purpose of the conservation ranking system is to provide
an accepted, composite means by which the conservation
values of different areas, representing different features,
can be ascribed, mapped and compared. The initial aim
is to incorporate ecological, heritage, recreational
and landscape components into a single ranking system.
Other objectives for the ranking system require that
the system be:
to define for a given habitat or site;
with minimal subjectivity;
documented so as to be understood by key stakeholders;
suited for mapping using a Geographic Information
stated above and in the Study Brief, it is desirable
that the conservation ranking system incorporate ecological,
heritage, recreation and landscape components. However,
the data collection effort devoted to this survey has
generated an extensive database of ecological information
and thus considerably more data are available to support
the ecological component than the others. For this reason,
and because of the expected variety of values attached
to different components by stakeholders, it would not
be appropriate for the system to "trade-off"
ecological value against any of the remaining three
components by weighting all components equally.
was, therefore, proposed (in TR1) to construct the ranking
system to consist of scores A, B, C and D corresponding
to the high, medium, low and negligible ecological values
outlined in the previous section. These scores would
be assigned to areas whose boundaries are defined by
their habitat type and ecological value. If that area
is also found to contain areas or sites of heritage,
recreational or landscape value, the area would be awarded
a single "+" for each component. The range
of possible scores and their definitions are given in
Table 3.2a.
3.2a Conservation Ranking System |
Score |
Description |
A+++ |
value ecological habitat with heritage value, recreational
value and landscape value |
A++ |
value ecological habitat with two of the following:
heritage value, recreational value and landscape
value |
A+ |
value ecological habitat with one of the following:
heritage value, recreational value and landscape
value |
A |
value ecological habitat with no heritage value,
recreational value or landscape value |
B+++ |
value ecological habitat with heritage value, recreational
value and landscape value |
B++ |
value ecological habitat with two of the following:
heritage value, recreational value and landscape
value |
B+ |
value ecological habitat with one of the following:
heritage value, recreational value and landscape
value |
B |
value ecological habitat with no heritage value,
recreational value or landscape value |
C+++ |
value ecological habitat with heritage value, recreational
value and landscape value |
C++ |
value ecological habitat with two of the following:
heritage value, recreational value and landscape
value |
C+ |
value ecological habitat with one of the following:
heritage value, recreational value and landscape
value |
C |
value ecological habitat with no heritage value,
recreational value or landscape value |
D+++ |
value ecological habitat with heritage value, recreational
value and landscape value |
D++ |
value ecological habitat with two of the following:
heritage value, recreational value and landscape
value |
D+ |
value ecological habitat with one of the following:
heritage value, recreational value and landscape
value |
D |
value ecological habitat with no heritage value,
recreational value or landscape value |
noted above, the heritage, recreational and landscape
values are ranked as either present or absent for each
area classified by ecological value. The criteria proposed
for assessing whether these values are present or absent
were presented in TR1 and revised based on further liaisons
with Government Departments and reviews of existing
addition to the classifications of high, medium, low
and negligible ecological value, the habitat base map
has also included an asterisk ("*") to indicate
that the area has one or more unique features which
distinguish it from other areas in the same category.
Feature(s) of a site which could be considered as "unique"
and might deserve designation of an asterisk "*"
one of the few or the only remaining breeding/nesting
habitat(s) for "rare" species; or
one of the few or the only pristine (free from human
disturbance) site(s) of a particular habitat type
remaining in Hong Kong; or
unique in its structure and/or function which has
distinguished the area to be somewhat better than
other areas of the same habitat type.
"high*" designation would thus signify that
the area has extremely high ecological value and is
a priority area for protection. The asterisk could also
be used for medium, low or negligible categories to
indicate that the characteristics of the area are somehow
better than other areas in the same category.