Enforcement Activities and Statistics under the Noise Control Ordinance 2023

Enforcement of the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) is carried out by both the Police and the Environmental Protection Department (EPD). The Police responds to public complaints about neighbourhood noise from public places & domestic premises, construction noise, product noise and noise from intruder alarms, whereas the EPD investigates complaints on noise from industrial or commercial premises, construction sites and shop peddling activities. The enforcement and prosecution statistics are summarised in Figure 1 to 3.

Offenders are liable to a maximum fine at level 3 (i.e. $10,000) on convictions of offences relating to neighbourhood noise while the maximum fine is at level 6 (i.e. $100,000) on first conviction and $200,000 on further convictions for offences relating to construction, industrial and commercial noise.

In 2023, there were 70, 16 and 45 prosecutions for construction noise,  industrial and commercial noise; and neighbourhood noise on shop peddling activities respectively.  





Controls on Construction, Industrial and Commercial Noise

Statutory controls on construction noise under the Noise Control Ordinance and the relevant permit systems for different operations are summarised in Table 1.   The number of permits issued for different operations, the number of applications processed and refused, and the number of permits cancelled in 2023 are showed in Figures 4 to 6.  Hand-held percussive breakers and air compressors are controlled by a label system and the relevant application information are shown in Figure 7.

Industrial and commercial noise is controlled by the Noise Abatement Notice (NAN). Complaints received are investigated and NANs are issued when the noise is found failing to comply with the required limits. The noise producers are required under the NAN to take necessary remedial measures to abate the excessive noise emanated before the deadline. Prosecution action would follow if non-compliance with the NAN is subsequently revealed.


Table 1 - Statutory Controls on Construction Noise from Different Operations at Different Times

  Weekdays Sundays & Public Holidays

0700 Hours




  • Permits Needed for carrying out of Percussive Piling


  • No Permit Control on Use of Powered Mechanical Equipment for carrying out general construction work




0700 Hours

  • No Percussive Piling 


  • Permits Needed for Use of Powered Mechanical Equipment for carrying out general construction work


  • Permits Needed for Use of Specified Powered Mechanical Equipment for carrying out general construction work and/or carrying out of Prescribed Construction Work in Designated Areas







Chart - Figure 6 - Construction Noise Permits for Work at Night or on Public Holidays





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