2-1 : APEC Member Economies (from Hong Kong, China PELB files) including Sample Letter of Inquiry |
2-2 : APEC Environment Ministerial on Sustainable Development Attendance list at Toronto, Ontario Meeting, June 9-11, 1997 |
2-3 : APEC Secretariat : Contact List of Senior Environment/ Economic Officials?and Sample Follow-up Letter |
2-4 : Consultants Final Mailing List for APEC Member Economies Contact People, and for ECAs and MFIs |
2-5 : List of Respondents |
2-6 : Hong Kong Contacts / Responses |
APEC Member Economies (from Hong Kong, China PELB files)
including Sample Letter of Inquiry
Ms Meg McDonald Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade Australia (Fax No.: 61-2-6261-2594) |
Mr Hong-Yang Liu Ministry of Foreign Affairs China (Fax No.: 86-10-6513-0368) |
Mr Geoff Stone Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade Australia (Fax No.: 61-2-6261-3009) |
Mr Wei-Xue Cheng National Environment Protection Agency China (Fax No.: 86-10-6615-1762) |
Mr Philip Toyne Department of Environment Sport & Territory Australia (Fax No.: 61-2-6274-1940) |
Mr S Djajadiningrat Ministry for the Environment Indonesia (Fax No.: 62-21-858-0064) |
Mr Haji Sarudin Environment Unit, Ministry of Development Brunei (Fax No.: 67-3-238-0033) |
Mr Kiyotaka Adasaka Ministry of Foreign Affairs Japan (Fax No.: 81-3-3592-0364) |
Mr Philip Baker Senior Policy Advisor Asia Pacific Region International Affairs Branch Canada (Fax No.: 819-953-7025) |
Mr Hironori Hamanaka Environment Agency Japan (Fax No.: 81-3-3504-1634) |
Mr Carlos Pina National Commission on the Environment Chile (Fax No.: 56-2-244-1262) |
Mr Yukio Ishiumi Ministry of International Trade & Industry Japan (Fax No.: 81-3-3501-3560) |
Mr Park Won Hwa Ministry of Foreign Affairs Korea (Fax No.: 82-2-725-8468) |
Mr John Douglas Department of Environment & Conservation Papua - New Guinea (Fax No.: 675-325-0133) |
Mr Yong Sung Park Ministry of Environment Korea (Fax No.: 82-2-504-9206) |
Mr John Kola Department of Agriculture & Livestock Papua - New Guinea (Fax No.: 675-325-1387) |
Ms Hiswani Harun Ministry of Science, Technology & Environment Malaysia (Fax No.: 60-3-291-4345) |
Mr Ralph Chapman Ministry of Environment New Zealand (Fax No.: 644-471-0195) |
Mr Abel Abarca Ayala Foreign Affairs Mexico (Fax No.: 525-117-42186) |
Mr Adrian B Candolada Department of Foreign Affairs Philippines (Fax No.: 63-2-834-1451) |
Mr Hugo Guzman Sandoval SEMARNAP Mexico (Fax No.: 525-628-0653) |
Mr Ramon Paje Department of Environment & National Res Philippines (Fax No.: 63-2-926-4826) |
Mr Daryl Dun Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade New Zealand (Fax No.: 644-494-8507) |
Mr Teng-Huat TAN Ministry of the Environment Singapore (Fax No.: 65-738-4468) |
Mr Chea-Yuan Young Environment Protection Administration Taipei (Fax No.: 886-2-311-5486) |
Ms Elena Kim-Mitchell State Department United States (Fax No.: 202-647-0774) |
Ms C Sasivanij Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thailand (Fax No.: 662-224-6790) |
Ms O Wongchumpit Office of Environment Policy & Planning Thailand (Fax No.:662-271-4322) |
Mr Alan Hecht Environment Protection Agency United States (Fax No.: 202-565-2407) |
Sample Letter of Inquiry
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
![]() |
234 9106
27 October, 1998
Department of Environment Sport & Territory,
(Fax No.: 61-2-6274-1940)
Dear Mr Toyne,
Consultancy to "Examine and Desseminate Innovative Approaches
to Financing of Initiatives such as Sustainable lnfrastmcture
and Building Planning, Design, Construction and Operation"
At the APEC Environment Ministerial Meeting on Sustainable Development held in Toronto, Canada in June 1997, Environment Ministers endorsed a Program of Action on Sustainable Cities. As one of the action items. Hong Kong, China is pleased to take up the rote as the lead economy to "examine and disseminate innovative approaches to the financing of initiatives such as sustainable infrastructure and building planning, design, construction and operation".
In addition to obtaining information and experience from APEC economies, we would also like draw on experience from selected EU Member States with outstanding environmental achievements.
We have engaged Professor Gerhard William Heinke and Professor Kuo-chiang, Wei of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to conduct the study on our behalf. Professors Heinke and Wei might contact you to seek assistance in obtaining information on sustainable infrastructure projects and their financing, arrangements in your country for the study.
I would appreciate it very much if you could offer your assistance.
Yours sincerely,
(Steve Barclay)
For Secretary for Planning,
Environment and Lands
Draft prepared May 20, 1997
June 9-11, 1997 Toronto, Ontario
Australia Minister Robert Hill Mr. Peter Cosier. MINO Ms. Joanne Disano. Env't Mr. Geoff Stone, MFA Mr. Philip Toyne DFAT Official Mr. Greg Wood. AHC Mr. Brett Hackett. AHC Ms. Charlete Watego. AHC Mrs. Elizabeth Essery. AHC Mr. Ken Wat AHC (driver) Brunei Canada Chile China |
Hong Kong Secretary Bowen Leung Mr. Benjamin Tang, Env't Ms. Maureen Siu, HKETD Indonesia Japan Korea Malaysia Mexico New Zealand |
Mr. G. Willls, MINO Mr. LJA Gow Ms. N. Ngawati. MFA Mr. J. Gerard. Embassy Ms. B. Bridge, Embassy Papua New Gulrra Philippines Singapore Chinese Taipei Thailand USA APEC Sect.. Other |
Contacts List of "Senior Environment/Economic Officials" As of 23 December 1998
Mr. Robert BUTTERWORTH First Assistant Secretary Environment Priorities and Coordination Division Environment Austrialia Moore Street Canberra ACT 3600 Australia |
Tel : 61 2 6274 1590 Fax : 61 2 6274 1940 |
Mr. Moban MATHEWS Acting Director APEC Economic & Technical Section Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade R G Cavey Building John McKwen Cressent Harton ACT 0221, Australia E-mail : |
Tel : 61 2 6261 3376 Fax : 61 2 6261 3009 |
Mr. Hajl Mohd Zakarin HAJI SARUDIN Acting Head Environment Unit Ministry of Development Bandar Seri Begawan 1190 Brunei Darussalam |
Tel : 673 2 383 644 Fax: 673 2 383 644 |
Mr. Shamhary MUSTAPHA Environment Officer Environment Unit Ministry of Development Bandar Seri Begawan 1190 Brunei Darussalam E-mail : |
Tel : 673 2 383 644 Fax : 673 2 383 644 |
Ms. Frances MCRAE APEC Division Outreach & Communication Department of Foreign Affairs and Int'l Trade 125 Sussex Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G2 Canada |
Tel : 6 613 992 8077 Fax : 1 613 944 2732 |
Ms. Renetta Siemens Senior Policy Advisor International Greening Government Admin. Directorate ?Corporate Services Environment Canada 10 Wellington Street, 4th floor Les Terrases de la Chaudiere Hull, Quebec K1A 0H3 Canada |
Tel : 1 819 997 9807 Fax : 1 819 953 8040 |
Mr. Jim WALL Director General International Relations Directorate Environment Canada Les Terrases de la Chaudiere 10 Wellington Street, 22rd Floor Hull, Quebec K1A 0H3 Canada |
Tel : 1 819 994 1657 Fax : 1 819 953 7025 |
Ms. Carol Smith WRIGHT Environment Canada 10 Wellington Street, 22nd Floor Les Terrases de la Chaudiere Hull, Quebec, K1A 0H3 Canada |
Tel : 1 819 994 1657 Fax: 1 819 953 7025 |
Ms. Gloria YANG APEC Officer International and Economic Relations, Summit Div. Dept. of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Lester B Pearson Building 125 Sussex Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G2, Canada E-mail : |
Tel : 1 613 996 7995 Fax : 1 613 944 2732 |
Ms. Maria Soledad MORALES ECHEVERRIA Third Secretary Embassy of Chile 105 Cecil Street The Octagon #14-01 Singapore 069534 E-mail : |
Tel : 65 223 8577 Fax : 65 225 0677 |
Mr. Hong Yang LIU Second Secretary Department of International Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs 225 Chaonei Street Beijing 100701 People's Republic of China |
Tel : 86 10 6525 6889 Fax : 86 10 6596 3120 |
Mr. Dingding TANG Director of General Affairs Division International Cooperation Department State Environment Protection Administration (SEPA) 115 Nanxiaojie, Xizhimennei Beijing 100035, China E-mail : |
Tel : 86 10 6615 1762 Fax : 86 10 6615 1935 |
Ms. Qian WANG Program Officer International Cooperation Department State Environment Protection Administration (SEPA) 115 Nanxiaojie, Xizhimennei Beijing 100035, China E-mail : |
Tel : 86 10 6615 1762 Fax : 86 10 6615 1762 |
Mr. Kim SALKELD Deputy Secretary (Environment) Planning Environment & Lands Bureau 9/F Murray Bldg. Garden Road Hong Kong, China |
Tel : 852 2848 2945 Fax: 852 2530 5264 |
Dr. Surna DJAJADININGRAT Assistant Minister Ministry for the Environment Jalan D I Pandjaitan Jakarta, Timur Indonesia |
Tel : 62 21 858 0064 Fax : 62 21 858 0064 |
Mr. Rachy RACHMAR Third Secretary Indonesian Embassy 7 Chalsworth Road Singapore 249761 |
Tel : 65 734 7422 Fax : 65 737 5037 |
Mr. SUDARMADJI Head Centre for Research & Assessment of Technology Ministry of Industry and Trade Jalan Mohamad Ihwan Ridwan Rais No. 5 Jakarta Indonesia |
Tel : 62 21 385 8337 |
Mr. Kiyotaku AKASAKA Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyodu-ku Tokyo 100 Japan |
Tel : 81 3 3581 3882 Fax : 81 3 3592 0364 |
Mr. Hironori HAMANAKA Environment Agency 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyodu-ku Tokyo 100 Japan |
Tel : 81 3 3580 1375 Fax : 81 3 3504 1634 |
Mr. Yukio Ishiumi Ministry of International Trade & Industry 1-3-1 Kosumigaseki Chiyodu-ku Tokyo 100 Japan |
Tel : 81 3 3501 3567 Fax: 81 3 3501 3560 |
Mr. Won-Hwa PARK Deputy Director General International Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government Building 77 Sejongro, Jongroku Seoul 110-760, Korea E-mail : |
Tel : 82 2 733 3728 Fax : 82 2 725 8668 |
Mr. Darryl DUNN Director Environment Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Private Bag 18901 Wellington New Zealand |
Tel : 64 4 494 8500 Fax : 64 4 473 2124 |
Mr. John DOUGLAS Department of Environment and Conservation Waigani Port Moresby NCD Papua New Guinea |
Tel : 675 301 1607 Fax : 675 301 1691 |
Mr. John M EMILIO Acting Director, APEC Directorate Trade & Economic Relations Divisions Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade PO Box 422 Waigani NCD Papua New Guinea E-mail : |
Tel : 675 301 4227 Fax : 675 323 1011 675 325 4667 |
Ms. Agnes CHEW Engineer Ministry of the Environment Environment Building 40 Scotts Road Singapore 228231 |
Tel : 65 731 9189 Fax : 65 738 4468 |
Ms. Carolya NEO Senior Trade Officer Trade Policy Division Trade Development Board 230 Victoria Street #10-00 Bugis Junction Office Tower Singapore 188024 E-mail : |
Tel : 65 433 4931 Fax : 65 337 6898 |
Dr. Chinfeng CHANG Section Director Bureau of Water Quality Protection Environmental Protection Administration 8F, 41 Chung Hwa Road Section 1, Taipei Chinese Taipei E-mail : |
Tel : 886 2 2311 7722 ext 2840 Fax : 886 2 2389 9860 |
Ms. Hwuichin FERNG Senior Specialist Office of Science and Technology Advisors Environmental Protection Administration 12F, 41 Chung Hwa Road Section 1, Taipei Chinese Taipei E-mail : |
Tel : 886 2 2311 7722 ext 2207 Fax : 886 2 2311 5386 |
Dr. Tsung-Tsan SU Deputy General Director Union Chemical Laboratories Industrial Technology Research 12F, 41 Chung Hwa Road Section 1, Taipei Chinese Taipei |
Tel : 886 2 2573 2003 Fax : 886 2 2573 2000 |
Ms. Weu-Mann SU Junior Specialist Urban and Housing Development Department Council for Economic Planning and Development 14F, 87 Nan King East Road Section 2, Taipei Chinese Taipei |
Tel : 886 2 2522 5349 Fax : 886 2 2543 5021 |
Dr. Nian-Hau WANG Consultant Department of Industrial Technology Ministry of Economic Affairs 6th Floor, 15 Fonchow Street Taipei Chinese Taipei |
Tel : 886 2 2356 7310 ext. 57 Fax : 886 2 2351 4850 |
Dr. Chea-Yuan YOUNG Deirector General Office of Science and Technology Advisors Environmental Protection Administration 41, Section 1 Chung Hwa Road, Taipei Chinese Taipei E-mail : |
Tel : 886 2 2382 2841 886 2 2311 7722 Fax : 886 2 2311 5486 |
Dr. Ampan PINTUKANOK Chief of Marine & Coastal Resources Subdivision Office of Environmental Policy and Planning Ministry of Science & Technology 60/1 Soi Phibunwattana 7 Rama IV Road, Bangkok 10400 Thailand |
Tel : 66 2 279 5202 Fax : 66 2 271 3226 |
Ms. Chomquan SASIVANLY International Economic Affairs Division Economic Affairs Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1 Sanarmchai Road Saranrom Palace, Phra Itatchawang District Bangkok 10200, Thailand E-mail : |
Tel : 66 2 221 2839 Fax : 66 2 224 6790 |
Mr. Daniel F GEISLER International Economist Office of East Asian and Policy Affairs Department of State Room 7821, 2201 C Street, N.W. Washington DC 20520 United State of America E-mail : |
Tel : 1 202 647 4835 Fax : 1 202 647 0136 |
Mr. Elena KIM-MICHELL Policy Advisor for East Asian Affairs Bureau for Oceans & Int'l Env. & Scientific Affairs Department of State Room 7821, 2201 C Street, N.W. Washington DC 20520 United States of America E-mail : |
Tel : 1 202 736 7377 Fax : 1 202 647 0774 |
Dr. Alan Hecht Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator Office of international Activities USEPA Mail Code 2760R 401 M Street, SW Washington DC 20460 United States of America Email : |
Tel : 1 202 564 6600 Fax: 1 202 565 2407 |
Ms. Sandra SMITHEY Policy Advisor Global Environment Center US Agency for International Development SA-18 Room 509 Washington DC 20523-1822 United States of America E-mail : |
Tel : 1 703 875 7309 Fax : 1 703 875 4639 |
Ms. Maureen WALKER Deputy Director Office of Oceans Affairs Department of State 2201 C Street, N.W. Washington DC 20520 United States of America E-mail : |
Tel : 1 202 647 9098 Fax: 1 202 647 9099 |
Ms. Siti Nugraha MAULUDIAH Director (Program) APEC Secretariat 438 Alexandra Road #13-00 Alexandra Point Singapore 119958 E-mail : |
Tel : 65 276 1880 Fax : 65 276 1775 |
Gary W. Heinke, Ph.D, P.Eng, FHKIE Director, Institute for Environment and Sustainable Development Hong Kong University ofSciensceandTeehnolosy |
John K-C. Wei Director, Center for .Asian Financial Market Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
February 1, 1999
Mr. Robert Butter-worth
First Assistant Secretary
Environment Priorities and Coordination Division
Environment Australia
Moore Street
Canberra ACT 2600
Dear Mr. Butter-worth:
Re: Request for Assistance on Consultancy to "Examine and Disseminate Innovative Approaches to Financing of Initiatives such as Sustainable Infrastructure and Building Planning, Design, construction and Operation"
We hope you have received our letter of December 30, 1998 requesting your participation in the above referenced study. Along with our letter, we had also enclosed a response sheet and questionnaires that we would like your office to complete and return to us.
We are awaiting the completed response sheet from your office confirming the receipt of questionnaires. Could you please have it faxed to us as soon as possible. We would be happy to answer any questions related to the study and can be reached at the following numbers.
Professor Gary W. Heinke Tel: 852.2358.6908 Fax: 852.2358.1582 E-mail: |
Professor John K. C. Wei Tel: 852.2358.7676 Fax: 852.2358.1749 E-mail: |
We look forward to your response. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
G.W. Heinke John Wei
Consultant Consultant
Consultants Final Mailing List for
APEC Member Economies Contact People, and for ECA's and MFIs
APEC Countries | ||
Australia | Mr. Robert Butterworth First Assistant Secretary Environment Priorities and Coordination Division Environment Australia Moore Street Canberra ACT 2600 Australia |
Fax : 61 2 6274 1940 |
Brunei | Mr. Haji Mohd Zakaria Bin Haji Sarudin Acting Head Environment Unit Ministry of Development Bandar Seri Begawan 1190 Negara Brunei Darussalam |
Fax : 67 3 2380 298/0033 |
Chile | Ms. Maria Saledad Morales Echeverria Third Secretary Embassy of Chile 105 Cecil Street The Octagon #14-01 Singapore 069534 |
Fax : 65 225 0677 |
China | Mr. Dingding Tang Director of General Affairs Division International Cooperation Department State Environment Protection Administration (SEPA) 115 Nanxiaojie Xizhimennei Beijing 100035 China |
Fax : 86 10 6615 1762 Tel : 86 10 6616 5635 ext. 5536 |
Hong Kong | Mr. Kim Salkeld Deputy Secretary (Environment) Planning Environment & Lands Branch 9/F Murray Building Garden Road Hong Kong, China |
Fax : 852 2530 8254 Tel : 852 2848 2945 |
Indonesia | Dr. Surna Djajadiningrat Assistant Minister Ministry for the Environment Jalan D - Pandjaitan Jakarta Timur Indonesia |
Fax : 62-21-858 0064 |
Japan | Mr. Hironori Hamanaka Environment Agency 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyodu-ku Tokoyo 100, Japan |
Fax : 81 3 3504 1634 |
Korea | Mr. Won-Hwa Park Deputy Director General International Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign affairs Government Building 77 Sejongro, Jongroku Seoul 110-760, Korea |
Fax : 82 2 725 8468 |
Malaysia | Ms. Hiswani Harun Ministry of Science, Technology & Environment Malaysia |
Fax : 60-3-291-4345 |
Mexico | Mr. Abel Abarca Ayala Foreign Affairs Mexico |
Fax : 525-17-42186 |
New Zealand | Mr. Darryl Dunn Director Environment Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Private Bag 18901 Wellington New Zealand |
Fax : 644 494 8507 |
PNG | Mr. John Douglas Department of Environment and Conservation Waigani Port Moresby NCD Papua New Guinea |
Fax : 675 325 0133 |
Philippines | Mr. Rosario G. Manalo Undersecretary APEC SOM Leader-Philippines For International Economic Relations Department of Foreign Affairs 9/F, 2330 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City, Philippines |
Fax : 632 530 5264 Tel : 632 834 4000 |
Singapore | Ms. Cheng Geok Ling (Faizal Yahya) For Head International Environment & Policy department Ministry of the Environment Environment Building 40 Scotts Road, #11-00 Singapore 228231 |
Taipei | Dr. Chea-Yuan Young Director General Office of Science & Technology Advisors Environmental Protection Administration 41, Section 1 Chung-Hwa Road, Taipei Chinese Taipei |
Fax : 886 22311 5486 Tel : 886 2238 2841 |
Thailand | Dr. Ampan Pintukanok Chief of Marine & Coastal Resources Subdivision Office of Environmental Policy and Planning Ministry of Science & Technology 60/1 Soi Phibunwattana 7 Rama IV Road, Bangkok 10400 Thailand |
Fax : 662 271 4322 |
Canada | Mr. Jean Bilodeau Director General Administration Directorate 10 Wellington Street, 4th Floor Les Terrasses de la Chaudiere Hull, Quebec K1A 0H3 Canada |
Fax : 819 953 8040 Tel : 819 997 9807 |
USA | Dr. Alan D. Hecht Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator Office of International Acitivities United States Environmental Protection Agency 401 M Street, Mailing Code 2760R S.W., Washington, DC 20460 USA |
Fax : 202 565 2407 |
Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) | ||
JEXIM | Mr. Hiroo Katsuta Chief Representative The Export-Import Bank of Japan Representative Office in Hong Kong Suite 3706, One Pacific Place 88 Queensway, Hong Kong |
US EXIM | Export-Import Bank of the US Washington, D.C. Office 811 Vermont Ave, NW Washington, D.C. 20571 USA |
Coface | Coface of France 12 Cours Michelet 92800 Puteaux France |
Hermes | Hermes Credit Services Martin House, 5 Martin Lane, London EC4R ODP, UK |
Multi-lateral Financial Institutions (MFIs) | ||
OPIC | Overseas Private Investment Corporation 1100 New York Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20527, USA |
MIGA | Ms. J. Pearce Advisor Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433 USA |
IFC | Corporate Relations Unit International Finance Corporation 2121 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington D.C. 20433 USA |
List of Respondents
Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) | |
Mr. Yasno Hirota Deputy Director Project Finance Dept. The Export Import Bank of Japan 1-4-1 Otemachi Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Japan |
Tel : 81 3 3287 9530 Fax: 81 3 3287 9581 |
Mr. Mark Bolger Regional Manager, Asia Pacific International Markets Export Development Corporation 151 O'Connor St. Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 1K3 Canada |
Tel : 1 613 598 2508 Fax : 1 613 598 2503 |
Mrs. Nancy Cowie Underwriting Manager Asia Pacific Division Export Credits Gaurantee Department PO Box 2200, 2 Exchange Tower Harbour Exchange Square London E14 9GS United Kingdom |
Tel : 44 171 512 7620 Fax : 44 171 512 7692 |
Multilateral Financial Institutions (MFIs) | |
Mr. Tanvi Nagpal Political Economist East Asia & Pacific Region Environment & Social Development Unit World Bank 1818 H St., NW Washington DC 20433 United States of America Email : |
Tel : 1 202 473 6711 Fax : 1 202 522 1666 |
Mr. Paolo Lombardo Senior Investment Officer Asian Development Bank PO Box 789, 0980 Manila Philippines E-mail : |
Tel : 63 2 632 6473 Fax : 63 2 632 2346 |
APEC Member Economies (AMEs) | |
Mr. Alex Wong Finance Bureau The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Hong Kong |
Tel : 852 2810 2236 Fax: 852 2868 5279 |
Miss Laura Tsoi Transport Bureau The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Hong Kong |
Tel : 852 2189 2110 Fax: 852 2136 8016 |
Mr. Wilson Pang Works Bureau The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Hong Kong |
Tel : 852 2848 2617 Fax: 852 2523 5327 |
Mr. C.K. Wong Drainage Services Department The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Hong Kong |
Tel : 852 2594 7018 Fax: 852 2827 9352 |
Mr. K.F. Tang Environmental Protection Department Hong Kong Government Hong Kong |
Tel : 852 2872 1800 Fax: 852 2591 6662 |
Mr. Byung Kil Woo Manager Domestic Business Development & Marketing Division Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. Hyundai Building 140-2, Kye-dong, Chongro-ku, Seoul 110-793 Korea E-mail : |
Tel : 82 2 746 2024 Fax: 82 2 746 3122 |
Mr. Kim Suk Woo Assistant Director Environment & Science Division International Economy Government Complex Bldg. Sejong-ro 77, Chongro-ku, Seoul Korea E-mail : |
Tel : 82 2 720 2320 Fax: 82 2 722 7581 |
Mr. Lee Sang-choi Daelim Corporation Korea |
Tel : 82 2 368 7990 Fax: 82 2 368 6846 |
Mr. Joseph C. Nocos Project Director Western Mindanao Power Corp. Alsons Bldg., 2286 Pasong Tamo Extension Makati City Philippines E-mail : |
Tel : 632 812 0294 Fax : 632 812 1005 |
Mr. Abel Sapalaran Manager Electricity Procurement National Power Corp. cor. Agham Road Diliman, Quezon City Philippines |
Tel : 632 921 3417 Fax: 632 921 3417 |
Mr. Chan Yoon Kum Director Water Department Public Utilities Board 111 Somerset Road 14-05 Singapore E-mail : |
Tel : 65 731 3500 Fax: 65 235 9550 |
Ministry of the Environment, Singapore Sewage Department Environment Bldg. 40 Scotts Road Singapore 228231 Singapore |
Tel : 65 732 7733 |
Mr. Chia Boon Hong Drainage Department Ministry of the Environment, Singapore Environment Bldg. 40 Scotts Road Singapore 228231 Singapore |
Tel : 65 732 7733 |
Mr. Leong Kok Hoong Senior Manager Contracts Department Singapore, Land Transport Authority No. 1 Hampshire Road Block 2 Level 1 Singapore 219428 Singapore E-mail : |
Tel : 65 396 1009 Fax: 65 396 1109 |
Mr. Wong Mun Toong/Ms. Chua Poh Hong Deputy Director (Finance)/Executive Officer (Airport Planning) Finance and Engineering Division Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Singapore Changi Airport PO Box 1 Singapore 918141 Singapore |
Tel : 65 541 2050 Fax: 65 545 6515 |
Mr. Wen-Mann SU Junior Specialist Urban and Housing Development Council for Economic, Planning & Development 3rd Floor, 3 Pao-ching Road Taipei, Taiwan 100 Chinese Taipei Email : |
Tel : 886 2 2316 5349 Fax : 886 2 2370 0426 |
European Union Member Economies | |
Dr. H.M.A. Jansen Institute for Environmental Studies IVM/vu de Boelelaan 1115 1081 HV Amsterdam The Netherlands E-mail : |
Tel : 31 20 444 9560/55 Fax: 31 20 444 9553 |
Mr. Peter Braithwaite Director Arup Environmental Ove Arup & Partners Edgbaston House 3 Douchess Place, Edgbaston Birmingham B16 8NH United Kingdom E-mail : |
Tel : 44 121 454 6261 Fax: 44 121 454 8853 |
Mr. Keith Berryman Executive Director The Nichols Group 2 Savile Row London W1X 1AF United Kingdom E-mail : |
Tel : 44 171 494 1511 Fax: 44 171 494 2675 |
Mr. Dan Ove Pedersen Senior Researcher Housing and Urban Research Division Danish Building Research Institute Postbox 119, DK-2970 Horsholm Denmark E-mail : |
Tel : 45 4586 5533 Fax: 45 4586 5594 |
Mr. Ben Prynn Price Waterhouse 1 London Bridge London, SE1 9SL United Kingdom |
Tel : 44 171 939 3000 ext. 4464 Fax: 44 171 403 5265 |
Hong Kong Contacts / Responses
A. |
Financial Institutions
Contact Name and Title
Phone / Fax
1 | American International Group |
2 | Asian Infrastructure Fund Advisers Ltd. |
3 | The Bank of East Asia, Ltd. |
4 | A Major Infrastructure Fund |
5 | HSBC Investment Bank Asia Ltd. | Steven Lu, Jr. Associate Director Project Finance |
Level 15, 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong | (P): 2841 8888 (F): 2524 4685 |
6 | Santander Investment Asia Ltd. |
B. |
Private Sector Business
Contact Name and Title
Phone / Fax
1 | Airport Authority |
2 | Cheung Kong Infrastructure | Eric Kwan Chief Executive Officer |
12 Cheung Kong Centre 2 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong |
(P): 2122 3133 (F): 2525 3803 |
3 | CLP Power International | Danny Yick (Title: to be confirmed) |
10/F Chi Wo Commercial Building, 20 Saigon Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong | (P): 2384 2166 (F): 2783 9865 |
4 | Citic Pacific Ltd. | Simon W N Chui Deputy General Manager Finance Dept. |
32/F CITIC Tower 1 Tim Mei Avenue Central, Hong Kong | (P): 2820 2176 (F): 2530 5974 |
5 | Hopewell Holdings Ltd. | Jacky Kwok Assistant Treasurer, Treasury Dept. |
63rd Floor, Hopewell Centre 183 Queen's Road East Wanchai, Hong Kong |
(P): 2862 5652 (F): 2866 4369 |
Alan Chan Manager, Management Dept. |
64th Floor, Hopewell Centre 183 Queen's Road East Wanchai, Hong Kong |
(P): 2862 5609 (F): 2865 6276 2861 2068 | ||
Lana Chang Assistant Manager, Power Division | 64th Floor, Hopewell Centre 183 Queen's Road East Wanchai, Hong Kong |
(P): 2528 4975 (F): 2865 6276, 2861 2068 | ||
6 | MTR Corporation | Confidential |
7 | New World Infrastructure | Fergus Chow Finance Controller |
9th Floor, Tower II, New World Tower 18 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong | (P): 2131 3828 (F): 2131 0230 |