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3.4 Biota Monitoring Results

An examination of the organic contaminant concentrations revealed that the majority of the samples were reported below the analytical detection limits. Information presented in Tables 3.4a and Table 3.4b indicates that only one of the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds analysed, Naphthalene, was recorded at detectable levels for at least 15% of the biota samples analysed in samples collected during both the dry season (ie December 1998 and January 1999) and wet season (ie August 1999 and September 1999). More individual PAHs were detected in biota during the wet season sampling (August and September 1999) though only Naphthalene was detected frequently above the detection limit in tissue samples (27% and 33% in August and September 1999, respectively). Of the non-PAH organics, only Total DDT (Tables 3.4a and 3.4b, Figure 3.4a and 3.4b) and Total PCBs (Figure 3.4c and 3.4d) were detected sufficiently frequently above the detection limit to warrant further discussion. TBT was only rarely detected in tissue samples above the detection limit during both the dry (12% and 3% during December 1998 and January 1999, respectively) and wet season (3% and 0% during August and September 1999, respectively). Total PCBs occurred in less than 50% of biota samples during the dry season sampling (ie December 1998 and January 1999) but conversely in greater than 50% of samples during the wet season. Results are also presented graphically for Naphthalene which was the most frequently recorded PAH in the tissues (Figure 3.4 e and 3.4f).

The percentage of stations above the dl was chosen for statistical reasons and follows procedures outlined in other international marine environmental monitoring programmes. A discussion of these statistical methods is provided in international guidelines presented in Clarke & Brandon (1994)(19) . The detection limits used in this Study were very low and below applicable safety criteria. For example, the detection limit for DDT was 0.15 ug kg-1 wet weight and the USFDA action level guideline is 5 mg kg-1 wet weight. The detection limits, therefore, represent very low levels and values reported at or below can be placed in context.

Table 3.4a Samples Collected from Monitoring Stations During December 1998 and January 1999 Trawl Surveys Which Exceeded the Detection Limit (dl) a
Contaminants December 1998 Trawl Sampling January 1999 Trawling Sampling
(in Biota) No. (%) of stations above dI Futher analysis No. (%) of stations above dI Futher analysis
Total DDT 54 (90%) Graphical presentation with discussion and statistical analysis 27 (73%)

Graphical presentation with discussion and statistical analysis

Total PCBs 27 (45%) Graphical presentation only 11 (30%) Graphical presentation only
TBT 7 (12%) None 1 (3%) None
Acenaphthene 0 (0%) None 0 (0%) None
Acenaphthylene 0 (0%) None 0 (0%) None
Anthracene 0 (0%) None 0 (0%) None
Fluorene 0 (0%) None 1 (3%) None
Naphthalene 7 (12%) Graphical presentation with discussion 10 (27%) Graphical presentation with discussion
Phenanthrene 0 (0%) None 0 (0%) None
Low Molecular Weight PAHs 0 (0%) None 0 (0%) None
Benzo(a)anthracene 0 (0%) None 0 (0%) None
Benzo(a)pyrene 0 (0%) None 0 (0%) None
Chrysene 0 (0%) None 0 (0%) None
Dibenzo(a,h) - anthracene 0 (0%) None 0 (0%) None
Fluoranthene 0 (0%) None 0 (0%) None
Pyrene 0 (0%) None 0 (0%) None
High Molecular Weight PAHs 0 (0%) None 0 (0%) None
Total PAHs 0 (0%) None 0 (0%) None

a - 0% to 15% no presentation, 15% to 50% graphical presentation (with discussion for naphthalene only), > 50% discussion with graphical presentation and statistical analysis if detected in greater than 60% of stations.

Table 3.4b Samples Collected from Monitoring Stations During August 1999 and September 1999 Trawl Surveys Which Exceeded the Detection Limit (dl) a
Contaminants August 1999 Trawl Sampling September 1999 Trawling Sampling
(in Biota) No. (%) of stations above dI Futher analysis No. (%) of stations above dI Futher analysis
Total DDT 52 (87%) Graphical presentation with discussion and statistical analysis 55 (92%)

Graphical presentation with discussion and statistical analysis

Total PCBs 31 (52%) Graphical presentation with discussion 30 (50%) Graphical presentation with discussion
TBT 2 (3%) None 0 (0%) None
Acenaphthene 0 (0%) None 0 (0%) None
Acenaphthylene 0 (0%) None 1 (2%) None
Anthracene 0 (0%) None 1 (2%) None
Fluorene 0 (0%) None 2 (3%) None
Naphthalene 16 (27%) Graphical presentation with discussion 20 (33%) Graphical presentation with discussion
Phenanthrene 0 (0%) None 3 (5%) None
Low Molecular Weight PAHs 0 (0%) None 2 (3%) None
Benzo(a)anthracene 0 (0%) None 8 (13%) None
Benzo(a)pyrene 0 (0%) None 1 (2%) None
Chrysene 0 (0%) None 7 (12%) None
Dibenzo(a,h) - anthracene 0 (0%) None 1 (2%) None
Fluoranthene 0 (0%) None 1 (2%) None
Pyrene 0 (0%) None 0 (0%) None
High Molecular Weight PAHs 0 (0%) None 0 (0%) None
Total PAHs 0 (0%) None 0 (0%) None

a - 0% to 15% no presentation, 15% graphical presentation (with discussion for naphthalene only), > 50% discussion with graphical presentation and statistical analysis if detected in greater than 60% of stations

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