ecology (Terrestrial)
8.1.1 This
chapter presents an assessment of potential impacts on ecological resources within
the assessment area, and the results of assessment of the potential ecological
impacts resulting from the construction and operation of the proposed
improvement of Lion Rock Tunnel (LRT). According to the Technical
Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM), the baseline
conditions for the ecological components of the terrestrial environment were
evaluated based on information from available literature and field surveys
conducted for the purposes of this EIA. The potential impacts on any
ecologically sensitive receivers within the assessment area were
assessed. Measures required to mitigate any identified adverse impacts
were recommended, where appropriate, and residual impacts were assessed.
Legislation, Standards and Criteria
8.2.1 This assessment makes
reference to the following Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)
Government ordinances, regulations, standards, guidelines, and documents when
identifying ecological importance of habitats and species, evaluating and
assessing potential impacts of the Project on the ecological resources:
Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499), and its subsidiary legislation, which provides guidelines on the
environmental impact assessment process;
Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM)
Annex 8, which recommends the criteria to be used for evaluating habitat
and ecological impact;
EIAO-TM Annex 16, which sets out the general approach and methodology
for assessment of ecological impacts arising from a project or proposal, to
allow a complete and objective identification, prediction and evaluation of
the potential ecological impacts;
EIAO Guidance Note No. 3/2010 Flexibility and Enforceability of
Mitigation Measures. Proposed in an Environmental Impact Assessment Report,
which provides guiding principles on the approach to assess the recommended
environmental mitigation measures in EIA reports.
EIAO Guidance Note No. 7/2010 Ecological Baseline Survey for Ecological
Assessment, which provides general guidelines for conducting
ecological baseline surveys in order to fulfil requirements stipulated in the EIAO-TM.
EIAO Guidance Note No. 10/2010 Methodologies for Terrestrial and
Freshwater Ecological Baseline Surveys, which
introduces some methodologies in conducting terrestrial and freshwater
ecological baseline surveys in order to fulfil requirements stipulated in the EIAO-TM;
Country Parks Ordinance (Cap. 208), which provides
for the designation and management of country parks and special areas. Country
Parks are designated for the purpose of nature conservation, countryside
recreation and outdoor education. Special areas are created mainly for the
purpose of nature conservation.
Forests and Countryside Ordinance (Cap. 96),
which prohibits felling, cutting, burning or destroying of trees and growing
plants in forests and plantations on Government land. Related subsidiary
regulations prohibit the selling or possession of listed, restricted and
protected plant species.
Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap. 170),
under which the designated wild animals are protected from being hunted, whilst
their nests and eggs are protected from injury, destruction and removal. All
birds and most mammals, including marine cetaceans, are protected under this
Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap.
586), which gives effect to the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
in Hong Kong. It restricts the import and export of species listed in CITES
Appendices so as to protect wildlife from overexploitation or extinction. The
Ordinance is primarily related to controlling trade in threatened and
endangered species and restricting the local possession of them.
Town Planning Ordinance (Cap. 131), which
provides for the designation of Coastal Protection Areas, Sites of Special
Scientific Interest, Conservation Area, Country Park, Green Belt or other
specified uses that promote conservation or protection of the environment.
Chapter 10 of the Hong Kong Planning Standard and Guidelines (HKPSG),
which covers planning considerations relevant to conservation. This chapter
details the principles of conservation, the conservation of natural landscape
and habitats, historic buildings, archaeological sites and other antiquities.
It also describes enforcement issues. The appendices list the legislation and
administrative controls for conservation, other conservation related measures
in Hong Kong and Government departments involved in conservation.
Development Bureau (DEVB) TC(W) No. 4/2020 Tree Preservation – sets
out the policy on tree preservation, and the procedures for control of tree
felling, transplanting and pruning in Government projects.
Drainage Services Department Practice Note No. 1/2015 Guidelines on
Environmental and Ecological Considerations for River Channel Design –
presents the environmental considerations that should be taken into account and
incorporated whenever practicable in design of river channels.
Environment, Transport and Works Bureau (ETWB) Technical Circular (Works)
No. 5/2005 Protection of Natural Streams/rivers from Adverse Impacts Arising
from Construction Works – provide guidelines for the planning and execution
of construction works and for the vetting of public and private development
proposals that affect natural rivers and streams, i.e. including those not
classified as environmentally sensitive.
8.2.2 This section also makes
reference to the following international conventions and national legislation:
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of
Threatened Species, which provides taxonomic, conservation status and
distribution information on taxa that have been evaluated using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.
This system is designed to determine the relative risk of extinction, and the
main purpose of the IUCN Red List is to catalogue and highlight those
taxa that are facing a higher risk of global extinction. The IUCN Red
List also includes information on taxa that are either close to meeting the
threatened thresholds or that would be threatened were it not for an ongoing
taxon-specific conservation programme.
The List of Wild Plants and Wild Animals Under Special State Protection
– lists detailed Class I and Class II key protected animals and plant species
under the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of
Wildlife. The list was last updated in February 2020.
The Convention on Biological Diversity (the CBD), which
opened for signature at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 with three main
objectives: to conserve biodiversity, to ensure sustainable use of the
components of biodiversity, and to share the benefits arising from the use of
genetic resources in a fair and equitable manner. There are currently over 190
Parties to the Convention, including China. In May 2011, the CBD was formally
extended to Hong Kong. The Environment Bureau and the Agriculture, Fisheries
and Conservation Department have embarked on an exercise to develop a
city-level Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP) under the CBD.
Assessment Area
Literature Review
8.3.2 The ecological
characteristics of the assessment area were identified through a comprehensive
review of the available literature, as shown in Table 8.1 below.
Table 8.1
Baseline Information of Ecological Resources in the Assessment Area
Relevant Literature
Terrestrial Ecology
Habitat and Vegetation
Freshwater Communities
(1) Revised Trunk Road T4 in Sha Tin (CEDD, 2021)
(2) In-situ Reprovisioning of Sha Tin Water
Treatment Works - South Works (WSD, 2014)
(3) Shatin to Central Link - Tai Wai to Hung Hom
Section (MTRC, 2011)
(4) Trunk Road T4 in Sha Tin (CEDD, 2004)
(5) Hong
Kong Biodiversity Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Newsletter (AFCD, 2006a)
(6) Data extracted
from 2002 – 2019 Territory-wide long-term monitoring survey on major taxon
(AFCD, 2020a (unpublished data))
Ecological Survey
Six-month Ecological Field Survey Conducted in 2020
8.3.3 Based on the review of the
findings of relevant studies and available information, ecological surveys were
carried out to fill information gaps identified, verify the information
collected, and to fulfil the requirements of the EIA Study according to the EIA
Study Brief No. ESB-323/2019. A six-month ecological field survey
(covering both dry and wet seasons) was undertaken from February 2020 to July
Additional Field Surveys Conducted between 2020 and
8.3.4 Given the changes
of the proposed layout of the improvement works for Lion Rock Tunnel, additional field surveys were conducted in between May 2020 and
January 2022 to collect and verify the ecological baseline
information of the additional Project footprint that would be potentially affected under the
Project (e.g. woodland near LRT toll plaza, LRT
portals at Sha Tin and Kowloon,
woodlands and engineered slopes along Lion
Rock Tunnel Road (LRTR) and natural
terrain hazard mitigation measures
(NTHMM) near LRTR within LRCP).
8.3.5 Table 8.2 summarizes the survey programme
of six-month ecological field surveys and additional field surveys conducted
from 2020 to 2022. Reference were made to the EIAO Guidance Note No. 7/2010 and
EIAO Guidance Note No.10/2010 and the methodologies adopted for the above
surveys are described below.
Table 8.2 Survey
Programme of Six-month Ecological Field Surveys and Additional Field Surveys
Dry Season
Wet Season
Dry Season
Wet Season
Dry Season
Feb 2020
Mar 2020
Apr 2020 *
May 2020
Jun 2020
Jul 2020
Jan 2021
Apr 2021*
Jan 2022
Six-month Ecological Field Surveys
and Vegetation
Ardeid Night
Roost and Pre-Roost Survey
and Odonate
(Day and Night)
(Day and Night)
Additional Field Surveys
and Vegetation
(Day and Night)
and Odonate
(Day and Night)
Mammal (Day
and Night)
The ticks (ü) denote the timing of the
surveys for the faunal or floral groups assessed under the Project
* Transitional months
Habitat Mapping and Vegetation Survey
8.3.6 Based on the review of aerial
photographs, the latest countryside series maps and previous literature,
terrestrial habitats within the assessment area were preliminary identified,
sized and mapped. A habitat map of suitable scale (1:5000) showing the
types and locations of terrestrial habitats within the assessment area was
prepared accordingly. Ground truthing exercise of the assessment area was
undertaken in accessible areas and paths of different habitat types (as per the
walk transects presented in 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.1.1 to 60604728/R42b/Figure
to check and verify each identified habitat, with particular attention on the
Project site. During habitat surveys, ecological characteristics of each
habitat type, including size, vegetation type, species presence, dominant species
found, species diversity and abundance, community structure, ecological value
and inter-dependence of the habitats and species, and presence of any features
of ecological importance were defined and characterized. Binoculars and
aerial photographs were used to observe ecological structure of inaccessible
areas. Representative photographs of the habitat types and/or any
important ecological features identified were taken.
8.3.7 Potential watercourses within
the assessment area were identified from maps published by the Survey and
Mapping Office of Lands Department and checked and mapped out during ground
truthing, with particular attention to potential seasonal patterns as evidenced
by presence of surface flowing water.
8.3.8 Vegetation surveys were
conducted by direct observation to record diversity and dominance of plant
species present in different habitat types. The location of any plant
species of conservation importance was recorded. Identification of flora
species and status in Hong Kong was made with reference to Corlett et al.
(2000), Hu et al. (2003), Hong Kong Herbarium (2012), and Hong Kong
Herbarium and South China Botanical Garden (2007; 2008; 2009; 2011).
Avifauna Survey
8.3.9 The presence and abundance of
avifauna species at various habitats were recorded visually and aurally.
Avifauna within the assessment area was surveyed during daytime (between early
mornings and late evenings) and night-time (after dusk) quantitatively using transect
count method (refer to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.1.1 to 60604728/R42b/Figure
The location of any avifauna species of conservation importance encountered was
recorded, along with notable behaviour (e.g. breeding behaviour such as nesting
and presence of recently fledged juveniles, roosting, and feeding
activities). Night-time avifauna surveys were also undertaken to survey
nocturnal avifauna species. Ornithological nomenclature in this report
followed Carey et al. (2001), Viney et al. (2005) and the most
recently updated list from the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society.
Ardeid Night Roost and Pre-Roost Survey
8.3.10 The trees at banks along Shing Mun River Channel (SMRC),
which is located approximately 630 m from the nearest Project boundary, are
known to support night roosts for ardeids (60604728/R42b/Figure 8.1.3
refers). Ardeid night roost and pre-roost survey at the vantage point was
conducted to confirm the status and location of existing and potential night
roost and pre-roost sites of ardeid along SMRC. The survey started from
approximately an hour before sunset and last until nightfall, which is the peak
period of ardeid activities at the night roost and pre-roost sites. The
exact time of sunset on the date of survey referred to the Hong Kong
Butterfly and Odonate Survey
8.3.11 Butterflies and odonates (dragonflies and damselflies)
within the assessment area were surveyed using transect count method (refer to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.1.1 to 60604728/R42b/Figure
for survey transects). Larvae and pupae of butterflies were actively searched.
For odonates, special attention was given to their potential habitats such as
watercourses and ponds. The surveys were conducted at suitable weather
condition to avoid overcast weather when the butterfly and odonate were less
active. Most species observed were identified to species level.
Relative abundance of butterfly, dragonfly and damselfly were recorded.
Nomenclature of butterfly followed Lo and Hui (2010) and nomenclature of
dragonfly and damselfly follows Reels (2019) and Tam et al. (2011).
Herpetofauna Survey
8.3.12 Herpetofauna (i.e. amphibians and reptiles) within the
assessment area were surveyed during daytime and night-time along walk
transects (refer to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.1.1 to 60604728/R42b/Figure
Potential microhabitats (e.g. leaf litter, underneath of rotten logs) were
searched. All reptiles and amphibians sighted or heard were
recorded. Amphibian survey were conducted whenever possible on evenings
following or during periods of rainfall, focusing on areas suitable for
amphibians (e.g. woodlands, shrublands, grasslands, streams, if any).
Records of calling amphibians formed the bulk of the data were collected, but
this was also supplemented when possible by visual observation of eggs,
tadpoles and adults.
8.3.13 During reptile surveys, careful searches of appropriate
microhabitats and refugia (e.g. stones, pond bunds, crevices, leaf
litter/debris, rotten logs) were undertaken. All reptiles observed were
identified as far as practicable. Night-time surveys were also conducted
to survey nocturnal reptiles. In addition to active searching,
observation of exposed, basking or foraging reptiles were recorded.
8.3.14 Nomenclature of amphibian and reptile followed Chan et
al. (2005) and Karsen et al. (1998), respectively.
Terrestrial Mammal Survey
8.3.15 Surveys were conducted on areas which might potentially be
utilized by terrestrial mammals. The surveys focused on searching for
field signs such as droppings, footprints, diggings or burrows left by larger
terrestrial mammals along walk transects (refer to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.1.1 to 60604728/R42b/Figure
Mammal identification were made as accurate as possible from the field signs
encountered. In addition, mammal directly observed were identified as far
as practicable. Nomenclature of mammal follows Shek (2006a). Flying
mammals (e.g. bat species) were also taken into account during the mammal
8.3.16 Bat surveys were undertaken by an experienced surveyor
equipped with an ultrasonic bat detector, with calls recorded for later
analysis with computer software. The bat species were also located by
direct sighting, and field observation (e.g. their behaviour, such as flying
pattern and height, size of bat species, nearby habitats, etc.) were recorded
to aid in the identification of the bat species as far as practicable.
Freshwater Communities Survey
8.3.17 Freshwater communities were surveyed via active searching,
direct observation, hand netting and kick sampling at permanently-flowing
streams within assessment area. Representative sampling locations (refer
to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.1.1 to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.1.3) were
selected for surveys, with emphasis placed on the watercourses with continual flow and located at and in close proximity to the project footprint
which are susceptible to potential impacts arising from the Project.
Active searching, direct observation and hand netting would be used to survey
freshwater fish. During the freshwater communities surveys, rock within
the streams, if any, were turned over to locate any aquatic animals beneath
where necessary. Hand netting and kick sampling were used to survey
benthic macroinvertebrates in shallow fast-flowing streams. Organisms
encountered were recorded and identified to the lowest possible taxon level.
Boulders were returned to their original location and orientation. All
organisms collected were released to the point of collection after
identification. No unnecessary stress was exerted on the stream organisms
during the survey. The aforementioned survey
methodology is indicative in nature and were subject to change due to site
condition and accessibility upon the exercise of professional judgement during
the course of ecological survey. Nomenclature of freshwater fish and
invertebrate communities followed Lee et al. (2004) and Dudgeon (2003),
of Conservation Importance/Value and Impact Significance
Conservation Importance/Value
8.4.1 Impact significance is a
product of the magnitude and scale of an impact, and the conservation
importance/value of the species or habitat(s) likely to be affected.
Evaluation of ecological importance of the species and habitat(s) associated
with the assessment area was based on the criteria outlined in Tables 2 and 3 of
the EIAO-TM Annex 8.
8.4.2 Table 2 of Annex 8 (EIAO-TM)
specifies criteria for evaluating the importance of a site/habitat. This
includes: Naturalness; Size; Diversity; Rarity; Re-creatability; Fragmentation;
Ecological Linkage; Potential Value; Nursery/Breeding Ground; Age; and
Abundance/Richness of Wildlife. These criteria have been considered when
evaluating the importance of habitats recorded within the assessment area.
8.4.3 Table 3 of Annex 8 (EIAO-TM)
specifies three criteria by which species conservation importance may be
Protection status (local – Hong Kong; Chinese; or international), making
special reference to legally protected species and/or those under international
conventions for conservation;
Geographical distribution, with higher conservation value afforded to
species with more restricted geographical ranges (locally or regionally).
More weight shall be given to species which are endemic to Hong Kong or
South China; and
Rarity, with higher conservation value afforded to species which are
internationally “rare” than to species which are only regionally or locally
8.4.4 For the purpose of this
ecological assessment, species protection status is based on local, PRC and
international legislation, standards and guidelines, outlined in Section 8.2
8.4.5 The assessment of faunal
restrictedness and rarity has been based on the assessment by Fellowes et al.
(2002), PRC and international legislation and publications (e.g. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species). Fellowes et al. (2002) examines the local (Hong
Kong), regional (South China) and global restrictedness of native fauna species
occurring in a wild state in Hong Kong, combined with an assessment of the
vulnerability of populations, using the most reliable and up to date
information available at the time of writing, and assigns a rating to each
species accordingly. The following ratings are assessed: Local Concern
(LC), Regional Concern (RC) and Global Concern (GC).
8.4.6 Some species are considered
to be relatively secure in Hong Kong at present, but since the Hong Kong
population is of regional or global importance, all Hong Kong localities are of
potential regional and global importance, respectively. These species were
therefore assigned as either Potential Regional Concern (PRC) or Potential
Global Concern (PGC).
8.4.7 The Fellowes et al.
(2002) assessment also considers restrictedness in nesting and/or roosting
sites of a species. For the purpose of this ecological impact assessment would
be assessed as of having conservation importance, if they were recorded
nesting/roosting within the assessment area during the surveys.
Impact Significance
8.4.8 The potential ecological
impacts arising from the Project were assessed following the criteria outlined
in Table 1 of the EIAO TM Annex 8. This included:
Habitat Quality – particular emphasis was given to the evaluation of
Species – particular emphasis was given to the evaluation of species
Size/abundance – impacts of greater significance generally result where
a larger habitat area or greater species numbers are affected;
Duration – short-term and long-term impacts;
Reversibility – consideration of temporary reversible and permanent
irreversible impacts; and
Magnitude – consideration of the magnitude and scale of the Project
8.4.9 This also included
consideration of direct, indirect, secondary, cumulative, adverse and
beneficial impacts of the proposed development on the ecological resources.
of the Environment
Recognized Sites of Conservation Importance
Lion Rock Country Park
8.5.1 Lion Rock Country Park (LRCP)
situates in the upland region between North Kowloon and Sha Tin, and east of
Kam Shan Country Park. LRCP was designated in 1977 and covers a total
area of 557 ha. It comprises a narrow mountain range and the southern
slopes are covered with thin vegetation, while the northern slopes are
nourished by abundant streams and with rich diversity of flora (AFCD,
2019a). Approximately 198.88 ha of LRCP, including woodland (168.96 ha),
mixed woodland (6.67 ha), plantation (1.69 ha), shrubland (14.11 ha), developed
area (4.9 ha), natural watercourse (0.69 ha) and modified watercourse (1.86 ha)
habitats, falls within the assessment area south to the existing LRT Road
(refer to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.2.1 to 60604728/R42b/Figure
8.5.2 According to previous EIA
studies, several natural and artificial habitats including woodland, mixed
woodland, shrubland, developed area and natural and modified watercourses were
recorded within LRCP (CEDD, 2004, 2021; MTRC, 2011; WSD, 2014). LRCP
contains various native plant species, including Chinese Red Pine (Pinus
massoniana), Chinese Hackberry (Celtis sinensis), Schima (Schima
superba), Ivy Tree (Schefflera heptaphylla) and various Melastoma
species. Flora species of conservation importance Incense Tree (Aquilaria
sinensis), Chinese New Year Flower (Enkianthus quinqueflorus),
Butulang Canthium (Canthium dicoccum), Luofushan Joint-fir (Gnetum
luofuense), Lamb of Tartary (Cibotium barometz), Hong Kong Eagle's
Claw (Artabotrys hongkongensis), Small Persimmon (Diospyros
vaccinioides), Hairy-fruited Ormosia (Ormosia pachycarpa), Rhododendron
spp. and Ixonanthes (Ixonanthes reticulata) were also recorded.
LRCP also supports various fauna species including avifauna Common Tailorbird (Orthotomus
sutorius), dragonfly Wandering Glider (Pantala flavescens), and
butterfly Tailed Jay (Graphium agamemnon agamemnon).
Fauna species of conservation importance occurring in LRCP included avifauna
Black Kite (Milvus migrans), Collared Scops Owl (Otus lettia), reptile Tokay Gecko
(Gekko gecko), amphibian Lesser Spiny Frog (Quasipaa exilispinosa),
Hong Kong Newt (Paramesotriton hongkongensis), odonate Club-tailed
Cruiser (Macromia urania) Emerald Cascader (Zygonyx iris insignis)
and Tawny Hooktail (Paragomphus
capricornis), mammal Short-nosed Fruit Bat (Cynopterus sphinx),
Japanese Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus abramus) and Rhesus Macaque (Macaca
mulatta) (AFCD, 2006a; 2019a; CEDD, 2004, 2021; MTRC, 2011; WSD, 2014).
Beacon Hill Site of Special Scientific Interest
8.5.3 The Beacon Hill Site of
Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) was designated in 1979 and it is situated in
the upland region of Beacon Hill within LRCP. Part of Beacon Hill SSSI
(approximately 34 ha) falls within the assessment area but outside the Project
boundary at the hillslope southwest to the existing LRTR (refer to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.1).
According to EPD (2005), the area was designated as a SSSI because of its rich
floral diversity and the rare ferns and unusual orchids it contains.
Literature Review
Habitat and Vegetation
8.5.4 The previous study area of
the EIA studies for CEDD (2004); MTRC (2011) and WSD (2014), and concurrent EIA
studies for CEDD (2021) were partially overlaps with the current assessment
area. A total of 12 habitats were previously recorded, namely woodland,
mixed woodland, shrubby grassland/shrubland, fung shui woodland, plantation, active
and abandoned agricultural land, village/orchard, developed area, pond, natural
watercourses and modified watercourses (CEDD, 2004, 2021; MTRC, 2011; WSD,
2014). Habitats adjacent to the Project footprint included woodland,
plantation, modified and natural watercourses, and developed area. A total of
eleven flora species of conservation importance were recorded (Table 8.11
and Appendix 8.1 refer).
8.5.5 Most of the woodland are
established on hillslopes within the assessment area, including those near the
Sha Tin Water Treatment Works (STWTW), south of Sha Tin Road and within
LRCP. These woodlands were dominated by native species Chinese Alangium (Alangium
chinensis), Ivy Tree, Schima (Schima superba) and Lance-leaved
Sterculia (Sterculia lanceolata). Two patches of mature woodlands
were located near Sha Tin Wai. Common tree species were recorded,
including Ficus spp., Chinese Hackberry and Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum
camphora). Seven species of conservation importance recorded within
woodland south of Sha Tin Road, including Butulang Canthium, Luofushan
Joint-fir (Gnetum luofuense), Lamb of Tartary (Cibotium barometz),
Hong Kong Eagle's Claw (Artabotrys hongkongensis), Small Persimmon,
Hairy-fruited Ormosia (Ormosia pachycarpa) and Ixonanthes (Ixonanthes
reticulata) outside Project footprint (CEDD, 2021). These woodlands
are largely mature and supported moderate floral and faunal diversity, the
ecological value was considered as moderate for woodland south of Sha Tin Road
(CEDD, 2004, 2021), and high for woodlands near the STWTW and within LRCP to
the south of LRTR (MTRC, 2011; WSD, 2014).
8.5.6 The mixed woodland to the
south of Sha Tin Road within LRCP and south of Tsang Tai Uk was commonly
dominated by plantation species and native species are also occasionally
recorded regenerated. Mature exotic plantation species Taiwan Acacia (Acacia
confusa) and Brisbane Box (Lophostemon confertus) were commonly
recorded. With small tree or shrub species including Pop-gun Seed (Bridelia
tomentosa) and Lance-leaved Sterculia (Sterculia lanceolata) in the
understory, and herb species including Bracken Fern (Pteridium aquilinum
var. latiusculum), Wood-fern (Cyclosorus parasiticus) and Common
Lophantherum (Lophatherum gracile) were recorded in the understory. Five
flora species of conservation importance including Incense Tree, Butulang
Canthium, Small Persimmon, Luofushan Joint-fir and Rhododendron spp.
were recorded within this mixed woodland outside Project footprint. The
ecological value of mixed woodland with LRCP was considered as moderate, while
the patch south to Tsang Tai Uk was considered as low (CEDD, 2021).
8.5.7 Two patches of woodlands were
previously recorded surrounding the Stewards High Rock Centre (SHRC) and south
to Sha Tin Tau Village with a few mature trees having
a girth of over 1 m and up
to 20 m tall (CEDD, 2004). These woodlands were relatively natural and
contained high floral diversity but low faunal diversity. Common tree
species including Chinese Banyan, Chinese Hackberry and Camphor Tree were
recorded. These woodlands were disturbed by human and the ecological
value was considered as low to moderate. These two woodlands were
classified as fung shui woodland in previous EIA study (CEDD, 2004).
However, these two woodlands were not recognized as fung shui woodlands under
the territory-wide Fung Shui Woods survey by Yip et al. (2004) and in Committee
Paper NCSC 9/06 Fung Shui Woods in Hong Kong (AFCD, 2006b). As
referenced to AFCD (2006b), fung shui woodland is located behind some
traditional villages, usually in crescent shape and with ecological features
such as the presence of unique rare plant populations or old and significant
specimen trees, land status, disturbance status and existing protection
status. Considered the landscape, structural complexity and highly
disturbed nature, these two woodlands were not considered as fung shui
woodlands in the assessment.
8.5.8 A patch of shrubby
grassland/shrubland was recorded on hillslope to the south of Sha Tin Road
within LRCP. The ecological value of these habitats was considered as low
to moderate (CEDD, 2004, 2021). Other habitats including plantation,
active and abandoned agricultural land, village/orchard, developed area and
pond within the previous study area only supported low diversity of flora and
fauna species. Exotic species such as Taiwan Acacia and Lebbeck Tree (Albizia
lebbeck) were commonly recorded. These habitats were largely
affected by disturbance from road traffic and other human activities.
Majority of these habitats were considered as having low ecological value,
except the abandoned agricultural land at Sha Tin Tau Village and plantation
south to Sha Tin Road within LRCP was considered as having low to moderate
ecological value (CEDD, 2004, 2021).
8.5.9 A large number of natural watercourses
were recorded within the assessment area, including Kwun Yam Shan Stream,
watercourses at Tei Lung Hau, Ka Tin Court and within LRCP. This habitat
was relatively natural and supported rich riparian vegetation (CEDD, 2004,
2021; MTRC, 2011; WSD, 2014). Several modified watercourses were recorded
within the assessment area, including watercourse near STWTW and the
catchwaters within LRCP. These modified watercourses were concreted, and
only supported minimal vegetation and low faunal diversity. The
ecological value of natural watercourses and modified watercourse were
considered as moderate and low respectively.
8.5.10 According to the previous studies (CEDD, 2021; MTRC, 2011;
WSD, 2014), the majority of avifauna species recorded within the assessment
area are common and widespread species, such as Red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus
jocosus), Japanese White-eye (Zosterops japonica) and Eurasian
Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus). Eight avifauna species of
conservation importance were recorded which the majority were recorded at
secondary woodland near STWTW or within LRCP outside Project footprint (Table
8.11 and Appendix 8.1 refer).
An ardeid night roosting site at the bank of Shing Mun River Channel near the
Hong Kong Heritage Museum were known to be active in 2017, 2018 and 2019, but
inactive in winter 2019/2020 (AFCD, 2020b).
Butterfly and Odonate
8.5.11 The majority of recorded butterfly species are very common
or commonly distributed within Hong Kong, such as Tailed Jay (Graphium
agamemnon Agamemnon), Common Mormon (Papilio polytes polytes) and
Red-base Jezebel (Delias pasithoe pasithoe). Five butterfly
species of conservation importance were recorded at the secondary woodland or
plantation near Tei Lung Hau or within LRCP, and also abandoned agricultural
land outside Project footprint (CEDD, 2021; MTRC, 2011; WSD, 2014) (Table
8.11 and Appendix 8.1
8.5.12 The majority of odonate species recorded have an abundant or
common distribution in Hong Kong, while watercourse habitat supported the
highest diversity of odonate. Odonate species of conservation importance,
including Emerald Cascader (Zygonyx iris insignis), Indochinese
Copperwing (Mnais mneme) and White-banded Shadow Damsel (Protosticta
taipokauensis) were recorded at the natural watercourse or plantation at
Tei Lung Hau outside Project footprint (CEDD, 2021; MTRC, 2011; WSD, 2014) (Table
8.11 and Appendix 8.1 refer).
Emerald Cascader was also recorded at modified watercourse within LRCP (i.e.
WC1) outside Project footprint (WSD, 2014).
8.5.13 The
majority of recorded herpetofauna were common or widely distributed species in
Hong Kong, such as Asiatic Painted Frog (Kaloula pulchra pulchra) and
Bowring's Gecko (Hemidactylus bowringii). Two amphibian (Lesser
Spiny Frog (Rana exilispinosa) and Hong Kong Cascade Frog (Amolops
hongkongensis)), and one reptile (Indo-Chinese Rat Snake (Ptyas korros))
species of conservation importance were previously recorded within natural
watercourse habitat at Tei Lung Hau outside Project footprint (MTRC, 2011; WSD,
2014). Lesser Spiny Frog was also recorded at modified watercourse within LRCP
(i.e. WC1) outside Project footprint (WSD, 2014). Hong Kong Newt was
recorded at the natural watercourse at Mau Tsai Shan within LRCP (CEDD,
2020). Another reptile species of conservation importance, Enhydris
sp. was recorded in abandoned agricultural land outside the project footprint
(CEDD, 2021) (Table
8.11 and Appendix 8.1 refer).
8.5.14 All
of the recorded mammal species within assessment area were either abundant or
common in Hong Kong. Nine mammal species of conservation importance were recorded in previous and concurrent studies outside Project
footprint. Chinese Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus sinicus), Japanese
Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus abramus), Rhesus
Macaque (Macaca
mulatta) and Pallas's Squirrel (Callosciurus erythraeus) were recorded at
the secondary woodland or plantation near Tei Lung Hau and within LRCP.
Japanese Pipistrelle was also recorded in other habitats such as developed area
and abandoned agricultural land. This species was also recorded at
modified watercourse within LRCP (i.e. WC1) outside Project footprint (WSD,
2014). Least Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus tenuis) and Chinese
Pipistrelle (Hypsugo pulveratus) were recorded in plantation near Ka Tin
Court. (Table 8.11 and Appendix 8.1
refer). An individual of Short-nosed Fruit Bat was recorded in mixed
woodland to the south of Sha Tin Road, while an inactive roost of Short-nosed
Fruit Bat (Cynopterus sphinx) was recorded south of the filter beds of
STWTW (WSD, 2014). The roost was made on the fronds of Chinese Fan-palms (Livistona
chinensis). However, during the verification survey of the same
study, no active or inactive roost was recorded within STWTW (WSD, 2014).
Quills of East Asian Porcupine (Hystrix brachyura) were found at the
woodland near Tei Lung Hau (MTRC, 2011).
Freshwater Community
8.5.15 The freshwater fauna recorded were very common or common
species in Hong Kong, such as fish Mosquito Fish (Gambusia affinis) and
shrimp Caridina cantonensis (MTRC, 2011; WSD, 2014). One locally
common freshwater fish species of conservation importance, Predaceous Chub (Parazacco
spilurus) was previously recorded at a natural watercourse near Ka Tin
Court and outside the project footprint (WSD, 2014) (Table 8.11 and Appendix 8.1 refer).
Survey Findings
Habitat and Vegetation
8.6.1 A
total of 11 habitat types were identified within the 500 m assessment area,
namely woodland, mixed woodland, plantation, shrubland, village/orchard, active
agricultural land, abandoned agricultural land, developed area, pond, natural
watercourse and modified watercourse. Habitat maps and representative
photographs of the habitats recorded within the assessment area are shown in 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.2.1 to 60604728/R42b/Figure
and Appendix 8.2.
The sizes of these habitats within the Project boundary and assessment area are
summarized in Table 8.3.
The flora recorded during the ecological surveys are listed in Appendix 8.3. A total of 19 flora
species of conservation importance were recorded within the assessment area,
which 14 of them were recorded within LRCP (Table 8.11 refers).
The indicative locations and representative photographs of the species of
conservation importance are presented in 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.2.1 to 60604728/R42b/Figure
and Appendix 8.5 respectively.
8.6.2 As detailed in Section
2.3, the proposed improvement works of LRT include both
aboveground works (e.g. widening works of LRTR and associated works, slope
stabilization works, NTHMMs) and underground works (e.g. tunnel improvement works) underneath Lion Rock and Beacon Hill. The aboveground Project
footprint (as presented in 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.4.1 to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.4.5) will
largely follow the existing LRTR (i.e. developed area) with high level of human
disturbance. Although a majority of the proposed
works are located at developed area and outside LRCP, some
aboveground works are unavoidably located within LRCP, including the roadside woodland
at the engineered slope west to the Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area and south to Kak
Tin Village, and plantation and developed area habitats along LRTR (refer to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.2.3 to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.2.5).
The proposed underground tunnel improvement works would be mainly located
underneath woodland and shrubland habitats within LRCP.
Table 8.3
Area of Habitats Recorded within the Assessment Area
Habitat Type
Within Project Boundary
Within 500 m Assessment Area
Total Habitat Area
Percentage of Area
Total Habitat Area (ha)
Percentage of Area
Mixed Woodland
Active Agricultural Land
Abandoned Agricultural Land
Developed Area
Natural Watercourse
(~0.08 km)
(~7.0 km)
Modified Watercourse
(~0.07 km)
(~6.9 km)
The Project boundary covers both aboveground
and underground works. The area of underground works is
approximately 8.65 ha, i.e. woodland (5.73 ha), mixed woodland (0.58 ha),
shrubland (2.02 ha), plantation (0.25 ha), developed area (0.02 ha) and
modified watercourse (0.05 ha).
8.6.3 The majority of woodlands
straddle the hillside area at the south of LRTR, Sha Tin Road and STWTW, and
partially fall within LRCP and Beacon Hill SSSI. These woodlands are
mainly located outside the Project boundary, except the woodland margin immediate
adjacent to LRTR. These woodlands comprised closed and continuous
canopy of about 12-20 m tall, which dominated by native tree species
Short-flowered Machilus (Machilus breviflora), Ivy Tree, China-berry (Melia
azedarach) and Schima (Schima superba). Other plants included
small trees or shrubs such as Hong Kong Hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis indica),
Shining Eurya (Eurya nitida) and Wild Coffee (Psychotria asiatica)
at the middle layer; and herbs Walking Maidenhair (Adiantum caudatum),
Common Lophatherum (Lophatherum gracile) and Oriental Blechnum (Blechnum
orientale) at the understorey. One flora species of conservation
importance (Butulang Canthium) was recorded in close proximity to the Project
footprint of NTHMMs (i.e. flexible barrier) at the slope fringe west to Sha Tin
Tau New Village outside LRCP.
8.6.4 The woodland located between
Lion Rock and Beacon Hill are mature with canopy of about 10-20 m tall. Part
of this woodland is located above the Project footprint of underground works
(i.e. tunnel improvement works). The majority of this woodland fall
within LRCP and the western portion fall within Beacon Hill SSSI. It was
dominated by native species including Ivy Tree, Lingnan Garcinia,
Short-flowered Machilus and Schima. Small trees or shrubs such as Wild
Coffee, Shining Eurya and Rough-leaved Holly were commonly recorded in the
middle layer, while herbs and shrubs including Oriental Blechnum, Common Lophatherum,
Composite Oplismenus (Oplismenus compositus) were recorded at the
understorey. Three flora species of conservation importance including Butulang
Canthium, Luofushan Joint-fir and Hong Kong Pavetta were recorded within LRCP
within the Project footprint of underground works (i.e. tunnel improvement works).
8.6.5 Woodland
to the west of Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area along LRTR within LRCP falls within
the Project footprint. This woodland canopy was semi-closed, tree
species including Eucalyptus spp., Brisbane Box (Lophostemon confertus), Yellow Cinnamomum (Cinnamomum parthenoxylon),
Longan and Chinese Alangium were commonly recorded. Small trees and
shrubs Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinense), Wild Coffee and herbs Wedelia
trilobata, Lantana (Lantana camara) and Guinea Grass were recorded
at the understorey. Two flora species of conservation importance (one
seedling of Incense Tree and seven young individuals of Butulang Canthium) were
recorded in this woodland within the Project footprint. While individuals
of other flora species of conservation importance, including three clumps of
Luofushan Joint-fir, one seedling of Incense Tree and four individuals of
Ailanthus, were recorded in this woodland but outside the Project boundary
along LRTR. Among which, three clumps of Luofushan Joint-fir, one seedling of
Incense Tree and one individuals of Ailanthus were recorded in close proximity
to the proposed Project footprint of NTHMMs (i.e. rigid barrier) within LRCP.
8.6.6 A small patch of woodland within
LRCP was recorded at the south of the existing LRT toll plaza outside Project
footprint. This woodland comprised a closed canopy of about 10-20 m tall,
dominated by native tree species Short-flowered Machilus, Common Red-stem Fig (Ficus
variegata), Chinese Alangium and Turn-in-the-wind (Mallotus paniculatus).
The understorey included small trees or shrubs such as Asiatic Ardisia (Ardisia
quinquegona), Aporosa (Aporusa dioica) and Wild Coffee recorded at
the middle layer; and herbs Panic Grass (Panicum brevifolium), Common
Lophantherum and Oriental Blechnum. Two flora species of conservation
importance, Incense Tree and Lamb of Tartary, were recorded in this woodland
outside the Project boundary.
8.6.7 Another
patch of woodland south to LRT portals at Sha Tin falls within the Project
footprint of proposed slope stabilization works. This woodland comprised
a semi-closed canopy and is about 8-15 m tall. The commonly recorded tree
species included Turn-in-the-wind, Ivy tree, Lance-leaved Sterculia and Machilus
spp. The understorey was relatively sparse with common shrubs Wild
coffee, Shining Eurya and Aporosa recorded.
8.6.8 A small area of woodland at
the west of the Lion Rock Tunnel Office (Transports Department), (between
Shatin Portal and tunnel toll plaza, hereinafter refer to as “the LRT Office”)
is located within the Project footprint. This woodland has a semi-closed
canopy and comprised common Elephant's Ear (Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa),
Lance-leaved Sterculia, Common Red-stem Fig and Ivy tree, Giant Alocasia (Alocasia
macrorrhizos), Guinea Grass (Panicum maximum) and Bidens alba.
8.6.9 Woodlands located at the
valley southwest to Lion Rock, south of Beacon Hill SSSI and near the Kowloon
portal were less mature with canopy of about 5-9 m tall. The majority of
these woodlands is located outside the Project boundary. It was dominated
by native species including Ivy Tree, Lingnan Garcinia (Garcinia
oblongifolia) and Turn-in-the-wind. Small trees or shrubs such as
Rough-leaved Holly (Ilex asprella), Desmos and Hairy Fig (Ficus hirta)
were commonly recorded in the middle layer, while herbs and shrubs including
Dianella (Dianella ensifolia), Composite Oplismenus (Oplismenus
compositus) and Wild Coffee were recorded at the understorey.
8.6.10 The woodland at Hung Mui Kuk Village was relatively isolated
by surrounding developed area, but it was mature with rich flora structural
complexity. The canopy was 10-15 m tall, with commonly recorded tree
Wood-oil Tree (Vernicia montana), Lychee (Litchi chinensis), Rose
Apple (Syzygium jambos) and Turn-in-the-wind. The middle and
understorey layers were sparely covered with Desmos (Desmos chinensis), Common
Lophatherum and Simple Pronephrium (Pronephrium simplex).
8.6.11 Woodland located behind Sheung Keng Hau Village was
subjected to disturbance from nearby residential areas (e.g. glare and
noise). It was mature and heavily shaded with native trees including
Microcos (Microcos nervosa), Lance-leaved Sterculia and Longan (Dimocarpus
longan) of about 8-14 m in height. Shrub species such as Chinese
Alangium, Wild Coffee and Chinese Privet were commonly recorded in the middle
layer, while herb species such as Giant Alocasia and Wood-fern (Cyclosorus
parasiticus) were recorded in the sparse understorey.
8.6.12 The isolated woodland surrounding the SHRC and south to Sha
Tin Tau Village were small in size and highly disturbed (e.g. by regular slope
stabilization works, anthropogenic activities from nearby villages,
etc.). The tree species in these woodlands were relatively mature and the
canopy was semi-closed. Several recorded tree Small-leaved Aphananthe (Aphananthe
cuspidata) and Yellow Cinnamomum (Cinnamomum parthenoxylon) were up
to 20 m height. In the middle layer, shrub or subshrub Sarcandra and
Shining Eurya were recorded.
8.6.13 Within
the Project boundary, the woodland margin adjacent to LRTR (partially within
LRCP) and Sha Tin Road, woodland south to LRT portals at Sha Tin and woodland
at the west of LRT Office experienced continuous disturbance (e.g. traffic
noise and emission from LRTR and Sha Tin Road, regular vegetation maintenance
at engineered slope, commemorative
activities at burial grounds and recreational activities by country park users
or villagers). Outside Project boundary, woodland at Hung Mui Kuk
Village, woodland behind Sheung Keng Hau Village, woodland surrounding the SHRC
and south to Sha Tin Tau Village experienced continuous disturbance including
littering and noise and commemorative activities at burial grounds.
Mixed Woodland
8.6.14 Scattered
mixed woodlands within assessment area were mainly developed from plantation
through natural succession. Most of them were located adjacent to
developed or village areas and subjected to relatively high level of human
disturbance (e.g. commemorative activities, traffic noise, construction works
nearby). Part of the mixed woodland near Kak Tin Village along the LRTR falls
within the Project footprint. One flora species of conservation importance,
Ailanthus (Ailanthus fordii), was recorded in this mixed woodland within
the Project footprint. The canopy of this habitat ranged between 10-15 m, which
was dominated by a mix of exotic and native tree species including Taiwan
Acacia, Schima (Schima superba), Longan and Chinese Hackberry. The
understorey was
very sparse and consisted of Oblong-leaved Litsea, Rough-leaved Holly, Wild
Coffee and Wedelia trilobata.
8.6.15 The mixed woodland east to the Lion Rock High Level No. 2
Primary Service Reservoir fall within the Project footprint. The
canopy of this habitat ranged between 6-11 m, with a mix of exotic and native
tree species including Eucalyptus spp., Ivy Tree and Chinese
Alangium. Commonly recorded plants at the bottom layer included Dichotomy
Forked Fern and Oriental Blechnum.
8.6.16 Mixed woodlands on the engineered slopes along LRTR fall
within the Project boundary. The canopy was semi-closed and comprised a
mixture of exotic plantation and native species. Exotic plantation
species including Taiwan Acacia, Eucalyptus spp., Brisbane Box (Lophostemon confertus) and native tree species Yellow Cinnamomum, Longan, Chinese
Alangium and Schima were commonly recorded. Small trees and shrubs
Chinese Privet, Wild Coffee and herbs Wedelia trilobata, Lantana (Lantana
camara) and Guinea Grass were recorded at the understorey. Four flora
species of conservation importance were recorded within the Project boundary
outside LRCP. Ailanthus (Ailanthus fordii) and Luofushan Joint-fir
were recorded at the mixed woodland east to Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area.
Butulang Canthium and Hong Kong Pavetta (Pavetta hongkongensis) were
recorded in mixed woodland to the southeast of Kak Tin Village.
8.6.17 Mixed woodland south to Sha Tin Road (i.e. at the slope toe
of Mau Tsai Shan) falls within LRCP outside the Project boundary. The
canopy was closed, which commonly recorded trees included plantation species
Taiwan Acacia, Eucalyptus spp. and Brisbane Box, and native species
Chinese Hackberry, Yellow Cinnamomum, Lance-leaved Sterculia and Longan.
Small tree or shrub species Pop-gun Seed and Shining Eurya, and herbs Wood-fern
and Common Lophantherum were recorded in the understorey. These mixed
woodlands were subjected to disturbance from traffic emission, noise and
regular vegetation management.
8.6.18 Some hillside mixed woodland patches (e.g. south to Sha Tin
Tau New Village, near Reunification Pavilion, northeast of Lion Rock Park,
south of Beacon Hill SSSI and near the Kowloon portal) were more mature. The
mixed woodland south to Sha Tin Tau New Village, and part of mixed woodlands
near Reunification Pavilion and south of Beacon Hill SSSI fall within
LRCP. The canopy was about 8-15 m and mainly closed and dominated by
exotic Taiwan Acacia, Eucalyptus spp., native Schima, Ivy Tree and
Aporosa (Aporosa dioica). Herb species such as Wood-fern and
seedling of shrub species such as Oblong-leaved Litsea and Wild Coffee were
commonly recorded at the understorey.
8.6.19 Other isolated mixed woodlands near developed area and
residential areas were generally dominated by exotic tree species Taiwan
Acacia, Eucalyptus species, and some native Chinese Banyan and
Schima. Shrub and small tree species including Microcos, Wild Coffee, and
herb species such as Oriental Blechnum, Chinese Brake (Pteris multifida)
and Fan-leaved Maidenhair (Adiantum flabellulatum) were frequently
recorded in the understorey. These mixed woodlands were highly disturbed
by human activities nearby and some of which were isolated by surrounding
developed areas.
8.6.20 Plantation
habitats scattered along roadside, on engineered slopes or interspersed among
developed areas, while some of this habitat fall within the Project boundary
and footprint. These plantations were usually dominated by exotic species
such as Taiwan Acacia, Ear-leaved Acacia (Acacia auriculiformis),
Horsetail Tree (Casuarina equisetifolia), but native species such as
Chinese Banyan, Lance-leaved Sterculia and Rose Apple were also recorded
occasionally. The common flora at understorey included Oblong-leaved
Litsea, Oriental Blechnum and Wedelia trilobata. Within Project
boundary, four flora species of conservation importance were recorded outside
LRCP. Rhodoleia were recorded at the plantation near Lung Cheung Road
Park. Butulang Canthium were recorded at the plantation southeast to Kak
Tin Village and west to Sha Tin Tau New Village. Luofushan Joint-fir was
recorded at the engineered slope west to Sha Tin Tau New Village. Ailanthus
was recorded at plantation south to Kak Tin Village, near Sun Tin Wai Estate
and along LRTR.
Some individuals of these species fall within the Project footprint outside
8.6.21 Part
of the plantation on engineered slope south and north to LRT portals at Sha Tin
and Kowloon fall within the Project footprint of slope stabilization works
respectively. This plantation comprised simple flora structure, with
exotic plantation species Taiwan Acacia and Eucalyptus spp. commonly
recorded at the canopy. The understorey was sparse and common shrub Wild
coffee, Chinese Privet and herb Dichotomy Forked Fern were recorded. This
habitat was subjected to disturbance from nearby traffic (e.g. noise, dust,
8.6.22 Some plantations slopes along the LRTR are located within
LRCP and fall within the Project boundary, part of which also located within
Project footprint. This habitat was created due to slope formation works at
least 20-30 year ago and sparse with simple floral structure. Vegetation
recorded included Taiwan Acacia, Brisbane Box and Paper-bark Tree (Melaleuca
cajuputi cumingiana), and a few native species such as Chinese Banyan (Ficus
microcarpa) and Machilus spp. were also recorded. The
understorey only supported limited vegetation, such as Wedelia trilobata,
Panic Grass (Panicum repens) and Dichotomy Forked Fern. Regular
slope maintenance works were recorded within this habitat. Two flora
species of conservation importance were recorded within Project boundary.
Luofushan Joint-fir was recorded at plantation slope near the LRT portals at
Sha Tin within LRCP and Butulang Canthium was recorded at the plantation slope
east to Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area within LRCP outside Project footprint.
8.6.23 Shrubland
habitat was located on hillslope at Mau Tsai Shan near Shui Chuen O Estate,
south of the Beacon Hill view compass and at southwest to Lion Rock.
Majority of shrubland falls within LRCP, except part of the shrubland to the
south of the Beacon Hill view compass and southwest to Lion Rock. This habitat
has a simple floral structure and the very sparse ground layer consisted of
typical shrub or subshrub species such as Common Melastoma (Melastoma
malabathricum), Blood-red Melastoma (Melastoma sanguineum), and herb
species Dichotomy Forked Fern and Guinea Grass. Graves were recorded at
shrubland at Mau Tsai Shan. Hiking trails were recorded within the
shrubland at Mau Tsai Shan, south of the Beacon Hill view compass and southwest
to Lion Rock (i.e. including those above the Project footprint of tunnel
improvement works and within LRCP). Thus, these shrubland were subjected to
human disturbance (e.g. country park users, commemorative activities).
8.6.24 A small patch of shrubland north to LRT portals at Kowloon
falls within the Project footprint. The
canopy of this habitat was mainly open and the structure was simple. Common shrubland species
including Chinese Red Pine, Hong Kong Gordonia (Polyspora axillaris) and
Rose Myrtle (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa)
were recorded. Understorey comprised bare ground or sparse ground layer
with Dichotomy Forked Fern (Dicranopteris pedate).
Active Agricultural Land
8.6.25 Small pieces of active agricultural land were identified in
Sha Tin Tau Village and near Sha Tin South Fresh Water
Service Reservoir (STSFWSR). Crop species including Sweet Potato (Ipomoea
batatas), Night-blooming Cereus (Hylocereus undatus) and Taro (Colocasia
esculenta) were planted. Fruit trees such as Common Banana (Musa
x paradisiaca) and Papaya (Carica papaya) were also
recorded. Herb species such as Hilo Grass (Paspalum conjugatum)
and Uni-spike Kyllinga (Kyllinga nemoralis) grew on the field
Abandoned Agricultural Land
8.6.26 A plot of abandoned agricultural land was located adjacent
to the active agricultural land in Sha Tin Tau Village. Only limited
crops or fruit trees were recorded. The land was found to be waterlogged
and overgrown with common herb species Blunt Signal-grass (Brachiaria mutica),
Mile-a-minute (Mikania micrantha), Nut-grass Glaingale (Cyperus
rotundus) and Wedelia trilobata.
8.6.27 The village/orchard habitat refers to areas with low-rise
village housings and interspersed with orchard. They are located near Sha
Tin Tau New Village, Hung Mui Kuk Village and Kak Tin Village. This
habitat was dominated by fruit trees such as Longan, Lychee, Papaya and Common
Banana. Horticultural plants including Chinese Fan-palm, Brazil
Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis) and Orange-jessamine (Murraya
paniculata) were also recorded.
Developed Area
The assessment area was dominated by developed areas,
comprising roads (e.g. LRTR and Sha Tin Road), urban parks, residential areas, STWTW and
other public facilities. Dominant species recorded at roadside or
planting areas included tree species Taiwan Acacia, Camel's Foot Tree (Bauhinia
variegata), Chinese Banyan and Flame Tree (Delonix regia).
Horticultural species Red Strap Flower (Loropetalum chinense), Pink
Powder Puff (Calliandra haematocephala), and Wedelia trilobata
were also commonly recorded. This habitat was frequently subjected to
human disturbance such as traffic noise, utilities and vegetation maintenance
works and other anthropogenic activities.
8.6.29 Along
LRTR, some shotcrete slopes fall within the Project boundary and Project
footprint including
those to be occupied by the NTHMMs. Some of them were also located within
LRCP. These engineered slopes supported limited floral species, including
Opposite-leaved Fig, White Popinac (Leucaena leucocephala), Guinea
Grass. Climbers recorded on the highly disturbed slope toes included
Diverse-leaved Creeper (Parthenocissus dalzielii) and Creeping Fig (Ficus
pumila). Other engineered slopes within assessment area were located
near residential areas, with common trees Taiwan Acacia, Chinese Banyan, Tree
Cotton (Bombax ceiba); shrubs Pop-gun Seed (Bridelia tomentosa),
Oblong-leaved Litsea and Golden Dewdrops (Duranta erecta) recorded.
Two flora species of conservation importance (Butulang Canthium and Ailanthus) were recorded within
Project boundary outside LRCP. Ailanthus
were recorded outside LRCP at engineered slope along LRTR south to Fung Shing Court, north to
Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area, south to Kak Tin Village and south of Sun Tin Wai
Estate within Project footprint. Ailanthus and Butulang Canthium were also
recorded in
close proximity to the Project footprint of NTHMMs (i.e. flexible barrier) at
the slope fringe west to Sha Tin Tau New Village outside LRCP.
8.6.30 A few small inactive ponds are located near the village
housing at Sha Tin Tau New Village. This habitat only supported limited
vegetation at the concrete pond bund, including horticultural species Iron Plant
(Cordyline fruticosa), Brazil Bougainvillea and some fruit trees such as
Papaya and Common Banana. No flora species of conservation importance
were recorded.
Natural Watercourse
8.6.31 The natural watercourses within the assessment area largely
originate from uphill areas of Lion Rock and Beacon Hill. A total of
eight permanent-flowing natural watercourses were identified within the
assessment area, namely S1-S8 (as shown in 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.2.1 to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.2.5).
The above natural watercourses have moderate to fast flow rate and mainly
comprised of natural sandy and/or rocky substratum. The lower sections of
these natural watercourses are mostly modified, either being channelized or
discharged into underground culverts (Section 8.6.38 refers).
S1 and S2
8.6.32 S1
is situated in a woodland at Mau Tsai Shan (partially falls within LRCP) and
ranged from 1-3 m wide and 0.5-1 m deep, with moderate flow rate and comprised
of natural sandy and rocky substratum. It was covered by a relatively
closed canopy comprising of Ivy Tree, Japanese Superb Fig, Chinese Elaeocarpus
(Elaeocarpus chinensis) and Turn-in-the-wind (Mallotus paniculatus).
Limited signs of human disturbance (e.g. littering) were observed but the water
quality was good in general.
8.6.33 S2 originates from the hillslope area of Lion Rock and
gradually runs through the Sha Tin Tau New Village. S2 ranged from 2-5 m
in width, 0.2-1 m in depth, and was relatively natural at the upper section
within woodland habitat. The banks of S2 running through Sha Tin Tau New
Village were modified to concrete wall, nevertheless, natural rocky substratum
was retained. The upper section comprised of semi-closed canopy of native
tree species such as Chekiang Machilus (Machilus chekiangensis), Ivy
Tree and Lance-leaved Sterculia. The canopy became exposed when passing
through the village area.
S3, S4 and S5
8.6.34 S3 runs from hillside area (partially falls within LRCP)
towards Kak Tin Village and joins another watercourse S4 near Hung Mui Kuk
Village. S5, which is largely located within LRCP, joins two tributaries from
the hillside region near Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area. All these
watercourses eventually discharge into modified channel or box culvert.
S3, S4 and S5 ranged from 0.5-1.5 m wide and 0.5-1 m deep, with low to
moderate flow and comprised of natural sandy and rocky substratum. A short
section of S5 falls within the Project boundary at the west of Hung Mui Kuk
Barbecue Area, this section of S5 only received fluctuating water flow with
0.1-0.3 m deep and eventually discharge into modified watercourse Culvert 1. In
general, these watercourses were semi-shaded and dominated by Chekiang
Machilus, Japanese Superb Fig, Saurauia tristyla and Fragrant
Litsea, and climbers such as Wood Gossip Caesalpinia (Caesalpinia crista)
and Bentham's Rosewood (Dalbergia benthamii) were also commonly recorded
at riparian zone. Signs of human disturbance (e.g. channelization,
littering) were observed to be more frequent at S3 near Kak Tin Village north
of LRTR and S4.
S6, S7 and S8
8.6.35 S6, S7 and S8 originate from the hillslope area from Lion
Rock or Beacon Hill and are largely located within LRCP. S7 and S8 also
partially fall within Beacon Hill SSSI. S7 eventually flows into a nullah
at an engineered slope crest above the LRT Shatin portals, while S6 and S8 are
running towards Tei Lung Hau. S6 ranged from 1.5-3 m wide and 0.5-1.5 m
deep and comprised of natural rocky substratum, with moderate to fast flow and
runs through a mixed woodland to the south of Ka Tin Court. Some tributaries
could be found in the upstream of S6 to the southeast of WC1, but no obvious
signs of permanently-flowing tributaries were recorded above the Project site
of proposed underground tunnel improvement. The condition of tributaries was
largely similar to the mainstream of S6. Part of the S6 runs underground
through box culvert under LRTR. Anthropogenic disturbance such as
littering and noise were recorded at the lower section of S6 near Ka Tin Court
north of LRTR. The riparian vegetation was dominated by Chinese Alangium,
Opposite-leaved Fig and Japanese Superb Fig.
8.6.36 S7 ranged from 0.5-1 m wide and 0.3-0.5 m deep with moderate
flow rate, and comprised of natural sandy and rocky substratum. The small
section of S7 near an engineered slope crest above the LRT Shatin portals is
located approximately 20 m from the Project footprint and would not be directly
affected by construction works. Trees such as Lance-leaved Sterculia, Ivy
Tree, Japanese Superb Fig, and herbs such as Oriental Blechnum and Wood-fern
were recorded at the relatively dense riparian zone. The upper section of
S8 is generally natural and became channelized at the section to east of
STSFWSR. It ranged from 0.5-2 m wide and 0.3-1 m deep, comprised of
natural sandy and rocky substratum and shaded by trees such as Ivy Tree,
Chinese Alangium and Japanese Superb Fig. The lower section of S8
at Tei Lung Hau was exposed to moderate human disturbance (e.g. littering,
construction of concrete blocks for water crossing) from nearby Ka Tin
Court. Two flora species of conservation importance, Lamb of Tartary and Bottlebrush Orchid (Goodyera procera),
were recorded in S7 within Project boundary outside LRCP.
Other Natural Watercourses
8.6.37 Other
natural watercourses within the assessment area were mainly seasonal
watercourses at hillside region, such as SW1, SW2, SW3 and SW4 within LRCP.
These seasonal watercourses are predominantly dry and no evident surface
flow was observed during dry and wet seasons. The natural sections of SW1
and SW2 are approximately 1 to 2 m in width and with rocky substrate, but SW2
were modified into Culvert 2 at section near LRTR. Flora species recorded
in riparian zones included Ivy Tree, Chinese Alangium and Turn-in-the-wind.
SW3 was
heavily overgrown by small tree/shrub and herbs such as Oblong-leaved Litsea,
Wild coffee and Oriental Blechnum at the understorey. No water flow was
recorded at this watercourse. SW4 is also overgrown by small tree/shrub
and herbs such as Rough-leaved Holly, Oblong-leaved Litsea, Giant Alocasia and
Common Lophatherum at the understorey, and eventually links to a modified
watercourse WC8. No water flow was recorded within this watercourse.
Modified Watercourse
8.6.39 A small concrete nullah WC3 was recorded south to the LRT
toll plaza, which a small section of WC3 would be located within the Project
footprint. This nullah was approximately 1-1.5 m wide, with concrete
banks and discharges to an underground culvert. No water flow was
observed at this modified watercourse. Only limited plant species were recorded
at the two sides of watercourse, including Bidens alba, Mile-a-minute
Weed (Mikania micrantha) and Common Lophatherum. Other nullah (WC4) and
concrete step-channel (WC5, WC6 an WC7) were recorded within the Project
boundary to the west of the Lion Rock Park. These modified watercourses
were approximately 1-2 m wide, with concrete banks and connected to an
underground culvert. These watercourses received shallow water occasionally and
only limited plant species such as Bidens alba and Mile-a-minute Weed
were recorded at the two sides of watercourse.
8.6.40 The channelized watercourse near STWTW, STSFWSR, Jade Garden
ranged from 4-10 m wide and 2-4 m deep, and these watercourses only contained
limited water flow. Only few vegetation such as Giant Alocasia and Blunt
Signal-grass were occasionally recorded. No flora species of conservation
importance was recorded in this habitat.
8.6.41 Some culverts (Culverts 1-3) situate within LRCP along LRTR
but all of these culverts would not be directly affected under the Project. As the proposed elevated highway structure will span over
the Culvert 1 and no construction works would be encroached into the channel
bed of Culvert 1, Culvert 1 within LRCP would not be directly affected. Culvert
1 received fluctuating water flow from natural watercourses (S5), while Culvert
2 and Culvert 3 may only receive water from seasonal watercourse (SW2 and SW3)
occasionally. These culverts were concrete banks of approximately
3-4 m wide and 5 m deep and gradually become underground culvert. Only
limited vegetation such as Giant Alocasia and Blunt Signal-grass were
occasionally recorded. A modified watercourse WC8 linked to SW4 is a dry
nullah of 1.5 m wide within LRCP. No vegetation was recorded within this
Terrestrial Fauna
8.6.42 The sections below outline the findings of current fauna
surveys. Lists of fauna species recorded from the assessment area are
provided in Appendix 8.3. The habitat in which the
species of conservation importance were recorded, their protection status and
distribution in Hong Kong are presented in Table 8.11. Their
indicative locations are presented in 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.2.1 to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.2.5.
8.6.43 A total of 70 avifauna species were recorded within the
assessment area, during the ardeid night roost and pre-roost survey, 21 of
which are species of conservation importance (Table 8.11 refers).
Most of these recorded species are common and widespread in Hong Kong.
The highest abundance and diversity of avifauna species were recorded within
the woodland habitat. Raptors such as Black Kite (Milvus migrans),
Bersa (Accipiter virgatus) and Eastern Buzzard (Buteo japonicus)
were recorded at flight above the woodland habitat.
8.6.44 About a half of 21 recorded avifauna species of conservation
importance were recorded in woodland habitat within LRCP, while only two
species including Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) and Orange-bellied
Leafbird (Chloropsis hardwickii) were recorded within Project boundary
and Project footprint. An individual of Little Egret was recorded
foraging at the modified watercourse WC1 within the Project footprint of tunnel
improvement work within LRCP. An individual of Orange-bellied Leafbird was
recorded roosting at woodland habitat within the Project footprint outside
LRCP. Juveniles of Collared Scops Owl and individuals of Orange-bellied Leafbird
were recorded in woodland to the north of STSFWSR. Wetland dependent
species Little Egret was recorded in village/orchard habitat at Sha Tin Tau New
Village and modified watercourse WC1 outside the Project boundary.
Ardeid Night Roost and Pre-Roost
8.6.45 Ardeids were observed utilizing trees along the northern
bank of SMRC as night roosting site, which is located approximately 630 m from
the nearest Project boundary. A total of 16 Little Egret, 18 Great Egret,
two Chinese Pond Heron and two Grey Heron were recorded at section between Hong
Kong Heritage Museum and Man Lai Court (60604728/R42b/Figure 8.3.1 and Table
8.4 refer).
Some individuals of Grey Heron roosted at the rooftop of
HKHM. Pre-roosting behavior was observed at the channel bank or at the
trees near Man Lai Court outside the assessment area. Majority of the
ardeids returned to the night roost approximately within 30 minutes before or
after sunset. The ardeids roosted on trees including Chinese Banyan,
White Popinac and Taiwan Acacia with height ranged 8-16 m. In addition,
no roosting behaviour of Black-crowned Night Heron was recorded during daytime.
Table 8.4
Number and Species of Night Roost Ardeid Recorded during Ardeid Night Roost and
Pre-Roost Survey
Species Recorded
Time of Return
Tree Species that Ardeid Night Roost Recorded
Little Egret
Great Egret
Chinese Pond Heron
Grey Heron
Along Shing Mun River Channel
Chinese Banyan, White Popinac
Chinese Banyan, White Popinac, Taiwan Acacia
White Popinac
Hong Kong Heritage Museum Rooftop
8.6.46 Flying ardeids with obvious flight path to the night roost
along SMRC were observed. A total 11 ardeids were recorded flew from Tai Wai
direction to their night roosting trees; and a total 25 ardeids were recorded
flew from Tolo Harbour direction to the night roosting trees (60604728/R42b/Figure 8.3.1 and Appendix 8.6 refers).
Eleven Grey Heron were recorded flew from Tolo Harbour direction towards
the night roost site at the HKHM rooftop, while two Grey Heron flew from Tai
Wai direction. No obvious ardeid flight movement was observed from/to the
direction of proposed Project boundary (i.e. south or southeast).
A total of 64 butterfly species were recorded within the
assessment area, seven of which are species of conservation importance (Table 8.11 refers). Most of these
species are either common or very common in Hong Kong, such as Red Helen (Papilio
helenus helenus), Indian Cabbage White (Pieris canidia canidia) and
Pale Grass Blue (Pseudozizeeria maha serica). Most of the
butterfly species of conservation importance were recorded in woodland within
LRCP outside the Project boundary and Project footprint, including White-banded
Flat (Gerosis phisara), Plain Hedge Blue (Celastrina lavendularis
limbata) and Baron (Euthalia aconthea aditha). Small Yellow
Sailer (Neptis miah nolana) was recorded in the mixed woodland north to
Hung Mui Kuk Village, and Metallic Cerulean (Jamides alecto alocina) was
recorded in abandoned agricultural land in Sha Tin Tau Village. All species
were recorded in low abundance.
8.6.48 A
total of 18 species of odonate were recorded, seven of which are species of
conservation importance
(Table 8.11 refers). Two odonate including Chinese Yellowface (Agriomorpha
fusca) and Small Clubtail (Stylogomphus chunliuae) were recorded
within the Project boundary but outside Project footprint. Majority of
these recorded species are common and widespread in Hong Kong, such as Indigo
Dropwing (Trithemis festiva), Common Blue Skimmer (Orthetrum glaucum)
and Common Blue Jewel (Rhinocypha perforata). Chinese Yellowface
and nymph of Small Clubtail were recorded at natural section of S7 outside
Project footprint. Individuals of teneral Tawny Hooktail (Paragomphus
capricornis) were recorded at WC1 within LRCP outside Project boundary,
while the nymph of Small Clubtail were recorded at S5 outside Project boundary
and the natural section of S7 outside Project footprint, suggesting they may
utilize these watercourses as their breeding ground.
8.6.49 A
total of nine amphibian and 10 reptile species were recorded within the
assessment area (Table
8.11 refers).
Most of the recorded species are common and widely distributed in Hong Kong,
such as Common Toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus), Gunther's Frog (Hylarana
guentheri) and Chinese Gecko (Gekko chinensis). Three
amphibian and five reptiles are species of conservation importance. All
herpetofauna species of conservation importance were recorded in natural
watercourse habitat outside Project footprint, including Hong Kong Newt, Short-legged
Toad (Megophrys brachykolos), Brown Forest Skink (Sphenomorphus
incognitus) and Chines Water Dragon (Physignathus cocincinus). An
individual of Indian Forest Skink (Sphenomorphus indicus) and Tokay
Gecko was recorded in woodland west of Sha Tin Tau New Village and developed
area southwest to STSFWSR, respectively, within Project boundary but outside
Project footprint. Tadpoles of Lesser Spiny Frog (Quasipaa exilispinosa)
were recorded at the natural section of S7 near freshwater sampling point SP7
within Project boundary but outside Project footprint, which may suggest this
stream section serves as a potential breeding ground of the Lesser Spiny Frog.
8.6.50 A
total of 12 mammal species were recorded within the assessment area, ten of
which are species of conservation importance (Table 8.11 refers). Most of the
recorded species are common or abundant in Hong Kong. A total of seven
bat species were recorded, they were mostly found at woodland in LRCP or Sha
Tin Tau New Village outside Project footprint, such as Intermediate Horseshoe
Bat (Rhinolophus affinis), Himalayan Leaf-nosed Bat (Hipposideros
armiger) and Japanese Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus abramus). An
individual of Lesser Bamboo Bat (Tylonycteris pachypus) known to roost
in bamboo stands was recorded by ultrasonic device at woodland near the LRT
toll plaza outside the Project footprint. Lesser Bamboo Bat was
recorded only once during the survey and no physical sightings of this bat nor
its roost were observed within the Project footprint. Groups of Rhesus
Macaque (Macaca mulatt) were recorded foraging in different habitats
including the woodland adjacent to STSFWSR and some plantation area outside
Project boundary and Project footprint.
Freshwater Community
8.6.51 A total of 37 aquatic fauna species were recorded within the
assessment area, six of which are species of conservation importance recorded
outside Project footprint (Table 8.11 refers). Most of these
recorded species are common in Hong Kong. Typical native hillstream fish
species such as Flat-headed Loach (Oreonectes platycephalus),
Broken-band Hillstream Loach (Liniparhomaloptera disparis), and
invertebrate such as shrimp Caridina cantonensis and insect larvae (e.g.
mayfly, dragonfly and caddisfly) were mainly recorded in the natural
watercourses within LRCP, including sections that are close to the Project
boundary (e.g. section of S5 to the west of Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area).
While exotic fish species such as Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) and
Swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii) were mainly recorded in modified
watercourse, where village houses and human disturbance (e.g. littering,
domestic discharge) could be found nearby. Culvert 3 within LRCP was
observed to receive water occasionally, however, no freshwater fauna was
recorded during the survey.
8.6.52 Freshwater
fauna species of conservation importance such as Caridina serrata, the
endemic Hong Kong Freshwater Crab (Nanhaipotamon hongkongense)
and nymph of the locally common Small Clubtail were recorded in S5 outside
Project boundary and Project footprint. The latter was also recorded in
S7 (outside Project footprint) (as stated in Section 8.6.48). Individuals of
Predaceous Chub were recorded at S5 and S6 outside Project boundary, while Cryptopotamon
anacoluthon were recorded in S2 outside Project boundary and lower section
of S7 outside Project footprint.
Ecological Value
8.7.1 The ecological importance of
recorded habitats was evaluated in accordance with the EIAO-TM Annex 8 criteria
and presented in Table 8.5 to Table 8.10 below. Species of conservation
importance identified from current survey findings and literature review of
previous studies (including those in Table 8.1) are summarized in Table 8.11 and representative
photographs are presented in Appendix 8.5.
Table 8.5
Ecological Evaluation of Woodland within the Assessment Area
The majority of woodland
(including LRCP and Beacon Hill SSSI) is natural.
Very large (252.23 ha)
High floral and moderate faunal
A fairly common habitat in Hong
Current Surveys
14 flora species of conservation
importance (Ailanthus, Incense Tree, Hong Kong Eagle's Claw, Silver-back
Artocarpus, Butulang Canthium, Lamb of Tartary, Small Persimmon, Luofushan
Joint-fir, Ixonanthes, Hairy-fruited Ormosia, Hong Kong Pavetta, Aralia
chinensis, Red Azalea and Hairy Chestnut) were recorded.
31 fauna species of conservation
importance (Black Kite, Crested Goshawk, Collared Scops Owl, Speckled
Piculet, Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike, Grey-chinned Minivet, Ashy Drongo,
Mountain Bulbul, Pygmy Wren-babbler, Rufous-capped Babbler, Silver-eared
Leiothrix, Orange-bellied Leafbird, White-banded Flat, Orange Punch, Arhopala
sp., Plain Hedge Blue, Baron, Chinese Yellowface, Yellow-spotted
Shadowdamsel, Emerald Cascader, Indian Forest Skink, Intermediate Horseshoe
Bat, Himalayan Leaf-nosed Bat, Chinese Noctule, Japanese Pipistrelle, Least
Pipistrelle, Chinese Pipistrelle, Lesser Bamboo Bat, Rhesus Macaque, Pallas's
Squirrel and Red Muntjac) were recorded.
Literature Review
Nine flora species of conservation
importance (Incense Tree, Lamb of Tartary, Hairy-fruited Ormosia, Hong Kong
Pavetta, Hong Kong Eagle's Claw, Butulang Canthium, Small Persimmon,
Luofushan Joint-fir, Ixonanthes) were recorded.
fauna species of conservation importance (Crested Serpent Eagle, Black Kite,
Common Emerald Dove, Collared Scops Owl, Black-capped Kingfisher,
Grey-chinned Minivet, Rufous-capped Babbler, Chestnut-collared Yuhina,
White-banded Flat, Lesser Band Dart, Golden Birdwing, Common Rose, Metallic
Cerulean, Chinese Horseshoe Bat, Japanese Pipistrelle, Rhesus Macaque,
Unidentified Bat, East Asian Porcupine and Pallas's Squirrel) were recorded.
Low to moderate. Re-creatable but
maturation of trees and natural succession would take decades.
Ecological linkage
to the south of LRTR and Sha Tin Road mostly fall within LRCP, and part of
them also fall within Beacon Hill SSSI. Woodland on hillslope in Kowloon
side partially fall within LRCP and also linked with woodland to the south of
LRTR. The habitat is physically and functionally connected with natural
habitat (e.g. mixed woodland, shurbland, natural watercourse) within LRCP.
Potential value
Moderate to high – for contiguous
woodland within LRCP under protection and active management
Moderate – for isolated woodland
Nursery/Breeding ground
No nursey/breeding ground was
found during the surveys but hillside woodland within LRCP could be potential
nursey/breeding ground for varies fauna species (e.g. avifauna, butterfly).
Mature for the majority of
hillside woodland. Less mature for those woodland near developed area (e.g.
portal, traffic road).
Abundance/ Richness of Wildlife
Moderate to high
Ecological Value
Moderate to high – for contiguous woodland within LRCP
Moderate – for remaining isolated woodland
Table 8.6
Ecological Evaluation of Mixed Woodland and Plantation within the Assessment
Mixed Woodland
The majority of mixed woodland
(including those within LRCP) is natural.
The plantation located near
developed area and roadside (including those along LRTR and on engineered
slopes within LRCP) are artificial and relatively disturbed.
Moderate (37.02 ha)
Moderate (33.68 ha)
Moderate floral and low faunal
Low to moderate floral and low
faunal diversity
Common habitat in Hong Kong
Current Surveys
Seven flora of conservation
importance (Luofushan Joint-fir, Incense Tree, Butulang Canthium, Small
Persimmon, Ailanthus, Hong Kong Pavetta and Rhododendron spp.) were
Five fauna species of
conservation importance (Rufous-capped Babbler, Small Yellow Sailer, Common
Rat Snake, Pallas's Squirrel and Rhesus Macaque) were recorded.
Literature Review
Five flora of conservation
importance (Incense Tree, Butulang Canthium, Small Persimmon, Luofushan
Joint-fir and Rhododendron spp.) were recorded.
One fauna of conservation
importance (Short-nosed Fruit Bat) was recorded.
A very common habitat in Hong
Current Surveys
Four flora species of conservation
importance (Luofushan Joint-fir, Rhodoleia, Butulang Canthium and Ailanthus)
were recorded.
One fauna species of conservation
importance (Rhesus Macaque) was recorded.
Literature Review
Three flora of conservation importance
(Ailanthus, Butulang Canthium and Incense Tree) were recorded.
Seven fauna species of
conservation importance (Grey-chinned Minivet, Golden Birdwing, Emerald
Cascader, Least Pipistrelle, Chinese Pipistrelle, Rhesus Macaque and Pallas's
Squirrel) were recorded.
Moderate. Re-creatable if time is
allowed for maturation and natural succession.
Low to Moderate
Ecological linkage
Mixed woodlands near the
Reunification Pavilion and east to Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area fall within
LRCP. The mixed woodland patch to the south of Beacon Hill SSSI fall within
LRCP. Mixed woodland on hillslope in Kowloon side also linked with
surrounding woodland and shrubland.
plantations on engineered slopes to the south of LRTR are linked with the
woodland within LRCP.
Potential value
Moderate to High – for mixed
woodland within LRCP under protection and active management
Moderate – for remaining
Low to Moderate – for plantation
within LRCP Low – for remaining plantation
Nursery/Breeding ground
None known
None known
Mature, at least 30 years
Relatively mature, about 20-30
Abundance/ Richness of Wildlife
Low to moderate
Ecological Value
Moderate – for mixed woodland within LRCP
Low to Moderate – for remaining mixed woodland
Low to moderate – for plantation within LRCP
Low –
for remaining plantation
Table 8.7
Ecological Evaluation of Shrubland and Active Agricultural Land within the
Assessment Area
Active Agricultural Land
to moderate
An artificial habitat used for cultivation.
(23.38 ha)
small (0.57 ha)
to moderate floral and low faunal diversity.
floral and faunal diversity.
common habitat in Hong Kong.
flora species of conservation importance (Luofushan Joint-fir and Red Azalea)
were recorded.
fauna species of conservation importance (Chinese Hwamei) was recorded.
common habitat in Hong Kong.
species of conservation importance were recorded.
Re-creatable but time needed for the shrubland to establish.
Ecological linkage
at Mau Tsai Shan near Shui Chuen O Estate and part of shrubland at southwest
to Lion Rock and south to Beacon Hill View Compass fall within LRCP.
The habitat is connected with natural habitat (e.g. woodland, natural
watercourse) within LRCP.
structurally and functionally linked with habitat of high ecological value.
Potential value
to moderate
Nursery/Breeding ground
at least 40 years
Abundance/ Richness of Wildlife
to moderate
Ecological Value
to moderate
8.8 Ecological Evaluation
of Abandoned Agricultural Land and Village/Orchard within the Assessment Area
Abandoned Agricultural Land
Low. An artificial habitat
Low. An artificial habitat
Very small (0.47 ha)
Small (12.89 ha)
Low floral and faunal diversity
Low floral and faunal diversity
A common habitat in Hong Kong.
Current Surveys
No flora species of conservation
importance was recorded. One fauna species of conservation importance (Metallic
Cerulean) was recorded.
Literature Review
Three fauna species of
conservation importance (Metallic Cerulean, Enhydris sp., and Japanese
Pipistrelle) were recorded.
A very common man-made habitat in
Hong Kong.
No flora species of conservation
importance was recorded.
Four fauna species of conservation importance
(Little Egret, Greater Coucal, Japanese Pipistrelle and Chinese Pipistrelle)
were recorded.
Ecological linkage
Not structurally and functionally
linked with habitat of high ecological value.
Not structurally and functionally
linked with habitat of high ecological value.
Potential value
Nursery/Breeding ground
None known
None known
Abundance/ Richness of Wildlife
Ecological Value
Table 8.9
Ecological Evaluation of Developed Area and Pond within the Assessment Area
Developed Area
Low. An artificial habitat.
Low. An artificial habitat.
Very large (218.18 ha)
Very small (0.06 ha)
Moderate to high floral and low faunal
diversity, but most flora are introduced or horticultural species.
Low floral and faunal diversity
Common habitat in Hong Kong.
Current Surveys
Five flora species of conservation
importance (Butulang Canthium, Ailanthus, Hairy-fruited Ormosia, Small
Persimmon and Ixonanthes) were recorded.
Four fauna species of
conservation importance (Peregrine Falcon, Ashy Drongo, Tokay Gecko and
Rhesus Macaque) were recorded.
Literature Review
Four flora species of
conservation importance (Butulang Canthium, Hairy-fruited Ormosia, Small
Persimmon and Ixonanthes) were recorded.
Seven fauna species of
conservation importance (Eastern Buzzard, Rufous-capped Babbler, Emerald Cascader, Short-nosed Fruit Bat, Japanese Pipistrelle, Rhesus
Macaque and Pallas's Squirrel) were recorded.
Common habitat in Hong Kong.
No species of conservation
importance were recorded.
Ecological linkage
Some engineered slope along LRTR
and Sha Tin Road fall within LRCP.
Not structurally and functionally
linked with habitat of high ecological value.
Potential value
Nursery/Breeding ground
None known
None known
Abundance/ Richness of Wildlife
Ecological Value
Table 8.10
Ecological Evaluation of Natural Watercourse and Modified Watercourse within
the Assessment Area
Natural Watercourse
Modified Watercourse
The majority of S1-S8 are
Only small sections of S3 and S5
near LRTR are modified into culvert.
The section of S6 near Ka Tin
Court, section of S7 connected to LRT Shatin portal, sections of S8 east of
STSFWSR and sections of S8 near Ka Tin Court are channelized.
Seasonal watercourse SW1-SW4 are
WC1 is a catchwater made of
WC2 and WC5 to WC7 are small and
narrow concrete step-channels.
WC3, WC4, WC8 are small concrete
Culvert 1-3 within LRCP are
concreted culverts.
Large – S1, S2, S5, S6, S8
Moderate – S3, S7
Small – S4, SW1-SW4
(total area 1.39 ha, ~ 7.0 km
Large – WC1
Small – WC2-WC8
Small – Culvert 1-3 within LRCP
(total area 3.12 ha, ~ 6.9 km
Moderate floral and low faunal
diversity – for S1, S2, S3, S5, S6, S7, S8
Low to moderate floral and low
faunal diversity – for S4, SW1, SW2, SW3 and SW4
Low floral and faunal diversity
Common habitat in Hong Kong.
Current Surveys
Eight flora species of
conservation importance (Hong Kong Eagle's Claw, Luofushan Joint-fir, Lamb of
Tartary, Small Persimmon, Ailanthus, Bottlebrush Orchid, Hainan Hypolutrum
and Siamense Selenodesmium) were recorded.
13 fauna species of conservation importance
(Indochinese Copperwing, Chinese Yellowface, White-banded Shadowdamsel, Small
Clubtail (nymph), Hong Kong Newt, Short-legged Toad, Lesser Spiny Frog
(adult and tadpole), Brown Forest Skink, Chinese Water Dragon, Cryptopotamon
anacoluthon, Caridina serrata, Hong Kong Freshwater Crab and
Predaceous Chub) were recorded.
Literature Review
Nine fauna species of conservation importance (Common
Emerald Dove, Indochinese Copperwing, White-banded Shadow Damsel, Emerald
Cascader, Lesser Spiny Frog, Hong Kong Cascade Frog, Hong Kong Newt,
Indo-Chinese Rat Snake and Predaceous Chub) were recorded.
A very common habitat in Hong
Current Surveys
No flora species of conservation
importance were recorded.
Nine fauna species of
conservation importance (Little Egret, Mountain Bulbul, Plain Hedge Blue,
Tawny Hooktail, Hong Kong Newt, Brown Forest Skink, Chinese Water Dragon,
Predaceous Chub and Rhesus Macaque) were recorded.
Literature Review
Three fauna species of
conservation importance (Emerald Cascader, Lesser Spiny Frog and Japanese
Pipistrelle) were recorded.
Some modified watercourses WC1, WC8 and culverts 1-3 within LRCP are
ecologically linked to other natural habitats (e.g. natural watercourse)
Ecological linkage
S1, S3, S5 and S6 partially fall within
LRCP, and S7 and S8 partially fall within both LRCP and Beacon Hill SSSI. SW1
to SW4 fall within LRCP. This habitat is physically and functionally
connected with natural habitat (e.g. woodland, shrubland) within LRCP.
WC1, WC3, WC8 and Culvert 1-3 fall
within LRCP. The habitat is connected with natural habitat (e.g.
woodland, natural watercourse) within LRCP.
Potential value
Nursery/Breeding ground
Small Clubtail (nymph) were
recorded at S5 and S7 outside Project footprint, and Lesser Spiny Frog
(tadpoles) were recorded at S7 outside Project footprint, which may suggest
these watercourses could be the breeding ground of these species.
Individuals of teneral Tawny
Hooktail were observed at WC1 but this channel would unlikely serve as an
important breeding ground.
Mature – at least 30 years for
WC1-WC8 channelized watercourse near STWTW, STSFWSR and Jade Garden
Not known for remaining small
modified watercourses and culverts
Abundance/ Richness of Wildlife
Moderate – for S1, S2, S3, S5,
S6, S7, S8
Low to moderate – for S4, SW1,
SW2 SW3, and SW4
Ecological Value
Moderate to high – for S1, S2, S3, S5, S6, S7, S8
Low to moderate – for S4, SW1, SW2, SW3 and SW4
Table 8.11
Species of Conservation Importance Recorded within the Assessment Area during
Current Surveys and Previous Studies
Common Name
(Scientific Name)
Recorded Location / Habitat
Distribution in Hong Kong (1)
Rarity (1)
Protection Status
Literature Review (16)
Current Survey
(Ailanthus fordii)
Mixed woodland(*)(+); Plantation(*); Developed area(*);
Natural watercourse
Can be found in forest.
Rare; also widely cultivated
as roadside trees and ornamental trees (3)
Cap. 96 (2)
Incense Tree
(Aquilaria sinensis)
woodland; Mixed woodland; Plantation
Mixed woodland
Can be found in lowland
forests and fung shui woods.
Cap. 586 (2); Vulnerable
(2); Status in China: Near Threatened (3); Category ll (4);
Vulnerable (5); Near Threatened (6); Recorded in
Illustration of Rare and Endangered Plants in Guangdong Province (7);
Vulnerable (8)
Hong Kong
Eagle's Claw
(Artabotrys hongkongensis)
Natural watercourse
Can be found in dense
forests or on wet places of ravines.
Least Concern (4)
Can be found in lowland
Vulnerable (2);
Status in China: Near Threatened (3)
Butulang Canthium
(Canthium dicoccum)
woodland(+); Mixed woodland(+); Plantation; Developed
Mixed woodland; Plantation(*)(+); Developed area(*)
Can be found in ravines,
forests and thickets.
Vulnerable (2)
Lamb of Tartary
(Cibotium barometz)
Natural watercourse(*)
Can be found in forest and
Very Common
Cap. 586 (2);
Status in China: Vulnerable (3); Category ll (4)
Small Persimmon
(Diospyros vaccinioides)
woodland(+); Mixed Woodland(+); Developed area
Mixed woodland; Developed area; Natural watercourse(+)
Can be found in thin forests
and thickets in ravines or on hillslopes.
Very Common
Critically Endangered (2);
Endangered (8)
(Gnetum luofuense)
woodland(+); Mixed Woodland(+)
(+); Mixed Woodland(*)(+); Shrubland(+);
Plantation(*)(+); Natural Watercourse(+)
Can be found in forest and
Very Common
Near Threatened (2)
(Ixonanthes reticulata)
woodland(+); Developed Area
Developed area
Can be found in thickets or
thin forests.
Vulnerable (2)(5)
Hairy-fruited Ormosia
(Ormosia pachycarpa)
woodland(+); Developed area
Developed area
Can be found in forests.
Status in China: Endangered (3);
Vulnerable (8)
Hong Kong Pavetta
(Pavetta hongkongensis)
Mixed Woodland (*);
Can be found in thickets and
Cap. 96 (2)
Can be found in sunny
Vulnerable (8)
Red Azalea
(Rhododendron simsii)
Can be found in shrubland.
Very Common
Cap. 96 (2)
Can be found in forest
and/or shrubland
Cap. 96 (2)
Hairy Chestnut
Status in China: Vulnerable (3);
Category II (4); Endangered (5); Vulnerable (8)
(Rhodoleia championii)
Can be found in forest and
also widely planted.
Very Rare; but also widely
Cap. 96 (2);
Vulnerable (3)
(Goodyera procera)
On rocks beside and in
streams from sea level up to montane forest.
Very Common
Cap. 96 (2), Cap.
586 (2)
Tai Mo Shan, Sham Chung,
Cloudy Hill and Tai Po Kau
Status in China: Vulnerable (3)
Hainan Hypolutrum
(Hypolytrum hainanense)
Forest and shrubland
Little Egret (15)
(Egretta garzetta)
Modified watercourse(*)(+); In flight
Widely distributed in
coastal area throughout Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2); PRC (RC) (2)
Crested Serpent
(Spilornis cheela)
Uncommon resident. Widely
distributed in shrublands on hillsides throughout Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2); (RC) (2);
Class II (9); Vulnerable (10)
Black Kite (15)
(Milvus migrans)
In flight
Widely distributed in Hong
Cap.170 (2); Cap.586 (2);
(RC) (2); Class II (9)
Crested Goshawk
(Accipiter trivirgatus)
Widely distributed in
woodlands and shrublands throughout Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2); Cap.586 (2);
Class II (9); Rare (10); Near Threaten (11)
(Accipiter virgatus)
Found in Tai Po Kau, Deep
Bay area, Chek Lap Kok, Cheung Chau, Soko Islands.
Cap.170 (2); Cap.586 (2);
Class II (9)
Eastern Buzzard
(Buteo japonicus)
Common winter visitor.
Widely distributed in Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2); Cap.586 (2);
Class II (9)
Peregrine Falcon
(Falco peregrinus)
Scarce resident and winter
visitor. Widely distributed in Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2); (LC) (2); Cap.586 (2);
Class II (9); Near Threaten (11)
Common Emerald Dove
(Chalcophaps indica)
woodland; Natural watercourse
Widely distributed in
woodland throughout Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2); Vulnerable (10)
Greater Coucal
(Centropus sinensis)
Widely distributed in Hong
Cap.170 (2); Class II (9);
Vulnerable (10)
Scops Owl
(Otus lettia)
Widely distributed in
shrubland throughout Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2); Cap.586 (2);
Class II (4)
Common passage migrant and winter
visitor. Widely distributed in coastal areas throughout Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2); (LC) (2)
Speckled Piculet
Found in Wong Chuk Yeung,
Tai Po Kau.
Cap.170 (2); LC (2)
Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike
(Coracina melaschistos)
Scarce passage migrant and
winter visitor. Widely distributed in woodland throughout Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2)
(Pericrocotus solaris)
woodland; Plantation
Common in winter, scarce in
summer. Found in Tai Po Kau, Shing Mun, Ho Chung, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic
Garden, Tung Ping Chau.
Cap.170 (2); LC (2)
Ashy Drongo
Developed area
Scarce winter visitor. Found
in Shing Mun, Tai Po Kau.
Cap.170 (2); LC (2)
Mountain Bulbul
(Hypsipetes mcclellandii)
Modified watercourse
Rare resident. Found in Tai
Po Kau, Ng Tung Chai.
Cap.170 (2)
Pygmy Wren-babbler
(Pnoepyga pusilla)
Found in Tai Po Kau, Ng Tung
Cap.170 (2); LC (2)
woodland; Developed area
Mixed woodland
Common resident. Found
mainly in shrublands and woodlands of New Territories.
Cap.170 (2); LC (2)
Chinese Hwamei
Widely distributed in
hillside shrubland throughout Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2); Cap 586 (2)
Silver-eared Leiothrix
(Leiothrix argentauris)
Widely distributed in
woodland throughout Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2); Near Threatened (11)
(Yuhina castaniceps)
Rare winter visitor. Widely
distributed in Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2); (LC) (2)
Orange-bellied Leafbird
Uncommon resident and winter
visitor. Widely distributed in woodland throughout Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2); LC (2)
Widely distributed in
woodland throughout Hong Kong.
Lesser Band
trachala trachala)
Widely distributed in
grassland throughout Hong Kong
Golden Birdwing
aeacus aeacus)
woodland; Plantation
Widely distributed
throughout Hong Kong.
LC (2)
Common Rose
aristolochiae goniopeltis)
Widely distributed
throughout Hong Kong.
Orange Punch
(Dodona egeon
Found in Tai Po Kau, Shing
Mun Reservoir, Ngau Ngak Shan, Kwun Yam Shan, Sam A Chung, Cheung Sheung, Tai
Lam, Tai Mo Shan.
RC (2)
Arhopala sp. (17)
Metallic Cerulean
alecto alocina)
Abandoned agricultural land
agricultural land
Found in Victoria Peak, Fung
Yuen, Chuen Lung, Mui Wo.
Very Rare
Plain Hedge Blue
lavendularis limbata)
Modified watercourse
Found in Tai Po Kau, Tai Lam
Country Park, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, Ngau Ngak Shan.
Very Rare
LC (2)
Small Yellow Sailer
(Neptis miah nolana)
Found in Tai Mo Shan Country
Very Rare
LC (2)
(Euthalia aconthea aditha)
Widely distributed in
woodland throughout Hong Kong.
LC (2)
Natural watercourse
Natural watercourse(+)
Widely distribute in woodland
streams throughout the New Territories.
LC (2)
Chinese Yellowface
Woodland; Natural watercourse(*)
Widely distribute in forest seepages
and small woodland streams throughout Hong Kong.
LC (2)
Shadow Damsel
Widely distributed in mature
forest with permanent streams throughout Hong Kong.
GC (2)
Yellow-spotted Shadowdamsel
Uncommon; Found in Keung
Shan, Ng Tung Chai, Shing Mun Country Park, Sunset Peak, Tai Mo Shan and Tai
Tam Country Park.
GC (2)
Tawny Hooktail
Scattered; Found in Lion
Rock Country Park, Tai Lam Chung Country Park, Tai Tong and Yeung Ka Tsuen.
RC (2)
iris insignis)
Developed area; Natural Watercourse; Modified watercourse(+);
Widely distribute in
moderately clean, rapidly flowing forested streams throughout Hong Kong.
PGC (2)
Small Clubtail (nymph)
Natural watercourse(*)
Found in Bride's Pool, Keung
Shan, Lam Tsuen Valley, Ng Tung Chai, Tai Mo Shan, Tai Po Kau, Tung Chung,
Yeung Ka Tsuen and Yuen Tun Ha.
LC (2)
Hong Kong Newt
watercourse(+); Modified watercourse(+)
Widely distributed in
mountain streams.
PGC (2); Near
Threatened (2); Near Threatened (11)
Short-legged Toad
(Megophrys brachykolos)
Widely distributed in upland
forest streams throughout Hong Kong.
PGC (2);
Endangered (2); Vulnerable (11)
Spiny Frog
watercourse (+); Modified watercourse (+)
Occurs throughout territory.
PGC (2);
Vulnerable (2); Vulnerable (11)
Hong Kong
Cascade Frog
Widely distributed in
mountain streams.
Cap. 170 (2); PGC
(2); Endangered (2); Vulnerable (11)
Common Rat Snake
Widely distributed.
PGC (2);
Endangered (11); Endangered (12)
Rat Snake
Widely distributed.
PGC (2)
Tokay Gecko
(Gekko gecko)
Distributed in rocky areas
in Tung Chung and Sham Wat on Lantau Island, Lion Rock Country Park.
RC (2) Class II (4);
Critically Endangered (11); Endangered (12)
Indian Forest Skink
(Sphenomorphus indicus)
Commonly distributed in
woodlands in the eastern and central New Territories.
LC (2)
Brown Forest Skink
(Sphenomorphus incognitus)
watercourse(+); Modified watercourse(+)
Distributed in streams in central
and eastern New Territories.
Near Threatened (11)
Chinese Water Dragon (Physignathus cocincinus)
watercourse; Modified watercourse(+)
Vulnerable (2)
Enhydris sp.
agricultural land
Mammal (2)
Intermediate Horseshoe Bat
(Rhinolophus affinis)
Widely distributed in
countryside areas throughout Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2); (LC)
Himalayan Leaf-nosed Bat
(Hipposideros armiger)
Widely distributed in
countryside areas throughout Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2); (LC)
Horseshoe Bat
Widely distributed in
countryside areas throughout Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2)
Short-nosed Fruit Bat
(Cynopterus sphinx)
woodland(+); Developed area
Very widely distributed in
urban and countryside areas throughout Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2); Near
Threatened (11)
Chinese Noctule
Fairly widely distributed in
countryside areas throughout Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2); PRC (2)
woodland(+); Abandoned agricultural land; Developed area; Modified
Widely distributed
throughout Hong Kong.
Very Common
Cap.170 (2)
Least Pipistrelle
Recorded in Nam Chung, Sheung
Wo Hang, Lin Ma Hang, Plover Cove Country Park, Yuen Long, Shek Pik, Deep
Water Bay, Ho Pui and Ho Chung.
Cap.170 (2); Near
Threatened (11)
Chinese Pipistrelle
Recorded in the countryside
areas at Ting Kau, Ma On Shan and Lin Ma Hang, and several records of stray
individuals inside buildings.
Cap.170 (2); (LC)
(2); Near Threatened (11)
Lesser Bamboo Bat
(Tylonycteris pachypus)
Fairly widely distributed in
countryside areas throughout Hong Kong.
Cap.170 (2); (LC)
(2); Rare (13)
Unidentified Bat
Cap.170 (2)
Rhesus Macaque
woodland(+); Plantation; Developed area
Mixed Woodland; Plantation(*); Developed area(+);
Modified watercourse(+)
Mainly distributed in Kam Shan,
Shing Mun and Tai Po Kau; also found in Ma On Shan, Sai Kung, Tai Lam Country
Parks and the North District.
Cap.170 (2);
Cap.586 (2); Class II (9); Vulnerable (13)
woodland; Plantation; Developed area
Mixed Woodland
Fairly widely distributed,
with the styani subspecies found in the New Territories (e.g. Tai Lam, Shing
Mun and Tai Po Kau), and the thai subspecies found on the Hong Kong Island
(e.g. Tai Tam and Pok Fu Lam).
Cap.170 (2)
Red Muntjac
Very widely distributed in
countryside areas throughout Hong Kong.
PRC (2); Near
Threatened (11)
East Asian
(Hystrix brachyura)
Very widely distributed in
countryside areas throughout Hong Kong, except for Lantau Island
Very common
Cap. 170 (2); PGC
Small Clubtail (nymph)
Found in clean woodland
streams dominated by boulder and cobble substrates.
LC (2)
Cryptopotamon anacoluthon
Common; Endemic
Vulnerable (2)
Caridina serrata
Near Threatened (2)
Hong Kong Freshwater Crab
(Nanhaipotamon hongkongense)
Common; Endemic
PGC (2)
Lesser Spiny Frog (Tadpole)
(Quasipaa exilispinosa)
Occurs throughout territory.
PGC (2);
Vulnerable (2); Vulnerable (11)
Predaceous Chub
watercourse(+); Modified watercourse(+)
A widespread species
occurring in most unpolluted hill streams in both upper and lower courses.
Vulnerable (14)
(1) Distribution in Hong Kong and Rarity follows:
Flora: Wu and Lee (2000); Xing and
Chau (2000); Siu (2000).
Fauna: AFCD (2019b); Karsen et
al. (1998); Shek (2006a); Reels (2019).
(2) Fellowes et al. (2002): GC=Global Concern;
LC=Local Concern; RC=Regional Concern; PRC=Potential Regional Concern; PGC:
Potential Global Concern.
Letters in parentheses indicate that the assessment is on the basis of
restrictedness in nesting and/or roosting sites rather than in general
Cap. 96: Forests
and Countryside Ordinance (Cap. 96).
Cap. 170:
Protected under Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap. 170).
Cap. 586: Protection
of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap.586).
IUCN (2021).
(3) Hong Kong Herbarium (2021).
(4) List
of Wild Plants Under State Protection.
(5) Fu and Chin (1992).
(6) Feng et al. (2002).
(7) Wu and Hu (1988).
(8) Qin et al. (2017).
The List of Endangered and
Protected Species of China.
(10) Zheng and Wang (1998).
(11) Jiang et al. (2016).
(12) Zhao and Wang. (1998).
(13) Wang (1998).
(14) Yue and Chen (1998).
(15) Wetland-dependent species (including wetland-dependent
species and waterbirds).
(16) CEDD (2004); MTRC (2011); WSD (2014); CEDD (2021)
(17) All Arhopala
sp. in Hong Kong are considered as species of conservation importance (either
considered as “Rare” or “Very Rare” and/or listed as “Local Concern” in
Fellowes et al. (2002))
Record within Project boundary.
Record within LRCP.
of Ecological Impact
8.8.1 As mentioned in Section
2, the LRT is a trunk road linking traffic between Shatin and
Kowloon. At the Shatin side, the LRTR will be widened to dual three-lane
from tunnel toll plaza to Fung Shing Court. New administration building,
car depot and vehicular cross-over bridge will be constructed at the tunnel
toll plaza. At the Kowloon side, the LRTR will be widened to dual
three-lane from slip road of Lung Cheung Road interchange to LRT Kowloon portal
and an additional one-lane vehicular bridge crossing over Lung Cheung Road will
be constructed. The above road widening works will largely be conducted
along the existing roads. To create an extra lane, some works will be
inevitably conducted between the slopes and the carriageway along LRTR.
Construction of new portal structures, ventilation buildings, noise barriers
and reprovisioning of Footbridge NF74 near Fung Shing Court and associated
slope stabilisation works will also be carried out at both LRT Shatin and
Kowloon portals. The proposed three-lane road tunnel will be wholly
constructed by tunnelling method avoiding loss of natural habitats of conservation
importance. NTHMMs (including rigid barriers and flexible barriers) would
also be constructed at locations identified with potential risk of natural
terrain hazards along LRTR.
8.8.2 It is anticipated that the
major sources of ecological impact would be associated with areas where the
aboveground works (e.g. road widening, slope stabilisation works, tunnel
portal structures, administration building, ventilation buildings, and NTHMMs,
etc.) are required. Potential ecological impacts that may arise
during the construction and operation phases are outlined below.
Direct impact in relation to the loss of habitats and associated
wildlife; and
Indirect, secondary and cumulative impact to habitat, groundwater
and wildlife, such as disturbance impact, loss of feeding, breeding and
roosting habitat, loss or reduction of ecological linkages and functions as
well as habitat fragmentation.
Potential Direct Impact
Construction Phase
8.8.3 The proposed improvement of
LRT would affect habitats within the Project footprint proposed under the
current study. The major impacts on ecological resources in construction
phase would be direct habitat loss:
Permanent direct habitat, vegetation loss, and fragmentation resulting
from land take for the construction activities in the aboveground Project
footprint, such as road widening, slope stabilisation works, tunnel portal
structures, vehicular bridge, footbridge, administration building, ventilation
buildings, lay-by, noise barriers, reprovisioning of Footbridge NF74 near Fung
Shing Court and NTHMMs, etc.; and
Temporary direct habitat and vegetation loss resulting from land take
for temporary structures such as construction shaft, temporary storage areas,
construction access, temporarily affected areas, etc.
Operation Phase
The potential direct impact resulting from the operation of
the Project are likely to be:
Permanent net loss in habitat; and
Mortality of wildlife (e.g. avifauna) from roadkill and collision with
noise barrier / enclosures.
Potential Indirect Impact
Construction Phase
8.8.5 The proposed Project would
result in indirect impact to the surrounding / off-site habitats and associated
Associated potential indirect impact to wildlife, such as restriction of
wildlife utilization, degradation of habitat quality, as a result of temporary
and permanent loss, isolation and fragmentation of ecological habitats;
Potential indirect impact to the surrounding and off-site habitats and
associated wildlife due to physical disturbance of habitat such as noise, dust
deposition, sedimentation, and increased human activities;
Potential hydrological disruptions such as drawdown of water table and
consequential impact on vegetation and watercourses resulting from tunnelling
Operation Phase
8.8.6 The potential indirect impacts
resulting from the operation of the Project are likely to be:
Disturbance from operation of road and associated facilities;
Hydrological disruption;
Pollution from the road operation such as leakage of oil, lubricants,
toxic chemical; and
Habitat fragmentation.
Discussion on Identified Ecological Impact
Construction Phase
8.8.7 As discussed in Section
2, the proposed improvement works of LRT include both
aboveground and underground works. The aboveground works include widening
works of LRTR and associated works, slope stabilization works, while the underground works include tunnel improvement works underneath
Lion Rock and Beacon Hill.
Direct and indirect impacts arising during construction phase are
discussed in the below sections.
Unavoidable Habitat Loss
8.8.8 Permanent habitat loss would be
resulted from the following key aboveground works at both Shatin and Kowloon
Widening of LRT Road at Shatin side to dual three-lane between the
existing tunnel portal to Fung Shing Court (except a section of the northbound
carriageway between the slip roads to and from Hung Mui Kuk Road which would
remain two lanes), and associated slope stabilization works;
Demolish the existing toll plaza together and provision of equipment and
facilities for free-flow tolling;
Re-provision of tunnel buildings including tunnel administration
building (ADB), ventilation buildings (VBs) etc., and
construction/reprovisioning of vehicular crossover bridge,
footbridges and any other tunnel support facilities;
construction of new tunnel portal structure and a ventilation building,
provision of a surge tank (underground structure) as well as associated slope
formation works at the tunnel portal;
construction of noise barriers and reprovisioning of Footbridge NF74
near Fung Shing Court;
construction of NTHMMs along LRTR (including two rigid barriers and four
flexible barriers);
Widening of LRT Road at Kowloon side to dual three-lane from the slip
roads of Lung Cheung Road interchange to LRT Kowloon portal and construct a
single lane vehicular bridge crossing over Lung Cheung Road for the Shatin
bound direction;
Widening of the slip road from LRTR (S/B) to Lung Cheung Road (E/B) to
two lanes, and realigning the slip road from Lung Cheung Road (E/B) to Lion
Rock Tunnel Road (N/B), and
construction of new tunnel portal structure and ventilation building,
and slope formation works at the LRT Kowloon portals.
Temporary habitat loss would occur at areas that would be
affected by temporary works
such as setting up of site hoardings, temporary material and equipment storage
and stockpiling, construction access, etc. These temporarily affected
habitats will be reinstated by woodland mix plantings after the completion of
the construction works.
8.8.11 Given the underground tunnel improvement works would be
undertaken underneath the Lion Rock and Beacon Hill, it is not anticipated to
result in any permanent direct loss to aboveground habitats. For the aboveground works, direct permanent loss (about 14.8 ha) and temporary loss
(about 2.75 ha) on both natural and man-made habitats are anticipated, about
1.14 ha of permanently loss and 0.59 ha of temporary loss of which are located
in the LRCP. As no construction works would be encroached into Beacon
Hill SSSI, no habitat loss would be anticipated at Beacon Hill SSSI. Direct
habitat loss to natural watercourses within the assessment area are also avoided.
The estimated habitat loss is tabulated in Table 8.12.
Table 8.12 Area of
Habitat Loss Arising from the Proposed Works
Habitat Type
Area of Permanent Habitat Loss (ha)
Area of Temporary Habitat Loss (ha)
Project Footprint
Project Footprint
Mixed Woodland
Developed Area
Modified Watercourse
(1) No permanent or
temporary loss of natural watercourses would be anticipated.
(2) Habitat loss “within Project
footprint” covers areas within and outside LRCP.
8.8.12 The proposed LRT improvement works (e.g. road widening,
reprovision of tunnel buildings, etc.) would be largely carried out along the
existing LRT alignment and other developed areas, it is anticipated that about
10.24 ha (69% of permanent loss) occur within developed area, of which 0.81 ha
is located within LRCP. This affected habitat (i.e. developed area) is
highly urbanized and most recorded vegetation were roadside trees or horticultural
species, as stated in Sections 8.6.28 to 8.6.29. This
habitat is of low ecological value and subjected to continuous roadside
disturbance impacts including dust, noise and glare. Thus, the impact on
developed area is considered as minor. Details of other habitats (i.e.
woodland, mixed woodland, plantation, shrubland and modified watercourse) which
would be directly impacted by the aboveground works were discussed in Sections
8.8.13 to 8.8.28 below. Direct encroachment on
semi-natural/natural habitats (including woodland, mixed woodland, plantation)
would be unavoidable. For LRCP, apart from the developed area, about 0.34
ha vegetated area (i.e. 0.16 ha woodland and 0.17 ha plantation) and less than
0.01 ha modified watercourse would be lost permanently due to the proposed
works. No potential diversion or modification of natural
watercourse is anticipated. The loss of habitats can lead to reduction of
habitat size, food, water and other ecological resources and hence lead to
reduction of overall ecological carrying capacity within the assessment area.
However, the concerned habitats were mainly situated along the LRTR and already
subjected to constant disturbance, hence these habitats were unlikely to be
significant for wildlife. Moreover, the permanent loss of natural habitats
(woodland, mixed woodland and shrubland) within the Project footprint is
relatively small (total 1.15 ha), and the abundance and diversity of flora and
fauna species in artificial habitats including plantation, developed area and
modified watercourse were relatively low. The impact on reduction of ecological
carrying capacity hence is considered as minor.
Road Widening and Associated Slope Works
at Shatin Side
8.8.13 The
majority of road widening and associated slope stabilization works (e.g.
retaining wall and slope formation) are proposed along the LRTR section between
Sha Tin Tau Village and the Tunnel Toll Plaza (approximately 2.07 km),
including the roundabout at Hung Mui Kuk (refer to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.4.3 to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.4.5
for the project footprint and 60604728/R42b/Figure 2.1 to 60604728/R42b/Figure 2.4
for the works layout). To avoid encroachment upon the LRCP to the maximum
practicable extent, a downhill option is selected and the proposed works are
located mainly to the south of the LRTR away from the LRCP.
8.8.14 However, given there is currently limited buffer space between
the uphill slopes and the carriageway of LRTR at the southbound traffic lane,
part of the proposed works would inevitably affect some plantation (0.06 ha),
woodland (0.15 ha), and culvert / modified watercourse located adjacent to the
LRTR (refer to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.4.4).
The above permanent habitat loss within LRCP included 0.15 ha of woodland and
0.05 ha of plantation near Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area, and small area of
woodland (<0.01 ha) to the south of Kak Tin Village (details refer to Sections
8.8.33 to 8.8.39). Direct impact to the uphill natural watercourses
(i.e. S2, S3, S5, and S6) and other seasonal watercourses (i.e. SW1, SW2, SW3,
SW4) within LRCP are all avoided.
8.8.15 The proposed downhill works at northbound lane outside LRCP
would take up about 2.02 ha of plantation and mixed woodlands (~0.47 ha in
total) near Kak Tin Village, Hung Mui Kuk Village and Sheung Keng Hau. These
habitats would be affected by the road widening works and associated fill slope
works. The affected mixed woodlands and plantations were only support low
floral diversity and abundance as they were isolated by developed area and
subject to disturbance. The flora species recorded in these habitats were
common and widespread species including Taiwan Acacia, Lance-leaved Sterculia
and Wild Coffee. Those natural and modified watercourses (i.e. S3, S4, S6 and
WC2) situated in downhill area of this works section would not be directly
8.8.16 Two flora species of conservation importance (i.e. 19
individuals of the widely planted Ailanthus and two individuals of the locally
common Butulang Canthium) identified within developed area, wooded area and
watercourse along both sides of the LRTR between Sun Tin Wai Estate and Shatin
Tunnel Portal. Butulang Canthium and Incense Tree were recorded in
woodland to the west of Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area within Project footprint.
Some of them would potentially be impacted due to the road widening and
associated slope stabilisation works. Impact evaluation on these flora
species of conservation importance is further discussed in Sections 8.8.40
to 8.8.42 below.
It is challenging to construct extra lanes along an
operating carriageway with busy traffic, some temporarily affected areas
along the LRTR would be required for material storage, operation of equipment
and machinery, construction assess, workspace for labours, and large hoardings
to prevent falling objects onto LRT Road during the uphill site formation
works, etc. As an avoidance approach, developed areas and bare ground
near the LRTR will be considered as a first priority. Due to the shortage
of suitable land, some plantation, mixed woodland, and woodland near Hung Mui
Kuk and Kak Tin Village would unavoidably be temporary occupied. Part of
these affected habitats are located within the LRCP, which are further
discussed in Sections 8.8.34 to 8.8.39. Vegetation
clearance and tree felling at the temporarily affected areas would be avoided/
minimised as far as possible.
8.8.18 The
affected habitats were located next to the LRTR and subjected to continuous disturbance from heavy traffic
road, hence these habitats are unlikely to support high diversity and abundance
of wildlife. The potentially affected area in these habitats is also
relatively small. All temporarily affected area will be reinstated after the
completion of the construction. Therefore, the impact of permanent and
temporary habitat loss caused by road widening and associated works
along the LRTR at Shatin side is considered to be minor on plantation habitat, and minor to moderate on
mixed woodland and woodland habitat due the higher ecological value and
diversity of flora species they supported. As some plant species of
conservation importance and some areas of the LRCP would unavoidably be
directly impacted, mitigation measures would be required.
Construction Works at Tunnel Toll Plaza
8.8.19 Several construction works including construction of new
footbridge, administration building, car parking space and car depot, vehicular
cross-over bridge, and reprovision of bus stops would be conducted at the
existing Tunnel Toll Plaza (refer to 60604728/R42b/Figure
8.4.3 for the affected area and 60604728/R42b/Figure
2.4 for the works layout). Most part of the road
works in this section would be carried out along the existing LRTR, while the construction of car parking space and car deport and vehicular cross-over
bridge adjacent to the southbound lanes would affect a man-made slope covered by
plantation (0.1 ha) and a modified watercourse WC3 within the LRCP.
Direct impact to the natural woodland within LRCP and the fauna species of
conservation importance recorded at the woodland (i.e. the locally common
Lesser Bamboo Bat) are avoided through revising the Project footprint and
relocating the proposed car park and part of the crossover bridge to southwest
of the reprovisioned ADB. The direct habitat loss within LRCP
and impact on species of conservation importance are further discussed in Sections
8.8.9 to 8.8.42. The natural watercourse S6 at the east side
of the LRT toll plaza would not be directly impacted.
8.8.20 The construction of new footbridge and vehicular cross-over bridge
at the northbound lane would take place at a man-made slope covered by
plantation. Considered
the potentially affected areas were relatively small and already subjected to
continuous disturbance from heavy traffic, the impact of permanent loss of this
plantation (0.25 ha) is considered as minor if unmitigated.
8.8.21 Only limited temporarily affected areas are required in toll
plaza area which occur mainly at the periphery of the permanent affected
areas. It would temporarily affect some plantation at man-made
slopes. Part of these temporary works near southbound lane are located
within the LRCP (0.05 ha of plantation), which are
further discussed in Sections
8.8.33 to 8.8.42.
These temporary works would only result in limited disturbance and vegetation
clearance and tree felling would be avoided/ minimised as far as
possible. Considered that potentially affected area in these habitats is relatively
small and they will be reinstated after the completion of the construction, the
impact on these habitats is anticipated to be minor. The reinstatement of
temporarily affected area by woodland mix planting would be carried out.
Construction at Shatin Tunnel Portal
8.8.22 Construction works in the Shatin tunnel portal area include
road widening works, reprovision of an underground surge tank, construction of
new tunnel portal structure, ventilation building and slope formation works (refer to 60604728/R42b/Figure
8.4.3 for the affected area and 60604728/R42b/Figure
2.4 for the works layout). Most part of the road
works in this section would be carried out along the existing LRTR. The construction
of new tunnel portal structure and ventilation building would be conducted at a
plantation area (0.24 ha), while associated slope formation works would be
required at woodland (<0.01 ha within LRCP and 0.03 ha outside LRCP) and
plantation (0.02 ha within LRCP) located at the immediate north of the existing
tunnel portal. The reprovision of the underground surge tank would affect
0.03 ha of woodland habitat located at the east of the STSFWSR outside LRCP. No direct impact is anticipated on the natural watercourses S7
and S8 near the tunnel portal. Considered the potentially affected areas were relatively
small and already subjected to continuous disturbance from heavy traffic road,
the impact of permanent loss of plantation is considered as minor, and minor to
moderate for the loss of woodland, if unmitigated.
8.8.23 Temporary habitat loss in this works section would occur at
woodland, plantation and developed area. These temporary works would only
result in limited disturbance given vegetation clearance and tree felling would
be avoided/ minimized as far as possible. Considered that potentially affected
area in these habitats is relatively small and they will be reinstated after the
completion of the construction, the impact on these habitats is anticipated to
be minor. The reinstatement of temporarily affected area by woodland mix
planting would be carried out.
Construction at Kowloon Tunnel Portal
8.8.24 Construction works at Kowloon side include construction of
new tunnel portal structure and slope formation works in LRT portal area, and
construction of new ventilation building and associated slope formation works
to the south west of the LRT portal. There are also widening and
realignment of slip roads in Lung Cheung Road and Waterloo Road, as well as
construction of a new vehicular bridge in LRTR crossing Lung Cheung Road (refer to 60604728/R42b/Figure
8.4.1 for the affected area and 60604728/R42b/Figure
2.5 for the works layouts). No sites of conservation importance were identified within Project footprint at Kowloon side.
8.8.25 The road widening works and construction of new vehicular
bridge would be largely carried out along the existing road alignments (i.e.
developed area), but a short section of two modified watercourses WC4 and WC5
of low ecological value (10 m and 20 m respectively) that adjacent to the LRTR
would be directly affected. The widening and realignment of slip road in
LRTR to the north of Lung Cheung Court would affect 0.12 ha of roadside
plantation. While another road widening work in Lung Cheung Road to the
southwest of Lion Rock Park would affect 0.04 ha of roadside plantation.
8.8.26 The construction of new tunnel portal structure and
associated slope formation works would cause permanent loss of 0.36 ha of
plantation on an engineered slope, 0.06 ha of hillside mixed woodland and 0.29
ha of hillside shrubland right above the existing tunnel portal. The
construction of a new ventilation building and associated slope formation works
next to the LRTR northbound tunnel entrance would cause permanent loss of 0.22
ha of roadside plantation on a man-made slope as well 0.09 ha of the adjoining
mixed woodland.
8.8.27 The potentially affected plantation, shrubland and woodland
habitats are located close to the LRTR and Lung Cheung Road that
situated in a highly urbanised area. These habitats have already subjected to continuous disturbance
from heavy traffic road, the impact of permanent loss of these wooded areas is
considered as minor, if unmitigated. As the affected sections of modified
watercourses (WC4 and WC5) are channelized and only support limited plant
species, the impact of loss is considered as minor, if unmitigated.
8.8.28 Temporary
habitat loss at Kowloon side would occur at woodland, shrubland, plantation and
developed area situated at the margin of permanently affected areas.
These temporary works would only result in limited disturbance given vegetation
clearance and tree felling would be avoided/ minimized as far as
possible. Three mature individuals and six young individuals of the
widely planted Rhodoleia were recorded near the Lung Cheung Road Park.
They are located within the temporarily affected area for slip road widening
and realignment, but potential impact on this species could be avoided.
Considered that potentially affected area in these habitats is relatively small and they will be reinstated after the
completion of the construction, the impact on these habitats is anticipated to
be minor. The reinstatement of temporarily affected area by
woodland mix planting would be carried out.
Construction of Natural Terrain Hazard
Mitigation Measures
8.8.29 As stated in Section 2.5,
potential slope failure and natural terrain hazards were
identified at the natural terrains east and west to the Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area (within LRCP
or partially within LRCP) as well as west to Sha Tin Tau New Village (outside
LRCP). For the sake of public safety, NTHMMs are proposed (refer to 60604728/R42b/Figure
2.3 and 60604728/R42b/Figure
2.4 for the works locations). In order to avoid and
minimize potential impacts on LRCP and the natural habitats there, the
footprint of the NTHMMs including the proposed rigid barrier and flexible
barriers have been minimized and be located outside LRCP as far as practicable
during the design stage. However, as slope failure and hazards are identified
within LRCP, some NTHMMs would unavoidably be located at developed / paved
areas at LRCP. Tree felling and vegetation trimming would be further avoided
and minimized as far as possible by careful design of the locations and
orientation of foundation/anchors.
8.8.30 The
construction of two rigid barriers at LRCP west and east to Hung Mui Kuk
Barbecue Area would be carried out by either small drilling rig or pre-bored H
pile drilling rig and only small-scale excavation works is anticipated.
This would only affect small area of developed area (0.02 ha), which only
supported limited vegetation. These impacted habitats were next to the
LRTR and subject to human disturbance (e.g. heavy traffic noise, regular
vegetation trimming due to road safety). No flora species of
conservation importance were recorded at the Project footprint of the rigid
barriers within LRCP while one Chinese Hackberry, which is a common native
tree, would unavoidably be affected during the construction of the rigid
barriers. Potential impacts on individual trees within LRCP and recommended
mitigation are presented in Section 10. No
water flow was observed at the nearby seasonal watercourses SW1 and SW3.
Culvert 3 was observed to receive water occasionally, however, no freshwater
fauna was recorded during the survey. Given the proposed rigid barriers
would not encroach into SW1, SW3 and Culvert 3, no direct impact to these two
watercourses and culvert is anticipated. To minimize potential impact to
natural habitat within LRCP (e.g. woodland), no temporary access path or
temporary storage would be constructed within LRCP. Considered the scale
of the proposed NTHMMs in LRCP are small, and located at developed area
currently subjected to continuous disturbance, the impact on LRCP and the
habitats there are considered as minor.
8.8.31 Four flexible barriers would be constructed outside LRCP,
either located at the existing shotcrete slope or at the woodland margin near
the slope fringe. The erection of flexible barriers mainly involves
limited drilling works for anchors installation including manual construction
of footing for the supporting of steel posts, which would only affect small
area of woodland (0.01 ha) and developed area (0.01 ha) habitats. Most of
the understorey vegetation within the potentially affected area was common shrub/herb
species, such as Wild Coffee, Chinese Privet and Oriental Blechnum. No
flora species of conservation importance were recorded within the footprint of
flexible barriers. The location and orientation of anchors and footings
would be designed carefully to avoid unnecessary tree felling and minimize
vegetation trimming as far as practicable. Also, the existing maintenance
access of the slope features would be used as the temporary site access for the
construction of the flexible barriers while the temporary storage area would be
located distantly away from natural habitats (e.g. woodland) in order to
further minimize the disturbance. Thus, the impact of habitat loss is
considered as minor.
8.8.32 Five
flora species of conservation importance were recorded in close proximity to
the footprint of proposed rigid barriers and flexible barriers. Three
flora species of conservation importance (one seedling of Incense Tree, one
individual of Ailanthus and three clumps of Luofushan Joint-fir) were recorded
outside the footprint of the proposed rigid barrier. Three flora species
of conservation importance (four individuals of Butulang Canthium, one
individual of Hong Kong Pavetta and three individuals of Ailanthus) were
recorded adjacent to the footprint of proposed flexible barriers outside
LRCP. As all of the above species of conservation importance were located
outside the footprint of the rigid barriers and flexible barriers, no direct
impact would be expected on these species. To protect these species of
conservation importance, special attention would be paid to avoid unwanted
encroachment to these species of conservation importance during construction
phase. Precautionary measures such as no trimming of the flora species of
conservation importance (e.g. Luofushan Joint-fir, Incense Tree) and erection
of hoardings to clearly demarcate the project footprint and the access for
workers would be adopted. All the flora species of conservation
importance would be retained with provision of plant protection zones with
sturdy fencing and warning signs. In
case in-situ preservation is found to be impractical during the later design
phase, appropriate alternative mitigation measures (e.g. transplantation / compensatory planting) should be considered and addressed
in the Final PPTP, where necessary. Landscaping works such as
planting of native shrubs in pits of rigid barriers and flexible barriers and
provision of subdued colour paint would be undertaken to reinstate the affected
area upon the completion of works.
Impact to Recognized Sites of Conservation Importance
and Species of Conservation Importance
8.8.33 The
proposed underground tunneling works under the Project are designed to avoid
direct impacts on LRCP, Beacon Hill SSSI and other natural habitats. As
detailed in Section
2.5, although the aboveground works under the Project are also
designed to avoid the LRCP, Beacon Hill SSSI and natural habitats as far as
possible, direct encroachment upon the fringe of the LRCP at and near the
existing tunnel toll plaza and along the LRTR near Hung Mui Kuk Interchange is
inevitable. Given no construction works would be proposed within Beacon
Hill SSSI, no direct habitat loss and fragmentation would be resulted at Beacon
Hill SSSI.
8.8.34 In
total, approximately 1.14 ha aboveground works and 7.42 ha underground
tunneling works would fall within the LRCP boundary. Permanent loss of
habitats within LRCP would only occur at aboveground Project footprint and a
majority of which (about 71%) are located within the developed areas (refer to Table 8.12), works within this habitat
(e.g. road widening, construction of lay-by) would not directly affect adjacent
trees within the LRCP. A total of about 0.16 ha woodland habitats of
moderate to high ecological value within LRCP would be permanently affected
(Refer to the below table). The three small pieces of woodlands within
LRCP are all located at Shatin side. The potentially affected roadside
woodland within LRCP mainly located at a man-made slope at the west of the Hung
Mui Kuk Barbecue Area (about 0.15 ha). The vegetation on slope were a
mixture of common plantation and native species. Two flora species of
conservation importance, Incense Tree and Butulang Canthium, were recorded in
this woodland. The slope would be affected by the proposed road widening works
at the southbound lane of LRTR. The second area involves a very small area
(<0.01 ha) of woodland near the eastern side of the LRT Shatin portal. It
would be lost due to the slope formation works to be carried out to form the
tunnel launching area at Shatin portal. Another very small area (<0.01 ha)
of woodland to the south of Kak Tin Village would also be lost due to the road
widening works of LRTR at the southbound traffic lane. The potentially impacted
woodland comprised common/very common native plant species. Given the above
affected areas are situated immediately adjacent to the LRTR, the woodland
habitat of moderate to high ecological value has exposed to continuous
anthropogenic disturbance (e.g. dust, traffic noise and traffic emission,
littering, etc.). About 0.09 ha woodland within the LRCP near Hung
Mui Kuk Barbecue Area and Shatin Portal would also be temporary occupied as
storage/works area during the construction phase. Considered the small
size and continuous disturbed nature of these affected woodlands, the direct
impact to these roadside woodland areas is expected to be minor to moderate, if
Table 8.13 Area
of Woodland Loss within LRCP
Permanent Loss (ha)
Temporary Loss (ha)
Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area
South of Kak Tin Village
8.8.35 Permanent
loss of some plantations (about 0.17 ha) of low to moderate ecological value along
LRTR west to Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area, and near LRT Sha Tin Portal within
LRCP would be occurred under the Project footprint. These plantations were
located on roadside engineered slope and comprised common plantation
species. Human disturbance such as traffic noise and regular vegetation
management works were frequently recorded. The direct impact of habitat
loss to these plantations is considered as minor.
8.8.36 A small area of developed area (about 0.8 ha) within LRCP
along LRTR would be permanently lost. This potentially affected habitat
was located near the LRT toll plaza, on engineered slope immediate adjacent to
the LRTR or along existing LRTR, which subjected to human disturbance (e.g.
traffic noise and regular maintenance). This habitat is of low ecological
value and only supported very limited vegetation. Considered the small
size and already highly disturbed nature under current condition, the direct
impact to this habitat is considered as minor.
8.8.37 A
small section of modified watercourse (WC3) (less than 0.01 ha and 60 m) south
to LRT toll plaza within LRCP would be permanent lost under the Project
No water flow was observed at this modified watercourse. Given this
modified watercourse was small and already modified in nature, the impact of
habitat loss is considered as minor.
8.8.38 The construction of the two rigid barriers east and west to
Hung Mui Kuk would affect approximately 0.02 ha of developed area at LRCP (as
detailed in Section 8.8.30). No water flow was observed at the
nearby seasonal watercourse SW1 and SW3. Given both affected habitats
were relatively small in size and highly disturbed in nature, the impact of
habitat loss is considered as minor.
8.8.39 The
temporarily affected areas are largely located at the margins of the
permanently affected areas, which provide essential spaces required for
erection of site hoardings, placement of equipment and maneuvering of
machinery, material storage and stockpiling, etc. About 0.59 ha temporary
loss of habitats (including 0.09 ha woodland, 0.16 ha plantation and 0.33 ha
developed area) within LRCP would be anticipated. The majority of
temporarily affected areas located along LRTR immediate adjacent to the
proposed Project footprint would be affected due to temporary erection of
hoardings during construction phase. Other temporarily affected area
(e.g. developed area and plantation near Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area, woodland
near the eastern side of the LRT Shatin portal, and developed area east to LRT
Office) would be affected due to temporary material/equipment storage during
the construction phase. These temporarily affected habitats were
relatively small and the affected woodland and plantation would be reinstated
upon the completion of construction works. The reinstatement of
temporarily affected area by woodland mix planting would be carried out, thus,
the impact of temporary habitat loss is considered as minor.
8.8.40 A
total of five
flora, one avifauna and one mammal species of conservation importance were
recorded in or immediately adjacent to the Project boundary of aboveground
works within LRCP. As mentioned in Section 2.5.34, it
is recommended to adopt the downhill option for the Project and carry out the
road widening works downhill of the existing LRT Road as far as practicable.
However, the need of uphill works west to Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area is
required for the road widening works to avoid direct encroachment into existing
buildings of World-wide Gardens. Thus, two flora (one seedling of Incense
Tree and seven young individual of Butulang Canthium) recorded within the
Project footprint west to Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area within LRCP would be
potentially directly impacted. All the above recorded flora species of
conservation importance likely could not be preserved in-situ due to the road
widening works, and thus suitable mitigation measure (e.g. transplantation or
compensation) would be required. Considered both Butulang
Canthium and Incense Tree are locally common plant species and only small
number of individuals would be affected, the impact to these flora
species of conservation importance is anticipated to be minor to moderate, if
unmitigated. The impact to the one mammal species (Lesser Bamboo Bat)
outside Project footprint would be described in the Section 8.8.43
below. Given the remaining three flora species of conservation importance
(i.e. Luofushan Joint-fir, Lamb of Tartary and Ailanthus) and one avifauna were
recorded outside the proposed Project footprint (refer to 60604728/R42b/Figure
8.4.3 and 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.4.4),
they would not be directly impacted by the proposed works. However, in
order to avoid/minimise unwanted impacts to these species of conservation
importance, precautionary measures such as erection of hoardings to confine the
project footprint and the access by workers would be adopted. Outside LRCP,
three flora species of conservation importance including Rhodoleia (nine
individuals) found at plantation near Lung Cheung Road Park and Ailanthus (19
individuals) and Butulang Canthium (two individuals) recorded along the LRTR
are located within Project footprint. All Rhodoleia and one
individual of Ailanthus recorded in the south of Kak Tin Village would be
preserved in-situ, thus no direct impact is anticipated to these species. The
remaining 18 individuals of Ailanthusand two individuals of
Butulang Canthium likely could not be preserved in-situ due to the road
widening works, and thus suitable mitigation measure (e.g. transplantation or
compensation) would be required. Hence, the direct impact to these species
would be moderate, if unmitigated.
8.8.41 No flora species of conservation importance were located
within the footprint of rigid barriers and flexible barriers. However,
five flora species of conservation importance were recorded in close proximity
to the footprint, i.e. one seedling of Incense Tree, one individual of
Ailanthus and three clumps of Luofushan Joint-fir near the rigid barriers
within LRCP; and four individuals of Butulang Canthium, one individual of Hong
Kong Pavetta and three individuals of Ailanthus near the proposed flexible
barriers outside LRCP (as detailed in Section 8.8.32). As the
construction works would be strictly confined within the proposed footprint of
rigid barriers and flexible barriers, direct encroachment within habitats where
these flora species situated in (i.e. woodland and mixed woodland) is not
anticipated. Hence, no direct impact on flora species of
conservation importance due to proposed NTHMMs is expected.
8.8.42 In general, the aboveground works of the Project would lead
to permanent and temporary loss of small amount of woodland with moderate to
high ecological value, plantation with low to moderate ecological value and
developed area and modified watercourse with low ecological value within LRCP
(The area of loss on each habitat can refer Table 8.12). The associated
vegetation on each habitat within LRCP, including two flora species of
conservation importance (one seedling of Incense Tree and seven young
individuals of Butulang Canthium), would also be directly impacted (as
discussed in Section 8.8.40 above). The potentially affected
habitats are currently exposed to continuous anthropogenic disturbance (e.g.
dust, traffic noise and traffic emission, littering, etc.) and unlikely to be
significant habitats for wildlife. Considered the majority of the aboveground works
within LRCP are located in developed area and only small area of woodland
(about 0.25 ha) and small number of flora species of conservation importance
would be impacted, the direct impact to the LRCP is anticipated to be minor to
moderate, if unmitigated.
Direct Harm/Mortality to Wildlife
8.8.43 Construction
phase activities (e.g. site clearance and formation) may cause potential direct
injury/mortality to wildlife. An individual of Little Egret was recorded
at the modified watercourse WC1 within the Project footprint of underground
works within LRCP. Given the underground works would not involve any
aboveground works, no direct impact on Little Egret is anticipated. A majority
of the aboveground Project footprint within LRCP are located on developed area
and other habitats immediately adjacent to the LRTR which would unlikely serve
as important habitats for wildlife. Species with higher mobility are not
anticipated to be significantly impacted, but fauna with lower mobility would
be subjected to higher risk of injury or mortality by construction activities.
Orange-bellied Leafbird was recorded at the woodland within Project footprint
outside LRCP i.e. east to STSFWSR. Lesser Bamboo Bat was south to LRT
toll plaza outside Project footprint. Bird species is mobile and likely
to move and utilize alternative habitats outside the Project site (e.g.
woodland within LRCP or south to STWTW), thus Orange-bellied Leafbird is
unlikely to be significantly impacted and direct injured. Given Lesser Bamboo
Bat was recorded only once during the survey and no physical sightings of this
bat nor its roost were observed within the Project footprint (as Section 8.6.50), direct impact on the roost
of Lesser Bamboo Bat is not anticipated. The natural section of S7 which may
serve as a potential breeding/nursery ground of Small Clubtail (nymph) and
Lesser Spiny Frog (tadpoles) is located outside the Project footprint and no
construction works would be carried out at this habitat. Hence loss of feeding
and breeding ground of wildlife at S7 due to the construction of the Project is
not anticipated. Given no proposed works would be undertaken at any permanently
flowing watercourses, minor impact is anticipated to the species with
relatively lower mobility (e.g. tadpoles, nymph and freshwater crab) which are
dependent and restricted to the watercourse habitat. Moreover, the
Project footprint for road improvement works would mainly follow the existing
LRTR which is already highly disturbed due to heavy traffic under the current
condition. The road is less likely utilized by fauna species than the
natural woodland habitats at the hillside region. No prominent wildlife
movement path was observed across the existing LRTR during the literature
review and current survey. Thus, the potential impact of road-kill is not
anticipated to be significant to wildlife. Furthermore, given that no wildlife
of conservation importance was recorded within the proposed footprint of NTHMMs
and scale of these proposed works are small, hence direct impact on fauna
species due to the construction of NTHMMs is not anticipated.
Bird Collision
8.8.44 During construction phase, temporary construction structures
using transparent / reflective materials (e.g. noise barrier) may increase the
potential of bird collision. The proposed locations of the aboveground
construction structures occur mainly along LRTR. Under the current
condition, the existing LRTR is highly disturbed due to traffic noise and
emission. No prominent flight paths of avifauna were observed during the
literature review and current survey. The road is less likely utilized by
fauna species than the natural woodland habitats at the hillside region.
The impact is anticipated to be minor, if unmitigated.
Indirect Impacts
Habitat Fragmentation
8.8.45 Given the proposed aboveground works would largely take place along the
existing LRTR networks and natural/semi-natural habitats immediate adjacent to
the LRTR, no habitat discontinuity will be resulted from the
construction. Hence, fragmentation is unlikely to be significant due to
the proposed works.
Disturbance Impacts on Recognized Sites of
Conservation Importance
8.8.46 Construction disturbances (including dust, construction
noise and vibration, water quality deterioration, glare) to the recognized
sites of conservation importance LRCP and Beacon Hill SSSI may be arising from
the proposed works. The disturbance impacts are described in Sections
8.8.47 to 8.8.52 below.
Disturbance Impacts on Terrestrial Habitat, Vegetation
and Fauna
8.8.47 The
construction activities of aboveground works would increase temporary
disturbance including construction noise and vibration and result in indirect
impacts to nearby natural habitats (i.e. woodland, mixed woodland and natural
watercourses) and the associated fauna, and cause reduction of species
abundance or diversity. Under the current condition, the majority of
natural habitats next to the proposed Project site along LRTR was already
highly disturbed. Hence, the disturbance impact is considered as minor to
moderate if unmitigated, and the reduction of species abundance or diversity is
expected to be minor as the existing disturbance level along LRTR would not be
significantly increased by the construction of the Project.
8.8.48 According
to Section
4, potential ground-borne noise impact during construction phase
of the Project would arise mainly from the PME (such as hydraulic breaker,
drill rig and hand-held breaker and tunnel boring machine (TBM)) to be operated
inside the tunnels for rock breaking/drilling works. Construction works
using a TBM takes place mainly underground, which could significantly reduce
noise, dust and disruption to nearby noise sensitive receivers (EPD, 2016). The
predicted overall noise levels at most of the noise sensitive receivers
(including LRCP) at Shatin side under the with-Project mitigated scenario would
comply with the respective noise criteria
8.8.49 Dust generated during construction phase (e.g. from
construction machinery, improper storage) could affect the flora at nearby
habitats (including LRCP, Beacon Hill SSSI). Construction dust could
cover the leaves of plants in adjacent habitats and may in turn affect
photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration and deteriorate their health.
Given the LRTR is a busy road with heavy traffic flow, the flora species
immediate adjacent to the LRTR has already exposed to high level of disturbance
due to traffic emission. The impact is anticipated to be minor to moderate if
unmitigated. As stated in Section 3, the
predictions showed that daily and annual averages of respirable suspended
particulates and fine suspended particulates, hourly and annual averages of NO2
at representative ASRs would comply with the AQOs.
8.8.50 Artificial
lighting (glare) may affect light sensitive wildlife (e.g. mammal, nocturnal
avifauna) at nearby habitats including woodland and mixed woodland within
LRCP. This could result in disorientation and attraction of light
sensitive / nocturnal fauna to artificial light, and disruptive effects on
their light-sensitive cycles. This can affect migration, foraging /
predation and breeding success of these species. However, given that most
of the habitats at and near the Project footprint were already subjected to
glare disturbance from existing traffic and residential buildings, and the
construction works of the Project is unlikely to significantly increase the
existing glare disturbance level, hence the glare impacts is expected to be
8.8.51 As
stated in Section
5, wastewater generated from land-based construction works and
site runoff could potentially pose indirect impacts on the water quality at
adjoining watercourses. Wastewater, site run-off and accidental spills
are generally characterized by high concentrations of suspended solid (SS) and
turbidity. Various construction works may also generate debris and
rubbish such as packaging, construction materials and refuse.
Uncontrolled discharge of site effluents, rubbish and refuse generated from the
construction works could lead to water quality deterioration. Some
natural watercourses (i.e. S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, and S8), modified watercourse
WC2, and seasonal watercourses (SW1 and SW3) are located near the LRTR Project
footprint. It is expected WC2, S4, S5, SW1, SW3 and the downhill sections
of S3, S6 and S8 may subject to water quality disturbance. For natural
watercourse S7 which is located above the LRT Shatin portal, no water quality
disturbance is anticipated as it is situated in uphill area and maintain a
considerable distance from the Project footprint at Shatin portal.
8.8.52 Construction
activities (e.g. site formation, set up of hoarding) may hinder the movement
and create significant barrier effect to mobile fauna within the Project
site. However, given the existing LRTR is a heavy traffic road and highly
disturbed, the utilization of this area as an important movement corridor by
fauna species is considered to be unlikely under the current condition.
No prominent flight path of avifauna and other wildlife movement path were
observed during the literature review and current survey. Thus, the
barrier effect and the disturbance impact on the movement of mobile species
within the Project site is considered as minor.
Disturbance Impacts on Ardeid Night Roost Site and
Ardeid Flight Path
8.8.53 The ardeid pre-roosting and night roost site recorded at
SMRC was approximately 630 m away from the nearest proposed Project
boundary. Thus, the disturbance impacts are unlikely to be significant to
the ardeid pre-roosting and night roosting site. Moreover, no night
roosting ardeid flight paths were recorded from the direction of Project site
during the current ecological surveys. Thus, no significant disturbance
impact on flight path of night roosting ardeids due to the proposed works is
8.8.54 The
underground works of this Project (about 1.4 km long) would be carried out
along the existing LRT alignments. The works include enlargement of Kowloon
bound tunnel tube by using drill and break method, rehabilitated Shatin bound
tunnel tube and construction of new middle tunnel tube by using TBM method
(refer to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.4.1 to 60604728/R42b/Figure 8.4.2
for the affected area and 60604728/R42b/Figure 2.4 to 60604728/R42b/Figure 2.5
for the works details). Majority of the underground works would be conducted
beneath the LRCP. The Beacon Hill SSSI is situated in the immediate west of the
LRT. The underground works would pass through habitats including woodland,
mixed woodland, shrubland, modified watercourse and developed area. No
permanently-flowing natural watercourse was found above the underground Project
8.8.55 As stated in Section 5.6,
underground works may result in infiltration of groundwater if
uncontrolled. The major concern from underground construction activities
would be the increase in site runoff and the associated potential drawdown of
groundwater in any soil and aquifer layers. Groundwater infiltration
would affect the construction works and infiltrated water would carry away silt
and other contaminants from site into the site drainage. Consideration
should be taken at the early design stage to minimize the infiltration of
groundwater. Underground development may also drawdown groundwater in any
soil and aquifer layers if uncontrolled. Practical groundwater control
measures should be followed to minimize the potential groundwater
Operation Phase
Direct Impacts
No Additional Habitat Loss and Habitat Fragmentation
8.8.56 There would be no additional habitat loss
during the
operation phase of the Project. Thus, no direct impact on the recognized
sites of conservation importance (i.e. LRCP and Beacon Hill SSSI) and natural
habitats within the assessment area is anticipated. No habitat
fragmentation is expected during operation phase.
8.8.57 The traffic flow along the proposed LRT during operation
phase may cause potential direct injury/mortality to wildlife (e.g.
road-kill). However, given the proposed works would mainly follow the
existing LRTR which is already highly disturbed due to heavy traffic under the
current condition. The road is less likely utilized by fauna species than
the natural woodland habitats at the hillside region. No prominent
wildlife movement path was observed across the existing LRTR during the
literature review and current survey. Given the proposed LRT during the
operation phase would be similar to the current condition which would also be a
heavy traffic road, the potential impact of direct harm including road-kill to
wildlife during the operation phase is considered as minor.
Bird Collision
8.8.58 There will be no high-rise buildings under the Project
footprint during operation phase. Increased risk of bird collision with
transparent noise barriers along LRTR (e.g. near Worldwide Garden and Fung
Shing Court) is anticipated during the operation phase. More than half of
the recorded species of conservation importance were recorded within the less
disturbed woodland habitat at the hillside region. Other recorded
avifauna species were generalists that adapted to man-made structures and
vehicles by alternating their flight paths and flight height. Potential
bird collision due to noise barriers along LRTR during operation phase would be
minor to moderate, if unmitigated.
Indirect Impacts
Disturbance Impacts on Terrestrial Habitat, Vegetation
and Fauna
8.8.59 The
operation of LRT could result in disturbance to the nearby recognized sites of
conservation importance (i.e. LRCP), natural habitats (e.g. woodland, mixed
woodland, natural watercourse) and associated fauna and flora in the vicinity
of Project boundary. These disturbance impacts include glare, noise,
surface runoff and traffic emission. However, as the directly affected
areas (including habitats within LRCP) are already located in the vicinity of
the existing LRTR of similar levels of disturbance, the magnitude of change is
considered as minor to moderate, if unmitigated. Considered Beacon Hill
SSSI is located at uphill area about 220 m away from the LRT Shatin portals, it
is unlikely to be significantly impacted by the disturbance generated from the
LRT operation.
8.8.60 The
proposed Project site largely follows the existing LRTR, therefore, it is
anticipated the traffic condition would be similar to the current
condition. Given the existing LRTR is a road with heavy traffic flow, the
utilization of the Project site as a movement corridor by fauna is considered
to be minimal under the baseline condition. The disturbance impact on the
movement of mobile species within the Project site during operation phase is
considered as minor.
8.8.61 For the NTHMMs, although routine maintenance inspection may
be required, the level of disturbance is considered minimal given the
inspection would be occasional and temporary.
Disturbance Impacts on Ardeid Night Roost Site and
Flight Path
8.8.62 Given the night roosting site is located approximately 630 m
away from the nearest Project boundary, the disturbance impacts are unlikely to
be significant to the ardeid night roost site. Moreover, no night
roosting ardeid flight paths were recorded from the direction of Project site,
it is anticipated the proposed LRT alignment would not lead to significant
disturbance impact on the flight path of night roosting ardeids during operation
Evaluation of Ecological Impact
8.9.1 Potential ecological impacts
on the identified habitats within the assessment area associated with the
construction and operation of the Project have been evaluated in accordance
with the Annex 8 of the EIAO-TM, as presented in Table 8.14 to Table
Woodland and Mixed Woodland
8.9.2 The major impact on woodland
within assessment area includes permanent (0.24 ha) and temporary (0.13 ha)
habitat loss by road widening and associated works, construction of new car
parking space and car deport and vehicular cross-over bridge, slope formation
works and proposed NTHMMs (i.e. flexible barrier). Part of the
permanently affected woodland (0.16 ha) is located within the LRCP (as stated
in Table 8.13) to the west of the Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area, Shatin
Portal and South of Kak Tin Village. The affected woodland patches within LRCP
were considered as of moderate to high ecological value. However, it
should be noted these woodlands are located in the margin of the habitat and
situated next to developed areas (e.g. LRTR and LRT Poral), and are currently
exposed to relatively high disturbance compared with the uphill woodlands
within LRCP. The significance of the small area of permanent woodland loss
at LRCP is evaluated as minor to moderate. Similarly, given that the
temporarily affected habitats within woodland habitat were relatively small
(total 0.13 ha, 0.09 ha within LRCP) and the affected habitats would be
reinstated upon the completion of construction works by woodland mix planting
and compensatory planting, minor ecological impact is anticipated from the
temporary loss and indirect disturbance impact.
8.9.3 Within woodland habitat, two
flora species of conservation importance (Incense Tree and Butulang Canthium)
were recorded within the Project footprint. Mitigation measures would be
required to mitigate potential direct impact to the plant species.
8.9.4 The major impact to mixed
woodland is the permanent (0.62 ha) and temporary loss (0.33 ha) of habitat due
to road widening and associated works, and slope formation works outside LRCP.
These affected mixed woodland patches were mainly situated in the margin of
mixed woodland which already surrounded by developed area or village/orchard,
hence subject to certain level of existing disturbance. Considering the
affected habitat only support moderate floral and low fauna diversity, as
stated in Sections 8.6.13 and 8.6.14, the overall ecological
value and already subject to disturbance, minor to moderate ecological impact
is anticipated from the habitat loss. Given that the temporarily affected
habitats within mixed woodland habitat were relatively small (0.33 ha) and the
affected habitats would be reinstated upon the completion of construction works
by woodland mix planting. Hence, the indirect disturbance impact on this
habitat is also expected to be minor.
Table 8.14 Potential
Ecological Impacts to Woodland and Mixed Woodland Habitats
Mixed Woodland
Habitat quality
Moderate to high – for contiguous
woodland within LRCP
Moderate – for remaining isolated
Low to Moderate – for remaining
mixed woodland
High floral and moderate faunal
14 flora, 16 avifauna, nine
butterfly, three odonate, one reptile and 13 mammal species of conservation
importance were recorded in current and previous studies.
Moderate floral and low faunal diversity
Seven flora, one avifauna, one butterfly, one reptile and three
mammal species of conservation importance were recorded in current and
previous studies.
Permanent loss (0.24 ha in
– 0.16 ha within LRCP (i.e.
<0.01 ha near LRT Shatin portal, 0.15 ha roadside woodland at an
engineered slope near Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area and <0.01 ha south of Kak
Tin Village)
– 0.07 ha outside LRCP near
Shatin portals
Temporary loss (0.13 ha in
– 0.09 ha within LRCP (i.e. 0.01
ha near Shatin portal and 0.07 ha near Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area)
– 0.04 ha of woodland outside
LRCP near LRT Shatin and Kowloon portals
Permanent loss (0.62 ha) and temporary loss (0.33
ha) of mixed woodland habitat outside LRCP are anticipated
Direct impact (habitat
loss) within the Project footprint would be permanent.
habitat loss would be reversible.
Indirect impact (noise
and vibration, air/dust, glare) during construction phase would be temporary.
impact (glare, noise, increase in human disturbance) during operation phase
would be permanent.
Direct impact (habitat
loss) within the Project footprint would be permanent.
habitat loss would be reversible.
Indirect impact (noise
and vibration, air/dust, glare) during the construction phase would be
Indirect impact
(noise, increase in human disturbance) during operation phase would be
habitat loss within LRCP and LRT Shatin portals would be irreversible.
habitat loss and construction phase indirect impacts (air/dust, noise, glare)
would be reversible.
phase indirect impacts (air/dust, disturbance, increase in human activities)
would be irreversible.
habitat loss would be irreversible.
habitat loss and construction phase indirect impacts (disturbance, increase
in human activities) would be reversible.
phase indirect impacts (air/dust, disturbance, increase in human activities)
would be irreversible.
Low to moderate – for
woodland within LRCP
low – for remaining woodland
outside LRCP
Low to moderate
Overall Impact Evaluation
Minor to moderate – for woodland within LRCP
Minor – for remaining woodland outside LRCP
Minor to moderate – for mixed woodland near Kak Tin Village, east to Lion Rock High Level
No. 2 Fresh Water Primary Service Reservoir
Minor – for remaining patches
Plantation and Shrubland
8.9.5 The major impact to
plantation is the permanent loss (3.40 ha) of habitat due to road widening and
associated works, construction of new footbridge, vehicular cross-over, bridge
tunnel portal structure, ventilation building and slope formation works.
Temporary loss (0.98 ha) on this habitat is also anticipated. Plantation
habitat within the assessment area is subject to certain level of existing
disturbance. Small areas of plantation on engineered slopes near LRT toll
plaza, near LRT Shatin portals and east and west to Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area
are located within LRCP and continuously subject to disturbance such as traffic
noise and emission. Considering the nature of the affected plantation and
the fact that they only support low or low to moderate floral diversity and
with simple flora structure, as stated in Section 8.6.20 and 8.6.21,
and the overall ecological value, minor ecological impact is anticipated from
the loss of plantation under the project. Indirect disturbance impact on this
habitat is also expected to be minor.
8.9.6 Within plantation habitat,
three flora species of conservation importance (Ailanthus, Butulang Canthium
and Rhodoleia) were recorded within the Project footprint. Given the
affected Rhodoleia would be preserved in-situ, no direct impact is anticipated.
Mitigation measures would be required to mitigate potential direct impact
to the plant species Ailanthus and Butulang Canthium.
8.9.7 While a small proportion of
shrubland (0.29 ha) north to the LRT portals at Kowloon would be permanently
loss due to slope formation works, a majority of shrubland habitats are
unlikely to be directly or indirectly impacted due to their relatively far
distance from the Project footprint. Considering the low to moderate
ecological value and low to moderate flora and low fauna diversity supported by
this shrubland, as stated in Section 8.6.23, minor/negligible ecological
impact is anticipated from the habitat loss and indirect disturbance impact.
Table 8.15 Potential Ecological Impacts to
Plantation and Shrubland Habitats
Habitat quality
Low to moderate – for plantation
within LRCP
Low – for remaining
Low to moderate
Low to moderate floral and low
faunal diversity – for the plantation on engineered slope along LRTR (within
Low floral and faunal diversity –
for the plantation south to portals at Sha Tin, north to portals at Kowloon,
along roadside, on engineered slope or interspersed with developed areas
Five flora, one avifauna,
one butterfly, one odonate and two mammal species of conservation importance
were recorded in current and previous studies.
Low to moderate floral and low
faunal diversity.
flora and one avifauna species of conservation importance were recorded.
Permanent loss (3.40 ha) and
temporary loss (0.98 ha) of this habitat are anticipated.
Permanent loss (3.40 ha in
– 0.17 ha within LRCP (i.e. 0.1
ha near LRT toll plaza, 0.02 ha near LRT Shatin portals and 0.05 ha west Hung
Mui Kuk Barbecue Area)
– 3.23 ha outside LRCP near LRT
Shatin portals, LRT toll plaza, Kowloon portals and Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue
Area and along LRTR
Temporary loss (0.98 ha in total):
– 0.16 ha within LRCP (i.e. 0.06
ha near Shatin portal and 0.1 ha near Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area)
– 0.82 ha of plantation outside
LRCP near LRT toll plaza, LRT Kowloon portals, Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area and
along LRTR
Permanent loss (0.29 ha) and temporary
loss (0.04 ha) of this habitat outside LRCP are anticipated
Direct impact (habitat
loss) within the footprint of the proposed works would be permanent.
habitat loss would be reversible.
Indirect impact (noise
and vibration, air/dust) during construction phase would be temporary.
Indirect impact
(air/dust, noise, increase in human activities) during operation phase would
be permanent.
Direct impact (habitat
loss) within the footprint of the proposed works would be permanent.
habitat loss would be reversible.
Indirect impact (noise
and vibration, air/dust) during construction phase would be temporary.
Indirect impact
(air/dust, noise, increase in human activities) during operation phase would
be permanent.
habitat loss would be irreversible.
habitat loss and construction phase indirect impacts (air/dust, noise, glare)
would be reversible.
phase indirect impacts (air/dust, noise, increase in human
activities) would be irreversible.
habitat loss would be irreversible.
habitat loss and construction phase indirect impacts (air/dust, noise, glare)
would be reversible.
phase indirect impacts (air/dust, noise, increase in human
activities) would be irreversible.
Overall Impact Evaluation
– for
plantation along LRTR and at LRT portals in Shatin (including those within
LRCP) and LRT portals at Kowloon
Negligible – for remaining plantation
– for shrubland north to the LRT portals at Kowloon
Negligible – for remaining shrubland
Active and Abandoned Agricultural Land
8.9.8 No direct impact is
anticipated in both active and abandoned agricultural land habitats. Given the
relatively far distance between these habitats and the Project footprint,
indirect disturbance impact on these habitats would be considered as negligible
as summarised below.
Table 8.16
Potential Ecological Impacts to Active and Abandoned Agricultural Land Habitats
Active Agricultural Land
Abandoned Agricultural Land
Habitat quality
Low floral and faunal diversity.
No species of conservation
importance was recorded.
Low floral and faunal diversity.
One butterfly, one reptile and one mammal species of conservation
importance were recorded in current and previous studies.
No direct loss of this habitat is
No direct loss of this habitat is
Indirect impact (noise
and vibration, air/dust) during construction phase would be temporary.
Indirect impact
(air/dust, noise, increase in human disturbance) during operation phase would
be permanent.
Indirect impact (noise
and vibration, air/dust) during construction phase would be temporary.
Indirect impact
(air/dust, noise, increase in human disturbance) during operation phase would
be permanent.
phase indirect impacts (air/dust, noise, glare) would be reversible.
phase indirect impacts (air/dust, noise, increase in human
activities would be irreversible.
phase indirect impacts (air/dust, noise, glare) would be reversible.
phase indirect impacts (air/dust, noise, increase in human
activities) would be irreversible.
Overall Impact Evaluation
Village/Orchard and Developed Area
8.9.9 No direct impact is
anticipated in village/orchard habitat, while area adjacent to the Project
footprint would be subjected to potential disturbance impact (air/dust, noise,
glare). However, as this habitat only supported low floral and faunal diversity
and already subjected to high levels of human disturbance. The indirect impact
to this habitat is considered as minor.
8.9.10 Majority of Project footprint is covered by developed area.
About 10.24 ha of developed area would be encroached upon by proposed
infrastructural/ road works and proposed NTHMMs (i.e. rigid barrier and
flexible barrier), while about 1.26 ha of developed area would be temporary
loss due to temporary works and storage. As this habitat is entirely man-made
and disturbed, and only supports low faunal diversity of common species and
variety of introduced or horticultural flora species, impact of redevelopment
in this habitat is considered to be minor as summarised below.
Table 8.17
Potential Ecological Impacts to Village /Orchard and Developed Area
Developed Area
Habitat quality
Low floral and faunal diversity.
Two avifauna and two mammal
species of conservation importance were recorded.
Moderate to high floral and low
faunal diversity, but most flora are introduced or horticultural species
Five flora, four avifauna, one
odonate, one reptile, four mammal species of conservation importance were
recorded in current and previous studies.
No direct loss of this habitat is
Permanent loss (10.24 ha) and
temporary loss (1.26 ha) of this habitat are anticipated.
Indirect impact (noise
and vibration, air/dust) during construction phase would be temporary.
Indirect impact
(air/dust, noise, increase in human disturbance) during operation phase would
be permanent.
impact (habitat loss would be permanent.
impacts (air/dust, noise, glare) during construction phase would be
Indirect impacts
(air/dust, noise, increase in human activities) during operation phase would
be permanent.
phase indirect impacts (air/dust, noise, glare) would be reversible.
phase indirect impacts (air/dust, noise, increase in human
activities would be irreversible.
habitat loss would be irreversible.
habitat loss and construction phase indirect impacts (air/dust, noise, glare)
would be reversible.
phase indirect impacts (air/dust, noise, increase in human
activities) would be irreversible.
Overall Impact Evaluation
Pond and Natural Watercourse
8.9.11 No direct impact is anticipated in pond habitat. Given that
this habitat is isolated and highly disturbed (by traffic, human activities,
etc.), and only support low floral and faunal diversity of common species.
Indirect disturbance impact on this habitat would be considered as negligible.
8.9.12 No direct impact is anticipated in natural watercourse
habitat. No diversion and modification of natural watercourses, including S5
and any other watercourses located within and immediately adjacent to the
Project footprint) is anticipated. Potential water quality related impact
including construction site runoff, road runoff and accidental spills would
potentially affect natural watercourses adjacent to the Project site and lead
to lethal / sublethal impacts to associated flora and fauna. However, given that
majority of natural watercourses with higher ecological value (e.g. S3 (upper
section), S5, S6 (upper section), S7 and S8 (upper section)) are situated in
uphill area to the southeast of LRTR or far from the Project footprint (S1), it
is expected that runoff and accidental spills would not affect these
watercourses. While natural watercourses situated in downhill to the northwest
of LRTR would subject to indirect disturbance impact. Given these affected
sections of watercourses supported low to moderate floral and low faunal
diversity, the impact is considered to be minor as summarized below.
Table 8.18
Potential Ecological Impacts to Pond and Natural Watercourse Habitats
Natural Watercourse
Habitat quality
Moderate to high – for S1, S2,
S3, S5, S6, S7, S8
Low to moderate – for S4, SW1,
SW2, SW3 and SW4
floral and faunal diversity
species of conservation importance were recorded.
Moderate floral and low faunal
diversity – for S1, S2, S3, S5, S6, S7, S8
Low to moderate floral and low
faunal diversity – for S4, SW1, SW2, SW3 and SW4
Eight flora, one avifauna, five odonate, four amphibian, three reptile, one
freshwater fish, and three freshwater fauna species of conservation
importance were recorded in current and previous studies.
direct loss of this habitat is anticipated.
direct loss of this habitat is anticipated.
Indirect impact (noise
and vibration, air/dust) during the construction phase would be temporary.
Indirect impact
(air/dust, noise, increase in human activities) during operation phase would
be permanent.
Indirect impact
(construction site runoff, groundwater infiltration) during the construction
phase would be temporary.
Indirect impact (road
runoff) during operation phase would be permanent.
phase indirect impacts (air/dust, noise, glare) would be reversible.
phase indirect impacts (air/dust, noise, increase in human
activities) would be irreversible.
phase indirect impacts (construction site runoff,
groundwater infiltration)
would be reversible.
phase indirect impacts (road runoff) would be
Low, not directly affected
Overall Impact Evaluation
Modified Watercourse
8.9.13 Majority of modified watercourse within the assessment area would
be retained, except part of WC3 within LRCP, which would be permanently loss
(less than 0.01 ha and 60 m) due to the construction of new car parking space
and car depot and vehicular cross-over bridge. Short section of WC4 and WC5
(approximately <0.01 ha and 30 m in total) would be permanently affected due
to road widening works. Given that WC3 was concreted and no water flow was
observed during the survey, the impact of habitat loss is considered as minor
as no flora and fauna species would be affected. As the proposed elevated
highway structure will span over and no construction works would be encroached
into the channel bed of Culvert 1, Culvert 1 within LRCP would not be directly
affected. Culverts 1 to 3 located within or adjacent to the Project boundary
within LRCP would not be directly affected under the Project. Indirect
disturbance including construction site runoff and accidental spills would
potentially affect the water quality of modified watercourses and lead to
lethal / sublethal impacts to associated flora and fauna, however, the impact
would be considered as minor since these modified watercourses adjacent to the
LRTR are currently subject to disturbance and only support low floral and
faunal diversity.
Table 8.19
Potential Ecological Impacts to Modified Watercourse Habitat
Habitat quality
Low floral and faunal diversity.
Two avifauna, one butterfly, two
odonate, two amphibian, two reptiles, two mammal and one freshwater fish
species of conservation importance were recorded. Among them, only one
avifauna was recorded within Project footprint of underground works; the
other species were recorded outside Project footprint.
Direct loss of part of WC3 within
LRCP and section of WC4 and WC5 (<0.01 ha) near LRT Kowloon portals are anticipated.
habitat loss within LRCP and near LRT Kowloon portals would be irreversible.
Indirect impact (construction site runoff, groundwater
infiltration) during construction phase would be temporary.
Indirect impact (road runoff)
during operation phase would be permanent.
habitat loss within LRCP and near LRT Kowloon portals would be irreversible.
phase indirect impacts (construction site runoff,
groundwater infiltration)
would be reversible.
Operation phase indirect impacts
(road runoff) would be irreversible.
Overall Impact Evaluation
of Adverse Ecological Impacts
8.10.1 According to the Annex 16 of EIAO-TM and EIAO
Guidance Note. 3/2010, ecological impacts on important habitats and the
associated wildlife caused by the proposed Project should be mitigated, in
order of priority, avoidance, minimization, and compensation approaches to the
maximum practical extent.
Avoidance of Adverse Impacts to
Recognized Sites of Conservation Importance and Natural Habitats
Optimisation of Project
8.10.2 The
Project has avoided (as the first priority) recognized sites of conservation
importance, consider and recommend practicable alternatives such as
modification of alignment, design and/or construction methods, to avoid direct
encroachment upon the sites. There would be no aboveground works within the
Beacon Hill SSSI and direct impacts on LRCP and the natural habitats there are
largely avoided. As detailed in Section
2.5, in order to fulfill the tunnel operational and public
transport requirements, the future tunnel administration area (i.e. tunnel
administration building, car park, vehicular crossover bridge and pedestrian
footbridge have to be located southwest of the reprovisioned ADB.
Although alternative options were also explored to avoid direct impacts
on LRCP, a small portion of the project footprint will unavoidably be located
within the fringe of the LRCP mainly at developed areas and habitats of limited
ecological values. Nevertheless, part of the associated facilities such
as the workshops, depots and car parks will make use of the existing tunnel
support areas as far as possible to avoid/minimize additional space needed and
any further encroachment into LRCP (refer to Sections 2.5.15 to 2.5.19).
8.10.3 Two ventilation buildings will be provided under the
Project, one at each the Shatin and Kowloon Portals. Consideration was
previously given to provide dedicated ventilation buildings to each tunnel
tubes. Nevertheless, it is currently proposed to combine the ventilation
buildings at each portal to allow better tunnel operation and reduce the
required footprint, which in turn reduces the extent of woodland and plantation
loss. Also, the two proposed ventilation buildings will not encroach LRCP.
8.10.4 The construction of the new middle tunnel and the
enlargement of the existing Kowloon bound tunnel are expected to generate
significant amount of excavated spoils and a temporary stockpiling area is
required. Having reviewed the above and taken into account the need to avoid
direct encroachment upon natural habitats within LRCP, the proposed area for
temporary stockpiling is now located at the north of the existing toll plaza
near downhill side within the footprint of the permanent works (i.e. no
additional ecological impacts) and away from the LRCP (refer to Sections
2.6.10 to
8.10.5 As stated in Sections 2.5.36 to 2.6.3,
potential slope failure and natural terrain hazards were
identified at some natural terrains along LRTR (i.e. east and west to Hung Mui Kuk
Barbecue Area (within LRCP or partially within LRCP), and west to Sha Tin Tau
New Village (outside LRCP)). In order to avoid and minimize
the potential impacts to LRCP, natural habitats and associated vegetation,
NTHMMs of smaller footprint (rigid barriers and flexible barriers) are proposed
for the sake of public safety. In order to avoid and minimize potential
impacts on LRCP and the natural habitats there, the footprint of the NTHMMs
including the proposed rigid barrier and flexible barriers have been minimized
and be located outside LRCP as far as practicable during the design stage. However,
as slope failure and hazards are identified within LRCP, some NTHMMs would
unavoidably be located at developed / paved areas at the margin of the LRCP.
Adjustment of Road
8.10.6 Different road alignments were explored and the downhill option
(i.e. area north of LRTR) is generally adopted wherever applicable to
avoid/minimise encroachment upon LRCP, woodland habitats, watercourses, flora
and fauna there to the maximum practicable extent (Sections 2.5.26 to 2.5.35
Considerations in Widening of LRTR
8.10.7 Extensive environmental considerations have been taken into
account during the evaluation of design and construction options in order to
avoid and minimize environmental impacts and maximize environmental benefits as
far as possible. The uphill option would encroach within the LRCP as
compared to the downhill option and would also lead to the direct loss of
wooded areas, watercourses and impact to wildlife. As such, it is
recommended to avoid uphill option as far as practicable (Sections
2.5.26 to 2.5.35
8.10.8 Road widening works along LRTR would mainly comprise
construction of slopes and retaining walls. The construction of the road
widening roads mainly in the downhill area significantly replaced the need for
massive equipment for bored piling works uphill to relatively much smaller
filling and retaining structures downhill that require simpler and more
environmentally friendly equipment (refer to Section 2.6.15 for
the engineering considerations in the design of road widening works along
8.10.9 Given the proximity to the LRTR, there is currently minimal
buffer space between the uphill slopes and the carriageway of LRT (refer to Sections
2.5.28 to
2.5.32). When avoidance through adoption of downhill
option is technically not feasible, some sections of road widening works would
inevitably be required at uphill of LRTR. Due to the steepness of the
uphill slopes, extensive slope cutting for the road widening works which will
possibly result in the loss of country park area is not preferred. Hence,
slope stabilization in the form of retaining structures would be adopted, as
far as practicable, so as to avoid/minimise the extent of potential direct
impact to the upslope area (e.g. at LRCP near Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area).
Considerations in Tunnel Alignment Options
8.10.10 The
alignment of the new tunnel is proposed to be conducted in the middle of the
existing LRT tubes under the current study. This middle tunnel alignment
is shorter than the west and east options (about 1.4 km), and is also further
away from the inferred fault to the west of the existing LRT, hence the risk of
excessive groundwater drawdown (and therefore the potential adverse impacts to
the ecology of the important ecological resources of LRCP and Beacon Hill SSSI)
is much smaller than the other two tunnel alignment options.
8.10.11 The middle alignment option
will also require the least site formation works at the portal areas and
therefore envisaged to have significantly less tree felling and disturbance to
the natural hillside than the east and west option. Unlike the east
alignment option, no excavation within LRCP and Beacon Hill SSSI is envisaged
due to the middle tunnel alignment. Adoption of the middle alignment option also avoided direct
impact to the hillside vegetation at the LCRP and Tei Lung Hau. Moreover,
as the middle alignment is situated between the two existing tunnels where the
construction works will only take place at the disturbed slopes with plantation
(refer to section
Minimisation of Adverse Impacts to
Recognized Sites of Conservation Importance and Natural Habitats
8.10.12 As mentioned in Section 2.5, under
the scheme development, detailed evaluation of different alignments and
structural forms was undertaken to arrive at the optimal layouts for the
LRT. This included evaluation of the potential ecological impacts arising
from various road alignment and construction options.
8.10.13 Through
careful design consideration (as discussed in Sections 8.10.2 to
8.10.11), the majority parts of the recognized sites of conservation
importance (e.g. Beacon Hill SSSI and LRCP at hillside region) and natural
habitats (e.g. woodland, natural watercourse) were excluded from the proposed
footprints. While the works under the Project are designed to avoid the
LRCP and natural habitats as far as possible, encroaching into the LRCP is
inevitable near the existing tunnel toll plaza and along LRTR near the Hung Mui
Kuk Interchange. The works will lead to habitat loss and impact to site
and species of conservation importance, as such, implementation of appropriate
mitigation measures is deemed necessary.
8.10.14 Provision
of screening (e.g. by erection of hoarding) during construction phase is
recommended to confine the proposed Project footprint to avoid any unnecessary
encroachment of construction works into the adjacent sensitive natural
habitats. Precautionary measure (erection of hoarding at Project footprint near
natural watercourse) should also be implemented to prevent unintended access or
use of natural watercourses within or in the vicinity of Project footprint
(i.e. S2 to S8) by workers to avoid or minimize potential disturbance impacts
to natural watercourses.
8.10.15 Potential
slope stabilization works may be undertaken at woodland, mixed woodland and
plantation habitats at portals at Sha Tin and along LRTR. Given some
slope stabilization works would be located within LRCP (e.g. at the Sha Tin
portal, along LRTR west to Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue Area), the extent of slope
stabilization works should be carefully reviewed to further avoid or minimize
the potential adverse ecological impact (e.g. vegetation loss, impact to LRCP)
to the maximum practicable extent during the detailed design and construction
8.10.16 The
two proposed rigid barriers would be located at the margin of LRCP (i.e.
developed area) and the flexible barriers would be located within/at the
engineering slope fringe outside LRCP and closest to the LRTR as far as
practicable. Also, the design of proposed rigid barriers and flexible
barriers (e.g. extent, dimension, construction method) would be carefully
designed and adjusted on site to avoid/minimize tree felling and vegetation
trimming to the maximum practicable extent. However, as slope failure and
hazards are identified within LRCP, some NTHMMs would unavoidably be located at
the developed / paved areas at the margin of the LRCP. However, as slope
failure and hazards are identified within LRCP, some NTHMMs would unavoidably
affect the developed / paved areas and associated flora species on existing
engineered slope at the margin of the LRCP. Nevertheless, tree felling
should be minimized during construction of NTHMMs including those within LRCP
and natural habitats (woodland) as far as possible. For trees to be
affected, the potential impacts and recommended mitigation measures are
addressed in Section
10. Tree preservation would reference to the Guidelines
on Tree Preservation during Development (DEVB, 2015) and Development
Bureau Technical Circular (Works) No. 4/2020 Tree Preservation (DEVB,
2020). Landscaping works such as planting of native shrubs in pits
of rigid barriers and flexible barriers and provision of subdued colour paint
would be undertaken to reinstate the affected area upon the completion of
8.10.17 All
temporarily affected areas should be reinstated after completion of the works.
A Preliminary Reinstatement Plan is presented in Appendix 8.8 to recommend reinstatement
by woodland mix planting with tree whips or shrub at the affected areas (e.g.
soil slopes, temporarily affected areas), monitoring programme and other
matters of concern. The Preliminary Reinstatement Plan should be reviewed
and updated by a qualified ecologist / arborist with at least 10 years relevant
experience to formulate a Final Reinstatement Plan. As mentioned in Section
10, use of native species shall be maximized as far as possible
in accordance with the Guiding Principles on Use of Native Plant Species in
Public Works Projects to improve the habitat complexity and quality,
particularly for the temporarily affected areas or engineered slopes at the
margins of LRCP. Suitable native species of appropriate size and ecological
function (e.g. provide appropriate food sources and habitats to local fauna
including birds, mammals and insects) should be considered during the woodland
mix planting.
8.10.18 Minimize
unnecessary impacts on trees in woodland, mixed woodland and/or plantation
habitats by implementation protection measures. Under the Project
footprint, a total of about 300 trees within LRCP would be directly affected,
which are described and evaluated in Section 10.
Reference should be made to relevant guidelines and technical circulars, such
as Guidelines on Tree Preservation during Development (DEVB, 2015) and TC(W)
No. 4/2020 Tree Preservation (DEVB, 2020), etc. Reintroduce planting to any
disturbed wooded habitats to minimize the impact arising from the temporary
habitat loss as recommended in Preliminary Reinstatement Plan (refer to Appendix 8.8).
Protection of Plant Species of
Conservation Importance
8.10.19 Flora species of conservation
importance recorded within assessment area and Project boundary but outside
project footprint would be preserved in-situ. To avoid and protect the five flora
species of conservation importance recorded in close proximity to the footprint
of NTHMMs (i.e. one seedling of Incense Tree, one individual of Ailanthus and
three clumps of Luofushan Joint-fir near the rigid barriers within LRCP; and
four individuals of Butulang Canthium, one individual of Hong Kong Pavetta and
three individuals of Ailanthus near the proposed flexible barriers outside
LRCP) near the flexible barriers outside LRCP) during the construction of the
rigid barriers and flexible barriers, a qualified ecologist / botanist with at
least 10 years relevant experience should be deployed to conduct vegetation survey
to identify, tag and demarcate any floral species of conservation importance
located near the footprint of NTHMMs prior to site clearance. All the
identified flora species of conservation importance above shall be preserved on
site with provision of plant protection zones with sturdy fencing. Plant
protection zones of at least 1.5 m setback from the trunk of the individual
tree or flora species of conservation importance would be set up as far as
possible during the construction phase. No
trimming of the flora species of conservation importance would be allowed. No
access and construction activities would be allowed within the plant protection
zones. In case in-situ preservation is found to be impractical during
the later design phase, appropriate alternative mitigation measures (e.g.
transplantation / compensatory
planting) should be considered and addressed in the Final PPTP, where necessary.
8.10.20 A
total of four flora species of conservation importance (including one
individual of Incense Tree, nine individuals of Butulang Canthium and 19
individuals of Ailanthus along LRTR, and nine individuals Rhodoleia near
Lung Cheung Road Park) were recorded within the Project footprint. To
mitigate the potential adverse impacts to these species, mitigation measures
(e.g. preserve in-situ, transplant, mitigation planting to be provided at
recipient site) are recommended in the Preliminary Plant Preservation and Transplantation
Proposal (PPTP) based on the best available information (Appendix 8.7 refers). To minimize
impacts, a detailed vegetation survey should be conducted within the Project
footprint prior to the commencement of construction activities by qualified
ecologist / botanist with at least 10 years relevant experience to ascertain
the presence, update the conditions and determine the abundance and locations
of the flora species of conservation importance. All identified species
of conservation importance should be labelled and fenced off on site for
preservation, or in case of unavoidable loss, for transplantation as far as
possible. In case plant preservation or transplantation is not practical as
recommended by the qualified ecologist / botanist (e.g. due to poor health and
low survive rate of the plant), other mitigation measures (e.g. compensation by
seedling planting) should be considered.
8.10.21 A
Preliminary PPTP is prepared in Appendix 8.7 to recommend the suitable
mitigation measures (e.g. preservation, transplantation
or seedling compensation) monitoring
programme and other matters of concern to mitigate the potential adverse
impacts to the identified flora species of conservation importance. The
Preliminary PPTP will serve as a guide to facilitate the formulation of a Final
PPTP and the implementation of the mitigation and monitoring works. The Final
PPTP should be prepared by a qualified ecologist / botanist with at least 10
years relevant experience. Reference should be made to “EIAO Guidance
Note No. 3/2010 – Flexibility and Enforceability of Mitigation Measures
Proposed in an EIA report” for the preparation of the PPTP. The Final PPTP
should include but not limited to the followings:
describe and review the findings of detailed vegetation surveys (e.g.
latest condition, location and abundance of potentially impacted plant species
of conservation importance);
identify and recommend suitable mitigation measures (e.g. preservation,
transplantation or compensation); and
design and recommend implementation methods (e.g. transplantation
methodology and schedule), management requirements and post-transplantation
monitoring programme.
The Final PPTP should be submitted to and approved by AFCD
via EPD prior to the commencement of any construction activities. The
Project Proponent and/or the Contractor(s) should implement the mitigation
measures, maintenance works and post-transplantation monitoring programme as
approved in the PPTP. Transplantation works is recommended to be carried
out prior to commencement of construction activities as far as possible.
The implementation of the mitigation measures and post-transplantation
monitoring programme as recommended in the PPTP should be carried out by a
qualified ecologist / botanist with at least 10 years relevant experience in
transplanting flora species of conservation importance of similar size and
Protection of Fauna Species of
Conservation Importance
8.10.22 The section of natural
watercourse S7 outside the Project footprint may serve as a potential
breeding/nursery ground of Small Clubtail (nymph) and Lesser Spiny Frog
(tadpoles). Another reptile species of conservation importance (Tokay
Gecko) was recorded at developed area near LRT portals at Shatin outside the
Project footprint. No
direct impact on these species is anticipated as no construction works would be
carried out at their recorded habitats. A Pre-construction Fauna
Survey Report (PCFSR) prepared by a qualified ecologist with at least 10 years
relevant experience would be submitted to relevant government authorities (e.g.
AFCD and EPD). In case any fauna species of conservation importance recorded
during the pre-construction survey would be directly impacted,
protection/translocation should be proposed and carried out to avoid potential
direct impact. A Protection and Translocation Proposal (PTP) should be
prepared by a qualified ecologist, where appropriate, to present detailed
findings of potentially affected fauna within the impacted habitats (e.g.
species and number of affected individuals), propose protection and
translocation methodology (e.g. protection measure, timing of the translocation,
implementation programme) and maintenance programme.
8.10.23 The
PTP should be submitted to and approved by relevant government authorities
(e.g. AFCD and EPD) prior to commencement of construction works. The
Project Proponent and/or the Contractor(s) should implement the mitigation
measures and maintenance works as approved in the PTP. Translocation
works, if necessary, is recommended to be carried out prior to commencement of
construction activities as far as possible. The implementation of the
mitigation measures as recommended in the PTP should be carried out by a
qualified ecologist with at least 10 years relevant experience.
Minimizing Disturbance Impacts on
Natural Habitats and Fauna
8.10.24 To avoid excessive cumulative
environmental impacts, the proposed widening works along LRTR are divided into
four work zones, and with major site formation and foundations works of
adjacent work zones sequenced to be constructed at different phases under the
construction programme (refer to Section
8.10.25 To further minimize
disturbance impacts, provision of screening (e.g. site hoardings, noise barriers)
during construction phase and planting of peripheral screening plants during
operation phase is recommended. The following standard good site
practices should also be implemented throughout the construction phase:
Placement of equipment or stockpile in designated areas and access
routes selected on existing disturbed land to minimize disturbance to natural
Construction activities should be restricted to clearly demarcated
construction areas;
Collect general refuse and construction wastes properly and dispose of
in a timely and appropriate manner.
Measures to Minimize Glare, Air
Quality, Noise, Water Quality and Disturbance Impacts
8.10.26 The glare from construction
works should be controlled and minimized taking into account the presence of
natural habitats, especially those within LRCP and Beacon Hill SSSI.
Proper implementation of mitigation measures, such as good site practices,
restriction of construction hours from 07:00 to 19:00 outside country park areas, night-time lighting control
and lining hoarding at the Project boundary should minimize any potential
impacts. Within country park area, construction works between the hours
of 18:00 to 08:00 and on Sundays and Public Holidays should be avoided. The
intensity of artificial light from construction activities should also be
controlled to the lowest possible level. Unnecessary lighting should be
turned off outside the working hours of the construction sites. A balance
between lighting for safety and avoiding excessive lighting can be achieved by
using directional lighting.
8.10.27 Proper
implementation of the dust suppression measures stipulated in the Air
Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation (Cap. 311R) would avoid
and minimize impacts to the surrounding habitats and the associated wildlife
arising from the construction activities. Good site practices (refer to Section
3.8) should also be adopted, such as:
Regular spraying of haul roads;
Proper storage of construction materials; and
Covering trucks or transporting wastes in enclosed containers to
minimize windblown litter and dust during transportation of waste.
8.10.28 The
relevant noise control standards stipulated in the Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM
should be implemented as recommended in Section 4.6.
The provision of movable noise barriers or enclosures would be erected to
provide screening from the construction plant. The implementation of
noise control requirements stated in the “Recommended Pollution Control
Clauses for Construction Contracts” is also recommended (EPD, 2019).
In order to reduce the disturbance to the ecologically sensitive habitats
adjacent to the Project footprint, the noise impact during construction phase
should be avoided and minimized by the use of Quality Powered Mechanical Equipment (QPME)
and orientating noisy machines / plant away from these habitats.
8.10.29 To
avoid any adverse water quality impacts to surrounding habitats, the good site
practices described in the ETWB Technical Circular (Works) No. 5/2005
Protection of Natural Streams/Rivers from Adverse Impacts arising from
Construction Works and the ProPECC PN 1/94 Construction Site Drainage should
also be adopted, where applicable (refer to Section 5.7).
8.10.30 As stated in Sections 8.8.59 to 8.8.60, the operation
of the Project would not significantly increase the existing disturbance level
on natural habitats adjacent to the Project boundary. The Project
footprint is located outside and away from the LRCP as far as practicable.
Nevertheless, measures including installation of noise barrier (refer to 60604728/R42b/Figure 4.4.2 to 60604728/R42b/Figure 4.4.4)
would be adopted. The intensity of light during the operation stage (e.g. at
LRT administration building) should also be controlled to the lowest possible
level. A balance between lighting for safety and avoiding excessive
lighting can be achieved through the use of directional lighting (i.e. direct
lighting away from the natural habitats and LRCP during operation
8.10.31 Mitigation
measures for water quality impacts during construction and operation phases are
suggested in Section
5.7. During construction phase, surface runoff from construction
sites should be discharged into storm drains via adequately designed sand/silt
removal facilities such as sand traps, silt traps and sedimentation
basins. Channels or earth bunds or sandbag barriers should be provided on
site during construction works to properly direct stormwater to such silt
removal facilities. Perimeter channels should be provided on site
boundaries where necessary to intercept storm runoff from outside the site so
that it will not wash across the site. Catchpits and perimeter channels
should be constructed in advance of site formation works and earthworks. During
operation phase, Best Management Practices (BMPs) for stormwater discharge are
recommended to reduce stormwater pollution arising from the Project.
Screening facilities such as standard gully grating and trash grille, with
spacing which is capable of screening large substances such as fallen leaves
and rubbish should be provided at the inlet of drainage system. Road
gullies with standard design and silt traps and oil interceptors should be
incorporated during the detailed design to remove particles present in
stormwater runoff.
8.10.32 Moreover, habitat
discontinuity and fragmentation are unlikely during the operation phase as the proposed works would largely take place along the
existing LRTR networks. Under the baseline condition, utilization of the
Project site as a movement corridor by fauna is unlikely due to heavy traffic
flow. Hence, provision of wildlife crossing (e.g. establishment of
ecological corridors, buffer zones) within the Project site is unlikely to be
Measures to Minimize Groundwater
8.10.33 Based on the available geological profile, it is envisaged that the
tunnelling works will be mostly carried out in good quality granite rock
masses. As stated in Section
5, underground development may result in infiltration
of groundwater. Appropriate groundwater control measures including grouting and
installation of waterproof lining presented in Section 5.7, which are proven technologies and have been extensively applied in
other past projects, would be implemented to minimize the groundwater
infiltration during the tunnel construction. With proper design of works and
implementation of the recommended measures, no adverse residual impacts on
water quality impact are anticipated.
Measures to Minimize Impacts from
Noise Barriers
8.10.34 Although no
prominent flight paths of avifauna were recorded, considered the Project site
is located immediately adjacent to the existing LRTR and natural habitats,
mitigation measure on noise barrier is proposed to further avoid / minimize the
potential bird collision. During operation phase,
the installation of noise barrier/enclosure would be carefully designed.
The use of tinted materials and superimposing dark patterns or strips on the
barrier, as per Guidelines on Design of Noise Barriers (EPD & HyD,
2003) and Practice Notes No. BSTR/PN/003 (Revision E) Noise Barriers with
Transparent Panels (HyD, 2020), would be employed to avoid and minimize
bird mortality from collision.
Compensatory Planting for
Unavoidable Woodland Loss
8.10.35 To
compensate for the ecological impact resulting from unavoidable loss of
woodland within LRCP, habitat compensation would be provided in a “like for
like” basis to the extent that this is practicable, as stated in Clauses 5.4.3
to 5.4.5 of Annex 16 of the EIAO-TM. Compensatory planting to mitigate
unavoidable woodland loss have been adopted and implemented under precedent
approved EIA Projects, such as Housing Sites in Yuen Long South, Tung Chung New
Town Extension, Sha Tin Cavern Sewage Treatment Works and Liantang / Heung Yuen
Wai Boundary Control Point and Associated Works. Compensatory planting
works were proposed on areas that are considered suitable for woodland
reprovision, such as hillside shrubland, plantation, grassland and engineered
slope. For this project, to mitigate the permanent
loss of woodlands within LRCP, compensatory planting of a ratio not less than
1:1 in terms of area (i.e. about 0.16 ha) would be provided. As mentioned in Section
8.10.25, reinstatement of temporary woodland loss will be conducted upon
completion of works at the temporarily affected areas. Consider some of the
woodland within LRCP to be temporarily affected (0.09 ha) is relatively mature
and is ecologically linked to other woodlands within LRCP, provision of
additional compensatory planting of a ratio not less than 1:1 in terms of area
is also recommended as an enhancement measure. However, given the limited
space within the Project site, on-site woodland compensation is considered not
practicable. Justification of the need of off-site woodland compensation is
presented in Appendix 8.9.
8.10.36 After
considering various requirements (such as the existing vegetation
coverage, accessibility for planting, future maintenance, and etc.), the
provision of compensatory planting area of at least 0.25 ha is recommended.
An agricultural land west to STSFWSR and near the Project boundary, of
size approximately 0.3 ha, relatively flat and with good soil condition is preliminarily
identified (60604728/R42b/Figure 8.5.1
refers) as a potential compensatory planting area. The site is
sparsely vegetated with crop species such as Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas)
and Benincasa spp.
8.10.37 As
suggested in Section
10, a mix of native tree species will be proposed with reference
to the Guiding Principles on Use of Native Plant Species in Public Works
Projects promulgated by the Development Bureau with an aim to improve the
vegetation diversity, enhance ecological value and re-create vegetation
habitat. Native plant species directly affected under the Project would
also be included in the woodland mix planting.
8.10.38 Table
8.20 presented
some native flora species that are
considered for compensatory planting. At maturity, the
compensatory planting areas would create a woodland habitat with different
layers (e.g. canopy, middle layer and understorey), which provide nectar and
fruit for local wildlife and promote habitat complexity and in turn enhancing
the ecological value.
Table 8.20 Native
Flora Species Proposed for
Compensatory Planting
Potential Species
Growth Form
(Aporosa dioica)
(Castanopsis fissa)
Alangium (Alangium chinense)
Tree or shrub
Elaeocarpus (Elaeocarpus chinensis)
Tree or small tree
Hance's Syzygium (Syzygium hancei)
Hong Kong Gordonia (Polyspora axillarisI)
Shrub or small
Ivy Tree (Schefflera heptaphylla)
Lance-leaved Sterculia (Sterculia lanceolata)
Myrobalan (Phyllanthus
Tree or shrub
Pop-gun Seed (Bridelia tomentosa)
Shrub or small
Pond Spice (Litsea glutinosa)
Schima (Schima superba)
Strawberry Tree (Myrica rubra)
Gum (Liquidambar formosana)
Cow Wood (Cratoxylum cochinchinense)
Tree or shrub
Chinese Hackberry (Celtis sinensis)
Incense Tree (Aquilaria sinensis)*
Butulang Canthium (Canthium dicoccum)*
Ailanthus (Ailanthus fordii)*
* Potential plant species of conservation importance recommended to be transplanted
or compensated as identified in this Study. The
woodland compensation area (WLCA) also serves as the recipient site for the
flora species of conservation importance to be transplanted or reprovisioned
under the Project. For the compensation, the ratio shall meet the minimum compensation
ratio of 1:1 in terms of quantity. The species and exact number of plant
species of conservation importance to be transplanted or compensated are
subject to review and verify according to Final Plant Preservation and
Transplantation Proposal and Tree Survey Report in the detailed design phase of
this Project.
8.10.39 Prior
to the implementation of the compensatory planting, a detailed vegetation and
tree survey should be conducted to verify the condition and vegetation
composition of the proposed compensatory planting area. The woodland
compensation shall be carried out as early as possible once
the Project commences, to allow time for the woodland to reach a level of
maturity and perform its mitigation role. The
Project Proponent shall take up the maintenance in the condition of possession of the WLCA
during the establishment period. The Project Proponent shall properly establish the WLCA before the ecological plantings
recommended by the EIA Report be fully established (which normally takes at
least 9 years) and before hand over of the established woodland
to the long-term maintenance party, which is
identified and agreed in accordance with the DEVB TCW No. 6/2015 Maintenance of Vegetation and
Hard Landscape Features, for ad-hoc maintenance. The
Project Proponent shall be responsible to provide necessary recurrent cost for the
maintenance and monitoring works. A Preliminary Woodland Compensation Plan (WCP) is
presented in Appendix 8.10 to
form the basis to guide the establishment of the proposed compensatory planting
area and that information provided in the plan is subject to the findings of
the detailed vegetation and tree surveys to be conducted and shall be reviewed
and finalized by a qualified ecologist / arborist with at least 10 years
relevant experience during the detailed design phase of this Project. The Final
WCP should be submitted to and approved by relevant authorities including AFCD
and EPD before the commencement of any construction activities.
8.10.40 With
the implementation of the proposed compensatory planting, ecological impact
arising from the permanent loss of woodland habitat within LRCP evaluated as of
low to moderate significance would be compensated.
8.11.1 The construction activities of the Project are tentatively
scheduled in 2025 with the widening of Lion Rock Tunnel Road at Sha Tin
beginning in December 2028. The tentative completion year for the Project
is 2034. According to Section 2, the
following projects in the vicinity are likely to be constructed/operated
concurrently with the LRT Project:
Revised Trunk Road T4 in Sha Tin (T4);
Relocation of Diamond Hill Fresh Water and Salt Water Service Reservoirs
to Cavern; and
In-situ Reprovisioning of Sha Tin Water Treatment Works – South Works.
The Proposed Drainage Improvement Works at Chui Tin Street and Chui Tin
Street Soccer Pitch
8.11.2 The proposed works of Revised Trunk Road T4 in Sha Tin would
involve widening of Sha Tin Road from dual 2-lane to dual 4-lane (approximately
150 m long). The tentative construction period of the “Revised Trunk Road T4 in Sha Tin” would be partially overlapped with this Project from 2025
to 2028; however, the Project works in the vicinity of Revised Trunk Road T4 in
Sha Tin would be commenced in December 2028, i.e. no programme overlapped would
be anticipated between the Project and Revised Trunk Road T4. Under the
current Project, about 0.16 ha woodland habitat at the engineered slope within
the LRCP would be permanently affected unavoidably, while only a very small
area of woodland (13 m2) and mixed woodland (153 m2)
within LRCP at Mau Tsai Shan south to Sha Tin Road would be permanently
affected by the proposed natural terrain hazard mitigation works (flexible
barrier) under the Revised Trunk Road T4 Project. To minimize potential impact
to LRCP, the location of flexible barrier is proposed at the fringe of LRCP
closest to Sha Tin Road as far as practicable under Revised Trunk Road T4. Tree
felling and disturbance to understorey vegetation would be minimized as far as
possible by adjusting the proposed flexible barrier (e.g. orientation of
anchors/footings). Considered the total area of the affected woodland and
mixed woodland within LRCP is relatively small in size, already subject to
disturbance and that the level of unmitigated impacts under the Projects are
evaluated as of low and low to moderate significance, it is anticipated that
this small affected woodland and mixed woodland area would not incur any
unacceptable cumulative loss of woodlands/mixed woodlands within LRCP.
Potential cumulative indirect impacts arising from the projects, including
dust, traffic noise, surface runoff, glare impacts on developed area near Sha
Tin Tau Village and Fung Shing Court, as well as the woodland and mixed
woodland habitat situated within the LRCP were evaluated. Given
potentially impacted habitats were mainly urbanized (i.e. along existing
traffic road), already highly disturbed and that the construction period of the
proposed works along Sha Tin Road do not overlap, no unacceptable cumulative
impacts are anticipated. Proper mitigation and enhancement measures including
those recommended in Sections 8.10.24 to 8.10.32 above would be
implemented to further minimize the cumulative indirect impact arising from the
construction and operation of the Project.
8.11.3 Another concurrent project “Relocation of Diamond Hill Fresh
Water and Salt Water Service Reservoirs to Cavern” would relocate two service
reservoirs, including Diamond Hill Fresh Water Service Reservoir and Diamond
Hill Salt Water Reservoir, into caverns for releasing the existing Diamond Hill
service reservoir sites for housing and/or other compatible and beneficial
uses. The construction period is tentatively scheduled to commence in
mid-2022 for completion by about 2027. The proposed Diamond Hill Fresh
Water and Salt Water Service Reservoirs will be located inside caverns and only
a limited area of the proposed works (i.e. improvement of access road,
installation of water mains) would be overlapped with the current assessment
area near the Lion Rock Park. Given potentially impacted habitats were
mainly developed area or plantation, the proposed works are small in scale, no
unacceptable adverse cumulative impacts are anticipated.
8.11.4 Another concurrent project “In-situ Reprovisioning of Sha
Tin Water Treatment Works (STWTW) – South Works” would aim to increase the
treatment capacity of the South Works of STWTW to meet the anticipated increase
in fresh water demand due to new public and private housing developments and to
reprovision the aged water treatment facilities of the South Works. The
proposed works would be conducted within the STWTW and would not overlap within
the current Project site. Moreover, given the STWTW project would be
completed by January 2025 before the commencement of the construction works at
Sha Tin Portal in May 2025 under this Project, the construction programme of
these two projects would not overlap with each other according to the latest
work plan. Mitigation measures (such as implementation of good site
practices, transplantation of flora species of conservation importance, etc.)
were proposed to mitigate the potential ecological impacts arising from the
project. Hence no unacceptable adverse cumulative impact is anticipated.
8.11.5 Based on the best available information, some of the
construction works (e.g. road breaking, excavation, backfilling, etc.) of the
concurrent project “The Proposed Drainage Improvement Works at Chui Tin Street and
Chui Tin Street Soccer Pitch” would be carried out along Chui Tin Street and
Kak Tin Street from Year 2023 – 2031. The commencement of the
construction works near Fung Shing Court in December 2028 under this Project.
Only a small portion of the concurrent Project footprint would fall within the
assessment area of the LRT Project, but it would not overlap with the footprint
of the LRT Project. Based on the available information at the time of
this EIA Study, the works will include stormwater pumping storage schemes, box
culverts and drainage upgrading works. Considering only small-scale
construction works would be involved for the drainage improvement works at
developed area habitat and the associated work site would be located far away
from the LRT Project boundary (>200m) and would not overlap with the
footprint of the LRT Project, no unacceptable adverse cumulative impacts are
Evaluation of Residual Ecological Impacts
8.12.1 With the implementation of mitigation measures and
enhancement measures suggested in Section 8.10, no unacceptable residual
direct impact and indirect impacts during construction and operation phases are
8.13 Environmental Monitoring and Audit
8.13.1 The implementation of the recommended mitigation measures
described in Section 8.10 should be subjected to monthly site audit
throughout the construction phase. In case of non-compliance, the Contractor
should be informed to strengthen the proposed mitigation measures accordingly. Details of environmental monitoring and audit
(EM&A) requirements are discussed in the EM&A Manual.
8.13.2 To avoid unnecessary habitat loss and minimize the
disturbance impact to sites of conservation importance and natural habitats,
the implementation of the mitigation measures recommended in Section 8.10
should be subjected to regular site audit. Site audit should be carried
out at least once per week throughout the construction phase by the Environmental Team (ET). In case of
non-compliance, the Contractor should be informed to strengthen the proposed
mitigation measures accordingly, follows the procedures stated in Section
11 of the EM&A Manual. Regular site inspections
covering the Project boundary within Lion Rock Country Park (LRCP) and the
ecological compensatory plantings should be conducted as early as possible once
the Project commences to ensure that all construction activities are confined
within the Project footprint and that the proposed mitigation measures are
implemented appropriately and effectively. In case there are any unwanted and
unforeseen ecological impacts arising from the project (e.g. unwanted
construction activities or access by workers into LRCP), remedial actions (e.g.
immediately stop and removal of construction activities/unintended access away
from LRCP) should be recommended, where appropriate, in consultation with
relevant authorities (e.g. EPD).
8.13.3 All temporarily affected areas should be reinstated after
completion of the works. Reinstatement by woodland mix planting with tree whips
at the affected areas (e.g. soil slopes, temporarily affected areas) according
to Preliminary Reinstatement Plan should be implemented. Use of native species
shall be maximized as far as possible in accordance with the Guiding Principles
on Use of Native Plant Species in Public Works Projects to improve the habitat
complexity and quality, particularly for the temporarily affected areas or
engineered slopes at the margins of LRCP. Suitable native species of
appropriate size and ecological function (e.g. provide appropriate food sources
and habitats to local fauna including birds, mammals and insects) should be
considered during the woodland mix planting. The reinstatement planting
should be monitored regularly during the 1-year establishment period for area
outside LRCP and 3-year establishment period for areas within LRCP by a
qualified local ecologist / arborist with at least 10 years relevant
experience. Details of post-transplantation monitoring programme such as
monitoring frequency and parameters, maintenance works and possible remedial
measures in case of exceedance of compliance are presented in Preliminary
Reinstatement Plan (Appendix 8.8), and
would be reviewed and updated in Final Reinstatement Plan by a qualified
ecologist / arborist with at least 10 years relevant experience during the
detailed design phase of the Project. Agreement / approval of the Final
Reinstatement Plan shall be obtained from relevant government authorities (e.g.
AFCD and EPD) prior to commencement of any construction activities.
Monitoring of Mitigation Measures of
Glare, Air Quality, Noise, Water Quality and Disturbance Impacts on Recognized
Sites of Conservation Importance, Natural Habitats and Associated Wildlife
8.13.4 To
minimize the indirect disturbance impact (e.g. glare, air quality, noise and
water quality and disturbance) to sites of conservation importance and natural
habitats and associated wildlife, the implementation of the mitigation measures
for minimization of glare, air quality, noise, water quality and disturbance
impact recommended in Section 8.10 should be subjected to regular site
audit. Site audit should be carried out at least once per week throughout
the construction phase by
In case of non-compliance, the Contractor should be informed to strengthen the
proposed mitigation measures accordingly, follows the procedures stated in Section
11 of the EM&A Manual. Regular site inspections
covering the Project boundary within LRCP and the ecological compensatory
plantings should be conducted as early as possible once the Project commences
to ensure that all construction activities are confined within the Project
footprint and that the proposed mitigation measures are implemented
appropriately and effectively. In case there are any unwanted and unforeseen
ecological impacts arising from the project (e.g. water quality criteria are
exceeded), remedial actions (e.g. rectify unacceptable practice, check all
plant and equipment) should be recommended, where appropriate, in consultation
with relevant authorities. Details of monitoring programme of mitigation
measures to minimize indirect impacts (e.g. locations, parameters, frequency
and duration for baseline, impact and compliance monitoring, event and action
plans with division of work) are presented in Sections 2, 3, 4 and
5 of the EM&A Manual.
Monitoring of Mitigation Measures on
Protection of Flora Species of Conservation Importance
8.13.5 Four flora species of conservation importance were recorded
within the Project footprint (one individual of Incense Tree, nine
individuals of Butulang Canthium and 19 individuals of Ailanthus along
LRTR, and nine individuals Rhodoleia near Lung Cheung Road Park). A detailed vegetation survey
within latest available Project footprint shall be conducted by a qualified
ecologist / botanist with at least 10 years relevant experience to identify and update the conditions of any flora
species of conservation importance, including but not limited to the species
recorded in the EIA Report, before the commencement of works and to refine the
PPTP in Appendix 8.7.
As proposed in the Preliminary PPTP, some of the affected flora species of
conservation importance would be preserved in-situ, relevant measures (e.g.
setting up plant protection zone) stated in Appendix 8.7 should be implemented, and
monthly monitoring of the conditions of the preserved plants and site audit of
the recommended protection measures should be conducted by a qualified
ecologist / botanist with at least 10 years relevant experience. In case
of unavoidable loss of flora species of conservation importance, transplantation and provision of compensation plantings
should be conducted. A monitoring programme to review the health
conditions of the transplanted and compensated plants at the recipient site
should be by a qualified local ecologist / botanist with at least 10 years
relevant experience to monitor the health conditions of the transplanted and
compensated plants at the recipient site, which the health conditions of the
transplanted and compensated plants should be monitored during the 3-year and
9-year establishment period respectively. In case of need and if there is
any unwanted / unforeseen impacts identified during the monitoring and site
audit, additional mitigation and remedial measures (such as provision and
establishment of replacement plantings) should be recommended and implemented,
where appropriate, in consultation with relevant authorities under the
Project. Details of monitoring programme such as monitoring frequency and
parameters, maintenance works and recommended remedial measures are presented
in Preliminary PPTP in Appendix 8.7, and
would be reviewed and updated in Final PPTP by a qualified ecologist / botanist
with at least 10 years relevant experience during the detailed design phase of
the Project. Agreement / approval of the Final PPTP
shall be obtained from relevant government authorities (e.g. AFCD and EPD)
prior to commencement of any construction activities.
Monitoring of Mitigation Measures on
Protection of Fauna Species of Conservation Importance
8.13.6 Although no direct impact on fauna species of conservation
importance is anticipated, pre-construction survey should be conducted by a
qualified ecologist with at least 10 years relevant experience to identify if
any fauna species of conservation importance is presented within and in the
surrounding of the Project footprint (e.g. section of S7 near the Shatin portal
area). In case any fauna species of conservation importance recorded during the
pre-construction survey would be directly impacted, protection/translocation
should be proposed and carried out to avoid potential direct impact. A
Protection and Translocation Proposal (PTP) should be prepared by a qualified
ecologist with at least 10 years relevant experience, where appropriate, to
present detailed findings of potentially affected fauna within the impacted habitats
(e.g. species and number of affected individuals), propose protection and
translocation methodology (e.g. protection measure, timing of the
translocation, implementation programme) and monitoring and maintenance
programme. The PTP should be submitted and approved by relevant government
authorities (e.g. AFCD and EPD) prior to commencement of any construction
8.13.7 To mitigate unavoidable impacts on the woodlands within
LRCP, woodland compensatory planting would be provided and potential woodland
compensation area is preliminary identified at an agricultural land habitat
west to the STSFWSR within the assessment area. The compensatory planting will comprise native plant
species directly affected under the Project. Upon completion of the
woodland compensatory planting works, a maintenance and monitoring programme on
the woodland compensatory plantings at woodland compensation area should be
undertaken during the planting and establishment period which normally takes at
least 9 years according to the Preliminary Woodland Compensation Plan (WCP) in Appendix 8.10.
The Contractor should regularly maintain the planted individuals, including
watering, weeding and pest control. Subject to the health condition and
the survival of the woodland compensatory plantings, replanting works should be
conducted by the Contractor to replace the dead or poor health individual with
same species, where necessary. A monitoring programme would be conducted
by qualified ecologist / arborist with at least 10 years relevant experience to
monitor the health condition and survival of the woodland compensatory planting
should be monitored. The management and maintenance of the established woodland
compensation area will be regulated by the DEVB TCW No. 6/2015 Maintenance
of Vegetation and Hard Landscape Features, and should be continue until the
plantings are fully established (which normally takes at least 9 years) and before hand over of the established woodland to
the long-term maintenance party identified and agreed in accordance with the DEVB TCW No.
6/2015 after the establishment period for ad hoc maintenance. Details of
monitoring programme such as monitoring frequency and parameters, and
maintenance works would be recommended in the are presented in Preliminary WCP
in Appendix 8.10, and
would be reviewed and updated in Final WCP by a
qualified ecologist / arborist with at least 10 years relevant experience
during the detailed design phase of the Project. Agreement / approval of
the Final WCP shall be obtained from relevant government authorities (e.g. AFCD
and EPD) prior to commencement of any construction activities.
Monitoring on Mitigation Measures on
Groundwater Infiltration
8.13.8 As
stated in Section 5, it is anticipated that the
underground tunnel improvement works would not have adverse groundwater
infiltration impacts with proper implementation of groundwater infiltration
minimization measures. Nonetheless, as an additional precautionary
measure, surface
water level monitoring at natural watercourses within LRCP,
Beacon Hill SSSI and in the vicinity of the tunnelling works would be conducted during the
construction and operation stages. In
particular, monthly
monitoring should be conducted at watercourses S6 to S8 to monitor parameters
(including water depth and water velocity) to record and evaluate if any
abnormal significant decrease of the water level i.e. which is unlikely
associated with changes in weather patterns, is arising from the Project.
In case of any abnormal significant decrease of the water level is arising from
the Project, The Contractor should recommend and implement remedial measures
(e.g. review and strengthen groundwater water control strategies), where
necessary, in consultation with relevant authorities (e.g. EPD). The
preliminary recommended monitoring locations is presented in the Figure
7.1 of the EM&A Manual.
8.14.2 To
avoid and protect the five flora species of conservation importance recorded in
close proximity to the footprint of NTHMMs (including one seedling of Incense
Tree, one individual of Ailanthus and three clumps of Luofushan Joint-fir near
the rigid barriers within LRCP; and four individuals of Butulang Canthium, one
individual of Hong Kong Pavetta and three individuals of Ailanthus near the
proposed flexible barriers outside LRCP) near the flexible barriers outside
LRCP) during the construction of the NTHMMs, all the identified flora species
of conservation importance above shall be preserved on site with provision of
plant protection zones with sturdy fencing during the construction phase.
8.14.3 A
total of four flora species of conservation importance (including one
individual of Incense Tree, nine individuals of Butulang Canthium and 19
individuals of Ailanthus along LRTR, and nine individuals Rhodoleia near
Lung Cheung Road Park) were recorded within the Project footprint. To mitigate potential impacts
on these flora species, a detailed vegetation survey would be conducted and a
Final Plant Preservation and Transplantation Proposal should be prepared
accordingly prior to the commencement of construction works to identify
potentially affected flora species of conservation importance and recommend
appropriate mitigation measures to be implemented under the Project.
8.14.4 The section of natural watercourse S7 outside the Project
footprint was likely to be a potential breeding/nursery ground of Small Clubtail
(nymph) and Lesser Spiny Frog (tadpoles). Another reptile species of
conservation importance (Tokay Gecko) was recorded at developed area near LRT
portals at Shatin outside the Project footprint. No direct impact on these
species is anticipated as no construction activities would be carried out at
their recorded habitats. Precautionary measure such as a pre-construction
survey in natural habitats within and in the surrounding of the Project
footprint is recommended (e.g. woodland, mixed woodlands and natural
watercourse within and near the Project footprint) to verify the findings of
ecological field surveys prior to the commencement of construction
activities. In case any fauna species of conservation importance recorded
would be directly impacted, a Protection and Translocation Proposal should be
prepared to recommend suitable mitigation measures.
8.14.5 Other
potential direct impacts may include direct harm / mortality to wildlife and
bird collision, while potential indirect impacts may include dust, noise, site
runoff, groundwater infiltration and glare to natural habitats and wildlife in
the vicinity. Implementation
of good site practices (e.g. provision of screening, control of glare /
lighting, groundwater infiltration minimization measures, water quality impact
control measures, etc.) would minimize the potential indirect impacts.
Carefully design of noise barriers (e.g. location, use of tinted materials and
superimposing dark patterns or strips) would minimize the potential impact of bird
8.14.6 Site audit and inspection for the implementation of the
mitigation measures for minimization of indirect impact (e.g. glare, air
quality, noise) should be carried out at least once per week throughout the
construction phase by ET. Regular site
inspections covering the Project boundary within LRCP and the ecological
compensatory plantings should be conducted as early as possible once the
Project commences to ensure that all construction activities are confined to
the Project footprint and that the proposed mitigation measures are implemented
appropriately and effectively.
8.14.7 Upon completion of the woodland compensatory planting works,
a maintenance and monitoring programme should be undertaken during the planting
and establishment period which normally takes at least 9 years. The
Contractor should regularly maintain the planted individuals, including
watering, weeding, pest control and replanting works, where necessary. A
monitoring programme would be conducted to monitor the health condition and
survival of the woodland compensatory planting. The management and maintenance
of the established woodland compensation area will be regulated by the DEVB
TCW No. 6/2015, and should be continue until the plantings are fully
established (which normally takes at least 9 years) and before hand over of the established woodland to the long-term
maintenance party identified
and agreed in accordance with the DEVB TCW No. 6/2015 after the
establishment period for ad hoc maintenance.
8.14.8 Surface water level monitoring of natural watercourse in the
vicinity of the underground tunnel improvement works area should be conducted
during the construction stage. Post-construction monitoring of surface
water level of natural watercourse in the vicinity of the underground tunnel
improvement works area, including those within the LRCP and Beacon Hill SSSI,
for one year should also be carried out. Monthly monitoring should be conducted
at watercourses S6 to S8 to monitor parameters (including water depth and
water velocity) and remedial measures should be recommended, where
necessary, if any abnormal significant decrease of the water level is arising
from the Project.
8.14.9 With the implementation of the recommended mitigation
measures along with EM&A activities, no unacceptable adverse residual
impacts would be expected during construction or operation phases.
8.14.10 Four
projects, including “Revised Trunk Road T4 in Sha Tin”, “Relocation of Diamond
Hill Fresh Water and Salt Water Service Reservoirs to Cavern”, “In-situ
Reprovisioning of Sha Tin Water Treatment Works – South Works” and “The
Proposed Drainage Improvement Works at Chui Tin Street and Chui Tin Street
Soccer Pitch” are likely to be constructed/operated concurrently with the LRT
Project. Given the scale of impacts on natural
habitats under the concurrent projects are minor and a majority of the project sites are urbanised and relatively disturbed, with the implementation of the proposed mitigation measures (e.g. staggered construction works period, adoption
of good site practices, transplantation of flora species
of conservation importance, etc.) under the projects, no unacceptable adverse cumulative
impacts are anticipated.
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