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4.2 Methodology
4.2.3 Classification by Existing Data and Aerial Photos

Habitat types not classified with the aid of satellite imagery classification (Section 4.2.2 and Table 4.2c) were mapped by examining existing data sources and by manual interpretation of aerial photos. Data not available in digital form were digitised by hand. The data sources used and the processing steps are summarised in Table 4.2d.

Table 4.2d Habitats Mapped by Existing Data
Habitats Primary Data Sources Processing
Fung Shui Forest Chu (1998) (hardcopy) Fung Shui coordinates listed in the report were entered and converted to a digital dataset. Fung Shui wood boundaries were digitised on-screen using Lands (1997 1:20K) as a backdrop. Habitat was therefore mapped as either point or area features.
Plantation or Plantation/Mixed Forest Aerial photos Manual interpretation of aerial photos.
Fishpond/Gei Wai Aerial photos, Lands (1997 1:20K, Rivers & Reservoirs), PlanD Fishpond Database(9 ) Manual interpretation of the data sources.
Natural Watercourse Lands (1997 1:20K, Rivers & Reservoirs), Lands (1997 1:1K, Nullah & Stream Course) Lines were buffered by 2 metres to include riparian zone.
Modified Watercourse Lands (1997 1:20K, Rivers & Reservoirs), Lands (1997 1:1K, Nullah & Stream Course) Watercourses identified on hardcopy plot as having straight banks were mapped as modified.
Rocky Shore Aerial photos, Lands (1997 1:20K) and Lands (1997 1:1K)  Manual interpretation of the data sources. Habitat mapped as line features.
Artificial Rocky/Hard Shoreline Aerial photos, Lands (1997 1:20K) and Lands (1997 1:1K) Manual interpretation of the data sources. Habitat mapped as line features.
Intertidal Mudflat Aerial photos, Lands (1997 1:20K) Manual interpretation of the data sources. Habitat mapped as line features.
Sandy Shore Aerial photos, Lands (1997 1:20K) and Lands (1997 1:1K) Beaches > 20 metres wide were digitised as area features. The habitat was therefore mapped as either line or area features.
Seagrass Bed Fong (1998a, 1998b), Fong et al (1994), Wu and Lee (1998), SWIMS (1994) and AFCD Herbarium Hand-drawn maps were digitised on-screen using Lands (1997 1:20K) as backdrop.
Golf Course/Urban Park Lands (1997 1:20K) and Lands (1998 1:20K) Countryside Map Series (hardcopy) Habitat identified from Lands (1998 1:20k) Countryside Maps Series and digitised on-screen with Lands (1997 1:20K) as backdrop.
Rural Industrial Storage/Containers Aerial photos and the Planning Department "Black Spot" database Data converted to habitat map.

(9) Planning Department's Study of the Ecological Value of Fishponds in the Deep Bay Area.

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