Professional Persons Environmental Consultative Committee Practice Notes (ProPECCPNs)

Professional Persons Environmental Consultative Committee Practice Notes (ProPECCPNs)

The Professional Persons Environmental Consultative Committee (ProPECC) was set up in October 1991, to provide a forum for the exchange of views on all environmental matters related to the duties and practice of architects, engineers, planners, surveyors and developers.

ProPECC is chaired by the Director of Environmental Protection. It consists of representatives from The Hong Kong Construction Association (HKCA), The Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA), Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), The Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP), The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS), and The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong (REDA).

A wide range of issues has been examined by the committee and in some cases this has led to the publication of a ProPECC Practice Note (PN) which has been widely distributed to professionals and organizations in relevant fields. So far the following ProPECC PNs have been issued:

PN Number Title File Size
PN 1/92 Impingement of Plumes from Boiler Chimneys on Adjacent Buildings 32k
PN 2/96 Control of Air Pollution in Car Parks 39k
PN 2/97 Handling of Asbestos Containing Materials in Buildings 53k
PN 3/97 A Revised Streamlined Approach for Vetting of Drainage Plans Referred to EPD for Comments 128k
PN 1/98 Control of Air Pollution in Semi-Confined Public Transport Interchanges
[Note: For PTIs with design finalised before 30 Dec 2022 only]
PN 1/99 Control of Radon Concentraton in New Buildings 23k
PN 1/03 Managing Air Quality in Air-conditioned Public Transport Facilities - Buses 70k
PN 2/03 Managing Air Quality in Air-conditioned Public Transport Facilities - Railways 67k
PN 1/15 Managing Air Quality in Air-conditioned Public Transport Facilities - Ferries 48k
PN 1/22 Control of Air Pollution in Semi-confined Public Transport Interchanges 299k
PN 1/23 Drainage Plans subject to Comment by the Environmental Protection Department -Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations 1802K
PN 3/23 Application of Sound Insulation in Residential Buildings to Reduce Noise Transmission Between Units 1279k
PN 4/23 Planning of Residential Developments Against Road Traffic Noise  567k
PN 5/23 Application of Innovative Noise Mitigation Designs in Planning Private Residential Developments against Road Traffic Noise Impact 1279k
PN 1/24 Minimizing Noise from Construction Activities 1068k
PN 2/24 Construction Site Drainage 2497k

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