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4.3 Total Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
4.3.1 Environmental Implications of PCB Pollution

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a group of man-made structurally similar chemicals (congeners) that have been used as insulating fluids in the electricity industry (many of the transformers in Hong Kong were PCB-filled)(59) and as plasticisers. PCBs are highly volatile, are consequently transported in air and are now universally distributed(60). PCBs are toxic and have also been implicated in immunosuppression, reproductive failure and cancer(61). They were subsequently withdrawn from general use in many countries in the 1970's. PCBs are hydrophobic and thus accumulate predominantly in fatty tissues and are highly environmentally persistent as they are only slowly metabolised by oxidation.

Total PCBs in tissues obtained from the biota were recorded above detection limits at 45% of stations during December 1998, 30% in January, 52% of stations in August and 50% of stations in the September 1999 trawling. The high prevalence of Total PCBs recorded in local species is indicative of both environmental persistence and possibly continuing inputs (eg from illegal dumping of PCB contaminated wastes). For example, Morton (1989)(62) noted that in Hong Kong in the 1980's, over 3300 PCB-filled capacitors were either still in use or in storage.

4.3.2 SUSDEV 21 Baseline Monitoring Results
  Several of the stations sampled during the baseline Survey contained biota with high levels of Total PCB. Total PCBs were detected at most stations during the wet season (August and September 1999). Highest Total PCB recorded was from Mantis Shrimp (Oratosquilla interrupta) sampled from a station in the Southern Waters (off Lamma) that contained Total PCB concentration of 25.0 ug kg-1 (wet weight). Mantis Shrimp is a burrowing species and in intimate contact with sediments which represent the major sink for PCBs in the environment(63) . High Total PCB concentrations were also evident from the Deep Bay station where Mantis Shrimp (Oratosquilla interrupta) and Crab (Charybdis affinis) contained 14.4 and 3.0 ug kg-1 (wet weight), respectively. Tissue samples trawled at stations in Mirs Bay and Port Shelter were either at or below the Total PCB detection limits (2.0 ug kg-1 wet weight). Fisheries resources from Mirs Bay and Port Shelter appear to be relatively free of PCB contamination and these findings suggest limited PCB inputs in these two localities.

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最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日