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8.3.2 Information Sources of Valued Landscape Features

Landscape features recorded during ecological field surveys were assessed against the above criteria and located on the habitat map where landscape value has been identified for a surveyed area. In addition to the information collected during field surveys, existing information has been reviewed for landscape value assessment. Most of the information reviewed is either too preliminary to use or considered not suitable for the purpose of the present study to identify areas with landscape value (Table 8.3a). Some could be useful as a reference for high quality landscape area but direct digitisation not possible. As Lands Department digital data on "Sight-seeing Area" and 'Viewing Point" will not be available until July 2000, they have not been used for identifying valued landscape areas. More detailed landscape information would be available after completion of a new consultancy study on landscape value, which is scheduled for commencement in late 2000.

Table 8.3a Information Reviewed for Landscape Value Assessment
Source of Information Useful for Identifying Areas with Landscape Value
Maunsell Consultants Asia Ltd (1999) Planning and Development Study on NENT - Technical Paper 7, Volumes 1 & 2 - Landscape and Visual Appraisal, March 1999. TDD and PlanD. Useful as a reference for high quality landscape area, but direct digitisation not possible.
PlanD (1992) Foundation for a Landscape Conservation Strategy, June 1992. No
Strategic Planning Unit (1989) Metroplan Landscape Strategy for the Urban Fringe and Coastal Areas, March 1989. Useful as a reference, but direct digitisation not possible.
Binnie Ltd (1999) Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau Spur Line - Initial Assessment Report, July 1999, KCRC. Useful as a reference for high quality landscape area, but direct digitisation not possible.
Maunsell Consultants Asia Ltd (1999) Feasibility Study on the Alternative Alignment for the Western Coast Road, Tseung Kwan O, EIA. Useful as a reference, but direct digitisation not possible.
Scott Wilson (HK) Ltd (1999) Northshore Lantau Development Feasibility Study - Preliminary Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, September 1999, Deliverable No D30 (Draft), CED. Information is too preliminary to use.
Maunsell Consultants Asia Ltd (1998) Feasibility Study for Pak Shek Kok Development Area - EOA Report, June 1998, TDD. No
ERM (1999) KCRC East Rail Extensions - Tai Wai to Ma On Shan: EIA, October 1999, KCRC. No
PlanD (1993) Interim Recommended Strategy - SWNT Development Strategy Review, July 1993. No
Acer Consultants (Far East) Ltd (1995) Rehabilitation of Lamma Quarry Planning and Engineering Study. Final Report, September 1995, CED, GEO. No
Rehabilitation of Shek O Quarry: Landscape Master Plan (1994). No
AFCD Homepage on 10 scenic spots of Country Parks Useful as a reference. Useful as a reference.
Lands Department map data 1:10K digital datah on 'Sight-seeing Area" and "Viewing Point"

h: As the digital data will not be available until July 2000, they have not been used for identifying valued landscape areas.

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