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9.5.1 Habitat Mapping Categories Identified under the WWF Study

Fung Shui Forest, Montane Forest and Lowland Forest

The WWF map has combined Woodland and Woodland/Plantation Woodland to form one "Woodland" category on the map. The area occupied by this merged category and the SUSDEV 21 forest habitats (ie Fung Shui Forest, Montane Forest and Lowland Forest) were compared. The WWF "Woodland" occupied 10,062 ha and the SUSDEV 21 "Forest" constituted 18,397 ha and an increase of 8,335 ha was obtained (Table 9.5b).

Mixed Shrubland

The area occupied by Tall Shrubland and Tall Shrubland with Grass on the WWF map were combined and the resulting value (ie 20,050 ha) was compared with the area (16,478 ha) identified for Mixed Shrubland under the SUSDEV 21 study. The value showed a decrease of 17.8% (Table 9.5b).

Baeckia Shrubland and Shrubby Grassland

The Low Shrubland and Low Shrub with Grass habitats categories identified under the WWF study were combined to facilitate comparison with the combined area figure obtained for Baeckia Shrubland and Shrubby Grassland of the present baseline survey. The WWF Low Shrub habitat occupied a total of 19,568 ha whereas for the combined Baeckia Shrubland and Shrubby Grassland category, an area of 14,680 ha was identified, and this resulted in a decrease of 4,888 ha in land cover (Table 9.5b).

Plantation or Plantation/Mixed Forest

Plantation Woodland mapped on the WWF map was compared with the Plantation or Plantation/Mixed Forest category identified under the SUSDEV 21 study. There were 4,830 ha of Plantation Woodland shown on the WWF map but a much lower number of hectares (180 ha) of Plantation or Plantation/Mixed Forest recorded on the habitat map of the present study (Table 9.5b).


There was a total of 26,081 ha mapped for grassland under the present study (SUSDEV 21) and a much lower area of 17,726 ha was identified for the habitat based on the WWF map data (ie sum of the area mapped for Grass/Plantation Woodland, Grassland and Grass/Bare Rock or Soil). An increase of about 47.1% was noted for this habitat category (Table 9.5b).

Natural Vegetation Habitats

A comparison was also made between the overall area identified for the natural vegetation habitats (including plantation) between the two maps. The combined area of the natural vegetation habitats defined for the WWF study (ie Woodland, Plantation Woodland, Tall Shrubland, Tall Shrub with Grass, Low Shrubland, Low Shrub with Grass and Grassland) was 67,406 ha. The summed total of the natural vegetation categories identified for the present baseline survey (ie Fung Shui Forest, Montane Forest, Lowland Forest, Mixed Shrubland, Baeckia Shrubland, Shrubby Grassland and Grassland) was 75,816 ha which showed a 12.5% increase in area when compared with the WWF value (Table 9.5a).

Freshwater/Brackish Wetland

A total of 325 ha of Other Wetland was mapped on the WWF map but a much higher area was recorded for the present baseline survey (1,030 ha) (Table 9.5b).


A total of 276 ha of mangrove was shown on the WWF map whereas for the present habitat map, a total of 327 ha was identified. An increase in 18.5% was calculated for this habitat (Table 9.4b).


As both abandoned cultivation and active cultivation were mapped under the same category Cultivation, the area identified for the two cultivation types under the WWF study was combined for comparison. The WWF map shows 4,581 ha of cultivation whereas for the present baseline survey, a total of 4,381 ha was mapped which result in 4.4% decrease in cultivated land (Table 9.5b).

Bare Rock or Soil

Data from the WWF study showed that in 1989 there were 2,115 ha of bare rock or soil in Hong Kong. Comparison of this data with the present survey data has revealed a decrease of 675 ha (ie 31.9%) of habitat area (Table 9.5b).


There has been an increase of 49.7% in the area of quarry since 1989. The area of quarry identified on the WWF map was 153 ha whereas for the SUSDEV 21 habitat map, a total of 229 ha was mapped (Table 9.5b).

Rural Industrial Storage/Containers

A substantial increase (132.8%) of rural industrial storage/container areas was detected based on the habitat data comparison between the two Studies. In 1989, an area of only 433 ha was identified for the category whilst for the present map information, a much higher area (1,008 ha) was recorded (Table 9.5b).


The Urban category defined under the WWF study included buildings, development areas and landfill sites and constituted a total area of 16,933 ha. To facilitate comparison, the areas mapped under the SUSDEV 21 study for the categories of Other and Landfill were combined and a total area of 18,820 ha was obtained. The difference in the two area figures, ie 1,887 ha, is equivalent to 11.1% increase in "urban/highly modified" areas (Table 9.5a).

As some of the habitat categories defined under the present study are different from those classified on the WWF map, no trend of changes can be determined. These categories include:

  • Seagrass bed

  • Intertidal mudflat

  • Sandy shore

  • Rocky shore

  • Artificial rocky/hard shoreline

  • Natural watercourse

  • Fishpond/gei wai

  • Modified watercourse

  • Golf course/urban park

As the WWF study did not include intertidal habitats for mapping, no information was available for comparing the coastal and intertidal habitats, ie Seagrass Bed, Intertidal Mudflat, Sandy Shore, Rocky Shore and Artificial Rocky/Hard Shoreline. While there is a category called "Inland Water" on the WWF map and two watercourse categories (ie Natural Watercourse and Modified Watercourse) on the SUSDEV 21 habitat map, appropriate comparison between the two maps on these categories cannot be made unless specific information on the type(s) of habitats identified under Inland Water had been provided. As areas identified as golf course or urban park were combined as one category under the present baseline survey whereas for the WWF study, golf course was identified as a separate habitat category and no separate mapping was conducted for urban park, comparison is not possible for this category.

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2005 版權標誌| 重要告示

最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日