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3.5 Solid Waste

Solid waste is not generally regarded as a natural resource, rather as a by-product of the use of natural resources. Assessment of Hong Kong's position with regard to solid waste is therefore a proxy for a discussion of Hong Kong's use of raw materials and consumption patterns. In addition, the improper disposal of solid waste often leads to contamination of soil and groundwater which degrades the land natural resource capital stock, creating unhygienic conditions, and reducing the aesthetic value of amenity areas (eg country parks and marine areas). For these reasons, solid waste is discussed below as a natural resource issue.

3.5.2 Existing Capital Stock and Trends

The following section describes the existing position with regard to the different types of waste arisings, various routes of disposition of these wastes (ie recycling, waste collection and disposal in landfills, and unauthorised dumping), and the consequences of these disposal practices for Hong Kong's groundwater and soil resources.

  Types of Waste Arisings

The Hong Kong SAR Government employs a waste classification system which defines five categories of waste arisings:

  • Municipal solid waste (MSW), which includes waste arisings from the daily activities of domestic, commercial and industrial sources. Most MSW from domestic sources is collected by the public sector (Department of Food and Environmental Hygiene), and most commercial and industrial MSW is collected by private waste collectors;
  • Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste which is defined as waste arising from land excavation and formation, building construction, site clearance, demolition and roadworks;
  • Chemical waste which arises from processes or trade activities which contain chemicals likely to cause environmental pollution or pose a health risk;
  • Special wastes which include livestock and animal wastes, asbestos, clinical waste, treatment works sludges and screenings; and
  • Other solid waste including coal ash, dredged mud and excavated materials disposed of at marine dumps. When assessing total waste arisings, MSW is often grouped with the category of construction and demolition (C&D) waste as both types of waste can be received by Hong Kong's landfills. However, the inert portion of C&D material (called public fill) is also received by designated public fill areas which may be part of reclamation projects. Annual statistics on C&D material arisings are highly variable as they reflect changes in economic activity, development and redevelopment, and the implementation of large infrastructure projects. Due to the larger than expected rate of growth in municipal waste arisings and the concomitant shortening of the expected lifespan of existing landfills, MSW is a key target of the HKSAR Government's Waste Reduction Framework Plan. However, C&D wastes represent the largest proportion of all waste currently directed to landfill and the Framework Plan also targets this sector for waste reduction.


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2005 版權標誌| 重要告示

最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日