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4.3 Assessment of Results

Preliminary mapping of habitats has been achieved using the methods discussed in Section 4.2. Subsequent to completion of the map, the accuracy of the mapping for each habitat type has been assessed with regard to both the habitat type (e.g. is the area actually grassland or shrubby grassland) and the habitat boundary (e.g. is the boundary between adjoining grassland and shrubby habitats drawn correctly). Based on these considerations, confidence rating of high, medium or low have been assigned to each habitat category, as follows:

  • High level of confidence indicates that most of the identified areas of the habitat category are expected to have been accurately mapped with very few unconfirmed locations;

  • Medium level of confidence indicates that the habitat's high natural variability has resulted in uncertainties regarding the classification of some of the areas assigned to this habitat type; and

  • Low level of confidence indicates that the habitat category is classified with high uncertainties such that the classification should be groundtruthed for as many sites as possible.

A summary of methodology used in the habitat mapping, and the level of confidence in the resulting map classification and boundaries is given in Table 4.3a and presented in the sections below.

Table 4.3a Summary Results of Preliminary Habitat Map
Habitat Category Methodology Mapping Confidence
Preliminary Site Visits Satellite Imagery Classification Aerial Photos Interpretation Use of Existing Data
Bare Rock or Soil High
Grassland Medium
Shrubby Grassland Medium
Mixed Shrubland Low
Baeckia Shrubland Low
Fung Shui Forest Medium
Montane Forest Medium
Lowland Forest Low
Plantation or Plantation/Mixed Forest High
Freshwater/ Brackish Wetland Low
Fishpond/Gei Wai High
Natural Watercourse Medium
Modified Watercourse Medium
Mangrove High
Rocky Shore High
Artificial Rocky/ Hard Shoreline High
Intertidal Mudflat Medium
Sandy Shore High
Seagrass Bed High
Cultivation Medium
Golf Course/ Urban Park High
Rural Industrial Storage/ Containers High
Quarry High
Landfill High
Other (Urban or Other Highly Modified Area) Medium
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最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日