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Table 9.5a Habitat Categories Identified under the WWF Mapping Study
Detailed Data Input

Area (ha)



Simplified Format for Map

Urban (buildings, development areas, and landfill sites) 16933 1344 15.7


Cemetery 215 23 0.2
Quarry 153 8 0.1
Rural industrial storage (mainly containers) 433 134 0.4
Buildings mixed with a significant amount of cultivation, abandoned cultivation and woodland 4992 506 4.6

Buildings mixed with cultivation, abandoned cultivation & woodland

Bare rock or soil 2115 927 2.0 Bare rock or soil
Inland water 5061 519 4.7 Inland water
Mangrove 276 107 0.3 Mangrove
Other wetland 325 101 0.3 Other wetland
Cultivation 1414 440 1.3 Cultivation
Abandoned cultivation (flat, valley land) 3167 873 2.9 Abandoned cultivation
Woodland 8630 1082 8.0


Woodland/plantation woodland 1432 57 1.3
Plantation woodland 4830 663 4.5

Plantation woodland

Tall shrubland 7933 1427 7.4 Tall shrubland
Tall shrub/bare rock or soil 421 62 0.4
Tall shrub/plantation woodland 2775 154 2.6
Tall shrub/grass (grass is mainly short, includes tall grass & fern bamboo (shrub size) 4270 581 4.0 Tall shrub with grass
Tall shrub/grass/bare rock or soil 450 40 0.4
Tall shrub grass/plantation woodland 254 15 0.2
Tall shrub/low shrub 2605 129 2.4
Tall shrub/low shrub/bare rock or soil 1038 17 1.0
Tall shrub/low shrub/grass 304 11 0.3
Low shrubland 2490 447 2.3 Low shrubland
Low shrub/bare rock or soil 1281 110 1.2
Low shrub/plantation woodland 1736 135 1.6
Low shrub/plantation woodland/bare rock or soil 1159 28 1.1
Low shrub/grass 9203 728 8.6 Low shrub with grass
Low shrub/grass/bare rock or soil 2542 135 2.4
Low shrub/grass plantation woodland 1157 54 1.1
Grass/plantation woodland 778 127 0.7 Grassland
Grassland (mainly short, includes tall grass, fern & bamboo (shrub size)) 15000 547 14.0
Grass/bare rock or soil 1948 161 1.8
Golf course 244 10 0.2
Total 107564 11702 100  


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最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日