The following criteria (originally proposed in
TR1 and revised in Progress Paper No 7) based
on a review of existing information on landscape
assessment listed in Table 7.3a (see Section 2.4.2
of Progress Paper No 7 for details on information
review), have been used for determining whether
an area has landscape value:
of a distinct landscape character defined
as characteristic patterns or combinations
of landform and land coverage creating a sense
of place; or
of a valued landscape such as protected coastline,
forest, marshes, scenic spots; or
of specific and relatively rare landscape
elements such as hilltops, ridgelines, coastlines,
river valleys, prominent watercourses, forests
and ponds; or
of an area with specific land use, eg prime
agricultural land and fishponds, which add
landscape value to the area.
addition to the above criteria, the Study
Team has taken into account the following
considerations, suggested by PlanD, when justifying
landscape value of an area:
landscape character of an area in the context
of its juxtaposition and compatibility with
other physical features;
significance of the landscape character of
an area in terms of its local, district and
territorial distinctiveness; and
sensitivity of the landscape system and its
ability to accommodate changes.