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Compliance Assistance

Joss Paper and Paper Artifacts Burning

Joss Paper and Paper Artifacts Burning
Burning paper offerings may lead to air nuisance and pollution complaints. In order to minimize potential nuisance resulting from paper offerings burning activities, premises owners or operators are recommended to:
  1. Stop permitting paper offerings burning within their premises by promoting alternative forms of worshipping (e.g. offering flower and fruit, electronic offering, electronic worshipping, lucky ribbon etc.).
  2. Arranging for off-site burning as far as practicable by collecting paper offerings from worshippers.
  3. If on-site paper offering burning is inevitable, furnaces with best available technology incorporated with electrostatic precipitator and water scrubber for flue gas treatment should be provided to ensure effective removal of smoke and ash flakes from paper offering burning.
The Environmental Protection Department has commissioned the Hong Kong Productivity Council to carry out a study on air pollution control for joss paper and paper artifacts burning. The study resulted in identification of the best available technology for control of emissions from paper offerings burning and preparation of two sets of guidelines. Seminars were held with the trade and stakeholders to publicize the study results and the guidelines, and to promote environmental measures in reducing air pollution in workshipping.


Guidelines on Air Pollution Control for Paper Artifacts Burning at Funeral Parlours and Other Places of Worship


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