This section provides a summary of the requirements of environmental
monitoring and audit (EM&A) for the construction and operational phases of
the Project and associated works based on the assessment results of the various
environmental issues. Details of the EM&A requirements are provided in a
stand-alone EM&A Manual.
Being an old design, the LRT does not meet the current standards in
various aspects including waterproofing, dimensions (e.g. headroom and width),
smoke extraction, evacuation, durability, Traffic Control and Surveillance
System (TCSS), etc.. Comprehensive rehabilitation of the two existing tunnel
tubes is needed to bring LRT up to current standard and extend its serviceable
years; thereby enhancing the tunnel environment and road safety level.
The purpose of the EM&A programme is to ascertain and verify the
assumptions implicit to, and accuracy of, EIA study predictions. The EM&A
programme includes the scope of the EM&A requirements for the Project to
ensure compliance with the EIA study recommendations and assess the
effectiveness of the recommended mitigation measures.
Construction Phase
EM&A for potential dust impact should be conducted during
construction phase so as to check compliance with the legislative
requirements. Details of the monitoring and audit programme are contained in a
stand-alone EM&A Manual.
Regular site audits for potential dust impact are recommended to be
conducted during the entire construction phase of the Project so as to ensure
the implementation of the dust mitigation measures proposed in this EIA Report
and the dust suppression measures stipulated in Air Pollution Control
(Construction Dust) Regulation, the use of approved or exempted non-road mobile
machinery stipulated in Air Pollution Control (Non-road Mobile Machinery)
(Emission) Regulation, and the use of appropriate fuel stipulated in Air
Pollution Control (Fuel Restriction) Regulation.
No adverse impact would be generated during the operation phase of the
Project. No EM&A requirement would be required during the operation of the
Construction Phase
Noise monitoring is recommended as part of the EM&A programme for
the construction phase of the Project to check compliance with the daytime
construction noise criterion. The implementation of the recommended mitigation
measures for daytime construction activities should also be audited as part of
the EM&A programme.
Operation Phase
Road traffic noise levels should be monitored at representative NSRs,
which are in the vicinity of the recommended direct mitigation measures, during the first year after road opening. The
purpose of the monitoring is to ascertain that the recommended mitigation
measures are effective in reducing the noise levels.
The assessment results indicated that fixed noise from ventilation
building operation would comply with the EIAO-TM criterion. However, as part
of the design process, monitoring of operational noise from the proposed fixed
plants at Kowloon side during the testing and commissioning stage would be
recommended to verify the compliance of the EIAO-TM criteria. For the proposed
tunnel ventilation building at Shatin side, since no NSRs are within the 300m
assessment boundary, no EM&A requirement is therefore deemed necessary.
The potential water quality impact from land-based construction works
can be controlled by the recommended mitigation measures. Nonetheless, a water
quality monitoring programme is recommended to ensure water quality will comply
with the relevant criterion and the recommended mitigation measures are
implemented properly. Details of the recommended water quality monitoring
requirements are provided in the EM&A Manual for the Project. Regular site
inspection and audit will be conducted to ensure that the recommended
mitigation measures are properly implemented during the construction stage.
The minor additional surface runoff will be collected and screened by
road drainage system before diverting into the storm water drains. No water
quality monitoring specific for operation phase of the Project is therefore
Waste Management Implication
Construction Phase
During the construction period, it is the Contractor’s responsibility to
ensure that all the waste produced during the construction of the Project are
handled, stored and disposed of in accordance with good waste management
practices, relevant legislation and waste management guidelines.
Waste materials generated during construction activities, such as
C&D materials, are recommended to be audited at regular intervals to ensure
that proper storage, transportation and disposal practices are implemented.
This measure ensures the proper disposal of waste. The Contractor would be
responsible for the implementation of any mitigation measures to minimize waste
or mitigate problems arisen from waste materials.
A Waste Management Plan (WMP), as part of the Environmental Management
Plan should be prepared in accordance with ETWB TC(W) No.19/2005 and submitted
to the Engineer for approval. The recommended mitigation measures should form
the basis of the WMP. The monitoring and auditing requirement stated in ETWB
TC(W) No.19/2005 should be followed with regard to the management of C&D
It is expected that limited quantities of waste would be generated from
the operation of the Project and adverse environmental impacts would not be
anticipated with the implementation of good waste management practices. Waste
monitoring and audit programme for the operation phase of the Project is not
Any environmental monitoring in relation to land remediation is not
required. However, regular site audit during construction phase is required to
ensure the implementation of proposed mitigation measures effectively.
The implementation of the recommended mitigation measures described in Section 8.10 should be subjected to monthly site
audit throughout the construction phase. The major ecological mitigation
measures proposed include avoidance/minimization impacts to recognized sites of
conservation importance and natural habitats, protection of flora and fauna
species of conservation importance, minimization of glare, air quality, noise,
water quality and disturbance impact, minimization of groundwater infiltration
and compensatory planting for unavoidable woodland loss. The monitoring
requirements are stated in sections below. In case of non-compliance,
the Contractor should be informed to strengthen the proposed mitigation
measures accordingly. Details of environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A)
requirements are discussed in the EM&A Manual.
Flora species of conservation importance recorded within the Project
footprint (e.g. Incense Tree, Butulang Canthium, Ailanthus, and Rhodoleia)
should be protected as far as possible. As a
mitigation measure, all the unavoidably affected individuals should be preserved
on site, transplanted or compensated to suitable habitat(s) nearby prior to the
commencement of works. A detailed vegetation survey should be conducted by a qualified
ecologist / botanist with at least 10 years relevant
experience to identify and record the affected individuals before the
commencement of works. Details of monitoring programme and remedial measures recommended
in the Preliminary Plant Preservation and Transplantation Proposal (PPTP) in Appendix 8.7 should
be reviewed and updated by a qualified ecologist / botanist with at least 10
years relevant experience to formulate a Final PPTP. Agreement
/ approval of the Final PPTP should be obtained from relevant government
authorities (e.g. AFCD and EPD) prior to commencement of any construction
of Mitigation Measures on Protection of Fauna Species of Conservation
Although no direct impact on fauna species of conservation importance is
anticipated, pre-construction survey should be conducted by qualified ecologist
with at least 10 years relevant experience to identify if any fauna species of
conservation importance is presented within and in the surrounding of the
Project footprint (e.g. section of S7 near the Shatin portal area). A
Pre-construction Fauna Survey Report prepared by a qualified ecologist with at
least 10 years relevant experience would be submitted to relevant government
authorities (e.g. AFCD and EPD). A Protection and Translocation Proposal (PTP)
should be prepared by a qualified ecologist with at least 10 years relevant
experience, where appropriate, to present detailed findings of potentially
affected fauna within the impacted habitats (e.g. species and number of
affected individuals), propose protection and translocation methodology (e.g.
protection measure, timing of the translocation, implementation programme) and
monitoring and maintenance programme. The PTP should be submitted and approved
by relevant government authorities (e.g. AFCD and EPD) prior to commencement of
any construction activities.
To mitigate unavoidable impacts on the woodlands within LRCP, woodland
compensatory planting would be provided at the potential woodland compensation
area at an agricultural land habitat west to the Sha Tin South Fresh Water
Service Reservoir within the assessment area. The Preliminary Woodland Compensation Plan (WCP) in Appendix
8.10 should be reviewed and updated by a qualified ecologist /
arborist with at least 10 years relevant experience to prepare a Final WCP. The
Final WCP should include details of monitoring programme such as monitoring
frequency and parameters, and maintenance works. A monitoring programme should
be conducted by qualified ecologist / arborist with at least 10 years relevant
experience to monitor the health condition and survival of the woodland
compensatory. Monitoring on the health condition of the planted individuals at
woodland compensation area should be conducted during the planting and
establishment period which normally takes at least 9 years. Monitoring of the
planted individuals should be conducted bi-weekly in the first three months and
monthly in the remaining planting and establishment period. After the planting
and establishment period, monitoring of planted individuals should continue,
however the frequency would be reduced to once every 3 months during the
remainder of construction phase, if applicable. Parameters, such as health condition and survival of the
plant, presence of weedy plant, should be monitored. Maintenance
works (e.g. watering weeding, control of pests, replacement planting, etc.) should
also be conducted as necessary. Agreement / approval of the Final WCP
shall be obtained from relevant government authorities (e.g. AFCD and EPD)
prior to commencement of any construction activities.
on Mitigation Measures on Groundwater Infiltration
As stated in Section 5, it is anticipated
that the underground tunnel improvement works would not have adverse
groundwater infiltration impacts with proper implementation of groundwater
infiltration minimization measures. Nonetheless, as a precautionary measure, surface
water level monitoring at natural watercourses within LRCP,
Beacon Hill SSSI and in the vicinity of the tunnelling works would be
conducted during the construction and operation stages. Details of
environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) requirements are discussed in the
EM&A Manual.
Pre and post condition survey of Ex Kowloon Canton Railway Beacon Hill
Tunnel (Government Historic Site) should be conducted by professional qualified
building surveyor or engineer before and after the construction works
respectively. The survey results shall be submitted to AMO for record.
Monitoring of vibration, settlement and tilting incorporated with a set
of Alert, Alarm and Action (AAA) system shall be employed for Ex Beacon Hill
Tunnel (Government Historic Site) during the construction phase, measuring
inside the tunnel tube at locations closest to the proposed construction works.
The AAA limiting criteria are proposed, however, the actual limiting criteria
should be further agreed with the AMO. A monitoring proposal, including type
and frequency of monitoring, distribution of monitoring points and proposed
actions to be taken when reaching respective monitoring limits, should be
submitted to AMO for agreement before commencement of construction works. Record
of monitoring should be submitted regularly to AMO during the construction
phase. AMO should be alerted in case any irregularities are observed.
It is suggested that fonts on both sides of the portals of the two
tunnels, namely “Lion Rock Tunnel 獅子山隧道”
and “Second Lion Rock Tunnel 第二獅子山隧道”,
should be kept or replicated and placed on similar position as
the current setting. The colour scheme of associated buildings is
suggested to be adopted to the new administrative buildings in order to
maintain the original sentiment. Moreover, the two commemorative plaques marking
the opening ceremony of the tunnel should be kept at prominent position at the
new administrative buildings visible to all guests. Detailed
photographic recording on the Lion Rock Tunnel and its associated buildings
(both exterior and interior) should be conducted before any works to commence.
A copy of the photographic documentation should be provided to AMO for
No impact is anticipated to NB10 to NB16 and NB21 identified within the
300m assessment area due to considerable distance from proposed works. Hence,
no mitigation measure is required to be carried out on these buildings from the
point of view of cultural heritage.
Monitoring of vibration, settlement and tilting incorporated with a set
of AAA system shall be employed for NB17 to NB20 in the same fashion as the Ex
Beacon Hill Tunnel (Section 9.7.2 above).
As a precautionary measure, AMO should be informed immediately in case
of discovery of antiquities or supposed antiquities in the course of works, so
that appropriate mitigation measures, if needed, can be timely formulated and
implemented in agreement with AMO.
Site audit on landscape and visual aspects of the Project should be
carried out during the construction phase and the 12-month establishment period
during operation phase. The establishment and site audit for the off-site compensation
woodland should be carried out by the Project Proponent in accordance with the
requirements set out in the Final Woodland Compensation Plan.
Hazard to Life
Good safety practices are recommended to further manage and minimize the
potential risks during construction phase of the Project. Regular audit during
construction phase is recommended.