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After submission of the Draft Topic Report 2 - Proposal for Field Surveys, which presented a proposal for utilising 150 field survey days (of which 10 days were used for investigating heritage value) in June 1999, the Study Team had close liaisons with the ESMG members in an attempt to initiate field surveys as soon as possible. Upon approval by the ESMG, ecological field surveys commenced on 6 August 1999. During field visits, verification of the mapped locations for habitat type and boundary and assessment on ecological value of habitat areas where existing information is limited were undertaken. Field surveys were completed on 7 March 2000.

This Section discusses the major findings on mapping accuracy on individual habitat types based on field surveys. Detailed locations of each survey site are provided in Annex F. Field survey results obtained for individual survey sites are summarised and presented in Annex G.

Having identified the information gaps for individual habitat types to be surveyed, sites were selected and proposed for ecological field surveying in an attempt to fill the information gaps identified (see TR2 for details). Survey sites were chosen based on the rationale provided in TR2 and which is summarised in Table B1 (Annex B) of this report. Overall locations of the survey boxes identified for each habitat type are provided in Annex C. Details on survey methodology for habitat verification and ecological value assessment were described in TR2. Survey methodologies of some habitat categories have been modified based on actual field experience of our surveyors and these were finalised and are presented in Annex D of this report.

6.1.1 Fung Shui Forest

Fung shui forests were mapped based on recent existing information (with grid coordinates) from Chu (1998) who has recorded point locations of 115 identified fung shui forest and boundaries for 17 of these habitats (Section 4.3.1). Field surveys were conducted on 25 patches of fung shui forests (which had their locations mapped but boundaries unknown) under this study during the period from December 1999 to February 2000. All these forest habitats were found to be correct with regard to their location identified on the base map. Their boundaries were mapped and ecological value assessed based on the ecological characteristics observed during the site visits.

The 17 forest sites (with known boundaries) from Chu (1998) together with the 25 patches of habitats surveyed under this baseline survey have resulted in a total of 42 locations of fung shui forests mapped with determined boundaries. There are still 73 (115 - 42) point locations of fung shui forests remained uncertain in their areal extent.

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2005 版權標誌| 重要告示

最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日