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8.1.2 Heritage Baseline Survey
As originally agreed with the ESMG, a total of 10 days (out of the 150 days for field surveys) were set aside for heritage surveys. After further liaisons with AMO and PlanD in an attempt to establish the best use of the 10 survey days on heritage, it was agreed that the 10-day effort can be used to digitise the currently available records into the habitat map GIS.

8.1.3 Digitisation of Features of Heritage Value

Hardcopy lists and plans of declared monuments, graded historical buildings or structures and archaeological sites were obtained from AMO through PlanD. The locations of these identified sites were digitised into the GIS.

All heritage features were created using Lands Department 1:5,000 topographic data as an on screen backdrop. It should be noted that the 1:5,000 data set only became available during the last quarter of last year.

  • Declared Monuments: These were digitised from plans provided by the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) as point features using the ArcView software product and converted into ArcInfo format for use in map compilation. These have been attributed with the monuments' name and AMO's internal identifying number.

  • Deemed Monuments: These were digitised from plans provided by the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) as point features using the ArcView software product and converted into ArcInfo format for use in map compilation. These have been attributed with the monuments' name and AMO's internal identifying number.

  • Historic Buildings: These were digitised from plans provided by the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) as point features using the ArcView software product and converted into ArcInfo format for use in map compilation. These have been attributed with AMO's reference number. This will allow linking to other data about the buildings which exists in digital format but was not supplied to the consultant.

  • Archaeological Sites: These were digitised from plans provided by the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) as polygon features using the ArcView software product and converted into ArcInfo format for use in map compilation. These have been attributed with Item Number, District Code, Site Name and a map reference.

Heritage records digitised into the GIS include:

  • 67 Declared Monuments;

  • 8 Deemed Monuments;

  • 457 Listed (Grades I, II and III) Historical Buildings/Structures; and

  • 206 Archaeological Sites.

Locations of these valued heritage features are shown in Figure 8.1a.

8.1.4 Heritage Ranking

Based on the information available for heritage ranking, a "+" would be assigned to an area (a polygon on the habitat map with boundary defined by habitat type) where digitised record(s) of Declared Monuments, Deemed Monuments, Listed Historical Buildings/Structures or Archaeological Sites was/were located. Polygons where any of these heritage features had been located were given a "+" as an indication of presence of heritage value.

(14) As the findings of the survey were not made available to the Study Team as of 1 November 1999 (a cut-off date proposed in TR2), data records have not been included onto the habitat map GIS.
(15) The Study Team has not received information on this from AMO as of 1 November 1999 and therefore, no data of this category has been mapped on the habitat map.

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2005 版權標誌| 重要告示

最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日