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3.5 Solid Waste

The figures presented in Table 3.5a show a steadily increasing trend in the total waste arisings (MSW and C&D) during the previous 15 year period. When these figures are normalised for population, the amount of waste requiring disposal per capita increased by 50% between 1986 and 1995 but has declined slightly since then (excepting 1998 when a slight increase was again recorded). It is interesting to note that the peak in 1995 coincides with the peak in C&D waste arisings for the same period. As C&D waste arisings are generally at least 2-3 times greater than municipal waste arisings, it is clear that trends in the production of C&D waste dictate the overall trends in arisings. Annex C provides a detailed breakdown of MSW and C&D waste arisings for 1986-1998.

Table 3.5a Waste Arisings (Tonnes Per Day)
Table 3.5a Waste Arisings (Tonnes Per Day)
Year Mid Year Population Total Waste Arisings(1) Quantity of Waste
(tpd) Requiring Final
Disposal Per Capita
Total Quantity of
Waste Landfilled(2)
1986 5,524,600 24,500 0.0044 8,960
1987 5,580,500 23,590 0.0042 10,770
1988 5,627,600 26,250 0.0047 13,190
1989 5,686,200 24,990 0.0044 12,480
1990 5,704,500 24,460 0.0043 15,920
1991 5,752,000 28,650 0.0050 24,110
1992 5,800,500 33,060 0.0057 20,210
1993 5,901,000 30,850 0.0052 20,220
1994 6,035,400 32,280 0.0053 24,300
1995 6,156,100 40,190 0.0065 22,260
1996 6,311,000 38,660 0.0061 16,150
1997 6,502,100 37,110 0.0057 15,780
1998 6,687,200 41,440 0.0062 16,550


(1) Waste Arisings = MSW + C&D Material (including public fill)
(2) Quantity Landfilled = MSW + C&D Waste + Special Waste Source: Consultants calculations based on data from EPD Annual Monitoring of Solid Waste Reports Other types of waste arisings also contribute to the total demand for disposal capacity although they do not utilise significant amounts of landfill capacity. One category of waste that is often, at present, placed in landfills in relatively small amounts compared to MSW and C&D waste is special waste which consists of inter alia sludges; livestock waste; asbestos waste; animal carcasses and abattoir waste; clinical waste; and condemned goods, of which sludges form the greatest volume. In 1998, sewage sludge, sewage screenings, and waterworks sludge comprised 402 tpd, or 2.4% of all waste going to landfill. Other categories of waste arisings include chemical wastes and dredged materials (classified with fuel and furnace ash as "other waste"), both of which are not normally landfilled. Chemical waste contributed 76,650 tonnes to annual waste arisings in 1998 (EPD 1999b) which was an increase for the third consecutive year, although levels are less than they were during the late 1980s and early 1990s when chemical waste quantities peaked at nearly 118,000 tonnes in 1992. This reduction is principally due to the relocation of many industries producing chemical waste to the Mainland, although the resultant shortfall in feedstock for the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre has been topped up with MARPOL waste from ships, such that the CWTC is currently operating at around 75% of its design capacity. Arisings of dredged contaminated and uncontaminated mud are estimated at 4.9 Mm3, and 6.9 Mm3, respectively for 1999 and are directly dependent on the number and size of reclamation and harbour improvement projects underway in a given period.


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