noise levels and representative population exposure
to the six identified noise source have been monitored
and analysed in this report. In general, the majority
of population are exposed to noise levels of below 65
dB(A) and below 60 dB(A) generated from Cargo Handling
Area, Open Storage Area, Industrial Estate, Container
Trucks Parking & Repair and Container Terminal during
daytime and evening/night-time respectively. For Industrial/Residential
Interface, due to small separation distance between
the population and noise source, the highest noise level
was recorded and a relatively larger proportion of population
was exposed to over 65 dB(A) during daytime when compared
to other activities.
general, the larger the size of the noise source of
a particular activity, a larger proportion of the population
will be exposed to higher noise levels.
facilitate the incorporation of the present survey findings
into the SUSDEV 21 Study, the exposure of population
to noise from the selected non-transport related sources
was deduced. It was estimated that some 435,000 people
who live near to the six surveyed activities would have
a higher likelihood of being exposed to noise. Among
them, some 60,000 people would have a higher possibility
of being exposed to a higher level of noise.