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5.1 Planning Purposes

The population exposure pattern to each of the six identified noise generating activities forms a template to represent the baseline noise condition for such activity in Hong Kong. While planning for similar future developments, these templates can be used as a reference for superimposing onto the proposed development location.

One of the aims is for an appropriate separation distance between the noise source and population be applied in a way to allow no worsening of noise climate than existing condition. On top of that, the recorded indicative population size affected by the noise source can act as a benchmark for planning landuses adjacent to such type of activity. A better planning outcome would be a situation with the size of population affected by the noise source smaller than the current condition.

5.2 Application to SUSDEV21 Study - The Indicator

The noise indicator of the SUSDEV 21 study focuses on the exposure of the population to excessive noise both from transport and non-transport sources. This survey study provides the relevant information relating to the selected non-transport related noise elements. The total noise exposure to each type of surveyed activities would be estimated based on the survey data and the number of such locations in Hong Kong. The percentage of population so exposed could then be estimated.

The total population exposed to each noise source is deduced and is shown in Table 5.2a.

Table 5.2a Total Noise Exposure to Each Type of Surveyed Activities
Activities Approximate No. of activity location in Hong Kong Approximate total population exposure
Cargo Handling Areas & Midstream Operations 7 114100
Open Storage Area 24 22270
Industrial Estates 3 5900
Existing Industrial/Residential Interfaces 11 283700
Container Trucks Parking & Repair 10 9700
Container Terminal 8 Nil

A total population of approximate 435,000 is estimated to be located near the six identified noise sources in Hong Kong. The noise levels perceived by these people (determined at representative NSRs) are compared to the Acceptable Noise Levels (ANLs) specified in the relevant Technical Memorandum issued under the Noise Control Ordinance. In most cases, no excessive noise is found to be associated with the noise sources. An estimation of approximately 60,000 people lived near industrial/residential interfaces may be exposed to a higher level of noise. This is likely a result of past oversights when environmental elements were not receiving adequate considerations.

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2005 版權標誌| 重要告示

最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日