
EPD's 25th Anniversary
Commemorative Programmes and Activities 

25 Anniversary 25 Anniversary 25 Anniversary 25 Anniversary

To mark the 25th Anniversary of the Environmental Protection Department and further disseminate environmental protection messages to the public, we are organizing a series of activities for the participation of the public since May 2011. You are cordially invited to join.   

27 October 2011
(Thu) (9am-5pm)


Environmental Protection Department 25th Anniversary Public Seminar


Environmental Protection Department 25th Anniversary Public Seminar




18 June 2011

25-29 July 2011

22-25 August 2011
(Mon-Thu) (9am-6pm)

26-28 August 2011
(Fri-Sun) (12noon-8pm)

23-25 September 2011
(Fri-Sun) (12noon-8pm)

28-30 October 2011
(Fri-Sun) (12noon-8pm)

18-20 November 2011
(Fri-Sun) (12noon-8pm)

12-16 December 2011
(Mon-Fri) (9am-6pm)

16-20 January 2012
(Mon-Fri) (9am-6pm)

27-29 January 2012
(Fri-Sun) (12noon-8pm)

20-24 February 2012
(Mon-Fri) (9am-6pm)

12-16 March 2012
(Mon-Fri) (9am-6pm)

19-23 March 2012
(Mon-Fri) (9am-6pm)

26-30 March 2012
(Mon-Fri) (9am-6pm)

25th Anniversary of Environmental Protection Department Roving Exhibition



25th Anniversary of Environmental Protection Department Roving Exhibition
14 May-12 June 2011

Modern Waste Transfer, Recycling, Treatment and Restoration Facility Open Days

Modern Waste Transfer, Recycling, Treatment and Restoration Facility Open Days
January-June 2011

Student Design Competitions


Student Design Competitions

Primary School Sector

Secondary School Sector

Tertiary Institute Sector




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