Content |
Chapter Title
Chart 3-1:__ Evaluation process for three-runway system layout options |
MCL/P132/EIA/3-006 Preferred Airport Layout Option
MCL/P132/EIA/3-007 Proposed Ground Improvement Methods
MCL/P132/EIA/3-008 Terminal 2 Options
MCL/P132/EIA/3-009 Options for Diversion of Submarine Fuel Pipeline
MCL/P132/EIA/3-010 Options for Diversion of Submarine 11kV
ˇ Provision for the additional capacity projected in the Airport Master Plan 2030 (MP2030) – in the absence of this criterion, the third runway would not meet the need identified in Chapter 2 of this report;
ˇ Provision for the safe approach, landing and take-off procedures required by the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) – this is a mandatory requirement that overrides most other considerations, as passenger and crew safety must never be compromised;
ˇ Be optimally located and configured – this affects the effectiveness of the third runway and impacts on the ability of the third runway to meet forecasted demand;
ˇ Provision of sufficient space for all other related facilities (e.g. passenger terminal expansion and new concourses, Baggage Handling System (BHS), Automated People Mover (APM), aircraft aprons, taxiways, navigation aids, air traffic control tower, etc.) needed to support the operation of a third runway; and
ˇ Be compatible with the operation of the existing HKIA.
Major Constraints to the Existing Runway Operations
ˇ Topography;
ˇ Territorial boundaries;
ˇ Anthropogenic (man-made) structures;
ˇ Populated areas; and
ˇ Current runway configuration.
Territorial Boundaries and Anthropogenic Structures
Populated Areas
ˇ Aircraft arriving during midnight to 07:00 am are arranged to land from the southwest, subject to acceptable wind direction and safety consideration;
ˇ Aircraft departing to the northeast of the airport during 11:00 pm and 07:00 am are required to use a southbound route via the West Lamma Channel, subject to acceptable operational and safety consideration;
ˇ Aircraft departing to the northeast of the airport are required to adopt the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Noise Abatement Departure Procedures;
ˇ Aircraft which can make use of the satellite navigation technology are recommended, when departing to the northeast of the airport between 11:00 pm and 07:00 am, to adopt the “Radius-to-Fix” turn procedures when making south turn to the West Lamma Channel so as to reduce the noise impact to residents in the areas;
ˇ All noisy aircraft* are barred from landing and taking off in Hong Kong (* noisy aircraft refer to those which do not comply with the noise standard in Chapter 3 of Annex 16 Volume I, Part II to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.); and
ˇ All aircraft on approach to HKIA from the northeast during 11:00 pm and 07:00 am are encouraged to adopt the continuous descent approach (CDA), which involves aircraft flying higher and normally on a low power / low drag configuration.
Configuration of Existing Two Runways
ˇ The terrain on Lantau Island constrains the South Runway’s mixed mode capacity to 34 ATMs per hour.
ˇ The terrain to the east of HKIA, such as Tai Mo Shan, and airport traffic interaction with Macao airport to the west, prevents the current two-runway configuration from accepting independent parallel approaches.
ˇ The South Runway’s constrained circumstance requires a larger spacing between landing aircraft, with similar requirements on the North Runway, thereby preventing the runways from achieving a theoretical maximum capacity under a mixed mode operation.
1 Mixed mode refers to an
operation mode of the runway whereby both ‘departures’ and ‘arrivals’ is
permitted on the same runway. ‘Dependent’ mixed mode refers to a mixed mode of
operations that is constrained by factors other than the maximum capacity of
the runway.
Table 3.1: Alignment Options Evaluation Criteria [1]
Major Criteria |
Key Considerations |
Criteria Importance1 |
Airport integration (aprons and terminals) |
This includes consideration of passenger and cargo transfers between new and existing facilities and the need for additional airfield facilities to serve the new runway. |
Non-mandatory criteria for comparative analysis |
Airside integration (operational) |
This includes the ability of the new runway to integrate with existing airport facilities and operations and considerations of traffic flows, physical constraints, and availability of contingency. |
Mandatory compliance required |
Airspace and airport capacity |
All options are faced with Pearl River Delta (PRD) airspace implications due to the addition of a third runway. These affect the operational feasibility and capacity gain potential of each option. |
Non-mandatory criteria for comparative analysis |
Construction issues |
This includes the contaminated mud pits (CMPs), potential impacts on local shipping routes and other constraints to construction phase. |
Non-mandatory criteria for comparative analysis |
Environmental issues |
This includes broad impacts due to aircraft noise, impacts to marine habitats, water quality and changes in hydrodynamics. |
Non-mandatory criteria for comparative analysis |
Surface access |
This includes the ability to extend existing surface access facilities to serve the extended airport. |
Non-mandatory criteria for comparative analysis |
Topographical factors |
This includes physical features (high ground) as well as local meteorological conditions. |
Mandatory compliance required |
Note 1: Criteria importance relates to the evaluation process in Stage 1 of the ‘Evaluation of the Third Runway Alignment Options’ section of this document.
Evaluation of the Third Runway Alignment Options
1. Stage 1 – 16 alignment options were subject to assessment against a set of mandatory compliance criteria (see mandatory criteria list specified in Table 3.1). The purpose was to review only the most important criteria (i.e. those that are fundamentally required to ensure safe and viable operation of the runway) to identify which alignments are compliant, and hence can be considered in Stage 2 of the evaluation. A relative comparison of non-mandatory criteria was also reviewed.
2. Stage 2 – comprised
a more specific analysis of the operational
characteristics of the preliminary shortlisted options to further verify
the feasibility of each option. This stage produced a shortlist of options
for further analysis in
conjunction with different options for airport
facility layouts.
Concept 1 – Third runway aligned at an angle to
the existing runways (Options A and B);
Concept 2 - Third runway aligned parallel with
the existing runways (Options C, D, E, F, G, and H);
Concept 3 - Third runway aligned parallel and
significantly staggered from the existing runways (Options K, N, P, R and S);
Concept 4 - Third runway located remotely from
HKIA (Options J and M).
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Table 3.2: Summary
of Mandatory
Criteria Compliance
Mandatory Requirements |
Failed Options |
Reason |
Airside Integration (Operational) |
A, B, C, J, M |
These options provide either limited or no integration with the existing airport, thereby creating severe operational constraints |
Topographical Factors (Operational Viability) |
C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N, S |
The runway associated with these options are either located too close to the mountains at Castle Peak or Lantau, or are too close to the existing runways, thereby compromising the viability of safe arrival / departure / missed approach procedures |
Option S Extended
(Variant A and B)
Option S Extended (Variant C)
Option S Extended (Variant D)
Option S Extended (Variant E)
ˇ Option S extended (Variants A to E) were found not viable due to unresolvable flight movement issues associated with breakout manoeuvring2. Option S extended was eliminated from further analysis, however, taking into account issues identified with previous variants, a viable revised Option S was introduced;
ˇ Revised Option S however was assessed as having limited capacity potential due to constraints associated with dependent parallel approaches as well as being subject to some ground congestion concerns;
ˇ Options P and R were generally found to have fewer operability issues and concerns compared to Option S.
2 Breakout manoeuvring refers
to the emergency manoeuvring procedures that an aircraft needs to deploy when
the parallel aircraft alongside it ‘blunders’, i.e. veers off its original
flight path on decent.
Chart 3-1: Evaluation process for three-runway system layout options
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B, C & D show possible location of passenger processing
terminal (where passengers are processed for check-in,
Customs/Immigration/Quarantine and security screening)
Y & Z show the possible location of aircraft apron and
passenger concourse area (where aircraft gates are located)
R & S denote spacing between the third and existing North Runways (i.e. far-spaced, normal-spaced and close-spaced)
Table 3.3: Criteria
for Initial Stage Airport Layout Options Evaluation
1. |
- Taxiing Time / Distance |
Relative compared to each option |
- Runway Crossings |
Relative compared to each option |
- Additional Control Tower |
If needed for operations or for blocked lines of sight |
- Balance East / West |
- |
- Cargo Connectivity |
Proximity of stands / access to cargo |
2. |
- Passenger Connectivity |
Minimum transfer time, APM complexity and capacity |
- Baggage Connectivity |
Connection time / connectivity |
- Duplication of Facilities |
Terminal processor, retail, surface access interchange, APM, etc. |
- Synergy with Airport Related Development (ARD) |
Proximity |
3. |
- Road Access & Capacity |
Extension of existing roads and capacity of new road |
- Airport Express Line (AEL) |
Ability to extend existing line, or the need to create a secondary bifurcation |
- Cross Boundary Transport Facilities |
Ability to serve cross boundary air / surface transit passengers via Coach, SkyPier and potentially the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western Express Line (WEL) |
4. |
- Strategic Consideration |
Ability to meet demand growth beyond 2030 |
5. |
- Runway / Taxiways |
Runway / taxiway length or area |
- Construct over Mud Pits |
Cost (and possible lead time) |
- Terminal Processor |
Expansion / Extension of Terminal 1 (T1) / Terminal 2 (T2), or land formation for a new terminal |
- Surface Access – Road / Rail |
Short extension of existing versus major line extensions / bifurcation |
- |
Land take-up |
- Operational Impact |
- |
Source: Airport
Authority Hong Kong,
Table 3.4: Summary of Shortlisted
Shortlisted Option |
Summary |
Option P (A + Y) |
This option adopts the original P runway alignment from NATS with a remote satellite concourse to the northwest of the existing airport platform that is connected to T2. The principal objective of this option is to avoid construction over the CMPs and position passenger stands between a new widely spaced parallel runway and the existing North Runway. |
Option R (A + X) |
This option revises the original R runway alignment from NATS by shifting it as west as practicable up to the Mainland territorial waters boundary, with a remote linear satellite concourse north of the existing airport platform that is connected to T2. The principal objective of this option is to minimise construction over the CMPs and position passenger stands between a new widely spaced parallel runway and the existing North Runway. |
Option R (A + Y) |
This option revises the original R runway alignment from NATS by shifting it slightly to the east and north in order to fit in a remote satellite concourse to the north of the existing airport platform, assuming construction over the CMPs is feasible. The principal objective of this option is to position passenger stands between a new widely spaced parallel runway and the existing North Runway that is connected nearer to T2 as compared to Option R (A+X) |
Option S (D + Z) |
This option adopts the original S runway alignment from NATS with a new passenger terminal and concourse at the western end of the airport platform as the close spacing between the third runway and the existing North Runway would not allow for new facilities to be built in between. The principal objective of this option is to avoid construction over the CMPs and position a new passenger terminal and passenger stands to the west of existing airport platform. The length of the new runway is almost twice that of the P and R runway layout options to meet flight procedure and safety requirements in operating the new runway and the existing North Runway independently under a close-spaced arrangement. |
ˇ The third runway adopts a close-spaced separation from the existing North Runway, with new operational infrastructure required to support the 3RS to be located on
land formation to the west of the existing airport island.
ˇ The third runway adopts a wide-spaced separation from the existing North Runway, with additional operational infrastructure required to support
the 3RS to be sited on land formation to the north of the existing airport
Table 3.5: Comparative Performance Between Two Airport Expansion Options
Criteria |
Westward Expansion |
Northward Expansion |
Airfield Efficiency |
O |
P |
Passenger Convenience |
O |
P |
Surface Access |
O |
P |
Cargo Operations Efficiency |
O |
P |
Note: where the criteria are met, this is denoted by ‘P ‘. Where the criteria is not met, this is denoted by ‘O ‘.
Source: Airport Authority Hong Kong, Hong Kong International Airport, HKIA Master Plan 2030 Technical Report, July 2011,
close-spaced parallel runways to be able to maintain independent segregated
operations under ICAO guidelines, it is necessary to extend the third runway
length from 3,800 m to 6,750 m, and the second runway
(i.e. existing North Runway) length by 950 m to the
west so that a 1,950 m stagger towards
the arriving aircraft is available for both runway directions 07 and 25 (see Figure 3.2).
Figure 3.2: Illustration of runway extension required under a close-spaced parallel runway arrangement |
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This entails a
substantial additional land formation area for the third runway as compared to the Northward expansion option, which has sufficient runway separation to adopt
a normal length of 3,800 m for the third runway.
separation of the close-spaced third runway from the first
runway (i.e. existing South Runway) is also not sufficient to support
independent parallel approaches. Only dependent staggered approaches can be
accepted which will reduce the overall capacity of the 3RS to 97 movements per hour as compared to
102 under the Northward expansion option supporting independent parallel
approaches (see Table 3.6).
Table 3.6: Runway Capacity of the Westward
Expansion Option
Runway |
Use |
Capacity |
Arrivals |
Departures |
07L/25R |
Arrivals |
31 |
31 |
─ |
07C/25C |
Departures |
35 |
─ |
35 |
07R/25L |
Mixed |
31 |
15.5 |
15.5 |
Total |
─ |
97 |
46.5 |
50.5 |
Note: Values refer to the number of aircraft movements per hour.
Source: Airport Authority Hong Kong, Hong Kong International Airport, HKIA Master Plan 2030 Technical Report, July 2011,
close-spaced third
runway does not allow room
for locating the additional passenger aircraft stands requirement adjacent to
the third
runway as compared to the
Northward expansion option. Aircraft arriving on the third runway need to taxi across the existing airfield to the apron on the western land formation or Midfield area, creating longer taxiing
time, increased ground congestion and delays, and more
runway crossings than the Northward expansion
option which will likely further reduce
runway capacity to less than 97 movements per hour (see Figure 3.3).
Figure 3.3: Aircraft
under the Westward
options |
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Figure 3.4: Passenger
of the Westward expansion
options |
| ![]() |
Figure 3.5: AEL and SkyPier ferry terminal
Figure 3.6: Preferred location of future cargo apron and freighter stands |
Early Consideration of
Environmental Implications associated with Engineering Design
Table 3.7: Summary of the Major Characteristics of Each Shortlisted Option [5]
Major Characteristics |
P (A + Y) |
R (A + X) |
R (A + Y) |
S (D + Z) |
Total land formation area |
743 ha |
790 ha |
827 ha |
819 ha |
Encroachment to CMPs |
3 ha |
32 ha |
200 ha |
Nil |
Seawall length |
18 km |
18 km |
11 km |
15 km |
Minimum clearance to Chinese Territorial Waters boundary |
150 m |
100 m |
1 km |
1 km |
Minimum clearance to Sha Chau and |
350 m |
1 km |
1 km |
2 km |
Identification of the Key Environmental
Differentiators for Comparison of Options
Table 3.8: Summary of Key Environmental Differentiators During Construction and Operation Phase [5]
Key Environmental Differentiators |
Construction Phase |
Operation Phase |
Air Quality |
N/A |
§ Airport operational efficiency1 |
Chinese White Dolphins (CWD) |
§ Disturbance to CWD feeding grounds § Disturbance to dolphin calves |
§ Permanent loss of feeding grounds §
Proximity of northern site boundary to Sha
Chau and |
Fisheries |
§ Disturbance to fisheries production § Disturbance to fishing operation § Loss in fisheries value due to construction |
§ Permanent loss in fisheries production § Habitat loss § Fishing operation § Fisheries value § Impact of Hong Kong International Airport Approach Area (HKIAAA) on fisheries operation |
Marine Ecology |
§ Disturbance to horseshoe crab nursery grounds § Impact of increased suspended solids (SS) concentrations on marine ecological sensitive receivers § Disturbance to existing coral and artificial reefs |
§ Loss of intertidal habitats § Loss of soft-bottom habitats § Loss of coral communities |
Noise |
§ Cumulative impact due to concurrent projects on noise sensitive receivers (NSRs) |
§ No. of dwellings situated within a preliminary noise exposure forecast (NEF) 25 contour projection |
Visual |
§ Disturbance to visually sensitive receivers (VSRs) at Sha Lo Wan and Tung Chung |
§ Disturbance to VSRs at Sha Lo Wan and Tung Chung |
Waste |
§ Quantity of dredged sediment (outside of CMPs) |
N/A |
Water Quality and Hydrodynamics |
§ Increase in SS concentrations at water sensitive receivers § Release of sediment fines and contaminants during ground improvement at CMPs |
§ Change in tidal flow § Erosion of seabed § Change in flushing capacity at the existing airport channel § Potential water quality impact from a poorly flushed embayment |
Note 1: This provides a measure of the potential operation phase air
quality as it relates to aircraft emissions.
Environmental Evaluation of the Shortlisted
Options – Benefits
and Dis-Benefits
Table 3.9: Summary of Environmental
of the Shortlisted Options [5]
Key Environmental Differentiators |
1 – P (A + Y) |
Option 2 – R (A + X) |
Option 3 – R (A + Y) |
Option 4 – S (D + Z) |
Preferred Option |
Environmental Benefit |
Environmental Dis-benefit |
Environmental Benefit |
Environmental Dis-benefit |
Environmental Benefit |
Environmental Dis-benefit |
Environmental Benefit |
Environmental Dis-benefit |
Air Quality |
· No defining benefit compared to other options |
· No defining benefit compared to other options |
· No defining benefit compared to other options |
· No defining benefit compared to other options |
· No defining benefit compared to other options |
· No defining benefit compared to other options |
· No defining benefit compared to other options |
· Generally associated with less operational efficiency compared to other options. |
No definitive option is preferred. |
· Affect a smaller area associated with CWD calves sighting, therefore has lower potential to adversely impact CWD breeding grounds. · Smallest area of permanent habitat loss and a smaller number of CWDs potentially affected. |
· Affect a larger area associated with CWDs engaged in socialising activities, therefore has higher potential to adversely affect CWD social activities (along with Option 2). · Located closest to the Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau (SCLKC) Marine Park, therefore has higher potential disturbance to CWD protected area. · Evaluated to have higher potential severity of impacts to CWDs during operation phase |
· Affect a smaller area associated with CWDs engaged in feeding activities, therefore has lower potential for disturbance to feeding grounds (along with Option 3). |
· Affect a larger area associated with CWDs engaged in socialising activities, therefore has higher potential to adversely affect CWD social activities (along with Option 1). |
· Affect a smaller area associated with CWDs engaged in feeding activities, therefore has lower potential for disturbance to feeding grounds (along with Option 2). |
· Largest area of habitat loss (but the lost habitat was less used by CWDs) |
· Affect a smaller area associated with CWDs engaged in socialising activities, therefore has lower potential to adversely affect CWD social activities. · Located furthest from the SCLKC Marine Park, therefore has lower potential disturbance to CWD protected area. |
· Affect a larger area associated with CWD calves sighting, therefore has higher potential to adversely impact CWD breeding grounds. · Affect a larger area associated with CWDs engaged in feeding activities, therefore has higher potential for disturbance to feeding grounds. · Larger area of permanent habitat loss and number of CWDs potentially affected. · Evaluated to have higher potential severity of impacts to CWDs during both construction and operation phase. |
Option 3 – generally associated with less CWD impacts compared to the other options. |
Fisheries |
· Smallest area of potential fisheries habitat loss |
· Future HKIAAA may extend outside Hong Kong marine waters boundary and would lie closest to the SCLKC Marine Park, which may discourage fishing activities in this area. |
· No defining benefit compared to other options |
· Future HKIAAA may extend outside Hong Kong marine waters boundary and make access to the high fisheries production areas at northwest Lantau difficult for fishermen. |
· Relatively less potential impact to fisheries activities due to wider separation between the new HKIAAA, SCLKC Marine Park and Hong Kong marine waters boundary. |
· Largest area of potential fisheries habitat loss |
· No defining benefit compared to other options |
· Future HKIAAA may discourage fishermen from fishing at northwest Lantau. |
Option 3 – generally considered to have marginally less impact on fisheries activities compared to other options. |
Marine Ecology |
· No defining benefit compared to other options |
· Located closest to the SCLKC Marine Park, therefore is associated with higher potential impact on the Marine Park due to SS release during construction phase. |
· No defining benefit compared to other options |
· No defining dis-benefit compared to other options |
· Located furthest from the Sha Lo Wan horseshoe crab habitat, therefore is associated with less potential impact on the habitat due to SS release during construction phase. |
· No defining dis-benefit compared to other options |
· Located furthest from the SCLKC Marine Park, therefore is associated with less potential impact on the Marine Park due to SS release during construction phase. |
· Located closest to the Sha Lo Wan horseshoe crab habitat, therefore is associated with higher potential impact due to SS release during construction phase. |
Option 3 – associated with less dis-benefits compared to Options 1 and 4, and more benefits compared to Option 2. |
Noise |
· Potentially associated with less aircraft noise impacts to NSRs (due to larger runway separation distance). |
· No defining dis-benefit compared to other options |
· No defining benefit compared to other options |
· No defining dis-benefit compared to other options |
· Further separation distances from NSRs along North Lantau. · Potentially associated with less aircraft noise impacts to NSRs (due to larger runway separation distance). |
· No defining dis-benefit compared to other options |
· No defining benefit compared to other options |
· Shorter separation distances from NSRs along North Lantau. · Potentially associated with more aircraft noise impacts to NSRs |
Option 3 – generally associated with more benefits compared to other options. |
Landscape & Visual |
· Relatively further from VSRs at Tung Chung |
· Relatively closer to VSRs at Sha Lo Wan |
· Relatively further from VSRs at Tung Chung |
· Relatively closer to VSRs at Sha Lo Wan |
· Generally further from VSRs at both Sha Lo Wan and Tung Chung |
· No defining dis-benefit compared to other options |
· No defining benefit compared to other options |
· Closest to VSRs at Sha Lo Wan |
Option 3 – generally associated with less dis-benefits compared to other options. |
Water Quality and Hydrodynamics |
· No defining benefit compared to other options |
· Relatively higher SS concentration at some water sensitive receivers (WSRs) compared to other options. · Re-deposition of sediment on corals is highest compared to other options · Area of stagnant water produced due to eastern embayment · Highest erosion potential around the new runway |
· Lower SS concentration at some WSRs compared to other options. |
· Area of stagnant water produced due to eastern embayment |
· Generally lower SS concentration at WSRs compared to other options. · Not associated with significant flow stagnation. |
· No defining dis-benefit compared to other options |
· Relatively lower SS concentration at some WSRs compared to other options. · Not associated with significant flow stagnation. |
· Relatively higher SS concentration at some WSRs compared to other options. · Reduce flushing capacity at Airport Channel · Higher siltation potential at Airport Channel than other options |
Option 3 – generally associated with less water quality impacts compared to the other options. |
Cultural Heritage |
Not a key environmental differentiator as all options would have similar potential marine archaeological impact, and no direct impacts to terrestrial cultural heritage. |
Hazard to Human Life |
Not a key environmental differentiator as all options would have similar potential hazard to human life impacts associated with diversion of submarine fuel pipeline, extension of fuel hydrant system, and dangerous goods storage (diesel, gasoline and liquid petroleum gas). |
Terrestrial Ecology |
Not a key environmental differentiator as all options would have similar impacts (mainly indirect impacts) to terrestrial ecology. |
Waste* |
· Lowest quantity of dredged sediment (outside CMP area) |
· No defining dis-benefit compared to other options |
· No defining benefit compared to other options |
· No defining dis-benefit compared to other options |
· Lowest quantity of dredged sediment requiring disposal (outside CMP area) |
· No defining dis-benefit compared to other options |
· No defining benefit compared to other options |
· Highest quantity of dredged sediment requiring disposal (outside CMP area) |
No longer applicable |
The evaluation was based on the findings of the “Contract P132 – Engineering
Feasibility and Environmental Assessment Study for Airport Master Plan 2030,
Comparative Environmental Assessment Report”, (Deliverable D1.8), May 2009,
Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Limited (, which was compiled according to the
information available at the time of preparing that report.
The waste differentiator was based on previous assumptions of using dredged
land formation. As the project is now confirmed to use non-dredge methods, this
key differentiator is no longer applicable (but it is nevertheless presented
for completeness).
Table 3.10: Summary of Possible Refinements and Environmental Benefits
/ Dis-benefits
Option |
Possible Refinement |
Environmental Benefits / Dis-benefits of Refinement |
Option 1 – P (A + Y) |
Maximise the distance from the SCLKC Marine Park |
seeks to increase the distance from the SCLKC Marine Park from 350 m to 700 m by reducing the
northern extent of land formation. However, this option would still be closer
to the |
the extent of land formation at the western side of the existing North Runway |
The possibility of reducing the extent of land formation at the western side would lead to improvements in terms of: § reduced disturbance to CWD feeding grounds and calves; § reduced loss of soft-bottom habitats and coral communities; and § reduced quantity of dredged sediment However, the creation of a poorly flushed embayment would increase the potential water quality and hydrodynamic impact for this option. |
Option 2 – R (A + X) |
Reducing the extent of land formation and use of decking for the taxiway |
This seeks to significantly reduce the extent of land formation and eliminate the poorly flushed embayment by using decking instead of land formation for the taxiway. Improvements include: § improved flushing capacity; § reduced disturbance to fisheries production; § reduced loss of intertidal habitats and soft-bottom habitats; § reduced impact of increased SS on marine ecological sensitive receivers; and § reduced quantity of dredged sediment. However, as piling would be required for construction of the decking, the impact on CWDs would increase. |
Eliminating the embayed area |
This seeks to possibly eliminate the embayed area by shifting the proposed runway to the south. This would lead to improvements in terms of: §
reduced impact to CWDs due to greater
separation distance from the § reduced embayment areas. |
Option 3 – R (A + Y) |
Reducing the extent of land formation at the western side |
The possibility of reducing the extent of land formation at the western side would lead to improvements in terms of: § reduced permanent loss of CWD feeding grounds; § reduced impact on fisheries production and operation; § reduced loss of intertidal, soft-bottom and coral communities / habitats; § less disturbance to horseshoe crab nursery grounds; and § reduced quantity of dredged sediment. |
Shifting the proposed runway to the east |
This seeks to give a more streamlined footprint from a hydrodynamic point of view, however, the findings of the hydrodynamic assessment found that no significant change in tidal flow was predicted, and no significant improvement in terms of erosion of the seabed was predicted. Consequently, no additional environmental benefit was identified with this refinement. |
Option 4 – S (D + Z) |
Eliminating the embayed area |
This seeks to create a more streamlined footprint by trimming the eastern end of the proposed runway to eliminate the embayed area. This would lead to improvements in terms of: § removal of the poorly flushed embayment; § reduced impact to CWDs by reducing habitat loss and disturbance to feeding grounds and dolphin calves; § reduced habitat loss and impact on fisheries production; § reduced loss of soft-bottom habitats and reduced disturbance to artificial reef and impact from SS; and § reduced quantity of dredged sediment. |
Reducing the extent of land formation by use of decking for taxiway near the airport sea channel |
This refinement seeks to minimise hydrodynamic impact by eliminating about 24 ha of land formation by using decking for the taxiway. This would lead to improvements in terms of: § reduced impact on the flushing capacity at the channel; § reduced loss of soft-bottom habitats and less disturbance to horseshoe crab nursery grounds; and § reduced quantity of dredged sediment. However, as piling would be required for construction of the decking, the impact on CWDs would increase. |
Trimming of headland around Sha Lo Wan |
This seeks to improve the flushing capacity at the airport sea channel, but would result in permanent loss of habitats for horseshoe crabs. |
Source: Based
on Airport Authority Hong Kong, Hong Kong International Airport, Contract P132
– Engineering Feasibility and Environmental Assessment Study for Airport Master
Plan 2030, Comparative Environmental Assessment Report, (Deliverable D1.8), May
2009, Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Limited,
ˇ Minor reshaping of the eastern edge of the new land formation; and
ˇ Introduction of ‘wrap-around’ taxiways to minimise runway ‘crossing’ to enhance operational safety for aircraft crossing the future ‘centre’ runway.
Table 3.11: Summary
of Third Runway Concourse Options
Option 1 BASELINE |
Option 3 Y-Y |
Option 4 TWIN - STAR |
Option 5 TWIN - TRIANGLE |
Option 6 HORSESHOE |
Preferred Option |
General Description |
Based on the existing T1, the Baseline scheme adopts the same T1 concourse width with the baggage hall located underground. |
Based on the MP2030 layout. This scheme adopts three separate concourses with the baggage hall located underground. |
Single concourse layout derived from the Baseline scheme, with wider concourse to accommodate baggage hall at apron level. |
Based on the Baseline scheme but with an expanded area within the concourse to create additional reserve areas and accommodate baggage hall at apron level. |
Similar to the Twin Star scheme with larger reserved area at each concourse for future expansion and accommodate baggage hall at apron level. |
This scheme represents the ultimate shape that provides the largest area to perimeter ratio. The aim of this configuration is to maximise the area available for reserve land for future expansion and accommodate baggage hall at apron level. |
N/A |
Capacity |
62 contact stands 47 remote stands |
60 contact stands 40 remote stands |
60 contact stands 45 remote stands |
62 contact stands 36 remote stands |
62 contact stands 42 remote stands |
54 contact stands 25 remote stands |
Option 1 or 3 |
Operational Efficiency |
This option has high taxiway efficiency and user friendliness with easy route recovery and transfers between the concourse, but has limited space for passenger / commercial facilities. |
This option presents a risk of taxiing congestion and increased airside road journey times between the two farthest nodes, though it has the benefit of providing taxi-lane alternatives and shorter taxiing distance for certain stands. In terms of terminal operations, more concourses complicate passenger wayfinding and the additional facilities required (e.g. three APM stations and separate baggage systems) would increase both journey / transit times and operational costs. This option is the least efficient overall. |
This option provides greater operational efficiency and user friendliness with easy route recovery and transfers between the concourse and better space allocation to accommodate different passenger / commercial facilities. Baggage operational efficiency is generally higher than other configurations. |
Similar efficiency to the Baseline scheme and provides shorter taxiing distance for certain stands, but concourse operational efficiency is affected by the split concourses, which necessitates some duplication of facilities. |
Similar efficiency to the Baseline scheme, but concourse operational efficiency is affected by the split concourses, which necessitates some duplication of facilities. |
This option has poor taxiway efficiency due to uni-directional taxi-lane layout. Concourse operational efficiency is also affected by the split and uneven concourses. |
Option 3 |
Phasing / Flexibility |
Single concourse enables consolidation of terminal facilities and provides more flexibility for phased commissioning. Limited
opportunity for creating outdoor spaces. No reserve area for future expansion. |
Based on capacity requirements, at least two of the three buildings will need to be commissioned in Phase 1. Limited opportunity for creating outdoor spaces. No reserve area for future expansion. |
Single concourse enables consolidation of terminal facilities and provides more flexibility for phased commissioning. Opportunities available for creating outdoor spaces which can be safeguarded for future expansion. |
Large central concourse area allows for future expansion flexibility, but less capacity for phased commissioning of facilities. |
Large central concourse area allows for future expansion flexibility, but less capacity for phased commissioning of facilities. |
Large central concourse area allows for future expansion flexibility, but less capacity for phased commissioning of facilities. |
Option 3 |
Programme and Costs |
No significant difference in construction programme compared to other options. |
No significant difference in construction programme compared to other options. Higher construction cost due to multiple terminal buildings and associated APM / BHS facilities. |
No significant difference in construction programme compared to other options. Cost for the wider concourse is offset by the bag hall at apron level. |
No significant difference in construction programme compared to other options. Generally higher construction cost due to larger building area. |
No significant difference in construction programme compared to other options. Generally higher construction cost due to larger building area. |
No significant difference in construction programme compared to other options. Generally higher construction cost due to larger building area. |
Option 1 or 3 |
Environmental |
Requires excavation into CMPs |
Requires excavation into CMPs |
Avoids the need for excavation into CMPs |
Avoids the need for excavation into CMPs |
Avoids the need for excavation into CMPs |
Avoids the need for excavation into CMPs |
Option 3 to 6 |
Benefits / Dis-Benefits
of Preferred Scenario – Third Runway Concourse
ˇ Ground vehicle movements not impeded by having to cross cut through taxi lane;
ˇ Single baggage hall at apron level to allow efficient baggage ramp handling and reducing tug and dolly travel distances;
ˇ Flexibility to allocate aircraft to stands and increased efficiency in terms of staffing / resource allocation;
ˇ Requires fewer ground service equipment (GSE) to service aircraft as vehicles do not need to be allocated to separate terminals;
ˇ Can be built incrementally, which provides flexibility in planning and phasing; and
ˇ Flexibility in terms of catering to future demands, i.e. airline allocation.
ˇ Avoidance of excavation into CMPs and less waste generated due to excavation;
ˇ Reduced GSE emissions (due to few GSE and more efficient vehicle movements); and
ˇ Less building energy demand (due to improved operational efficiency).
Table 3.12: Summary of Descriptions and Construction Methods for Terminal 2
Expansion and the Associated Road Networks Options
Parameters |
Terminal Concept A |
Terminal Concept F |
General Design |
Terminal: This option assumes that T2 has to be partially shut down and modified in order to expand to the new terminal layout, while keeping operation in T2 throughout the entire construction period. Facilities of the expanded T2 include the main building composed of Departures Hall, Check-in Hall, Departures Kerb, Baggage Claim Hall, Meeters and Greeters Hall, Custom, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) Area, Baggage Handling Area, APM Interchange Station and BHS North Basement, and the North and South Annex Buildings accommodating coach staging, car parking, loading and unloading, and limousine lounge provisions. As the Departures Kerb is positioned on the eastern side of the main building, bi-directional passenger flows from new Departures Kerb and existing AEL Station to Check-in Hall at Departures Level are anticipated. Associated Road
Networks Option A1: The departures kerb of this option is located at the eastern side of the terminal. This road option provides a longer length of departures kerb comparing to Option A2 below. A slip road linking the northern elevated road to existing Airport Road is proposed for recirculation to T1 departures kerb. Slip roads connecting to North Lantau Highway (NLH)/Airport Road and HKBCF are also allocated at the south of the CLP substation. Based on this configuration, the proposed northern elevated road and realigned SkyCity Road will encroach onto the North Commercial District (NCD) development area and the AsiaWorld Expo (AWE) Phase 2 Expansion site. Associated Road
Networks Option A2: The departures kerb of this option is located at the eastern side of the terminal. To minimise the encroachment into AWE Phase 2 Expansion Area, a “ring road” option is developed with the elevated road for egress traffic from the T2 departures kerb to circulate around the NCD development site along its northern and eastern perimeter and connect back to Airport Road southbound south of the airport south interchange. Separate slip roads for re-circulation / route recovery to T2 departures kerb and connection to HKBCF are branched off from the elevated road at the eastern perimeter. The length of the departures kerb in this option is shorter than Option A1 by about 60 m. This road option does not have major impact to existing building structures but will confine the NCD development within the boundary of the elevated ‘ring’ roads. |
Terminal: This option assumes that the operation in T2 will be suspended during the entire construction period as T2 has to be shut down and substantially modified in order to add a new floor, raise the roof, build the new Departures Road on the western side of the main building, and increase pile loading capacity etc. Facilities of the expanded T2 include the main building composed of Departures Hall, Check-in Hall, Departures Kerb, Baggage Claim Hall, Meeters and Greeters Hall, CIQ Area, Baggage Handling Area, APM Interchange Station and BHS North Basement, and the North and South Annex Buildings accommodating coach staging, car parking, loading and unloading, and limousine lounge provisions. As the Departures Kerb is positioned on the western side of the main building, unidirectional passenger flows from new Departures Kerb and existing AEL Station to Check-in Hall at Departures Level can be achieved. Associated Road
Networks Option F: This option assumes the location of the departures kerb to be positioned on the western side of the building immediately east of the existing HKIA Tower and Airport World Trade Centre (AWTC), which will require demolition of Level 5 slab of the existing T2 building. Under this option, two elevated roads connected to northern and southern ends of the proposed departures kerb were proposed for vehicle re-circulation to T2 departures kerb. The southern recirculation ramp and the approach ramp linking to HKBCF will route along the western and southern sides of existing CLP Primary Substation. The length of departures kerb in this option is similar to Option A1. With departures kerb on the western side of the terminal building, unidirectional check-in experience for departures passengers, similar to T1, can be achieved. This road network option can avoid major encroachment on adjacent commercial development sites. In comparison with Options A1 and A2, Option F is considered to be a better option in terms of terminal planning and has less impact on future adjacent commercial developments. |
Construction Method |
Terminal: Phased construction starting with the southern section and the new build areas before commencing construction of the northern section after re-opening the new southern section. Basement walls will be formed using diaphragm walls and pre-bored H-piles / bored piles will be adopted for foundation system of the main building and annex buildings. A combination of in-situ and precast concrete construction will be adopted for the main levels, while the roof structure for the new build area will be constructed by erection of trusses followed by prefabrication of roof panels using pre-assembled jigs. |
Terminal: Generally similar to that of Concept A, except the operation in T2 will be suspended during the entire construction period. |
Environmental Considerations |
Under Concept A, as part of the terminal is retained to keep continuous operation during construction of T2 expansion, some noise, dust and air quality impacts on passengers and operation staff are inevitable and impact to terminal operation is anticipated as daily operation will be carried out in the same building as the construction site for more than 5 years. This option requires less construction materials for the permanent works. However, as part of the terminal is retained during construction while keeping T2 in operation, more temporary works are required during construction to ensure safe and pleasant environment for passengers during construction. Hereby, the amount of overall Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste would be slightly less than Concept F. Construction period is similar and hence the duration of potential air and noise impacts is similar to Concept F. Limited capability in reducing potential environmental footprint, such as waste reduction and energy saving, due to constraints imposed by existing building structures on technology leverage and infrastructure to improve long-term sustainability. |
Fewer disturbances to T2 passengers and operation staff in respect of noise and air with check-in and daily operation related activities to be redirected away from the construction site in T2. For permanent works, this option requires more construction materials and will generate more C&D waste compared to Concept A, as a larger part of the terminal needs to be demolished and re-constructed. However, the amount of temporary works would be significantly less than Concept A. Hereby, the amount of overall C&D waste would be slightly more than Concept A. Construction period is similar and hence the duration of potential air and noise impacts is similar to Concept A. Excellent capability in reducing potential environmental footprint as facilitated by better flexibility and capacity to introduce environmental-friendly infrastructure and technology to improve long-term sustainability, such as energy saving associated with building envelop in lowering the overall thermal transfer value. |
Impact to Existing Operations |
Concept A involves phased delivery of the building extension in such a way as to permit the existing T2 building to continue to function and meet the operational demand throughout the construction period, with minimal impact on the existing T1. |
With additional T1 terminal facilities under planning, operational demand throughout the construction period will be maintained. |
Programming |
Total duration approx. 87 months |
Total duration approx. 87 months |
Benefits / Dis-Benefits – Terminal 2 Expansions
Benefit / Dis-Benefit – Terminal 2 Road Network Options
Selection of Preferred Scenario – T2 Expansion and associated Road
ˇ Unidirectional passenger flow from AEL station / departures kerb to the Check-In Hall, similar to T1;
ˇ Entire Check-in Hall is under a new roof design with high headroom comparable to T1;
ˇ More spacious and airy ‘Meeters and Greeters’ Hall and Baggage Reclaim Hall; and
ˇ No encroachment on AWE Phase 2 expansion area and minor encroachment on the NCD development site with Road Network Option F.
ˇ Road Network Option F is identified as the option with the least environmental
ˇ Less disturbance to T2 passengers and operation staff in respect of dust and noise, with check-in and daily operation related activities to be redirected away from the construction site in T2;
ˇ More potential to improve long-term sustainability since Concept F
has excellent capability in reducing potential environmental footprint as
facilitated by better flexibility and capacity to introduce
environmental-friendly infrastructure and technology; and
ˇ Less building energy demand (due to improved operational efficiency).
ˇ Conventional dredging/non-dredging
ˇ Piled Structures
ˇ Semi-buoyant Construction
ˇ Floating Structures
Table 3.13: Summary of Land Formation
Process / Technology |
Operating Principles |
General Evaluation |
Environmental Benefit / Dis-benefit |
Conventional dredging / non-dredging |
This involves construction of conventional land formation retained by seawalls, with dredging/non-dredging as the method to enable improvement of the ground that underlies the land formation and seawalls |
This type of conventional land formation has a proven track record for application in Hong Kong. The non-dredge method has been recently successfully applied in Hong Kong and is also considered to be a reliable and cost-effective approach for large-scale land formation. |
Ground improvement works via dredging and disposal of marine sediment will generate substantial sediment plumes with its associated adverse impacts to water quality and marine ecology, as well as large volumes of waste needing off-site disposal. Furthermore, dredging method would not be permitted within the CMP area. Due to the environmental impacts associated with this option, conventional dredging for land formation has been discouraged by the Hong Kong Government. Conversely, non-dredge methods can substantially reduce the environmental impacts compared with the conventional dredging method. Disturbance of the CMPs would be minimised by adoption of ground improvement via in-situ soil / cement mixing methods (i.e. Deep Cement Mixing). |
Piled Structures |
A structural platform supported by installation of conventional piles |
This method has been successfully trialled as part of the land formation for similar projects overseas. However, comparing the long-term maintenance requirements of the piled structures, this option is not considered to be cost-effective compared to other options. |
This method has the benefit of reducing the permanent changes to hydrodynamics that would result from the new land formation. However, application of marine piling has the potential to directly disturb the CMPs (whereby some of the material will be excavated and will require disposal) and widespread application would also generate substantial underwater noise impacts. |
Semi-buoyant Construction |
Semi-buoyant construction involves using light-weight fill such as expanded polystyrene (EPS) blocks |
The use of light-weight fill has been considered within the context of a conventional land formation and is a variation on the type of fill which could be used, but previous applications elsewhere were generally small scale and within an onshore environment. The scope for application in a marine environmental is limited and would also not be cost-effective. |
There are no significant environmental benefits or dis-benefits associated with this method as this method relates to the filling materials only and must be adopted in conjunction with conventional land formation. The environmental benefits / dis-benefits associated with this method are thus dependent on the conventional land formation method (dredging / non-dredging). |
Floating Structures |
Large buoyant structures secured in place by anchors and linked together to form a continuous platform |
This option has been successfully applied to relatively small areas for light aircraft, however, the response of such a platform to severe climatic conditions and for landing / take-off of large commercial aircraft has yet to be proven. To ensure safety and operational requirements are met, extensive and long-term testing would be required, which makes this option unfavourable both in terms of cost and programme implications. |
This method has the benefit of reducing the permanent changes to hydrodynamics that would result from the new land formation. |
Design Assumptions, Criteria and Constraints
ˇ Use of non-dredge methods only – whereby ground improvement must be done in-situ without the bulk removal of marine sediment, which will limit the release of sediment plumes during the construction phase. This will greatly reduce the potential for adverse construction-related water quality impacts and associated impacts to marine ecology. The bulk removal and disposal of dredged materials would also be avoided, thereby reducing the amount of waste generated during construction phase.
ˇ Minimal disturbance to CMPs – whereby ground improvement options proposed for the CMP areas would also take into account the risk of contaminant release from the CMPs and avoid or minimise such releases wherever possible.
Review of Ground Improvement Options
Table 3.14: Summary of Ground
Improvement Techniques that have been considered
Process/Technology |
Operating Principles |
Cylindrical Steel Cell Cofferdam |
Installation of cylindrical steel cells to create a contiguous structure. Primarily applicable for seawalls but could be used for providing confinement. The use of steel cells to create the core of the seawall would provide retention to land formation fill more quickly than can be achieved using conventional rubble mound seawall structures. |
Deep Soil Cement Mixing (DCM) |
Process by which cement is mixed into soil to produce a cemented soil compound with higher strength and stiffness than the original soil. |
Deep-well Dewatering |
Inducing water flow from the clay by pumping out from the sand layers above or below. Pumping from the upper layer draws down water and increases the surcharge weight. |
Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVDs) |
Installation of synthetic strips of permeable construction to reduce the drainage paths within the soil to be treated and serve as a conduit to the sand drainage layer for extruded pore water. Application of a surcharge accelerates extrusion. |
Electro-osmosis |
Using an electric current to set up an electrolytic environment in which water is directed towards the cathode, causing consolidation as it migrates from the soil body. |
Green-treated Mud |
Excavation of marine sediment and contaminated spoil, treating with cement slurry to improve stiffness and strength, then replacing in the land formation foundation, all inside a watertight cofferdam surrounding the entire site. |
Leachate Confinement Lagoons (for CMPs only) |
Consolidating the spoil in the CMPs using PVDs and surcharge within watertight cofferdams, with collection and treatment of the extruded pore water |
Sand Compaction Piles (SCPs) |
These are vertical sand columns that are similar to vertical sand piles, with the sand compacted during installation. |
Stone Columns |
Creation of columns of compacted aggregate by the displacement method using vibroflots |
Vacuum Consolidation |
Similar to PVDs, except that the soil surcharge is replaced by a negative pressure provided by a pump operating within the sealed environment of the drainage blanket. |
Vertical Sand Drains |
Vertical sand columns installed by displacement method and designed to perform a similar function to PVDs. |
Evaluation of Ground Improvement Options
Table 3.15: Summary of Initial Ground
Improvement Evaluation
Process/Technology |
Evaluation Summary |
Applicable Areas |
Cylindrical Steel Cell Cofferdam |
Only applicable to seawall construction, with ground improvement in conjunction with DCM, SCP or stone columns. Provides significant programme advantages for seawall advancement as it can form part of the seawall core and act as a temporary seawall. |
Seawalls outside CMPs |
Deep Cement Mixing (DCM) |
Deep cement mixing is a well-documented process which is carried out widely in Japan, Korea, the US and Europe to improve the strength and stiffness of soft marine sediments. Provides strong foundations and demonstrated to have minimal release of suspended sediment and pore water, therefore is considered suitable for application within the CMPs. This method would also be suitable for application outside the CMPs, but would be less cost-effective compared to other viable options. |
All areas |
Deep-well Dewatering |
The use of deep wells has been considered in conjunction with PVDs as an alternative approach to the provision of a surcharge. However, since the surcharge will be applied as a “rolling surcharge”, this technique would only benefit the surcharging of the last areas of land formation to be treated, to minimise the disposal of surplus material. |
Not generally applicable |
Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVDs) |
PVDs are a proven technique for
improvement of soft foundation clays below land formation in |
Electro-osmosis |
Variant of PVD whereby an electric current is applied to extract water from the soils. It is not suitable for use under the runway and seawalls for the same reasons as applies to PVDs, but is in a similar position to vacuum consolidation when considering general land formation, since the extracted water can be collected as part of the extraction process and treated before discharge. |
Green-treated Mud |
The process of confined excavation, treatment with cement and re-deposition requires ex-situ storage and does not strictly comply with the principles of non-dredge method. Even though this excavation might be carried out within a watertight cofferdam made of circular steel cylinders, there are significant potential environmental impacts arising for the excavation, since the material will need to be handled twice and stored temporarily during the process. |
None |
Leachate Confinement Lagoons |
Containment of extruded pore water using PVD method, hence may be suitable for application at CMPs. The extruded water needs to be collected and either treated on site or taken to a bespoke facility for treatment before being discharged. This technique does not have the potential to provide a robust foundation for the runway and is not suitable for use in fast-tracked seawall foundation treatment. Therefore it would be limited to land formation within the CMPs. |
Sand Compaction Piles (SCPs) |
Strong record of applicable in seawall foundations, but does not provide a robust foundation for the runway, and also a source of pore water extrusion, hence unsuitable for application at CMPs. |
Seawalls and general land outside CMPs |
Stone Columns |
Stone columns are similar to vertical sand
drains, but use aggregate instead of sand to form reinforcing columns through
the soft clay. It is a relatively straightforward and cost-effective way of
improving the strength and stiffness of soft clay and have been used
successfully in |
All areas outside CMPs |
Vacuum Consolidation |
Variant of PVD performed in the context of extruding pore water through the application of a negative pressure to the PVDs and drainage blanket using pumps. This method is not suitable for use underwater, but could be applied inside watertight cofferdams after they had been pumped out. Extruded pore water can be collected for treatment before discharge, hence may be suitable for application at CMPs. |
General land inside and outside CMPs |
Vertical Sand Drains |
Similar to PVD, but are installed via a displacement method that is also likely to cause significant seabed heave and disturbance. However, this method would be suitable for transitions between zones improved by methods with significant settlement differences, to offer improved control of differential settlements between the zones of markedly different stiffness. |
ˇ Deep-well Dewatering – only applicable as an alternative to the provision of surcharge for PVD-treated areas and does not offer much benefit compared to conventional surcharge, hence not considered further.
ˇ Electro-Osmosis – generally offers no significant advantages compared to other options for general land either within or outside of the CMPs, and necessitates the removal and treatment of contaminated pore water, hence not considered further.
ˇ Green-Treated Mud – not strictly a non-dredge method, involving additional engineering works to create a stable cofferdam and involves ex-situ storage and treatment, hence may be associated with additional environmental impacts.
ˇ Leachate-Confinement Lagoons – necessitates the removal and treatment of large volumes of contaminated water and generally offers no significant advantages compared to other options either within or outside of the CMPs, hence not considered further.
ˇ Vacuum Consolidation – not considered to be practicable as it requires construction of a ‘seal’ (e.g. cofferdam, sheet piles or diaphragm wall) to achieve an effective vacuum in the marine sediment, and consequently brings no benefit over conventional surcharge.
Benefit / Dis-Benefit – Ground Improvement Options
Table 3.16: Summary of Environmental
Process / Technology |
Environmental Benefit |
Environment Dis-benefit |
Cylindrical Steel Cell Cofferdam |
Generally not associated with significant sediment release or underwater noise impact. |
No significant environmental dis-benefits associated with this method, but must be adopted in conjunction with other ground improvement methods. |
Deep Cement Mixing (DCM) |
This method has been demonstrated to have minimal release of suspended sediment and pore water (based on overseas applications), therefore is considered suitable for application both within and outside the CMPs. |
Full scale application and its effects on water quality has yet to be proven. |
Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVDs) |
Generally not associated with significant sediment release or underwater noise impact. |
Creates conduits for pore water release. |
Sand Compaction Piles (SCPs) |
Generally not associated with significant sediment release or underwater noise impact. |
Creates conduits for pore water release. |
Stone Columns |
Generally not associated with significant sediment release or underwater noise impact. |
Creates conduits for pore water release. |
Vertical Sand Drains |
Generally not associated with significant sediment release or underwater noise impact. |
Creates conduits for pore water release. |
Selection of Preferred Scenario – Ground Improvement Options
ˇ All CMP areas – only the DCM method is considered to be acceptable for ground improvement within the CMPs as it can meet the required foundation requirements for any land use type and it does not involve removal of the contaminated mud or lead to active extrusion of a large amount of pore water from the CMPs. A small amount of pore water may be extruded from the muds between DCM columns during surcharge (equivalent to the amount of settlement in-between DCM columns), but this is substantially less than for any other ground improvement method (settlement between DCM columns is anticipated to be only 0.3 m, which is approx. 95% less compared to other ground improvement options such as PVD). A previous DCM trial conducted in Hong Kong also did not indicate any release of contaminated pore water from the CMPs, hence the adoption of this method is the most environmentally-preferable solution for ground improvement of the CMPs.
ˇ Runway (non-CMP areas) – both the DCM and stone columns / vertical sand drains / SCP method can meet the more stringent foundation requirements for the runway and does not involve the dredging of soft marine deposit, hence these are both viable options for ground improvement beneath the runway strip.
ˇ Seawalls (non-CMP areas) – DCM, stone columns / vertical sand drains / SCP and steel cells are considered to be the primary options for seawall construction that can meet the foundation requirements (and does not involve the dredging of soft marine deposit), whereby different areas of seawalls may be subject to different ground improvement methods depending on location and programme requirements.
ˇ General Land Formation Areas – All ground improvement methods in the General Land Areas are based on the no-dredging approaches. Among the various methods, PVD has been identified as the recommended option for this area (outside of CMPs) as it has clear performance (e.g. quicker installation rate) and cost advantages compared to the other options and it has been widely adopted for other land formation projects in Hong Kong. The stone columns / vertical sand drains / SCP options were retained as potential secondary methods, while DCM remains the only viable ground improvement method for areas within CMPs, but may also be applied in areas outside the CMPs.
Table 3.17: Recommended
Ground Improvement Methods
Facility |
Location |
Proposed Ground Improvement Method |
Runway |
Inside CMPs |
Outside CMPs |
Stone columns / SCP / Vertical
sand drains / DCM |
Seawalls |
Inside CMPs |
Outside CMPs |
Steel Cells / Stone Columns / SCP
/ Vertical sand drains |
General Land Formation |
Inside CMPs |
Outside CMPs |
Stone Columns / SCP / Vertical
sand drains1 |
Design Assumptions, Criteria and Constraints
Review and Evaluation of Seawall Design Options
Table 3.18: Summary
of Seawall Design Options
Seawall Type |
Summary of Issues / Performance |
Engineering |
Environmental Benefits / Dis-benefits |
Other Considerations (e.g. constraints, programme, costs) |
Sloping Seawalls |
Rockfill sloping seawall built on mound core |
Straightforward to construct and maintain |
Allows reuse of rock armour from existing northern seawall to minimise waste generation Potential habitat for marine ecology |
Sourcing of rock required |
Precast concrete shapes sloping seawall built on mound core |
Straightforward to construct and maintain |
Potential habitat for marine ecology |
Off-site fabrication required |
Circular steel cell cofferdam with sloping rockfill seawall outside |
Ground improvement required to the front and rear of each cell Corrosion protection required |
Allows reuse of rock armour from existing northern seawall to minimise waste generation Potential habitat for marine ecology |
Increases programme efficiency Sourcing of steel supply |
Rockfill sloping seawall built on mound core with pile foundations |
Requires underwater connection of base slab and pile |
Allows reuse of rock armour from existing northern seawall to minimise waste generation Potential habitat for marine ecology Underwater noise from pile installation |
Slow construction rate Sourcing of rock required |
Rockfill sloping seawall built on jacket-type structure with pile foundations |
Requires underwater assembly of jacket and precast elements Corrosion protection required |
Allows reuse of rock armour from existing northern seawall to minimise waste generation Potential habitat for marine ecology Underwater noise from pile installation |
Fast construction rate High risk from sourcing and underwater assembly |
Seawalls |
Vertical seawall with wave energy dissipation chambers |
Requires good quality control and regular inspection Internal repairs difficult |
No / insignificant marine ecological value |
Off-site fabrication required |
Vertical blockwork-type seawall |
Straightforward to construct and maintain High wave reflectivity |
No / insignificant marine ecological value |
Slow construction rate |
Vertical seawall using large steel pipe pile walls |
Relatively straightforward to construct Corrosion protection required |
No / insignificant marine ecological value Underwater noise from pile installation |
Fast construction rate Sourcing of steel supply High capital cost and maintenance cost |
Vertical seawall using circular steel cofferdam |
On-site joining of steel cells required Corrosion protection required |
No / insignificant marine ecological value Underwater noise from pile installation |
Fast construction rate Sourcing of steel supply High capital cost and maintenance cost |
Selection of Preferred Scenario – Seawall Design Options
of Marine Piling Options
ˇ For approach lights on the western end (outside CMP area): inclined pre-bored H piles, driven H piles, and large diameter bored piles
ˇ For approach lights on the eastern end (within CMP area): inclined pre-bored H piles, driven H piles, and large diameter bored piles on DCM-improved seabed and sub-soil profile.
Table 3.19: Summary of Environmental Benefits / Dis-benefits Associated with the
Marine Piling Options
Option |
Environmental Benefit |
Environmental Dis-benefit |
Inclined pre-bored H piles |
Spoil removal would be comparatively less per pile than large diameter bored piles. Noise and vibration performance is similar to large diameter bored piles. |
Not preferable for use in CMP area. This method would result in more disturbance to the existing CMP sediment as piles will need to be inclined to resist the lateral load: thus the affected area would be greater than vertical piles. |
Large diameter bored piles |
For DCM-treated sediment in CMP areas, the affected area would be smaller compared to inclined pre-bored H piles. Noise and vibration performance is similar to inclined pre-bored H piles. |
Spoil removal would be comparatively more per pile in comparison to inclined pre-bored H piles. |
of Preferred Scenario – Marine Piling Options
Review of Existing Aviation Fuel Pipelines Arrangement
for Diversion of the Aviation Fuel Pipeline
Table 3.20: Options
for Submarine Aviation Fuel Pipeline Diversion
Option |
Description of Alignment |
Description of Construction Method |
Option 1 - Open Trench C-curve to West of Sha Chau |
The general alignment of the replacement pipelines can be laid from the verge area on the northern side of the Airport South Perimeter Road near the existing Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited (HAECO) hangar. To avoid encroaching onto the existing runway, the twin submarine fuel pipelines are aligned to run around the western side of the proposed runway, beyond the future runway approach lights, then up to the Sha Chau jetty. The pipeline connection will be similar to the existing pipeline system at the Sha Chau AFRF. |
Conventional open trench installation where 10m deep trench below the seabed will be excavated by barge excavator followed by pipe lay-barge. Short pipe strings can be prefabricated on-shore and further welded onboard the lay-barge depending upon the progress of the trench excavation. The trench will then be backfilled with rock armour for protection. The total length of this diversion is approximately 9 km with 4 km to be laid within the Sha Chau Marine Park. |
The replacement pipelines start from the verge on the north of the Airport South Perimeter Road near the existing HAECO hangar, in order to avoid encroaching onto the existing runway operation. The proposed fuel pipelines then run around the western side of the third runway, beyond the future runway approach lights, then re-route to the east around the proposed third runway to minimise interruption within the Sha Chau Marine Park. The pipeline connection will be at the Sha Chau AFRF. |
The construction method for Option 2 will be similar to that for Option 1. The total length of this diversion is approximately 10 km, of which 0.5 km will be laid within the Sha Chau Marine Park. |
Option 3 - Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) from Airport to Sha Chau |
This option involves the installation of the two new fuel pipelines by the HDD method through the bedrock. The new fuel pipelines will surface near the Sha Chau AFRF. The pipework can then be connected along the existing footbridge and further routed to AFRF. |
The construction method will utilise the HDD technique, which involves the installation of pipes, conduits, and cables in a shallow arc using a surface-launched drilling rig and a steerable down hole system commonly used in drilling oil and gas wells. The total length of this diversion route is approximately 5 km. |
of Aviation Fuel Pipeline Options
Table 3.21: Review
of Technical and Environmental Considerations for Pipeline Diversion
Option |
Technical Considerations |
Environmental Benefits / Dis-benefits |
Option 1 - Open Trench C-curve to West of Sha Chau |
Design: straightforward, no specific risks. Construction: main construction risks include, pipe buckling, pipe being struck by anchors during construction. Risks for the permanent installation include scour of the seabed, potential rock armour exposure and subsequent pipe undermined. Inspection and Maintenance: regular inspection of the pipeline required. Maintenance may be problematic and may require re-exposure of pipes. |
Water Quality: high potential for water quality impact due to sediment release from trench dredging activities. Marine Ecology: high potential for marine ecological impact with 4 km of alignment within the Marine Park area. Waste: approx. 3,120,000 m3 of dredged materials will be generated by the approx. 9 km long trench dredging activities. Potential need for disposal of contaminated sediment. |
Option 2 - Open Trench S-curve to East of Sha Chau |
Similar to Option 1. Additional risk of crossing the existing pipelines and the existing high voltage cables. |
Similar to Option 1. Encroachment into Marine Park is limited to 0.5 km, but longer alignment has potential to generate larger water quality impact. About 3,570,000 m3 of dredged materials will be generated by the approx. 10 km long trench dredging activities. |
Option 3 - Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) from Airport to Sha Chau |
Design: specialist field and specialist contractors required. Construction: main construction risks include, leaking of bentonite at the loose material, rock suitability at Sha Chau, drilling problems, damaged pipe coating, and capture of bentonite on break through. Inspection and Maintenance: unlikely to require any maintenance once successfully installed. |
Water Quality: limited to localised areas at the launching and landing points for the drilling activities. Marine Ecology: no direct disturbance to seabed, but some direct disturbance on-land at the landing point. Some terrestrial ecology at Sheung Sha Chau may be affected. Waste: approximately 5,700 m3 of excavated materials will be generated, but would be suitable for reuse in the land formation. |
Preferred Aviation Fuel Pipeline
Review of
Existing Submarine 11 kV Cables Arrangement
for Diversion of the Submarine 11 kV Cables
Table 3.22: Options
for Submarine 11 kV Cable Diversion
Option |
Description of Alignment |
Description of Construction Method |
Option 1 - Direct bury from the airport to south of the Marine Park Boundary |
Option 1 is to lay cables from the west side of HKIA near South Perimeter Road to at least 500 m south of the Marine Park boundary by direct burying. The installation distance is approximately 6 km. |
The proposed
diversion cable will be laid by either open trench method or water jetting
method to about 5 m below the seabed. For open trench method, a trench will
be excavated and backfilled with aggregates. For installation by water
jetting method, no trench excavation is required and the trench would be
backfilled with the original seabed materials. A field joint will be made
outside the |
Option 2 - Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) from the airport to Sha Chau |
Option 2 is to install new cables through a drillhole which is formed by HDD. The drilling would start from the west of the airport directly to Sha Chau through the bedrock layer to about -60 mPD. The total drilling distance is approximately 4 km. |
The electric power cable and pilot cable will be pulled from the start point at the airport to the end point at Sha Chau. Cable ducts may be required inside the drillhole for drawing cables. |
Option 3A - Direct bury from the airport to the northwest of Sha Chau |
Option 3A is to
lay cables from the airport island to northwest side of the Sha Chau by
direct burying. This proposed cable alignment starts from the west side of
the airport near South Perimeter Road to Sha Chau with a length of
approximate 7 km. The proposed installation works will cross the |
The proposed diversion cable will be laid to 5 m below the seabed by either open trench method or water jetting method (similar to Option 1). |
Option 3B - Direct bury from the airport to the east of Sha Chau |
Option 3B is
similar to Option 3A, but the cables will be laid across the |
Similar to Option 1 and 3A |
Option 4 - Direct bury from Tuen Mun to the east of Sha Chau |
Option 4 is to lay the proposed cable from southwest of Tuen Mun to east of Sha Chau with a length at approximately 5 km long. The proposed landing point at Tuen Mun is at Eco Park where land of 6 m by 8 m in size would be available for the construction of a sub-station. |
Similar to Option 1, 3A and 3B |
of Submarine 11 kV Cable Options
Table 3.23: Review
of Technical and Environmental Considerations for Cable Diversion
Option |
Technical Considerations |
Environmental Benefits / Dis-benefits |
Option 1 - Direct bury from the airport to south of the Marine Park Boundary |
Field joint works would require temporary suspension of power to Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau islands. Arrangements for temporary power supply would be required. |
Water Quality: medium potential for water quality impact due to sediment release. Marine Ecology:
medium potential for marine ecological impact, however, all construction
activities will take place outside the Waste: some excavated materials (approximately 10,200 m3) will be generated at the field joint and will require disposal. |
Option 2 - Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) from the airport to Sha Chau |
This option is not considered to be technically feasible due to the high tension capacity requirements for pulling the power cables across approx. 5 km. High risk of damage to power cables during installation. |
As this option is not technically feasible, no further consideration is made. |
Option 3A - Direct bury from the airport to the northwest of Sha Chau |
No major technical issue. |
Similar to Option
1, but involves a longer alignment with direct impacts within the |
Option 3B - Direct bury from the airport to the east of Sha Chau |
Significantly longer alignment. Potential issues associated with repairs in high marine traffic areas and the need to cross the existing submarine cables. |
Similar to Option
3A, but with less direct impact to the |
Option 4 - Direct bury from Tuen Mun to the east of Sha Chau |
New substation required for this option. Landing location needs to be acquired. |
Similar to Option 3B, but the shorter alignment would create relatively less impact to marine habitat. Disposal of excavated materials / C&D waste may also be required at the landing point in Tuen Mun. |
Submarine 11 kV Cable Option
1. Airport Authority Hong Kong, Hong Kong International Airport, Airspace and Runway Capacity Study Phase 2, Deliverable P6, Final Runway Options Report, August 2008, NATS,
2. Civil Aviation Department, Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Aircraft Noise Management,
3. Airport Authority Hong Kong, Hong Kong International Airport, HKIA Master Plan 2030 Technical Report, July 2011,
4. Airport Authority Hong Kong, Hong Kong International Airport, Airspace and Runway Capacity Study Phase 1b, Deliverable P2, Final Report, December 2008, NATS,
5. Airport Authority Hong Kong, Hong Kong International Airport, Contract P132 – Engineering Feasibility and Environmental Assessment Study for Airport Master Plan 2030, Comparative Environmental Assessment Report, (Deliverable D1.8), May 2009, Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Limited,