers will be
collected in chemical toilets and disposed of off-site. Therefore, no sewerage
impacts are expected from the site during the construction phase. As such,
environmental monitoring and audit of the sewerage system is considered not
Mitigation Measures
implementation schedule of the relevant mitigation measures is presented in Appendix
Waste Management
The quantity and timing for the generation of waste during the construction phase have been estimated. Measures including the opportunity for on-site sorting, reusing excavated materials etc, are devised in the construction methodology to minimise the surplus materials to be disposed off-site. Proper disposal of chemical waste should be via a licensed waste collector.
All the proposed mitigation measures are stipulated in the EIA Report and summarised in the Project Implementation Schedule (PIS) in Appendix 2-2.
The types and quantities of waste that would be generated during the operational phase have been assessed. It is anticipated there would not be any insurmountable impacts during the operational phase. A trip-ticket system should be operated to monitor all movements of chemical wastes which will be collected by a licensed collector to a licensed facility for final treatment and disposal. Recommendations have been made to ensure proper treatment and proper disposal of these wastes in the EIA Report and summarised in the PIS in Appendix 2-2.
EM&A requirements are required for waste management during the construction phase only and the effective management of waste arising during the construction phase will be monitored through the site audit programme. The aims of the waste audit are:
To ensure the waste
arising from the works are handled, stored, collected, transferred and disposed
of in an environmentally acceptable manner; and
To encourage the reuse
and recycling of material.
Waste EM&A Requirements
The Contractor shall be required to pay attention to the environmental standard and guidelines and carry out appropriate waste management and obtain the relevant licence/permits for waste disposal. The ET shall ensure that the Contractor has obtained from the appropriate authorities the necessary waste disposal permits or licences including:
Chemical Waste
Permits/licenses under the Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354);
Public Dumping Licence
under the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28);
Marine Dumping Permit
under the Dumping at Sea Ordinance (Cap 466); and
Effluent Discharge Licence
under the Water Pollution Control Ordinance.
The Contractor shall refer to the relevant booklets issued by the EPD when applying for the license/permit and the ET shall refer to these booklets for auditing purposes.
Regular audits and site inspections should be carried out during construction phase by the ET to ensure that the recommended good site practices and other recommended mitigation measures are properly implemented by the Contractor. The audits should concern all aspects of on-site waste management practices including waste generation, storage, recycling, transport and disposal. Apart from site inspection, documents including licenses, permits, disposal and recycling records should be reviewed and audited for compliance with the legislation and contract requirements.
The requirements of the environmental audit programme are set out in Section 16 of this Manual. The audit programme will verify the implementation status and evaluate the effectiveness of the mitigation measures.
The EIA Report has assessed the land contamination associated with the Project. The assessment involved site appraisal, site investigation, assessment of contamination level, and health risk assessment for high natural background of arsenic detected in KTN.
Site investigation (SI) works involving sampling and testing of soil and groundwater were conducted at 4 identified government sites (i.e. 3 in KTN and 1 in FLN). No soil and groundwater contamination was detected, except the anomalistic high arsenic was detected in all 3 sites in KTN.
All other potentially contaminated sites identified in 2 NDAs (include Fanling Bypass) were inaccessible and hence no SI was conducted during the course of this study. Nevertheless, detailed SI for these sites should be conducted when they are resumed and handed over to the Project Proponent (PP).
The required actions to be conducted after land resumption and handed over to the PP are listed below and have been summarised in the Project Implementation Schedule (PIS) in Appendix 2-2.
Detailed SI for those identified potentially contaminated but inaccessible sites should be conducted when they are resumed and handed over to the PP. The PP would prepare and submit the Supplementary CAP to EPD prior to the commencement of SI works. Following on from the submission of CAP and completion of SI, the PP would prepare CAR, RAP and RR for contaminants other than Arsenic which shall follow the recommendations of the Health Risk Assessment of Chapter 8, and submit to EPD for agreement prior to commencement of the development works on these sites.
Although many of the sites were not identified as potentially contaminated or could not be accessed for visual inspection during the site survey, these sites would still be in operation until commencement of construction. Any potential change of land uses may result in potential land contamination. Re-appraisal of these sites is therefore required if they become part of the land requirement for NDA development.
A preliminary estimated volume of 1,181,000m3 arsenic-containing soil is required to be treated by the government. Solidification/Stabilization is recommended for the treatment of arsenic-containing soil and details of the treatment and associated testing could be referred to Chapter 8 of the EIA Report.
Mitigation measures during excavation and treatment of the arsenic-containing soil have been proposed in Appendix 8.4 of the EIA and summarised in the Project Implementation Schedule (PIS) in Appendix 2-2 in order to safeguard the general environmental, health and safety on site during the construction phase.
As mentioned in Section 9.1, a health risk assessment has been conducted for the high natural background of soil arsenic detected in KTN. Findings of the assessment concluded that with the implementation of the mitigation measure proposed (i.e. dust control measure as summarised under “Construction Dust Impact” in the Project Implementation Schedule (PIS) in Appendix 2-2), the health risk of arsenic through inhalation of arsenic-containing dust during construction stage of KTN development will be insignificant.
Nevertheless, to ensure the health risk associated with the inhalation of arsenic-containing dust is within the acceptable level, an ambient arsenic monitoring is proposed to be conducted in KTN during the clean-up processes of arsenic-containing soil and the construction phase.
9.5.2 Monitoring Equipment
The Respirable Suspended Particulate (RSP, or PM10) shall be measured by High Volume Sampler (HVS) equipped with PM10 selector.
Methodology Methodology of RSP Measurement
RSP should be measured by following the “Reference Method for the Determination of Particulate Matter as PM10 in the Atmosphere” Part 50 Chapter 1 Appendix J, Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations of the USEPA.
Dust-laden air should be drawn through PM10 HVS fitted with a conditioned pre-weighting filter paper, at a controlled rate. After sampling for 24-hour (refer Section 9.5.5 for details on measurement period), the filter paper with retained PM10 particulates shall be collected and returned to the laboratory for drying in a desiccators followed by accurate weighting. 24-hour average RSP levels shall be calculated from the ratio of the mass of PM10 particulates retained on the filter paper to the total volume of air sampled. Methodology of Arsenic
The weighted filter paper shall be prepared for arsenic testing through a “Hot Acid Extraction Procedure”. The extracted material shall be tested for arsenic by using Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectrometry (ICP/MS). The extraction and testing shall be referenced to the following methods:
Compendium Method
IO-3.1 Selection, Preparation and Extraction of Filter Material, Center for Environmental Research Information, Office of
Research and Development, USEPA, June 1999; and
Compendium Method
IO-3.5 determination of Metals in Ambient Particulate Matter using Inductively
Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectrometry (ICP/MS., Center for Environmental Research Information, Office of
Research and Development, USEPA, June 1999.
9.5.4 Measurement
The measurement of ambient
arsenic level shall be carried out in KTN at the proposed dust monitoring
stations as given in Section 4.6 of this EM&A manual. Locations of
these monitoring stations are given in Table 9.1 below
and are shown in Figure 4.1a.
Table 9.1: Proposed Monitoring Locations for Ambient
Arsenic Monitoring
ID |
ID in EIA |
or Existing |
Location/Description |
DMS-1 |
KTN-19 |
Planned |
Nursery Classes and Kindergartens; Post Offices |
DMS -2 |
KTN-90 |
Planned |
Nursery Classes and Kindergartens (2 nos);
District Elderly Community Centre |
DMS -3 |
KTN-326 |
Planned |
Village Resite |
DMS -4 |
KTN-E162 |
Existing |
Temporary Structure near Fanling
Highway (near Pak Shek Au) |
Should there be any changes to the dust monitoring locations, the ET leader shall seek approval from ER and agreement from the IEC on whether the ambient arsenic monitoring stations should also be relocated to the new dust monitoring locations.
Measurement shall be carried out over a
24-hour period at a frequency of one sample per every six days throughout the clean-up processes of
arsenic-containing soil and the construction
phase in KTN.
9.5.6 Action/ Limit Levels
With a maximum soil arsenic
concentration of 1,220 ng/m3
according to the findings of various environmental site investigation and
ground investigation works conducted in KTN, the highest ambient arsenic
concentration during the construction phase with mitigation measures
implemented is predicted to be 11.7ng/m3.
Assuming under the worst case scenario
where the ambient arsenic concentration remains at this maximum level
throughout the entire construction period i.e. 11.7ng/m3 for 10
years, this would translate into a health risk level of 8.64 x 10-6
which is below the lifetime cancer risk of 1 x 10-5 as mentioned by
World Health Organization (WHO).
As such, this worst case ambient
arsenic concentration of 11.7ng/m3 shall be taken as the limit
level, and 80% of this i.e. 9.36ng/m3 as the action level. The ET
shall compare the monitoring results to these two values and take necessary
actions (as detailed in Section 9.5.7)
should there be any exceedance.
The action and limit levels for the
ambient arsenic monitoring are summarised in Table 9.2
Table 9.2: Action and Limit Levels for Ambient Arsenic Monitoring
Parameters |
Action Level |
Limit Level |
Ambient arsenic concentration |
9.36ng/m3 -
80% of 11.7ng/m3
- the highest ambient arsenic concentration predicted during the construction
phase with mitigation measures implemented) |
11.7ng/m3 -
the highest ambient arsenic
concentration predicted during the construction phase with mitigation
measures implemented |
9.5.7 Event and
Action Plan
non-compliance of the action and limit levels as detailed in Section 9.5.6 occur, actions in
accordance with the Even/ Action Plan in Table
9.3 shall be carried out.
Table 9.3: Event / Action Plan for Ambient Arsenic Monitoring
Event |
Action |
ET |
ER |
Contractor |
Action Level exceedance
for one sample |
1. Identify source, investigate the causes of exceedance and propose remedial measures; 2. Inform IEC and ER; 3. Repeat measurement to confirm finding; 4. Increase monitoring frequency to daily. |
1. Check monitoring data submitted by ET; 2. Check Contractor’s working method. |
1. Notify Contractor. |
1. Rectify any unacceptable practice; 2. Amend working methods if appropriate. |
Action Level exceedance
for two or more consecutive samples |
1. Identify source; 2. Inform IEC and ER; 3. Advise the ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial
measures; 4. Repeat measurements to confirm findings; 5. Increase monitoring frequency to daily; 6. Discuss with IEC and Contractor on
remedial actions required; 7. If exceedance continues, arrange
meeting with IEC and ER; 8. If exceedance stops, cease
additional monitoring. |
1. Check monitoring data submitted by ET; 2. Check Contractor’s working method; 3. Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial measures; 4. Advise the ET on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial
measures; 5. Supervise Implementation of remedial measures. |
1. Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing; 2. Notify Contractor; 3. Ensure remedial measures properly implemented. |
1. Submit proposals for remedial to ER within 3 working days of
notification; 2. Implement the agreed proposals; 3. Amend proposal if appropriate. |
Limit Level exceedance
for one sample |
1. Identify source, investigate the causes of exceedance and propose remedial measures; 2. Inform IEC, ER and
EPD; 3. Repeat measurement to confirm finding; 4. Increase monitoring frequency to daily; 5. Assess effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial actions and
keep IEC, ER
and EPD informed of the results. |
1. Check monitoring data submitted by ET; 2. Check Contractor’s working method; 3. Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial measures; 4. Advise the ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial
measures; 5. Supervise implementation of remedial measures. |
1. Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing; 2. Notify Contractor; 3. Ensure remedial measures properly implemented. |
1. Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance; 2. Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC
within 3 working days of notification; 3. Implement the agreed proposals; 4. Amend proposal if appropriate. |
Limit Level exceedance
for two or more consecutive samples |
1. Notify IEC, ER and EPD; 2. Identify source; 3. Repeat measurement to confirm findings; 4. Increase monitoring frequency to daily; 5. Carry out analysis of Contractor’s working procedures to
determine possible mitigation to be implemented; 6. Arrange meeting with IEC and ER to
discuss the remedial actions to be taken; 7. Assess effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial actions and
keep IEC,
ER and EPD informed of the results; 8. If exceedance stops, cease
additional monitoring. |
1. Discuss amongst ER, ET, and Contractor on the potential
remedial actions; 2. Review Contractor’s remedial actions whenever necessary to
assure their effectiveness and advise the ER accordingly; 3. Supervise the implementation of remedial measures. |
1. Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing; 2. Notify Contractor; 3. In consultation with the IEC, agree
with the Contractor on the remedial measures to be implemented; 4. Ensure remedial measures properly implemented; 5. If exceedance continues, consider
what portion of the work is responsible and instruct the Contractor to stop
that portion of work until the exceedance is
abated. |
1. Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance; 2. Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC
within 3 working days of notification; 3. Implement the agreed proposals; 4. Resubmit proposals if problem still not under control; 5. Stop the relevant portion of works as determined by the ER
until the exceedance is abated. |
ET – Environmental Team
IEC – Independent
Environmental Checker
ER – Engineer’s Representative
EPD – Environmental Protection Department
Part of NDAs development is located inside the 1-km Consultation Zone (CZ) of Sheung Shui Water Treatment Works (SSWTW), which is classified as a Potentially Hazardous Installation (PHI). A hazard to life assessment has been conducted in this EIA study and it is concluded that individual risk and societal risk of SSWTW are acceptable for the proposed NDAs development (both construction stage and operational stage).
Implementation of further risk mitigation measures is not required since the risk level is at the acceptable level.
The landfill gas (LFG)
hazard assessment undertaken in the EIA Study of
potential risk associated with LFG on proposed
development in the KTN and FLN NDAs. Ma Tso Lung Landfill (MTLL,
close to KTN NDA) is located near the proposed KTN NDA.
The MTLL is situated in the vicinity of the KTN NDA. A portion of the development falls within the MTLL and its 250m Consultation Zone. Therefore, a qualitative assessment of LFG hazard on these sensitive receivers has been carried out and is given in this EIA study. Figure 11.1 shows the locations of the MTLL and its Consultation Zones within KTN and FLN NDAs.
Figure 11.2 shows the Ma Tso Lung Landfill Site and KTN NDA RODP.
General protection and precautionary measures have been proposed for consideration during the construction, design and operational phases of the developments.
Design Phase
A detailed qualitative LFG hazard assessment (QLFGHA) should be carried out by individual developer during the detailed design stage in accordance with the Guidance Notes for Landfill Gas Hazard Assessment. The requirements of operational monitoring and mitigation measures, if required, should be recommended in the detailed QLFGHA.
In addition, the design and construction method of the proposed development within MTLL (i.e. the proposed recreational area in site E1-1) should be provided to EPD for agreement in the design stage to ensure compatibility with the landfill restoration facilities and aftercare works within MTLL, such that these facilities and works will not be affected by the construction or operation of the proposed development.
Construction Phase
To protect the site workers and future owners within MTLL and the Landfill Consultation Zone, it is recommended that monitoring of any LFG which may be migrated to the site should be undertaken during the construction of infrastructure and the development within the Consultation Zone and within MTLL when the works involve confined spaces. Routine gas monitoring should be undertaken during groundwork construction and in all excavations. Monthly gas monitoring should also be conducted for offices, stores etc set up on site. The monitoring requirements and procedures specified in Paragraphs 8.23 to 8.28 of EPD’s Guidance Note are highlighted as follows:
The monitoring
equipment used should be capable of measuring methane, carbon dioxide and
oxygen concentrations. The equipment should be intrinsically safe and
calibrated according to the manufacturers instructions.
When portable
monitoring equipment is to be used, the frequency and areas to be monitored
should be set down prior to commencement of the works either by the Safety
Officer or by an appropriately qualified person.
All measurements
should be made with the monitoring tube located not more than 10 mm from the
A standard form,
detailing the location, time of monitoring and equipment used together with the
gas concentrations measured, should be used when undertaking manual monitoring
to ensure that all relevant data are recorded.
If methane (flammable
gas) or carbon dioxide concentrations are in excess of the trigger levels or
that of oxygen is below the level specified in the Emergency Management in the
following sections, then evacuation should be initiated.
Depending on the results of the measurements, actions required will vary and should be set down by the Safety Officer or another appropriately qualified person. As a minimum these should encompass those actions specified in Table 11.1.
Table 11.1 - Actions in the event of LFG being detected
Parameter |
Monitoring Results |
Actions |
O2 |
v/v |
underground ventilation to restore O2 to >19% v/v |
v/v |
works, evacuate all personnel, prohibit entry, and increase ventilation to
restore O2 level to >19% |
CH4 |
hot works, increase ventilation to restore CH4 to <10% LEL |
works, evacuate all personnel, increase ventilation further to restore CH4
to <10% LEL |
CO2 |
v/v |
ventilation to restore CO2 to <0.5% v/v |
v/v |
works, evacuate all personnel, increase ventilation further to restore CO2
to <0.5% |
In order to ensure that evacuation procedures are implemented in the event of the trigger levels specified in Table 11.1 above being exceeded, it is recommended that a person, such as the Safety Officer, is nominated, with deputies, to be responsible for dealing with any emergency which may occur due to LFG.
In an emergency situation the nominated person, or his deputies, shall have the necessary authority and shall ensure that the confined space is evacuated and the necessary works implemented for reducing the concentrations of gas. The following organizations should also be contacted as appropriate:
Hong Kong Police Force;
Fire Services Department;
Environmental Protection Department.
Operational Phase
The requirements of operational monitoring by future site developers should be determined in the detailed QLFGHA during the detailed design stage when the risk potential and mitigation measures, if required, are confirmed.
It is expected that with
the proposed precautionary measures in place, the potential risk of LFG migration to the developments would be minimal.
The design and construction within the sites E1-2 and E1-3 etc should avoid interference or disturbance to the off-site landfill gas, surface water and ground water monitoring wells. Should it be technically unavoidable, prior approval should be obtained from EPD for the required modification or relocation of the monitoring wells.
The protection and precautionary measures to minimise LFG hazards for the areas within KTN NDA during detailed design, construction and operational phases are summarised in the PIS in Appendix 2-2.
The EIA has recommended landscape and visual mitigation measures to be undertaken during both the construction and operational phases of the project. The design, implementation and maintenance of landscape and visual mitigation measures should be checked to ensure that any potential conflicts between the proposed landscape measures and any other works of the project would be resolved as early as practical without affecting the implementation of the mitigation measures.
The proposed mitigation measures for landscape and visual impacts are summarised in the Project Implementation Schedule (PIS) in Appendix 2-2. The landscape and visual mitigation measures proposed should be incorporated in the detailed landscape and engineering design. The construction phase mitigation measures should be adopted as early as possible during construction and should be in place throughout the entire construction period. Mitigation measures for the operational phase should be adopted during the detailed design and be built as part of the construction works so that they are in place on commissioning of the Project.
Site audits should be undertaken during
the construction phase of the Project to check that the proposed landscape and
visual mitigation measures are properly implemented and maintained as per their
intended objectives.
Site inspections should be undertaken by the ET at least once every two weeks during the construction period, preferably by a Registered Landscape Architect (RLA) employed by the Contractor. Particularly audits should be carried out during site clearance when proposed tree felling, and transplantation may occur. For all soft landscaping work, including measures involving trees such as transplantation and compensatory planting, there should be at least a 12 month establishment period which will commence once soft landscaping in an area has been planted.
Operational phase auditing will be restricted to the 12 months establishment works of the landscaping proposals, with the appropriate agents taking over the maintenance and monitoring after this period as identified in the EIA Report.
The audit of the compensatory planting will also extend during the one year maintenance period, to ensure the establishment of the compensatory planting.
In the event of non-compliance, the responsibilities of the relevant parties are detailed in the Event/Action plan provided in Table 12.1.
Table 12.1 - Event / Action Plan for Landscape and
Visual during Construction Phase
Event |
Action |
ET |
ER |
Contractor |
on one occasion |
1. Inform the Contractor, IEC and ER; 2. Discuss remedial actions with IEC,
ER and Contractor 3. Monitor remedial actions until rectification has been
completed |
1. Check inspection report 2. Check Contractor’s working method 3. Discuss with ET, ER and Contractor on possible remedial
measures 4. Advise ER on effectiveness of proposed remedial measures |
1. Confirm receipt of notification of non-conformity in writing 2. Review and agree on the remedial measures proposed by the
Contractor 3. Supervise implementation of remedial measures |
1. Identify source and investigate the non-conformity 2. Implement remedial measures 3. Amend working methods agreed with ER as appropriate 4. Rectify damage and undertake any necessary replacement |
Non-conformity |
1. Identify source(s) 2. Inform the Contractor, IEC and ER; 3. Discuss inspection frequency 4. Discuss remedial actions with IEC,
ER and Contractor 5. Monitor remedial actions until rectification has been
completed 6. If non-conformity stops, cease additional monitoring |
1. Check inspection report 2. Check Contractor’s working method 3. Discuss with ET, ER and Contractor on possible remedial
measures 4. Advise ER on effectiveness of proposed remedial measures |
1. Notify the Contractor 2. In consultation with the ET and IEC,
agree with the Contractor on the remedial measures to be implemented 3. Supervise implementation of remedial measures |
1. Identify source and investigate the non-conformity 2. Implement remedial measures 3. Amend working methods agreed with ER as appropriate 4. Rectify damage and undertake any necessary replacement. Stop
relevant portion of works as determined by ER until the non-conformity is
abated. |
ET – Environmental Team
IEC – Independent Environmental Checker
ER – Engineer’s Representative
In accordance with the recommendations of the EIA, mitigation measures during pre-construction stage and construction stage have been proposed and are summarised below.
All the proposed mitigation measures of cultural heritage impacts are summarised in the Project Implementation
Schedule (PIS) in Appendix
Pre-construction Phase
Archaeology Excavation
In KTN NDA, for Sites 1, 2, 3, Spots C and I and in FLN NDA, for Site 5, survey-cum-Rescue Excavations should be conducted in the impacted areas after land resumption but before construction commencement of the zones. in-situ with Further Archaeological
Preservation in-situ of the cultivation deposits in Site 7 is proposed. If disturbance to the site by the design of the Central Park is unavoidable, further archaeological survey should be conducted in Site 7 to assess the feasibility to incorporate Site 7 into the design of the development plan of the proposed park. . Appropriate follow-up actions would then be considered based on the survey result with the consent of AMO. Impact Assessment
An Archaeological Impact Assessment to be conducted after land resumption and before construction when detail construction information is available to determine the need for archaeological follow up actions in the impacted area (Area B1-8 and B1-9 at A1) is recommended. Should there be any development work within the rest of A1, it is recommended that an Archaeological Impact Assessment is required after land resumption and before construction when detail construction work information is available to determine the need for further archaeological follow up actions. Archaeological Survey
Further archaeological surveys are recommended in impacted area in A1and in the not-yet-surveyed-area with medium archaeological potential identified located in the areas with proposed development as presented in Figure 11.9 after land resumption and before construction to be conducted before any follow up actions. Training
Induction training is recommended to be provided to the construction contractor before the commencement of the excavation works in Spots A and D to H and Sites 4 and 10 as part of the environmental health and safety induction programme to all site staff before they are deployed on site. The first induction briefing will be video recorded and it will be used as induction briefing material for new site staff.
Built Heritage Condition Survey and Baseline Vibration
Impact Assessment
Baseline condition survey and baseline vibration impact assessment should be conducted for sites G202, G203, G303, G308; HKT03 (Main Building), KT57; HFL05, FL02, FL04, FL05, FL18, FL22, FL24, FL27, FL31and FL36during the pre-construction stage.
Baseline condition survey and baseline vibration impact assessment should be conducted by a qualified building surveyor or qualified structural engineer to define the vibration limit (a vibration limit at 7.5mm/s and 15mm/s could be adopted for graded historical buildings and historical buildings, respectively) and to evaluate if construction vibration monitoring and structural strengthening measures are required during construction phase to ensure the construction performance meets with the vibration standard stated in the EIA report. The condition survey of graded historic buildings should be submitted to the AMO for information. and Cartographic Recording
For sites to be removed or relocated, cartographic and photographic recording should be conducted to preserve the structures by record. A copy of the result should be provided to AMO for record.
These sites include the ancillary structures of G303, HKT01-02, HKT03 (Entrance Gate), HKT04, HKT08, KT01 to KT10, KT12, KT13, KT16, KT17, KT18, KT36, KT38 to KT41, KT43 to KT45, KT47, KT50, KT52, KT54, KT61 to KT63, KT69; FL01, FL11, FL16, FL19, FL33 and FL35. of Built Heritages
Relocation of built heritages may be required for HKT01, HKT02, Entrance Gate of HKT03 under KTN NDA and FL19 under FLN NDA.
System and Access Route Design
the retained built heritage items in developable area, drainage system and
access route would be designed to prevent the persevered flooding and maintain
the accessibility to the built heritage.
Construction Phase
Archaeology Inform Upon Archaeological Discovery
Pursuant to the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance, the construction contractor should inform the AMO immediately in case of discovery of antiquities or supposed antiquities in the course of excavation works in construction stage. Special attention should be given to areas evaluated to have archaeological potential or significance.
13.2.4 Built Heritage Vibration Monitoring
Based on the recommendation of baseline condition survey and baseline vibration impact assessment conducted prior to commencement of construction works, if the evaluated and/or measured vibrations have been found to exceed the allowable values or if damage to either structural or non-structural elements of the historic buildings have been identified, the construction work should be stopped and the construction method and appropriate mitigation measures should be reviewed.
Water Table Monitoring
Since the construction works and development activities may induce change in the water table. It is recommended the contractor should ensure that the change of water table induced by the construction works and development activities will not result in settlement of built heritage.
Locations of the works are detailed in Section 13.2.1 above. The archaeological fieldworks as mentioned above should be conducted by professional archaeologist and prior to fieldwork commencement, the archaeologist should obtain a Licence to Excavate and Search for Antiquities from the Authority under the AM Ordinance. Prior to the application for the licence, archaeological proposals detailing the objectives, work scope, methodology, staffing plan and work programme of the archaeological works should be agreed with the AMO.
Built Heritage
For built heritage sites that required vibration monitoring, the monitoring should be on a regular basis and if the evaluated and/or measured vibrations have been found to exceed the allowable values or if damage to either structural or non-structural elements of the historic buildings have been identified, the construction work should be stopped and the construction method and appropriate mitigation measures should be reviewed.
Meanwhile, since the construction works and development activities may induce change in the watertable. It is recommended the contractor should ensure that the change of watertable induced by the construction works and development activities will not result in settlement of built heritage.
The ecological impact assessment has evaluated the predicted ecological impacts of the NDAs project and has concluded that ecological impacts can be avoided or reduced to a low and acceptable level with the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures.
Major mitigation measures proposed include the
creation of the Long Valley Nature Park (LVNP) where
wetland habitat will be created or enhanced in order to compensate for loss and
for indirect and fragmentation impacts on wetland habitat, as well as impacts
on wetland fauna arising from such impacts.
In situ mitigation measures are
required in order to address direct, indirect and fragmentation impacts on
habitats of ecological importance and mortality, indirect, and fragmentation
impacts on fauna and flora of conservation significance. Habitats of ecological
importance include, but are not limited to: Long Valley, the Ng Tung, Sheung Yue and Shek Sheung Rivers, Ma Tso Lung Stream and its tributaries, Siu
Hang San Tsuen Stream and Ho Sheung
Heung fung shui and secondary woodland and shrubland
on Crest Hill.
In addition, the unavoidably loss of the Man Kam To
egretry site will be compensated for by provision of egretry habitat at FLN A1-7 and additional mitigation
measures as necessary. Loss of secondary woodland and hillside plantation of
higher ecological significance will be compensated for by woodland habitat
The required measures to mitigate for ecological impacts of the project were identified in Section 13.8 of the EIA Report and are described below. The proposed ecological mitigation measures should be checked as an element of the environmental monitoring and audit program under the project.
Mitigation measures have been
identified and designed in accordance with Annex 16 of the EIAO-TM
as is described in Section 13.8 of the EIA Report. The Implementation Schedule
for these measures is detailed in Appendix 2-2. For a number of
measures, a more detailed design will be required at a later stage of the
project, either as is described below and in Appendix 2-2 or, in default of
this, at the detailed design stage of the relevant element of the project.
Required measures are described in more detail below.
14.2.1 Wetland Habitat Loss
The impacts of unavoidable loss of 9.0ha of wetland habitat across the two NDAs, and impacts on fauna arising from the loss, disturbance and fragmentation of these habitats, will be mitigated for by creation and enhancement of approximately 37ha of wetland habitat in the LVNP, and by restoration of riparian wetland at Ma Tso Lung Stream. Detail design and proposed management and maintenance of this wetland habitat will be included in the Detailed Habitat Creation & Management Plan for LVNP.
14.2.2 Indirect and Fragmentation Impacts on Wetland Habitats and
fauna using these habitats
Indirect and fragmentation impacts on the Long Valley and the Ng Tung, Sheung Yue and Shek Sheung River habitats and on fauna of conservation significance, primarily large waterbirds, foraging in these areas will occur during the construction and operational stages of the project.
Construction phase in situ mitigation measures proposed to address these impacts include:
erection of a 2m high, dull green site boundary fence between the river channels and Long Valley and any active works area within 200m of the channels;
· working hours for construction of the new pedestrian bridges over the Sheung Yue River to the south of KTN area D1-1 and the bridge over the tidal Ng Tung River between KTN area C2-1 and FLN area A2-1 to be restricted to 09.00 to 17.30 during 1st March to 31st July (the ardeid breeding season);
· no works under the NDA project in KTN areas C2-1 and C1-8, including any works on or to the bridge over the Sheung Yue River between areas C2-1 and C1-8 during 1st March to 31st July.
· permanent construction and operational phase in situ mitigation measures proposed to address these impacts include:
· stringent planning control to be exercised in the area of Long Valley north and west of the Sheung Yue River which will retain its agricultural zoning; details of how this stringent planning control will be exercised will be included in an explanatory statement in the relevant Layout Plan;
· requirement that in the detailed design of Open Space zones along the rivers planting buffers should be maximised, making use of existing and additional trees, between the rivers and areas that will be used relatively intensive by people, especially along the southwestern section of the Sheung Yue River and on the south side of the Ng Tung River between FLN area B2-2 and B3-7;
· requirement that in the detailed design of new bridges a review of design and construction methods is undertaken in order to determine the optimum design to minimise construction and operational phase impacts on the rivers and large waterbirds and other fauna using the rivers.
· requirement for a 30m setback of development in KTN area B3-12 from the eastern boundary of the area (B3-14) and formation of a planted bund along the northern and northeastern boundaries of KTN area C1-1 and setback of development by 15m from these boundaries.
· In addition, any residual construction and operational phase impacts on large waterbirds in Long Valley and on the main river channels will be mitigated by habitat management measures in LVNP and by provision of additional foraging grounds at suitable sites along main river channels.
Any residual construction or operational phase impacts on large waterbirds in Long Valley or the main river channels will be mitigated by habitat management measures in Long Valley.
14.2.3 Woodland Habitat Loss
The unavoidable loss of 8.88ha of secondary woodland and plantation of ecological significance will be compensated for by planting native tree and shrub species at an area ratio of at least 1:1. Areas of grassland of low ecological value totalling 16.03ha have been identified for compensatory planting (Figures 14.1- 14.2). The area identified for planting is approximately twice the area of loss. This allows for both the lower initial ecological value of the areas to be planted and also makes an allowance for parts of the areas to be identified being found to be unsuitable for planting (for example due to topography, soil conditions, existing vegetation or footpaths).
A site of 0.14ha in A1-7, FLN has been identified for the planting of bamboos and trees to compensate for the loss of the site of the Man Kam To Road egretry. This site is on land comprising a former meander of the Ng Tung River which is currently managed as compensatory wetland habitat. No loss of wetland will be involved in this compensatory provision which will be undertaken on dry land within the ox-bow of the meander. Compensatory planting and measures to attract egrets (decoy models and calls) should be undertaken as advance works for the NDAs project and well in advance of the existing egretry site being impacted.
It should be noted that compensatory provision of this nature has been successful overseas but success cannot be assured as it is dependent on the birds relocating under their own volition.
14.2.4 Measures to minimise impacts to Ma Tso Lung Stream, Siu
Hang San Tsuen Stream, Shui
Hau River and Ha Shan Kai Wat
to Ma Tso Lung Stream and its tributaries will be avoided by Green Belt zoning
throughout the catchment, except for a section of the lower Ma Tso Lung Stream
which will be impacted by the construction of the LMC
Loop Eastern Connection Road. Mitigation
measures to minimise ecological impacts will include the avoidance of direct
impacts at the point where the road crosses the stream by the road being placed
on viaduct. A short section of stream will be diverted and a buffer corridor
with a minimum width of 15m from the road (and 45m in total) will be reinstated
with natural riparian vegetation and maintained during the operational period
of the Project.
addition, construction-phase impacts to the stream will be minimised by
ensuring that the hydrological linkage between sections of the stream is
maintained and a buffer zone of 15-30m
width on both sides of the stream is designated and protected by a solid
dull-green barrier, 2m in height at the edge of any active works area,
which will prevent any construction or other
materials being deposited in the stream. Operational phase mortality impacts on
fauna will be minimised by the erection of a 1.2m high permanent barrier along
the sides of any at-grade section of the LMC Loop
Eastern Connection Road and the Project Area boundary and a fauna underpass
will be formed under the road at a point to the south of KTN area F1-1 to
maintain linkages between the riparian corridor and KTN area H1-1 for
terrestrial fauna.
and pollution impacts on the stream will be minimised during the operational
period. Run-off from the LMC Loop Eastern Connection
Road will be collected and conveyed
to a discharge point, while surface-water run-off from the Sports Ground/
Sports Complex in KTN area F1-1 and the Research and Development Facility in
F1-3 will be collected, sediment will be trapped and the clean water will be
discharged into the stream in area F1-3.
mitigation measures will be designed at the detailed design stage of the road.
The lower reaches of Siu Hang San Tsuen Stream will be crossed by the Fanling
Bypass and will lie within Open Space Zone D1-3. The bypass will be on viaduct
at this point, which should serve to minimise impacts to the stream and stream
fauna. Details of
measures to reduce any impacts to an acceptable level will be designed at the
detailed design stage of the road and the D1-3 zone. Construction-phase impacts
to the stream are minimised by ensuring that the hydrological linkage between
the stream and the Ng Tung River is maintained and a 10m wide buffer zone on
either side of the stream is designated and protected by a 2m
high solid barrier to prevent any construction
or other materials being deposited in the stream. Subject to the finalisation
of the design of the bypass (clear headroom in relation to width of the
bypass), replanting of shade-tolerant native shrub and herb species should be
Upon completion of the Fanling Bypass, a 10m wide buffer zone is recommended to be
designated throughout the stream.
14.2.5 Measures to minimise indirect and fragmentation impacts on
ecologically sensitive habitats and on fauna and flora species of conservation
Mitigation measures to
minimise indirect and fragmentation impacts on ecologically sensitive habitats
and areas, and to minimise indirect, fragmentation and mortality impacts on
fauna and flora of conservation significance, are required at a number of
locations in the Study and Project Areas, as is stated in Section 13.8 and
Section 13.9 of the EIA Report and in Appendix 2-2. These measures
include the provision of site hoarding around construction areas (where
possible in phases) to minimise disturbance to adjacent habitats and species;
the checking of areas for the presence of species of conservation significance
prior to the commencement of any site clearance; and the minimisation of
impacts on these species by adjustment to the project programme, amendment to
design, additional in situ mitigation
measures, and transplantation/translocation to appropriate receptor sites. Design
of the barrier, and a phasing plan for barrier
erection and dismantling should be designed at the detailed design stage of the
relevant project element.
Good construction site
practice to minimise dust generation and other pollution control
measures proposed under Appendix 2-2 should be followed on all construction sites.
In addition to the mitigation
requirements detailed above, it is stated, for the avoidance of any doubt, that
all mitigation measures which are recommended in Section 13.8 and Section 13.9
of the EIA Report should be implemented in accordance with the recommendations
made in these Sections.
14.3.1 Environmental Audit
The implementation of mitigation
measures described in Section 14.2 above shall be audited periodically
during the implementation of the project. Requirements of the environmental
audit are given in Section 16 of
this manual. This will cover implementation of the mitigation measures
described in Section 13 of the EIA Report and in the Implementation Schedule
detailed in Appendix 2-2.
14.3.2 Environmental Monitoring Monitoring of Construction and Operation of LVNP (including creation of compensatory wetland habitat)
and monitoring of impacts on Long Valley and on fauna in Long Valley
The monitoring measures for the
construction of the LVNP, including the creation and
enhancement of wetland to compensate for wetland loss will be detailed in the LVNP Detailed Management Plan. After the construction and
establishment stages management and monitoring of the habitats
and species will be undertaken by AFCD.
As noted below, monitoring should also be
undertaken in all areas where impacts on habitats and fauna may arise as a
consequence of the project. This includes the LVNP
where impacts on disturbance-sensitive fauna are predicted in the absence of
mitigation measures (including adaptive management measures in Long Valley).
The ecological monitoring protocol to be followed in LVNP
should, therefore satisfy three objectives, as follows:
· Monitoring
of numbers and distribution of fauna (especially species of conservation significance) relative to
adaptive management targets;
· Monitoring
of numbers and distribution of fauna (especially species of conservation
significance) for which habitat enhancement and other measures in LVNP are required to mitigate for impacts of the project on
their use of Long Valley habitats;
· Monitoring
of numbers and distribution of fauna (especially species of conservation
significance) for which habitat enhancement and other measures in LVNP are required to mitigate for impacts of the project on
their use of habitats in the main river channels.
It follows that the monitoring protocol in order to address the
second and third of these requirements should be consistent with that described
below in respect of monitoring of measures to mitigate for impacts on
wetland-dependent fauna using the Ng Tung Sheung Yue
and Shek Sheung Rivers.
Details of monitoring protocol will be included in the HCMP for LVNP. Subject to
confirmation following the completion of pre-construction baseline surveys and the
adoption and implementation of the HCMP, the
following survey methodologies and frequencies are recommended in respect of
fauna species and groups of species which are the targets for mitigation
Mammals: infra-red camera ‘traps’ to be deployed;
Birds: weekly surveys following similar methodologies to
those utilised by HKWBS since 2005 (in order to allow
comparability of data), together with any additional surveys required in order
to address the need for survey data to be comparable with that collected in
respect to bird use of the main river channels, as described below;
Herpetofauna: monthly
transect surveys, including night-time surveys during March to July; and
Butterflies and dragonflies: monthly transect surveys; exuviae monitoring in any areas managed with creation or
enhancement of conditions as a breeding site. of Measures to Minimise
Disturbance to Waterbirds on Ng Tung, Sheung Yue and Shek Sheung Rivers
Where development under the NDAs
project is undertaken within 200m (the maximum distance at which it is
predicted there may be some disturbance, and hence a reduction in numbers, of
large waterbirds) of the Ng Tung, Sheung
Yue and Shek Sheung Rivers
and Long Valley the monitoring protocol detailed in Table 14.1 should be followed. A
transect should be undertaken throughout the sections of the rivers where NDA
construction activities are proposed; as the sensitive receivers (large waterbirds) are easily visible, the transect route needs
only follow one bank of the rivers. The transect route should remain the same
during the different phases in order to ensure that data are comparable. As
stated in this report, it is predicted that there will be some construction and
operational phase disturbance impacts on large waterbirds
using these rivers, and mitigation will in part be provided by enhancement
measures for large waterbirds in LVNP.
Monitoring of large waterbirds should, therefore,
also be undertaken with the same frequency in LVNP
(see above). A detailed monitoring plan would be formulated at least one year
before the commencement of construction phase.
Monitoring should be conducted by
the Environmental Team (ET) and supervised by a qualified ecologist who will be a member of
the ET.
Table 14.1 Monitoring of Measures to Minimise Disturbance
to Waterbirds on the Ng Tung, Sheung
Yue and Shek Sheung Rivers
Phase |
Methodology |
(Baseline) |
Weekly transect
at both high and low tides to identify and enumerate all bird species
utilising the river channels and LVNP area for 12
months prior to the commencement of construction. |
Construction |
Weekly transect
at both high and low tides to identify and enumerate all bird species utilising
the river channels and LVNP and identify any
sources of actual or potential disturbance to birds due to construction
activities throughout the construction period. |
Post-construction |
Weekly transect at both high and low tides to identify
and enumerate all bird species utilising the river channels and LVNP and identify any sources of actual or potential
disturbance to birds due to operational activities for 12 months following
the completion of the construction period. |
Measures to respond to decrease in numbers of large waterbirds using the river channels and action and limit
levels to trigger these measures are detailed in Table 14.2. Note that waterbird numbers refer to combined numbers using the
channels and LVNP.
Table 14.2 Action and Limit Levels and Responses to
Evidence of Disturbance to Waterbirds using in Ng
Tung, Sheung Yue and Shek Sheung Rivers
Level |
Response |
Level |
Response |
Construction Phase |
Decline in numbers of all waterbird
species relative to numbers during Baseline Monitoring such that the Action
Level response is triggered. |
Investigate cause and if cause identified as related to NDAs project
instigate remedial action to remove or reduce source of disturbance. |
Decline in numbers of all waterbird
species relative to numbers during Baseline Monitoring such that the Limit
Level response is triggered. |
Investigate cause and if caused identified as related to NDAs
project instigate remedial action. Review and adjust LVNP
management measures to improve conditions for affected species. |
Decline in numbers of any one waterbird
species occurring in significant numbers* during Baseline Monitoring such
that the Action Level response is triggered. |
Investigate cause and if cause identified as related to NDAs
project instigate remedial action to remove or reduce source of disturbance. |
Decline in numbers of any one waterbird
species occurring in significant numbers* during Baseline Monitoring such
that the Limit Level response is triggered. |
Investigate cause and if caused identified as related to NDAs
project instigate remedial action. Review and adjust LVNP
management measures to improve conditions for affected species. |
Operational Phase |
Decline in numbers of all waterbird
species relative to numbers during Baseline Monitoring such that the Action
Level response is triggered. |
Investigate cause and if cause identified as related to NDAs
review and adjust LVNP management measures to
improve conditions for affected species in LVNP. |
Decline in numbers of all waterbird
species relative to numbers during Baseline Monitoring such that the Limit
Level response is triggered. |
Investigate cause and if cause identified as related to NDAs
consider and implement additional mitigation measures (e.g. additional
screening and screen planting, adjustments to infrastructure design). |
Decline in numbers of any one waterbird
species occurring in significant numbers* during Baseline Monitoring such
that the Action Level response is triggered. |
Investigate cause and if cause identified as related to NDAs
review and adjust LVNP management measures to
improve conditions for affected species. |
Decline in umbers of any one waterbird
species occurring in significant numbers* during Baseline Monitoring such
that the Limit Level response is triggered. |
Investigate cause and if cause identified as related to NDAs
consider and implement additional mitigation measures (e.g. additional screen
planting, adjustments to infrastructure design). |
* Whether numbers are significant will depend on species and season and should be determined following collection and evaluation of Baseline survey data. of Existing Egretry
and Compensatory Egretry Habitat Provision
Site clearance
works at the current egretry location at Man Kam To Road should be undertaken outside the ardeid
breeding season (typically 1st March to 31st July).
Irrespective of the foregoing, egretry location
should be checked for any evidence of occupation by a qualified ecologist of
the ET prior to the commencement of any works activity within 100m of the egretry.
An Egretry Habitat Creation and Management Plan that includes
the monitoring and reporting requirements will be prepared and the measures
proposed in this plan shall be implemented as an advance works element of the
The plan should
detail any site preparation works, including changes to ground levels in the
proposed compensatory planting site in FLN area A1-7. Consideration should be
given as to whether the area and type of wetland and non-wetland habitats
should be adjusted, subject to ensuring that the principle of ‘no net loss’ of
wetland function is adhered to.
The plan should
also include a detailed planting plan, including, but not limited to, planting
a clump of Bambusa eutuldoides as
a compensatory breeding site. Measures to protect the site from disturbance
including fencing, use of water as a barrier to inhibit disturbance, and screen
planting and bunding should be included.
The plan should
also detail post-construction methods to attract breeding ardeids
including, but not limited to use of decoy models and recordings of breeding vocalisations to attract birds, following current best
international practice.
In addition, a construction phase;
post-construction ‘attraction-phase’; and operational phase (i.e. if, and when,
attraction is successful) programme for monitoring site conditions and use of
the site by ardeids and any other species of
conservation significance should be specified. of Measures to Minimise
Impacts to Ma Tso Lung Stream and Siu Hang San Tsuen
Aquatic faunal monitoring should be carried out during a 12-month
pre-construction phase, the construction phase and the first 12 months of the
operational phase.
Table 14.4 - Monitoring of Measures to Minimise Impacts to Ma Tso Lung
Stream and Siu Hang San Tsuen Streams
Phase |
Methodology |
Pre-construction (Baseline) |
Monthly quantitative replicate surveys of stream fauna using
standardised methodology at fixed points, the number of which should be determined
prior to the first monitoring event. |
Construction |
Monthly quantitative replicate surveys of stream fauna using
standardised methodology at the fixed points determined in the
pre-construction phase. |
Post-construction |
Monthly quantitative replicate surveys of stream fauna using
standardised methodology at the fixed points determined in the
pre-construction phase. |
Measures to respond to decreases in numbers of aquatic fauna using the watercourses and action and limit levels to trigger these measures are detailed in Table 14.5. Monitoring in the post-construction phase should continue for 12 months or until a time when neither the action nor limit levels are exceeded, whichever is the later.
Table 14.5 - Action and Limit Levels and Responses to Evidence of
Declines in Aquatic Fauna
Action Level |
Response |
Limit Level |
Response |
Construction Phase |
Reduction in taxa diversity such that
Action Level response is triggered. |
Investigate cause and if cause identified as related to Project
instigate remedial action to remove or reduce source of disturbance. |
Reduction in taxa diversity such that
Limit Level response is triggered. |
Investigate cause and if caused identified as related to Project
instigate remedial action. |
Operational Phase |
Reduction in taxa diversity such that
Action Level response is triggered. |
Investigate cause and if cause identified as related to Project review
and adjust LVNP management measures to improve
conditions for affected species. |
Reduction in taxa diversity such that
Limit Level response is triggered. |
Investigate cause and if cause identified as related to Project
consider and implement additional mitigation measures. |
* Whether numbers are significant will depend on
species and season. Significance threshold for each species should be reviewed
following collection of Baseline survey data. of Measures to Minimise
Impacts on ecologically
sensitive habitats from disturbance and pollution
In order to monitor the effectiveness of measures to minimise impacts on ecologically sensitive habitats from disturbance and pollution standard faunal transect surveys should be carried out in the following areas:
Ma Tso Lung riparian zone and
associated wetland habitats
Siu Hang San Tsuen
Areas in the western part of KTN
Green belt areas E1-8, D1-8 and G1-3 in
zone C2-4 and C2-2 in KTN NDA
North Freshwater Service Reservoir
Areas north of Ng Tung River
South side of Fanling
Highway in the vicinity of Pak Shek Au
Areas west and east of the southern
limit of the Fanling bypass works area
Monitoring of measures to minimise impacts should be carried out during a
12-month pre-construction phase, the construction phase and the first 12 months
of the operational phase.
Table 14.6 - Monitoring of Measures to Minimise Impacts on
ecologically sensitive habitats from disturbance and pollution
Phase |
Methodology |
Pre-construction (Baseline) |
Monthly quantitative surveys of non-aquatic fauna using standard
route transect counts. |
Construction |
Monthly quantitative surveys of non-aquatic fauna using standard
route transect counts. |
Post-construction |
Monthly quantitative surveys of non-aquatic fauna using standard
route transect counts. |
Measures to
respond to decreases in numbers of fauna and action and limit levels to trigger
these measures are presented in Table 14.7. Monitoring in the post-construction phase should
continue for 12 months or until a time when neither the action nor limit levels
are exceeded, whichever is the later.
Table 14.7 - Action and Limit Levels and Responses to Evidence of Declines
in Aquatic Fauna
Action Level |
Response |
Limit Level |
Response |
Construction Phase |
Reduction in species diversity such that Action Level response
is triggered. |
Investigate cause and if cause identified as related to Project instigate
remedial action to remove or reduce source of disturbance. |
Reduction in taxa diversity such that
Limit Level response is trggered. |
Investigate cause and if caused identified as related to Project
instigate remedial action. |
Operational Phase |
Reduction in species such that Action Level response is
triggered. |
Investigate cause and if cause identified as related to Project
review and adjust LVNP management measures to
improve conditions for affected species. |
Reduction in taxa diversity response is
triggered. |
Investigate cause and if cause identified as related to Project
consider and implement additional mitigation measures. |
* Whether numbers are significant will depend on species
and season. Significance threshold for each species should be reviewed
following collection of Baseline survey data.
The only potential fisheries impact of significance was the potential loss of a fish fry farm at Fung Kong in KTN NDA. Other than that, the fisheries impact assessment has evaluated the predicted fisheries impact of the NDAs project and concluded that the fisheries impact can be avoided or reduced to a minor and acceptable level with the implementation of mitigation measures.
The scale of loss
of fish ponds as a consequence of the NDAs development is not significant and
no in situ mitigation is required.
However, the fish fry farm at Fung Kong is an important operational element of culture fishery in Hong Kong; approximately 70% of fish fry supplied to Hong Kong culture fisheries pass through this farm. Accordingly timely notification of the fish fry farm operator and/or the Hong Kong N.T. Fish Culture Association of the need for relocation or reprovision of the fish farm is required in order to avoid disruption to the fish fry supply chain.
However, mitigation measures for water quality proposed in the EIA Report are also pertinent in ensuring that fisheries impacts of the project do not occur downstream of the NDAs area in Inner Deep Bay and, specifically, downstream of the works to be undertaken within the Ma Tso Lung Stream catchment.
There are no monitoring and audit requirements in respect of fisheries.
Site inspection provides a direct means to initiate and enforce specified environmental protection and pollution control measures. These shall be undertaken routinely to inspect construction activities in order to ensure that appropriate environmental protection and pollution control mitigation measures are properly implemented. Site inspection is one of the most effective tools to enforce the environmental protection requirements at the works area.
The ET shall be responsible for formulating the environmental site inspection programme as well as the deficiency and action reporting system, and for carrying out the site inspections. The proposal for rectification, if any, should be prepared and submitted to the ET Leader and IEC by the Contractor.
Regular site inspections shall be carried out and led by the ER and attended by the Contractor and ET at least once per week during the construction phase. The areas of inspection shall not be limited to the environmental situation, pollution control and mitigation measures within the site. It should also review the environmental situations outside the works area which is likely to be affected, directly or indirectly, by the construction site activities of the Project. The ET shall make reference to the following information in conducting the inspection. During the inspection, the following information should be referred to:
EIA Report recommendations on environmental protection and pollution control mitigation measures;
works progress and programme;
individual works methodology proposals (which shall include the proposal on associated pollution control measures);
contract specifications on environmental protection;
relevant environmental protection and pollution control legislations; and
previous site inspection results.
The Contractor shall keep the ER and ET Leader updated with all relevant environmental related information on the construction contract necessary for him to carry out the site inspections. Site inspection results and associated recommendations for improvements to the environmental protection and pollution control efforts should be recorded and followed up by the Contractor in an agreed time-frame. The Contractor shall follow the procedures and time-frame as stipulated in the environmental site inspection, and the deficiency and action reporting system formulated by the ET, to report on any remedial measures subsequent to the site inspections.
The ER, ET and the Contractor should also carry out ad-hoc site inspections if significant environmental problems are identified. Inspections may also be required subsequent to receipt of a valid environmental complaint, or as part of the investigation work, as specified in the Event and Action Plan for the EM&A programme.
There are contractual environmental protection and pollution control requirements as well as environmental protection and pollution control laws in Hong Kong with which construction activities must comply.
In order that the works comply with the contractual requirements, all works method statements submitted by the Contractor to the ER for approval shall be sent to the ET Leader for vetting to ensure sufficient environmental protection and pollution control measures have been included. The implementation schedule of mitigation measures is summarised in Appendix 2-2.
The ET Leader shall also review the progress and programme of the works to check that relevant environmental laws have not been violated, and that any foreseeable potential for violating laws can be prevented.
The Contractor shall regularly copy relevant documents to the ET Leader so that works checking could be carried out effectively. The document shall at least include the updated Works Progress Reports, updated Works Programme, any application letters for different licence / permits under the environmental protection laws, and copies of all valid licences / permits. The site diary shall also be available for the ET Leader's inspection upon his request.
After reviewing the document, the ET Leader shall advise the IEC and Contractor of any non-compliance with contractual and legislative requirements on environmental protection and pollution control for them to take follow-up actions. If the ET Leader's review concludes that the current status on licence / permit application and any environmental protection and pollution control preparation works may result in potential violation of environmental protection and pollution control requirements, he shall also advise the Contractor and ER accordingly.
Upon receipt
of the advice, the Contractor shall undertake immediate action to correct the situation. The ER shall follow up to ensure that
appropriate action has been taken in order to satisfy contractual and legal
The following procedures should be undertaken upon receipt of any environmental complaint:
The Contractor to log complaint and date of receipt onto the complaint database and inform the ER, ET and IEC immediately;
The Contractor to investigate, with the ER and ET, the complaint to determine its validity, and assess whether the source of the problem is due to construction works of the Project with the support of additional monitoring frequency and stations, if necessary;
The Contractor to identify remedial measures in consultation with the IEC, ET and ER if a complaint is valid and due to the construction works of the Project;
The Contractor to implement the remedial measures as required by the ER and to agree with the ET and IEC any additional monitoring frequency and stations, where necessary, for checking the effectiveness of the remedial measures;
The ER, ET and IEC to review the effectiveness of the Contractor's remedial measures and the updated situation;
The ET to undertake additional monitoring and audit to verify the situation if necessary, and oversee that circumstances leading to the complaint do not recur;
If the complaint is referred by the EPD, the Contractor to prepare interim report on the status of the complaint investigation and follow-up actions stipulated above, including the details of the remedial measures and additional monitoring identified or already taken, for submission to EPD within the time frame assigned by the EPD; and
The ET to record the details of the complaint, results of the investigation, subsequent actions taken to address the complaint and updated situation including the effectiveness of the remedial measures, supported by regular and additional monitoring results in the monthly EM&A reports.
Reports can be provided in an electronic medium upon agreeing the format with the ER and EPD. This would enable a transition from a paper / historic and reactive approach to an electronic / real time proactive approach. All the monitoring data (baseline and impact) shall also be submitted on diskettes or other approved media. The formats for air quality, noise and water quality monitoring data to be submitted shall be separately agreed.
The ET is responsible for establishing and maintaining a dedicated website throughout the entire construction period for publishing all the relevant environmental monitoring data (including but not limited to the baseline and impact monitoring). The ET shall propose the format and functionality of the website for agreement with the ER and IEC prior to publishing of data. Once the monitoring data are available (e.g. noise, dust, water quality etc) and vetted by the IEC, the ET is responsible to upload the relevant data to the dedicated website.
Types of reports that the ET shall prepare and submit include baseline monitoring report, monthly EM&A report and final EM&A review report. In accordance with Annex 21 of the EIAO-TM, a copy of the monthly and final review EM&A reports shall be made available to the Director of Environmental Protection.
The ET should prepare and submit a Baseline Environmental Monitoring Report at least one month before commencement of construction of the Project. Copies of the Baseline Environmental Monitoring Report should be submitted to the IEC, ER and EPD. The ET should liaise with the relevant parties on the exact number of copies require.
The baseline monitoring report shall include at least the following:
up to half a page executive summary;
brief project background information;
drawings showing locations of the baseline monitoring stations;
monitoring results (in both hard and diskette copies) together with the following information:
name of laboratory and
types of equipment used and calibration details;
parameters monitored;
monitoring locations;
monitoring date, time,
frequency and duration; and
quality assurance (QA) / quality control (QC) results and detection limits;
details of influencing factors, including:
major activities, if
any, being carried out on the site during the period;
weather conditions during
the period; and
other factors which
might affect monitoring results;
determination of the Action and Limit Levels for each monitoring parameter and statistical analysis of the baseline data;
revisions for inclusion in the EM&A Manual; and
comments, recommendations and conclusions.
The results and findings of all EM&A work required in the Manual shall be recorded in the monthly EM&A reports prepared by the ET and endorsed by the IEC. The EM&A report shall be prepared and submitted to EPD within 10 working days of the end of each reporting month, with the first report due the month after construction commences. Copies of each monthly EM&A report shall be submitted to the following parties: the IEC, the ER and EPD. Before submission of the first EM&A report, the ET shall liaise with the parties on the required number of copies and format of the monthly reports in both hard copy and electronic medium.
The ET shall review the number and location of monitoring stations and parameters every six months, or on as needed basis, in order to cater for any changes in the surrounding environment and the nature of works in progress.
First Monthly EM&A Report
The first monthly EM&A report shall include at least the following:
a) Executive
breaches of Action and
Limit levels;
compliant log
notifications of any
summons and successful prosecutions;
reporting changes; and
future key issues.
b) Basic project information:
project organization
including key personnel contact names and telephone numbers;
management structure;
works undertaken during the month.
c) Environmental status:
advice on the status
of statutory environmental compliance such as the status of compliance with the
environmental permit (EP) conditions under the EIAO,
submission status under the EP and implementation status of mitigation
works undertaken
during the month with illustrations (such as location of works, daily
excavation rate, etc.); and
drawings showing the project are, any environmental sensitive
receivers and the locations of the monitoring and control stations (with
co-ordinates of the monitoring locations).
d) A brief summary of EM&A
requirements including:
all monitoring
environmental quality
performance limits (Action and Limit levels);
Event-Action Plans;
mitigation measures, as recommended in the project EIA study final report; and
environmental requirements in contract documents.
e) Implementation status
advice on the implementation status of environmental protection
and pollution control / mitigation measures, as recommended in the project EIA
f) Monitoring results (in both hard and diskette
copies) together with the following information:
name of laboratory and
types of equipment used and calibration details;
monitoring parameters;
monitoring locations;
monitoring date, time,
frequency, and duration;
weather conditions
during the period;
any other factors
which might affect the monitoring results; and
QA / QC results and detection limits.
g) Report on non-compliance, complaints, and
notifications of summons and successful prosecutions:
record of all
non-compliance (exceedances) of the environmental
quality performance limits (Action and Limit levels);
record of all
complaints received (written or verbal) for each media, including locations and
nature of complaints investigation, liaison and consultation undertaken,
actions and follow-up procedures taken, results and summary;
record of all notification
of summons and successful prosecutions for breaches of current environmental
protection / pollution control legislation, including locations and nature of
the breaches, investigation, follow-up actions taken, results and summary;
review of the reasons
for and the implications of non-compliances, complaints, summons and
prosecutions including review of pollution sources and working procedures; and
description of the actions taken in the event of non-compliance and
deficiency reporting and any follow-up procedures related to earlier
h) Others
an account of the
future key issues as reviewed from the works programme and work method
advice on the solid
and liquid waste management status;
record of any project changes
from the originally proposed as described in the EIA (e.g. construction
methods, mitigation proposals, design changes, etc.); and
comments (for examples, effectiveness and efficiency of the
mitigation measures), recommendations (for examples, any improvement in the EM&A programme) and conclusions.
Subsequent monthly EM&A Reports
Subsequent monthly EM&A reports shall include at least the following:
i) Executive summary (1-2 pages):
breaches of Action and
Limit levels;
compliant log
notifications of any summons
and successful prosecutions;
reporting changes; and
future key issues.
j) Basic project information:
project organization
including key personnel contact names and telephone numbers;
management structure;
works undertaken
during the month; and
any updates as needed to the scope of works and construction
k) Environmental status:
advice on the status
of statutory environmental compliance such as the status of compliance with the
environmental permit (EP) conditions under the EIAO,
submission status under the EP and implementation status of mitigation
works undertaken
during the month with illustrations (such as location of works, daily
excavation rate, etc.); and
drawings showing the project are, any environmental sensitive
receivers and the locations of the monitoring and control stations.
l) Implementation status
advice on the implementation status of environmental protection
and pollution control / mitigation measures, as recommended in the project EIA
m) Monitoring results (in both hard and diskette
copies) together with the following information:
name of laboratory and
types of equipment used and calibration details;
monitoring parameters;
monitoring locations;
monitoring date, time,
frequency, and duration;
weather conditions
during the period;
any other factors
which might affect the monitoring results; and
QA / QC results and detection limits.
n) Report on non-compliance, complaints, and
notifications of summons and successful prosecutions:
record of all
non-compliance (exceedances) of the environmental
quality performance limits (Action and Limit levels);
record of all
complaints received (written or verbal) for each media, including locations and
nature of complaints investigation, liaison and consultation undertaken,
actions and follow-up procedures taken, results and summary;
record of all
notification of summons and successful prosecutions for breaches of current
environmental protection / pollution control legislation, including locations
and nature of the breaches, investigation, follow-up actions taken, results and
review of the reasons
for and the implications of non-compliances, complaints, summons and
prosecutions including review of pollution sources and working procedures; and
description of the actions taken in the event of non-compliance and
deficiency reporting and any follow-up procedures related to earlier
o) Others
an account of the
future key issues as reviewed from the works programme and work method
advice on the solid
and liquid waste management status;
record of any project
changes from the originally proposed as described in the EIA (e.g. construction
methods, mitigation proposals, design changes, etc.); and
comments (for examples, effectiveness and efficiency of the
mitigation measures), recommendations (for examples, any improvement in the EM&A programme) and conclusions.
p) Appendices
Action and Limit
graphical plots of
trends of the monitoring parameters at key stations over the past four
reporting periods for representative monitoring stations annotated against the
a) major activities being carried out on site during the
b) weather conditions during the period; and
c) any
other factors that might affect the monitoring results.
monitoring schedule
for the present and next reporting period;
cumulative statistics
on complaints, notifications of summons and successful prosecutions; and
outstanding issues and deficiencies.
17.4 Final EM&A Review Reports
The EM&A programme should be terminated upon the completion of the construction activities that have the potential to result in significant environmental impacts.
Prior to the proposed termination, it may be advisable to consult relevant local communities. The proposed termination should only be implemented after the proposal has been endorsed by the IEC, the Engineer and the Project Proponent followed by approval from the Director of Environmental Protection.
The final EM&A report should contain at least the following information:
a) Executive summary (1-2 pages):
b) Drawings showing the project are, any
environmental sensitive receivers and the locations of the monitoring and
control stations;
c) Basic project information including a synopsis
of the project organization, contacts of key management, and a synopsis of work
undertaken during the course of the project or past twelve months;
d) A brief summary of EM&A
requirements including:
mitigation measure, as recommended in the project EIA Report;
environmental impact
hypotheses tested;
environmental quality
performance limits (Action and Limit levels);
all monitoring
Event and Action
e) A summary of the implementation status of
environmental protection and pollution control / mitigation measures, as
recommended in the project EIA Report, summarised in
the updated implementation schedule;
f) Graphical plots and the statistical analysis
of the trends of monitoring parameter over the course of the project, including
the post-project monitoring for all monitoring stations annotated against:
the major activities
being carried out on site during the period;
weather conditions
during the period; and
any other factors
which might affect the monitoring results;
g) A summary of non-compliance (exceedances) of the environmental quality performance
limits (Action and Limit levels);
h) A review of the reasons for and the
implications of non-compliance including review of pollution sources and
working procedures as appropriate;
i) A description of the actions taken in the
event of non-compliance;
j) A summary record of all complaints received
(written or verbal) for each media, liaison and consultation undertaken,
actions and follow-up actions taken and results;
k) A review of the validity of EIA predictions
and identification of shortcomings in EIA recommendations;
l) Comments (for examples, a review of the
effectiveness and efficiency of the mitigation measures and of the performance
of the environmental management system, that is, of the overall EM&A programme); and
m) Recommendations and conclusions (for example,
a review of success of the overall EM&A programme
to cost-effectively identify deterioration and to initiate prompt effective mitigatory action when necessary).
No site-based documents (such as monitoring field records, laboratory analysis records, site inspection forms, etc.) are required to be included in the monthly EM&A reports. However, any such document shall be well kept by the ET and be ready for inspection upon request. All relevant information shall be clearly and systematically recorded in the document. Monitoring data shall also be recorded in magnetic media form, and the software copy must be available upon request. Data format shall be agreed with EPD. All documents and data shall be kept for at least one year following completion of the construction contract.
With reference to the Event and Action Plans, when the environmental quality performance limits are exceeded and if they are proven to be valid, the ET should immediately notify the IEC and EPD, as appropriate. The notification should be followed up with advice to the IEC and EPD on the results of the investigation, proposed actions and success of the actions taken, with any necessary follow-up proposals. A sample template for the interim notification is presented in Appendix 17-1.